require 'etc' require 'fileutils' require 'optparse' require 'shellwords' module Puppet Type.newtype(:logadm) do newparam(:name) do desc "The name of the logadm entry. If no pattern is defined, this will be used by default. " isnamevar end newparam(:pattern) do desc "The pattern to search for for log rotation" end def log_file self[:pattern] || self[:name] end newparam(:conf_file) do desc "Use this config file to track the logadm entry's. This defaults to /etc/logadm.conf " defaultto { "/etc/logadm.conf" } end # Autorequire the logadm.conf file itself. autorequire(:file) do self[:conf_file] end newparam(:post_command) do desc "Execute the post command after renaming the log file. This is synonymous with logadm's -a option. " end newparam(:age) do desc "Delete any versions that have not been modified for the amount of time specified by age. This is synonymous with logadm's -A option. " end newparam(:pre_command) do desc "Execute pre_command before renaming the log file. This is synonymous with logadm's -b option. " end newparam(:copy_truncate) do desc "Rotate the log file by copying it and truncating the original logfile to zero length, rather than renaming the file. This is synonymous with logadm's -c option. " newvalues(:true, :false) end newparam(:count) do desc "Delete the oldest versions until there are not more than count files left. This is synonymous with logadm's -C option. " validate do |value| unless value.match(/^\d+$/) raise ArgumentError, "Count must be numeric" end end end newparam(:mail) do desc "Send error messages by email to email address. This is synonymous with logadm's -e option. " end newparam(:expire_command) do desc "Execute expire_command to expire the file, rather than deleting the old log file to expire it. This is synonymous with logadm's -E option. " end newparam(:group) do desc "Create new empty file with the ID specified by group, instead of preserving the group ID of the log file. This is synonymous with logadm's -g option. " validate do |value| begin Etc.getgrnam(value) rescue ArgumentError raise ArgumentError, "Group must be a valid UNIX group." end end end newparam(:mode) do desc "Create a new empty file with the mode specified by mode, instead of preserving the mode of the log file. This is synonymous with logadm's -m option. " end newparam(:move_command) do desc 'Execute move_command to rename the move the file, rather than by using the default command "mv $file $nfile". Accepts the keywords $file and $nfile. This is synonymous with logadm\'s -M option." ' end newparam(:noop) do desc "Have logadm print the actions it would take instead of performing them. This is synonymous with logadm's -n option. Please note that this noop is for logadm, not for puppet. Designating noop as true will cause puppet to take action to cause the -n option to be placed in the hosts /etc/logadm.conf file. " newvalues(:true, :false) end newparam(:ignore_missing) do desc "Prevent an error message if the specified logfile does not exist. This is synonymous with logadm's -N option. " newvalues(:true, :false) end newparam(:owner) do desc "Create new empty file with owner instead of preserving the owner of the log file. This is synonymous with logadm's -o option. " validate do |value| begin Etc.getpwnam(value) rescue ArgumentError raise ArgumentError, "Owner must be a valid UNIX user." end end end newparam(:period) do desc "Rotate the log file after the specified time period. This is synonymous with logadm's -p option. " end newparam(:run_on_rotate) do desc "Run the cmd when an old log file is created by a log rotation. This is synonymous with logadm's -R option. " end newparam(:size) do desc "Rotate the log file only if its size is greater than or equal to size. This is synonymous with logadm's -s option. " end newparam(:max_size) do desc "Delete the oldest versions until the total disk space used by the old log files is less than the specified size. This is synonymous with logadm's -S option. " end newparam(:template) do desc "Specify the template to use when renaming log files. This is synonymous with logadm's -t option. " end newparam(:old_template) do desc "Specify a different template to use when rotating old log files. This is synonymous with logadm's -T option. " end newparam(:compress_count) do desc "Compress old log files as they are created. Count of the most recent log files are left uncompressed for easy access. Use a count of 0 to compress all old logs. This is synonymous with logadm's -z option. " validate do |value| unless value.match(/^\d+$/) raise ArgumentError, "Compress count must be numeric" end end end newparam(:comment) do desc "Add a comment to logadm.conf explaining the purpose of this entry" end attr_accessor :bucket # Returns a string of the appropriate line to add to # logadm.conf for this resource. def serialized_entry options = [] options << "-a '#{self[:post_command]}'" if self[:post_command] options << "-A #{self[:age]}" if self[:age] options << "-b '#{self[:pre_command]}'" if self[:pre_command] options << "-c" if self[:copy_truncate] options << "-C #{self[:count]}" if self[:count] options << "-e #{self[:mail]}" if self[:mail] options << "-E '#{self[:expire_command]}'" if self[:expire_command] options << "-g #{self[:group]}" if self[:group] options << "-m #{self[:mode]}" if self[:mode] options << "-M '#{self[:move_command]}'" if self[:move_command] options << "-n" if self[:noop] options << "-N" if self[:ignore_missing] options << "-o #{self[:owner]}" if self[:owner] options << "-p #{self[:period]}" if self[:period] options << "-R '#{self[:run_on_rotate]}'" if self[:run_on_rotate] options << "-s #{self[:size]}" if self[:size] options << "-S #{self[:max_size]}" if self[:max_size] options << "-t #{self[:template]}" if self[:template] options << "-T #{self[:old_template]}" if self[:old_template] options << "-z #{self[:compress_count]}" if self[:compress_count] if self[:pattern] "#{self[:name]} #{options.join(' ')} #{self[:pattern]}" else "#{self[:name]} #{options.join(' ')}" end end def parse_options(options) o = {} local_options = options.shellsplit[1..-1] opts = do |opts| opts.on('-a STRING') { |s| o[:post_command] = s } opts.on('-A STRING') { |s| o[:age] = s } opts.on('-b STRING') { |s| o[:pre_command] = s } opts.on('-c') { |s| o[:copy_truncate] = s } opts.on('-C STRING') { |s| o[:count] = s } opts.on('-e STRING') { |s| o[:mail] = s } opts.on('-E STRING') { |s| o[:expire_command] = s } opts.on('-g STRING') { |s| o[:group] = s } opts.on('-m STRING') { |s| o[:mode] = s } opts.on('-M STRING') { |s| o[:move_command] = s } opts.on('-n') { |s| o[:noop] = s } opts.on('-N') { |s| o[:ignore_missing] = s } opts.on('-o STRING') { |s| o[:owner] = s } opts.on('-p STRING') { |s| o[:period] = s } opts.on('-R STRING') { |s| o[:run_on_rotate] = s } opts.on('-s STRING') { |s| o[:size] = s } opts.on('-S STRING') { |s| o[:max_size] = s } opts.on('-t STRING') { |s| o[:template] = s } opts.on('-T STRING') { |s| o[:old_template] = s } opts.on('-z STRING') { |s| o[:compress_count] = s } opts.on('-P STRING') { |s| nil } end #local_options will only hold the leftovers which may include #a pattern. opts.parse!(local_options) return [o, local_options] end # Remove this resource from the logadm.conf file. def remove_entry tmpfile ='puppet-logadm')[:conf_file]).each_line do |line| # Skip the line implementing the entry itself unless line.match(/#{self[:name]}\s/) # Skip the formatted comment for the entry unless line.match(/^#.* puppet\(logadm\["#{self[:name]}"\]\)\s*$/) tmpfile.puts line end end end tmpfile.close FileUtils.copy(tmpfile.path, self[:conf_file]) tmpfile.unlink end # Add this resource to the logadm.conf file. def add_entry[:conf_file], 'a') do |file| file.puts comment file.puts serialized_entry end end def comment if self[:comment] "# #{self[:comment]} - puppet(logadm[\"#{self[:name]}\"])" else "# puppet(logadm[\"#{self[:name]}\"])" end end # Return the line from the logadm.conf file which matches this resource # if one exists. Otherwise, return nil. def entry_on_disk if @entry_on_disk @entry_on_disk else if File.exist?(self[:conf_file]) line =[:conf_file]).detect do |line| line.match(/^#{self[:name]}\s/) end if line @entry_on_disk = line.chomp else nil end else nil end end end # We have to do some extra finishing, to retrieve our bucket if # there is one. # Validates the current logadm.conf file. If it's invalid, # restore's the backup def validate_entry if File.exist?('/usr/sbin/logadm') valid = Kernel.system("/usr/sbin/logadm -f #{self[:conf_file]} -V #{self[:name]} > /dev/null 2>&1") if !valid self.err "Restoring previous #{self[:conf_file]}. Requested entry is invalid." restore end else self.notice "Unable to validate, /usr/sbin/logadm unavailable" end end # returns whether a given entry matches this resource completely def entry_is_correct? if entry_on_disk parse_options(entry_on_disk) == parse_options(serialized_entry) else false end end def exists? case self[:ensure] when :present entry_is_correct? when :absent !entry_on_disk.nil? end end ensurable do desc "Ensure that an entry is present, or that it is absent. " newvalue(:present) do if @resource.entry_on_disk if !@resource.entry_is_correct? @resource.remove_entry @resource.add_entry @resource.validate_entry end else @resource.add_entry @resource.validate_entry end end newvalue(:absent) do if @resource.entry_on_disk @resource.remove_entry end end defaultto :present end end end