openapi: 3.0.0 info: version: 1.0.0 title: Estimate-Service description: 'This service/registry will validate and store estimates.' paths: /estimate/v1/_create: post: summary: 'Create an estimate' description: 'Submit Estimate with the estimate details to create an estimate in the system' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EstimateRequest' description: Request object to create estimate in the system required: true responses: '202': description: Successful created Estimate content: '*/*': schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EstimateResponse' '400': description: Invalid input. content: '*/*': schema: $ref: '' /estimate/v1/_update: post: summary: 'Update an estimate' description: 'Submit updated Estimate with the estimate details to update an existing estimate in the system' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EstimateRequest' description: Request object to update estimate in the system required: true responses: '202': description: Successful updated Estimate content: '*/*': schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EstimateResponse' '400': description: Invalid input. content: '*/*': schema: $ref: '' /estimate/v1/_search: post: summary: Fetch the Estimate(s) based on the search criteria used description: | Gets the list of estimates for a particular tenant based on search criteria. requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RequestInfoWrapper' parameters: - $ref: '' - name: projectId description: Link the estimate to the project in: query schema: type: string - name: referenceNumber description: User Input Field.Usually the Offline File/letter Number related to the project estimate in: query schema: type: string - name: ids description: Search by list of UUID in: query schema: type: array items: type: string maxItems: 10 - name: estimateNumber description: Search by Estiamte Number in: query schema: type: string - name: executingDepartment description: Search by executing department in: query schema: type: string - name: wfStatus description: Search by status of the estimate in: query schema: type: string - name: fromProposalDate description: search by proposal date between the from date and todate in: query schema: type: number - name: toProposalDate description: search by proposal date between the from date and todate in: query schema: type: number - name: sortBy in: query description: sort the search results by fields schema: type: string enum: - totalAmount - proposalDate - createdTime - name: sortOrder in: query description: sorting order of the search resulsts schema: type: string enum: - asc - desc - name: limit in: query description: limit on the resulsts schema: type: number - name: offset in: query description: offset index of the overall search resulsts schema: type: number responses: '202': description: Successful response sorted by reverse chrnological order of creation content: '*/*': schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EstimateResponse' '400': description: Invalid input. content: '*/*': schema: $ref: '' components: schemas: Estimate: type: object properties: id: type: string description: 'Unique identifier of the estimate.' format: uuid example: '251c51eb-e970-4e01-a99a-70136c47a934' minLength: 2 maxLength: 64 readOnly: true tenantId: type: string description: 'Unique identifier of the tenant that could be a department/ulb/state' minLength: 2 maxLength: 64 example: 'pb.jalandhar OR dwss' estimateNumber: type: string description: 'The unique identifier of the estimate the custom formatting.' example: 'EST/2022-23/010' minLength: 2 maxLength: 64 readOnly: true projectId: type: string description: 'Link the estimate to the project. Project Id is not updatable.' minLength: 2 maxLength: 64 proposalDate: type: number description: 'Date when the estimate is proposed. It will get filled by the service when the estimate is proposed(finalised).' example: 1658222690000 status: type: string description: 'It stores the status of the estimate. ' enum: - ACTIVE - INACTIVE minLength: 2 maxLength: 64 wfStatus: type: string description: 'Status of the estimate according to the workflow state.' minLength: 2 maxLength: 64 example: 'CREATED' name: type: string description: 'User Input Field. Max Characters can be 140' minLength: 2 maxLength: 64 pattern: '^[A-Za-z0-9\/ . _$@#]*$' example: 'Construct new schools' referenceNumber: type: string description: 'User Input Field. Max Characters can be 140. Usually the Offline File/letter Number related to the project estimate' minLength: 2 maxLength: 64 pattern: '^[A-Za-z0-9\/ . _$@#]*$' example: 'File-18430283' description: type: string description: 'User Input Field. Max Characters can be 240. The information from subject & description will be used to format the administrative sanction PDF.' minLength: 2 maxLength: 240 pattern: '^[A-Za-z0-9\/ . _$@#]*$' example: 'Construct new schools' executingDepartment: type: string description: 'Department master data fro mdms' minLength: 2 maxLength: 64 address: $ref: '' totalEstimateAmount: type: number description: 'sum of the amount of all the estimate details' readOnly: true estimateDetails: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EstimateDetail' auditDetails: $ref: '' additionalDetails: type: object description: 'Any additional information that needs to be attached to the estimate. For attachments, fileStoreIds will also be stored here. ' required: [tenantId, name, address, estimateDetails, projectId] EstimateDetail: type: object properties: id: type: string description: 'Unique identifier of the estimateDetails.' format: uuid example: '251c51eb-e970-4e01-a99a-70136c47a934' readOnly: true sorId: type: string description: 'Schedule of rate id from master data' format: uuid example: '251c51eb-e970-4e01-a99a-70136c47a934' minLength: 1 maxLength: 64 name: type: string description: 'Name of non-sor line item' maxLength: 128 minLength: 2 category: type: string description: 'Category under which this amount falls' example: 'Overhead, SOR, non-SOR' description: type: string description: 'Description of non-sor item' minLength: 2 maxLength: 256 unitRate: type: number description: 'Unit rate of non-sor item' noOfunit: type: number description: 'total no of units for sor and non-sor item' uom: type: string description: 'Unit of measurement master data for non-sor' uomValue: type: number description: 'unit of measurement value' amountDetail: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AmountDetail' additionalDetails: type: object description: 'Any additional information that needs to be attached to the estimate. For attachments, fileStoreIds will also be stored here. ' required: [ amountDetail ] oneOf: - required: [name, sorId] AmountDetail: type: object properties: id: type: string description: 'Unique identifier of the AmountDetail' format: uuid example: '251c51eb-e970-4e01-a99a-70136c47a934' readOnly: true type: type: string description: 'Amount type master' example: 'Gst, cess, charge ' amount: type: number description: 'Estimated amount for the current estimate detail' additionalDetails: type: object description: 'Any additional information that needs to be attached to the estimate. For attachments, fileStoreIds will also be stored here. ' required: [ amount ] EstimateRequest: type: object description: Request for Estimate _create and _update api's properties: requestInfo: $ref: '' estimate: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Estimate' workflow: type: object properties: action: type: string description: 'Action of the workflow to be performned on the request' comment: type: string description: 'comment for the workflow action to be performed' assignees: type: array items: type: string description: ' uuid of the users in the system to assign workflow to the specific user intead of a all the users with the gien role.' required: - action required: - requestInfo - estimate - workflow EstimateResponse: type: object description: Response for the Estimate _create, _update and _search api's properties: responseInfo: $ref: '' estimates: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Estimate' required: - ResponseInfo - estimates RequestInfoWrapper: type: object properties: requestInfo: $ref: '' save-estimate: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/EstimateRequest' - description: 'All create events will be added to this topic. Persister and Indexer will read the events from it.' update-estimate: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/EstimateRequest' - description: 'All create events will be added to this topic. Persister and Indexer will read the events from it.' servers: # Added by API Auto Mocking Plugin - description: SwaggerHub API Auto Mocking url: