Statistical Power

Fill In Your Name

01 March, 2022

What is power?

What is power?

  • We want to separate signal from noise.

  • Power = probability of rejecting null hypothesis, given true effect \(\ne\) 0.

  • In other words, it is the ability to detect an effect given that it exists.

  • Formally: (1 - Type II) error rate.

  • Thus, power \(\in\) (0, 1).

  • Standard thresholds: 0.8 or 0.9.

Starting point for power analysis

  • Power analysis is something we do before we run a study.

    • Helps you figure out the sample you need to detect a given effect size.

    • Or helps you figure out a minimal detectable difference given a set sample size.

    • May help you decide whether to run a study.

  • It is hard to learn from an under-powered null finding.

    • Was there an effect, but we were unable to detect it? or was there no effect? We can’t say.


  • Say there truly is a treatment effect and you run your experiment many times. How often will you get a statistically significant result?

  • Some guesswork to answer this question.

    • How big is your treatment effect?

    • How many units are treated, measured?

    • How much noise is there in the measurement of your outcome?

Approaches to power calculation

  • Analytical calculations of power

  • Simulation

Power calculation tools

Analytical calculations of power

Analytical calculations of power

  • Formula: \[\begin{align*} \text{Power} &= \Phi\left(\frac{|\tau| \sqrt{N}}{2\sigma}- \Phi^{-1}(1- \frac{\alpha}{2})\right) \end{align*}\]

  • Components:

    • \(\phi\): standard normal CDF is monotonically increasing
    • \(\tau\): the effect size
    • \(N\): the sample size
    • \(\sigma\): the standard deviation of the outcome
    • \(\alpha\): the significance level (typically 0.05)

Example: Analytical calculations of power

# Power for a study with 80 obserations and effect
# size of 0.25
  n = 40, d = 0.25, sig.level = 0.05,
  power = NULL, type = c(
    "one.sample", "paired"

     Two-sample t test power calculation 

              n = 40
              d = 0.25
      sig.level = 0.05
          power = 0.1972
    alternative = two.sided

NOTE: n is number in *each* group

Limitations to analytical power calculations

  • Only derived for some test statistics (differences of means)

  • Makes specific assumptions about the data-generating process

  • Incompatible with more complex designs

Simulation-based power calculation

Simulation-based power calculation

  • Create dataset and simulate research design.

  • Assumptions are necessary for simulation studies, but you make your own.

  • For the DeclareDesign approach, see


  • Define the sample and the potential outcomes function.

  • Define the treatment assignment procedure.

  • Create data.

  • Assign treatment, then estimate the effect.

  • Do this many times.


  • Complete randomization

  • With covariates

  • With cluster randomization

Example: Simulation-based power for complete randomization

# install.packages("randomizr")

## Y0 is fixed in most field experiments.
## So we only generate it once:
make_Y0 <- function(N) {
  rnorm(n = N)
repeat_experiment_and_test <- function(N, Y0, tau) {
  Y1 <- Y0 + tau
  Z <- complete_ra(N = N)
  Yobs <- Z * Y1 + (1 - Z) * Y0
  estimator <- lm_robust(Yobs ~ Z)
  pval <- estimator$p.value[2]

Example: Simulation-based power for complete randomization

power_sim <- function(N, tau, sims) {
  Y0 <- make_Y0(N)
  pvals <- replicate(
    n = sims,
    repeat_experiment_and_test(N = N, Y0 = Y0, tau = tau)
  pow <- sum(pvals < .05) / sims

power_sim(N = 80, tau = .25, sims = 100)
[1] 0.15
power_sim(N = 80, tau = .25, sims = 100)
[1] 0.21

Example: Using DeclareDesign

P0 <- declare_population(N, u0 = rnorm(N))
# declare Y(Z=1) and Y(Z=0)
O0 <- declare_potential_outcomes(Y_Z_0 = 5 + u0, Y_Z_1 = Y_Z_0 + tau)
# design is to assign m units to treatment
A0 <- declare_assignment(Z = conduct_ra(N = N, m = round(N / 2)))
# estimand is the average difference between Y(Z=1) and Y(Z=0)
estimand_ate <- declare_inquiry(ATE = mean(Y_Z_1 - Y_Z_0))
R0 <- declare_reveal(Y, Z)
design0_base <- P0 + A0 + O0 + R0

## For example:
design0_N100_tau25 <- redesign(design0_base, N = 100, tau = .25)
dat0_N100_tau25 <- draw_data(design0_N100_tau25)
   ID      u0 Z Y_Z_0 Y_Z_1     Y
1 001 -0.2060 0 4.794 5.044 4.794
2 002 -0.5875 0 4.413 4.663 4.413
3 003 -0.2908 1 4.709 4.959 4.959
4 004 -2.5649 0 2.435 2.685 2.435
5 005 -1.8967 0 3.103 3.353 3.103
6 006 -1.6401 1 3.360 3.610 3.610
with(dat0_N100_tau25, mean(Y_Z_1 - Y_Z_0)) # true ATE
[1] 0.25
with(dat0_N100_tau25, mean(Y[Z == 1]) - mean(Y[Z == 0])) # estimate
[1] 0.5569
lm_robust(Y ~ Z, data = dat0_N100_tau25)$coef # estimate
(Intercept)           Z 
     4.8458      0.5569 
E0 <- declare_estimator(Y ~ Z,
  model = lm_robust, label = "t test 1",
  inquiry = "ATE"
t_test <- function(data) {
  test <- with(data, t.test(x = Y[Z == 1], y = Y[Z == 0]))
  data.frame(statistic = test$statistic, p.value = test$p.value)
T0 <- declare_test(handler = label_test(t_test), label = "t test 2")
design0_plus_tests <- design0_base + E0 + T0

design0_N100_tau25_plus <- redesign(design0_plus_tests, N = 100, tau = .25)

## Only repeat the random assignment, not the creation of Y0. Ignore warning
[1] "P0"       "A0"       "O0"       "R0"       "t test 1" "t test 2"
design0_N100_tau25_sims <- simulate_design(design0_N100_tau25_plus,
  sims = c(1, 100, 1, 1, 1, 1)
) # only repeat the random assignment
Warning: We recommend you choose a higher number of simulations than 1 for the top level of simulation.
# design0_N100_tau25_sims has 200 rows (2 tests * 100 random assignments)
# just look at the first 6 rows
                   design   N  tau sim_ID estimator term estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high df outcome inquiry
1 design0_N100_tau25_plus 100 0.25      1  t test 1    Z   0.1108    0.2150    0.5153 0.60752  -0.3158    0.5374 98       Y     ATE
2 design0_N100_tau25_plus 100 0.25      1  t test 2 <NA>       NA        NA    0.5153 0.60754       NA        NA NA    <NA>    <NA>
3 design0_N100_tau25_plus 100 0.25      2  t test 1    Z   0.2458    0.2154    1.1411 0.25661  -0.1817    0.6733 98       Y     ATE
4 design0_N100_tau25_plus 100 0.25      2  t test 2 <NA>       NA        NA    1.1411 0.25662       NA        NA NA    <NA>    <NA>
5 design0_N100_tau25_plus 100 0.25      3  t test 1    Z   0.5463    0.2133    2.5608 0.01197   0.1229    0.9697 98       Y     ATE
6 design0_N100_tau25_plus 100 0.25      3  t test 2 <NA>       NA        NA    2.5608 0.01203       NA        NA NA    <NA>    <NA>
  step_1_draw step_2_draw
1           1           1
2           1           1
3           1           2
4           1           2
5           1           3
6           1           3
# for each estimator, power = proportion of simulations with p.value < 0.5
design0_N100_tau25_sims %>%
  group_by(estimator) %>%
  summarize(pow = mean(p.value < .05), .groups = "drop")
# A tibble: 2 × 2
  estimator   pow
  <chr>     <dbl>
1 t test 1    0.2
2 t test 2    0.2

Power with covariate adjustment

Covariate adjustment and power

  • Covariate adjustment can improve power because it mops up variation in the outcome variable.

    • If prognostic, covariate adjustment can reduce variance dramatically. Lower variance means higher power.

    • If non-prognostic, power gains are minimal.

  • All covariates must be pre-treatment. Do not drop observations on account of missingness.

  • Freedman’s bias as n of observations decreases and K covariates increases.


  • Blocking: randomly assign treatment within blocks

    • “Ex-ante” covariate adjustment

    • Higher precision/efficiency implies more power

    • Reduce “conditional bias”: association between treatment assignment and potential outcomes

    • Benefits of blocking over covariate adjustment clearest in small experiments

Example: Simulation-based power with a covariate

## Y0 is fixed in most field experiments. So we only generate it once
make_Y0_cov <- function(N) {
  u0 <- rnorm(n = N)
  x <- rpois(n = N, lambda = 2)
  Y0 <- .5 * sd(u0) * x + u0
  return(data.frame(Y0 = Y0, x = x))
##  X is moderarely predictive of Y0.
test_dat <- make_Y0_cov(100)
test_lm <- lm_robust(Y0 ~ x, data = test_dat)

lm_robust(formula = Y0 ~ x, data = test_dat)

Standard error type:  HC2 

            Estimate Std. Error t value    Pr(>|t|) CI Lower CI Upper DF
(Intercept)     0.11     0.1880   0.585 0.559753653   -0.263    0.483 98
x               0.44     0.0814   5.413 0.000000441    0.279    0.602 98

Multiple R-squared:  0.231 ,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.223 
F-statistic: 29.3 on 1 and 98 DF,  p-value: 0.000000441
## now set up the simulation
repeat_experiment_and_test_cov <- function(N, tau, Y0, x) {
  Y1 <- Y0 + tau
  Z <- complete_ra(N = N)
  Yobs <- Z * Y1 + (1 - Z) * Y0
  estimator <- lm_robust(Yobs ~ Z + x, data = data.frame(Y0, Z, x))
  pval <- estimator$p.value[2]
## create the data once, randomly assign treatment sims times
## report what proportion return p-value < 0.05
power_sim_cov <- function(N, tau, sims) {
  dat <- make_Y0_cov(N)
  pvals <- replicate(n = sims, repeat_experiment_and_test_cov(
    N = N,
    tau = tau, Y0 = dat$Y0, x = dat$x
  pow <- sum(pvals < .05) / sims
power_sim_cov(N = 80, tau = .25, sims = 100)
[1] 0.13
power_sim_cov(N = 80, tau = .25, sims = 100)
[1] 0.19

Power for cluster randomization

Power and clustered designs

  • Recall the randomization module.

  • Given a fixed \(N\), a clustered design is weakly less powered than a non-clustered design.

    • The difference is often substantial.
  • We have to estimate variance correctly:

    • Clustering standard errors (the usual)
    • Randomization inference
  • To increase power:

    • Better to increase number of clusters than number of units per cluster.
    • How much clusters reduce power depends critically on the intra-cluster correlation (the ratio of variance within clusters to total variance).

A note on clustering in observational research

  • Often overlooked, leading to (possibly) wildly understated uncertainty.

    • Frequentist inference based on ratio \(\hat{\beta}/\hat{se}\)

    • If we underestimate \(\hat{se}\), we are much more likely to reject \(H_0\). (Type-I error rate is too high.)

  • Many observational designs much less powered than we think they are.

Example: Simulation-based power for cluster randomization

## Y0 is fixed in most field experiments. So we only generate it once
make_Y0_clus <- function(n_indivs, n_clus) {
  # n_indivs is number of people per cluster
  # n_clus is number of clusters
  clus_id <- gl(n_clus, n_indivs)
  N <- n_clus * n_indivs
  u0 <- fabricatr::draw_normal_icc(N = N, clusters = clus_id, ICC = .1)
  Y0 <- u0
  return(data.frame(Y0 = Y0, clus_id = clus_id))

test_dat <- make_Y0_clus(n_indivs = 10, n_clus = 100)
# confirm that this produces data with 10 in each of 100 clusters

  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33 
 10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10 
 34  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  50  51  52  53  54  55  56  57  58  59  60  61  62  63  64  65  66 
 10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10 
 67  68  69  70  71  72  73  74  75  76  77  78  79  80  81  82  83  84  85  86  87  88  89  90  91  92  93  94  95  96  97  98  99 
 10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10 
# confirm ICC
ICC::ICCbare(y = Y0, x = clus_id, data = test_dat)
[1] 0.09655
repeat_experiment_and_test_clus <- function(N, tau, Y0, clus_id) {
  Y1 <- Y0 + tau
  # here we randomize Z at the cluster level
  Z <- cluster_ra(clusters = clus_id)
  Yobs <- Z * Y1 + (1 - Z) * Y0
  estimator <- lm_robust(Yobs ~ Z,
    clusters = clus_id,
    data = data.frame(Y0, Z, clus_id), se_type = "CR2"
  pval <- estimator$p.value[2]
power_sim_clus <- function(n_indivs, n_clus, tau, sims) {
  dat <- make_Y0_clus(n_indivs, n_clus)
  N <- n_indivs * n_clus
  # randomize treatment sims times
  pvals <- replicate(
    n = sims,
      N = N, tau = tau,
      Y0 = dat$Y0, clus_id = dat$clus_id
  pow <- sum(pvals < .05) / sims
power_sim_clus(n_indivs = 8, n_clus = 100, tau = .25, sims = 100)
[1] 0.66
power_sim_clus(n_indivs = 8, n_clus = 100, tau = .25, sims = 100)
[1] 0.68

Example: Simulation-based power for cluster randomization (DeclareDesign)

P1 <- declare_population(
  N = n_clus * n_indivs,
  clusters = gl(n_clus, n_indivs),
  u0 = draw_normal_icc(N = N, clusters = clusters, ICC = .2)
O1 <- declare_potential_outcomes(Y_Z_0 = 5 + u0, Y_Z_1 = Y_Z_0 + tau)
A1 <- declare_assignment(Z = conduct_ra(N = N, clusters = clusters))
estimand_ate <- declare_inquiry(ATE = mean(Y_Z_1 - Y_Z_0))
R1 <- declare_reveal(Y, Z)
design1_base <- P1 + A1 + O1 + R1 + estimand_ate

## For example:
design1_test <- redesign(design1_base, n_clus = 10, n_indivs = 100, tau = .25)
test_d1 <- draw_data(design1_test)
# confirm all individuals in a cluster have the same treatment assignment
with(test_d1, table(Z, clusters))
Z     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10
  0 100   0 100 100 100   0   0 100   0   0
  1   0 100   0   0   0 100 100   0 100 100
# three estimators, differ in se_type:
E1a <- declare_estimator(Y ~ Z,
  model = lm_robust, clusters = clusters,
  se_type = "CR2", label = "CR2 cluster t test",
  inquiry = "ATE"
E1b <- declare_estimator(Y ~ Z,
  model = lm_robust, clusters = clusters,
  se_type = "CR0", label = "CR0 cluster t test",
  inquiry = "ATE"
E1c <- declare_estimator(Y ~ Z,
  model = lm_robust, clusters = clusters,
  se_type = "stata", label = "stata RCSE t test",
  inquiry = "ATE"

design1_plus <- design1_base + E1a + E1b + E1c

design1_plus_tosim <- redesign(design1_plus, n_clus = 10, n_indivs = 100, tau = .25)
## Only repeat the random assignment, not the creation of Y0. Ignore warning
## We would want more simulations in practice.
design1_sims <- simulate_design(design1_plus_tosim,
  sims = c(1, 1000, rep(1, length(design1_plus_tosim) - 2))
Warning: We recommend you choose a higher number of simulations than 1 for the top level of simulation.
design1_sims %>%
  group_by(estimator) %>%
    pow = mean(p.value < .05),
    coverage = mean(estimand <= conf.high & estimand >= conf.low),
    .groups = "drop"
# A tibble: 3 × 3
  estimator            pow coverage
  <chr>              <dbl>    <dbl>
1 CR0 cluster t test 0.155    0.911
2 CR2 cluster t test 0.105    0.936
3 stata RCSE t test  0.131    0.918
## This may be simpler than the above:
d1 <- block_cluster_two_arm_designer(
  N_blocks = 1,
  N_clusters_in_block = 10,
  N_i_in_cluster = 100,
  sd_block = 0,
  sd_cluster = .3,
  ate = .25
d1_plus <- d1 + E1b + E1c
d1_sims <- simulate_design(d1_plus, sims = c(1, 1, 1000, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1))
d1_sims %>%
  group_by(estimator) %>%
    pow = mean(p.value < .05),
    coverage = mean(estimand <= conf.high & estimand >= conf.low),
    .groups = "drop"
# A tibble: 3 × 3
  estimator            pow coverage
  <chr>              <dbl>    <dbl>
1 CR0 cluster t test 0.209    0.914
2 estimator          0.143    0.941
3 stata RCSE t test  0.194    0.925

Comparative statics

Comparative Statics

  • Power is:
    • Increasing in \(N\)
    • Increasing in \(|\tau|\)
    • Decreasing in \(\sigma\)

Power by sample size

some_ns <- seq(10, 800, by = 10)
pow_by_n <- sapply(some_ns, function(then) {
  pwr.t.test(n = then, d = 0.25, sig.level = 0.05)$power
plot(some_ns, pow_by_n,
  xlab = "Sample Size",
  ylab = "Power"
abline(h = .8)

## See
## for fancier plots
## ptest <-  pwr.t.test(n = NULL, d = 0.25, sig.level = 0.05, power = .8)
## plot(ptest)

Power by treatment effect size

some_taus <- seq(0, 1, by = .05)
pow_by_tau <- sapply(some_taus, function(thetau) {
  pwr.t.test(n = 200, d = thetau, sig.level = 0.05)$power
plot(some_taus, pow_by_tau,
  xlab = "Average Treatment Effect (Standardized)",
  ylab = "Power"
abline(h = .8)

EGAP Power Calculator

  • Try the calculator at:

  • For cluster randomization designs, try adjusting:

    • Number of clusters
    • Number of units per clusters
    • Intra-cluster correlation
    • Treatment effect


  • Know your outcome variable.

  • What effects can you realistically expect from your treatment?

  • What is the plausible range of variation of the outcome variable?

    • A design with limited possible movement in the outcome variable may not be well-powered.

Conclusion: How to improve your power

  1. Increase the \(N\)

    • If clustered, increase the number of clusters if at all possible
  2. Strengthen the treatment

  3. Improve precision

    • Covariate adjustment

    • Blocking

  4. Better measurement of the outcome variable