#!/bin/bash ## ## Installs the pre-requisites for running Open edX on a single Ubuntu 16.04 ## instance. This script is provided as a convenience and any of these ## steps could be executed manually. ## ## Note that this script requires that you have the ability to run ## commands as root via sudo. Caveat Emptor! ## ## ## Sanity checks ## if [[ ! $OPENEDX_RELEASE ]]; then echo "You must define OPENEDX_RELEASE" exit fi if [[ `lsb_release -rs` != "20.04" ]]; then echo "This script is only known to work on Ubuntu 20.04, exiting..." exit fi # Config.yml is required, must define LMS and CMS names, and the names # must not infringe trademarks. if [[ ! -f config.yml ]]; then echo 'You must create a config.yml file specifying the hostnames (and if' echo 'needed, ports) of your LMS and Studio hosts.' echo 'For example:' echo ' EDXAPP_LMS_BASE: ""' echo ' EDXAPP_CMS_BASE: ""' exit fi grep -Fq EDXAPP_LMS_BASE config.yml GREP_LMS=$? grep -Fq EDXAPP_CMS_BASE config.yml GREP_CMS=$? if [[ $GREP_LMS == 1 ]] || [[ $GREP_CMS == 1 ]]; then echo 'Your config.yml file must specify the hostnames (and if' echo 'needed, ports) of your LMS and Studio hosts.' echo 'For example:' echo ' EDXAPP_LMS_BASE: ""' echo ' EDXAPP_CMS_BASE: ""' exit fi grep -Fq edx. config.yml GREP_BAD_DOMAIN=$? if [[ $GREP_BAD_DOMAIN == 0 ]]; then echo '*** NOTE: Open edX and edX are registered trademarks.' echo 'You may not use "openedx." or "edx." as subdomains when naming your site.' echo 'For more details, see the edX Trademark Policy: https://edx.org/trademarks' echo '' echo 'Here are some examples of unacceptable domain names:' echo ' openedx.yourdomain.org' echo ' edx.yourdomain.org' echo ' openedxyourdomain.org' echo ' yourdomain-edx.com' echo '' echo 'Please choose different domain names.' exit fi ## ## Log what's happening ## mkdir -p logs log_file=$(realpath logs/install-$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S).log) exec > >(tee $log_file) 2>&1 echo "Capturing output to $log_file" echo "Installation started at $(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')" function finish { echo "Installation finished at $(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')" } trap finish EXIT echo "Installing release '$OPENEDX_RELEASE'" ## ## Set ppa repository source for gcc/g++ 4.8 in order to install insights properly ## sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test ## ## Update and Upgrade apt packages ## sudo apt-get update -y sudo apt-get upgrade -y ## ## Install system pre-requisites ## sudo apt-get install -y build-essential software-properties-common curl git-core libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev python3-pip libmysqlclient-dev python3-apt python3-dev libxmlsec1-dev libfreetype6-dev swig gcc g++ # ansible-bootstrap installs yaml that pip 19 can't uninstall. sudo apt-get remove -y python-yaml sudo pip install --upgrade pip==20.0.2 sudo pip install --upgrade setuptools==44.1.0 sudo -H pip install --upgrade virtualenv==16.7.10 ## ## Overridable version variables in the playbooks. Each can be overridden ## individually, or with $OPENEDX_RELEASE. ## VERSION_VARS=( EDX_PLATFORM_VERSION CERTS_VERSION FORUM_VERSION XQUEUE_VERSION CONFIGURATION_VERSION DEMO_VERSION INSIGHTS_VERSION ANALYTICS_API_VERSION ECOMMERCE_VERSION ECOMMERCE_WORKER_VERSION DISCOVERY_VERSION THEMES_VERSION ACCOUNT_MFE_VERSION GRADEBOOK_MFE_VERSION PROFILE_MFE_VERSION RETIREMENT_SERVICE_VERSION ) for var in ${VERSION_VARS[@]}; do # Each variable can be overridden by a similarly-named environment variable, # or OPENEDX_RELEASE, if provided. ENV_VAR=$(echo $var | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') eval override=\${$ENV_VAR-\$OPENEDX_RELEASE} if [ -n "$override" ]; then EXTRA_VARS="-e $var=$override $EXTRA_VARS" fi done # my-passwords.yml is the file made by generate-passwords.sh. if [[ -f my-passwords.yml ]]; then EXTRA_VARS="-e@$(pwd)/my-passwords.yml $EXTRA_VARS" fi EXTRA_VARS="-e@$(pwd)/config.yml $EXTRA_VARS" CONFIGURATION_VERSION=${CONFIGURATION_VERSION-$OPENEDX_RELEASE} ## ## Clone the configuration repository and run Ansible ## cd /var/tmp git clone https://github.com/edx/configuration cd configuration git checkout $CONFIGURATION_VERSION git pull ## ## Install the ansible requirements ## cd /var/tmp/configuration sudo -H pip3 install -r requirements.txt ## ## Run the openedx_native.yml playbook in the configuration/playbooks directory ## cd /var/tmp/configuration/playbooks && sudo -E ansible-playbook -c local ./openedx_native.yml -i "localhost," $EXTRA_VARS "$@" ansible_status=$? if [[ $ansible_status -ne 0 ]]; then echo " " echo "============================================================" echo "Ansible failed!" echo "------------------------------------------------------------" echo " " echo "Decoded error:" # Find the last "failed" or "fatal" line and decode it. awk '/^(failed|fatal):/{bad=$0} END {if (bad) print bad}' $log_file | python3 /var/tmp/configuration/util/ansible_msg.py echo " " echo "============================================================" echo "Installation failed!" echo "------------------------------------------------------------" echo "If you need help, see https://open.edx.org/getting-help ." echo "When asking for help, please provide as much information as you can." echo "These might be helpful:" echo " Your log file is at $log_file" echo " Your environment:" env | egrep -i 'version|release' | sed -e 's/^/ /' echo "============================================================" fi