[general] timeout = 30 # refresh interval for use with --follow refresh_interval = 5.0 initial_query_size = 10 no_header = false header_color = light_yellow # time range from now in the past to query events initially (e.g. 2h) # if not specified, "1d" is used as fallback to prevent querying all documents from ElasticSearch # can be overridden via command line option --range # suffixes: m (minutes), h (hours), d (days) initial_time_range = # disable SSL certificate verification if necessary verify_ssl_certificates = true # index to be searched unless a saved Kibana search is specified default_index = logstash-* verbose = false # local ElasticSearch cluster [server_local-elastic-cluster] # set enable to false to ignore this server block enable = true url = # remote ElasticSearch cluster with Basic Auth [server_remote-elastic-cluster] enable = false url = https://some.host.tld username = foobar password = secret # Proxy ElasticSearch access through a Kibana instance [server_kibana-proxy] enable = false url = https://some.host.tld/kibana/elasticsearch username = foobar password = secret # new-line separated list(indent new lines) of additional HTTP headers to be sent, # e.g. useful when using Kibana as ElasticSearch proxy: # url = https://some.host.tld/kibana/elasticsearch and headers = kbn-xsrf: 1 # Kibana 4.x wants: kbn-version: 4.x.y headers = kbn-xsrf: 1 some-other-header: foobar [kibana] # the name of the index of Kibana (4.x or newer) in ElasticSearch kibana_index_name = .kibana # name/title of the default Saved Search from Kibana to be used for querying # can be overridden via command line #default_saved_search = Syslog lstail # default set of fields to display, used if no Kibana saved search is provided or found # these are also used for internal log messages default_columns: timestamp, hostname, program, message [parser] # log level names to be interpreted as warnings and errors (in lowercase, used for coloring) log_level_names_warning: warn, warning log_level_names_error: fatal, emerg, alert, crit, critical, error, err [format] timestamp = %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f # Display columns: # - the order of the following sections is important, the columns are displayed in that order # - the columns "timestamp" and "message" are essentially and should not be removed [display_column_timestamp] # This column specification is essential, do not remove it # "names" is a list of alternative column names which are mapped to this column if found names = timestamp, @timestamp, request_time # Available colors = blue, green, cyan, red, magenta, brown, gray, yellow, dark_gray, # light_blue, light_green, light_cyan, light_red, light_magenta, white, black # Use empty value for default terminal color color = padding = 23 # see https://docs.python.org/3/library/datetime.html#strftime-and-strptime-behavior [display_column_log_level] names = syslog_severity, level, log_level, fail2ban_level, dj_level display = false color = padding = [display_column_hostname] names = hostname, host, fromhost, logsource color = magenta padding = 20 [display_column_program] names = program, application, programname color = green padding = 15 [display_column_message] names = message, answer color = padding = [display_column_http_host] names = http_host color = magenta padding = 20 [display_column_clientip] names = http_clientip, client, dns.client_ip color = green padding = >39 [display_column_http_verb] names = http_verb, type, dns.type color = light_red padding = 13 [display_column_geoip.as_org] names = geoip.as_org padding = 25 [display_column_http_code] names = http_code, ttl color = light_blue padding = 9 [display_column_http_auth] names = http_auth color = light_blue padding = 9 [display_column_query] names = query, dns.query color = light_green padding = 35 [display_column_answer] names = dns.answer color = padding =