SearchDefinitions: moduleName: rainmaker-pgr-V2 summary: PGR resolver for Rainmaker version: 1.0.0 definitions: - name: serviceSearchWithDetails query: baseQuery: select array_to_json(array_agg(row_to_json(serviceRequests))) from (select (select (select (row_to_json(services)) from ( select *, (select (select row_to_json(auditDetails) from (select createdtime, lastmodifiedtime, createdby, lastmodifiedby from eg_pgr_service where svc.serviceRequestId=eg_pgr_service.serviceRequestId) auditDetails) as auditDetails), (select (select (row_to_json(addressDetail)) from (select * from eg_pgr_address where eg_pgr_address.uuid=eg_pgr_service.addressid) addressDetail) as addressDetail) from eg_pgr_service svc where svc.serviceRequestId=eg_pgr_service.serviceRequestId order by createdtime desc) services) as services),(select (select array_to_json(array_agg(row_to_json(actionHistory))) from ( select * from eg_pgr_action where businessKey=eg_pgr_service.serviceRequestId order by "when" desc) actionHistory) as actionHistory) from eg_pgr_service $where order by createdtime desc $pagination) serviceRequests groupBy: orderBy: searchParams: condition: AND params: - name: tenantid isMandatory: true jsonPath: $.searchCriteria.tenantId operator: LIKE - name: servicerequestid isMandatory: false jsonPath: $.searchCriteria.serviceRequestId - name: servicerequestid isMandatory: false jsonPath: $.searchCriteria.complaintId operator: LIKE - name: accountid isMandatory: false jsonPath: $.searchCriteria.accountId - name: status isMandatory: false jsonPath: $.searchCriteria.status - name: createdtime isMandatory: false operator: GE jsonPath: $.searchCriteria.startDate - name: createdtime isMandatory: false operator: LE jsonPath: $.searchCriteria.endDate - name: lastmodifiedtime isMandatory: false jsonPath: $.searchCriteria.lastUpdatedSince - name: serviceCode isMandatory: false jsonPath: $.searchCriteria.serviceCodes - name: phone isMandatory: false jsonPath: $ - name: createdby isMandatory: false jsonPath: $.searchCriteria.createdBy - name: active isMandatory: false jsonPath: $ pagination: noOfRecords: $.searchCriteria.noOfRecords offset: $.searchCriteria.offset output: jsonFormat: {"ResponseInfo": {}} outJsonPath: $.services responseInfoPath: $.ResponseInfo - name: getServiceRequestsOnAssignedTo query: baseQuery: select array_to_json(array_agg(row_to_json(servicesRequestIds))) from (select businessKey from eg_pgr_action $where AND eg_pgr_action.when IN (select max("when") from eg_pgr_action where assignee NOTNULL group by businessKey)) servicesRequestIds groupBy: orderBy: searchParams: condition: AND params: - name: tenantid isMandatory: true jsonPath: $.searchCriteria.tenantId - name: assignee isMandatory: true jsonPath: $.searchCriteria.assignedTo output: jsonFormat: {"ResponseInfo": {}} outJsonPath: $.servicesRequestIds responseInfoPath: $.ResponseInfo - name: count query: baseQuery: select (row_to_json(services)) from ( select count(*) from eg_pgr_service $where) as services groupBy: orderBy: searchParams: condition: AND params: - name: tenantid isMandatory: true jsonPath: $.searchCriteria.tenantId operator: LIKE - name: servicerequestid isMandatory: false jsonPath: $.searchCriteria.serviceRequestId operator: LIKE - name: accountid isMandatory: false jsonPath: $.searchCriteria.accountId - name: status isMandatory: false jsonPath: $.searchCriteria.status - name: createdtime isMandatory: false operator: GE jsonPath: $.searchCriteria.startDate - name: createdtime isMandatory: false operator: LE jsonPath: $.searchCriteria.endDate - name: lastmodifiedtime isMandatory: false jsonPath: $.searchCriteria.lastUpdatedSince - name: serviceCode isMandatory: false jsonPath: $.searchCriteria.serviceCodes - name: phone isMandatory: false jsonPath: $ - name: active isMandatory: false jsonPath: $ output: jsonFormat: {"ResponseInfo": {}} outJsonPath: $.count responseInfoPath: $.ResponseInfo - name: plainSearch query: baseQuery: SELECT Array_to_json(Array_agg(Row_to_json(servicerequests))) FROM (SELECT (SELECT (SELECT ( Row_to_json(services) )FROM (SELECT *, (SELECT (SELECT Row_to_json(auditdetails) FROM (SELECT createdtime FROM eg_pgr_service WHERE svc.servicerequestid = eg_pgr_service.servicerequestid) auditDetails) AS auditDetails), (SELECT (SELECT ( Row_to_json( addressdetail) ) FROM (SELECT * FROM eg_pgr_address WHERE eg_pgr_address.uuid = eg_pgr_service.addressid) addressDetail) AS addressDetail) FROM eg_pgr_service svc WHERE svc.servicerequestid = eg_pgr_service.servicerequestid ORDER BY createdtime DESC) services) AS services), (SELECT (SELECT Array_to_json(Array_agg(Row_to_json(actionhistory))) FROM (SELECT * FROM eg_pgr_action WHERE businesskey = eg_pgr_service.servicerequestid ORDER BY "when" DESC) actionHistory) AS actionHistory) FROM eg_pgr_service $where AND servicerequestid in (Select servicerequestid from eg_pgr_service ORDER BY createdtime ASC $pagination) ORDER BY createdtime ASC) serviceRequests; groupBy: orderBy: searchParams: condition: AND params: - name: tenantid isMandatory: true jsonPath: $.searchCriteria.tenantId operator: LIKE - name: servicerequestid isMandatory: false jsonPath: $.searchCriteria.serviceRequestId - name: servicerequestid isMandatory: false jsonPath: $.searchCriteria.complaintId operator: LIKE - name: accountid isMandatory: false jsonPath: $.searchCriteria.accountId - name: status isMandatory: false jsonPath: $.searchCriteria.status - name: createdtime isMandatory: false operator: GE jsonPath: $.searchCriteria.startDate - name: createdtime isMandatory: false operator: LE jsonPath: $.searchCriteria.endDate - name: lastmodifiedtime isMandatory: false jsonPath: $.searchCriteria.lastUpdatedSince - name: serviceCode isMandatory: false jsonPath: $.searchCriteria.serviceCodes - name: phone isMandatory: false jsonPath: $ - name: createdby isMandatory: false jsonPath: $.searchCriteria.createdBy - name: active isMandatory: false jsonPath: $ pagination: noOfRecords: $.searchCriteria.noOfRecords offset: $.searchCriteria.offset output: jsonFormat: {"ResponseInfo": {}} outJsonPath: $.services responseInfoPath: $.ResponseInfo