swagger: '2.0' info: title: DSS Ingest APIs description: APIs for DSS Ingest consist of 5 APIs. version: "1.0.0" # the domain of the service, only for example host: egov-micro-dev.egovernments.org # will be prefixed to all paths basePath: /dashboard-ingest/ingest/[APIEndPoint] schemes: - https - http produces: - application/json paths: /save: post: summary: API receives the Transaction Details JSON Request and passes it on to description: This API receives the Transaction Details JSON Request and passes it on to the Service Layer for further process of persisting into elastic search. tags: - Ingest parameters: - name: body in: body required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/IncomingData' responses: '201': description: Response for Success State of the API '400': description: Invalid input. /upload: post: summary: API use to provide response for external data upload description: uploded file get parsed and stores target data to Elastic search. consumes: [multipart/form-data] parameters: - in: formData name: file required: true type: file responses: '201': description: Response for Success State of the API '400': description: Invalid input. /migrate/{indexName}/{version}: post: summary: This api is used for scroll search parameters: - in: path name: indexName required: true type: string - in: path name: version required: true type: string description: Response for Success State of the API responses: 201: description: create /pause/{consumerId}: get: summary: This API use to pause a active kafka consumer parameters: - in: path name: consumerId required: true type: string responses: '200': description: Response for Success State of the API schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Response' '400': description: Invalid input. /resume/{consumerId}: get: summary: This API is to resume a paused kafka consumer parameters: - in: path name: consumerId required: true type: string responses: '200': description: Response for Success State of the API schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Response' '400': description: Invalid input. definitions: Response: type: boolean IncomingData: type: object properties: dataContext: type: string description: context of the transactional data dataContextVersion: type: string description: version of the context dataObject: type: object description: this contains the transactional object