# Contribution Guidelines These guidelines exist to ensure clean code practices are maintained whilst still having a lot of fun (since this project is for the [Moralis/Google Hackathon][0] 🤓). - Generally, except for cases where absolutely needed, all additions/deletions from this project would be done via PRs which does not ideally require approval but would be nice if it was. - Ideally, contribution is access based and only [members of the team][1] have the **exclusive rights** to merge PRs without fail. Non-members would require at least 1 approval from a [team member][1] to contribute to this repo. - Ensure `husky` is properly installed and working - Ideally, All branch names should follow a general pattern `[type]/[descriptive-name]`. - Ideally, All commits should also follow this pattern `[type]([scope]): [some action taken]`. - Ideally, PR titles should also follow a similar pattern `[type]([scope]): [some descriptive action]`. - The accepted branch/commits/pr types include: - `feat`: features additions - `fix`: bug fixes - `chore`: non-functional code changes - `docs`: addition/deletion/update of documentation - Avoid unnecessarily long PRs/Branch names while being as descriptive as possible. > May the **Code** be with you 🙏 [0]: https://moralis.io/google-hackathon/ [1]: ./TEAM.md