#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Script for installing Ansible and the edX configuration repostory # onto a host to enable running ansible to complete configuration. # This script can be used by Docker, Packer or any other system # for building images that requires having ansible available. # # Can be run as follows: # # UPGRADE_OS=true CONFIGURATION_VERSION="master" \ # bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/edx/configuration/master/util/install/ansible-bootstrap.sh) set -xe if [[ -z "${ANSIBLE_REPO}" ]]; then ANSIBLE_REPO="https://github.com/edx/ansible.git" fi if [[ -z "${ANSIBLE_VERSION}" ]]; then ANSIBLE_VERSION="master" fi if [[ -z "${CONFIGURATION_REPO}" ]]; then CONFIGURATION_REPO="https://github.com/edx/configuration.git" fi if [[ -z "${CONFIGURATION_VERSION}" ]]; then CONFIGURATION_VERSION="master" fi if [[ -z "${UPGRADE_OS}" ]]; then UPGRADE_OS=false fi # # Bootstrapping constants # VIRTUAL_ENV_VERSION="13.1.2" PIP_VERSION="7.1.2" SETUPTOOLS_VERSION="18.3.2" VIRTUAL_ENV="/tmp/bootstrap" PYTHON_BIN="${VIRTUAL_ENV}/bin" ANSIBLE_DIR="/tmp/ansible" CONFIGURATION_DIR="/tmp/configuration" EDX_PPA="deb http://ppa.edx.org precise main" EDX_PPA_KEY_SERVER="pgp.mit.edu" EDX_PPA_KEY_ID="69464050" cat << EOF ****************************************************************************** Running the edx_ansible bootstrap script with the following arguments: ANSIBLE_REPO="${ANSIBLE_REPO}" ANSIBLE_VERSION="${ANSIBLE_VERSION}" CONFIGURATION_REPO="${CONFIGURATION_REPO}" CONFIGURATION_VERSION="${CONFIGURATION_VERSION}" ****************************************************************************** EOF if [[ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]] ;then echo "Please run as root"; exit 1; fi if grep -q 'Precise Pangolin' /etc/os-release then SHORT_DIST="precise" elif grep -q 'Trusty Tahr' /etc/os-release then SHORT_DIST="trusty" else cat << EOF This script is only known to work on Ubuntu Precise and Trusty, exiting. If you are interested in helping make installation possible on other platforms, let us know. EOF exit 1; fi EDX_PPA="deb http://ppa.edx.org ${SHORT_DIST} main" # Upgrade the OS apt-get update -y apt-key update -y if [ "${UPGRADE_OS}" = true ]; then echo "Upgrading the OS..." apt-get upgrade -y fi # Required for add-apt-repository apt-get install -y software-properties-common python-software-properties # Add git PPA add-apt-repository -y ppa:git-core/ppa # Add python PPA apt-key adv --keyserver "${EDX_PPA_KEY_SERVER}" --recv-keys "${EDX_PPA_KEY_ID}" add-apt-repository -y "${EDX_PPA}" # Install python 2.7 latest, git and other common requirements # NOTE: This will install the latest version of python 2.7 and # which may differ from what is pinned in virtualenvironments apt-get update -y apt-get install -y build-essential sudo git-core python2.7 python2.7-dev python-pip python-apt python-yaml python-jinja2 libmysqlclient-dev pip install --upgrade pip=="${PIP_VERSION}" # pip moves to /usr/local/bin when upgraded PATH=/usr/local/bin:${PATH} pip install setuptools=="${SETUPTOOLS_VERSION}" pip install virtualenv=="${VIRTUAL_ENV_VERSION}" # create a new virtual env /usr/local/bin/virtualenv "${VIRTUAL_ENV}" PATH="${PYTHON_BIN}":${PATH} # Install the configuration repository to install # edx_ansible role git clone ${CONFIGURATION_REPO} ${CONFIGURATION_DIR} cd ${CONFIGURATION_DIR} git checkout ${CONFIGURATION_VERSION} make requirements cd "${CONFIGURATION_DIR}"/playbooks/edx-east "${PYTHON_BIN}"/ansible-playbook edx_ansible.yml -i ',' -c local -e "configuration_version=${CONFIGURATION_VERSION}" # cleanup rm -rf "${ANSIBLE_DIR}" rm -rf "${CONFIGURATION_DIR}" rm -rf "${VIRTUAL_ENV}" cat << EOF ****************************************************************************** Done bootstrapping, edx_ansible is now installed in /edx/app/edx_ansible. Time to run some plays. Activate the virtual env with > . /edx/app/edx_ansible/venvs/edx_ansible/bin/activate ****************************************************************************** EOF