# 15.0.0 ## Breaking changes - Minimal supported Node.js version is now `18.18.0` # 14.2.1 ## Dependencies - Upgrade [Execa](https://github.com/sindresorhus/execa) to [`8.0.0`](https://github.com/sindresorhus/execa/releases/tag/v8.0.0) # 14.2.0 ## Features - The version can now be specified as a file path to a [`.nvmrc`](https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm#nvmrc), [`package.json` (`engines.node` field)](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/package.json#engines) or [similar files](https://github.com/ehmicky/preferred-node-version/blob/main/README.md). ```js const { path, version } = await getNode('/path/to/.nvmrc') ``` # 14.1.0 ## Features - Add a [`signal` option](README.md#signal) to cancel # 14.0.0 ## Breaking changes - Minimal supported Node.js version is now `16.17.0` # 13.6.0 ## Features - Upgrade Execa # 13.5.0 ## Features - Improve tree-shaking support # 13.4.0 ## Features - Reduce npm package size by 53% # 13.3.0 ## Features - Reduce npm package size # 13.2.0 ## Features - Reduce npm package size # 13.1.0 ## Features - Improve TypeScript types # 13.0.1 ## Dependencies - Upgrade `node-version-alias` # 13.0.0 ## Breaking changes - Minimal supported Node.js version is now `14.18.0` ## Features - The [`cwd` option](https://github.com/ehmicky/get-node#cwd) can now be a `file:` URL # 12.1.0 ## Features - Add TypeScript types. # 12.0.0 ## Breaking changes - Minimal supported Node.js version is now `12.20.0` - This package is now an ES module. It can only be loaded with an `import` or `import()` statement, not `require()`. See [this post for more information](https://gist.github.com/sindresorhus/a39789f98801d908bbc7ff3ecc99d99c). # 11.0.2 ## Bug fixes - Fix issue with `SIGINT` handlers # 11.0.1 ## Bug fixes - Fix crash when downloading several Node.js binaries in parallel # 11.0.0 ## Breaking changes - Rename the [alias `here`](/README.md#getnodeversion-options) to `local` ## Features - Add the [alias `global`](/README.md#getnodeversion-options) to target the global Node version, regardless of the current directory # 10.0.0 ## Breaking changes - Rename the [alias `now`](/README.md#getnodeversion-options) to `here` # 9.0.0 ## Breaking changes - Aliases `c` and `current` renamed to `now` - The [alias `now`](/README.md#getnodeversion-options) now takes into account `package.json` `engines.node` field and [additional files](https://github.com/ehmicky/preferred-node-version/blob/main/README.md) used by other Node.js version managers. - Alias `l` removed: please use `latest` instead ## Features - Added [alias `lts`](/README.md#getnodeversion-options) to target the latest LTS version # 8.0.1 ## Bug fixes - Fix aliases shortcuts `l` and `c` # 8.0.0 ## Breaking changes - Rename `*` alias to [`latest` or `l`](/README.md#getnodeversion-options) - Rename `.` alias to [`current` or `c`](/README.md#getnodeversion-options) - Remove `_` alias # 7.3.1 ## Dependencies - Fix removing `core-js` # 7.3.0 ## Features - Add [`fetch` option](/README.md#fetch) to control caching ## Bug fixes - Checksum checks were not working when the `mirror` option was used ## Dependencies - Remove `core-js` # 7.2.2 ## Bug fixes - Fix `cwd` option # 7.2.1 ## Bug fixes - Fix `_` and `.` aliases not working # 7.2.0 ## Features - Can use the `_` alias to refer to the [current process's Node.js version](/README.md#getnodeversion-options) - Can use the `.` alias to refer to the [current project's Node.js version](/README.md#getnodeversion-options) using its `.nvmrc`, `.node-version` or `.naverc`. The current directory can be changed using the [`cwd` option](/README.md#cwd). # 7.1.2 ## Bug fixes - Fix terminal color changing on Windows # 7.1.1 ## Bug fixes - Fix [`arch` option](https://github.com/ehmicky/get-node#arch) # 7.1.0 ## Features - Add [`arch` option](https://github.com/ehmicky/get-node#arch) to specify the CPU architecture. # 7.0.0 ## Breaking changes - Minimal supported Node.js version is now `10.17.0` # 6.6.0 ## Features - Node.js binary download is now 50% faster on Windows ## Bug fixes - Fix crash when Node.js binary URL is invalid # 6.5.0 ## Features - Node.js binary download is now twice faster on Windows ## Bug fixes - Fix ARM, PowerPC, S390 support # 6.4.0 ## Features - Improve the internal directory structure used to cache the Node.js binary - Cleanup temporary files when Node.js download fails # 6.3.0 ## Features - Improve the appearance of the progress bar # 6.2.0 ## Features - Ensure Node.js binaries are not corrupted by checking their [checksums](https://github.com/nodejs/node#verifying-binaries) - Use cache when offline (no network connection) # 6.1.0 ## Features - Make Node.js binary download twice faster on Linux and MacOS - Improve error messages ## Bug fixes - Fix downloading Node.js `0.12` and below on Windows # 6.0.1 ## Dependencies - Reduce the number of dependencies # 6.0.0 ## Breaking changes - Separate the CLI into its own repository and npm package [`get-node-cli`](https://github.com/ehmicky/get-node-cli) to reduce the number of dependencies. # 5.5.0 ## Dependencies - Upgrade `fetch-node-website` to `4.0.0` - Upgrade `normalize-node-version` to `5.1.0` # 5.4.1 ## Bug fixes - Fix progress bar jitter. # 5.4.0 ## Features - Improve the appearance of the progress bar with the [`progress` option](https://github.com/ehmicky/get-node/blob/main/README.md#getnodeversion-options). # 5.3.0 ## Features - The [`progress` option](https://github.com/ehmicky/get-node/blob/main/README.md#getnodeversion-options) now displays a progress bar instead of a spinner. # 5.2.0 ## Features - Show percentage instead of number of megabytes in spinner # 5.1.0 ## Features - Improve speed # 5.0.0 ## Breaking changes - Change the [`progress` option](https://github.com/ehmicky/get-node/blob/main/README.md#getnodeversion-options) default value from `true` to `false` when called programmatically. The [`--progress` CLI option](https://github.com/ehmicky/get-node/blob/main/README.md#--progress) still defaults to `true`. # 4.0.3 ## Internal - Internal changes # 4.0.2 ## Bugs - Improve error messages # 4.0.1 ## Bugs - Fix `CTRL-C` not working # 4.0.0 ## Breaking changes - The output directory is now specified as [an `--output` flag](https://github.com/ehmicky/get-node/blob/main/README.md#--output) instead of a positional argument on the CLI. This means `get-node VERSION OUTPUT` should now be `get-node --output=OUTPUT VERSION`. ## Features - Add `--help` and `--version` CLI flags - Add [`--progress`](https://github.com/ehmicky/get-node/blob/main/README.md#--progress) CLI flag - Add [`--mirror`](https://github.com/ehmicky/get-node/blob/main/README.md#--mirror) option - Improve CLI spinner ## Bugs - Fix error messages not printed correctly ([50128cd](https://github.com/ehmicky/get-node/commit/3a1e347f9d1e355679858a99393218cd96f1d1d2)) # 3.1.0 ## Features - Improve progress messages on console - Add alternative names for `NODE_MIRROR`: `NVM_NODEJS_ORG_MIRROR`, `N_NODE_MIRROR` and `NODIST_NODE_MIRROR` # 3.0.1 ## Bugs - Fix cache invalidation bug # 3.0.0 ## Breaking changes - The output directory now defaults to a global cache directory instead of the current directory. ## Features - The Node.js/programmatic API is now documented and exposed # 2.0.1 ## Internal - Internal changes # 2.0.0 ## Features - Retry downloading the Node.js binaries on network errors # 1.1.0 ## Features - A spinner is now shown when a new Node.js version is downloading