# Nelua Sublime Nelua syntax highlighting for [Sublime Text](https://www.sublimetext.com/) text editor. ![Screenshot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/322030/128382642-68cb4e02-3f07-4a58-bc5a-fa51844cdc02.png) ## Features * Complete syntax highlight for Nelua files * Goto symbol (Ctrl + R) * Goto definition (F12) * Indentation rules * Run `.nelua` files on build ## Installing Use Sublime's [package manager](https://packagecontrol.io/) to install: 1. Press Ctrl+Shift+P to access sublime commands. 2. Type "Package Control: Install package" 3. Search for "nelua" 4. Type enter to install. ## Installing manually Clone this repository into ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/.