tap "homebrew/bundle" tap "homebrew/cask" tap "homebrew/core" tap "homebrew/cask-fonts" # Nerd Fonts # Basic brew "coreutils" brew "bash" brew "curl" brew "wget" brew "gawk" brew "imagemagick" brew "jq" brew "git" brew "nmap" brew "tree" brew "pandoc" brew "k9s" brew "helm" brew "kubectx" brew "kubernetes-cli", link: false brew "awscli" brew "minikube" brew "shellcheck" brew "svgo" brew "jsonlint" brew "go" brew "golang-migrate" # go migrations brew "editorconfig" brew "neovim" brew "vim" brew "fd" # nvim telescope brew "wrk" # measure http sever speed (req/res) brew "stylua" # lua formatter brew "git-delta" # helps with better visual diff the content # GPG - to signed your commits brew "gnutls" brew "pinentry" brew "pinentry-mac" brew "gnupg" # Support brew "lua" brew "luajit" brew "python@3.9" brew "rbenv" # Ruby version manager # Productivity cask "amethyst" cask "font-hack" brew "watch" cask "lens" brew "fzf" brew "cscope" brew "macvim" # MacVim (not the terminal version) brew "ripgrep" # Linters & parsers brew "luacheck" brew "prettier" # Tmux brew "tmux" brew "reattach-to-user-namespace" # for copy from tmux to mac namespace # Others brew "cmake" brew "gobject-introspection" brew "harfbuzz" brew "libheif" brew "unbound" brew "guile" brew "librsvg" brew "pango" brew "nghttp2" # vi: ft=ruby