# SublimeTabsShortcuts Adds the tabs controls already available on right-click in the `Command Palette` and assigns them keyboard shortcuts: * Close Other Tabs: `Cmd+Shift+W` on Mac, `Ctrl+Shift+W` on Windows and Linux * Close Tabs to the Right: `Cmd+Alt+W` on Mac, `Ctrl+Alt+W` on Windows and Linux ![tabs_shortcuts](https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/1530203/1804284/2a60983c-6c45-11e3-894f-b83d18b0b9ab.png) Of course, the shortcuts are overridable (`Preferences > Packages Settings > TabsShortcuts > Key Bindings - User` or `TabsShortcuts: Key Bindings` in the Command Palette). ## Installation ### With Package Control Coming soon... ### Without Package Control Clone (or download and unzip) this into your `Packages` directory (`Browse Packages` in Sublime's Command Palette). ## Support So far this has only been tested on Sublime 3 for Mac, but it should also work for Sublime 2, and on Linux and Windows as well. ## Thanks The Python snippets are from [that StackOverflow QA](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15379860/close-others-command-shortcut-in-sublime-text-2#answer-15380759). Feel free to up them if you like this plugin.