Bubububububad & Friends ST2 Color Schemes Updated version of my R rated color scheme for Sublime Text 2. The original theme is included with the PG name `Boneyfied`. ## Installation Stick the tmTheme files into any subdirectory located in your Sublime Text 2 Packages folder. Alternatively you can clone this git repository as a new package or install it using package manager. ## About ~Original~ The theme's color scheme was mostly inspired by two of my all time favorites, Text Ex Machina and Coal Graal, with a dash of Monokai's warmth to offset their cooler colors. I basically just applied the "background at a low opacity" effect to a remix of their palletes. I loved what came out so much I thought I'd share it with the world. ~Updated~ I wanted greater contrast and wanted to fine-tune a few of the colors I had picked at random until I found acceptable. Something about the color scheme makes it really easy for me to read without the eye strain I usually experience when using schemes with higher saturation, brightness, or contrast. ~Updated Again~ ~Katzen-Milch~ A modification of the Bubububububad theme for those who prefer light backgrounds. Colors have been changed a bit, in order to increase the contrast, but are pretty faithful to Bububububad if you're a fan. ~Bone-a-kite~ A version of monokai with lots of little modifications made by many people (syntax support additions, mostly) and boneyfied styling courtesy of yours truly. ~Resesif-Boned~ Darker version of a huge inspiration while creating my own themes. ## Screenshots ![Bubububububad Screenshot](http://eibbors.com/p/boner/thumb_bububad.png) [View fullsize](http://eibbors.com/p/boner/screen_bububad.png) ![Boneyfied Screenshot](http://eibbors.com/p/boner/thumb_boneyfied.png) [View fullsize](http://eibbors.com/p/boner/screen_boneyfied.png) ![Katzenmilch Screenshot](http://eibbors.com/p/boner/thumb_katzenmilch.png) [View fullsize](http://eibbors.com/p/boner/screen_katzenmilch.png) ![Bone-a-kite Screenshot](http://eibbors.com/p/boner/thumb_bonekite.png) [View fullsize](http://eibbors.com/p/boner/screen_bonekite.png) ![Resesif-Boned Screenshot](http://eibbors.com/p/boner/thumb_resbone.png) [View fullsize](http://eibbors.com/p/boner/screen_resbone.png) ## Problems? If you stumble upon any hideousness in your favorite language, I'd be happy to fix that for you. Suggestions on how the scheme could be improved are welcome and encouraged. Thank you and good night, <3 Eibbor Srednuas