Examples > Strings
This example shows how to append strings together with different techniques.
Just as you can concatenate Strings with other data objects using the StringAdditionOperator, you can also use the +=operator and the cconcat() method to append things to Strings. The += operator and the concat() method work the same way, it's just a matter of which style you prefer. The two examples below illustrate both, and result in the same String:
String stringOne = "A long integer: "; // using += to add a long variable to a string: stringOne += 123456789;
String stringOne = "A long integer: "; // using concat() to add a long variable to a string: stringTwo.concat(123456789);
In both cases, stringOne equals "A long integer: 123456789". Like the + operator, these operators are handy for assembling longer strings from a combination of data objects.
Only LaunchPad is required for this example.
image developed using Fritzing. For more circuit examples, see the Fritzing project page.
In the program , we first declare two strings. We then demonstrate various append examples.
/* Appending to Strings using the += operator and concat() Examples of how to append different data types to strings created 27 July 2010 modified 2 Apr 2012 by Tom Igoe This example code is in the public domain. */ String stringOne, stringTwo; void setup() { // Open serial communications and wait for port to open: Serial.begin(9600); stringOne = String("Sensor "); stringTwo = String("value"); // send an intro: Serial.println("\n\nAppending to a string:"); Serial.println(); } void loop() { Serial.println(stringOne); // prints "Sensor " // adding a string to a string: stringOne += stringTwo; Serial.println(stringOne); // prints "Sensor value" // adding a constant string to a string: stringOne += " for input "; Serial.println(stringOne); // prints "Sensor value for input" // adding a constant character to a string: stringOne += 'A'; Serial.println(stringOne); // prints "Sensor value for input A" // adding a constant integer to a string: stringOne += 0; Serial.println(stringOne); // prints "Sensor value for input A0" // adding a constant string to a string: stringOne += ": "; Serial.println(stringOne); // prints "Sensor value for input" // adding a variable integer to a string: stringOne += analogRead(A0); Serial.println(stringOne); // prints "Sensor value for input A0: 456" or whatever analogRead(A0) is Serial.println("\n\nchanging the Strings' values"); stringOne = "A long integer: "; stringTwo = "The millis(): "; // adding a constant long integer to a string: stringOne += 123456789; Serial.println(stringOne); // prints "A long integer: 123456789" // using concat() to add a long variable to a string: stringTwo.concat(millis()); Serial.println(stringTwo); // prints "The millis(): 43534" or whatever the value of the millis() is // do nothing while true: while(true); }
- Append multiple strings together and print to serial
See Also
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The text of the Energia reference is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. Energia reference is based on the Arduino reference. Code samples in the reference are released into the public domain.