A library to create kaleidoscope effect on images. You can build on all platforms using CMake.
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The library is written in C language so you can use Foreign Function Interface (FFI) to call functions from your favorite programming language. You can download from python package from PyPI. It also has C++ header only library to provide easier interface for C++ users and CUDA support for people who have doubts about performance. Check for mathematical explanation of the kaleidoscope effect from my [webpage](https://egecetin.github.io/Projects/kaleidoscope)
## Supported Languages
- C : Main programming language
- C++ : Header only binding for easier usage
- Python : Bindings using Cython
- CUDA : For GPU computing
## Install for Python
pip install LibKaleidoscope
Python users check python/python-test.py in GitHub for basic usage
## Building
Use the following commands,
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
cmake --build . --parallel
If you want to enable CUDA backend,
mkdir build && cd build
cmake --build . --parallel
There is no direct dependency for libjpeg-turbo inside from the library. It is just for test and demonstration purposes. If you don't want to install/compile just disable command line tool compilation with ``-DKALEIDOSCOPE_ENABLE_CMD_TOOL=OFF``
## Usage
The library has a simple usage and you need only three functions to use it. Check the sample usage at ``src/kaleidoscope-cmd.c``
- Initialization of the transformation matrix: ``int initKaleidoscope(KaleidoscopeHandle *handler, int n, int width, int height, double scaleDown)``
- Processing image (Can be used multiple times if the input images have same dimensions): ``void processKaleidoscope(KaleidoscopeHandle *handler, double k, unsigned char *imgIn, unsigned char *imgOut)``
- Deinitialization of the transformation matrix: ``void deInitKaleidoscope(KaleidoscopeHandle *handler)``
Alternatively you can directly use the command line program to create kaleidoscope effect with ``./kaleidoscope-cmd