library(shiny) library(shinyjs) library(covidprobability) ui <- fluidPage( titlePanel("COVID-19 Probability Calculator"), br(), "This calculator can be used to estimate the probability of an undetected COVID-19 case among a unit (e.g. hospital floor) following exposures to a number of individuals (e.g. by a staff member who later tested positive), given there are no symptomatic cases and given all exposed were tested with PCR and negative on specified day.", "Please see the ", tags$a(href = "", "documentation"), "for parameter sources, assumptions, limitations and other important details.", br(), br(), useShinyjs(), actionButton("btn", "Advanced parameters"), br(), br(), fluidRow( column(6, sliderInput(inputId = "in_asymp", label = "Expected proportion of asymptomatic cases in setting", value = 0.278, min = 0, max = 1), sliderInput(inputId = "in_pre", label = "Pre-test probability given nature of exposure", value = 0.13, min = 0, max = 1), sliderInput(inputId = "in_mu", label = "Incubation period, mu (lognormal distribution)", value = 1.63, min = 0.5, max = 4), ), column(6, sliderInput(inputId = "in_testday", label = "Day testing negative (days since exposure)", value = 9, min = 2, max = 14), sliderInput(inputId = "in_n", label = "Number of exposed individuals", value = 10, min = 0, max = 100), sliderInput(inputId = "in_sigma", label = "Incubation period, sigma (lognormal distribution)", value = 0.5, min = 0.1, max = 2), ), ), plotOutput("main_plot"), br(), "Package version:", textOutput("version"), "Author:", br(), "Eric Brown" ) server <- function(input, output) { hide("in_mu") hide("in_sigma") observeEvent(input$btn, { # Change the following line for more examples toggle("in_mu") toggle("in_sigma") }) output$main_plot <- renderPlot({ test_n <- unit_probability(test_day = input$in_testday, pre0 = input$in_pre, sens = sens, spec = 1, mu = input$in_mu, sigma = input$in_sigma, days = 14, asympt = input$in_asymp, n = input$in_n) plot(1:14, test_n$point, type="b", ylim=c(0,1), main = "Unit-wide probabiltiy of undetected COVID-19", xlab = "Days since exposure(s)", ylab = "Probability of any undetected COVID-19 case") lines(test_n$lower, type="l", col="grey") lines(test_n$upper, type="l", col="grey") abline(v = input$in_testday) text(1:14, (test_n$point + 0.1), round(test_n$point, 2), cex = 1) }) output$version <- renderText({as.character(packageVersion("covidprobability"))}) } shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)