# GoToAnchor a Sublime Text 3 Plugin ## Description Create anchors and references for easily move everywhere! Inspirated on [Open Url] (https://github.com/noahcoad/open-url/blob/master/README.md) and [Search In Project] (https://github.com/leonid-shevtsov/SearchInProject_SublimeText) ## Introduction * A anchor is like: ```js // ANCHOR:some optional description ID:1394328786.442311 ``` * A reference is like: ```js // GOTOANCHOR:some optional description URL:'Absolute:\Path@1394328786.442311' ``` * Every anchor can point to file, folder or url * N references can point to 1 anchor ## How to use [![Alt text for your video](https://raw.github.com/eecolella/GoToAnchor/master/YouTubeImage.jpg)](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikw48Jm7Q5g) ## Commands ###Go To Anchor ctrl/super+u or find "GOTOANCHOR: Go To Anchor" from list of ST commands (ctrl/super+shift+p) (if you are not in valid url will be run automatically "Go to the closest previous reference") ###Search Anchor in Project ctrl/super+shift+alt+u or find "GOTOANCHOR: Search Anchor" from list of ST commands (ctrl/super+shift+p) ###Go to the closest previous reference ctrl/super+shift+u or find "GOTOANCHOR: Find Prev Reference" from list of ST commands (ctrl/super+shift+p) (if there isn't a previous reference re-start to find from the end of the file) ###Go to the closest previous anchor ctrl/super+alt+u or find "GOTOANCHOR: Find Prev Anchor" from list of ST commands (ctrl/super+shift+p) (if there isn't a previous anchor re-start to find from the end of the file) ###Create a anchor ctrl/super+alt+z then ctrl/super+a or find "GOTOANCHOR: Create Anchor" from list of ST commands (ctrl/super+shift+p) ###Create a reference to the last anchor ctrl/super+alt+z then ctrl/super+shift+a or find "GOTOANCHOR: Create Reference Last Anchor" from list of ST commands (ctrl/super+shift+p) ###Create a empty reference ctrl/super+alt+z then ctrl/super+alt+a or find "Create Empty Reference" from list of ST commands (ctrl/super+shift+p) ###Re-create a reference to the anchor under the cursor ctrl/super+alt+z then ctrl/super+shift+alt+a or find "GOTOANCHOR: Re-create Reference From Current Anchor" from list of ST commands (ctrl/super+shift+p) ## PS Inherited from [Open Url] (https://github.com/noahcoad/open-url/blob/master/README.md) (with some cut) you can open any URL, folder or file (the files will open by default except the extensions defined in go_to_anchor.sublime-settings)