[[release-notes-8.17.0]] == {es} version 8.17.0 coming[8.17.0] Also see <>. [[bug-8.17.0]] [float] === Bug fixes Analysis:: * Adjust analyze limit exception to be a `bad_request` {es-pull}116325[#116325] CCS:: * Fix long metric deserialize & add - auto-resize needs to be set manually {es-pull}117105[#117105] (issue: {es-issue}116914[#116914]) CRUD:: * Standardize error code when bulk body is invalid {es-pull}114869[#114869] Data streams:: * Acquire stats searcher for data stream stats {es-pull}117953[#117953] EQL:: * Don't use a `BytesStreamOutput` to copy keys in `BytesRefBlockHash` {es-pull}114819[#114819] (issue: {es-issue}114599[#114599]) ES|QL:: * Added stricter range type checks and runtime warnings for ENRICH {es-pull}115091[#115091] (issues: {es-issue}107357[#107357], {es-issue}116799[#116799]) * Don't return TEXT type for functions that take TEXT {es-pull}114334[#114334] (issues: {es-issue}111537[#111537], {es-issue}114333[#114333]) * ESQL: Fix sorts containing `_source` {es-pull}116980[#116980] (issue: {es-issue}116659[#116659]) * ES|QL: Fix stats by constant expression {es-pull}114899[#114899] * Fix BWC for ES|QL cluster request {es-pull}117865[#117865] * Fix CCS exchange when multi cluster aliases point to same cluster {es-pull}117297[#117297] * Fix COUNT filter pushdown {es-pull}117503[#117503] (issue: {es-issue}115522[#115522]) * Fix NPE in `EnrichLookupService` on mixed clusters with <8.14 versions {es-pull}116583[#116583] (issues: {es-issue}116529[#116529], {es-issue}116544[#116544]) * Fix stats by constant expresson with alias {es-pull}117551[#117551] * Fix validation of SORT by aggregate functions {es-pull}117316[#117316] * Fixing remote ENRICH by pushing the Enrich inside `FragmentExec` {es-pull}114665[#114665] (issue: {es-issue}105095[#105095]) * Ignore cancellation exceptions {es-pull}117657[#117657] * Limit size of `Literal#toString` {es-pull}117842[#117842] * Use `SearchStats` instead of field.isAggregatable in data node planning {es-pull}115744[#115744] (issue: {es-issue}115737[#115737]) * [ESQL] Fix Binary Comparisons on Date Nanos {es-pull}116346[#116346] * [ES|QL] To_DatePeriod and To_TimeDuration return better error messages on `union_type` fields {es-pull}114934[#114934] Infra/CLI:: * Fix NPE on plugin sync {es-pull}115640[#115640] (issue: {es-issue}114818[#114818]) Ingest Node:: * Fix enrich cache size setting name {es-pull}117575[#117575] * Fix reconstituting version string from components {es-pull}117213[#117213] (issue: {es-issue}116950[#116950]) * Reducing error-level stack trace logging for normal events in `GeoIpDownloader` {es-pull}114924[#114924] License:: * Distinguish `LicensedFeature` by family field {es-pull}116809[#116809] Logs:: * Prohibit changes to index mode, source, and sort settings during resize {es-pull}115812[#115812] Machine Learning:: * Fix deberta tokenizer bug caused by bug in normalizer {es-pull}117189[#117189] * Fix for Deberta tokenizer when input sequence exceeds 512 tokens {es-pull}117595[#117595] * Hides `hugging_face_elser` service from the `GET _inference/_services API` {es-pull}116664[#116664] (issue: {es-issue}116644[#116644]) * Mitigate IOSession timeouts {es-pull}115414[#115414] (issues: {es-issue}114385[#114385], {es-issue}114327[#114327], {es-issue}114105[#114105], {es-issue}114232[#114232]) * Propagate scoring function through random sampler {es-pull}116957[#116957] (issue: {es-issue}110134[#110134]) * Wait for the worker service to shutdown before closing task processor {es-pull}117920[#117920] (issue: {es-issue}117563[#117563]) Mapping:: * Address mapping and compute engine runtime field issues {es-pull}117792[#117792] (issue: {es-issue}117644[#117644]) * Always Emit Inference ID in Semantic Text Mapping {es-pull}117294[#117294] * Fix false positive date detection with trailing dot {es-pull}116953[#116953] (issue: {es-issue}116946[#116946]) * Parse the contents of dynamic objects for [subobjects:false] {es-pull}117762[#117762] (issue: {es-issue}117544[#117544]) Network:: * Use underlying `ByteBuf` `refCount` for `ReleasableBytesReference` {es-pull}116211[#116211] Ranking:: * Fix for propagating filters from compound to inner retrievers {es-pull}117914[#117914] Search:: * Add missing `async_search` query parameters to rest-api-spec {es-pull}117312[#117312] * Don't skip shards in coord rewrite if timestamp is an alias {es-pull}117271[#117271] * Fields caps does not honour ignore_unavailable {es-pull}116021[#116021] (issue: {es-issue}107767[#107767]) * _validate does not honour ignore_unavailable {es-pull}116656[#116656] (issue: {es-issue}116594[#116594]) Vector Search:: * Correct bit * byte and bit * float script comparisons {es-pull}117404[#117404] Watcher:: * Watch Next Run Interval Resets On Shard Move or Node Restart {es-pull}115102[#115102] (issue: {es-issue}111433[#111433]) [[deprecation-8.17.0]] [float] === Deprecations Infra/REST API:: * Add a basic deprecation warning that the JSON format for non-detailed error responses is changing in v9 {es-pull}114739[#114739] (issue: {es-issue}89387[#89387]) Mapping:: * Deprecate `_source.mode` in mappings {es-pull}116689[#116689] [[enhancement-8.17.0]] [float] === Enhancements Authorization:: * Add a `monitor_stats` privilege and allow that privilege for remote cluster privileges {es-pull}114964[#114964] Data streams:: * Adding a deprecation info API warning for data streams with old indices {es-pull}116447[#116447] ES|QL:: * Add ES|QL `bit_length` function {es-pull}115792[#115792] * ESQL: Honor skip_unavailable setting for nonmatching indices errors at planning time {es-pull}116348[#116348] (issue: {es-issue}114531[#114531]) * ESQL: Remove parent from `FieldAttribute` {es-pull}112881[#112881] * ESQL: extract common filter from aggs {es-pull}115678[#115678] * ESQL: optimise aggregations filtered by false/null into evals {es-pull}115858[#115858] * ES|QL CCS uses `skip_unavailable` setting for handling disconnected remote clusters {es-pull}115266[#115266] (issue: {es-issue}114531[#114531]) * ES|QL: add metrics for functions {es-pull}114620[#114620] * Esql Enable Date Nanos (tech preview) {es-pull}117080[#117080] * [ES|QL] Implicit casting string literal to intervals {es-pull}115814[#115814] (issue: {es-issue}115352[#115352]) Indices APIs:: * Ensure class resource stream is closed in `ResourceUtils` {es-pull}116437[#116437] Inference:: * [8.17] Add version prefix to Inference Service API path {es-pull}117366[#117366] Infra/Core:: * Support for unsigned 64 bit numbers in Cpu stats {es-pull}114681[#114681] (issue: {es-issue}112274[#112274]) Ingest Node:: * Adding support for additional mapping to simulate ingest API {es-pull}114742[#114742] * Adding support for simulate ingest mapping adddition for indices with mappings that do not come from templates {es-pull}115359[#115359] Logs:: * Add logsdb telemetry {es-pull}115994[#115994] * Add num docs and size to logsdb telemetry {es-pull}116128[#116128] * Feature: re-structure document ID generation favoring _id inverted index compression {es-pull}104683[#104683] Machine Learning:: * Add special case for elastic reranker in inference API {es-pull}116962[#116962] * Adding inference endpoint validation for `AzureAiStudioService` {es-pull}113713[#113713] * Adds support for `input_type` field to Vertex inference service {es-pull}116431[#116431] * Enable built-in Inference Endpoints and default for Semantic Text {es-pull}116931[#116931] * Increase default `queue_capacity` to 10_000 and decrease max `queue_capacity` to 100_000 {es-pull}115041[#115041] * [Inference API] Add API to get configuration of inference services {es-pull}114862[#114862] * [Inference API] Improve chunked results error message {es-pull}115807[#115807] Recovery:: * Attempt to clean up index before remote transfer {es-pull}115142[#115142] (issue: {es-issue}104473[#104473]) Relevance:: * Add query rules retriever {es-pull}114855[#114855] Search:: * Add Search Phase APM metrics {es-pull}113194[#113194] * Add `docvalue_fields` Support for `dense_vector` Fields {es-pull}114484[#114484] (issue: {es-issue}108470[#108470]) * Add initial support for `semantic_text` field type {es-pull}113920[#113920] * Adds access to flags no_sub_matches and no_overlapping_matches to hyphenation-decompounder-tokenfilter {es-pull}115459[#115459] (issue: {es-issue}97849[#97849]) * Better sizing `BytesRef` for Strings in Queries {es-pull}115655[#115655] * Enable `_tier` based coordinator rewrites for all indices (not just mounted indices) {es-pull}115797[#115797] Vector Search:: * Add support for bitwise inner-product in painless {es-pull}116082[#116082] * Improve halfbyte transposition performance, marginally improving bbq performance {es-pull}117350[#117350] [[feature-8.17.0]] [float] === New features Data streams:: * Add default ILM policies and switch to ILM for apm-data plugin {es-pull}115687[#115687] ES|QL:: * Add support for `BYTE_LENGTH` scalar function {es-pull}116591[#116591] * Esql/lookup join grammar {es-pull}116515[#116515] * Remove snapshot build restriction for match and qstr functions {es-pull}114482[#114482] Search:: * ESQL - Add match operator (:) {es-pull}116819[#116819] [[upgrade-8.17.0]] [float] === Upgrades Security:: * Upgrade Bouncy Castle FIPS dependencies {es-pull}112989[#112989]