/*** * This code is a part of EvoApproxLib library (ehw.fit.vutbr.cz/approxlib) distributed under The MIT License. * When used, please cite the following article(s): V. Mrazek, L. Sekanina and Z. Vasicek, "Libraries of Approximate Circuits: Design and Application in CNN Accelerators" * This file contains a circuit from a sub-set of pareto optimal circuits with respect to the pwr and mae parameters ***/ // MAE% = 3.46 % // MAE = 71 // WCE% = 14.50 % // WCE = 297 // WCRE% = 125.00 % // EP% = 86.62 % // MRE% = 37.23 % // MSE = 8553 // PDK45_PWR = 0.011 mW // PDK45_AREA = 44.1 um2 // PDK45_DELAY = 0.29 ns #include #include uint64_t mul8x3u_00D(const uint64_t A,const uint64_t B) { uint64_t dout_24, dout_26, dout_32, dout_34, dout_63, dout_64, dout_66, dout_67, dout_68, dout_72, dout_81, dout_82, dout_83, dout_97, dout_98, dout_111; uint64_t O; dout_24=((A >> 6)&1)&((B >> 2)&1); dout_26=((A >> 7)&1)&((B >> 1)&1); dout_32=((A >> 5)&1)&((B >> 2)&1); dout_34=((A >> 7)&1)&((B >> 2)&1); dout_63=((B >> 1)&1)&((A >> 6)&1); dout_64=((B >> 0)&1)&((A >> 7)&1); dout_66=dout_63|dout_64; dout_67=dout_26&dout_24; dout_68=dout_26^dout_24; dout_72=dout_68&((B >> 0)&1); dout_81=dout_68^dout_66; dout_82=dout_68&dout_66; dout_83=dout_34^dout_67; dout_97=dout_83^dout_82; dout_98=dout_34&dout_72; dout_111=dout_67|dout_98; O = 0; O |= (dout_111&1) << 0; O |= (0&1) << 1; O |= (0&1) << 2; O |= (0&1) << 3; O |= (dout_32&1) << 4; O |= (dout_81&1) << 5; O |= (dout_34&1) << 6; O |= (dout_32&1) << 7; O |= (dout_81&1) << 8; O |= (dout_97&1) << 9; O |= (dout_111&1) << 10; return O; }