# sublime-swan
Sublime Text 3 syntax highlighting and auto completion for `.swan` file(Baidu 'smart program').
Baidu smart program is a new open ability. Developers can quickly develop an samrt program. Through searching, users can be easily acquired and disseminated within the Baidu Apps.
## Install
- Package Control(Under review, temporarily unavailable)
Search `Sublime Swan` via Package Control: Install Package
- Git
Git clone this repository to Sublime Packages Path.
- Zip
Download zip and unzip to Sublime Packages Path.
## Setting
- In order to improve SWAN completion efficiency, Preferences.sublime-settings(User) should be edited and added config below:
"characters": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz< :.",
"selector": "text.swan"
## Feature
- .swan file syntax highlighting
- Baidu smart app components auto-completion
- Baidu smart app apis auto-completion and suggestion
## Usage
- Swan
1. choose `view` ====> ``
2. choose `view:id` ===> ``
3. `view.demo + tab` ===> ``
4. `view#demo + tab` ===> ``
- JavaScript(api and snippet)
1. choose `swan.login api` ===> `swan.login();`
2. choose `swan.login snippet` ===>
success: function (res) {}
**Note:** Snippets only include the necesssary keys
## Liscense
This plugin is published under the [MIT License](https://github.com/efe-blue/sublime-swan/blob/master/LICENSE)