@ECHO OFF REM Version : 2.0.4 REM Author : Iain Mair REM Release Date : 10th February 2018 REM Github repository : https://github.com/el3302/network-batch-file REM Licence : Microsoft Public License (MS-PL) - https://github.com/el3302/network-batch-file/blob/master/LICENSE TITLE Network Diagnostic Tests for %computername% :start ECHO. ECHO NETWORK DIAGNOSTIC TESTS. ECHO. ECHO 1. run ip config ECHO. ECHO 2. run ping on google.com ECHO 3. run ping on ECHO 4. run tracert on google.com ECHO. ECHO 5. run ping on a custom address ECHO 6. run tracert on a Custom Address ECHO 7. run ping continuoiusly ECHO. ECHO r. run tests 1-4 and save to file on desktop ECHO x. exit testing ECHO. SET CHOOSE= " " SET /P CHOOSE= [%date% @ %time%] Hello %username%, what do you want to do?: GOTO %CHOOSE% :1 CLS ECHO Running IPCONFIG to get IP and Network Details for the computer named %computername% ipconfig /all | more GOTO end :2 CLS ECHO Running PING on Domain Google.com ping google.com GOTO end :3 CLS ECHO Running PING on Google DNS ping GOTO end :4 CLS ECHO Running TRACE ROUTE on Domain Google.com tracert google.com GOTO end :5 CLS ECHO PING a Custom Address SET /P CHOOSE= [%date% @ %time%] What Address do you want to PING?: ping %CHOOSE% GOTO end :6 CLS ECHO Run TRACE ROUTE on a Custom Address SET /P CHOOSE= [%date% @ %time%] What Address do you want to run TRACERT on?: tracert %CHOOSE% GOTO end :7 CLS ECHO Continuous PING of a Custom Address ECHO. ECHO To Quit this Ping press CTRL+C and then when asked to terminate the Batch File say No ECHO. SET /P CHOOSE= [%date% @ %time%] What Address do you want to PING?: ping /t %CHOOSE% GOTO end :r SET folder=C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\network_diagnostic_results-%date:~-10,2%-%date:~-7,2%-%date:~-4,4%_%time:~-11,2%-%time:~-8,2%-%time:~-5,2% MKDIR %folder% CD %folder% CLS ECHO Running tests and sending to file ECHO. ipconfig /all > IPCONFIG_%date:~-10,2%-%date:~-7,2%-%date:~-4,4%_%time:~-11,2%-%time:~-8,2%-%time:~-5,2%.txt ECHO IPCONFIG saved ECHO. ping google.com > PING_%date:~-10,2%-%date:~-7,2%-%date:~-4,4%_%time:~-11,2%-%time:~-8,2%-%time:~-5,2%.txt ECHO PING google.com saved ECHO. ping > PINGDNS_%date:~-10,2%-%date:~-7,2%-%date:~-4,4%_%time:~-11,2%-%time:~-8,2%-%time:~-5,2%.txt ECHO Ping saved ECHO. ECHO Running Trace Route... tracert google.com > TRACERT_%date:~-10,2%-%date:~-7,2%-%date:~-4,4%_%time:~-11,2%-%time:~-8,2%-%time:~-5,2%.txt ECHO TRACERT saved ECHO. ECHO All Files Saved to Desktop ECHO. ECHO. SET /P CHOOSE= do you want to open the folder now? y/n: GOTO %CHOOSE% :x GOTO leave :y %SystemRoot%\explorer.exe %folder% GOTO end :n CLS GOTO start :end ECHO. PAUSE CLS GOTO start :leave exit