# For installation and configuration options, refer to the [installation instructions](https://github.com/elastic/opentelemetry/blob/main/docs/kubernetes/operator/README.md) # For advanced configuration options, refer to the [official OpenTelemetry Helm chart](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-helm-charts/blob/main/charts/opentelemetry-kube-stack/values.yaml) # This file has been tested together with opentelemetry-kube-stack helm chart version: 0.3.3 opentelemetry-operator: manager: extraArgs: - --enable-go-instrumentation admissionWebhooks: certManager: enabled: false # For production environments, it is [recommended to use cert-manager for better security and scalability](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-helm-charts/tree/main/charts/opentelemetry-operator#tls-certificate-requirement). autoGenerateCert: enabled: true # Enable/disable automatic certificate generation. Set to false if manually managing certificates. recreate: true # Force certificate regeneration on updates. Only applicable if autoGenerateCert.enabled is true. crds: create: true # Install the OpenTelemetry Operator CRDs. defaultCRConfig: image: repository: "docker.elastic.co/elastic-agent/elastic-agent" tag: "8.17.5" targetAllocator: enabled: false # Enable/disable the Operator's Target allocator. # Refer to: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-operator/tree/main/cmd/otel-allocator clusterRole: rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["configmaps"] verbs: ["get"] # `clusterName` specifies the name of the Kubernetes cluster. It sets the 'k8s.cluster.name' field. # Cluster Name is automatically detected for EKS/GKE/AKS. Add the below value in environments where cluster name cannot be detected. # clusterName: myClusterName collectors: # Cluster is a K8s deployment EDOT collector focused on gathering telemetry # at the cluster level (Kubernetes Events and cluster metrics). cluster: env: - name: ELASTIC_AGENT_OTEL value: '"true"' config: exporters: # [Debug exporter](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector/blob/main/exporter/debugexporter/README.md) debug: verbosity: basic # Options: basic, detailed. Choose verbosity level for debug logs. # [Elasticsearch exporter](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/blob/main/exporter/elasticsearchexporter/README.md) otlp/gateway: endpoint: "http://opentelemetry-kube-stack-gateway-collector:4317" tls: insecure: true processors: # [Resource Detection Processor](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/tree/main/processor/resourcedetectionprocessor) resourcedetection/eks: detectors: [env, eks] # Detects resources from environment variables and EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service). timeout: 15s override: true eks: resource_attributes: k8s.cluster.name: enabled: true resourcedetection/gcp: detectors: [env, gcp] # Detects resources from environment variables and GCP (Google Cloud Platform). timeout: 2s override: true resourcedetection/aks: detectors: [env, aks] # Detects resources from environment variables and AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service). timeout: 2s override: true aks: resource_attributes: k8s.cluster.name: enabled: true # [Resource Processor](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/tree/main/processor/resourceprocessor) resource/k8s: # Resource attributes tailored for services within Kubernetes. attributes: - key: service.name # Set the service.name resource attribute based on the well-known app.kubernetes.io/name label from_attribute: app.label.name action: insert - key: service.name # Set the service.name resource attribute based on the k8s.container.name attribute from_attribute: k8s.container.name action: insert - key: app.label.name # Delete app.label.name attribute previously used for service.name action: delete - key: service.version # Set the service.version resource attribute based on the well-known app.kubernetes.io/version label from_attribute: app.label.version action: insert - key: app.label.version # Delete app.label.version attribute previously used for service.version action: delete resource/hostname: attributes: - key: host.name from_attribute: k8s.node.name action: upsert # [K8s Attributes Processor](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/tree/main/processor/k8sattributesprocessor) k8sattributes: passthrough: false # Annotates resources with the pod IP and does not try to extract any other metadata. pod_association: # Below association takes a look at the k8s.pod.ip and k8s.pod.uid resource attributes or connection's context, and tries to match it with the pod having the same attribute. - sources: - from: resource_attribute name: k8s.pod.ip - sources: - from: resource_attribute name: k8s.pod.uid - sources: - from: connection extract: metadata: - "k8s.namespace.name" - "k8s.deployment.name" - "k8s.replicaset.name" - "k8s.statefulset.name" - "k8s.daemonset.name" - "k8s.cronjob.name" - "k8s.job.name" - "k8s.node.name" - "k8s.pod.name" - "k8s.pod.ip" - "k8s.pod.uid" - "k8s.pod.start_time" labels: - tag_name: app.label.name key: app.kubernetes.io/name from: pod - tag_name: app.label.version key: app.kubernetes.io/version from: pod receivers: # [K8s Objects Receiver](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/tree/main/receiver/k8sobjectsreceiver) k8sobjects: objects: - name: events mode: "watch" group: "events.k8s.io" exclude_watch_type: - "DELETED" # [K8s Cluster Receiver](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/tree/main/receiver/k8sclusterreceiver) k8s_cluster: auth_type: serviceAccount # Determines how to authenticate to the K8s API server. This can be one of none (for no auth), serviceAccount (to use the standard service account token provided to the agent pod), or kubeConfig to use credentials from ~/.kube/config. node_conditions_to_report: - Ready - MemoryPressure allocatable_types_to_report: - cpu - memory metrics: k8s.pod.status_reason: enabled: true resource_attributes: k8s.kubelet.version: enabled: true os.description: enabled: true os.type: enabled: true k8s.container.status.last_terminated_reason: enabled: true # [Service Section](https://opentelemetry.io/docs/collector/configuration/#service) service: pipelines: metrics: exporters: - debug - otlp/gateway processors: - k8sattributes - resourcedetection/eks - resourcedetection/gcp - resourcedetection/aks - resource/k8s - resource/hostname receivers: - k8s_cluster logs: receivers: - k8sobjects processors: - resourcedetection/eks - resourcedetection/gcp - resourcedetection/aks - resource/hostname exporters: - debug - otlp/gateway # Daemon is a K8s daemonset EDOT collector focused on gathering telemetry at # node level and exposing an OTLP endpoint for data ingestion. # Auto-instrumentation SDKs will use this endpoint. daemon: env: # Work around for open /mounts error: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/issues/35990 - name: HOST_PROC_MOUNTINFO value: "" - name: ELASTIC_AGENT_OTEL value: '"true"' presets: logsCollection: enabled: true # Enable/disable the collection of node's logs. storeCheckpoints: true # Store checkpoints for log collection, allowing for resumption from the last processed log. hostNetwork: true # Use the host's network namespace. This allows the daemon to access the network interfaces of the host directly. securityContext: # Run the daemon as the root user and group for proper metrics collection. runAsUser: 0 runAsGroup: 0 scrape_configs_file: "" # [Prometheus metrics](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-helm-charts/tree/main/charts/opentelemetry-kube-stack#scrape_configs_file-details) config: exporters: # [Debug exporter](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector/blob/main/exporter/debugexporter/README.md) debug: verbosity: basic otlp/gateway: endpoint: "http://opentelemetry-kube-stack-gateway-collector-headless:4317" tls: insecure: true processors: # [Batch Processor](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector/tree/main/processor/batchprocessor) batch: {} # [Resource Detection Processor](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/tree/main/processor/resourcedetectionprocessor) resourcedetection/eks: detectors: [env, eks] # Detects resources from environment variables and EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service). timeout: 15s override: true eks: resource_attributes: k8s.cluster.name: enabled: true resourcedetection/gcp: detectors: [env, gcp] # Detects resources from environment variables and GCP (Google Cloud Platform). timeout: 2s override: true resourcedetection/aks: detectors: [env, aks] # Detects resources from environment variables and AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service). timeout: 2s override: true aks: resource_attributes: k8s.cluster.name: enabled: true resource/hostname: attributes: - key: host.name from_attribute: k8s.node.name action: upsert resourcedetection/system: detectors: ["system", "ec2"] # Detects resources from the system and EC2 instances. system: hostname_sources: ["os"] resource_attributes: host.name: enabled: true host.id: enabled: false host.arch: enabled: true host.ip: enabled: true host.mac: enabled: true host.cpu.vendor.id: enabled: true host.cpu.family: enabled: true host.cpu.model.id: enabled: true host.cpu.model.name: enabled: true host.cpu.stepping: enabled: true host.cpu.cache.l2.size: enabled: true os.description: enabled: true os.type: enabled: true ec2: resource_attributes: host.name: enabled: false host.id: enabled: true # [Resource Processor](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/tree/main/processor/resourceprocessor) resource/k8s: # Resource attributes tailored for services within Kubernetes. attributes: - key: service.name # Set the service.name resource attribute based on the well-known app.kubernetes.io/name label from_attribute: app.label.name action: insert - key: service.name # Set the service.name resource attribute based on the k8s.container.name attribute from_attribute: k8s.container.name action: insert - key: app.label.name # Delete app.label.name attribute previously used for service.name action: delete - key: service.version # Set the service.version resource attribute based on the well-known app.kubernetes.io/version label from_attribute: app.label.version action: insert - key: app.label.version # Delete app.label.version attribute previously used for service.version action: delete resource/cloud: attributes: - key: cloud.instance.id from_attribute: host.id action: insert # [K8s Attributes Processor](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/tree/main/processor/k8sattributesprocessor) k8sattributes: filter: # Only retrieve pods running on the same node as the collector node_from_env_var: OTEL_K8S_NODE_NAME passthrough: false pod_association: # Below association takes a look at the k8s.pod.ip and k8s.pod.uid resource attributes or connection's context, and tries to match it with the pod having the same attribute. - sources: - from: resource_attribute name: k8s.pod.ip - sources: - from: resource_attribute name: k8s.pod.uid - sources: - from: connection extract: metadata: - "k8s.namespace.name" - "k8s.deployment.name" - "k8s.replicaset.name" - "k8s.statefulset.name" - "k8s.daemonset.name" - "k8s.cronjob.name" - "k8s.job.name" - "k8s.node.name" - "k8s.pod.name" - "k8s.pod.ip" - "k8s.pod.uid" - "k8s.pod.start_time" labels: - tag_name: app.label.name key: app.kubernetes.io/name from: pod - tag_name: app.label.version key: app.kubernetes.io/version from: pod receivers: # [OTLP Receiver](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector/tree/main/receiver/otlpreceiver) otlp: protocols: grpc: endpoint: http: endpoint: # [File Log Receiver](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/tree/main/receiver/filelogreceiver) filelog: retry_on_failure: enabled: true start_at: end exclude: # exlude collector logs - /var/log/pods/*opentelemetry-kube-stack*/*/*.log include: - /var/log/pods/*/*/*.log include_file_name: false include_file_path: true operators: - id: container-parser # Extract container's metadata type: container # [Hostmetrics Receiver](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/tree/main/receiver/hostmetricsreceiver) hostmetrics: collection_interval: 10s root_path: /hostfs # Mounted node's root file system scrapers: cpu: metrics: system.cpu.utilization: enabled: true system.cpu.logical.count: enabled: true memory: metrics: system.memory.utilization: enabled: true process: mute_process_exe_error: true mute_process_io_error: true mute_process_user_error: true metrics: process.threads: enabled: true process.open_file_descriptors: enabled: true process.memory.utilization: enabled: true process.disk.operations: enabled: true network: {} processes: {} load: {} disk: {} filesystem: exclude_mount_points: mount_points: - /dev/* - /proc/* - /sys/* - /run/k3s/containerd/* - /var/lib/docker/* - /var/lib/kubelet/* - /snap/* match_type: regexp exclude_fs_types: fs_types: - autofs - binfmt_misc - bpf - cgroup2 - configfs - debugfs - devpts - devtmpfs - fusectl - hugetlbfs - iso9660 - mqueue - nsfs - overlay - proc - procfs - pstore - rpc_pipefs - securityfs - selinuxfs - squashfs - sysfs - tracefs match_type: strict # [Kubelet Stats Receiver](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/tree/main/receiver/kubeletstatsreceiver) kubeletstats: auth_type: serviceAccount # Authentication mechanism with the Kubelet endpoint, refer to: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/tree/main/receiver/kubeletstatsreceiver#configuration collection_interval: 20s endpoint: ${env:OTEL_K8S_NODE_NAME}:10250 node: '${env:OTEL_K8S_NODE_NAME}' # Required to work for all CSPs without an issue insecure_skip_verify: true k8s_api_config: auth_type: serviceAccount metrics: k8s.pod.memory.node.utilization: enabled: true k8s.pod.cpu.node.utilization: enabled: true k8s.container.cpu_limit_utilization: enabled: true k8s.pod.cpu_limit_utilization: enabled: true k8s.container.cpu_request_utilization: enabled: true k8s.container.memory_limit_utilization: enabled: true k8s.pod.memory_limit_utilization: enabled: true k8s.container.memory_request_utilization: enabled: true k8s.node.uptime: enabled: true k8s.node.cpu.usage: enabled: true k8s.pod.cpu.usage: enabled: true extra_metadata_labels: - container.id # [Service Section](https://opentelemetry.io/docs/collector/configuration/#service) service: pipelines: logs/node: receivers: - filelog processors: - batch - k8sattributes - resourcedetection/system - resourcedetection/eks - resourcedetection/gcp - resourcedetection/aks - resource/k8s - resource/hostname - resource/cloud exporters: - otlp/gateway metrics/node/otel: receivers: - kubeletstats - hostmetrics processors: - batch - k8sattributes - resourcedetection/system - resourcedetection/eks - resourcedetection/gcp - resourcedetection/aks - resource/k8s - resource/hostname - resource/cloud exporters: # - debug - otlp/gateway metrics/otel-apm: receivers: - otlp processors: - batch - resource/hostname exporters: - otlp/gateway logs/apm: receivers: - otlp processors: - batch - resource/hostname exporters: - otlp/gateway traces/apm: receivers: - otlp processors: - batch - resource/hostname exporters: - otlp/gateway # Gateway is a K8s deployment EDOT collector focused on processing and # forwarding telemetry to an Elasticsearch endpoint. gateway: resources: limits: cpu: 1500m memory: 1500Mi requests: cpu: 100m memory: 500Mi suffix: gateway replicas: 2 enabled: true env: - name: ELASTIC_AGENT_OTEL value: '"true"' - name: ELASTIC_ENDPOINT valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: elastic-secret-otel key: elastic_endpoint - name: ELASTIC_API_KEY valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: elastic-secret-otel key: elastic_api_key - name: GOMAXPROCS valueFrom: resourceFieldRef: resource: limits.cpu - name: GOMEMLIMIT value: "1025MiB" config: connectors: routing: default_pipelines: [metrics/otel] error_mode: ignore table: - context: metric statement: route() where instrumentation_scope.name == "github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/receiver/kubeletstatsreceiver" or IsMatch(instrumentation_scope.name, "github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/receiver/hostmetricsreceiver/internal/scraper/*") pipelines: [metrics/infra/ecs, metrics/otel] # [Signal To Metrics Connector](https://github.com/elastic/opentelemetry-collector-components/tree/main/connector/signaltometricsconnector) signaltometrics: # Produces metrics from all signal types (traces, logs, or metrics). logs: - name: service_summary include_resource_attributes: - key: service.name - key: deployment.environment # service.environment - key: telemetry.sdk.language # service.language.name - key: agent.name default_value: unknown attributes: - key: metricset.name default_value: service_summary sum: value: "1" datapoints: - name: service_summary include_resource_attributes: - key: service.name - key: deployment.environment # service.environment - key: telemetry.sdk.language # service.language.name - key: agent.name default_value: unknown attributes: - key: metricset.name default_value: service_summary sum: value: "1" spans: - name: service_summary include_resource_attributes: - key: service.name - key: deployment.environment # service.environment - key: telemetry.sdk.language # service.language.name - key: agent.name default_value: unknown attributes: - key: metricset.name default_value: service_summary sum: value: Int(AdjustedCount()) - name: transaction.duration.histogram description: APM service transaction aggregated metrics as histogram include_resource_attributes: - key: service.name - key: deployment.environment # service.environment - key: telemetry.sdk.language # service.language.name - key: agent.name default_value: unknown attributes: - key: transaction.root - key: transaction.type - key: metricset.name default_value: service_transaction - key: elasticsearch.mapping.hints default_value: [_doc_count] unit: us exponential_histogram: value: Microseconds(end_time - start_time) - name: transaction.duration.summary description: APM service transaction aggregated metrics as summary include_resource_attributes: - key: service.name - key: deployment.environment # service.environment - key: telemetry.sdk.language # service.language.name - key: agent.name default_value: unknown attributes: - key: transaction.root - key: transaction.type - key: metricset.name default_value: service_transaction - key: elasticsearch.mapping.hints default_value: [aggregate_metric_double] unit: us histogram: buckets: [1] value: Microseconds(end_time - start_time) - name: transaction.duration.histogram description: APM transaction aggregated metrics as histogram ephemeral_resource_attribute: true include_resource_attributes: - key: service.name - key: deployment.environment # service.environment - key: telemetry.sdk.language # service.language.name - key: agent.name default_value: unknown - key: container.id - key: k8s.pod.name - key: service.version - key: service.instance.id # service.node.name - key: process.runtime.name # service.runtime.name - key: process.runtime.version # service.runtime.version - key: telemetry.sdk.version # service.language.version?? - key: host.name - key: os.type # host.os.platform - key: faas.instance - key: faas.name - key: faas.version - key: cloud.provider - key: cloud.region - key: cloud.availability_zone - key: cloud.platform # cloud.servicename - key: cloud.account.id attributes: - key: transaction.root - key: transaction.name - key: transaction.type - key: transaction.result - key: event.outcome - key: metricset.name default_value: transaction - key: elasticsearch.mapping.hints default_value: [_doc_count] unit: us exponential_histogram: value: Microseconds(end_time - start_time) - name: transaction.duration.summary description: APM transaction aggregated metrics as summary ephemeral_resource_attribute: true include_resource_attributes: - key: service.name - key: deployment.environment # service.environment - key: telemetry.sdk.language # service.language.name - key: agent.name default_value: unknown - key: container.id - key: k8s.pod.name - key: service.version - key: service.instance.id # service.node.name - key: process.runtime.name # service.runtime.name - key: process.runtime.version # service.runtime.version - key: telemetry.sdk.version # service.language.version?? - key: host.name - key: os.type # host.os.platform - key: faas.instance - key: faas.name - key: faas.version - key: cloud.provider - key: cloud.region - key: cloud.availability_zone - key: cloud.platform # cloud.servicename - key: cloud.account.id attributes: - key: transaction.root - key: transaction.name - key: transaction.type - key: transaction.result - key: event.outcome - key: metricset.name default_value: transaction - key: elasticsearch.mapping.hints default_value: [aggregate_metric_double] unit: us histogram: buckets: [1] value: Microseconds(end_time - start_time) - name: span.destination.service.response_time.sum.us description: APM span destination metrics ephemeral_resource_attribute: true include_resource_attributes: - key: service.name - key: deployment.environment # service.environment - key: telemetry.sdk.language # service.language.name - key: agent.name default_value: unknown attributes: - key: span.name - key: event.outcome - key: service.target.type - key: service.target.name - key: span.destination.service.resource - key: metricset.name default_value: service_destination unit: us sum: value: Double(Microseconds(end_time - start_time)) - name: span.destination.service.response_time.count description: APM span destination metrics ephemeral_resource_attribute: true include_resource_attributes: - key: service.name - key: deployment.environment # service.environment - key: telemetry.sdk.language # service.language.name - key: agent.name default_value: unknown attributes: - key: span.name - key: event.outcome - key: service.target.type - key: service.target.name - key: span.destination.service.resource - key: metricset.name default_value: service_destination sum: value: Int(AdjustedCount()) # event.success_count is populated using 2 metric definition with different conditions # and value for the histogram bucket based on event outcome. Both metric definition # are created using same name and attribute and will result in a single histogram. # We use mapping hint of aggregate_metric_double, so, only the sum and the count # values are required and the actual histogram bucket is ignored. - name: event.success_count description: Success count as a metric for service transaction include_resource_attributes: - key: service.name - key: deployment.environment # service.environment - key: telemetry.sdk.language # service.language.name - key: agent.name default_value: unknown attributes: - key: transaction.root - key: transaction.type - key: metricset.name default_value: service_transaction - key: elasticsearch.mapping.hints default_value: [aggregate_metric_double] conditions: - attributes["event.outcome"] != nil and attributes["event.outcome"] == "success" unit: us histogram: buckets: [1] count: Int(AdjustedCount()) value: Int(AdjustedCount()) - name: event.success_count description: Success count as a metric for service transaction include_resource_attributes: - key: service.name - key: deployment.environment # service.environment - key: telemetry.sdk.language # service.language.name - key: agent.name default_value: unknown attributes: - key: transaction.root - key: transaction.type - key: metricset.name default_value: service_transaction - key: elasticsearch.mapping.hints default_value: [aggregate_metric_double] conditions: - attributes["event.outcome"] != nil and attributes["event.outcome"] != "success" unit: us histogram: buckets: [0] count: Int(AdjustedCount()) value: Double(0) receivers: otlp: protocols: grpc: endpoint: ${env:MY_POD_IP}:4317 http: endpoint: ${env:MY_POD_IP}:4318 processors: # [Elastic Infra Metrics Processor](https://github.com/elastic/opentelemetry-collector-components/tree/main/processor/elasticinframetricsprocessor) elasticinframetrics: add_system_metrics: true add_k8s_metrics: true drop_original: true # [Attributes Processor](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/tree/main/processor/attributesprocessor) attributes/dataset: actions: - key: event.dataset from_attribute: data_stream.dataset action: upsert resource/process: attributes: - key: process.executable.name action: delete - key: process.executable.path action: delete batch: send_batch_size: 1000 timeout: 1s send_batch_max_size: 1500 batch/aggs: send_batch_size: 16384 # 2x the default timeout: 10s # [Elastic Trace Processor](https://github.com/elastic/opentelemetry-collector-components/tree/main/processor/elastictraceprocessor) elastictrace: {} # The processor enriches traces with elastic specific requirements. # [LSM Interval Processor](https://github.com/elastic/opentelemetry-collector-components/tree/main/processor/lsmintervalprocessor) lsminterval: intervals: - duration: 1m statements: - set(resource.attributes["metricset.interval"], "1m") - set(attributes["data_stream.dataset"], Concat([attributes["metricset.name"], "1m"], ".")) - set(attributes["processor.event"], "metric") - duration: 10m statements: - set(resource.attributes["metricset.interval"], "10m") - set(attributes["data_stream.dataset"], Concat([attributes["metricset.name"], "10m"], ".")) - set(attributes["processor.event"], "metric") - duration: 60m statements: - set(resource.attributes["metricset.interval"], "60m") - set(attributes["data_stream.dataset"], Concat([attributes["metricset.name"], "60m"], ".")) - set(attributes["processor.event"], "metric") exporters: debug: {} # [Elasticsearch exporter](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/blob/main/exporter/elasticsearchexporter/README.md) elasticsearch/otel: endpoints: # List of Elasticsearch endpoints. - ${env:ELASTIC_ENDPOINT} api_key: ${env:ELASTIC_API_KEY} # API key for Elasticsearch authentication. logs_dynamic_index: enabled: true metrics_dynamic_index: enabled: true traces_dynamic_index: enabled: true # Enable in order to skip the SSL certificate Check # tls: # insecure_skip_verify: true mapping: mode: otel elasticsearch/ecs: endpoints: - ${env:ELASTIC_ENDPOINT} api_key: ${env:ELASTIC_API_KEY} mapping: mode: ecs service: pipelines: metrics: receivers: [otlp] exporters: [routing] metrics/infra/ecs: receivers: [routing] processors: - elasticinframetrics - attributes/dataset - resource/process - batch exporters: [debug, elasticsearch/ecs] metrics/otel: receivers: [routing] processors: [batch] exporters: [debug, elasticsearch/otel] logs: receivers: [otlp] processors: [batch] exporters: [debug, signaltometrics, elasticsearch/otel] traces: receivers: [otlp] processors: [batch, elastictrace] exporters: [debug, signaltometrics, elasticsearch/otel] metrics/aggregated-otel-metrics: receivers: - signaltometrics processors: - batch/aggs - lsminterval exporters: - debug - elasticsearch/otel # For more details on OpenTelemetry's zero-code instrumentation, see: # https://opentelemetry.io/docs/concepts/instrumentation/zero-code/ instrumentation: name: elastic-instrumentation enabled: true # Enable/disable auto-instrumentation. exporter: endpoint: http://opentelemetry-kube-stack-daemon-collector.opentelemetry-operator-system.svc.cluster.local:4318 # The daemonset OpenTelemetry Collector endpoint where telemetry data will be exported. propagators: - tracecontext # W3C TraceContext propagator for distributed tracing. - baggage # Baggage propagator to include baggage information in trace context. - b3 # B3 propagator for Zipkin-based distributed tracing compatibility. sampler: type: parentbased_traceidratio # Sampler type argument: "1.0" # Sampling rate set to 100% (all traces are sampled). java: image: docker.elastic.co/observability/elastic-otel-javaagent:1.0.0 nodejs: image: docker.elastic.co/observability/elastic-otel-node:0.4.1 dotnet: image: docker.elastic.co/observability/elastic-otel-dotnet:edge python: image: docker.elastic.co/observability/elastic-otel-python:0.3.0 go: image: ghcr.io/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go-instrumentation/autoinstrumentation-go:v0.14.0-alpha