// Copyrights(c) 2017-2021, The Electroneum Project // Copyrights(c) 2014-2019, The Monero Project // // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are // permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of // conditions and the following disclaimer. // // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list // of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other // materials provided with the distribution. // // 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be // used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific // prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL // THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, // PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, // STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF // THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Parts of this file are originally copyright (c) 2012-2013 The Cryptonote developers #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "include_base_utils.h" #include using namespace epee; #include "cryptonote_config.h" #include "wallet2.h" #include "cryptonote_basic/cryptonote_format_utils.h" #include "rpc/core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h" #include "misc_language.h" #include "cryptonote_basic/cryptonote_basic_impl.h" #include "multisig/multisig.h" #include "common/boost_serialization_helper.h" #include "common/command_line.h" #include "common/threadpool.h" #include "profile_tools.h" #include "crypto/crypto.h" #include "serialization/binary_utils.h" #include "serialization/string.h" #include "cryptonote_basic/blobdatatype.h" #include "mnemonics/electrum-words.h" #include "common/i18n.h" #include "common/util.h" #include "common/apply_permutation.h" #include "rapidjson/document.h" #include "rapidjson/writer.h" #include "rapidjson/stringbuffer.h" #include "common/json_util.h" #include "memwipe.h" #include "common/base58.h" #include "common/combinator.h" #include "common/dns_utils.h" #include "common/notify.h" #include "common/perf_timer.h" #include "ringct/rctSigs.h" #include "ringdb.h" #include "device/device_cold.hpp" #include "device_trezor/device_trezor.hpp" #include "net/socks_connect.h" extern "C" { #include "crypto/keccak.h" #include "crypto/crypto-ops.h" } using namespace std; using namespace crypto; using namespace cryptonote; #undef ELECTRONEUM_DEFAULT_LOG_CATEGORY #define ELECTRONEUM_DEFAULT_LOG_CATEGORY "wallet.wallet2" // used to choose when to stop adding outputs to a tx #define APPROXIMATE_INPUT_BYTES 80 // used to target a given block weight (additional outputs may be added on top to build fee) #define TX_WEIGHT_TARGET(bytes) (bytes*2/3) // arbitrary, used to generate different hashes from the same input #define CHACHA8_KEY_TAIL 0x8c #define CACHE_KEY_TAIL 0x8d // Magic number 004 means these payloads are encrypted. #define UNSIGNED_TX_PREFIX "Electroneum unsigned tx set\004" #define SIGNED_TX_PREFIX "Electroneum signed tx set\004" #define MULTISIG_UNSIGNED_TX_PREFIX "Electroneum multisig unsigned tx set\001" #define RECENT_OUTPUT_RATIO (0.5) // 50% of outputs are from the recent zone #define RECENT_OUTPUT_DAYS (1.8) // last 1.8 day makes up the recent zone (taken from electroneumlink.pdf, Miller et al) #define RECENT_OUTPUT_ZONE ((time_t)(RECENT_OUTPUT_DAYS * 86400)) #define RECENT_OUTPUT_BLOCKS (RECENT_OUTPUT_DAYS * 720) #define FEE_ESTIMATE_GRACE_BLOCKS 10 // estimate fee valid for that many blocks #define SECOND_OUTPUT_RELATEDNESS_THRESHOLD 0.0f #define SUBADDRESS_LOOKAHEAD_MAJOR 50 #define SUBADDRESS_LOOKAHEAD_MINOR 200 #define KEY_IMAGE_EXPORT_FILE_MAGIC "Electroneum key image export\002" #define MULTISIG_EXPORT_FILE_MAGIC "Electroneum multisig export\001" #define SEGREGATION_FORK_HEIGHT 99999999 #define TESTNET_SEGREGATION_FORK_HEIGHT 99999999 #define STAGENET_SEGREGATION_FORK_HEIGHT 99999999 #define SEGREGATION_FORK_VICINITY 1500 /* blocks */ #define FIRST_REFRESH_GRANULARITY 1024 #define GAMMA_SHAPE 19.28 #define GAMMA_SCALE (1/1.61) #define DEFAULT_MIN_OUTPUT_COUNT 5 #define DEFAULT_MIN_OUTPUT_VALUE (2*COIN) #define OUTPUT_EXPORT_FILE_MAGIC "Electroneum output export\003" static const std::string MULTISIG_SIGNATURE_MAGIC = "SigMultisigPkV1"; static const std::string MULTISIG_EXTRA_INFO_MAGIC = "MultisigxV1"; namespace { std::string get_default_ringdb_path() { boost::filesystem::path dir = tools::get_default_data_dir(); // remove .electroneum, replace with .shared-ringdb dir = dir.remove_filename(); dir /= ".shared-ringdb"; return dir.string(); } std::string pack_multisignature_keys(const std::string& prefix, const std::vector& keys, const crypto::secret_key& signer_secret_key) { std::string data; crypto::public_key signer; CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(crypto::secret_key_to_public_key(signer_secret_key, signer), "Failed to derive public spend key"); data += std::string((const char *)&signer, sizeof(crypto::public_key)); for (const auto &key: keys) { data += std::string((const char *)&key, sizeof(crypto::public_key)); } data.resize(data.size() + sizeof(crypto::signature)); crypto::hash hash; crypto::cn_fast_hash(data.data(), data.size() - sizeof(crypto::signature), hash); crypto::signature &signature = *(crypto::signature*)&data[data.size() - sizeof(crypto::signature)]; crypto::generate_signature(hash, signer, signer_secret_key, signature); return MULTISIG_EXTRA_INFO_MAGIC + tools::base58::encode(data); } std::vector secret_keys_to_public_keys(const std::vector& keys) { std::vector public_keys; public_keys.reserve(keys.size()); std::transform(keys.begin(), keys.end(), std::back_inserter(public_keys), [] (const crypto::secret_key& k) -> crypto::public_key { crypto::public_key p; CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(crypto::secret_key_to_public_key(k, p), "Failed to derive public spend key"); return p; }); return public_keys; } bool keys_intersect(const std::unordered_set& s1, const std::unordered_set& s2) { if (s1.empty() || s2.empty()) return false; for (const auto& e: s1) { if (s2.find(e) != s2.end()) return true; } return false; } void add_reason(std::string &reasons, const char *reason) { if (!reasons.empty()) reasons += ", "; reasons += reason; } std::string get_text_reason(const cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SEND_RAW_TX::response &res) { std::string reason; if (res.low_mixin) add_reason(reason, "bad ring size"); if (res.double_spend) add_reason(reason, "double spend"); if (res.invalid_input) add_reason(reason, "invalid input"); if (res.invalid_output) add_reason(reason, "invalid output"); if (res.too_big) add_reason(reason, "too big"); if (res.overspend) add_reason(reason, "overspend"); if (res.fee_too_low) add_reason(reason, "fee too low"); if (res.not_rct) add_reason(reason, "tx is not ringct"); if (res.sanity_check_failed) add_reason(reason, "tx sanity check failed"); if (res.not_relayed) add_reason(reason, "tx was not relayed"); return reason; } } namespace { // Create on-demand to prevent static initialization order fiasco issues. struct options { const command_line::arg_descriptor daemon_address = {"daemon-address", tools::wallet2::tr("Use daemon instance at :"), ""}; const command_line::arg_descriptor daemon_host = {"daemon-host", tools::wallet2::tr("Use daemon instance at host instead of localhost"), ""}; const command_line::arg_descriptor proxy = {"proxy", tools::wallet2::tr("[:] socks proxy to use for daemon connections"), {}, true}; const command_line::arg_descriptor trusted_daemon = {"trusted-daemon", tools::wallet2::tr("Enable commands which rely on a trusted daemon"), false}; const command_line::arg_descriptor untrusted_daemon = {"untrusted-daemon", tools::wallet2::tr("Disable commands which rely on a trusted daemon"), false}; const command_line::arg_descriptor password = {"password", tools::wallet2::tr("Wallet password (For a wallet without a password use \"\")"), "", true}; const command_line::arg_descriptor password_file = {"password-file", tools::wallet2::tr("Wallet password file"), "", true}; const command_line::arg_descriptor daemon_port = {"daemon-port", tools::wallet2::tr("Use daemon instance at port instead of 26968"), 0}; const command_line::arg_descriptor daemon_login = {"daemon-login", tools::wallet2::tr("Specify username[:password] for daemon RPC client"), "", true}; const command_line::arg_descriptor daemon_ssl = {"daemon-ssl", tools::wallet2::tr("Enable SSL on daemon RPC connections: enabled|disabled|autodetect"), "autodetect"}; const command_line::arg_descriptor daemon_ssl_private_key = {"daemon-ssl-private-key", tools::wallet2::tr("Path to a PEM format private key"), ""}; const command_line::arg_descriptor daemon_ssl_certificate = {"daemon-ssl-certificate", tools::wallet2::tr("Path to a PEM format certificate"), ""}; const command_line::arg_descriptor daemon_ssl_ca_certificates = {"daemon-ssl-ca-certificates", tools::wallet2::tr("Path to file containing concatenated PEM format certificate(s) to replace system CA(s).")}; const command_line::arg_descriptor> daemon_ssl_allowed_fingerprints = {"daemon-ssl-allowed-fingerprints", tools::wallet2::tr("List of valid fingerprints of allowed RPC servers")}; const command_line::arg_descriptor daemon_ssl_allow_any_cert = {"daemon-ssl-allow-any-cert", tools::wallet2::tr("Allow any SSL certificate from the daemon"), false}; const command_line::arg_descriptor daemon_ssl_allow_chained = {"daemon-ssl-allow-chained", tools::wallet2::tr("Allow user (via --daemon-ssl-ca-certificates) chain certificates"), false}; const command_line::arg_descriptor testnet = {"testnet", tools::wallet2::tr("For testnet. Daemon must also be launched with --testnet flag"), false}; const command_line::arg_descriptor stagenet = {"stagenet", tools::wallet2::tr("For stagenet. Daemon must also be launched with --stagenet flag"), false}; const command_line::arg_descriptor fallback_to_pow_checkpoint_height = {"fallback-to-pow-checkpoint-height", tools::wallet2::tr("Warning: This is to set the height for a custom checkpoint in the event of PoW fallback. Do not use in normal circumstances. See docs for details "), 0, false}; const command_line::arg_descriptor fallback_to_pow_checkpoint_hash = {"fallback-to-pow-checkpoint-hash", tools::wallet2::tr("Warning: This is to set the hash for a custom checkpoint in the event of PoW fallback. Do not use in normal circumstances. See docs for details "), "", false}; const command_line::arg_descriptor shared_ringdb_dir = { "shared-ringdb-dir", tools::wallet2::tr("Set shared ring database path"), get_default_ringdb_path(), {{ &testnet, &stagenet }}, [](std::array testnet_stagenet, bool defaulted, std::string val)->std::string { if (testnet_stagenet[0]) return (boost::filesystem::path(val) / "testnet").string(); else if (testnet_stagenet[1]) return (boost::filesystem::path(val) / "stagenet").string(); return val; } }; const command_line::arg_descriptor kdf_rounds = {"kdf-rounds", tools::wallet2::tr("Number of rounds for the key derivation function"), 1}; const command_line::arg_descriptor hw_device = {"hw-device", tools::wallet2::tr("HW device to use"), ""}; const command_line::arg_descriptor hw_device_derivation_path = {"hw-device-deriv-path", tools::wallet2::tr("HW device wallet derivation path (e.g., SLIP-10)"), ""}; const command_line::arg_descriptor tx_notify = { "tx-notify" , "Run a program for each new incoming transaction, '%s' will be replaced by the transaction hash" , "" }; const command_line::arg_descriptor no_dns = {"no-dns", tools::wallet2::tr("Do not use DNS"), false}; const command_line::arg_descriptor offline = {"offline", tools::wallet2::tr("Do not connect to a daemon, nor use DNS"), false}; const command_line::arg_descriptor restricted = {"restricted-rpc", tools::wallet2::tr("Restricts to view-only commands"), false}; const command_line::arg_descriptor data_dir = {"data-dir", tools::wallet2::tr("Path to blockchain db"), ""}; }; void do_prepare_file_names(const std::string& file_path, std::string& keys_file, std::string& wallet_file, std::string &mms_file) { keys_file = file_path; wallet_file = file_path; boost::system::error_code e; if(string_tools::get_extension(keys_file) == "keys") {//provided keys file name wallet_file = string_tools::cut_off_extension(wallet_file); }else {//provided wallet file name keys_file += ".keys"; } mms_file = file_path + ".mms"; } uint64_t calculate_fee(uint64_t fee_per_kb, size_t bytes, uint64_t fee_multiplier) { uint64_t kB = (bytes + 1023) / 1024; return kB * fee_per_kb * fee_multiplier; } uint64_t calculate_fee_from_weight(uint64_t base_fee, uint64_t weight, uint64_t fee_multiplier, uint64_t fee_quantization_mask) { uint64_t fee = weight * base_fee * fee_multiplier; fee = (fee + fee_quantization_mask - 1) / fee_quantization_mask * fee_quantization_mask; return fee; } std::string get_weight_string(size_t weight) { return std::to_string(weight) + " weight"; } std::string get_weight_string(const cryptonote::transaction &tx, size_t blob_size) { return get_weight_string(get_transaction_weight(tx, blob_size)); } std::unique_ptr make_basic(const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm, bool unattended, const options& opts, const std::function(const char *, bool)> &password_prompter) { namespace ip = boost::asio::ip; const bool testnet = command_line::get_arg(vm, opts.testnet); const bool stagenet = command_line::get_arg(vm, opts.stagenet); const network_type nettype = testnet ? TESTNET : stagenet ? STAGENET : MAINNET; const uint64_t kdf_rounds = command_line::get_arg(vm, opts.kdf_rounds); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(kdf_rounds == 0, tools::error::wallet_internal_error, "KDF rounds must not be 0"); const bool use_proxy = command_line::has_arg(vm, opts.proxy); auto daemon_address = command_line::get_arg(vm, opts.daemon_address); auto daemon_host = command_line::get_arg(vm, opts.daemon_host); auto daemon_port = command_line::get_arg(vm, opts.daemon_port); auto device_name = command_line::get_arg(vm, opts.hw_device); auto device_derivation_path = command_line::get_arg(vm, opts.hw_device_derivation_path); auto daemon_ssl_private_key = command_line::get_arg(vm, opts.daemon_ssl_private_key); auto daemon_ssl_certificate = command_line::get_arg(vm, opts.daemon_ssl_certificate); auto daemon_ssl_ca_file = command_line::get_arg(vm, opts.daemon_ssl_ca_certificates); auto daemon_ssl_allowed_fingerprints = command_line::get_arg(vm, opts.daemon_ssl_allowed_fingerprints); auto daemon_ssl_allow_any_cert = command_line::get_arg(vm, opts.daemon_ssl_allow_any_cert); auto daemon_ssl = command_line::get_arg(vm, opts.daemon_ssl); auto fallback_to_pow_checkpoint_height = command_line::get_arg(vm, opts.fallback_to_pow_checkpoint_height); auto fallback_to_pow_checkpoint_hash = command_line::get_arg(vm, opts.fallback_to_pow_checkpoint_hash); // user specified CA file or fingeprints implies enabled SSL by default epee::net_utils::ssl_options_t ssl_options = epee::net_utils::ssl_support_t::e_ssl_support_enabled; if (command_line::get_arg(vm, opts.daemon_ssl_allow_any_cert)) ssl_options.verification = epee::net_utils::ssl_verification_t::none; else if (!daemon_ssl_ca_file.empty() || !daemon_ssl_allowed_fingerprints.empty()) { std::vector> ssl_allowed_fingerprints{ daemon_ssl_allowed_fingerprints.size() }; std::transform(daemon_ssl_allowed_fingerprints.begin(), daemon_ssl_allowed_fingerprints.end(), ssl_allowed_fingerprints.begin(), epee::from_hex::vector); for (const auto &fpr: ssl_allowed_fingerprints) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(fpr.size() != SSL_FINGERPRINT_SIZE, tools::error::wallet_internal_error, "SHA-256 fingerprint should be " BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(SSL_FINGERPRINT_SIZE) " bytes long."); } ssl_options = epee::net_utils::ssl_options_t{ std::move(ssl_allowed_fingerprints), std::move(daemon_ssl_ca_file) }; if (command_line::get_arg(vm, opts.daemon_ssl_allow_chained)) ssl_options.verification = epee::net_utils::ssl_verification_t::user_ca; } auto data_dir = command_line::get_arg(vm, opts.data_dir); if (ssl_options.verification != epee::net_utils::ssl_verification_t::user_certificates || !command_line::is_arg_defaulted(vm, opts.daemon_ssl)) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!epee::net_utils::ssl_support_from_string(ssl_options.support, daemon_ssl), tools::error::wallet_internal_error, tools::wallet2::tr("Invalid argument for ") + std::string(opts.daemon_ssl.name)); } ssl_options.auth = epee::net_utils::ssl_authentication_t{ std::move(daemon_ssl_private_key), std::move(daemon_ssl_certificate) }; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!daemon_address.empty() && !daemon_host.empty() && 0 != daemon_port, tools::error::wallet_internal_error, tools::wallet2::tr("can't specify daemon host or port more than once")); boost::optional login{}; if (command_line::has_arg(vm, opts.daemon_login)) { auto parsed = tools::login::parse( command_line::get_arg(vm, opts.daemon_login), false, [password_prompter](bool verify) { return password_prompter("Daemon client password", verify); } ); if (!parsed) return nullptr; login.emplace(std::move(parsed->username), std::move(parsed->password).password()); } if (daemon_host.empty()) daemon_host = "localhost"; if (!daemon_port) { daemon_port = get_config(nettype).RPC_DEFAULT_PORT; } if (daemon_address.empty()) daemon_address = std::string("http://") + daemon_host + ":" + std::to_string(daemon_port); { const boost::string_ref real_daemon = boost::string_ref{daemon_address}.substr(0, daemon_address.rfind(':')); /* If SSL or proxy is enabled, then a specific cert, CA or fingerprint must be specified. This is specific to the wallet. */ const bool verification_required = ssl_options.verification != epee::net_utils::ssl_verification_t::none && (ssl_options.support == epee::net_utils::ssl_support_t::e_ssl_support_enabled || use_proxy); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF( verification_required && !ssl_options.has_strong_verification(real_daemon), tools::error::wallet_internal_error, tools::wallet2::tr("Enabling --") + std::string{use_proxy ? opts.proxy.name : opts.daemon_ssl.name} + tools::wallet2::tr(" requires --") + opts.daemon_ssl_ca_certificates.name + tools::wallet2::tr(" or --") + opts.daemon_ssl_allowed_fingerprints.name + tools::wallet2::tr(" or use of a .onion/.i2p domain") ); } boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint proxy{}; if (use_proxy) { namespace ip = boost::asio::ip; const auto proxy_address = command_line::get_arg(vm, opts.proxy); boost::string_ref proxy_port{proxy_address}; boost::string_ref proxy_host = proxy_port.substr(0, proxy_port.rfind(":")); if (proxy_port.size() == proxy_host.size()) proxy_host = ""; else proxy_port = proxy_port.substr(proxy_host.size() + 1); uint16_t port_value = 0; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF( !epee::string_tools::get_xtype_from_string(port_value, std::string{proxy_port}), tools::error::wallet_internal_error, std::string{"Invalid port specified for --"} + opts.proxy.name ); boost::system::error_code error{}; proxy = ip::tcp::endpoint{ip::address::from_string(std::string{proxy_host}, error), port_value}; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(bool(error), tools::error::wallet_internal_error, std::string{"Invalid IP address specified for --"} + opts.proxy.name); } boost::optional trusted_daemon; if (!command_line::is_arg_defaulted(vm, opts.trusted_daemon) || !command_line::is_arg_defaulted(vm, opts.untrusted_daemon)) trusted_daemon = command_line::get_arg(vm, opts.trusted_daemon) && !command_line::get_arg(vm, opts.untrusted_daemon); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!command_line::is_arg_defaulted(vm, opts.trusted_daemon) && !command_line::is_arg_defaulted(vm, opts.untrusted_daemon), tools::error::wallet_internal_error, tools::wallet2::tr("--trusted-daemon and --untrusted-daemon are both seen, assuming untrusted")); // set --trusted-daemon if local and not overridden if (!trusted_daemon) { try { trusted_daemon = false; if (tools::is_local_address(daemon_address)) { MINFO(tools::wallet2::tr("Daemon is local, assuming trusted")); trusted_daemon = true; } } catch (const std::exception &e) { } } std::unique_ptr wallet(new tools::wallet2(nettype, kdf_rounds, unattended)); wallet->init(std::move(daemon_address), std::move(login), std::move(proxy), 0, *trusted_daemon, std::move(ssl_options), std::move(data_dir)); // Add the pow-fallback checkpoint if necessary if(fallback_to_pow_checkpoint_hash != "" && fallback_to_pow_checkpoint_height != 0) { wallet->add_checkpoint(fallback_to_pow_checkpoint_height, fallback_to_pow_checkpoint_hash); } boost::filesystem::path ringdb_path = command_line::get_arg(vm, opts.shared_ringdb_dir); wallet->set_ring_database(ringdb_path.string()); wallet->get_message_store().set_options(vm); wallet->device_name(device_name); wallet->device_derivation_path(device_derivation_path); if (command_line::get_arg(vm, opts.no_dns)) wallet->enable_dns(false); if (command_line::get_arg(vm, opts.offline)) wallet->set_offline(); try { if (!command_line::is_arg_defaulted(vm, opts.tx_notify)) wallet->set_tx_notify(std::shared_ptr(new tools::Notify(command_line::get_arg(vm, opts.tx_notify).c_str()))); } catch (const std::exception &e) { MERROR("Failed to parse tx notify spec: " << e.what()); } return wallet; } boost::optional get_password(const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm, const options& opts, const std::function(const char*, bool)> &password_prompter, const bool verify) { if (command_line::has_arg(vm, opts.password) && command_line::has_arg(vm, opts.password_file)) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION(tools::error::wallet_internal_error, tools::wallet2::tr("can't specify more than one of --password and --password-file")); } if (command_line::has_arg(vm, opts.password)) { return tools::password_container{command_line::get_arg(vm, opts.password)}; } if (command_line::has_arg(vm, opts.password_file)) { std::string password; bool r = epee::file_io_utils::load_file_to_string(command_line::get_arg(vm, opts.password_file), password); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, tools::error::wallet_internal_error, tools::wallet2::tr("the password file specified could not be read")); // Remove line breaks the user might have inserted boost::trim_right_if(password, boost::is_any_of("\r\n")); return {tools::password_container{std::move(password)}}; } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!password_prompter, tools::error::wallet_internal_error, tools::wallet2::tr("no password specified; use --prompt-for-password to prompt for a password")); return password_prompter(verify ? tools::wallet2::tr("Enter a new password for the wallet") : tools::wallet2::tr("Wallet password"), verify); } std::pair, tools::password_container> generate_from_json(const std::string& json_file, const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm, bool unattended, const options& opts, const std::function(const char *, bool)> &password_prompter) { const bool testnet = command_line::get_arg(vm, opts.testnet); const bool stagenet = command_line::get_arg(vm, opts.stagenet); const network_type nettype = testnet ? TESTNET : stagenet ? STAGENET : MAINNET; /* GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR Is a generic macro that can return false. Gcc will coerce this into unique_ptr(nullptr), but clang correctly fails. This large wrapper is for the use of that macro */ std::unique_ptr wallet; epee::wipeable_string password; const auto do_generate = [&]() -> bool { std::string buf; if (!epee::file_io_utils::load_file_to_string(json_file, buf)) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION(tools::error::wallet_internal_error, std::string(tools::wallet2::tr("Failed to load file ")) + json_file); return false; } rapidjson::Document json; if (json.Parse(buf.c_str()).HasParseError()) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION(tools::error::wallet_internal_error, tools::wallet2::tr("Failed to parse JSON")); return false; } GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, version, unsigned, Uint, true, 0); const int current_version = 1; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(field_version > current_version, tools::error::wallet_internal_error, ((boost::format(tools::wallet2::tr("Version %u too new, we can only grok up to %u")) % field_version % current_version)).str()); GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, filename, std::string, String, true, std::string()); GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, scan_from_height, uint64_t, Uint64, false, 0); const bool recover = true; GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, password, std::string, String, false, std::string()); GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, viewkey, std::string, String, false, std::string()); crypto::secret_key viewkey; if (field_viewkey_found) { cryptonote::blobdata viewkey_data; if(!epee::string_tools::parse_hexstr_to_binbuff(field_viewkey, viewkey_data) || viewkey_data.size() != sizeof(crypto::secret_key)) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION(tools::error::wallet_internal_error, tools::wallet2::tr("failed to parse view key secret key")); } viewkey = *reinterpret_cast(viewkey_data.data()); crypto::public_key pkey; if (!crypto::secret_key_to_public_key(viewkey, pkey)) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION(tools::error::wallet_internal_error, tools::wallet2::tr("failed to verify view key secret key")); } } GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, spendkey, std::string, String, false, std::string()); crypto::secret_key spendkey; if (field_spendkey_found) { cryptonote::blobdata spendkey_data; if(!epee::string_tools::parse_hexstr_to_binbuff(field_spendkey, spendkey_data) || spendkey_data.size() != sizeof(crypto::secret_key)) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION(tools::error::wallet_internal_error, tools::wallet2::tr("failed to parse spend key secret key")); } spendkey = *reinterpret_cast(spendkey_data.data()); crypto::public_key pkey; if (!crypto::secret_key_to_public_key(spendkey, pkey)) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION(tools::error::wallet_internal_error, tools::wallet2::tr("failed to verify spend key secret key")); } } GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, seed, std::string, String, false, std::string()); std::string old_language; crypto::secret_key recovery_key; bool restore_deterministic_wallet = false; if (field_seed_found) { if (!crypto::ElectrumWords::words_to_bytes(field_seed, recovery_key, old_language)) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION(tools::error::wallet_internal_error, tools::wallet2::tr("Electrum-style word list failed verification")); } restore_deterministic_wallet = true; GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, seed_passphrase, std::string, String, false, std::string()); if (field_seed_passphrase_found) { if (!field_seed_passphrase.empty()) recovery_key = cryptonote::decrypt_key(recovery_key, field_seed_passphrase); } } GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, address, std::string, String, false, std::string()); GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, create_address_file, int, Int, false, false); bool create_address_file = field_create_address_file; // compatibility checks if (!field_seed_found && !field_viewkey_found && !field_spendkey_found) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION(tools::error::wallet_internal_error, tools::wallet2::tr("At least one of either an Electrum-style word list, private view key, or private spend key must be specified")); } if (field_seed_found && (field_viewkey_found || field_spendkey_found)) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION(tools::error::wallet_internal_error, tools::wallet2::tr("Both Electrum-style word list and private key(s) specified")); } // if an address was given, we check keys against it, and deduce the spend // public key if it was not given if (field_address_found) { cryptonote::address_parse_info info; if(!get_account_address_from_str(info, nettype, field_address)) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION(tools::error::wallet_internal_error, tools::wallet2::tr("invalid address")); } if (field_viewkey_found) { crypto::public_key pkey; if (!crypto::secret_key_to_public_key(viewkey, pkey)) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION(tools::error::wallet_internal_error, tools::wallet2::tr("failed to verify view key secret key")); } if (info.address.m_view_public_key != pkey) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION(tools::error::wallet_internal_error, tools::wallet2::tr("view key does not match standard address")); } } if (field_spendkey_found) { crypto::public_key pkey; if (!crypto::secret_key_to_public_key(spendkey, pkey)) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION(tools::error::wallet_internal_error, tools::wallet2::tr("failed to verify spend key secret key")); } if (info.address.m_spend_public_key != pkey) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION(tools::error::wallet_internal_error, tools::wallet2::tr("spend key does not match standard address")); } } } const bool deprecated_wallet = restore_deterministic_wallet && ((old_language == crypto::ElectrumWords::old_language_name) || crypto::ElectrumWords::get_is_old_style_seed(field_seed)); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(deprecated_wallet, tools::error::wallet_internal_error, tools::wallet2::tr("Cannot generate deprecated wallets from JSON")); wallet.reset(make_basic(vm, unattended, opts, password_prompter).release()); wallet->set_refresh_from_block_height(field_scan_from_height); wallet->explicit_refresh_from_block_height(field_scan_from_height_found); if (!old_language.empty()) wallet->set_seed_language(old_language); try { if (!field_seed.empty()) { wallet->generate(field_filename, field_password, recovery_key, recover, false, create_address_file); password = field_password; } else if (field_viewkey.empty() && !field_spendkey.empty()) { wallet->generate(field_filename, field_password, spendkey, recover, false, create_address_file); password = field_password; } else { cryptonote::account_public_address address; if (!crypto::secret_key_to_public_key(viewkey, address.m_view_public_key)) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION(tools::error::wallet_internal_error, tools::wallet2::tr("failed to verify view key secret key")); } if (field_spendkey.empty()) { // if we have an address but no spend key, we can deduce the spend public key // from the address if (field_address_found) { cryptonote::address_parse_info info; if(!get_account_address_from_str(info, nettype, field_address)) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION(tools::error::wallet_internal_error, std::string(tools::wallet2::tr("failed to parse address: ")) + field_address); } address.m_spend_public_key = info.address.m_spend_public_key; } else { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION(tools::error::wallet_internal_error, tools::wallet2::tr("Address must be specified in order to create watch-only wallet")); } wallet->generate(field_filename, field_password, address, viewkey, create_address_file); password = field_password; } else { if (!crypto::secret_key_to_public_key(spendkey, address.m_spend_public_key)) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION(tools::error::wallet_internal_error, tools::wallet2::tr("failed to verify spend key secret key")); } wallet->generate(field_filename, field_password, address, spendkey, viewkey, create_address_file); password = field_password; } } } catch (const std::exception& e) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION(tools::error::wallet_internal_error, std::string(tools::wallet2::tr("failed to generate new wallet: ")) + e.what()); } return true; }; if (do_generate()) { return {std::move(wallet), tools::password_container(password)}; } return {nullptr, tools::password_container{}}; } std::string strjoin(const std::vector &V, const char *sep) { std::stringstream ss; bool first = true; for (const auto &v: V) { if (!first) ss << sep; ss << std::to_string(v); first = false; } return ss.str(); } static bool emplace_or_replace(std::unordered_multimap &container, const crypto::hash &key, const tools::wallet2::pool_payment_details &pd) { auto range = container.equal_range(key); for (auto i = range.first; i != range.second; ++i) { if (i->second.m_pd.m_tx_hash == pd.m_pd.m_tx_hash && i->second.m_pd.m_subaddr_index == pd.m_pd.m_subaddr_index) { i->second = pd; return false; } } container.emplace(key, pd); return true; } void drop_from_short_history(std::list &short_chain_history, size_t N) { std::list::iterator right; // drop early N off, skipping the genesis block if (short_chain_history.size() > N) { right = short_chain_history.end(); std::advance(right,-1); std::list::iterator left = right; std::advance(left, -N); short_chain_history.erase(left, right); } } size_t estimate_rct_tx_size(int n_inputs, int mixin, int n_outputs, size_t extra_size, bool bulletproof) { size_t size = 0; // tx prefix // first few bytes size += 1 + 6; // vin size += n_inputs * (1+6+(mixin+1)*2+32); // vout size += n_outputs * (6+32); // extra size += extra_size; // rct signatures // type size += 1; // rangeSigs if (bulletproof) { size_t log_padded_outputs = 0; while ((1< 2) { const uint64_t bp_base = 368; size_t log_padded_outputs = 2; while ((1< tx_extra_fields; parse_tx_extra(ptx.tx.extra, tx_extra_fields); // ok if partially parsed cryptonote::tx_extra_nonce extra_nonce; if (find_tx_extra_field_by_type(tx_extra_fields, extra_nonce)) { if(get_encrypted_payment_id_from_tx_extra_nonce(extra_nonce.nonce, payment_id8)) { if (ptx.dests.empty()) { MWARNING("Encrypted payment id found, but no destinations public key, cannot decrypt"); return false; } return hwdev.decrypt_payment_id(payment_id8, ptx.dests[0].addr.m_view_public_key, ptx.tx_key); } } return false; } tools::wallet2::tx_construction_data get_construction_data_with_decrypted_short_payment_id(const tools::wallet2::pending_tx &ptx, hw::device &hwdev) { tools::wallet2::tx_construction_data construction_data = ptx.construction_data; crypto::hash8 payment_id8 = null_hash8; if (get_short_payment_id(payment_id8, ptx, hwdev)) { // Remove encrypted remove_field_from_tx_extra(construction_data.extra, typeid(cryptonote::tx_extra_nonce)); // Add decrypted std::string extra_nonce; crypto::hash payment_id = null_hash; memcpy(payment_id.data, payment_id8.data, 8); // convert short pid to regular memset(payment_id.data + 8, 0, 24); // merely a sanity check set_payment_id_to_tx_extra_nonce(extra_nonce, payment_id); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!add_extra_nonce_to_tx_extra(construction_data.extra, extra_nonce), tools::error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to add decrypted payment id to tx extra"); LOG_PRINT_L1("Decrypted payment ID: " << payment_id); } return construction_data; } uint32_t get_subaddress_clamped_sum(uint32_t idx, uint32_t extra) { static constexpr uint32_t uint32_max = std::numeric_limits::max(); if (idx > uint32_max - extra) return uint32_max; return idx + extra; } static void setup_shim(hw::wallet_shim * shim, tools::wallet2 * wallet) { shim->get_tx_pub_key_from_received_outs = std::bind(&tools::wallet2::get_tx_pub_key_from_received_outs, wallet, std::placeholders::_1); } bool get_pruned_tx(const cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::entry &entry, cryptonote::transaction &tx, crypto::hash &tx_hash) { cryptonote::blobdata bd; // easy case if we have the whole tx if (!entry.as_hex.empty() || (!entry.prunable_as_hex.empty() && !entry.pruned_as_hex.empty())) { CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(epee::string_tools::parse_hexstr_to_binbuff(entry.as_hex.empty() ? entry.pruned_as_hex + entry.prunable_as_hex : entry.as_hex, bd), false, "Failed to parse tx data"); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(cryptonote::parse_and_validate_tx_from_blob(bd, tx), false, "Invalid tx data"); tx_hash = cryptonote::get_transaction_hash(tx); // if the hash was given, check it matches CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(entry.tx_hash.empty() || epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(tx_hash) == entry.tx_hash, false, "Response claims a different hash than the data yields"); return true; } // case of a pruned tx with its prunable data hash if (!entry.pruned_as_hex.empty() && !entry.prunable_hash.empty()) { crypto::hash ph; CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(epee::string_tools::hex_to_pod(entry.prunable_hash, ph), false, "Failed to parse prunable hash"); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(epee::string_tools::parse_hexstr_to_binbuff(entry.pruned_as_hex, bd), false, "Failed to parse pruned data"); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(parse_and_validate_tx_base_from_blob(bd, tx), false, "Invalid base tx data"); // only v2 txes can calculate their txid after pruned if (bd[0] > 1) { tx_hash = cryptonote::get_pruned_transaction_hash(tx, ph); } else { // for v1, we trust the dameon CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(epee::string_tools::hex_to_pod(entry.tx_hash, tx_hash), false, "Failed to parse tx hash"); } return true; } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------- } //namespace namespace tools { // for now, limit to 30 attempts. TODO: discuss a good number to limit to. const size_t MAX_SPLIT_ATTEMPTS = 30; constexpr const std::chrono::seconds wallet2::rpc_timeout; const char* wallet2::tr(const char* str) { return i18n_translate(str, "tools::wallet2"); } gamma_picker::gamma_picker(const std::vector &rct_offsets, double shape, double scale): rct_offsets(rct_offsets) { gamma = std::gamma_distribution(shape, scale); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(rct_offsets.size() <= ETN_DEFAULT_TX_SPENDABLE_AGE_V8, error::wallet_internal_error, "Bad offset calculation"); const size_t blocks_in_a_year = 86400 * 365 / DIFFICULTY_TARGET_V6; const size_t blocks_to_consider = std::min(rct_offsets.size(), blocks_in_a_year); const size_t outputs_to_consider = rct_offsets.back() - (blocks_to_consider < rct_offsets.size() ? rct_offsets[rct_offsets.size() - blocks_to_consider - 1] : 0); begin = rct_offsets.data(); end = rct_offsets.data() + rct_offsets.size() - ETN_DEFAULT_TX_SPENDABLE_AGE_V8; num_rct_outputs = *(end - 1); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(num_rct_outputs == 0, error::wallet_internal_error, "No rct outputs"); average_output_time = DIFFICULTY_TARGET_V6 * blocks_to_consider / outputs_to_consider; // this assumes constant target over the whole rct range }; gamma_picker::gamma_picker(const std::vector &rct_offsets): gamma_picker(rct_offsets, GAMMA_SHAPE, GAMMA_SCALE) {} uint64_t gamma_picker::pick() { double x = gamma(engine); x = exp(x); uint64_t output_index = x / average_output_time; if (output_index >= num_rct_outputs) return std::numeric_limits::max(); // bad pick output_index = num_rct_outputs - 1 - output_index; const uint64_t *it = std::lower_bound(begin, end, output_index); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(it == end, error::wallet_internal_error, "output_index not found"); uint64_t index = std::distance(begin, it); const uint64_t first_rct = index == 0 ? 0 : rct_offsets[index - 1]; const uint64_t n_rct = rct_offsets[index] - first_rct; if (n_rct == 0) return std::numeric_limits::max(); // bad pick MTRACE("Picking 1/" << n_rct << " in block " << index); return first_rct + crypto::rand_idx(n_rct); }; wallet_keys_unlocker::wallet_keys_unlocker(wallet2 &w, const boost::optional &password): w(w), locked(password != boost::none) { if (!locked || w.is_unattended() || w.ask_password() != tools::wallet2::AskPasswordToDecrypt || w.watch_only()) { locked = false; return; } const epee::wipeable_string pass = password->password(); w.generate_chacha_key_from_password(pass, key); w.decrypt_keys(key); } wallet_keys_unlocker::wallet_keys_unlocker(wallet2 &w, bool locked, const epee::wipeable_string &password): w(w), locked(locked) { if (!locked) return; w.generate_chacha_key_from_password(password, key); w.decrypt_keys(key); } wallet_keys_unlocker::~wallet_keys_unlocker() { if (!locked) return; try { w.encrypt_keys(key); } catch (...) { MERROR("Failed to re-encrypt wallet keys"); // do not propagate through dtor, we'd crash } } void wallet_device_callback::on_button_request(uint64_t code) { if (wallet) wallet->on_device_button_request(code); } void wallet_device_callback::on_button_pressed() { if (wallet) wallet->on_device_button_pressed(); } boost::optional wallet_device_callback::on_pin_request() { if (wallet) return wallet->on_device_pin_request(); return boost::none; } boost::optional wallet_device_callback::on_passphrase_request(bool on_device) { if (wallet) return wallet->on_device_passphrase_request(on_device); return boost::none; } void wallet_device_callback::on_progress(const hw::device_progress& event) { if (wallet) wallet->on_device_progress(event); } wallet2::wallet2(network_type nettype, uint64_t kdf_rounds, bool unattended): m_multisig_rescan_info(NULL), m_multisig_rescan_k(NULL), m_upper_transaction_weight_limit(0), m_run(true), m_callback(0), m_trusted_daemon(false), m_nettype(nettype), m_multisig_rounds_passed(0), m_always_confirm_transfers(true), m_print_ring_members(false), m_store_tx_info(true), m_default_mixin(0), m_default_priority(0), m_refresh_type(RefreshOptimizeCoinbase), m_auto_refresh(true), m_first_refresh_done(false), m_refresh_from_block_height(0), m_explicit_refresh_from_block_height(true), m_confirm_missing_payment_id(true), m_confirm_non_default_ring_size(true), m_ask_password(AskPasswordOnAction), m_min_output_count(0), m_min_output_value(0), m_merge_destinations(false), m_confirm_backlog(true), m_confirm_backlog_threshold(0), m_confirm_export_overwrite(true), m_auto_low_priority(true), m_segregate_pre_fork_outputs(true), m_key_reuse_mitigation2(true), m_segregation_height(0), m_ignore_fractional_outputs(true), m_track_uses(false), m_setup_background_mining(BackgroundMiningMaybe), m_is_initialized(false), m_kdf_rounds(kdf_rounds), is_old_file_format(false), m_watch_only(false), m_multisig(false), m_multisig_threshold(0), m_node_rpc_proxy(m_http_client, m_daemon_rpc_mutex), m_account_public_address{crypto::null_pkey, crypto::null_pkey}, m_subaddress_lookahead_major(SUBADDRESS_LOOKAHEAD_MAJOR), m_subaddress_lookahead_minor(SUBADDRESS_LOOKAHEAD_MINOR), m_light_wallet(false), m_light_wallet_scanned_block_height(0), m_light_wallet_blockchain_height(0), m_light_wallet_connected(false), m_light_wallet_balance(0), m_light_wallet_unlocked_balance(0), m_original_keys_available(false), m_message_store(), m_key_device_type(hw::device::device_type::SOFTWARE), m_ring_history_saved(false), m_ringdb(), m_last_block_reward(0), m_encrypt_keys_after_refresh(boost::none), m_unattended(unattended), m_devices_registered(false), m_device_last_key_image_sync(0), m_use_dns(true), m_offline(false), m_account_major_offset(0) { } wallet2::~wallet2() { } bool wallet2::has_testnet_option(const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm) { return command_line::get_arg(vm, options().testnet); } bool wallet2::has_stagenet_option(const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm) { return command_line::get_arg(vm, options().stagenet); } std::string wallet2::device_name_option(const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm) { return command_line::get_arg(vm, options().hw_device); } std::string wallet2::device_derivation_path_option(const boost::program_options::variables_map &vm) { return command_line::get_arg(vm, options().hw_device_derivation_path); } void wallet2::init_options(boost::program_options::options_description& desc_params) { const options opts{}; command_line::add_arg(desc_params, opts.daemon_address); command_line::add_arg(desc_params, opts.daemon_host); command_line::add_arg(desc_params, opts.proxy); command_line::add_arg(desc_params, opts.trusted_daemon); command_line::add_arg(desc_params, opts.untrusted_daemon); command_line::add_arg(desc_params, opts.password); command_line::add_arg(desc_params, opts.password_file); command_line::add_arg(desc_params, opts.daemon_port); command_line::add_arg(desc_params, opts.daemon_login); command_line::add_arg(desc_params, opts.daemon_ssl); command_line::add_arg(desc_params, opts.daemon_ssl_private_key); command_line::add_arg(desc_params, opts.daemon_ssl_certificate); command_line::add_arg(desc_params, opts.daemon_ssl_ca_certificates); command_line::add_arg(desc_params, opts.daemon_ssl_allowed_fingerprints); command_line::add_arg(desc_params, opts.daemon_ssl_allow_any_cert); command_line::add_arg(desc_params, opts.daemon_ssl_allow_chained); command_line::add_arg(desc_params, opts.testnet); command_line::add_arg(desc_params, opts.stagenet); command_line::add_arg(desc_params, opts.shared_ringdb_dir); command_line::add_arg(desc_params, opts.kdf_rounds); mms::message_store::init_options(desc_params); command_line::add_arg(desc_params, opts.hw_device); command_line::add_arg(desc_params, opts.hw_device_derivation_path); command_line::add_arg(desc_params, opts.tx_notify); command_line::add_arg(desc_params, opts.no_dns); command_line::add_arg(desc_params, opts.offline); command_line::add_arg(desc_params, opts.data_dir); command_line::add_arg(desc_params, opts.fallback_to_pow_checkpoint_height); command_line::add_arg(desc_params, opts.fallback_to_pow_checkpoint_hash); } std::pair, tools::password_container> wallet2::make_from_json(const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm, bool unattended, const std::string& json_file, const std::function(const char *, bool)> &password_prompter) { const options opts{}; return generate_from_json(json_file, vm, unattended, opts, password_prompter); } std::pair, password_container> wallet2::make_from_file( const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm, bool unattended, const std::string& wallet_file, const std::function(const char *, bool)> &password_prompter) { const options opts{}; auto pwd = get_password(vm, opts, password_prompter, false); if (!pwd) { return {nullptr, password_container{}}; } auto wallet = make_basic(vm, unattended, opts, password_prompter); if (wallet && !wallet_file.empty()) { wallet->load(wallet_file, pwd->password()); } return {std::move(wallet), std::move(*pwd)}; } std::pair, password_container> wallet2::make_new(const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm, bool unattended, const std::function(const char *, bool)> &password_prompter) { const options opts{}; auto pwd = get_password(vm, opts, password_prompter, true); if (!pwd) { return {nullptr, password_container{}}; } return {make_basic(vm, unattended, opts, password_prompter), std::move(*pwd)}; } std::unique_ptr wallet2::make_dummy(const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm, bool unattended, const std::function(const char *, bool)> &password_prompter) { const options opts{}; return make_basic(vm, unattended, opts, password_prompter); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::set_daemon(std::string daemon_address, boost::optional daemon_login, bool trusted_daemon, epee::net_utils::ssl_options_t ssl_options) { boost::lock_guard lock(m_daemon_rpc_mutex); if(m_http_client.is_connected()) m_http_client.disconnect(); m_daemon_address = std::move(daemon_address); m_daemon_login = std::move(daemon_login); m_trusted_daemon = trusted_daemon; MINFO("setting daemon to " << get_daemon_address()); return m_http_client.set_server(get_daemon_address(), get_daemon_login(), std::move(ssl_options)); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::init(std::string daemon_address, boost::optional daemon_login, boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint proxy, uint64_t upper_transaction_weight_limit, bool trusted_daemon, epee::net_utils::ssl_options_t ssl_options, std::string blockchain_db_path) { m_checkpoints.init_default_checkpoints(m_nettype); m_is_initialized = true; m_upper_transaction_weight_limit = upper_transaction_weight_limit; if (proxy != boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint{}) m_http_client.set_connector(net::socks::connector{std::move(proxy)}); return set_daemon(daemon_address, daemon_login, trusted_daemon, std::move(ssl_options)); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::is_deterministic() const { crypto::secret_key second; keccak((uint8_t *)&get_account().get_keys().m_spend_secret_key, sizeof(crypto::secret_key), (uint8_t *)&second, sizeof(crypto::secret_key)); sc_reduce32((uint8_t *)&second); return memcmp(second.data,get_account().get_keys().m_view_secret_key.data, sizeof(crypto::secret_key)) == 0; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::get_seed(epee::wipeable_string& electrum_words, const epee::wipeable_string &passphrase) const { bool keys_deterministic = is_deterministic(); if (!keys_deterministic) { std::cout << "This is not a deterministic wallet" << std::endl; return false; } if (seed_language.empty()) { std::cout << "seed_language not set" << std::endl; return false; } crypto::secret_key key = get_account().get_keys().m_spend_secret_key; if (!passphrase.empty()) key = cryptonote::encrypt_key(key, passphrase); if (!crypto::ElectrumWords::bytes_to_words(key, electrum_words, seed_language)) { std::cout << "Failed to create seed from key for language: " << seed_language << std::endl; return false; } return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::get_multisig_seed(epee::wipeable_string& seed, const epee::wipeable_string &passphrase, bool raw) const { bool ready; uint32_t threshold, total; if (!multisig(&ready, &threshold, &total)) { std::cout << "This is not a multisig wallet" << std::endl; return false; } if (!ready) { std::cout << "This multisig wallet is not yet finalized" << std::endl; return false; } if (!raw && seed_language.empty()) { std::cout << "seed_language not set" << std::endl; return false; } crypto::secret_key skey; crypto::public_key pkey; const account_keys &keys = get_account().get_keys(); epee::wipeable_string data; data.append((const char*)&threshold, sizeof(uint32_t)); data.append((const char*)&total, sizeof(uint32_t)); skey = keys.m_spend_secret_key; data.append((const char*)&skey, sizeof(skey)); pkey = keys.m_account_address.m_spend_public_key; data.append((const char*)&pkey, sizeof(pkey)); skey = keys.m_view_secret_key; data.append((const char*)&skey, sizeof(skey)); pkey = keys.m_account_address.m_view_public_key; data.append((const char*)&pkey, sizeof(pkey)); for (const auto &skey: keys.m_multisig_keys) data.append((const char*)&skey, sizeof(skey)); for (const auto &signer: m_multisig_signers) data.append((const char*)&signer, sizeof(signer)); if (!passphrase.empty()) { crypto::secret_key key; crypto::cn_slow_hash(passphrase.data(), passphrase.size(), (crypto::hash&)key); sc_reduce32((unsigned char*)key.data); data = encrypt(data, key, true); } if (raw) { seed = epee::to_hex::wipeable_string({(const unsigned char*)data.data(), data.size()}); } else { if (!crypto::ElectrumWords::bytes_to_words(data.data(), data.size(), seed, seed_language)) { std::cout << "Failed to encode seed"; return false; } } return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::reconnect_device() { bool r = true; hw::device &hwdev = lookup_device(m_device_name); hwdev.set_name(m_device_name); hwdev.set_network_type(m_nettype); hwdev.set_derivation_path(m_device_derivation_path); hwdev.set_callback(get_device_callback()); r = hwdev.init(); if (!r){ MERROR("Could not init device"); return false; } r = hwdev.connect(); if (!r){ MERROR("Could not connect to the device"); return false; } m_account.set_device(hwdev); return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*! * \brief Gets the seed language */ const std::string &wallet2::get_seed_language() const { return seed_language; } /*! * \brief Sets the seed language * \param language Seed language to set to */ void wallet2::set_seed_language(const std::string &language) { seed_language = language; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cryptonote::account_public_address wallet2::get_subaddress(const cryptonote::subaddress_index& index) const { hw::device &hwdev = m_account.get_device(); cryptonote::subaddress_index index2 = {index.major + (index.major != 0 ? m_account_major_offset : 0), index.minor}; return hwdev.get_subaddress(m_account.get_keys(), index2); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boost::optional wallet2::get_subaddress_index(const cryptonote::account_public_address& address) const { auto index = m_subaddresses.find(address.m_spend_public_key); if (index == m_subaddresses.end()) return boost::none; return index->second; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- crypto::public_key wallet2::get_subaddress_spend_public_key(const cryptonote::subaddress_index& index) const { hw::device &hwdev = m_account.get_device(); cryptonote::subaddress_index index2 = {index.major + (index.major != 0 ? m_account_major_offset : 0), index.minor}; return hwdev.get_subaddress_spend_public_key(m_account.get_keys(), index2); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string wallet2::get_subaddress_as_str(const cryptonote::subaddress_index& index) const { cryptonote::account_public_address address = get_subaddress(index); return cryptonote::get_account_address_as_str(m_nettype, !index.is_zero(), address); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string wallet2::get_integrated_address_as_str(const crypto::hash8& payment_id) const { return cryptonote::get_account_integrated_address_as_str(m_nettype, get_address(), payment_id); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::add_subaddress_account(const std::string& label, const bool update_account_tags) { uint32_t index_major = (uint32_t)get_num_subaddress_accounts(); expand_subaddresses({index_major, 0}, update_account_tags); m_subaddress_labels[index_major][0] = label; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::add_subaddress(uint32_t index_major, const std::string& label) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(index_major >= m_subaddress_labels.size(), error::account_index_outofbound); uint32_t index_minor = (uint32_t)get_num_subaddresses(index_major); expand_subaddresses({index_major, index_minor}); m_subaddress_labels[index_major][index_minor] = label; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::expand_subaddresses(const cryptonote::subaddress_index& index, const bool update_account_tags) { hw::device &hwdev = m_account.get_device(); if (m_subaddress_labels.size() <= index.major) { // add new accounts cryptonote::subaddress_index index2; const uint32_t major_end = get_subaddress_clamped_sum(index.major, m_subaddress_lookahead_major); for (index2.major = m_subaddress_labels.size(); index2.major < major_end; ++index2.major) { const uint32_t end = get_subaddress_clamped_sum((index2.major == index.major ? index.minor : 0), m_subaddress_lookahead_minor); const std::vector pkeys = hwdev.get_subaddress_spend_public_keys(m_account.get_keys(), index2.major + (index2.major != 0 ? m_account_major_offset : 0), 0, end); for (index2.minor = 0; index2.minor < end; ++index2.minor) { const crypto::public_key &D = pkeys[index2.minor]; m_subaddresses[D] = index2; } } m_subaddress_labels.resize(index.major + 1, {"Untitled account"}); m_subaddress_labels[index.major].resize(index.minor + 1); if(update_account_tags) get_account_tags(); } else if (m_subaddress_labels[index.major].size() <= index.minor) { // add new subaddresses const uint32_t end = get_subaddress_clamped_sum(index.minor, m_subaddress_lookahead_minor); const uint32_t begin = m_subaddress_labels[index.major].size(); cryptonote::subaddress_index index2 = {index.major, begin}; const std::vector pkeys = hwdev.get_subaddress_spend_public_keys(m_account.get_keys(), index2.major + (index2.major != 0 ? m_account_major_offset : 0), index2.minor, end); for (; index2.minor < end; ++index2.minor) { const crypto::public_key &D = pkeys[index2.minor - begin]; m_subaddresses[D] = index2; } m_subaddress_labels[index.major].resize(index.minor + 1); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string wallet2::get_subaddress_label(const cryptonote::subaddress_index& index) const { if (index.major >= m_subaddress_labels.size() || index.minor >= m_subaddress_labels[index.major].size()) { MERROR("Subaddress label doesn't exist"); return ""; } return m_subaddress_labels[index.major][index.minor]; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::set_subaddress_label(const cryptonote::subaddress_index& index, const std::string &label) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(index.major >= m_subaddress_labels.size(), error::account_index_outofbound); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(index.minor >= m_subaddress_labels[index.major].size(), error::address_index_outofbound); m_subaddress_labels[index.major][index.minor] = label; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::set_subaddress_lookahead(size_t major, size_t minor) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(major > 0xffffffff, error::wallet_internal_error, "Subaddress major lookahead is too large"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(minor > 0xffffffff, error::wallet_internal_error, "Subaddress minor lookahead is too large"); m_subaddress_lookahead_major = major; m_subaddress_lookahead_minor = minor; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*! * \brief Tells if the wallet file is deprecated. */ bool wallet2::is_deprecated() const { return is_old_file_format; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::set_spent(size_t idx, uint64_t height, bool public_out) { transfer_details &td = m_transfers[idx]; if(public_out){ LOG_PRINT_L2("Setting SPENT at " << height << ": chainstate index " << td.m_txid << ":" << td.m_internal_output_index << ", amount " << print_etn(td.m_amount)); }else{ LOG_PRINT_L2("Setting SPENT at " << height << ": ki " << td.m_key_image << ", amount " << print_etn(td.m_amount)); } td.m_spent = true; td.m_spent_height = height; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::set_unspent(size_t idx, bool public_out) { transfer_details &td = m_transfers[idx]; if(public_out){ LOG_PRINT_L2("Setting UNSPENT: chainstate index " << td.m_txid << ":"<< td.m_internal_output_index << ", amount " << print_etn(td.m_amount)); }else{ LOG_PRINT_L2("Setting UNSPENT: ki " << td.m_key_image << ", amount " << print_etn(td.m_amount)); } td.m_spent = false; td.m_spent_height = 0; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::freeze(size_t idx) { CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(idx < m_transfers.size(), "Invalid transfer_details index"); transfer_details &td = m_transfers[idx]; td.m_frozen = true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::thaw(size_t idx) { CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(idx < m_transfers.size(), "Invalid transfer_details index"); transfer_details &td = m_transfers[idx]; td.m_frozen = false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::frozen(size_t idx) const { CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(idx < m_transfers.size(), "Invalid transfer_details index"); const transfer_details &td = m_transfers[idx]; return td.m_frozen; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::freeze(const crypto::key_image &ki) { freeze(get_transfer_details(ki)); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::thaw(const crypto::key_image &ki) { thaw(get_transfer_details(ki)); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::frozen(const crypto::key_image &ki) const { return frozen(get_transfer_details(ki)); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- size_t wallet2::get_transfer_details(const crypto::key_image &ki) const { for (size_t idx = 0; idx < m_transfers.size(); ++idx) { const transfer_details &td = m_transfers[idx]; if (td.m_key_image_known && td.m_key_image == ki) return idx; } CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(false, "Key image not found"); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::frozen(const transfer_details &td) const { return td.m_frozen; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::check_acc_out_precomp(const tx_out &o, const crypto::key_derivation &derivation, const std::vector &additional_derivations, size_t i, tx_scan_info_t &tx_scan_info) const { hw::device &hwdev = m_account.get_device(); boost::unique_lock hwdev_lock (hwdev); hwdev.set_mode(hw::device::TRANSACTION_PARSE); if (o.target.type() != typeid(txout_to_key) && o.target.type() != typeid(txout_to_key_public)) { tx_scan_info.error = true; LOG_ERROR("wrong type id in transaction out"); return; } if(o.target.type() != typeid(txout_to_key_public)) { tx_scan_info.received = is_out_to_acc_precomp(m_subaddresses, boost::get(o.target).key, derivation, additional_derivations, i, hwdev); }else{ //only assign subaddress recipient if view key also matches too as we now spend with combined keys (a+b) and we wont be // doing key image related checks later to check if we can really spend the out (ie checking view key match by proxy) auto out_address = boost::get(o.target).address; auto receive_info = cryptonote::is_out_to_acc_precomp_public(m_subaddresses, out_address); tx_scan_info.received = (receive_info == boost::none) ? (receive_info) : get_subaddress(receive_info->index).m_view_public_key == out_address.m_view_public_key ? receive_info : boost::none; //todo: refactor with function pointers } if(tx_scan_info.received) { tx_scan_info.etn_transfered = o.amount; // may be 0 for ringct outputs } else { tx_scan_info.etn_transfered = 0; } tx_scan_info.error = false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::check_acc_out_precomp(const tx_out &o, const crypto::key_derivation &derivation, const std::vector &additional_derivations, size_t i, const is_out_data *is_out_data, tx_scan_info_t &tx_scan_info) const { // if(we're not pointing at a pre cached data member || we're attempting to process a receive entry before it's populated from cache thread) if (!is_out_data || i >= is_out_data->received.size()) return check_acc_out_precomp(o, derivation, additional_derivations, i, tx_scan_info); tx_scan_info.received = is_out_data->received[i]; if(tx_scan_info.received) { tx_scan_info.etn_transfered = o.amount; // may be 0 for ringct outputs } else { tx_scan_info.etn_transfered = 0; } tx_scan_info.error = false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::check_acc_out_precomp_once(const tx_out &o, const crypto::key_derivation &derivation, const std::vector &additional_derivations, size_t i, const is_out_data *is_out_data, tx_scan_info_t &tx_scan_info, bool &already_seen) const { tx_scan_info.received = boost::none; if (already_seen) return; check_acc_out_precomp(o, derivation, additional_derivations, i, is_out_data, tx_scan_info); if (tx_scan_info.received) already_seen = true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static uint64_t decodeRct(const rct::rctSig & rv, const crypto::key_derivation &derivation, unsigned int i, rct::key & mask, hw::device &hwdev) { crypto::secret_key scalar1; hwdev.derivation_to_scalar(derivation, i, scalar1); try { switch (rv.type) { case rct::RCTTypeSimple: case rct::RCTTypeBulletproof: case rct::RCTTypeBulletproof2: return rct::decodeRctSimple(rv, rct::sk2rct(scalar1), i, mask, hwdev); case rct::RCTTypeFull: return rct::decodeRct(rv, rct::sk2rct(scalar1), i, mask, hwdev); default: LOG_ERROR("Unsupported rct type: " << rv.type); return 0; } } catch (const std::exception &e) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to decode input " << i); return 0; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::scan_output(const cryptonote::transaction &tx, bool miner_tx, const crypto::public_key &tx_pub_key, size_t i, tx_scan_info_t &tx_scan_info, int &num_vouts_received, std::unordered_map &tx_etn_got_in_outs, std::vector &outs, bool pool) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(i >= tx.vout.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Invalid vout index"); // if keys are encrypted, ask for password if (m_ask_password == AskPasswordToDecrypt && !m_unattended && !m_watch_only && !m_multisig_rescan_k) { static critical_section password_lock; CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL(password_lock); if (!m_encrypt_keys_after_refresh) { boost::optional pwd = m_callback->on_get_password(pool ? "output found in pool" : "output received"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!pwd, error::password_needed, tr("Password is needed to compute key image for incoming etn")); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!verify_password(*pwd), error::password_needed, tr("Invalid password: password is needed to compute key image for incoming etn")); decrypt_keys(*pwd); m_encrypt_keys_after_refresh = *pwd; } } if (m_multisig) { tx_scan_info.in_ephemeral.pub = boost::get(tx.vout[i].target).key; tx_scan_info.in_ephemeral.sec = crypto::null_skey; tx_scan_info.ki = rct::rct2ki(rct::zero()); } else if (tx.version == 1) { //calculate the key image as if we were going to spend this output bool r = cryptonote::generate_key_image_helper_precomp(m_account.get_keys(), boost::get(tx.vout[i].target).key, tx_scan_info.received->derivation, i, tx_scan_info.received->index, tx_scan_info.in_ephemeral, tx_scan_info.ki, m_account.get_device(), m_account_major_offset); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to generate key image"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(tx_scan_info.in_ephemeral.pub != boost::get(tx.vout[i].target).key, error::wallet_internal_error, "key_image generated ephemeral public key not matched with output_key"); } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(std::find(outs.begin(), outs.end(), i) != outs.end(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Same output cannot be added twice"); //we should never enter this unless it's an rct output if (tx_scan_info.etn_transfered == 0 && !miner_tx) { tx_scan_info.etn_transfered = tools::decodeRct(tx.rct_signatures, tx_scan_info.received->derivation, i, tx_scan_info.mask, m_account.get_device()); } if (tx_scan_info.etn_transfered == 0) { MERROR("Invalid output amount, skipping"); tx_scan_info.error = true; return; } outs.push_back(i); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(tx_etn_got_in_outs[tx_scan_info.received->index] >= std::numeric_limits::max() - tx_scan_info.etn_transfered, error::wallet_internal_error, "Overflow in received amounts"); //index here is a subaddress index (major & minor) tx_etn_got_in_outs[tx_scan_info.received->index] += tx_scan_info.etn_transfered; tx_scan_info.amount = tx_scan_info.etn_transfered; ++num_vouts_received; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::cache_tx_data(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, const crypto::hash &txid, tx_cache_data &tx_cache_data) const { if(!parse_tx_extra(tx.extra, tx_cache_data.tx_extra_fields)) { // Extra may only be partially parsed, it's OK if tx_extra_fields contains public key LOG_PRINT_L0("Transaction extra has unsupported format: " << txid); if (tx_cache_data.tx_extra_fields.empty()) return; } // Don't try to extract tx public key if tx has no ouputs const bool is_miner = tx.vin.size() == 1 && tx.vin[0].type() == typeid(cryptonote::txin_gen); if (!is_miner || m_refresh_type != RefreshType::RefreshNoCoinbase) { const size_t rec_size = is_miner && m_refresh_type == RefreshType::RefreshOptimizeCoinbase ? 1 : tx.vout.size(); if (!tx.vout.empty()) { const std::vector> rec(rec_size, boost::none); if(tx.version > 1){ tx_cache_data.public_outs.push_back({crypto::null_pkey, {}, rec}); return; } // if tx.vout is not empty, we loop through all tx pubkeys tx_extra_pub_key pub_key_field; size_t pk_index = 0; while (find_tx_extra_field_by_type(tx_cache_data.tx_extra_fields, pub_key_field, pk_index++)) tx_cache_data.primary.push_back({pub_key_field.pub_key, {}, rec}); // additional tx pubkeys and derivations for multi-destination transfers involving one or more subaddresses tx_extra_additional_pub_keys additional_tx_pub_keys; if (find_tx_extra_field_by_type(tx_cache_data.tx_extra_fields, additional_tx_pub_keys)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < additional_tx_pub_keys.data.size(); ++i) tx_cache_data.additional.push_back({additional_tx_pub_keys.data[i], {}, {}}); } } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::process_new_transaction(const crypto::hash &txid, const cryptonote::transaction& tx, const std::vector &o_indices, uint64_t height, uint64_t ts, bool miner_tx, bool pool, bool double_spend_seen, bool nonexistent_utxo_seen, const tx_cache_data &tx_cache_data, std::pair, size_t>, std::map, size_t>, size_t>> *output_tracker_cache) { PERF_TIMER(process_new_transaction); // In this function, tx (probably) only contains the base information // (that is, the prunable stuff may or may not be included) if (!miner_tx && !pool) process_unconfirmed(txid, tx, height); std::unordered_map tx_etn_got_in_outs; // per receiving subaddress index crypto::public_key tx_pub_key = null_pkey; bool notify = false; std::vector local_tx_extra_fields; if (tx_cache_data.tx_extra_fields.empty()) { if(!parse_tx_extra(tx.extra, local_tx_extra_fields)) { // Extra may only be partially parsed, it's OK if tx_extra_fields contains public key LOG_PRINT_L0("Transaction extra has unsupported format: " << txid); } } const std::vector &tx_extra_fields = tx_cache_data.tx_extra_fields.empty() ? local_tx_extra_fields : tx_cache_data.tx_extra_fields; // Don't try to extract tx public key if tx has no ouputs size_t pk_index = 0; //this is an index for searching for pubkeys std::vector tx_scan_info(tx.vout.size()); std::deque output_found(tx.vout.size(), false); uint64_t total_received_1 = 0; while (!tx.vout.empty()) { std::vector outs; // if tx.vout is not empty, we loop through all tx pubkeys tx_extra_pub_key pub_key_field; if (tx.version == 1) { if (!find_tx_extra_field_by_type(tx_extra_fields, pub_key_field, pk_index++)) { if (pk_index > 1) // we should find we hit this afer one iteration for v1 transactions break; LOG_PRINT_L0("Public key wasn't found in the transaction extra. Skipping transaction " << txid); if (0 != m_callback) m_callback->on_skip_transaction(height, txid, tx); break; } if (!tx_cache_data.primary.empty()) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(tx_cache_data.primary.size() < pk_index || pub_key_field.pub_key != tx_cache_data.primary[pk_index - 1].pkey, error::wallet_internal_error, "tx_cache_data is out of sync"); } } int num_vouts_received = 0; tx_pub_key = pub_key_field.pub_key; tools::threadpool &tpool = tools::threadpool::getInstance(); tools::threadpool::waiter waiter; const cryptonote::account_keys &keys = m_account.get_keys(); crypto::key_derivation derivation; std::vector additional_derivations; tx_extra_additional_pub_keys additional_tx_pub_keys; const wallet2::is_out_data *is_out_data_ptr = NULL; //will point to pre-cached tx data if data is available if (tx.version == 1) { // THIS IF/ELSE IS PURELY PROCESSING DERIVATIONS (DIFFIE H SHARED SECRETS aR1....aRN) FOR V1 TX if (tx_cache_data.primary.empty()) { hw::device &hwdev = m_account.get_device(); boost::unique_lock hwdev_lock(hwdev); hw::reset_mode rst(hwdev); hwdev.set_mode(hw::device::TRANSACTION_PARSE); if (!hwdev.generate_key_derivation(tx_pub_key, keys.m_view_secret_key, derivation)) { MWARNING("Failed to generate key derivation from tx pubkey in " << txid << ", skipping"); static_assert(sizeof(derivation) == sizeof(rct::key), "Mismatched sizes of key_derivation and rct::key"); memcpy(&derivation, rct::identity().bytes, sizeof(derivation)); } if (pk_index == 1) { // additional tx pubkeys and derivations for multi-destination transfers involving one or more subaddresses if (find_tx_extra_field_by_type(tx_extra_fields, additional_tx_pub_keys)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < additional_tx_pub_keys.data.size(); ++i) { additional_derivations.push_back({}); if (!hwdev.generate_key_derivation(additional_tx_pub_keys.data[i], keys.m_view_secret_key, additional_derivations.back())) { MWARNING("Failed to generate key derivation from additional tx pubkey in " << txid << ", skipping"); memcpy(&additional_derivations.back(), rct::identity().bytes, sizeof(crypto::key_derivation)); } } } } } else { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(pk_index - 1 >= tx_cache_data.primary.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "pk_index out of range of tx_cache_data"); is_out_data_ptr = &tx_cache_data.primary[pk_index - 1]; derivation = tx_cache_data.primary[pk_index - 1].derivation; if (pk_index == 1) { for (size_t n = 0; n < tx_cache_data.additional.size(); ++n) { additional_tx_pub_keys.data.push_back(tx_cache_data.additional[n].pkey); additional_derivations.push_back(tx_cache_data.additional[n].derivation); } } } } // END OF DERIVATIONS PROCESSING (V1 ONLY) // NOW WE BEGIN TO CHECK THE OUTS // //if prior precomp have built the cache, then set is out_data_ptr. Otherwise later thread (check_acc_out_precomp) will find the info itself if (tx.version > 1 && !tx_cache_data.public_outs.empty()) { is_out_data_ptr = &tx_cache_data.public_outs[0]; } // IGNORE COINBASE if (miner_tx && m_refresh_type == RefreshNoCoinbase) { // assume coinbase isn't for us } // PROCESS COINBASE else if (miner_tx && m_refresh_type == RefreshOptimizeCoinbase) { //put amount in the scan info this time and check output it correct type... before (process_parsed_blocks/geniod) we only precomputed whether we owned an output or not. //both tx_scan_info and output_found are populated INSIDE the precomp function only check_acc_out_precomp_once(tx.vout[0], derivation, additional_derivations, 0, is_out_data_ptr, tx_scan_info[0], output_found[0]); //is the miner tx ours? THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(tx_scan_info[0].error, error::acc_outs_lookup_error, tx, tx_pub_key, m_account.get_keys()); // this assumes that the miner tx pays a single address if (tx_scan_info[0].received) { // process the other outs from that miner tx. the first one was already checked for (size_t i = 1; i < tx.vout.size(); ++i) { tpool.submit(&waiter, boost::bind(&wallet2::check_acc_out_precomp_once, this, std::cref(tx.vout[i]), std::cref(derivation), std::cref(additional_derivations), i, std::cref(is_out_data_ptr), std::ref(tx_scan_info[i]), std::ref(output_found[i])), true); } waiter.wait(&tpool); // then scan all outputs from 0 hw::device &hwdev = m_account.get_device(); boost::unique_lock hwdev_lock(hwdev); hwdev.set_mode(hw::device::NONE); for (size_t i = 0; i < tx.vout.size(); ++i) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(tx_scan_info[i].error, error::acc_outs_lookup_error, tx, tx_pub_key, m_account.get_keys()); if (tx_scan_info[i].received) //at this point we are only scanning the entried that we marked as received in precomp { if (tx.version == 1) { hwdev.conceal_derivation(tx_scan_info[i].received->derivation, tx_pub_key, additional_tx_pub_keys.data, derivation, additional_derivations); } scan_output(tx, miner_tx, tx_pub_key, i, tx_scan_info[i], num_vouts_received, tx_etn_got_in_outs, outs, pool); } } } } // PROCESS SINGLE NON COINBASE TX (IF THEY EXIST) WITH THREADS IF THERE IS MORE THAN ONE OUT AND MULTITHREADING IS PERMITTED else if (tx.vout.size() > 1 && tools::threadpool::getInstance().get_max_concurrency() > 1 && !is_out_data_ptr) { for (size_t i = 0; i < tx.vout.size(); ++i) { tpool.submit(&waiter, boost::bind(&wallet2::check_acc_out_precomp_once, this, std::cref(tx.vout[i]), std::cref(derivation), std::cref(additional_derivations), i, std::cref(is_out_data_ptr), std::ref(tx_scan_info[i]), std::ref(output_found[i])), true); } waiter.wait(&tpool); hw::device &hwdev = m_account.get_device(); boost::unique_lock hwdev_lock(hwdev); hwdev.set_mode(hw::device::NONE); for (size_t i = 0; i < tx.vout.size(); ++i) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(tx_scan_info[i].error, error::acc_outs_lookup_error, tx, tx_pub_key, m_account.get_keys()); if (tx_scan_info[i].received) //at this point we are only scanning the entried that we marked as received in precomp { // todo: ledger code only if (tx.version == 1) { hwdev.conceal_derivation(tx_scan_info[i].received->derivation, tx_pub_key, additional_tx_pub_keys.data, derivation, additional_derivations); } scan_output(tx, miner_tx, tx_pub_key, i, tx_scan_info[i], num_vouts_received, tx_etn_got_in_outs, outs, pool); } } } // IF ONLY ONE OUT OR MULTITHREADING ISN'T ENABLED, PROCESS SINGLE TX NORMALLY else { for (size_t i = 0; i < tx.vout.size(); ++i) { check_acc_out_precomp_once(tx.vout[i], derivation, additional_derivations, i, is_out_data_ptr, tx_scan_info[i], output_found[i]); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(tx_scan_info[i].error, error::acc_outs_lookup_error, tx, tx_pub_key, m_account.get_keys()); if (tx_scan_info[i].received) //at this point we are only scanning the entried that we marked as received in precomp { hw::device &hwdev = m_account.get_device(); boost::unique_lock hwdev_lock(hwdev); hwdev.set_mode(hw::device::NONE); if (tx.version == 1) { hwdev.conceal_derivation(tx_scan_info[i].received->derivation, tx_pub_key, additional_tx_pub_keys.data, derivation, additional_derivations); } scan_output(tx, miner_tx, tx_pub_key, i, tx_scan_info[i], num_vouts_received, tx_etn_got_in_outs, outs, pool); } } } if (tx.version == 1){ if (!outs.empty() && num_vouts_received > 0) { // we will loop over outs below, which is just the index //good news - got etn! take care about it //usually we have only one transfer for user in transaction if (!pool) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(tx.vout.size() != o_indices.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "transactions outputs size=" + std::to_string(tx.vout.size()) + " not match with daemon response size=" + std::to_string(o_indices.size())); } for (const size_t o: outs) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(tx.vout.size() <= o, error::wallet_internal_error, "wrong out in transaction: internal index=" + std::to_string(o) + ", total_outs=" + std::to_string(tx.vout.size())); auto kit = m_pub_keys.find(tx_scan_info[o].in_ephemeral.pub); //stealth address already exists in a transfer entry or we have more pubkeys than transfers for some unkown reason THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(kit != m_pub_keys.end() && kit->second >= m_transfers.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, std::string("Unexpected transfer index from public key: ") + "got " + (kit == m_pub_keys.end() ? "" : boost::lexical_cast( kit->second)) + ", m_transfers.size() is " + boost::lexical_cast(m_transfers.size())); if (kit == m_pub_keys.end()) { //typical uint64_t amount = tx.vout[o].amount ? tx.vout[o].amount : tx_scan_info[o].amount; if (!pool) { m_transfers.push_back(boost::value_initialized()); transfer_details &td = m_transfers.back(); td.m_block_height = height; td.m_internal_output_index = o; td.m_global_output_index = o_indices[o]; td.m_tx = (const cryptonote::transaction_prefix &) tx; td.m_txid = txid; td.m_key_image = tx_scan_info[o].ki; td.m_key_image_known = !m_watch_only && !m_multisig; if (!td.m_key_image_known) { // we might have cold signed, and have a mapping to key images std::unordered_map::const_iterator i = m_cold_key_images.find( tx_scan_info[o].in_ephemeral.pub); if (i != m_cold_key_images.end()) { td.m_key_image = i->second; td.m_key_image_known = true; } } if (m_watch_only) { // for view wallets, that flag means "we want to request it" td.m_key_image_request = true; } else { td.m_key_image_request = false; } td.m_key_image_partial = m_multisig; td.m_amount = amount; td.m_pk_index = pk_index - 1; td.m_subaddr_index = tx_scan_info[o].received->index; expand_subaddresses(tx_scan_info[o].received->index); //TODO: Public td.m_mask = rct::identity(); td.m_rct = false; td.m_frozen = false; set_unspent(m_transfers.size() - 1); if (td.m_key_image_known) m_key_images[td.m_key_image] = m_transfers.size() - 1; m_pub_keys[tx_scan_info[o].in_ephemeral.pub] = m_transfers.size() - 1; if (output_tracker_cache) (*output_tracker_cache).first[std::make_pair(tx.vout[o].amount, td.m_global_output_index)] = m_transfers.size() - 1; if (m_multisig) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!m_multisig_rescan_k && m_multisig_rescan_info, error::wallet_internal_error, "NULL m_multisig_rescan_k"); if (m_multisig_rescan_info && m_multisig_rescan_info->front().size() >= m_transfers.size()) update_multisig_rescan_info(*m_multisig_rescan_k, *m_multisig_rescan_info, m_transfers.size() - 1); } LOG_PRINT_L0("Received ETN: " << print_etn(td.amount()) << ", with tx: " << txid); if (0 != m_callback) m_callback->on_etn_received(height, txid, tx, td.m_amount, td.m_subaddr_index, td.m_tx.unlock_time); } total_received_1 += amount; notify = true; } else if (m_transfers[kit->second].m_spent || // if weve seen this stealth before, check if it's spent or if the amount is larger or equal than the one we scanned for m_transfers[kit->second].amount() >= tx_scan_info[o].amount) { LOG_ERROR("Public key " << epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(kit->first) << " from received " << print_etn(tx_scan_info[o].amount) << " output already exists with " << (m_transfers[kit->second].m_spent ? "spent" : "unspent") << " " << print_etn(m_transfers[kit->second].amount()) << " in tx " << m_transfers[kit->second].m_txid << ", received output ignored"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF( tx_etn_got_in_outs[tx_scan_info[o].received->index] < tx_scan_info[o].amount, error::wallet_internal_error, "Unexpected values of new and old outputs"); tx_etn_got_in_outs[tx_scan_info[o].received->index] -= tx_scan_info[o].amount; } else { //otherwise, we might still have this stealth on file, but we found an out to the same stealth with a greater amount during scan.... therefore swap with file version LOG_ERROR("Public key " << epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(kit->first) << " from received " << print_etn(tx_scan_info[o].amount) << " output already exists with " << print_etn(m_transfers[kit->second].amount()) << ", replacing with new output"); // The new larger output replaced a previous smaller one THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF( tx_etn_got_in_outs[tx_scan_info[o].received->index] < tx_scan_info[o].amount, error::wallet_internal_error, "Unexpected values of new and old outputs"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(m_transfers[kit->second].amount() > tx_scan_info[o].amount, error::wallet_internal_error, "Unexpected values of new and old outputs"); tx_etn_got_in_outs[tx_scan_info[o].received->index] -= m_transfers[kit->second].amount(); uint64_t amount = tx.vout[o].amount ? tx.vout[o].amount : tx_scan_info[o].amount; uint64_t extra_amount = amount - m_transfers[kit->second].amount(); if (!pool) { transfer_details &td = m_transfers[kit->second]; td.m_block_height = height; td.m_internal_output_index = o; td.m_global_output_index = o_indices[o]; td.m_tx = (const cryptonote::transaction_prefix &) tx; td.m_txid = txid; td.m_amount = amount; td.m_pk_index = pk_index - 1; td.m_subaddr_index = tx_scan_info[o].received->index; expand_subaddresses(tx_scan_info[o].received->index); //TODO: Public td.m_mask = rct::identity(); td.m_rct = false; if (output_tracker_cache) (*output_tracker_cache).first[std::make_pair(tx.vout[o].amount, td.m_global_output_index)] = kit->second; if (m_multisig) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!m_multisig_rescan_k && m_multisig_rescan_info, error::wallet_internal_error, "NULL m_multisig_rescan_k"); if (m_multisig_rescan_info && m_multisig_rescan_info->front().size() >= m_transfers.size()) update_multisig_rescan_info(*m_multisig_rescan_k, *m_multisig_rescan_info, m_transfers.size() - 1); } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(td.get_public_key() != tx_scan_info[o].in_ephemeral.pub, error::wallet_internal_error, "Inconsistent public keys"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(td.m_spent, error::wallet_internal_error, "Inconsistent spent status"); LOG_PRINT_L1("Received ETN: " << print_etn(td.amount()) << ", with tx: " << txid); if (0 != m_callback) m_callback->on_etn_received(height, txid, tx, td.m_amount, td.m_subaddr_index, td.m_tx.unlock_time); } total_received_1 += extra_amount; notify = true; } } } } //end of v1 tx outs processing else { //process v2+ tx outs if (!outs.empty() && num_vouts_received > 0) { // we will loop over outs below, which is just the index //good news - got etn! take care about it //usually we have only one transfer for user in transaction for (const size_t o: outs) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(tx.vout.size() <= o, error::wallet_internal_error, "wrong out in transaction: internal index=" + std::to_string(o) + ", total_outs=" + std::to_string(tx.vout.size())); auto kit = m_chainstate_indexes.find(std::make_pair(txid, o)); // Chainstate index already exists in a transfer entry or we have more chainstate indexes than transfers for some unkown reason THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(kit != m_chainstate_indexes.end() && kit->second >= m_transfers.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, std::string("Unexpected transfer index from chainstate index: ") + "got " + (kit == m_chainstate_indexes.end() ? "" : boost::lexical_cast( kit->second)) + ", m_transfers.size() is " + boost::lexical_cast(m_transfers.size())); if (kit == m_chainstate_indexes.end()) { //typical uint64_t amount = tx.vout[o].amount ? tx.vout[o].amount : tx_scan_info[o].amount; if (!pool) { m_transfers.push_back(boost::value_initialized()); transfer_details &td = m_transfers.back(); td.m_block_height = height; td.m_internal_output_index = o; td.m_global_output_index = std::numeric_limits::max(); td.m_tx = (const cryptonote::transaction_prefix &) tx; td.m_txid = txid; td.m_key_image = boost::value_initialized(); td.m_key_image_known = false; td.m_key_image_partial = false; td.m_amount = amount; td.m_pk_index = pk_index - 1; td.m_subaddr_index = tx_scan_info[o].received->index; expand_subaddresses(tx_scan_info[o].received->index); td.m_mask = rct::identity(); td.m_rct = false; td.m_frozen = false; set_unspent(m_transfers.size() - 1, true); m_chainstate_indexes[std::make_pair(txid, o)] = m_transfers.size() - 1; if (output_tracker_cache) { std::array transaction_id; std::copy(std::begin(td.m_txid.data), std::end(td.m_txid.data), transaction_id.begin()); (*output_tracker_cache).second[std::make_pair(transaction_id, td.m_internal_output_index)] = m_transfers.size() - 1; } if (m_multisig) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!m_multisig_rescan_k && m_multisig_rescan_info, error::wallet_internal_error, "NULL m_multisig_rescan_k"); if (m_multisig_rescan_info && m_multisig_rescan_info->front().size() >= m_transfers.size()) update_multisig_rescan_info(*m_multisig_rescan_k, *m_multisig_rescan_info, m_transfers.size() - 1); } LOG_PRINT_L0("Received ETN: " << print_etn(td.amount()) << ", with tx: " << txid); if (0 != m_callback) m_callback->on_etn_received(height, txid, tx, td.m_amount, td.m_subaddr_index, td.m_tx.unlock_time); } total_received_1 += amount; notify = true; } else if (m_transfers[kit->second].m_spent || // if weve seen this chainstate index before, check if it's spent or if the amount is larger or equal than the one we scanned for m_transfers[kit->second].amount() >= tx_scan_info[o].amount) { LOG_ERROR("Chainstate index " << epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(kit->first.first) << ":" << kit->first.second << " from received " << print_etn(tx_scan_info[o].amount) << " output already exists with " << (m_transfers[kit->second].m_spent ? "spent" : "unspent") << " " << print_etn(m_transfers[kit->second].amount()) << " in tx " << m_transfers[kit->second].m_txid << ", received output ignored"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF( tx_etn_got_in_outs[tx_scan_info[o].received->index] < tx_scan_info[o].amount, error::wallet_internal_error, "Unexpected values of new and old outputs"); tx_etn_got_in_outs[tx_scan_info[o].received->index] -= tx_scan_info[o].amount; } else { //otherwise, we might still have this chainstate index on file, but we found an out to the same stealth with a greater amount during scan.... therefore swap with file version LOG_ERROR("Chainstate index " << epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(kit->first.first) << ":" << kit->first.second << " from received " << print_etn(tx_scan_info[o].amount) << " output already exists with " << print_etn(m_transfers[kit->second].amount()) << ", replacing with new output"); // The new larger output replaced a previous smaller one THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF( tx_etn_got_in_outs[tx_scan_info[o].received->index] < tx_scan_info[o].amount, error::wallet_internal_error, "Unexpected values of new and old outputs"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(m_transfers[kit->second].amount() > tx_scan_info[o].amount, error::wallet_internal_error, "Unexpected values of new and old outputs"); tx_etn_got_in_outs[tx_scan_info[o].received->index] -= m_transfers[kit->second].amount(); uint64_t amount = tx.vout[o].amount ? tx.vout[o].amount : tx_scan_info[o].amount; uint64_t extra_amount = amount - m_transfers[kit->second].amount(); if (!pool) { transfer_details &td = m_transfers[kit->second]; td.m_block_height = height; td.m_internal_output_index = o; td.m_global_output_index = std::numeric_limits::max(); td.m_tx = (const cryptonote::transaction_prefix &) tx; td.m_txid = txid; td.m_amount = amount; td.m_pk_index = pk_index - 1; td.m_subaddr_index = tx_scan_info[o].received->index; expand_subaddresses(tx_scan_info[o].received->index); td.m_mask = rct::identity(); td.m_rct = false; if (output_tracker_cache) { std::array transaction_id; std::copy(std::begin(td.m_txid.data), std::end(td.m_txid.data), transaction_id.begin()); (*output_tracker_cache).second[std::make_pair(transaction_id, td.m_internal_output_index)] = kit->second; } if (m_multisig) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!m_multisig_rescan_k && m_multisig_rescan_info, error::wallet_internal_error, "NULL m_multisig_rescan_k"); if (m_multisig_rescan_info && m_multisig_rescan_info->front().size() >= m_transfers.size()) update_multisig_rescan_info(*m_multisig_rescan_k, *m_multisig_rescan_info, m_transfers.size() - 1); } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(td.get_chainstate_index() != std::make_pair(txid, o), error::wallet_internal_error, "Inconsistent public keys"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(td.m_spent, error::wallet_internal_error, "Inconsistent spent status"); LOG_PRINT_L1("Received ETN: " << print_etn(td.amount()) << ", with tx: " << txid); if (0 != m_callback) m_callback->on_etn_received(height, txid, tx, td.m_amount, td.m_subaddr_index, td.m_tx.unlock_time); } total_received_1 += extra_amount; notify = true; } } } break; // we don't have to iterate again for v2+ outs becuase there aren't multiple pubkeys (see pk index) } //end of v2+ outs processing } // end of all outs processing uint64_t tx_etn_spent_in_ins = 0; // The line below is equivalent to "boost::optional subaddr_account;", but avoids the GCC warning: ‘*((void*)& subaddr_account +4)’ may be used uninitialized in this function // It's a GCC bug with boost::optional, see https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=47679 auto subaddr_account ([]()->boost::optional {return boost::none;}()); std::set subaddr_indices; // check all outputs for spending (compare key images) for(auto& in: tx.vin) { if(tx.version < 3) { // we still use old txin_to_key for migration transactions (v2) if (in.type() != typeid(cryptonote::txin_to_key)) continue; const cryptonote::txin_to_key &in_to_key = boost::get(in); auto it = m_key_images.find(in_to_key.k_image); if (it != m_key_images.end()) //these are UNspent key images { transfer_details &td = m_transfers[it->second]; uint64_t amount = in_to_key.amount; if (amount > 0) { if (amount != td.amount()) { MERROR("Inconsistent amount in tx input: got " << print_etn(amount) << ", expected " << print_etn(td.amount())); // this means: // 1) the same output pub key was used as destination multiple times, // 2) the wallet set the highest amount among them to transfer_details::m_amount, and // 3) the wallet somehow spent that output with an amount smaller than the above amount, causing inconsistency td.m_amount = amount; } } else { amount = td.amount(); } tx_etn_spent_in_ins += amount; if (subaddr_account && *subaddr_account != td.m_subaddr_index.major) LOG_ERROR( "spent funds are from different subaddress accounts; count of incoming/outgoing payments will be incorrect"); subaddr_account = td.m_subaddr_index.major; subaddr_indices.insert(td.m_subaddr_index.minor); if (!pool) { LOG_PRINT_L1("Spent ETN: " << print_etn(amount) << ", with tx: " << txid); set_spent(it->second, height); if (0 != m_callback) m_callback->on_etn_spent(height, txid, tx, amount, tx, td.m_subaddr_index); } } if (!pool && m_track_uses) { PERF_TIMER(track_uses); const uint64_t amount = in_to_key.amount; //amount to check against transfer details std::vector offsets = cryptonote::relative_output_offsets_to_absolute( in_to_key.key_offsets); //todo: if (output_tracker_cache) { for (uint64_t offset: offsets) { const std::map, size_t>::const_iterator i = output_tracker_cache->first.find( std::make_pair(amount, offset)); if (i != output_tracker_cache->first.end()) { size_t idx = i->second; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(idx >= m_transfers.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Output tracker cache index out of range"); m_transfers[idx].m_uses.push_back(std::make_pair(height, txid)); } } } else { //essentially the long way of doing it without a cache - loop over all m_transfers to find a match for (transfer_details &td: m_transfers) { if (amount != td.m_amount) //need to check against the amounts in the list of transfer details to find the matching amount and global out index continue; for (uint64_t offset: offsets) if (offset == td.m_global_output_index) td.m_uses.push_back(std::make_pair(height, txid)); } } } }else{ // Public inputs (v3) if (in.type() != typeid(cryptonote::txin_to_key_public)) continue; const cryptonote::txin_to_key_public &in_to_key_public = boost::get(in); auto it = m_chainstate_indexes.find(std::make_pair(in_to_key_public.tx_hash, in_to_key_public.relative_offset)); if (it != m_chainstate_indexes.end()) //these are UNspent chainstate indexes { transfer_details &td = m_transfers[it->second]; uint64_t amount = in_to_key_public.amount; // here we're just grabbing the amount of the input from m_transfers if (amount > 0) { if (amount != td.amount()) { MERROR("Inconsistent amount in tx input: got " << print_etn(amount) << ", expected " << print_etn(td.amount())); // this means: // 1) the same chainstate index was used as destination multiple times, // 2) the wallet set the highest amount among them to transfer_details::m_amount, and // 3) the wallet somehow spent that output with an amount smaller than the above amount, causing inconsistency td.m_amount = amount; } } else { amount = td.amount(); } tx_etn_spent_in_ins += amount; if (subaddr_account && *subaddr_account != td.m_subaddr_index.major) LOG_ERROR( "spent funds are from different subaddress accounts; count of incoming/outgoing payments will be incorrect"); subaddr_account = td.m_subaddr_index.major; subaddr_indices.insert(td.m_subaddr_index.minor); if (!pool) { LOG_PRINT_L1("Spent ETN: " << print_etn(amount) << ", with tx: " << txid); set_spent(it->second, height, true); if (0 != m_callback) m_callback->on_etn_spent(height, txid, tx, amount, tx, td.m_subaddr_index); } } if (!pool && m_track_uses) { PERF_TIMER(track_uses); const uint64_t amount = in_to_key_public.amount; if (output_tracker_cache) { std::array transaction_id; std::copy(std::begin(in_to_key_public.tx_hash.data), std::end(in_to_key_public.tx_hash.data), transaction_id.begin()); const std::map, size_t>, size_t>::const_iterator i = output_tracker_cache->second.find( std::make_pair(transaction_id, in_to_key_public.relative_offset)); if (i != output_tracker_cache->second.end()) { size_t idx = i->second; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(idx >= m_transfers.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Output tracker cache index out of range"); m_transfers[idx].m_uses.push_back(std::make_pair(height, txid)); } } else for (transfer_details &td: m_transfers) { if (in_to_key_public.tx_hash != td.m_txid) continue; if (in_to_key_public.relative_offset == td.m_internal_output_index) td.m_uses.push_back(std::make_pair(height, txid)); } } } } uint64_t fee; if(miner_tx){ fee = 0; }else{ uint64_t tx_etn_total_inputs; get_inputs_etn_amount(tx, tx_etn_total_inputs); fee = tx_etn_total_inputs - get_outs_etn_amount(tx); //it doesn't matter if we personally spent ins, fee is alwasys total ins minus total outs } if (tx_etn_spent_in_ins > 0 && !pool) { // only used for v1. refactor later uint64_t self_received = std::accumulate(tx_etn_got_in_outs.begin(), tx_etn_got_in_outs.end(), 0, [&subaddr_account] (uint64_t acc, const std::pair& p) { return acc + (p.first.major == *subaddr_account ? p.second : 0); }); process_outgoing(txid, tx, height, ts, tx_etn_spent_in_ins, self_received, *subaddr_account, subaddr_indices); // if sending to yourself at the same subaddress account, set the outgoing payment amount to 0 so that it's less confusing if (tx_etn_spent_in_ins == self_received + fee) { auto i = m_confirmed_txs.find(txid); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(i == m_confirmed_txs.end(), error::wallet_internal_error, "confirmed tx wasn't found: " + string_tools::pod_to_hex(txid)); if(tx.version == 1) i->second.m_change = self_received; } } // remove change sent to the spending subaddress account from the list of received funds uint64_t sub_change = 0; for (auto i = tx_etn_got_in_outs.begin(); i != tx_etn_got_in_outs.end();) { if (subaddr_account && i->first.major == *subaddr_account) { sub_change += i->second; i = tx_etn_got_in_outs.erase(i); } else ++i; } // create payment_details for each incoming transfer to a subaddress index if (tx_etn_got_in_outs.size() > 0) { tx_extra_nonce extra_nonce; crypto::hash payment_id = null_hash; if (find_tx_extra_field_by_type(tx_extra_fields, extra_nonce)) { crypto::hash8 payment_id8 = null_hash8; if(get_encrypted_payment_id_from_tx_extra_nonce(extra_nonce.nonce, payment_id8)) { // We got a payment ID to go with this tx LOG_PRINT_L2("Found encrypted payment ID: " << payment_id8); MINFO("Consider using subaddresses instead of encrypted payment IDs"); if (tx_pub_key != null_pkey) { if (!m_account.get_device().decrypt_payment_id(payment_id8, tx_pub_key, m_account.get_keys().m_view_secret_key)) { LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to decrypt payment ID: " << payment_id8); } else { // put the 64 bit decrypted payment id in the first 8 bytes memcpy(payment_id.data, payment_id8.data, 8); // rest is already 0, but guard against code changes above memset(payment_id.data + 8, 0, 24); LOG_PRINT_L2(" payment ID: " << payment_id); } } else { LOG_PRINT_L1("No public key found in tx, unable to decrypt payment id"); } } else if (get_payment_id_from_tx_extra_nonce(extra_nonce.nonce, payment_id)) { LOG_PRINT_L2("Found unencrypted payment ID: " << payment_id); MWARNING("Found unencrypted payment ID: these are bad for privacy, consider using subaddresses instead"); } } uint64_t total_received_2 = sub_change; for (const auto& i : tx_etn_got_in_outs) total_received_2 += i.second; if (total_received_1 != total_received_2) { const el::Level level = el::Level::Warning; MCLOG_RED(level, "global", "**********************************************************************"); MCLOG_RED(level, "global", "Consistency failure in amounts received"); MCLOG_RED(level, "global", "Check transaction " << txid); MCLOG_RED(level, "global", "**********************************************************************"); exit(1); return; } bool all_same = true; for (const auto& i : tx_etn_got_in_outs) { payment_details payment; payment.m_tx_hash = txid; payment.m_fee = fee; payment.m_amount = i.second; payment.m_block_height = height; payment.m_unlock_time = tx.unlock_time; payment.m_timestamp = ts; payment.m_coinbase = miner_tx; payment.m_subaddr_index = i.first; if (pool) { if (emplace_or_replace(m_unconfirmed_payments, payment_id, pool_payment_details{payment, double_spend_seen, nonexistent_utxo_seen})) all_same = false; if (0 != m_callback) m_callback->on_unconfirmed_etn_received(height, txid, tx, payment.m_amount, payment.m_subaddr_index); } else m_payments.emplace(payment_id, payment); LOG_PRINT_L2("Payment found in " << (pool ? "pool" : "block") << ": " << payment_id << " / " << payment.m_tx_hash << " / " << payment.m_amount); } // if it's a pool tx and we already had it, don't notify again if (pool && all_same) notify = false; } if (notify) { std::shared_ptr tx_notify = m_tx_notify; if (tx_notify) tx_notify->notify("%s", epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(txid).c_str(), NULL); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::process_unconfirmed(const crypto::hash &txid, const cryptonote::transaction& tx, uint64_t height) { if (m_unconfirmed_txs.empty()) return; auto unconf_it = m_unconfirmed_txs.find(txid); if(unconf_it != m_unconfirmed_txs.end()) { if (store_tx_info()) { try { m_confirmed_txs.insert(std::make_pair(txid, confirmed_transfer_details(unconf_it->second, height))); } catch (...) { // can fail if the tx has unexpected input types LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to add outgoing transaction to confirmed transaction map"); } } m_unconfirmed_txs.erase(unconf_it); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::process_outgoing(const crypto::hash &txid, const cryptonote::transaction &tx, uint64_t height, uint64_t ts, uint64_t spent, uint64_t received, uint32_t subaddr_account, const std::set& subaddr_indices) { std::pair::iterator, bool> entry = m_confirmed_txs.insert(std::make_pair(txid, confirmed_transfer_details())); // fill with the info we know, some info might already be there if (entry.second) { // this case will happen if the tx is from our outputs, but was sent by another // wallet (eg, we're a cold wallet and the hot wallet sent it). For RCT transactions, // we only see 0 input amounts, so have to deduce amount out from other parameters. entry.first->second.m_amount_in = spent; entry.first->second.m_amount_out = get_outs_etn_amount(tx); if(tx.version == 1) entry.first->second.m_change = received; std::vector tx_extra_fields; parse_tx_extra(tx.extra, tx_extra_fields); // ok if partially parsed tx_extra_nonce extra_nonce; if (find_tx_extra_field_by_type(tx_extra_fields, extra_nonce)) { // we do not care about failure here get_payment_id_from_tx_extra_nonce(extra_nonce.nonce, entry.first->second.m_payment_id); } entry.first->second.m_subaddr_account = subaddr_account; entry.first->second.m_subaddr_indices = subaddr_indices; } entry.first->second.m_rings.clear(); for (const auto &in: tx.vin) { if (in.type() != typeid(cryptonote::txin_to_key)) continue; const auto &txin = boost::get(in); entry.first->second.m_rings.push_back(std::make_pair(txin.k_image, txin.key_offsets)); } entry.first->second.m_block_height = height; entry.first->second.m_timestamp = ts; entry.first->second.m_unlock_time = tx.unlock_time; entry.first->second.m_is_migration = tx.version == 2; // is tx going to the portal address? check the first output's dest... if(tx.version == 3){ // cryptonote::account_public_address dest_address = boost::get(tx.vout[0].target).address; // std::string portal_address_viewkey_hex_str; std::string portal_address_spendkey_hex_str; bool is_portal_address; if(nettype() == MAINNET){ is_portal_address = epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(dest_address.m_spend_public_key) == "8ce0f34fd37c7f7d07c44024eb5b3cdf275d1b3e75c3464b808dce532e861137" && epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(dest_address.m_view_public_key) == "2b95a2eb2c62253c57e82b082b850bbf22a1a7829aaea09c7c1511c1cced4375"; }else{ is_portal_address = epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(dest_address.m_spend_public_key) == "5bd0c0e25eee6133850edd2b255ed9e3d6bb99fd5f08b7b5cf7f2618ad6ff2a3" && epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(dest_address.m_view_public_key) == "5866666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666"; } entry.first->second.m_is_sc_migration = is_portal_address; } if(tx.version > 1){ // grab the input owner keys/address by using the subaddr indicies used for the transaction std::vector input_addresses; for (auto minor_index : subaddr_indices) { cryptonote::subaddress_index index{subaddr_account, minor_index}; input_addresses.push_back(get_subaddress(index)); } //build list of potential change outputs - NB if *ALL* outs go to input addresses, then we DON'T conside them change; the transaction is a looped sweep. // If one or more outs do not go to an input address, we consider ALL other outputs as change outputs std::unordered_set change_indexes; for (size_t i = 0; i < tx.vout.size(); ++i) { for (auto input_address : input_addresses) { if (boost::get(tx.vout[i].target).address == input_address) { change_indexes.insert(i); continue; } } } // if this is true we have a sweep tx so clear all change out indexes if (change_indexes.size() == tx.vout.size()) { change_indexes.clear(); } int64_t total_change = 0; for (auto &change_index : change_indexes) total_change += tx.vout[change_index].amount; entry.first->second.m_change = total_change; // For V2+ tx, we can repopulate tx destinations in the wallet cache during a rescan by simply reading them from the transactions //todo: optimise if (entry.first->second.m_dests.empty()) { // fill destinations for (size_t i = 0; i < tx.vout.size(); ++i) { if (change_indexes.find(i) == change_indexes.end()) { // only include non-change outs as dests auto output = boost::get(tx.vout[i].target); // grab output from the tx //predicate for comparison later on auto pred = [output](const tx_destination_entry &destination) { return destination.addr == output.address; }; //search our working list of destinations in entry, and either add output amount to the // running total in the case of a match, or add a new destination otherwise auto dest_ptr = std::find_if(std::begin(entry.first->second.m_dests), std::end(entry.first->second.m_dests), pred); if (dest_ptr != std::end(entry.first->second.m_dests)) { dest_ptr->amount += tx.vout[i].amount; } else { entry.first->second.m_dests.push_back(tx_destination_entry( tx.vout[i].amount, output.address, output.m_address_prefix == get_config(this->m_nettype).CRYPTONOTE_PUBLIC_SUBADDRESS_BASE58_PREFIX ? true : false )); } } } } } add_rings(tx); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::should_skip_block(const cryptonote::block &b, uint64_t height) const { // seeking only for blocks that are not older then the wallet creation time plus 1 day. 1 day is for possible user incorrect time setup return !(b.timestamp + 60*60*24 > m_account.get_createtime() && height >= m_refresh_from_block_height); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::process_new_blockchain_entry(const cryptonote::block& b, const cryptonote::block_complete_entry& bche, const parsed_block &parsed_block, const crypto::hash& bl_id, uint64_t height, const std::vector &tx_cache_data, size_t tx_cache_data_offset, std::pair, size_t>, std::map, size_t>, size_t>> *output_tracker_cache) { if(b.major_version < 10) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(bche.txs.size() + 1 != parsed_block.o_indices.indices.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "block transactions=" + std::to_string(bche.txs.size()) + " not match with daemon response size=" + std::to_string(parsed_block.o_indices.indices.size())); } //handle transactions from new block //optimization: seeking only for blocks that are not older then the wallet creation time plus 1 day. 1 day is for possible user incorrect time setup if (!should_skip_block(b, height)) { //FIRST PROCESS THE MINER TX FOR THE NEW BLOCK TIME_MEASURE_START(miner_tx_handle_time); if (m_refresh_type != RefreshNoCoinbase) process_new_transaction(get_transaction_hash(b.miner_tx), b.miner_tx, parsed_block.o_indices.indices[0].indices, height, b.timestamp, true, false, false, false, tx_cache_data[tx_cache_data_offset], output_tracker_cache); ++tx_cache_data_offset; TIME_MEASURE_FINISH(miner_tx_handle_time); //NOW THE OTHER TRANSACTIONS TIME_MEASURE_START(txs_handle_time); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(bche.txs.size() != b.tx_hashes.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Wrong amount of transactions for block"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(bche.txs.size() != parsed_block.txes.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Wrong amount of transactions for block"); for (size_t idx = 0; idx < b.tx_hashes.size(); ++idx) { process_new_transaction(b.tx_hashes[idx], parsed_block.txes[idx], parsed_block.o_indices.indices[idx+1].indices, height, b.timestamp, false, false, false, false, tx_cache_data[tx_cache_data_offset++], output_tracker_cache); } TIME_MEASURE_FINISH(txs_handle_time); m_last_block_reward = cryptonote::get_outs_etn_amount(b.miner_tx); LOG_PRINT_L2("Processed block: " << bl_id << ", height " << height << ", " << miner_tx_handle_time + txs_handle_time << "(" << miner_tx_handle_time << "/" << txs_handle_time <<")ms"); }else { if (!(height % 128)) LOG_PRINT_L2( "Skipped block by timestamp, height: " << height << ", block time " << b.timestamp << ", account time " << m_account.get_createtime()); } m_blockchain.push_back(bl_id); if (0 != m_callback) m_callback->on_new_block(height, b); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::get_short_chain_history(std::list& ids, uint64_t granularity) const { size_t i = 0; size_t current_multiplier = 1; size_t blockchain_size = std::max((size_t)(m_blockchain.size() / granularity * granularity), m_blockchain.offset()); size_t sz = blockchain_size - m_blockchain.offset(); if(!sz) { ids.push_back(m_blockchain.genesis()); return; } size_t current_back_offset = 1; bool base_included = false; while(current_back_offset < sz) { ids.push_back(m_blockchain[m_blockchain.offset() + sz-current_back_offset]); if(sz-current_back_offset == 0) base_included = true; if(i < 10) { ++current_back_offset; }else { current_back_offset += current_multiplier *= 2; } ++i; } if(!base_included) ids.push_back(m_blockchain[m_blockchain.offset()]); if(m_blockchain.offset()) ids.push_back(m_blockchain.genesis()); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::parse_block_round(const cryptonote::blobdata &blob, cryptonote::block &bl, crypto::hash &bl_id, bool &error) const { error = !cryptonote::parse_and_validate_block_from_blob(blob, bl, bl_id); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::pull_blocks(uint64_t start_height, uint64_t &blocks_start_height, const std::list &short_chain_history, std::vector &blocks, std::vector &o_indices) { cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_BLOCKS_FAST::request req = AUTO_VAL_INIT(req); cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_BLOCKS_FAST::response res = AUTO_VAL_INIT(res); req.block_ids = short_chain_history; req.prune = true; req.start_height = start_height; req.no_miner_tx = m_refresh_type == RefreshNoCoinbase; m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock(); bool r = invoke_http_bin("/getblocks.bin", req, res, rpc_timeout); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock(); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "getblocks.bin"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(res.status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_BUSY, error::daemon_busy, "getblocks.bin"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK, error::get_blocks_error, get_rpc_status(res.status)); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(res.blocks.size() != res.output_indices.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "mismatched blocks (" + boost::lexical_cast(res.blocks.size()) + ") and output_indices (" + boost::lexical_cast(res.output_indices.size()) + ") sizes from daemon"); blocks_start_height = res.start_height; blocks = std::move(res.blocks); o_indices = std::move(res.output_indices); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ cryptonote::blobdata wallet2::get_pruned_tx_blob(const cryptonote::blobdata &blobdata) { cryptonote::transaction tx; if (!cryptonote::parse_and_validate_tx_from_blob(blobdata, tx)) { MERROR("Failed to parse and validate tx from blob"); return blobdata; } std::stringstream ss; binary_archive ba(ss); bool r = tx.serialize_base(ba); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(r, blobdata, "Failed to serialize rct signatures base"); return ss.str(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::pull_hashes(uint64_t start_height, uint64_t &blocks_start_height, const std::list &short_chain_history, std::vector &hashes) { cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_HASHES_FAST::request req = AUTO_VAL_INIT(req); cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_HASHES_FAST::response res = AUTO_VAL_INIT(res); req.block_ids = short_chain_history; req.start_height = start_height; m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock(); bool r = invoke_http_bin("/gethashes.bin", req, res, rpc_timeout); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock(); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "gethashes.bin"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(res.status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_BUSY, error::daemon_busy, "gethashes.bin"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK, error::get_hashes_error, get_rpc_status(res.status)); blocks_start_height = res.start_height; hashes = std::move(res.m_block_ids); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::process_parsed_blocks(uint64_t start_height, const std::vector &blocks, const std::vector &parsed_blocks, uint64_t& blocks_added, std::pair, size_t>, std::map, size_t>, size_t>> *output_tracker_cache) { size_t current_index = start_height; blocks_added = 0; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(blocks.size() != parsed_blocks.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "size mismatch"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!m_blockchain.is_in_bounds(current_index), error::out_of_hashchain_bounds_error); tools::threadpool& tpool = tools::threadpool::getInstance(); tools::threadpool::waiter waiter; //this is the total number of tx in the batch of blocks size_t num_txes = 0; std::vector tx_cache_data; for (size_t i = 0; i < blocks.size(); ++i) num_txes += 1 + parsed_blocks[i].txes.size(); tx_cache_data.resize(num_txes); size_t txidx = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < blocks.size(); ++i) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(parsed_blocks[i].txes.size() != parsed_blocks[i].block.tx_hashes.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Mismatched parsed_blocks[i].txes.size() and parsed_blocks[i].block.tx_hashes.size()"); //ONLY CACHE TX PUBLIC KEYS R0....Rn FOR V1 TX (that's if we don't want to skip the blocks anyway) if (should_skip_block(parsed_blocks[i].block, start_height + i)){ txidx += 1 + parsed_blocks[i].block.tx_hashes.size(); continue; }else{ if (m_refresh_type != RefreshNoCoinbase) // we're caching pubkeys only tpool.submit(&waiter, [&, i, txidx]() { cache_tx_data(parsed_blocks[i].block.miner_tx, get_transaction_hash(parsed_blocks[i].block.miner_tx), tx_cache_data[txidx]); }); ++txidx; for (size_t idx = 0; idx < parsed_blocks[i].txes.size(); ++idx) { tpool.submit(&waiter, [&, i, idx, txidx]() { cache_tx_data(parsed_blocks[i].txes[idx], parsed_blocks[i].block.tx_hashes[idx], tx_cache_data[txidx]); }); ++txidx; } } } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(txidx != num_txes, error::wallet_internal_error, "txidx does not match tx_cache_data size"); waiter.wait(&tpool); hw::device &hwdev = m_account.get_device(); hw::reset_mode rst(hwdev); hwdev.set_mode(hw::device::TRANSACTION_PARSE); const cryptonote::account_keys &keys = m_account.get_keys(); auto gender = [&](wallet2::is_out_data &iod) { if (!hwdev.generate_key_derivation(iod.pkey, keys.m_view_secret_key, iod.derivation)) { MWARNING("Failed to generate key derivation from tx pubkey, skipping"); static_assert(sizeof(iod.derivation) == sizeof(rct::key), "Mismatched sizes of key_derivation and rct::key"); memcpy(&iod.derivation, rct::identity().bytes, sizeof(iod.derivation)); } }; //call gender above in a thread for (size_t i = 0; i < tx_cache_data.size(); ++i) { if (tx_cache_data[i].empty()) continue; if(!tx_cache_data[i].public_only()){ // no need to thread key derivations for public outs tpool.submit(&waiter, [&hwdev, &gender, &tx_cache_data, i]() { auto &slot = tx_cache_data[i]; boost::unique_lock hwdev_lock(hwdev); for (auto &iod: slot.primary) gender(iod); for (auto &iod: slot.additional) gender(iod); }, true); } } waiter.wait(&tpool); auto geniod = [&](const cryptonote::transaction &tx, size_t n_vouts, size_t txidx) { for (size_t k = 0; k < n_vouts; ++k) { const auto &o = tx.vout[k]; if (o.target.type() == typeid(cryptonote::txout_to_key)) { std::vector additional_derivations; additional_derivations.reserve(tx_cache_data[txidx].additional.size()); for (const auto &iod: tx_cache_data[txidx].additional) additional_derivations.push_back(iod.derivation); const auto &key = boost::get(o.target).key; for (size_t l = 0; l < tx_cache_data[txidx].primary.size(); ++l) // afaik this loop over l is for additional *primary* tx pubkeys (accidentally?) put in the extra { //NB this doesn't mean that all of the outs were received with the primary txpubkey R, it was just a convention to push this number of // empty rec's to tx_cache_data[txidx].primary in the tx_cache thread before (just in case they were) THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(tx_cache_data[txidx].primary[l].received.size() != n_vouts, error::wallet_internal_error, "Unexpected received array size"); // if we find that an out belongs to us, mark as received in the cache tx_cache_data[txidx].primary[l].received[k] = is_out_to_acc_precomp(m_subaddresses, key, tx_cache_data[txidx].primary[l].derivation, additional_derivations, k, hwdev); additional_derivations.clear(); } }else if(o.target.type() == typeid(cryptonote::txout_to_key_public)){ // this is the equivalent of our ownership precomp const auto etn_address = boost::get(o.target).address; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(tx_cache_data[txidx].public_outs[0].received.size() != n_vouts, error::wallet_internal_error, "Unexpected received array size"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(tx_cache_data[txidx].public_outs.size() != 1, error::wallet_internal_error, "Unexpected received vector size"); // no loop over l required for public outputs ^ //only assign subaddress recipient if view key also matches too as we now spend with combined keys (a+b) and we wont be // doing key image related checks later to check if we can really spend the out (ie checking view key match by proxy) auto receive_info = cryptonote::is_out_to_acc_precomp_public(m_subaddresses, etn_address); tx_cache_data[txidx].public_outs[0].received[k] = (receive_info == boost::none) ? (receive_info) : get_subaddress(receive_info->index).m_view_public_key == etn_address.m_view_public_key ? receive_info : boost::none; //todo: refactor with function pointers } } }; //we reset txidx from above ready to precompute ownership. txidx = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < blocks.size(); ++i) { if (should_skip_block(parsed_blocks[i].block, start_height + i)) { txidx += 1 + parsed_blocks[i].block.tx_hashes.size(); continue; } //Run geniod on a thread which is a proxy for is_out_to_acc_precomp which precomputes ownership of outputs if (m_refresh_type != RefreshType::RefreshNoCoinbase) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(txidx >= tx_cache_data.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "txidx out of range"); const size_t n_vouts = m_refresh_type == RefreshType::RefreshOptimizeCoinbase ? 1 : parsed_blocks[i].block.miner_tx.vout.size(); tpool.submit(&waiter, [&, i, n_vouts, txidx](){ geniod(parsed_blocks[i].block.miner_tx, n_vouts, txidx); }, true); } ++txidx; for (size_t j = 0; j < parsed_blocks[i].txes.size(); ++j) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(txidx >= tx_cache_data.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "txidx out of range"); tpool.submit(&waiter, [&, i, j, txidx](){ geniod(parsed_blocks[i].txes[j], parsed_blocks[i].txes[j].vout.size(), txidx); }, true); ++txidx; } } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(txidx != tx_cache_data.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "txidx did not reach expected value"); waiter.wait(&tpool); hwdev.set_mode(hw::device::NONE); size_t tx_cache_data_offset = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < blocks.size(); ++i) { const crypto::hash &bl_id = parsed_blocks[i].hash; const cryptonote::block &bl = parsed_blocks[i].block; if(current_index >= m_blockchain.size()) { process_new_blockchain_entry(bl, blocks[i], parsed_blocks[i], bl_id, current_index, tx_cache_data, tx_cache_data_offset, output_tracker_cache); ++blocks_added; } else if(bl_id != m_blockchain[current_index]) { //split detected here !!! THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(current_index == start_height, error::wallet_internal_error, "wrong daemon response: split starts from the first block in response " + string_tools::pod_to_hex(bl_id) + " (height " + std::to_string(start_height) + "), local block id at this height: " + string_tools::pod_to_hex(m_blockchain[current_index])); detach_blockchain(current_index, output_tracker_cache); process_new_blockchain_entry(bl, blocks[i], parsed_blocks[i], bl_id, current_index, tx_cache_data, tx_cache_data_offset, output_tracker_cache); } else { LOG_PRINT_L2("Block is already in blockchain: " << string_tools::pod_to_hex(bl_id)); } ++current_index; tx_cache_data_offset += 1 + parsed_blocks[i].txes.size(); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::refresh(bool trusted_daemon) { uint64_t blocks_fetched = 0; refresh(trusted_daemon, 0, blocks_fetched); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::refresh(bool trusted_daemon, uint64_t start_height, uint64_t & blocks_fetched) { bool received_etn = false; refresh(trusted_daemon, start_height, blocks_fetched, received_etn); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::pull_and_parse_next_blocks(uint64_t start_height, uint64_t &blocks_start_height, std::list &short_chain_history, const std::vector &prev_blocks, const std::vector &prev_parsed_blocks, std::vector &blocks, std::vector &parsed_blocks, bool &error) { error = false; try { drop_from_short_history(short_chain_history, 3); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(prev_blocks.size() != prev_parsed_blocks.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "size mismatch"); // prepend the last 3 blocks, should be enough to guard against a block or two's reorg auto s = std::next(prev_parsed_blocks.rbegin(), std::min((size_t)3, prev_parsed_blocks.size())).base(); for (; s != prev_parsed_blocks.end(); ++s) { short_chain_history.push_front(s->hash); } // pull the new blocks std::vector o_indices; pull_blocks(start_height, blocks_start_height, short_chain_history, blocks, o_indices); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(blocks.size() != o_indices.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Mismatched sizes of blocks and o_indices"); tools::threadpool& tpool = tools::threadpool::getInstance(); tools::threadpool::waiter waiter; parsed_blocks.resize(blocks.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < blocks.size(); ++i) { tpool.submit(&waiter, boost::bind(&wallet2::parse_block_round, this, std::cref(blocks[i].block), std::ref(parsed_blocks[i].block), std::ref(parsed_blocks[i].hash), std::ref(parsed_blocks[i].error)), true); } waiter.wait(&tpool); for (size_t i = 0; i < blocks.size(); ++i) { if (parsed_blocks[i].error) { error = true; break; } parsed_blocks[i].o_indices = std::move(o_indices[i]); } boost::mutex error_lock; for (size_t i = 0; i < blocks.size(); ++i) { parsed_blocks[i].txes.resize(blocks[i].txs.size()); for (size_t j = 0; j < blocks[i].txs.size(); ++j) { tpool.submit(&waiter, [&, i, j](){ if (!parse_and_validate_tx_base_from_blob(blocks[i].txs[j], parsed_blocks[i].txes[j])) { boost::unique_lock lock(error_lock); error = true; } }, true); } } waiter.wait(&tpool); } catch(...) { error = true; } } void wallet2::remove_obsolete_pool_txs(const std::vector &tx_hashes) { // remove pool txes to us that aren't in the pool anymore std::unordered_multimap::iterator uit = m_unconfirmed_payments.begin(); while (uit != m_unconfirmed_payments.end()) { const crypto::hash &txid = uit->second.m_pd.m_tx_hash; bool found = false; for (const auto &it2: tx_hashes) { if (it2 == txid) { found = true; break; } } auto pit = uit++; if (!found) { MDEBUG("Removing " << txid << " from unconfirmed payments, not found in pool"); m_unconfirmed_payments.erase(pit); if (0 != m_callback) m_callback->on_pool_tx_removed(txid); } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::update_pool_state(bool refreshed) { MTRACE("update_pool_state start"); auto keys_reencryptor = epee::misc_utils::create_scope_leave_handler([&, this]() { if (m_encrypt_keys_after_refresh) { encrypt_keys(*m_encrypt_keys_after_refresh); m_encrypt_keys_after_refresh = boost::none; } }); // get the pool state cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTION_POOL_HASHES_BIN::request req; cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTION_POOL_HASHES_BIN::response res; m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock(); bool r = invoke_http_json("/get_transaction_pool_hashes.bin", req, res, rpc_timeout); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock(); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "get_transaction_pool_hashes.bin"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(res.status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_BUSY, error::daemon_busy, "get_transaction_pool_hashes.bin"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK, error::get_tx_pool_error); MTRACE("update_pool_state got pool"); // remove any pending tx that's not in the pool std::unordered_map::iterator it = m_unconfirmed_txs.begin(); while (it != m_unconfirmed_txs.end()) { const crypto::hash &txid = it->first; bool found = false; for (const auto &it2: res.tx_hashes) { if (it2 == txid) { found = true; break; } } auto pit = it++; if (!found) { // we want to avoid a false positive when we ask for the pool just after // a tx is removed from the pool due to being found in a new block, but // just before the block is visible by refresh. So we keep a boolean, so // that the first time we don't see the tx, we set that boolean, and only // delete it the second time it is checked (but only when refreshed, so // we're sure we've seen the blockchain state first) if (pit->second.m_state == wallet2::unconfirmed_transfer_details::pending) { LOG_PRINT_L1("Pending txid " << txid << " not in pool, marking as not in pool"); pit->second.m_state = wallet2::unconfirmed_transfer_details::pending_not_in_pool; } else if (pit->second.m_state == wallet2::unconfirmed_transfer_details::pending_not_in_pool && refreshed) { LOG_PRINT_L1("Pending txid " << txid << " not in pool, marking as failed"); pit->second.m_state = wallet2::unconfirmed_transfer_details::failed; // the inputs aren't spent anymore, since the tx failed remove_rings(pit->second.m_tx); for (size_t vini = 0; vini < pit->second.m_tx.vin.size(); ++vini) { if (pit->second.m_tx.vin[vini].type() == typeid(txin_to_key)) { txin_to_key &tx_in_to_key = boost::get(pit->second.m_tx.vin[vini]); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_transfers.size(); ++i) { const transfer_details &td = m_transfers[i]; if (td.m_key_image == tx_in_to_key.k_image) { LOG_PRINT_L1("Resetting spent status for output " << vini << ": " << td.m_key_image); set_unspent(i); break; } } } } } } } MTRACE("update_pool_state done first loop"); // remove pool txes to us that aren't in the pool anymore // but only if we just refreshed, so that the tx can go in // the in transfers list instead (or nowhere if it just // disappeared without being mined) if (refreshed) remove_obsolete_pool_txs(res.tx_hashes); MTRACE("update_pool_state done second loop"); // gather txids of new pool txes to us std::vector> txids; for (const auto &txid: res.tx_hashes) { bool txid_found_in_up = false; for (const auto &up: m_unconfirmed_payments) { if (up.second.m_pd.m_tx_hash == txid) { txid_found_in_up = true; break; } } if (m_scanned_pool_txs[0].find(txid) != m_scanned_pool_txs[0].end() || m_scanned_pool_txs[1].find(txid) != m_scanned_pool_txs[1].end()) { // if it's for us, we want to keep track of whether we saw a double spend, so don't bail out if (!txid_found_in_up) { LOG_PRINT_L2("Already seen " << txid << ", and not for us, skipped"); continue; } } if (!txid_found_in_up) { LOG_PRINT_L1("Found new pool tx: " << txid); bool found = false; for (const auto &i: m_unconfirmed_txs) { if (i.first == txid) { found = true; // if this is a payment to yourself at a different subaddress account, don't skip it // so that you can see the incoming pool tx with 'show_transfers' on that receiving subaddress account const unconfirmed_transfer_details& utd = i.second; for (const auto& dst : utd.m_dests) { auto subaddr_index = m_subaddresses.find(dst.addr.m_spend_public_key); if (subaddr_index != m_subaddresses.end() && subaddr_index->second.major != utd.m_subaddr_account) { found = false; break; } } break; } } if (!found) { // not one of those we sent ourselves txids.push_back({txid, false}); } else { LOG_PRINT_L1("We sent that one"); } } else { LOG_PRINT_L1("Already saw that one, it's for us"); txids.push_back({txid, true}); } } // get those txes if (!txids.empty()) { cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::request req; cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::response res; for (const auto &p: txids) req.txs_hashes.push_back(epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(p.first)); MDEBUG("asking for " << txids.size() << " transactions"); req.decode_as_json = false; req.prune = true; m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock(); bool r = invoke_http_json("/gettransactions", req, res, rpc_timeout); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock(); MDEBUG("Got " << r << " and " << res.status); if (r && res.status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK) { if (res.txs.size() == txids.size()) { for (const auto &tx_entry: res.txs) { if (tx_entry.in_pool) { cryptonote::transaction tx; cryptonote::blobdata bd; crypto::hash tx_hash; if (get_pruned_tx(tx_entry, tx, tx_hash)) { const std::vector>::const_iterator i = std::find_if(txids.begin(), txids.end(), [tx_hash](const std::pair &e) { return e.first == tx_hash; }); if (i != txids.end()) { process_new_transaction(tx_hash, tx, std::vector(), 0, time(NULL), false, true, tx_entry.double_spend_seen, false, {}); m_scanned_pool_txs[0].insert(tx_hash); if (m_scanned_pool_txs[0].size() > 5000) { std::swap(m_scanned_pool_txs[0], m_scanned_pool_txs[1]); m_scanned_pool_txs[0].clear(); } } else { MERROR("Got txid " << tx_hash << " which we did not ask for"); } } else { LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to parse transaction from daemon"); } } else { LOG_PRINT_L1("Transaction from daemon was in pool, but is no more"); } } } else { LOG_PRINT_L0("Expected " << txids.size() << " tx(es), got " << res.txs.size()); } } else { LOG_PRINT_L0("Error calling gettransactions daemon RPC: r " << r << ", status " << get_rpc_status(res.status)); } } MTRACE("update_pool_state end"); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::fast_refresh(uint64_t stop_height, uint64_t &blocks_start_height, std::list &short_chain_history, bool force) { std::vector hashes; const uint64_t checkpoint_height = m_checkpoints.get_max_height(); if ((stop_height > checkpoint_height && m_blockchain.size()-1 < checkpoint_height) && !force) { // we will drop all these, so don't bother getting them uint64_t missing_blocks = m_checkpoints.get_max_height() - m_blockchain.size(); while (missing_blocks-- > 0) m_blockchain.push_back(crypto::null_hash); // maybe a bit suboptimal, but deque won't do huge reallocs like vector m_blockchain.push_back(m_checkpoints.get_points().at(checkpoint_height)); m_blockchain.trim(checkpoint_height); short_chain_history.clear(); get_short_chain_history(short_chain_history); } size_t current_index = m_blockchain.size(); while(m_run.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) && current_index < stop_height) { pull_hashes(0, blocks_start_height, short_chain_history, hashes); if (hashes.size() <= 3) return; if (blocks_start_height < m_blockchain.offset()) { MERROR("Blocks start before blockchain offset: " << blocks_start_height << " " << m_blockchain.offset()); return; } if (hashes.size() + current_index < stop_height) { drop_from_short_history(short_chain_history, 3); std::vector::iterator right = hashes.end(); // prepend 3 more for (int i = 0; i<3; i++) { right--; short_chain_history.push_front(*right); } } current_index = blocks_start_height; for(auto& bl_id: hashes) { if(current_index >= m_blockchain.size()) { if (!(current_index % 1024)) LOG_PRINT_L2( "Skipped block by height: " << current_index); m_blockchain.push_back(bl_id); if (0 != m_callback) { // FIXME: this isn't right, but simplewallet just logs that we got a block. cryptonote::block dummy; m_callback->on_new_block(current_index, dummy); } } else if(bl_id != m_blockchain[current_index]) { //split detected here !!! return; } ++current_index; if (current_index >= stop_height) return; } } } bool wallet2::add_address_book_row(const cryptonote::account_public_address &address, const crypto::hash &payment_id, const std::string &description, bool is_subaddress) { wallet2::address_book_row a; a.m_address = address; a.m_payment_id = payment_id; a.m_description = description; a.m_is_subaddress = is_subaddress; auto old_size = m_address_book.size(); m_address_book.push_back(a); if(m_address_book.size() == old_size+1) return true; return false; } bool wallet2::delete_address_book_row(std::size_t row_id) { if(m_address_book.size() <= row_id) return false; m_address_book.erase(m_address_book.begin()+row_id); return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::shared_ptr, size_t>, std::map, size_t>, size_t>>> wallet2::create_output_tracker_cache() const { // output tracker cache at the pointed-to address is a map where the key is a pair of // and the value is the m_transfers index. Essentially, this is a cache of output unique identifier against it's location in m_transfers (if it exists there) std::shared_ptr, size_t>, std::map, size_t>, size_t>>> cache{new std::pair, size_t>, std::map, size_t>, size_t>>()}; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_transfers.size(); ++i) { const transfer_details &td = m_transfers[i]; //amount, global out index (*cache).first[std::make_pair(td.is_rct() ? 0 : td.amount(), td.m_global_output_index)] = i; //txid, relative out index std::array transaction_id; std::copy(std::begin(td.m_txid.data), std::end(td.m_txid.data), transaction_id.begin()); (*cache).second[std::make_pair(transaction_id, td.m_internal_output_index)] = i; } return cache; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::refresh(bool trusted_daemon, uint64_t start_height, uint64_t & blocks_fetched, bool& received_etn, bool check_pool) { if (m_offline) { blocks_fetched = 0; received_etn = 0; return; } if (m_light_wallet) { // MyMonero get_address_info needs to be called occasionally to trigger wallet sync. // This call is not really needed for other purposes and can be removed if mymonero changes their backend. tools::COMMAND_RPC_GET_ADDRESS_INFO::response res; // Get basic info if (light_wallet_get_address_info(res)) { // Last stored block height uint64_t prev_height = m_light_wallet_blockchain_height; // Update lw heights m_light_wallet_scanned_block_height = res.scanned_block_height; m_light_wallet_blockchain_height = res.blockchain_height; // If new height - call new_block callback if (m_light_wallet_blockchain_height != prev_height) { MDEBUG("new block since last time!"); m_callback->on_lw_new_block(m_light_wallet_blockchain_height - 1); } m_light_wallet_connected = true; MDEBUG("lw scanned block height: " << m_light_wallet_scanned_block_height); MDEBUG("lw blockchain height: " << m_light_wallet_blockchain_height); MDEBUG(m_light_wallet_blockchain_height - m_light_wallet_scanned_block_height << " blocks behind"); // TODO: add wallet created block info light_wallet_get_address_txs(); } else m_light_wallet_connected = false; // Lighwallet refresh done return; } received_etn = false; blocks_fetched = 0; uint64_t added_blocks = 0; size_t try_count = 0; crypto::hash last_tx_hash_id = m_transfers.size() ? m_transfers.back().m_txid : null_hash; std::list short_chain_history; tools::threadpool &tpool = tools::threadpool::getInstance(); tools::threadpool::waiter waiter; uint64_t blocks_start_height; std::vector blocks; std::vector parsed_blocks; bool refreshed = false; std::shared_ptr, size_t>, std::map, size_t>, size_t>>> output_tracker_cache; //this is where the only usage of output_tracker cache begins hw::device &hwdev = m_account.get_device(); // pull the first set of blocks get_short_chain_history(short_chain_history, (m_first_refresh_done || trusted_daemon) ? 1 : FIRST_REFRESH_GRANULARITY); m_run.store(true, std::memory_order_relaxed); if (start_height > m_blockchain.size() || m_refresh_from_block_height > m_blockchain.size()) { if (!start_height) start_height = m_refresh_from_block_height; // we can shortcut by only pulling hashes up to the start_height fast_refresh(start_height, blocks_start_height, short_chain_history); // regenerate the history now that we've got a full set of hashes short_chain_history.clear(); get_short_chain_history(short_chain_history, (m_first_refresh_done || trusted_daemon) ? 1 : FIRST_REFRESH_GRANULARITY); start_height = 0; // and then fall through to regular refresh processing } // If stop() is called during fast refresh we don't need to continue if (!m_run.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) return; // always reset start_height to 0 to force short_chain_ history to be used on // subsequent pulls in this refresh. start_height = 0; auto keys_reencryptor = epee::misc_utils::create_scope_leave_handler([&, this]() { if (m_encrypt_keys_after_refresh) { encrypt_keys(*m_encrypt_keys_after_refresh); m_encrypt_keys_after_refresh = boost::none; } }); auto scope_exit_handler_hwdev = epee::misc_utils::create_scope_leave_handler( [&]() { hwdev.computing_key_images(false); }); bool first = true; while (m_run.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) { uint64_t next_blocks_start_height; std::vector next_blocks; std::vector next_parsed_blocks; bool error; try { // pull the next set of blocks while we're processing the current one error = false; next_blocks.clear(); next_parsed_blocks.clear(); added_blocks = 0; if (!first && blocks.empty()) { refreshed = false; break; } tpool.submit(&waiter, [&] { pull_and_parse_next_blocks(start_height, next_blocks_start_height, short_chain_history, blocks, parsed_blocks, next_blocks, next_parsed_blocks, error); }); if (!first) { try { process_parsed_blocks(blocks_start_height, blocks, parsed_blocks, added_blocks, output_tracker_cache.get()); } catch (const tools::error::out_of_hashchain_bounds_error &) { MINFO("Daemon claims next refresh block is out of hash chain bounds, resetting hash chain"); uint64_t stop_height = m_blockchain.offset(); std::vector tip(m_blockchain.size() - m_blockchain.offset()); for (size_t i = m_blockchain.offset(); i < m_blockchain.size(); ++i) tip[i - m_blockchain.offset()] = m_blockchain[i]; cryptonote::block b; generate_genesis(b); m_blockchain.clear(); m_blockchain.push_back(get_block_hash(b)); short_chain_history.clear(); get_short_chain_history(short_chain_history); fast_refresh(stop_height, blocks_start_height, short_chain_history, true); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF( (m_blockchain.size() == stop_height || (m_blockchain.size() == 1 && stop_height == 0) ? false : true), error::wallet_internal_error, "Unexpected hashchain size"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(m_blockchain.offset() != 0, error::wallet_internal_error, "Unexpected hashchain offset"); for (const auto &h: tip) m_blockchain.push_back(h); short_chain_history.clear(); get_short_chain_history(short_chain_history); start_height = stop_height; throw std::runtime_error(""); // loop again } catch (const std::exception &e) { MERROR("Error parsing blocks: " << e.what()); error = true; } blocks_fetched += added_blocks; } waiter.wait(&tpool); if (!first && blocks_start_height == next_blocks_start_height) { m_node_rpc_proxy.set_height(m_blockchain.size()); refreshed = true; break; } first = false; // handle error from async fetching thread if (error) { throw std::runtime_error("proxy exception in refresh thread"); } // if we've got at least 10 blocks to refresh, assume we're starting // a long refresh, and setup a tracking output cache if we need to // We hit create_output_tracker_cache before doing processing our blocks in process_parsed_blocks above( see 'first' variable) if (m_track_uses && (!output_tracker_cache || (output_tracker_cache->first.empty() && output_tracker_cache->second.empty())) && next_blocks.size() >= 10) output_tracker_cache = create_output_tracker_cache(); // switch to the new blocks from the daemon blocks_start_height = next_blocks_start_height; blocks = std::move(next_blocks); parsed_blocks = std::move(next_parsed_blocks); } catch (const tools::error::password_needed &) { blocks_fetched += added_blocks; waiter.wait(&tpool); throw; } catch (const std::exception &) { blocks_fetched += added_blocks; waiter.wait(&tpool); if (try_count < 3) { LOG_PRINT_L1("Another try pull_blocks (try_count=" << try_count << ")..."); first = true; start_height = 0; blocks.clear(); parsed_blocks.clear(); short_chain_history.clear(); get_short_chain_history(short_chain_history, 1); ++try_count; } else { LOG_ERROR("pull_blocks failed, try_count=" << try_count); throw; } } } if (last_tx_hash_id != (m_transfers.size() ? m_transfers.back().m_txid : null_hash)) received_etn = true; try { // If stop() is called we don't need to check pending transactions if (check_pool && m_run.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) update_pool_state(refreshed); } catch (...) { LOG_PRINT_L1("Failed to check pending transactions"); } m_first_refresh_done = true; LOG_PRINT_L1("Refresh done, blocks received: " << blocks_fetched << ", pre v10 balance (all accounts): " << print_etn(balance_all(false)) << ", unlocked: " << print_etn(unlocked_balance_all(false)) << ", post v10 balance (all accounts): " << print_etn(balance_all(true)) << ", unlocked: " << print_etn(unlocked_balance_all(true))); //get the testnet bridge address - should be same as mainnet because of our netbyte being erroneously set to the same thing when Electroneum was first created // cryptonote::account_public_address bridge_public_address; // std::string portal_address_viewkey_hex_str = "5866666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666"; //private view is just 0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 // std::string portal_address_spendkey_hex_str = "5bd0c0e25eee6133850edd2b255ed9e3d6bb99fd5f08b7b5cf7f2618ad6ff2a3"; //private view is just 0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 // epee::string_tools::hex_to_pod(portal_address_viewkey_hex_str, bridge_public_address.m_view_public_key); // epee::string_tools::hex_to_pod(portal_address_spendkey_hex_str, bridge_public_address.m_spend_public_key); // std::string bridge_address = cryptonote::get_account_address_as_str(this->nettype(), false, bridge_public_address); //OK //generate the coinbase burn address. spendkey is "9511fabcb699b4f9dffc1779713d0dd7eb1ca56ba5b8ab8d3253a0a6ccf736b3", address "etnkCys4uGhSi9h48ajL9vBDJTcn2s2ttXtXq3SXWPAbiMHNhHitu5fJ8QgRfFWTzmJ8QgRfFWTzmJ8QgRfFWTzm4t51HTfCtK" //cryptonote::account_public_address coinbase_burn_address; //crypto::hash h; //crypto::ec_point point; //epee::string_tools::hex_to_pod("714c8d8eeee5243e7f266e5210f76f58b8b1d6330cedfbc4eda6d5947b212012", h); // genesis hash hex ---> hash type //crypto::hash_to_point(h, point); // generate curve point (burn address spendkey) deterministically in such a way that we can't recover the private key //crypto::public_key coinbase_burn_address_spendkey; //std::copy(std::begin(point.data), std::end(point.data), std::begin(coinbase_burn_address_spendkey.data)); // serialise point to pubkey type //std::string coinbase_burn_address_spendkey_hex_str = epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(coinbase_burn_address_spendkey); // for testing only. pub spend = //std::string coinbase_burn_address_viewkey_hex_str = "5866666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666"; //private view is just 0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 //coinbase_burn_address.m_spend_public_key = coinbase_burn_address_spendkey; //epee::string_tools::hex_to_pod(coinbase_burn_address_viewkey_hex_str, coinbase_burn_address.m_view_public_key); //std::string coinbase_burn_address_str = cryptonote::get_account_address_as_str(this->nettype(), false, coinbase_burn_address); //OK try { // V9-->V10 PUBLIC MIGRATIONS // check that the local blockchain height is at least the v10 fork height + 5 blocks (so we know we don't need to scan for any more v1 outputs and they have all have 5 confs) //todo: write function for wallet that gets the b.major version for a given *local* blockchain height, to save hardcoding heights. uint64_t migration_minheight = this->nettype() == TESTNET ? 1086402 + 5 : 1175315 + 5; if (this->get_blockchain_current_height() > migration_minheight && this->unlocked_balance_all(false) != 0) { LOG_PRINT_L0( "You are now on the transparent version of Electroneum and so we're giving you the chance to migrate your funds via a sweep transaction back to your address.\n Don't worry, this migration is completely free of charge. Please follow the prompts to continue."); std::map>> unlocked_balance_per_subaddress_per_account; // map of: account index ----> (subaddress index, pair(u-balance, unlock time)) // for each account, grab all of the subaddress info (index, (balance, unlock)) for (uint32_t account_index = 0; account_index < this->get_num_subaddress_accounts(); ++account_index) { unlocked_balance_per_subaddress_per_account[account_index] = this->unlocked_balance_per_subaddress( account_index, false); } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < this->get_num_subaddress_accounts(); i++) { cryptonote::subaddress_index index; index.major = i; for (auto subaddress: unlocked_balance_per_subaddress_per_account[i]) { index.minor = subaddress.first; if (subaddress.second.first != 0 && subaddress.second.second == 0/*is there a fully unlocked nonzero balance /sanity check*/) { cryptonote::account_public_address address = get_subaddress(index); // BRIDGE PORTAL ADDRESS std::set subaddress_source{index.minor}; std::vector ptx_vector = this->create_transactions_all(0, address /*dest address*/, index.major != 0 || index.minor != 0 /*is dest a subaddress*/, 1 /*one output only*/, 0 /* don't mix*/, 0 /*default unlock time*/, 4 /*highest priority*/, vector() /*empty tx extra */, index.major /*account index*/, subaddress_source /*source subaddr index*/, true /*migrate*/); this->commit_tx(ptx_vector); } } } LOG_PRINT_L0("Migration to the public version of the blockchain has completed. Please use the command show_transfers (CLI Wallet) or get_transfers (RPC Wallet) to see the details of your migration transactions."); } } catch(...) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION(error::wallet_internal_error, "V9 (Privatised)-->V10 (Public) wallet migration failed."); } try { // V10 Migration to Electroneum Smart Chain cryptonote::account_public_address portal_address; std::string portal_address_viewkey_hex_str; std::string portal_address_spendkey_hex_str; if(m_nettype == MAINNET){ portal_address_viewkey_hex_str = "2b95a2eb2c62253c57e82b082b850bbf22a1a7829aaea09c7c1511c1cced4375"; portal_address_spendkey_hex_str = "8ce0f34fd37c7f7d07c44024eb5b3cdf275d1b3e75c3464b808dce532e861137"; }else{ portal_address_viewkey_hex_str = "5866666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666"; //private view is just 0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 portal_address_spendkey_hex_str = "5bd0c0e25eee6133850edd2b255ed9e3d6bb99fd5f08b7b5cf7f2618ad6ff2a3"; // } bool portal_wallet = //if the portal address wallet ever needs opening, don't allow it to sweep to itself epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(get_address().m_spend_public_key) == portal_address_spendkey_hex_str && epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(get_address().m_view_public_key) == portal_address_viewkey_hex_str; epee::string_tools::hex_to_pod(portal_address_spendkey_hex_str, portal_address.m_spend_public_key); epee::string_tools::hex_to_pod(portal_address_viewkey_hex_str, portal_address.m_view_public_key); // ONLY do migration transactions after the fork block uint64_t smartchain_migration_minheight = this->nettype() == MAINNET ? 1811310 : 1455270; if (this->get_blockchain_current_height() > smartchain_migration_minheight) { // check that unlocked balance = unlocked balance as a best-effort to ensure that we're not migrating the funds whilst more are in transit/confirming if ((!portal_wallet) && (this->balance_all(true) != 0) && (this->unlocked_balance_all(true) == this->balance_all(true))) { std::cout << std::endl << "You are beginning your token migration over to the Electroneum Smart Chain." << std::endl; std::cout << "This transaction is feeless. For further information, please read our documentation over at https:///developer.electroneum.com/migration-to-smart-chain/overview" << std::endl; std::map>> unlocked_balance_per_subaddress_per_account; // map of: account index ----> (subaddress index, pair(u-balance, unlock time)) // for each account, grab all of the subaddress info (index, (balance, unlock)) for (uint32_t account_index = 0; account_index < this->get_num_subaddress_accounts(); ++account_index) { unlocked_balance_per_subaddress_per_account[account_index] = this->unlocked_balance_per_subaddress( account_index, true); } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < this->get_num_subaddress_accounts(); i++) { cryptonote::subaddress_index index; index.major = i; for (auto subaddress: unlocked_balance_per_subaddress_per_account[i]) { index.minor = subaddress.first; if (subaddress.second.first != 0 && subaddress.second.second == 0/*is there a fully unlocked nonzero balance /sanity check*/) { std::set subaddress_source{index.minor}; std::vector ptx_vector = this->create_transactions_all(0, portal_address /*dest address (portal address for bridge)*/, 0 /*is dest a subaddress*/, 1 /*one output only*/, //??????? 0 /* don't mix*/, 0 /*default unlock time*/, 1 /*priority - set low in case they don't have fees for high priority but do for low priority*/, vector() /*empty tx extra */, index.major /*account index*/, subaddress_source /*source subaddr index*/, false /*migrate to transparent chain*/); this->commit_tx(ptx_vector); } } } std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "Migration to Smart Chain portal address completed. Please use the command show_transfers (CLI Wallet) or get_transfers (RPC Wallet) to see the details of your Smart Chain migration transactions." << std::endl; std::cout << "Please note that the entire migration process is not instant and your funds may take some time to show up in the Smart Chain." << std::endl; std::cout << "You can find your SmartChain address using the \"spendkey\" command in the CLI wallet." << std::endl; } } } catch(...) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION(error::wallet_internal_error, "V10 Smart Chain migration failed."); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::refresh(bool trusted_daemon, uint64_t & blocks_fetched, bool& received_etn, bool& ok) { try { refresh(trusted_daemon, 0, blocks_fetched, received_etn); ok = true; } catch (...) { ok = false; } return ok; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::get_rct_distribution(uint64_t &start_height, std::vector &distribution) { uint32_t rpc_version; boost::optional result = m_node_rpc_proxy.get_rpc_version(rpc_version); // no error if (!!result) { // empty string -> not connection THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(result->empty(), tools::error::no_connection_to_daemon, "getversion"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(*result == CORE_RPC_STATUS_BUSY, tools::error::daemon_busy, "getversion"); if (*result != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK) { MDEBUG("Cannot determine daemon RPC version, not requesting rct distribution"); return false; } } else { if (rpc_version >= MAKE_CORE_RPC_VERSION(1, 19)) { MDEBUG("Daemon is recent enough, requesting rct distribution"); } else { MDEBUG("Daemon is too old, not requesting rct distribution"); return false; } } cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_OUTPUT_DISTRIBUTION::request req = AUTO_VAL_INIT(req); cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_OUTPUT_DISTRIBUTION::response res = AUTO_VAL_INIT(res); req.amounts.push_back(0); req.from_height = 0; req.cumulative = false; req.binary = true; req.compress = true; m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock(); bool r = invoke_http_bin("/get_output_distribution.bin", req, res, rpc_timeout); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock(); if (!r) { MWARNING("Failed to request output distribution: no connection to daemon"); return false; } if (res.status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_BUSY) { MWARNING("Failed to request output distribution: daemon is busy"); return false; } if (res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK) { MWARNING("Failed to request output distribution: " << res.status); return false; } if (res.distributions.size() != 1) { MWARNING("Failed to request output distribution: not the expected single result"); return false; } if (res.distributions[0].amount != 0) { MWARNING("Failed to request output distribution: results are not for amount 0"); return false; } for (size_t i = 1; i < res.distributions[0].data.distribution.size(); ++i) res.distributions[0].data.distribution[i] += res.distributions[0].data.distribution[i-1]; start_height = res.distributions[0].data.start_height; distribution = std::move(res.distributions[0].data.distribution); return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::detach_blockchain(uint64_t height, std::pair, size_t>, std::map, size_t>, size_t>> *output_tracker_cache) { LOG_PRINT_L0("Detaching blockchain on height " << height); // size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 // block 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 // C THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(height < m_blockchain.offset() && m_blockchain.size() > m_blockchain.offset(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Daemon claims reorg below last checkpoint"); size_t transfers_detached = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_transfers.size(); ++i) { wallet2::transfer_details &td = m_transfers[i]; if (td.m_spent && td.m_spent_height >= height) { if(td.m_tx.version == 1){ // we're resetting chainstate indexes for ver > 1 LOG_PRINT_L1("Resetting spent/frozen status for output " << i << ": " << td.m_key_image); }else{ LOG_PRINT_L1("Resetting spent/frozen status for output " << i << ": " << "chainstate index " << td.m_txid <<": " << td.m_internal_output_index); } set_unspent(i); thaw(i); } } for (transfer_details &td: m_transfers) { while (!td.m_uses.empty() && td.m_uses.back().first >= height) td.m_uses.pop_back(); } if (output_tracker_cache) { output_tracker_cache->first.clear(); output_tracker_cache->second.clear(); } auto it = std::find_if(m_transfers.begin(), m_transfers.end(), [&](const transfer_details& td){return td.m_block_height >= height;}); size_t i_start = it - m_transfers.begin(); for(size_t i = i_start; i!= m_transfers.size();i++) { if (!m_transfers[i].m_key_image_known || m_transfers[i].m_key_image_partial) continue; auto it_ki = m_key_images.find(m_transfers[i].m_key_image); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(it_ki == m_key_images.end(), error::wallet_internal_error, "key image not found: index " + std::to_string(i) + ", ki " + epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(m_transfers[i].m_key_image) + ", " + std::to_string(m_key_images.size()) + " key images known"); m_key_images.erase(it_ki); } for(size_t i = i_start; i!= m_transfers.size();i++) { auto it_pk = m_pub_keys.find(m_transfers[i].get_public_key()); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(it_pk == m_pub_keys.end(), error::wallet_internal_error, "public key not found"); m_pub_keys.erase(it_pk); } for(size_t i = i_start; i!= m_transfers.size();i++) { auto it_pk = m_chainstate_indexes.find(m_transfers[i].get_chainstate_index()); if(m_transfers[i].m_tx.version > 1) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(it_pk == m_chainstate_indexes.end(), error::wallet_internal_error, "chainstate index not found"); m_chainstate_indexes.erase(it_pk); }else{ continue; } } m_transfers.erase(it, m_transfers.end()); size_t blocks_detached = m_blockchain.size() - height; m_blockchain.crop(height); for (auto it = m_payments.begin(); it != m_payments.end(); ) { if(height <= it->second.m_block_height) it = m_payments.erase(it); else ++it; } for (auto it = m_confirmed_txs.begin(); it != m_confirmed_txs.end(); ) { if(height <= it->second.m_block_height) it = m_confirmed_txs.erase(it); else ++it; } LOG_PRINT_L0("Detached blockchain on height " << height << ", transfers detached " << transfers_detached << ", blocks detached " << blocks_detached); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::deinit() { m_is_initialized=false; unlock_keys_file(); m_account.deinit(); return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::clear() { m_blockchain.clear(); m_transfers.clear(); m_key_images.clear(); m_pub_keys.clear(); m_chainstate_indexes.clear(); m_unconfirmed_txs.clear(); m_payments.clear(); m_tx_keys.clear(); m_additional_tx_keys.clear(); m_confirmed_txs.clear(); m_unconfirmed_payments.clear(); m_scanned_pool_txs[0].clear(); m_scanned_pool_txs[1].clear(); m_address_book.clear(); m_subaddresses.clear(); m_subaddress_labels.clear(); m_multisig_rounds_passed = 0; m_device_last_key_image_sync = 0; return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::clear_soft(bool keep_key_images) { m_blockchain.clear(); m_transfers.clear(); if (!keep_key_images) m_key_images.clear(); m_pub_keys.clear(); m_chainstate_indexes.clear(); m_unconfirmed_txs.clear(); m_payments.clear(); m_confirmed_txs.clear(); m_unconfirmed_payments.clear(); m_scanned_pool_txs[0].clear(); m_scanned_pool_txs[1].clear(); cryptonote::block b; generate_genesis(b); m_blockchain.push_back(get_block_hash(b)); m_last_block_reward = cryptonote::get_outs_etn_amount(b.miner_tx); } /*! * \brief Stores wallet information to wallet file. * \param keys_file_name Name of wallet file * \param password Password of wallet file * \param watch_only true to save only view key, false to save both spend and view keys * \return Whether it was successful. */ bool wallet2::store_keys(const std::string& keys_file_name, const epee::wipeable_string& password, bool watch_only) { std::string account_data; std::string multisig_signers; std::string multisig_derivations; cryptonote::account_base account = m_account; crypto::chacha_key key; crypto::generate_chacha_key(password.data(), password.size(), key, m_kdf_rounds); if (m_ask_password == AskPasswordToDecrypt && !m_unattended && !m_watch_only) { account.encrypt_viewkey(key); account.decrypt_keys(key); } if (watch_only) account.forget_spend_key(); account.encrypt_keys(key); bool r = epee::serialization::store_t_to_binary(account, account_data); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(r, false, "failed to serialize wallet keys"); wallet2::keys_file_data keys_file_data = boost::value_initialized(); // Create a JSON object with "key_data" and "seed_language" as keys. rapidjson::Document json; json.SetObject(); rapidjson::Value value(rapidjson::kStringType); value.SetString(account_data.c_str(), account_data.length()); json.AddMember("key_data", value, json.GetAllocator()); if (!seed_language.empty()) { value.SetString(seed_language.c_str(), seed_language.length()); json.AddMember("seed_language", value, json.GetAllocator()); } rapidjson::Value value2(rapidjson::kNumberType); value2.SetInt(m_key_device_type); json.AddMember("key_on_device", value2, json.GetAllocator()); value2.SetInt(watch_only ? 1 :0); // WTF ? JSON has different true and false types, and not boolean ?? json.AddMember("watch_only", value2, json.GetAllocator()); value2.SetInt(m_multisig ? 1 :0); json.AddMember("multisig", value2, json.GetAllocator()); value2.SetUint(m_multisig_threshold); json.AddMember("multisig_threshold", value2, json.GetAllocator()); if (m_multisig) { bool r = ::serialization::dump_binary(m_multisig_signers, multisig_signers); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(r, false, "failed to serialize wallet multisig signers"); value.SetString(multisig_signers.c_str(), multisig_signers.length()); json.AddMember("multisig_signers", value, json.GetAllocator()); r = ::serialization::dump_binary(m_multisig_derivations, multisig_derivations); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(r, false, "failed to serialize wallet multisig derivations"); value.SetString(multisig_derivations.c_str(), multisig_derivations.length()); json.AddMember("multisig_derivations", value, json.GetAllocator()); value2.SetUint(m_multisig_rounds_passed); json.AddMember("multisig_rounds_passed", value2, json.GetAllocator()); } value2.SetInt(m_always_confirm_transfers ? 1 :0); json.AddMember("always_confirm_transfers", value2, json.GetAllocator()); value2.SetInt(m_print_ring_members ? 1 :0); json.AddMember("print_ring_members", value2, json.GetAllocator()); value2.SetInt(m_store_tx_info ? 1 :0); json.AddMember("store_tx_info", value2, json.GetAllocator()); value2.SetUint(m_default_mixin); json.AddMember("default_mixin", value2, json.GetAllocator()); value2.SetUint(m_default_priority); json.AddMember("default_priority", value2, json.GetAllocator()); value2.SetInt(m_auto_refresh ? 1 :0); json.AddMember("auto_refresh", value2, json.GetAllocator()); value2.SetInt(m_refresh_type); json.AddMember("refresh_type", value2, json.GetAllocator()); value2.SetUint64(m_refresh_from_block_height); json.AddMember("refresh_height", value2, json.GetAllocator()); value2.SetInt(m_confirm_missing_payment_id ? 1 :0); json.AddMember("confirm_missing_payment_id", value2, json.GetAllocator()); value2.SetInt(m_confirm_non_default_ring_size ? 1 :0); json.AddMember("confirm_non_default_ring_size", value2, json.GetAllocator()); value2.SetInt(m_ask_password); json.AddMember("ask_password", value2, json.GetAllocator()); value2.SetUint(m_min_output_count); json.AddMember("min_output_count", value2, json.GetAllocator()); value2.SetUint64(m_min_output_value); json.AddMember("min_output_value", value2, json.GetAllocator()); value2.SetInt(cryptonote::get_default_decimal_point()); json.AddMember("default_decimal_point", value2, json.GetAllocator()); value2.SetInt(m_merge_destinations ? 1 :0); json.AddMember("merge_destinations", value2, json.GetAllocator()); value2.SetInt(m_confirm_backlog ? 1 :0); json.AddMember("confirm_backlog", value2, json.GetAllocator()); value2.SetUint(m_confirm_backlog_threshold); json.AddMember("confirm_backlog_threshold", value2, json.GetAllocator()); value2.SetInt(m_confirm_export_overwrite ? 1 :0); json.AddMember("confirm_export_overwrite", value2, json.GetAllocator()); value2.SetInt(m_auto_low_priority ? 1 : 0); json.AddMember("auto_low_priority", value2, json.GetAllocator()); value2.SetUint(m_nettype); json.AddMember("nettype", value2, json.GetAllocator()); value2.SetInt(m_segregate_pre_fork_outputs ? 1 : 0); json.AddMember("segregate_pre_fork_outputs", value2, json.GetAllocator()); value2.SetInt(m_key_reuse_mitigation2 ? 1 : 0); json.AddMember("key_reuse_mitigation2", value2, json.GetAllocator()); value2.SetUint(m_segregation_height); json.AddMember("segregation_height", value2, json.GetAllocator()); value2.SetInt(m_ignore_fractional_outputs ? 1 : 0); json.AddMember("ignore_fractional_outputs", value2, json.GetAllocator()); value2.SetInt(m_track_uses ? 1 : 0); json.AddMember("track_uses", value2, json.GetAllocator()); value2.SetInt(m_setup_background_mining); json.AddMember("setup_background_mining", value2, json.GetAllocator()); value2.SetUint(m_subaddress_lookahead_major); json.AddMember("subaddress_lookahead_major", value2, json.GetAllocator()); value2.SetUint(m_subaddress_lookahead_minor); json.AddMember("subaddress_lookahead_minor", value2, json.GetAllocator()); value2.SetInt(m_original_keys_available ? 1 : 0); json.AddMember("original_keys_available", value2, json.GetAllocator()); value2.SetUint(1); json.AddMember("encrypted_secret_keys", value2, json.GetAllocator()); value.SetString(m_device_name.c_str(), m_device_name.size()); json.AddMember("device_name", value, json.GetAllocator()); value.SetString(m_device_derivation_path.c_str(), m_device_derivation_path.size()); json.AddMember("device_derivation_path", value, json.GetAllocator()); value2.SetUint(m_account_major_offset); json.AddMember("account_major_offset", value2, json.GetAllocator()); std::string original_address; std::string original_view_secret_key; if (m_original_keys_available) { original_address = get_account_address_as_str(m_nettype, false, m_original_address); value.SetString(original_address.c_str(), original_address.length()); json.AddMember("original_address", value, json.GetAllocator()); original_view_secret_key = epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(m_original_view_secret_key); value.SetString(original_view_secret_key.c_str(), original_view_secret_key.length()); json.AddMember("original_view_secret_key", value, json.GetAllocator()); } // Serialize the JSON object rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer; rapidjson::Writer writer(buffer); json.Accept(writer); account_data = buffer.GetString(); // Encrypt the entire JSON object. std::string cipher; cipher.resize(account_data.size()); keys_file_data.iv = crypto::rand(); crypto::chacha20(account_data.data(), account_data.size(), key, keys_file_data.iv, &cipher[0]); keys_file_data.account_data = cipher; std::string tmp_file_name = keys_file_name + ".new"; std::string buf; r = ::serialization::dump_binary(keys_file_data, buf); r = r && epee::file_io_utils::save_string_to_file(tmp_file_name, buf); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(r, false, "failed to generate wallet keys file " << tmp_file_name); unlock_keys_file(); std::error_code e = tools::replace_file(tmp_file_name, keys_file_name); lock_keys_file(); if (e) { boost::filesystem::remove(tmp_file_name); LOG_ERROR("failed to update wallet keys file " << keys_file_name); return false; } return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::setup_keys(const epee::wipeable_string &password) { crypto::chacha_key key; crypto::generate_chacha_key(password.data(), password.size(), key, m_kdf_rounds); // re-encrypt, but keep viewkey unencrypted if (m_ask_password == AskPasswordToDecrypt && !m_unattended && !m_watch_only) { m_account.encrypt_keys(key); m_account.decrypt_viewkey(key); } static_assert(HASH_SIZE == sizeof(crypto::chacha_key), "Mismatched sizes of hash and chacha key"); epee::mlocked> cache_key_data; memcpy(cache_key_data.data(), &key, HASH_SIZE); cache_key_data[HASH_SIZE] = CACHE_KEY_TAIL; cn_fast_hash(cache_key_data.data(), HASH_SIZE+1, (crypto::hash&)m_cache_key); get_ringdb_key(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::change_password(const std::string &filename, const epee::wipeable_string &original_password, const epee::wipeable_string &new_password) { if (m_ask_password == AskPasswordToDecrypt && !m_unattended && !m_watch_only) decrypt_keys(original_password); setup_keys(new_password); rewrite(filename, new_password); if (!filename.empty()) store(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*! * \brief Load wallet information from wallet file. * \param keys_file_name Name of wallet file * \param password Password of wallet file */ bool wallet2::load_keys(const std::string& keys_file_name, const epee::wipeable_string& password) { rapidjson::Document json; wallet2::keys_file_data keys_file_data; std::string buf; bool encrypted_secret_keys = false; bool r = epee::file_io_utils::load_file_to_string(keys_file_name, buf); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::file_read_error, keys_file_name); // Decrypt the contents r = ::serialization::parse_binary(buf, keys_file_data); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::wallet_internal_error, "internal error: failed to deserialize \"" + keys_file_name + '\"'); crypto::chacha_key key; crypto::generate_chacha_key(password.data(), password.size(), key, m_kdf_rounds); std::string account_data; account_data.resize(keys_file_data.account_data.size()); crypto::chacha20(keys_file_data.account_data.data(), keys_file_data.account_data.size(), key, keys_file_data.iv, &account_data[0]); if (json.Parse(account_data.c_str()).HasParseError() || !json.IsObject()) crypto::chacha8(keys_file_data.account_data.data(), keys_file_data.account_data.size(), key, keys_file_data.iv, &account_data[0]); // The contents should be JSON if the wallet follows the new format. if (json.Parse(account_data.c_str()).HasParseError()) { is_old_file_format = true; m_watch_only = false; m_multisig = false; m_multisig_threshold = 0; m_multisig_signers.clear(); m_multisig_rounds_passed = 0; m_multisig_derivations.clear(); m_always_confirm_transfers = true; m_print_ring_members = false; m_store_tx_info = true; m_default_mixin = 0; m_default_priority = 0; m_auto_refresh = true; m_refresh_type = RefreshType::RefreshDefault; m_refresh_from_block_height = 0; m_confirm_missing_payment_id = true; m_confirm_non_default_ring_size = true; m_ask_password = AskPasswordOnAction; cryptonote::set_default_decimal_point(CRYPTONOTE_DISPLAY_DECIMAL_POINT); m_min_output_count = 0; m_min_output_value = 0; m_merge_destinations = false; m_confirm_backlog = true; m_confirm_backlog_threshold = 0; m_confirm_export_overwrite = true; m_auto_low_priority = true; m_segregate_pre_fork_outputs = true; m_key_reuse_mitigation2 = true; m_segregation_height = 0; m_ignore_fractional_outputs = true; m_track_uses = false; m_setup_background_mining = BackgroundMiningMaybe; m_subaddress_lookahead_major = SUBADDRESS_LOOKAHEAD_MAJOR; m_subaddress_lookahead_minor = SUBADDRESS_LOOKAHEAD_MINOR; m_original_keys_available = false; m_device_name = ""; m_device_derivation_path = ""; m_key_device_type = hw::device::device_type::SOFTWARE; m_account_major_offset = 0; encrypted_secret_keys = false; } else if(json.IsObject()) { if (!json.HasMember("key_data")) { LOG_ERROR("Field key_data not found in JSON"); return false; } if (!json["key_data"].IsString()) { LOG_ERROR("Field key_data found in JSON, but not String"); return false; } const char *field_key_data = json["key_data"].GetString(); account_data = std::string(field_key_data, field_key_data + json["key_data"].GetStringLength()); if (json.HasMember("key_on_device")) { GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, key_on_device, int, Int, false, hw::device::device_type::SOFTWARE); m_key_device_type = static_cast(field_key_on_device); } GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, seed_language, std::string, String, false, std::string()); if (field_seed_language_found) { set_seed_language(field_seed_language); } GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, watch_only, int, Int, false, false); m_watch_only = field_watch_only; GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, multisig, int, Int, false, false); m_multisig = field_multisig; GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, multisig_threshold, unsigned int, Uint, m_multisig, 0); m_multisig_threshold = field_multisig_threshold; GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, multisig_rounds_passed, unsigned int, Uint, false, 0); m_multisig_rounds_passed = field_multisig_rounds_passed; if (m_multisig) { if (!json.HasMember("multisig_signers")) { LOG_ERROR("Field multisig_signers not found in JSON"); return false; } if (!json["multisig_signers"].IsString()) { LOG_ERROR("Field multisig_signers found in JSON, but not String"); return false; } const char *field_multisig_signers = json["multisig_signers"].GetString(); std::string multisig_signers = std::string(field_multisig_signers, field_multisig_signers + json["multisig_signers"].GetStringLength()); r = ::serialization::parse_binary(multisig_signers, m_multisig_signers); if (!r) { LOG_ERROR("Field multisig_signers found in JSON, but failed to parse"); return false; } //previous version of multisig does not have this field if (json.HasMember("multisig_derivations")) { if (!json["multisig_derivations"].IsString()) { LOG_ERROR("Field multisig_derivations found in JSON, but not String"); return false; } const char *field_multisig_derivations = json["multisig_derivations"].GetString(); std::string multisig_derivations = std::string(field_multisig_derivations, field_multisig_derivations + json["multisig_derivations"].GetStringLength()); r = ::serialization::parse_binary(multisig_derivations, m_multisig_derivations); if (!r) { LOG_ERROR("Field multisig_derivations found in JSON, but failed to parse"); return false; } } } GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, always_confirm_transfers, int, Int, false, true); m_always_confirm_transfers = field_always_confirm_transfers; GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, print_ring_members, int, Int, false, true); m_print_ring_members = field_print_ring_members; GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, store_tx_keys, int, Int, false, true); GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, store_tx_info, int, Int, false, true); m_store_tx_info = ((field_store_tx_keys != 0) || (field_store_tx_info != 0)); GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, default_mixin, unsigned int, Uint, false, 0); m_default_mixin = field_default_mixin; GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, default_priority, unsigned int, Uint, false, 0); if (field_default_priority_found) { m_default_priority = field_default_priority; } else { GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, default_fee_multiplier, unsigned int, Uint, false, 0); if (field_default_fee_multiplier_found) m_default_priority = field_default_fee_multiplier; else m_default_priority = 0; } GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, auto_refresh, int, Int, false, true); m_auto_refresh = field_auto_refresh; GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, refresh_type, int, Int, false, RefreshType::RefreshDefault); m_refresh_type = RefreshType::RefreshDefault; if (field_refresh_type_found) { if (field_refresh_type == RefreshFull || field_refresh_type == RefreshOptimizeCoinbase || field_refresh_type == RefreshNoCoinbase) m_refresh_type = (RefreshType)field_refresh_type; else LOG_PRINT_L0("Unknown refresh-type value (" << field_refresh_type << "), using default"); } GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, refresh_height, uint64_t, Uint64, false, 0); m_refresh_from_block_height = field_refresh_height; GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, confirm_missing_payment_id, int, Int, false, true); m_confirm_missing_payment_id = field_confirm_missing_payment_id; GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, confirm_non_default_ring_size, int, Int, false, true); m_confirm_non_default_ring_size = field_confirm_non_default_ring_size; GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, ask_password, AskPasswordType, Int, false, AskPasswordToDecrypt); m_ask_password = field_ask_password; GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, default_decimal_point, int, Int, false, CRYPTONOTE_DISPLAY_DECIMAL_POINT); cryptonote::set_default_decimal_point(field_default_decimal_point); GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, min_output_count, uint32_t, Uint, false, 0); m_min_output_count = field_min_output_count; GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, min_output_value, uint64_t, Uint64, false, 0); m_min_output_value = field_min_output_value; GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, merge_destinations, int, Int, false, false); m_merge_destinations = field_merge_destinations; GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, confirm_backlog, int, Int, false, true); m_confirm_backlog = field_confirm_backlog; GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, confirm_backlog_threshold, uint32_t, Uint, false, 0); m_confirm_backlog_threshold = field_confirm_backlog_threshold; GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, confirm_export_overwrite, int, Int, false, true); m_confirm_export_overwrite = field_confirm_export_overwrite; GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, auto_low_priority, int, Int, false, true); m_auto_low_priority = field_auto_low_priority; GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, nettype, uint8_t, Uint, false, static_cast(m_nettype)); // The network type given in the program argument is inconsistent with the network type saved in the wallet THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(static_cast(m_nettype) != field_nettype, error::wallet_internal_error, (boost::format("%s wallet cannot be opened as %s wallet") % (field_nettype == 0 ? "Mainnet" : field_nettype == 1 ? "Testnet" : "Stagenet") % (m_nettype == MAINNET ? "mainnet" : m_nettype == TESTNET ? "testnet" : "stagenet")).str()); GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, segregate_pre_fork_outputs, int, Int, false, true); m_segregate_pre_fork_outputs = field_segregate_pre_fork_outputs; GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, key_reuse_mitigation2, int, Int, false, true); m_key_reuse_mitigation2 = field_key_reuse_mitigation2; GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, segregation_height, int, Uint, false, 0); m_segregation_height = field_segregation_height; GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, ignore_fractional_outputs, int, Int, false, true); m_ignore_fractional_outputs = field_ignore_fractional_outputs; GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, track_uses, int, Int, false, false); m_track_uses = field_track_uses; GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, setup_background_mining, BackgroundMiningSetupType, Int, false, BackgroundMiningMaybe); m_setup_background_mining = field_setup_background_mining; GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, subaddress_lookahead_major, uint32_t, Uint, false, SUBADDRESS_LOOKAHEAD_MAJOR); m_subaddress_lookahead_major = field_subaddress_lookahead_major; GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, subaddress_lookahead_minor, uint32_t, Uint, false, SUBADDRESS_LOOKAHEAD_MINOR); m_subaddress_lookahead_minor = field_subaddress_lookahead_minor; GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, encrypted_secret_keys, uint32_t, Uint, false, false); encrypted_secret_keys = field_encrypted_secret_keys; GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, account_major_offset, uint32_t, Uint, false, 0); m_account_major_offset = field_account_major_offset; GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, device_name, std::string, String, false, std::string()); if (m_device_name.empty()) { if (field_device_name_found) { m_device_name = field_device_name; } else { m_device_name = m_key_device_type == hw::device::device_type::LEDGER ? "Ledger" : "default"; } } GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, device_derivation_path, std::string, String, false, std::string()); m_device_derivation_path = field_device_derivation_path; if (json.HasMember("original_keys_available")) { GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, original_keys_available, int, Int, false, false); m_original_keys_available = field_original_keys_available; if (m_original_keys_available) { GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, original_address, std::string, String, true, std::string()); address_parse_info info; bool ok = get_account_address_from_str(info, m_nettype, field_original_address); if (!ok) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to parse original_address from JSON"); return false; } m_original_address = info.address; GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, original_view_secret_key, std::string, String, true, std::string()); ok = epee::string_tools::hex_to_pod(field_original_view_secret_key, m_original_view_secret_key); if (!ok) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to parse original_view_secret_key from JSON"); return false; } } } else { m_original_keys_available = false; } } else { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION(error::wallet_internal_error, "invalid password"); return false; } r = epee::serialization::load_t_from_binary(m_account, account_data); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::invalid_password); if (m_key_device_type == hw::device::device_type::LEDGER || m_key_device_type == hw::device::device_type::TREZOR) { LOG_PRINT_L0("Account on device. Initing device..."); hw::device &hwdev = lookup_device(m_device_name); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!hwdev.set_name(m_device_name), error::wallet_internal_error, "Could not set device name " + m_device_name); hwdev.set_network_type(m_nettype); hwdev.set_derivation_path(m_device_derivation_path); hwdev.set_callback(get_device_callback()); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!hwdev.init(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Could not initialize the device " + m_device_name); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!hwdev.connect(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Could not connect to the device " + m_device_name); m_account.set_device(hwdev); account_public_address device_account_public_address; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!hwdev.get_public_address(device_account_public_address), error::wallet_internal_error, "Cannot get a device address"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(device_account_public_address != m_account.get_keys().m_account_address, error::wallet_internal_error, "Device wallet does not match wallet address. " "Device address: " + cryptonote::get_account_address_as_str(m_nettype, false, device_account_public_address) + ", wallet address: " + m_account.get_public_address_str(m_nettype)); LOG_PRINT_L0("Device inited..."); } else if (key_on_device()) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION(error::wallet_internal_error, "hardware device not supported"); } if (r) { if (encrypted_secret_keys) { m_account.decrypt_keys(key); } else { // rewrite with encrypted keys, ignore errors if (m_ask_password == AskPasswordToDecrypt && !m_unattended && !m_watch_only) encrypt_keys(key); bool saved_ret = store_keys(keys_file_name, password, m_watch_only); if (!saved_ret) { // just moan a bit, but not fatal MERROR("Error saving keys file with encrypted keys, not fatal"); } if (m_ask_password == AskPasswordToDecrypt && !m_unattended && !m_watch_only) decrypt_keys(key); m_keys_file_locker.reset(); } } const cryptonote::account_keys& keys = m_account.get_keys(); hw::device &hwdev = m_account.get_device(); r = r && hwdev.verify_keys(keys.m_view_secret_key, keys.m_account_address.m_view_public_key); if(!m_watch_only && !m_multisig && hwdev.device_protocol() != hw::device::PROTOCOL_COLD) r = r && hwdev.verify_keys(keys.m_spend_secret_key, keys.m_account_address.m_spend_public_key); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::invalid_password); if (r) setup_keys(password); return true; } /*! * \brief verify password for default wallet keys file. * \param password Password to verify * \return true if password is correct * * for verification only * should not mutate state, unlike load_keys() * can be used prior to rewriting wallet keys file, to ensure user has entered the correct password * */ bool wallet2::verify_password(const epee::wipeable_string& password) { // this temporary unlocking is necessary for Windows (otherwise the file couldn't be loaded). unlock_keys_file(); bool r = verify_password(m_keys_file, password, m_account.get_device().device_protocol() == hw::device::PROTOCOL_COLD || m_watch_only || m_multisig, m_account.get_device(), m_kdf_rounds); lock_keys_file(); return r; } /*! * \brief verify password for specified wallet keys file. * \param keys_file_name Keys file to verify password for * \param password Password to verify * \param no_spend_key If set = only verify view keys, otherwise also spend keys * \param hwdev The hardware device to use * \return true if password is correct * * for verification only * should not mutate state, unlike load_keys() * can be used prior to rewriting wallet keys file, to ensure user has entered the correct password * */ bool wallet2::verify_password(const std::string& keys_file_name, const epee::wipeable_string& password, bool no_spend_key, hw::device &hwdev, uint64_t kdf_rounds) { rapidjson::Document json; wallet2::keys_file_data keys_file_data; std::string buf; bool encrypted_secret_keys = false; bool r = epee::file_io_utils::load_file_to_string(keys_file_name, buf); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::file_read_error, keys_file_name); // Decrypt the contents r = ::serialization::parse_binary(buf, keys_file_data); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::wallet_internal_error, "internal error: failed to deserialize \"" + keys_file_name + '\"'); crypto::chacha_key key; crypto::generate_chacha_key(password.data(), password.size(), key, kdf_rounds); std::string account_data; account_data.resize(keys_file_data.account_data.size()); crypto::chacha20(keys_file_data.account_data.data(), keys_file_data.account_data.size(), key, keys_file_data.iv, &account_data[0]); if (json.Parse(account_data.c_str()).HasParseError() || !json.IsObject()) crypto::chacha8(keys_file_data.account_data.data(), keys_file_data.account_data.size(), key, keys_file_data.iv, &account_data[0]); // The contents should be JSON if the wallet follows the new format. if (json.Parse(account_data.c_str()).HasParseError()) { // old format before JSON wallet key file format } else { account_data = std::string(json["key_data"].GetString(), json["key_data"].GetString() + json["key_data"].GetStringLength()); GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, encrypted_secret_keys, uint32_t, Uint, false, false); encrypted_secret_keys = field_encrypted_secret_keys; } cryptonote::account_base account_data_check; r = epee::serialization::load_t_from_binary(account_data_check, account_data); if (encrypted_secret_keys) account_data_check.decrypt_keys(key); const cryptonote::account_keys& keys = account_data_check.get_keys(); r = r && hwdev.verify_keys(keys.m_view_secret_key, keys.m_account_address.m_view_public_key); if(!no_spend_key) r = r && hwdev.verify_keys(keys.m_spend_secret_key, keys.m_account_address.m_spend_public_key); return r; } void wallet2::encrypt_keys(const crypto::chacha_key &key) { m_account.encrypt_keys(key); m_account.decrypt_viewkey(key); } void wallet2::decrypt_keys(const crypto::chacha_key &key) { m_account.encrypt_viewkey(key); m_account.decrypt_keys(key); } void wallet2::encrypt_keys(const epee::wipeable_string &password) { crypto::chacha_key key; crypto::generate_chacha_key(password.data(), password.size(), key, m_kdf_rounds); encrypt_keys(key); } void wallet2::decrypt_keys(const epee::wipeable_string &password) { crypto::chacha_key key; crypto::generate_chacha_key(password.data(), password.size(), key, m_kdf_rounds); decrypt_keys(key); } void wallet2::setup_new_blockchain() { cryptonote::block b; generate_genesis(b); m_blockchain.push_back(get_block_hash(b)); m_last_block_reward = cryptonote::get_outs_etn_amount(b.miner_tx); add_subaddress_account(tr("Primary account")); } void wallet2::create_keys_file(const std::string &wallet_, bool watch_only, const epee::wipeable_string &password, bool create_address_file) { if (!wallet_.empty()) { bool r = store_keys(m_keys_file, password, watch_only); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::file_save_error, m_keys_file); if (create_address_file) { r = file_io_utils::save_string_to_file(m_wallet_file + ".address.txt", m_account.get_public_address_str(m_nettype)); if(!r) MERROR("String with address text not saved"); } } } /*! * \brief determine the key storage for the specified wallet file * \param device_type (OUT) wallet backend as enumerated in hw::device::device_type * \param keys_file_name Keys file to verify password for * \param password Password to verify * \return true if password correct, else false * * for verification only - determines key storage hardware * */ bool wallet2::query_device(hw::device::device_type& device_type, const std::string& keys_file_name, const epee::wipeable_string& password, uint64_t kdf_rounds) { rapidjson::Document json; wallet2::keys_file_data keys_file_data; std::string buf; bool r = epee::file_io_utils::load_file_to_string(keys_file_name, buf); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::file_read_error, keys_file_name); // Decrypt the contents r = ::serialization::parse_binary(buf, keys_file_data); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::wallet_internal_error, "internal error: failed to deserialize \"" + keys_file_name + '\"'); crypto::chacha_key key; crypto::generate_chacha_key(password.data(), password.size(), key, kdf_rounds); std::string account_data; account_data.resize(keys_file_data.account_data.size()); crypto::chacha20(keys_file_data.account_data.data(), keys_file_data.account_data.size(), key, keys_file_data.iv, &account_data[0]); if (json.Parse(account_data.c_str()).HasParseError() || !json.IsObject()) crypto::chacha8(keys_file_data.account_data.data(), keys_file_data.account_data.size(), key, keys_file_data.iv, &account_data[0]); device_type = hw::device::device_type::SOFTWARE; // The contents should be JSON if the wallet follows the new format. if (json.Parse(account_data.c_str()).HasParseError()) { // old format before JSON wallet key file format } else { account_data = std::string(json["key_data"].GetString(), json["key_data"].GetString() + json["key_data"].GetStringLength()); if (json.HasMember("key_on_device")) { GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, key_on_device, int, Int, false, hw::device::device_type::SOFTWARE); device_type = static_cast(field_key_on_device); } } cryptonote::account_base account_data_check; r = epee::serialization::load_t_from_binary(account_data_check, account_data); if (!r) return false; return true; } void wallet2::init_type(hw::device::device_type device_type) { m_account_public_address = m_account.get_keys().m_account_address; m_watch_only = false; m_multisig = false; m_multisig_threshold = 0; m_multisig_signers.clear(); m_original_keys_available = false; m_key_device_type = device_type; } /*! * \brief Generates a wallet or restores one. * \param wallet_ Name of wallet file * \param password Password of wallet file * \param multisig_data The multisig restore info and keys * \param create_address_file Whether to create an address file */ void wallet2::generate(const std::string& wallet_, const epee::wipeable_string& password, const epee::wipeable_string& multisig_data, bool create_address_file) { clear(); prepare_file_names(wallet_); if (!wallet_.empty()) { boost::system::error_code ignored_ec; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(boost::filesystem::exists(m_wallet_file, ignored_ec), error::file_exists, m_wallet_file); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(boost::filesystem::exists(m_keys_file, ignored_ec), error::file_exists, m_keys_file); } m_account.generate(rct::rct2sk(rct::zero()), true, false); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(multisig_data.size() < 32, error::invalid_multisig_seed); size_t offset = 0; uint32_t threshold = *(uint32_t*)(multisig_data.data() + offset); offset += sizeof(uint32_t); uint32_t total = *(uint32_t*)(multisig_data.data() + offset); offset += sizeof(uint32_t); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(threshold < 2, error::invalid_multisig_seed); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(total != threshold && total != threshold + 1, error::invalid_multisig_seed); const size_t n_multisig_keys = total == threshold ? 1 : threshold; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(multisig_data.size() != 8 + 32 * (4 + n_multisig_keys + total), error::invalid_multisig_seed); std::vector multisig_keys; std::vector multisig_signers; crypto::secret_key spend_secret_key = *(crypto::secret_key*)(multisig_data.data() + offset); offset += sizeof(crypto::secret_key); crypto::public_key spend_public_key = *(crypto::public_key*)(multisig_data.data() + offset); offset += sizeof(crypto::public_key); crypto::secret_key view_secret_key = *(crypto::secret_key*)(multisig_data.data() + offset); offset += sizeof(crypto::secret_key); crypto::public_key view_public_key = *(crypto::public_key*)(multisig_data.data() + offset); offset += sizeof(crypto::public_key); for (size_t n = 0; n < n_multisig_keys; ++n) { multisig_keys.push_back(*(crypto::secret_key*)(multisig_data.data() + offset)); offset += sizeof(crypto::secret_key); } for (size_t n = 0; n < total; ++n) { multisig_signers.push_back(*(crypto::public_key*)(multisig_data.data() + offset)); offset += sizeof(crypto::public_key); } crypto::public_key calculated_view_public_key; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!crypto::secret_key_to_public_key(view_secret_key, calculated_view_public_key), error::invalid_multisig_seed); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(view_public_key != calculated_view_public_key, error::invalid_multisig_seed); crypto::public_key local_signer; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!crypto::secret_key_to_public_key(spend_secret_key, local_signer), error::invalid_multisig_seed); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(std::find(multisig_signers.begin(), multisig_signers.end(), local_signer) == multisig_signers.end(), error::invalid_multisig_seed); rct::key skey = rct::zero(); for (const auto &msk: multisig_keys) sc_add(skey.bytes, skey.bytes, rct::sk2rct(msk).bytes); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!(rct::rct2sk(skey) == spend_secret_key), error::invalid_multisig_seed); memwipe(&skey, sizeof(rct::key)); m_account.make_multisig(view_secret_key, spend_secret_key, spend_public_key, multisig_keys); m_account.finalize_multisig(spend_public_key); // Not possible to restore a multisig wallet that is able to activate the MMS // (because the original keys are not (yet) part of the restore info), so // keep m_original_keys_available to false init_type(hw::device::device_type::SOFTWARE); m_multisig = true; m_multisig_threshold = threshold; m_multisig_signers = multisig_signers; setup_keys(password); create_keys_file(wallet_, false, password, m_nettype != MAINNET || create_address_file); setup_new_blockchain(); if (!wallet_.empty()) store(); } /*! * \brief Generates a wallet or restores one. * \param wallet_ Name of wallet file * \param password Password of wallet file * \param recovery_param If it is a restore, the recovery key * \param recover Whether it is a restore * \param two_random Whether it is a non-deterministic wallet * \param create_address_file Whether to create an address file * \return The secret key of the generated wallet */ crypto::secret_key wallet2::generate(const std::string& wallet_, const epee::wipeable_string& password, const crypto::secret_key& recovery_param, bool recover, bool two_random, bool create_address_file) { clear(); prepare_file_names(wallet_); if (!wallet_.empty()) { boost::system::error_code ignored_ec; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(boost::filesystem::exists(m_wallet_file, ignored_ec), error::file_exists, m_wallet_file); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(boost::filesystem::exists(m_keys_file, ignored_ec), error::file_exists, m_keys_file); } crypto::secret_key retval = m_account.generate(recovery_param, recover, two_random); init_type(hw::device::device_type::SOFTWARE); setup_keys(password); // calculate a starting refresh height if(m_refresh_from_block_height == 0 && !recover){ m_refresh_from_block_height = estimate_blockchain_height(); } create_keys_file(wallet_, false, password, m_nettype != MAINNET || create_address_file); setup_new_blockchain(); if (!wallet_.empty()) store(); return retval; } uint64_t wallet2::estimate_blockchain_height() { // -1 month for fluctuations in block time and machine date/time setup. // avg seconds per block const int seconds_per_block = DIFFICULTY_TARGET_V6; // ~num blocks per month const uint64_t blocks_per_month = 60*60*24*30/seconds_per_block; // try asking the daemon first std::string err; uint64_t height = 0; // we get the max of approximated height and local height. // approximated height is the least of daemon target height // (the max of what the other daemons are claiming is their // height) and the theoretical height based on the local // clock. This will be wrong only if both the local clock // is bad *and* a peer daemon claims a highest height than // the real chain. // local height is the height the local daemon is currently // synced to, it will be lower than the real chain height if // the daemon is currently syncing. // If we use the approximate height we subtract one month as // a safety margin. height = get_approximate_blockchain_height(); uint64_t target_height = get_daemon_blockchain_target_height(err); if (err.empty()) { if (target_height < height) height = target_height; } else { // if we couldn't talk to the daemon, check safety margin. if (height > blocks_per_month) height -= blocks_per_month; else height = 0; } uint64_t local_height = get_daemon_blockchain_height(err); if (err.empty() && local_height > height) height = local_height; return height; } /*! * \brief Creates a watch only wallet from a public address and a view secret key. * \param wallet_ Name of wallet file * \param password Password of wallet file * \param account_public_address The account's public address * \param viewkey view secret key * \param create_address_file Whether to create an address file */ void wallet2::generate(const std::string& wallet_, const epee::wipeable_string& password, const cryptonote::account_public_address &account_public_address, const crypto::secret_key& viewkey, bool create_address_file) { clear(); prepare_file_names(wallet_); if (!wallet_.empty()) { boost::system::error_code ignored_ec; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(boost::filesystem::exists(m_wallet_file, ignored_ec), error::file_exists, m_wallet_file); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(boost::filesystem::exists(m_keys_file, ignored_ec), error::file_exists, m_keys_file); } m_account.create_from_viewkey(account_public_address, viewkey); init_type(hw::device::device_type::SOFTWARE); m_watch_only = true; m_account_public_address = account_public_address; setup_keys(password); create_keys_file(wallet_, true, password, m_nettype != MAINNET || create_address_file); setup_new_blockchain(); if (!wallet_.empty()) store(); } /*! * \brief Creates a wallet from a public address and a spend/view secret key pair. * \param wallet_ Name of wallet file * \param password Password of wallet file * \param account_public_address The account's public address * \param spendkey spend secret key * \param viewkey view secret key * \param create_address_file Whether to create an address file */ void wallet2::generate(const std::string& wallet_, const epee::wipeable_string& password, const cryptonote::account_public_address &account_public_address, const crypto::secret_key& spendkey, const crypto::secret_key& viewkey, bool create_address_file) { clear(); prepare_file_names(wallet_); if (!wallet_.empty()) { boost::system::error_code ignored_ec; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(boost::filesystem::exists(m_wallet_file, ignored_ec), error::file_exists, m_wallet_file); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(boost::filesystem::exists(m_keys_file, ignored_ec), error::file_exists, m_keys_file); } m_account.create_from_keys(account_public_address, spendkey, viewkey); init_type(hw::device::device_type::SOFTWARE); m_account_public_address = account_public_address; setup_keys(password); create_keys_file(wallet_, false, password, create_address_file); setup_new_blockchain(); if (!wallet_.empty()) store(); } /*! * \brief Creates a wallet from a device * \param wallet_ Name of wallet file * \param password Password of wallet file * \param device_name device string address */ void wallet2::restore(const std::string& wallet_, const epee::wipeable_string& password, const std::string &device_name, bool create_address_file) { clear(); prepare_file_names(wallet_); boost::system::error_code ignored_ec; if (!wallet_.empty()) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(boost::filesystem::exists(m_wallet_file, ignored_ec), error::file_exists, m_wallet_file); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(boost::filesystem::exists(m_keys_file, ignored_ec), error::file_exists, m_keys_file); } auto &hwdev = lookup_device(device_name); hwdev.set_name(device_name); hwdev.set_network_type(m_nettype); hwdev.set_derivation_path(m_device_derivation_path); hwdev.set_callback(get_device_callback()); m_account.create_from_device(hwdev); init_type(m_account.get_device().get_type()); setup_keys(password); m_device_name = device_name; create_keys_file(wallet_, false, password, m_nettype != MAINNET || create_address_file); if (m_subaddress_lookahead_major == SUBADDRESS_LOOKAHEAD_MAJOR && m_subaddress_lookahead_minor == SUBADDRESS_LOOKAHEAD_MINOR) { // the default lookahead setting (50:200) is clearly too much for hardware wallet m_subaddress_lookahead_major = 5; m_subaddress_lookahead_minor = 20; } setup_new_blockchain(); if (!wallet_.empty()) { store(); } } std::string wallet2::make_multisig(const epee::wipeable_string &password, const std::vector &view_keys, const std::vector &spend_keys, uint32_t threshold) { CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(!view_keys.empty(), "empty view keys"); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(view_keys.size() == spend_keys.size(), "Mismatched view/spend key sizes"); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(threshold > 1 && threshold <= spend_keys.size() + 1, "Invalid threshold"); std::string extra_multisig_info; std::vector multisig_keys; rct::key spend_pkey = rct::identity(); rct::key spend_skey; std::vector multisig_signers; // decrypt keys epee::misc_utils::auto_scope_leave_caller keys_reencryptor; if (m_ask_password == AskPasswordToDecrypt && !m_unattended && !m_watch_only) { crypto::chacha_key chacha_key; crypto::generate_chacha_key(password.data(), password.size(), chacha_key, m_kdf_rounds); m_account.encrypt_viewkey(chacha_key); m_account.decrypt_keys(chacha_key); keys_reencryptor = epee::misc_utils::create_scope_leave_handler([&, this, chacha_key]() { m_account.encrypt_keys(chacha_key); m_account.decrypt_viewkey(chacha_key); }); } // In common multisig scheme there are 4 types of key exchange rounds: // 1. First round is exchange of view secret keys and public spend keys. // 2. Middle round is exchange of derivations: Ki = b * Mj, where b - spend secret key, // M - public multisig key (in first round it equals to public spend key), K - new public multisig key. // 3. Secret spend establishment round sets your secret multisig keys as follows: kl = H(Ml), where M - is *your* public multisig key, // k - secret multisig key used to sign transactions. k and M are sets of keys, of course. // And secret spend key as the sum of all participant's secret multisig keys // 4. Last round establishes multisig wallet's public spend key. Participants exchange their public multisig keys // and calculate common spend public key as sum of all unique participants' public multisig keys. // Note that N/N scheme has only first round. N-1/N has 2 rounds: first and last. Common M/N has all 4 rounds. // IMPORTANT: wallet's public spend key is not equal to secret_spend_key * G! // Wallet's public spend key is the sum of unique public multisig keys of all participants. // secret_spend_key * G = public signer key if (threshold == spend_keys.size() + 1) { // In N / N case we only need to do one round and calculate secret multisig keys and new secret spend key MINFO("Creating spend key..."); // Calculates all multisig keys and spend key cryptonote::generate_multisig_N_N(get_account().get_keys(), spend_keys, multisig_keys, spend_skey, spend_pkey); // Our signer key is b * G, where b is secret spend key. multisig_signers = spend_keys; multisig_signers.push_back(get_multisig_signer_public_key(get_account().get_keys().m_spend_secret_key)); } else { // We just got public spend keys of all participants and deriving multisig keys (set of Mi = b * Bi). // note that derivations are public keys as DH exchange suppose it to be auto derivations = cryptonote::generate_multisig_derivations(get_account().get_keys(), spend_keys); spend_pkey = rct::identity(); multisig_signers = std::vector(spend_keys.size() + 1, crypto::null_pkey); if (threshold == spend_keys.size()) { // N - 1 / N case // We need an extra step, so we package all the composite public keys // we know about, and make a signed string out of them MINFO("Creating spend key..."); // Calculating set of our secret multisig keys as follows: mi = H(Mi), // where mi - secret multisig key, Mi - others' participants public multisig key multisig_keys = cryptonote::calculate_multisig_keys(derivations); // calculating current participant's spend secret key as sum of all secret multisig keys for current participant. // IMPORTANT: participant's secret spend key is not an entire wallet's secret spend! // Entire wallet's secret spend is sum of all unique secret multisig keys // among all of participants and is not held by anyone! spend_skey = rct::sk2rct(cryptonote::calculate_multisig_signer_key(multisig_keys)); // Preparing data for the last round to calculate common public spend key. The data contains public multisig keys. extra_multisig_info = pack_multisignature_keys(MULTISIG_EXTRA_INFO_MAGIC, secret_keys_to_public_keys(multisig_keys), rct::rct2sk(spend_skey)); } else { // M / N case MINFO("Preparing keys for next exchange round..."); // Preparing data for middle round - packing new public multisig keys to exchage with others. extra_multisig_info = pack_multisignature_keys(MULTISIG_EXTRA_INFO_MAGIC, derivations, m_account.get_keys().m_spend_secret_key); spend_skey = rct::sk2rct(m_account.get_keys().m_spend_secret_key); // Need to store middle keys to be able to proceed in case of wallet shutdown. m_multisig_derivations = derivations; } } if (!m_original_keys_available) { // Save the original i.e. non-multisig keys so the MMS can continue to use them to encrypt and decrypt messages // (making a wallet multisig overwrites those keys, see account_base::make_multisig) m_original_address = m_account.get_keys().m_account_address; m_original_view_secret_key = m_account.get_keys().m_view_secret_key; m_original_keys_available = true; } clear(); MINFO("Creating view key..."); crypto::secret_key view_skey = cryptonote::generate_multisig_view_secret_key(get_account().get_keys().m_view_secret_key, view_keys); MINFO("Creating multisig address..."); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(m_account.make_multisig(view_skey, rct::rct2sk(spend_skey), rct::rct2pk(spend_pkey), multisig_keys), "Failed to create multisig wallet due to bad keys"); memwipe(&spend_skey, sizeof(rct::key)); init_type(hw::device::device_type::SOFTWARE); m_original_keys_available = true; m_multisig = true; m_multisig_threshold = threshold; m_multisig_signers = multisig_signers; ++m_multisig_rounds_passed; // re-encrypt keys keys_reencryptor = epee::misc_utils::auto_scope_leave_caller(); create_keys_file(m_wallet_file, false, password, boost::filesystem::exists(m_wallet_file + ".address.txt")); setup_new_blockchain(); if (!m_wallet_file.empty()) store(); return extra_multisig_info; } std::string wallet2::exchange_multisig_keys(const epee::wipeable_string &password, const std::vector &info) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(info.empty(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Empty multisig info"); if (info[0].substr(0, MULTISIG_EXTRA_INFO_MAGIC.size()) != MULTISIG_EXTRA_INFO_MAGIC) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(false, error::wallet_internal_error, "Unsupported info string"); } std::vector signers; std::unordered_set pkeys; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!unpack_extra_multisig_info(info, signers, pkeys), error::wallet_internal_error, "Bad extra multisig info"); return exchange_multisig_keys(password, pkeys, signers); } std::string wallet2::exchange_multisig_keys(const epee::wipeable_string &password, std::unordered_set derivations, std::vector signers) { CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(!derivations.empty(), "empty pkeys"); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(!signers.empty(), "empty signers"); bool ready = false; CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(multisig(&ready), "The wallet is not multisig"); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(!ready, "Multisig wallet creation process has already been finished"); // keys are decrypted epee::misc_utils::auto_scope_leave_caller keys_reencryptor; if (m_ask_password == AskPasswordToDecrypt && !m_unattended && !m_watch_only) { crypto::chacha_key chacha_key; crypto::generate_chacha_key(password.data(), password.size(), chacha_key, m_kdf_rounds); m_account.encrypt_viewkey(chacha_key); m_account.decrypt_keys(chacha_key); keys_reencryptor = epee::misc_utils::create_scope_leave_handler([&, this, chacha_key]() { m_account.encrypt_keys(chacha_key); m_account.decrypt_viewkey(chacha_key); }); } if (m_multisig_rounds_passed == multisig_rounds_required(m_multisig_signers.size(), m_multisig_threshold) - 1) { // the last round is passed and we have to calculate spend public key // add ours if not included crypto::public_key local_signer = get_multisig_signer_public_key(); if (std::find(signers.begin(), signers.end(), local_signer) == signers.end()) { signers.push_back(local_signer); for (const auto &msk: get_account().get_multisig_keys()) { derivations.insert(rct::rct2pk(rct::scalarmultBase(rct::sk2rct(msk)))); } } CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(signers.size() == m_multisig_signers.size(), "Bad signers size"); // Summing all of unique public multisig keys to calculate common public spend key crypto::public_key spend_public_key = cryptonote::generate_multisig_M_N_spend_public_key(std::vector(derivations.begin(), derivations.end())); m_account_public_address.m_spend_public_key = spend_public_key; m_account.finalize_multisig(spend_public_key); m_multisig_signers = signers; std::sort(m_multisig_signers.begin(), m_multisig_signers.end(), [](const crypto::public_key &e0, const crypto::public_key &e1){ return memcmp(&e0, &e1, sizeof(e0)); }); ++m_multisig_rounds_passed; m_multisig_derivations.clear(); // keys are encrypted again keys_reencryptor = epee::misc_utils::auto_scope_leave_caller(); if (!m_wallet_file.empty()) { bool r = store_keys(m_keys_file, password, false); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::file_save_error, m_keys_file); if (boost::filesystem::exists(m_wallet_file + ".address.txt")) { r = file_io_utils::save_string_to_file(m_wallet_file + ".address.txt", m_account.get_public_address_str(m_nettype)); if(!r) MERROR("String with address text not saved"); } } m_subaddresses.clear(); m_subaddress_labels.clear(); add_subaddress_account(tr("Primary account")); if (!m_wallet_file.empty()) store(); return {}; } // Below are either middle or secret spend key establishment rounds for (const auto& key: m_multisig_derivations) derivations.erase(key); // Deriving multisig keys (set of Mi = b * Bi) according to DH from other participants' multisig keys. auto new_derivations = cryptonote::generate_multisig_derivations(get_account().get_keys(), std::vector(derivations.begin(), derivations.end())); std::string extra_multisig_info; if (m_multisig_rounds_passed == multisig_rounds_required(m_multisig_signers.size(), m_multisig_threshold) - 2) // next round is last { // Next round is last therefore we are performing secret spend establishment round as described above. MINFO("Creating spend key..."); // Calculating our secret multisig keys by hashing our public multisig keys. auto multisig_keys = cryptonote::calculate_multisig_keys(std::vector(new_derivations.begin(), new_derivations.end())); // And summing it to get personal secret spend key crypto::secret_key spend_skey = cryptonote::calculate_multisig_signer_key(multisig_keys); m_account.make_multisig(m_account.get_keys().m_view_secret_key, spend_skey, rct::rct2pk(rct::identity()), multisig_keys); // Packing public multisig keys to exchange with others and calculate common public spend key in the last round extra_multisig_info = pack_multisignature_keys(MULTISIG_EXTRA_INFO_MAGIC, secret_keys_to_public_keys(multisig_keys), spend_skey); } else { // This is just middle round MINFO("Preparing keys for next exchange round..."); extra_multisig_info = pack_multisignature_keys(MULTISIG_EXTRA_INFO_MAGIC, new_derivations, m_account.get_keys().m_spend_secret_key); m_multisig_derivations = new_derivations; } ++m_multisig_rounds_passed; create_keys_file(m_wallet_file, false, password, boost::filesystem::exists(m_wallet_file + ".address.txt")); return extra_multisig_info; } void wallet2::unpack_multisig_info(const std::vector& info, std::vector &public_keys, std::vector &secret_keys) const { // parse all multisig info public_keys.resize(info.size()); secret_keys.resize(info.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < info.size(); ++i) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!verify_multisig_info(info[i], secret_keys[i], public_keys[i]), error::wallet_internal_error, "Bad multisig info: " + info[i]); } // remove duplicates for (size_t i = 0; i < secret_keys.size(); ++i) { for (size_t j = i + 1; j < secret_keys.size(); ++j) { if (rct::sk2rct(secret_keys[i]) == rct::sk2rct(secret_keys[j])) { MDEBUG("Duplicate key found, ignoring"); secret_keys[j] = secret_keys.back(); public_keys[j] = public_keys.back(); secret_keys.pop_back(); public_keys.pop_back(); --j; } } } // people may include their own, weed it out const crypto::secret_key local_skey = cryptonote::get_multisig_blinded_secret_key(get_account().get_keys().m_view_secret_key); const crypto::public_key local_pkey = get_multisig_signer_public_key(get_account().get_keys().m_spend_secret_key); for (size_t i = 0; i < secret_keys.size(); ++i) { if (secret_keys[i] == local_skey) { MDEBUG("Local key is present, ignoring"); secret_keys[i] = secret_keys.back(); public_keys[i] = public_keys.back(); secret_keys.pop_back(); public_keys.pop_back(); --i; } else { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(public_keys[i] == local_pkey, error::wallet_internal_error, "Found local spend public key, but not local view secret key - something very weird"); } } } std::string wallet2::make_multisig(const epee::wipeable_string &password, const std::vector &info, uint32_t threshold) { std::vector secret_keys(info.size()); std::vector public_keys(info.size()); unpack_multisig_info(info, public_keys, secret_keys); return make_multisig(password, secret_keys, public_keys, threshold); } bool wallet2::finalize_multisig(const epee::wipeable_string &password, const std::unordered_set &pkeys, std::vector signers) { bool ready; uint32_t threshold, total; if (!multisig(&ready, &threshold, &total)) { MERROR("This is not a multisig wallet"); return false; } if (ready) { MERROR("This multisig wallet is already finalized"); return false; } if (threshold + 1 != total) { MERROR("finalize_multisig should only be used for N-1/N wallets, use exchange_multisig_keys instead"); return false; } exchange_multisig_keys(password, pkeys, signers); return true; } bool wallet2::unpack_extra_multisig_info(const std::vector& info, std::vector &signers, std::unordered_set &pkeys) const { // parse all multisig info signers.resize(info.size(), crypto::null_pkey); for (size_t i = 0; i < info.size(); ++i) { if (!verify_extra_multisig_info(info[i], pkeys, signers[i])) { return false; } } return true; } bool wallet2::finalize_multisig(const epee::wipeable_string &password, const std::vector &info) { std::unordered_set public_keys; std::vector signers; if (!unpack_extra_multisig_info(info, signers, public_keys)) { MERROR("Bad multisig info"); return false; } return finalize_multisig(password, public_keys, signers); } std::string wallet2::get_multisig_info() const { // It's a signed package of private view key and public spend key const crypto::secret_key skey = cryptonote::get_multisig_blinded_secret_key(get_account().get_keys().m_view_secret_key); const crypto::public_key pkey = get_multisig_signer_public_key(get_account().get_keys().m_spend_secret_key); crypto::hash hash; std::string data; data += std::string((const char *)&skey, sizeof(crypto::secret_key)); data += std::string((const char *)&pkey, sizeof(crypto::public_key)); data.resize(data.size() + sizeof(crypto::signature)); crypto::cn_fast_hash(data.data(), data.size() - sizeof(signature), hash); crypto::signature &signature = *(crypto::signature*)&data[data.size() - sizeof(crypto::signature)]; crypto::generate_signature(hash, pkey, get_multisig_blinded_secret_key(get_account().get_keys().m_spend_secret_key), signature); return std::string("MultisigV1") + tools::base58::encode(data); } bool wallet2::verify_multisig_info(const std::string &data, crypto::secret_key &skey, crypto::public_key &pkey) { const size_t header_len = strlen("MultisigV1"); if (data.size() < header_len || data.substr(0, header_len) != "MultisigV1") { MERROR("Multisig info header check error"); return false; } std::string decoded; if (!tools::base58::decode(data.substr(header_len), decoded)) { MERROR("Multisig info decoding error"); return false; } if (decoded.size() != sizeof(crypto::secret_key) + sizeof(crypto::public_key) + sizeof(crypto::signature)) { MERROR("Multisig info is corrupt"); return false; } size_t offset = 0; skey = *(const crypto::secret_key*)(decoded.data() + offset); offset += sizeof(skey); pkey = *(const crypto::public_key*)(decoded.data() + offset); offset += sizeof(pkey); const crypto::signature &signature = *(const crypto::signature*)(decoded.data() + offset); crypto::hash hash; crypto::cn_fast_hash(decoded.data(), decoded.size() - sizeof(signature), hash); if (!crypto::check_signature(hash, pkey, signature)) { MERROR("Multisig info signature is invalid"); return false; } return true; } bool wallet2::verify_extra_multisig_info(const std::string &data, std::unordered_set &pkeys, crypto::public_key &signer) { if (data.size() < MULTISIG_EXTRA_INFO_MAGIC.size() || data.substr(0, MULTISIG_EXTRA_INFO_MAGIC.size()) != MULTISIG_EXTRA_INFO_MAGIC) { MERROR("Multisig info header check error"); return false; } std::string decoded; if (!tools::base58::decode(data.substr(MULTISIG_EXTRA_INFO_MAGIC.size()), decoded)) { MERROR("Multisig info decoding error"); return false; } if (decoded.size() < sizeof(crypto::public_key) + sizeof(crypto::signature)) { MERROR("Multisig info is corrupt"); return false; } if ((decoded.size() - (sizeof(crypto::public_key) + sizeof(crypto::signature))) % sizeof(crypto::public_key)) { MERROR("Multisig info is corrupt"); return false; } const size_t n_keys = (decoded.size() - (sizeof(crypto::public_key) + sizeof(crypto::signature))) / sizeof(crypto::public_key); size_t offset = 0; signer = *(const crypto::public_key*)(decoded.data() + offset); offset += sizeof(signer); const crypto::signature &signature = *(const crypto::signature*)(decoded.data() + offset + n_keys * sizeof(crypto::public_key)); crypto::hash hash; crypto::cn_fast_hash(decoded.data(), decoded.size() - sizeof(signature), hash); if (!crypto::check_signature(hash, signer, signature)) { MERROR("Multisig info signature is invalid"); return false; } for (size_t n = 0; n < n_keys; ++n) { crypto::public_key mspk = *(const crypto::public_key*)(decoded.data() + offset); pkeys.insert(mspk); offset += sizeof(mspk); } return true; } bool wallet2::multisig(bool *ready, uint32_t *threshold, uint32_t *total) const { if (!m_multisig) return false; if (threshold) *threshold = m_multisig_threshold; if (total) *total = m_multisig_signers.size(); if (ready) *ready = !(get_account().get_keys().m_account_address.m_spend_public_key == rct::rct2pk(rct::identity())); return true; } bool wallet2::has_multisig_partial_key_images() const { if (!m_multisig) return false; for (const auto &td: m_transfers) if (td.m_key_image_partial && td.m_tx.version == 1) return true; return false; } bool wallet2::has_unknown_key_images() const { for (const auto &td: m_transfers) if (!td.m_key_image_known && td.m_tx.version == 1) return true; return false; } /*! * \brief Rewrites to the wallet file for wallet upgrade (doesn't generate key, assumes it's already there) * \param wallet_name Name of wallet file (should exist) * \param password Password for wallet file */ void wallet2::rewrite(const std::string& wallet_name, const epee::wipeable_string& password) { if (wallet_name.empty()) return; prepare_file_names(wallet_name); boost::system::error_code ignored_ec; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!boost::filesystem::exists(m_keys_file, ignored_ec), error::file_not_found, m_keys_file); bool r = store_keys(m_keys_file, password, m_watch_only); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::file_save_error, m_keys_file); } /*! * \brief Writes to a file named based on the normal wallet (doesn't generate key, assumes it's already there) * \param wallet_name Base name of wallet file * \param password Password for wallet file * \param new_keys_filename [OUT] Name of new keys file */ void wallet2::write_watch_only_wallet(const std::string& wallet_name, const epee::wipeable_string& password, std::string &new_keys_filename) { prepare_file_names(wallet_name); boost::system::error_code ignored_ec; new_keys_filename = m_wallet_file + "-watchonly.keys"; bool watch_only_keys_file_exists = boost::filesystem::exists(new_keys_filename, ignored_ec); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(watch_only_keys_file_exists, error::file_save_error, new_keys_filename); bool r = store_keys(new_keys_filename, password, true); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::file_save_error, new_keys_filename); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::wallet_exists(const std::string& file_path, bool& keys_file_exists, bool& wallet_file_exists) { std::string keys_file, wallet_file, mms_file; do_prepare_file_names(file_path, keys_file, wallet_file, mms_file); boost::system::error_code ignore; keys_file_exists = boost::filesystem::exists(keys_file, ignore); wallet_file_exists = boost::filesystem::exists(wallet_file, ignore); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::wallet_valid_path_format(const std::string& file_path) { return !file_path.empty(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::parse_long_payment_id(const std::string& payment_id_str, crypto::hash& payment_id) { cryptonote::blobdata payment_id_data; if(!epee::string_tools::parse_hexstr_to_binbuff(payment_id_str, payment_id_data)) return false; if(sizeof(crypto::hash) != payment_id_data.size()) return false; payment_id = *reinterpret_cast(payment_id_data.data()); return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::parse_short_payment_id(const std::string& payment_id_str, crypto::hash8& payment_id) { cryptonote::blobdata payment_id_data; if(!epee::string_tools::parse_hexstr_to_binbuff(payment_id_str, payment_id_data)) return false; if(sizeof(crypto::hash8) != payment_id_data.size()) return false; payment_id = *reinterpret_cast(payment_id_data.data()); return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::parse_payment_id(const std::string& payment_id_str, crypto::hash& payment_id) { if (parse_long_payment_id(payment_id_str, payment_id)) return true; crypto::hash8 payment_id8; if (parse_short_payment_id(payment_id_str, payment_id8)) { memcpy(payment_id.data, payment_id8.data, 8); memset(payment_id.data + 8, 0, 24); return true; } return false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::prepare_file_names(const std::string& file_path) { do_prepare_file_names(file_path, m_keys_file, m_wallet_file, m_mms_file); return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::check_connection(uint32_t *version, bool *ssl, uint32_t timeout) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!m_is_initialized, error::wallet_not_initialized); if (m_offline) { if (version) *version = 0; if (ssl) *ssl = false; return false; } // TODO: Add light wallet version check. if(m_light_wallet) { if (version) *version = 0; if (ssl) *ssl = m_light_wallet_connected; // light wallet is always SSL return m_light_wallet_connected; } { boost::lock_guard lock(m_daemon_rpc_mutex); if(!m_http_client.is_connected(ssl)) { m_node_rpc_proxy.invalidate(); if (!m_http_client.connect(std::chrono::milliseconds(timeout))) return false; if(!m_http_client.is_connected(ssl)) return false; } } if (version) { cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_VERSION::request req_t = AUTO_VAL_INIT(req_t); cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_VERSION::response resp_t = AUTO_VAL_INIT(resp_t); bool r = invoke_http_json_rpc("/json_rpc", "get_version", req_t, resp_t); if(!r) { *version = 0; return false; } if (resp_t.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK) *version = 0; else *version = resp_t.version; } return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::set_offline(bool offline) { m_offline = offline; m_http_client.set_auto_connect(!offline); if (offline) { boost::lock_guard lock(m_daemon_rpc_mutex); if(m_http_client.is_connected()) m_http_client.disconnect(); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::generate_chacha_key_from_secret_keys(crypto::chacha_key &key) const { hw::device &hwdev = m_account.get_device(); return hwdev.generate_chacha_key(m_account.get_keys(), key, m_kdf_rounds); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::generate_chacha_key_from_password(const epee::wipeable_string &pass, crypto::chacha_key &key) const { crypto::generate_chacha_key(pass.data(), pass.size(), key, m_kdf_rounds); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::load(const std::string& wallet_, const epee::wipeable_string& password) { clear(); prepare_file_names(wallet_); boost::system::error_code e; bool exists = boost::filesystem::exists(m_keys_file, e); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(e || !exists, error::file_not_found, m_keys_file); lock_keys_file(); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!is_keys_file_locked(), error::wallet_internal_error, "internal error: \"" + m_keys_file + "\" is opened by another wallet program"); // this temporary unlocking is necessary for Windows (otherwise the file couldn't be loaded). unlock_keys_file(); if (!load_keys(m_keys_file, password)) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(true, error::file_read_error, m_keys_file); } LOG_PRINT_L0("Loaded wallet keys file, with public address: " << m_account.get_public_address_str(m_nettype)); lock_keys_file(); wallet_keys_unlocker unlocker(*this, m_ask_password == AskPasswordToDecrypt && !m_unattended && !m_watch_only, password); //keys loaded ok! //try to load wallet file. but even if we failed, it is not big problem if(!boost::filesystem::exists(m_wallet_file, e) || e) { LOG_PRINT_L0("file not found: " << m_wallet_file << ", starting with empty blockchain"); m_account_public_address = m_account.get_keys().m_account_address; } else { wallet2::cache_file_data cache_file_data; std::string buf; bool r = epee::file_io_utils::load_file_to_string(m_wallet_file, buf, std::numeric_limits::max()); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::file_read_error, m_wallet_file); // try to read it as an encrypted cache try { LOG_PRINT_L1("Trying to decrypt cache data"); r = ::serialization::parse_binary(buf, cache_file_data); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::wallet_internal_error, "internal error: failed to deserialize \"" + m_wallet_file + '\"'); std::string cache_data; cache_data.resize(cache_file_data.cache_data.size()); crypto::chacha20(cache_file_data.cache_data.data(), cache_file_data.cache_data.size(), m_cache_key, cache_file_data.iv, &cache_data[0]); try { std::stringstream iss; iss << cache_data; boost::archive::portable_binary_iarchive ar(iss); ar >> *this; } catch(...) { // try with previous scheme: direct from keys crypto::chacha_key key; generate_chacha_key_from_secret_keys(key); crypto::chacha20(cache_file_data.cache_data.data(), cache_file_data.cache_data.size(), key, cache_file_data.iv, &cache_data[0]); try { std::stringstream iss; iss << cache_data; boost::archive::portable_binary_iarchive ar(iss); ar >> *this; } catch (...) { crypto::chacha8(cache_file_data.cache_data.data(), cache_file_data.cache_data.size(), key, cache_file_data.iv, &cache_data[0]); try { std::stringstream iss; iss << cache_data; boost::archive::portable_binary_iarchive ar(iss); ar >> *this; } catch (...) { LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to open portable binary, trying unportable"); boost::filesystem::copy_file(m_wallet_file, m_wallet_file + ".unportable", boost::filesystem::copy_option::overwrite_if_exists); std::stringstream iss; iss.str(""); iss << cache_data; boost::archive::binary_iarchive ar(iss); ar >> *this; } } } } catch (...) { LOG_PRINT_L1("Failed to load encrypted cache, trying unencrypted"); try { std::stringstream iss; iss << buf; boost::archive::portable_binary_iarchive ar(iss); ar >> *this; } catch (...) { LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to open portable binary, trying unportable"); boost::filesystem::copy_file(m_wallet_file, m_wallet_file + ".unportable", boost::filesystem::copy_option::overwrite_if_exists); std::stringstream iss; iss.str(""); iss << buf; boost::archive::binary_iarchive ar(iss); ar >> *this; } } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF( m_account_public_address.m_spend_public_key != m_account.get_keys().m_account_address.m_spend_public_key || m_account_public_address.m_view_public_key != m_account.get_keys().m_account_address.m_view_public_key, error::wallet_files_doesnt_correspond, m_keys_file, m_wallet_file); } cryptonote::block genesis; generate_genesis(genesis); crypto::hash genesis_hash = get_block_hash(genesis); if (m_blockchain.empty()) { m_blockchain.push_back(genesis_hash); m_last_block_reward = cryptonote::get_outs_etn_amount(genesis.miner_tx); } else { check_genesis(genesis_hash); } trim_hashchain(); if (get_num_subaddress_accounts() == 0) add_subaddress_account(tr("Primary account")); try { find_and_save_rings(false); } catch (const std::exception &e) { MERROR("Failed to save rings, will try again next time"); } try { m_message_store.read_from_file(get_multisig_wallet_state(), m_mms_file); } catch (const std::exception &e) { MERROR("Failed to initialize MMS, it will be unusable"); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::trim_hashchain() { uint64_t height = m_checkpoints.get_max_height(); for (const transfer_details &td: m_transfers) if (td.m_block_height < height) height = td.m_block_height; if (!m_blockchain.empty() && m_blockchain.size() == m_blockchain.offset()) { MINFO("Fixing empty hashchain"); cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_BLOCK_HEADER_BY_HEIGHT::request req = AUTO_VAL_INIT(req); cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_BLOCK_HEADER_BY_HEIGHT::response res = AUTO_VAL_INIT(res); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock(); req.height = m_blockchain.size() - 1; bool r = invoke_http_json_rpc("/json_rpc", "getblockheaderbyheight", req, res, rpc_timeout); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock(); if (r && res.status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK) { crypto::hash hash; epee::string_tools::hex_to_pod(res.block_header.hash, hash); m_blockchain.refill(hash); } else { MERROR("Failed to request block header from daemon, hash chain may be unable to sync till the wallet is loaded with a usable daemon"); } } if (height > 0 && m_blockchain.size() > height) { --height; MDEBUG("trimming to " << height << ", offset " << m_blockchain.offset()); m_blockchain.trim(height); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::check_genesis(const crypto::hash& genesis_hash) const { std::string what("Genesis block mismatch. You probably use wallet without testnet (or stagenet) flag with blockchain from test (or stage) network or vice versa"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(genesis_hash != m_blockchain.genesis(), error::wallet_internal_error, what); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string wallet2::path() const { return m_wallet_file; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::store() { if (!m_wallet_file.empty()) store_to("", epee::wipeable_string()); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::store_to(const std::string &path, const epee::wipeable_string &password) { trim_hashchain(); // if file is the same, we do: // 1. save wallet to the *.new file // 2. remove old wallet file // 3. rename *.new to wallet_name // handle if we want just store wallet state to current files (ex store() replacement); bool same_file = true; if (!path.empty()) { std::string canonical_path = boost::filesystem::canonical(m_wallet_file).string(); size_t pos = canonical_path.find(path); same_file = pos != std::string::npos; } if (!same_file) { // check if we want to store to directory which doesn't exists yet boost::filesystem::path parent_path = boost::filesystem::path(path).parent_path(); // if path is not exists, try to create it if (!parent_path.empty() && !boost::filesystem::exists(parent_path)) { boost::system::error_code ec; if (!boost::filesystem::create_directories(parent_path, ec)) { throw std::logic_error(ec.message()); } } } // preparing wallet data std::stringstream oss; boost::archive::portable_binary_oarchive ar(oss); ar << *this; wallet2::cache_file_data cache_file_data = boost::value_initialized(); cache_file_data.cache_data = oss.str(); std::string cipher; cipher.resize(cache_file_data.cache_data.size()); cache_file_data.iv = crypto::rand(); crypto::chacha20(cache_file_data.cache_data.data(), cache_file_data.cache_data.size(), m_cache_key, cache_file_data.iv, &cipher[0]); cache_file_data.cache_data = cipher; const std::string new_file = same_file ? m_wallet_file + ".new" : path; const std::string old_file = m_wallet_file; const std::string old_keys_file = m_keys_file; const std::string old_address_file = m_wallet_file + ".address.txt"; const std::string old_mms_file = m_mms_file; // save keys to the new file // if we here, main wallet file is saved and we only need to save keys and address files if (!same_file) { prepare_file_names(path); bool r = store_keys(m_keys_file, password, false); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::file_save_error, m_keys_file); if (boost::filesystem::exists(old_address_file)) { // save address to the new file const std::string address_file = m_wallet_file + ".address.txt"; r = file_io_utils::save_string_to_file(address_file, m_account.get_public_address_str(m_nettype)); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::file_save_error, m_wallet_file); } // remove old wallet file r = boost::filesystem::remove(old_file); if (!r) { LOG_ERROR("error removing file: " << old_file); } // remove old keys file r = boost::filesystem::remove(old_keys_file); if (!r) { LOG_ERROR("error removing file: " << old_keys_file); } // remove old address file r = boost::filesystem::remove(old_address_file); if (!r) { LOG_ERROR("error removing file: " << old_address_file); } // remove old message store file if (boost::filesystem::exists(old_mms_file)) { r = boost::filesystem::remove(old_mms_file); if (!r) { LOG_ERROR("error removing file: " << old_mms_file); } } } else { // save to new file #ifdef WIN32 // On Windows avoid using std::ofstream which does not work with UTF-8 filenames // The price to pay is temporary higher memory consumption for string stream + binary archive std::ostringstream oss; binary_archive oar(oss); bool success = ::serialization::serialize(oar, cache_file_data); if (success) { success = epee::file_io_utils::save_string_to_file(new_file, oss.str()); } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!success, error::file_save_error, new_file); #else std::ofstream ostr; ostr.open(new_file, std::ios_base::binary | std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc); binary_archive oar(ostr); bool success = ::serialization::serialize(oar, cache_file_data); ostr.close(); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!success || !ostr.good(), error::file_save_error, new_file); #endif // here we have "*.new" file, we need to rename it to be without ".new" std::error_code e = tools::replace_file(new_file, m_wallet_file); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(e, error::file_save_error, m_wallet_file, e); } if (m_message_store.get_active()) { // While the "m_message_store" object of course always exist, a file for the message // store should only exist if the MMS is really active m_message_store.write_to_file(get_multisig_wallet_state(), m_mms_file); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- uint64_t wallet2::balance(uint32_t index_major, bool public_blockchain) const { uint64_t amount = 0; if(m_light_wallet) return m_light_wallet_unlocked_balance; for (const auto& i : balance_per_subaddress(index_major, public_blockchain)) amount += i.second; return amount; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- uint64_t wallet2::unlocked_balance(uint32_t index_major, bool public_blockchain, uint64_t *blocks_to_unlock) const { uint64_t amount = 0; if (blocks_to_unlock) *blocks_to_unlock = 0; if(m_light_wallet) return m_light_wallet_balance; for (const auto& i : unlocked_balance_per_subaddress(index_major, public_blockchain)) { amount += i.second.first; if (blocks_to_unlock && i.second.second > *blocks_to_unlock) *blocks_to_unlock = i.second.second; } return amount; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::map wallet2::balance_per_subaddress(uint32_t index_major, bool public_blockchain) const { std::map amount_per_subaddr; for (const auto& td: m_transfers) { if((public_blockchain && td.m_tx.version == 1) || (!public_blockchain && td.m_tx.version > 1)) continue; if (td.m_subaddr_index.major == index_major && !td.m_spent && !td.m_frozen) { auto found = amount_per_subaddr.find(td.m_subaddr_index.minor); if (found == amount_per_subaddr.end()) amount_per_subaddr[td.m_subaddr_index.minor] = td.amount(); else found->second += td.amount(); } } for (const auto& utx: m_unconfirmed_txs) { if ((public_blockchain && utx.second.m_tx.version == 1) || (!public_blockchain && utx.second.m_tx.version > 1)) continue; if (utx.second.m_state != wallet2::unconfirmed_transfer_details::failed) { //HANDLE LOOPBACK OUTS INCLUDING CHANGE if(utx.second.m_tx.version > 1){ for (const cryptonote::tx_out &out : utx.second.m_tx.vout) { if (out.target.type() == typeid(txout_to_key_public)) { // check whether this out is to one of our subaddresses auto target = boost::get(out.target); auto subaddr_found = m_subaddresses.find(target.address.m_spend_public_key); // if this out is to us // and the view key part of the destination matches that of our our subaddress, // and the major index of this subaddress corresponds to the current account we're getting balance for, // then add amount to balance if (subaddr_found != m_subaddresses.end() && get_subaddress(subaddr_found->second).m_view_public_key == target.address.m_view_public_key && subaddr_found->second.major == index_major) { auto found = amount_per_subaddr.find(subaddr_found->second.minor); if (found == amount_per_subaddr.end()) amount_per_subaddr[subaddr_found->second.minor] = out.amount; else found->second += out.amount; } else { continue; } } } } // CHANGE HANDLING FOR V1 TX // (NB LOOPBACK OUTS APART FROM CHANGE AREN'T FACTORED INTO BAL WHILST TX IS UNCONFIRMED // and there is no need to fix this (monero) issue as we've migrated to a transparent chain) if (utx.second.m_tx.version == 1 && utx.second.m_subaddr_account == index_major) { // all changes go to 0-th subaddress (in the current subaddress account) auto found = amount_per_subaddr.find(0); if (found == amount_per_subaddr.end()) amount_per_subaddr[0] = utx.second.m_change; else found->second += utx.second.m_change; } } } return amount_per_subaddr; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::map> wallet2::unlocked_balance_per_subaddress(uint32_t index_major, bool public_blockchain) const { std::map> amount_per_subaddr; //map of subaddr minor index : const uint64_t blockchain_height = get_blockchain_current_height(); //Figure out amount & blocks_to_unlock for the major subaddress index for each transfer for(const transfer_details& td: m_transfers) { if((public_blockchain && td.m_tx.version == 1) || (!public_blockchain && td.m_tx.version > 1)) continue; if(td.m_subaddr_index.major == index_major && !td.m_spent && !td.m_frozen) { uint64_t amount = 0, blocks_to_unlock = 0; if (is_transfer_unlocked(td)) { amount = td.amount(); blocks_to_unlock = 0; } else { uint64_t v8height = m_nettype == TESTNET ? 446674 : 589169; uint16_t UNLOCK_WINDOW = td.m_block_height > v8height ? ETN_DEFAULT_TX_SPENDABLE_AGE_V8 : CRYPTONOTE_DEFAULT_TX_SPENDABLE_AGE; uint64_t unlock_height = td.m_block_height + std::max(UNLOCK_WINDOW, CRYPTONOTE_LOCKED_TX_ALLOWED_DELTA_BLOCKS); if (td.m_tx.unlock_time < CRYPTONOTE_MAX_BLOCK_NUMBER && td.m_tx.unlock_time > unlock_height) unlock_height = td.m_tx.unlock_time; blocks_to_unlock = unlock_height > blockchain_height ? unlock_height - blockchain_height : 0; amount = 0; } auto found = amount_per_subaddr.find(td.m_subaddr_index.minor); // if we don't have this subaddress index (key) in our map, create a new entry, otherwise just add a new pair if (found == amount_per_subaddr.end()) amount_per_subaddr[td.m_subaddr_index.minor] = std::make_pair(amount, blocks_to_unlock); else { found->second.first += amount; found->second.second = std::max(found->second.second, blocks_to_unlock); } } } return amount_per_subaddr; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- uint64_t wallet2::balance_all(bool public_blockchain) const { uint64_t r = 0; for (uint32_t index_major = 0; index_major < get_num_subaddress_accounts(); ++index_major) r += balance(index_major, public_blockchain); return r; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- uint64_t wallet2::unlocked_balance_all(bool public_blockchain, uint64_t *blocks_to_unlock) const { uint64_t r = 0; if (blocks_to_unlock) *blocks_to_unlock = 0; for (uint32_t index_major = 0; index_major < get_num_subaddress_accounts(); ++index_major) { uint64_t local_blocks_to_unlock; r += unlocked_balance(index_major, public_blockchain ,blocks_to_unlock ? &local_blocks_to_unlock : NULL); if (blocks_to_unlock) *blocks_to_unlock = std::max(*blocks_to_unlock, local_blocks_to_unlock); } return r; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::get_transfers(wallet2::transfer_container& incoming_transfers) const { incoming_transfers = m_transfers; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::get_payments(const crypto::hash& payment_id, std::list& payments, uint64_t min_height, const boost::optional& subaddr_account, const std::set& subaddr_indices) const { auto range = m_payments.equal_range(payment_id); std::for_each(range.first, range.second, [&payments, &min_height, &subaddr_account, &subaddr_indices](const payment_container::value_type& x) { if (min_height < x.second.m_block_height && (!subaddr_account || *subaddr_account == x.second.m_subaddr_index.major) && (subaddr_indices.empty() || subaddr_indices.count(x.second.m_subaddr_index.minor) == 1)) { payments.push_back(x.second); } }); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::get_payments(std::list>& payments, uint64_t min_height, uint64_t max_height, const boost::optional& subaddr_account, const std::set& subaddr_indices) const { auto range = std::make_pair(m_payments.begin(), m_payments.end()); std::for_each(range.first, range.second, [&payments, &min_height, &max_height, &subaddr_account, &subaddr_indices](const payment_container::value_type& x) { if (min_height < x.second.m_block_height && max_height >= x.second.m_block_height && (!subaddr_account || *subaddr_account == x.second.m_subaddr_index.major) && (subaddr_indices.empty() || subaddr_indices.count(x.second.m_subaddr_index.minor) == 1)) { payments.push_back(x); } }); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::get_payments_out(std::list>& confirmed_payments, uint64_t min_height, uint64_t max_height, const boost::optional& subaddr_account, const std::set& subaddr_indices) const { for (auto i = m_confirmed_txs.begin(); i != m_confirmed_txs.end(); ++i) { if (i->second.m_block_height <= min_height || i->second.m_block_height > max_height) continue; if (subaddr_account && *subaddr_account != i->second.m_subaddr_account) continue; if (!subaddr_indices.empty() && std::count_if(i->second.m_subaddr_indices.begin(), i->second.m_subaddr_indices.end(), [&subaddr_indices](uint32_t index) { return subaddr_indices.count(index) == 1; }) == 0) continue; if (i->second.m_is_migration) //avoid as processed by separate function continue; if(i->second.m_is_sc_migration) //avoid as processed by separate function continue; confirmed_payments.push_back(*i); } }//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::get_payments_out_migration(std::list>& confirmed_payments, uint64_t min_height, uint64_t max_height, const boost::optional& subaddr_account, const std::set& subaddr_indices) const { for (auto i = m_confirmed_txs.begin(); i != m_confirmed_txs.end(); ++i) { if (i->second.m_block_height <= min_height || i->second.m_block_height > max_height) continue; if (subaddr_account && *subaddr_account != i->second.m_subaddr_account) continue; if (!subaddr_indices.empty() && std::count_if(i->second.m_subaddr_indices.begin(), i->second.m_subaddr_indices.end(), [&subaddr_indices](uint32_t index) { return subaddr_indices.count(index) == 1; }) == 0) continue; if (!i->second.m_is_migration) continue; confirmed_payments.push_back(*i); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::get_payments_out_sc_migration(std::list>& confirmed_payments, uint64_t min_height, uint64_t max_height, const boost::optional& subaddr_account, const std::set& subaddr_indices) const{ for (auto i = m_confirmed_txs.begin(); i != m_confirmed_txs.end(); ++i) { if (i->second.m_block_height <= min_height || i->second.m_block_height > max_height) continue; if (subaddr_account && *subaddr_account != i->second.m_subaddr_account) continue; if (!subaddr_indices.empty() && std::count_if(i->second.m_subaddr_indices.begin(), i->second.m_subaddr_indices.end(), [&subaddr_indices](uint32_t index) { return subaddr_indices.count(index) == 1; }) == 0) continue; if (!i->second.m_is_sc_migration) continue; confirmed_payments.push_back(*i); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::get_unconfirmed_payments_out(std::list>& unconfirmed_payments, const boost::optional& subaddr_account, const std::set& subaddr_indices) const { for (auto i = m_unconfirmed_txs.begin(); i != m_unconfirmed_txs.end(); ++i) { if (subaddr_account && *subaddr_account != i->second.m_subaddr_account) continue; if (!subaddr_indices.empty() && std::count_if(i->second.m_subaddr_indices.begin(), i->second.m_subaddr_indices.end(), [&subaddr_indices](uint32_t index) { return subaddr_indices.count(index) == 1; }) == 0) continue; unconfirmed_payments.push_back(*i); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::get_unconfirmed_payments(std::list>& unconfirmed_payments, const boost::optional& subaddr_account, const std::set& subaddr_indices) const { for (auto i = m_unconfirmed_payments.begin(); i != m_unconfirmed_payments.end(); ++i) { if ((!subaddr_account || *subaddr_account == i->second.m_pd.m_subaddr_index.major) && (subaddr_indices.empty() || subaddr_indices.count(i->second.m_pd.m_subaddr_index.minor) == 1)) unconfirmed_payments.push_back(*i); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::rescan_spent() { // This is RPC call that can take a long time if there are many outputs, // so we call it several times, in stripes, so we don't time out spuriously // M_TRANSFERS is a container of OUTPUTS and NOT a container of entire transfers! // The logic for dealing with publicised (v8 hf) outputs is as follows: // 1. Check the output block height in m_transfers. If it's >= v8 hard fork height, the output must be a public one, // 2. m_transfers contains the tx hash and relative out index for each output which uniquely determine // 'chainstate UTXOs' in the blockchain database; if a chainstate UTXO is present in the DB, the output is truly // unspent. However nonexistence of the UTXO in the db doesn't mean it's spent, only that it doesn't exist. So we // must first check (by some means) that the output did exist. Use the tx input db. // 3. Call the daemon for this output and ask of the spent status. // 4. Set the correct spent status of the output in m_transfers std::vector spent_status; spent_status.reserve(m_transfers.size()); const size_t chunk_size = 1000; for (size_t start_offset = 0; start_offset < m_transfers.size(); start_offset += chunk_size) { const size_t n_outputs = std::min(chunk_size, m_transfers.size() - start_offset); // 1000 or less if we dont have 1000 MDEBUG("Calling is_key_image_spent on " << start_offset << " - " << (start_offset + n_outputs - 1) << ", out of " << m_transfers.size()); COMMAND_RPC_IS_KEY_IMAGE_SPENT::request req = AUTO_VAL_INIT(req); COMMAND_RPC_IS_KEY_IMAGE_SPENT::response daemon_resp = AUTO_VAL_INIT(daemon_resp); for (size_t n = start_offset; n < start_offset + n_outputs; ++n) //loop over key images for the outputs in m_transfers and put the key image in the request req.key_images.push_back(string_tools::pod_to_hex(m_transfers[n].m_key_image)); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock(); bool r = invoke_http_json("/is_key_image_spent", req, daemon_resp, rpc_timeout); //fire off the check command m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock(); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "is_key_image_spent"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(daemon_resp.status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_BUSY, error::daemon_busy, "is_key_image_spent"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(daemon_resp.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK, error::is_key_image_spent_error, get_rpc_status(daemon_resp.status)); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(daemon_resp.spent_status.size() != n_outputs, error::wallet_internal_error, "daemon returned wrong response for is_key_image_spent, wrong amounts count = " + std::to_string(daemon_resp.spent_status.size()) + ", expected " + std::to_string(n_outputs)); std::copy(daemon_resp.spent_status.begin(), daemon_resp.spent_status.end(), std::back_inserter(spent_status)); } // urgent code update so just duplicate code above for public outputs uint64_t v8height = m_nettype == TESTNET ? 446674 : 589169; for (size_t start_offset = 0; start_offset < m_transfers.size(); start_offset += chunk_size) { const size_t n_outputs = std::min(chunk_size, m_transfers.size() - start_offset); MDEBUG("Preparing is_public_output_spent request for outputs " << start_offset << " - " << (start_offset + n_outputs - 1) << ", out of " << m_transfers.size()); COMMAND_RPC_IS_PUBLIC_OUTPUT_SPENT::request req = AUTO_VAL_INIT(req); COMMAND_RPC_IS_PUBLIC_OUTPUT_SPENT::response daemon_resp = AUTO_VAL_INIT(daemon_resp); // Prepare the request for public outputs only for m_transfers after v8 height for (size_t k = start_offset; k < start_offset + n_outputs; ++k) { if (m_transfers[k].m_block_height >= v8height) { public_output pub_out; pub_out.txid = epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(m_transfers[k].m_txid); pub_out.relative_out_index = static_cast(m_transfers[k].m_internal_output_index); req.public_outputs.push_back(pub_out); } } if(req.public_outputs.size() == 0){ MDEBUG("No public outs found in the range: " << start_offset << " - " << (start_offset + n_outputs - 1) << ", out of " << m_transfers.size() << ", skipping chunk"); continue; } // We always call the daemon, but the request may be empty if no outputs meet the criteria m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock(); bool r = invoke_http_json("/is_public_output_spent", req, daemon_resp, rpc_timeout); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock(); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "is_public_output_spent"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(daemon_resp.status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_BUSY, error::daemon_busy, "is_public_output_spent"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(daemon_resp.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK, error::is_public_output_spent_error, get_rpc_status(daemon_resp.status)); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(daemon_resp.spent_status.size() != req.public_outputs.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "daemon returned wrong response for is_public_output_spent, wrong amount count = " + std::to_string(daemon_resp.spent_status.size()) + ", expected " + std::to_string(req.public_outputs.size())); // Update spent_status only for outputs that were included in the request. do this by iterating through m_transfers and if it's >= v8 height // then set the corresponding spent status for the same index. use a request index like so because not always does n == request index // because not all outputs are public outputs size_t request_index = 0; for (size_t k = start_offset; k < start_offset + n_outputs; ++k) { if (m_transfers[k].m_block_height >= v8height) { spent_status[k] = daemon_resp.spent_status[request_index++]; } } } // update spent status in m_transfers // spent_status[i] guide: // UNSPENT = 0, // SPENT_IN_BLOCKCHAIN = 1, // SPENT_IN_POOL = 2, for (size_t i = 0; i < m_transfers.size(); ++i) { transfer_details& td = m_transfers[i]; // a view wallet may not know about key images. only skip in this case IF it isn't a public output if (!(m_transfers[i].m_block_height >= v8height) && (!td.m_key_image_known || td.m_key_image_partial)) //we will hit this for all public outs, so modify here continue; if (td.m_spent != (spent_status[i] != SPENT_STATUS::UNSPENT)) // if output in m_transfers is unspent and the daemon says spent or the other way round, handle either which way { if (td.m_spent) // given parent if statement, spent means we need to change to unspent { if(!(m_transfers[i].m_block_height >= v8height)){ LOG_PRINT_L0("Marking output " << i << "(" << td.m_key_image << ") as unspent, it was marked as spent"); } else{ LOG_PRINT_L0("Marking public output " << i << " (txid: " << td.m_txid << ", index: " << td.m_internal_output_index << ") as unspent, it was marked as spent"); } set_unspent(i); td.m_spent_height = 0; } else // given parent if statement, unspent means we need to change to spent { if (!(m_transfers[i].m_block_height >= v8height)) { LOG_PRINT_L0("Marking output " << i << " (key image: " << epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(td.m_key_image) << ") as spent, it was marked as unspent"); } else { LOG_PRINT_L0("Not marking output " << i << " (txid: " << epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(td.m_txid) << ", index: " << td.m_internal_output_index << ") as spent since block height " << td.m_block_height << " is below the threshold of " << v8height); } set_spent(i, td.m_spent_height); } } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::rescan_blockchain(bool hard, bool refresh, bool keep_key_images) { CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(!hard || !keep_key_images, "Cannot preserve key images on hard rescan"); const size_t transfers_cnt = m_transfers.size(); crypto::hash transfers_hash{}; if(hard) { clear(); setup_new_blockchain(); } else { if (keep_key_images && refresh) hash_m_transfers((int64_t) transfers_cnt, transfers_hash); clear_soft(keep_key_images); } if (refresh) this->refresh(false); if (refresh && keep_key_images) finish_rescan_bc_keep_key_images(transfers_cnt, transfers_hash); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::is_transfer_unlocked(const transfer_details& td) const { return is_transfer_unlocked(td.m_tx.unlock_time, td.m_block_height); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::is_transfer_unlocked(uint64_t unlock_time, uint64_t block_height) const { if(!is_tx_spendtime_unlocked(unlock_time, block_height)) return false; uint64_t v8height = m_nettype == TESTNET ? 446674 : 589169; uint16_t UNLOCK_WINDOW = block_height > v8height ? ETN_DEFAULT_TX_SPENDABLE_AGE_V8 : CRYPTONOTE_DEFAULT_TX_SPENDABLE_AGE; if(block_height + UNLOCK_WINDOW > get_blockchain_current_height()) return false; return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::is_tx_spendtime_unlocked(uint64_t unlock_time, uint64_t block_height) const { if(unlock_time < CRYPTONOTE_MAX_BLOCK_NUMBER) { //interpret as block index if(get_blockchain_current_height()-1 + CRYPTONOTE_LOCKED_TX_ALLOWED_DELTA_BLOCKS >= unlock_time) return true; else return false; }else { //interpret as time uint64_t current_time = static_cast(time(NULL)); // XXX: this needs to be fast, so we'd need to get the starting heights // from the daemon to be correct once voting kicks in uint64_t v6height = m_nettype == TESTNET ? 190059 : 307499; uint64_t leeway = block_height > v6height ? CRYPTONOTE_LOCKED_TX_ALLOWED_DELTA_SECONDS_V6 : CRYPTONOTE_LOCKED_TX_ALLOWED_DELTA_SECONDS; if(current_time + leeway >= unlock_time) return true; else return false; } return false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace { template T pop_index(std::vector& vec, size_t idx) { CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(!vec.empty(), T(), "Vector must be non-empty"); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(idx < vec.size(), T(), "idx out of bounds"); T res = vec[idx]; if (idx + 1 != vec.size()) { vec[idx] = vec.back(); } vec.resize(vec.size() - 1); return res; } template T pop_random_value(std::vector& vec) { CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(!vec.empty(), T(), "Vector must be non-empty"); size_t idx = crypto::rand_idx(vec.size()); return pop_index (vec, idx); } template T pop_back(std::vector& vec) { CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(!vec.empty(), T(), "Vector must be non-empty"); T res = vec.back(); vec.pop_back(); return res; } template void pop_if_present(std::vector& vec, T e) { for (size_t i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i) { if (e == vec[i]) { pop_index (vec, i); return; } } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This returns a handwavy estimation of how much two outputs are related // If they're from the same tx, then they're fully related. From close block // heights, they're kinda related. The actual values don't matter, just // their ordering, but it could become more murky if we add scores later. float wallet2::get_output_relatedness(const transfer_details &td0, const transfer_details &td1) const { int dh; // expensive test, and same tx will fall onto the same block height below if (td0.m_txid == td1.m_txid) return 1.0f; // same block height -> possibly tx burst, or same tx (since above is disabled) dh = td0.m_block_height > td1.m_block_height ? td0.m_block_height - td1.m_block_height : td1.m_block_height - td0.m_block_height; if (dh == 0) return 0.9f; // adjacent blocks -> possibly tx burst if (dh == 1) return 0.8f; // could extract the payment id, and compare them, but this is a bit expensive too // similar block heights if (dh < 10) return 0.2f; // don't think these are particularly related return 0.0f; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- size_t wallet2::pop_best_value_from(const transfer_container &transfers, std::vector &unused_indices, const std::vector& selected_transfers, bool smallest) const { std::vector candidates; float best_relatedness = 1.0f; for (size_t n = 0; n < unused_indices.size(); ++n) { const transfer_details &candidate = transfers[unused_indices[n]]; float relatedness = 0.0f; for (std::vector::const_iterator i = selected_transfers.begin(); i != selected_transfers.end(); ++i) { float r = get_output_relatedness(candidate, transfers[*i]); if (r > relatedness) { relatedness = r; if (relatedness == 1.0f) break; } } if (relatedness < best_relatedness) { best_relatedness = relatedness; candidates.clear(); } if (relatedness == best_relatedness) candidates.push_back(n); } // we have all the least related outputs in candidates, so we can pick either // the smallest, or a random one, depending on request size_t idx; if (smallest) { idx = 0; for (size_t n = 0; n < candidates.size(); ++n) { const transfer_details &td = transfers[unused_indices[candidates[n]]]; if (td.amount() < transfers[unused_indices[candidates[idx]]].amount()) idx = n; } } else { idx = crypto::rand_idx(candidates.size()); } return pop_index (unused_indices, candidates[idx]); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- size_t wallet2::pop_best_value(std::vector &unused_indices, const std::vector& selected_transfers, bool smallest) const { return pop_best_value_from(m_transfers, unused_indices, selected_transfers, smallest); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Select random input sources for transaction. // returns: // direct return: amount of etn found // modified reference: selected_transfers, a list of iterators/indices of input sources uint64_t wallet2::select_transfers(uint64_t needed_etn, std::vector unused_transfers_indices, std::vector& selected_transfers) const { uint64_t found_etn = 0; selected_transfers.reserve(unused_transfers_indices.size()); while (found_etn < needed_etn && !unused_transfers_indices.empty()) { size_t idx = pop_best_value(unused_transfers_indices, selected_transfers); const transfer_container::const_iterator it = m_transfers.begin() + idx; selected_transfers.push_back(idx); found_etn += it->amount(); } return found_etn; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::add_unconfirmed_tx(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, uint64_t amount_in, const std::vector &dests, const crypto::hash &payment_id, uint64_t change_amount, uint32_t subaddr_account, const std::set& subaddr_indices) { unconfirmed_transfer_details& utd = m_unconfirmed_txs[cryptonote::get_transaction_hash(tx)]; utd.m_amount_in = amount_in; utd.m_amount_out = 0; if(tx.version == 1){ for (const auto &d: dests) utd.m_amount_out += d.amount; utd.m_amount_out += change_amount; // dests does not contain change utd.m_change = change_amount; utd.m_dests = dests; } else { // grab the input owner keys/address by using the subaddr indicies used for the transaction std::vector input_addresses; for (auto minor_index : subaddr_indices) { cryptonote::subaddress_index index{subaddr_account, minor_index}; input_addresses.push_back(get_subaddress(index)); } //build list of potential change outputs - NB if *ALL* outs go to input addresses, then we DON'T conside them change; the transaction is a looped sweep. // If one or more outs do not go to an input address, we consider ALL other outputs as change outputs std::unordered_set change_indexes; for (size_t i = 0; i < tx.vout.size(); ++i) { for (auto input_address : input_addresses) { if (boost::get(tx.vout[i].target).address == input_address) { change_indexes.insert(i); continue; } } } // if this is true we have a sweep tx so clear all change out indexes if (change_indexes.size() == tx.vout.size()) { change_indexes.clear(); } int64_t total_change = 0; for (auto &change_index : change_indexes) total_change += tx.vout[change_index].amount; utd.m_change = total_change; //todo: optimise & refactor // fill destinations for (size_t i = 0; i < tx.vout.size(); ++i) { if (change_indexes.find(i) == change_indexes.end()) { // only include non-change outs as dests auto output = boost::get(tx.vout[i].target); // grab output from the tx //predicate for comparison later on auto pred = [output](const tx_destination_entry &destination) { return destination.addr == output.address; }; //search our working list of destinations in entry, and either add output amount to the // running total in the case of a match, or add a new destination otherwise auto dest_ptr = std::find_if(std::begin(utd.m_dests), std::end(utd.m_dests), pred); if (dest_ptr != std::end(utd.m_dests)) { dest_ptr->amount += tx.vout[i].amount; } else { utd.m_dests.push_back(tx_destination_entry( tx.vout[i].amount, output.address, output.m_address_prefix == get_config(this->m_nettype).CRYPTONOTE_PUBLIC_SUBADDRESS_BASE58_PREFIX ? true : false )); } } } //amount out is the sum of destinations and change (if loopback tx change = 0 so this still checks out) for (const auto &d: utd.m_dests) utd.m_amount_out += d.amount; utd.m_amount_out += total_change; } utd.m_tx = (const cryptonote::transaction_prefix&)tx; utd.m_sent_time = time(NULL); utd.m_payment_id = payment_id; utd.m_state = wallet2::unconfirmed_transfer_details::pending; utd.m_timestamp = time(NULL); utd.m_subaddr_account = subaddr_account; utd.m_subaddr_indices = subaddr_indices; for (const auto &in: tx.vin) { if (in.type() != typeid(cryptonote::txin_to_key)) continue; const auto &txin = boost::get(in); utd.m_rings.push_back(std::make_pair(txin.k_image, txin.key_offsets)); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- crypto::hash wallet2::get_payment_id(const pending_tx &ptx) const { std::vector tx_extra_fields; parse_tx_extra(ptx.tx.extra, tx_extra_fields); // ok if partially parsed tx_extra_nonce extra_nonce; crypto::hash payment_id = null_hash; if (find_tx_extra_field_by_type(tx_extra_fields, extra_nonce)) { crypto::hash8 payment_id8 = null_hash8; if(get_encrypted_payment_id_from_tx_extra_nonce(extra_nonce.nonce, payment_id8)) { if (ptx.dests.empty()) { MWARNING("Encrypted payment id found, but no destinations public key, cannot decrypt"); return crypto::null_hash; } if (m_account.get_device().decrypt_payment_id(payment_id8, ptx.dests[0].addr.m_view_public_key, ptx.tx_key)) { memcpy(payment_id.data, payment_id8.data, 8); } } else if (!get_payment_id_from_tx_extra_nonce(extra_nonce.nonce, payment_id)) { payment_id = crypto::null_hash; } } return payment_id; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // take a pending tx and actually send it to the daemon void wallet2::commit_tx(pending_tx& ptx) { using namespace cryptonote; if(m_light_wallet) { cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SUBMIT_RAW_TX::request oreq; cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SUBMIT_RAW_TX::response ores; oreq.address = get_account().get_public_address_str(m_nettype); oreq.view_key = string_tools::pod_to_hex(get_account().get_keys().m_view_secret_key); oreq.tx = epee::string_tools::buff_to_hex_nodelimer(tx_to_blob(ptx.tx)); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock(); bool r = invoke_http_json("/submit_raw_tx", oreq, ores, rpc_timeout, "POST"); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock(); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "submit_raw_tx"); // MyMonero and OpenMonero use different status strings THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(ores.status != "OK" && ores.status != "success" , error::tx_rejected, ptx.tx, get_rpc_status(ores.status), ores.error); } else { // Normal submit COMMAND_RPC_SEND_RAW_TX::request req; req.tx_as_hex = epee::string_tools::buff_to_hex_nodelimer(tx_to_blob(ptx.tx)); req.do_not_relay = false; req.do_sanity_checks = true; COMMAND_RPC_SEND_RAW_TX::response daemon_send_resp; m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock(); bool r = invoke_http_json("/sendrawtransaction", req, daemon_send_resp, rpc_timeout); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock(); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "sendrawtransaction"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(daemon_send_resp.status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_BUSY, error::daemon_busy, "sendrawtransaction"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(daemon_send_resp.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK, error::tx_rejected, ptx.tx, get_rpc_status(daemon_send_resp.status), get_text_reason(daemon_send_resp)); // sanity checks for (size_t idx: ptx.selected_transfers) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(idx >= m_transfers.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Bad output index in selected transfers: " + boost::lexical_cast(idx)); } } crypto::hash txid; txid = get_transaction_hash(ptx.tx); crypto::hash payment_id = crypto::null_hash; std::vector dests; uint64_t amount_in = 0; if (store_tx_info()) { payment_id = get_payment_id(ptx); dests = ptx.dests; for(size_t idx: ptx.selected_transfers) amount_in += m_transfers[idx].amount(); } add_unconfirmed_tx(ptx.tx, amount_in, dests, payment_id, ptx.change_dts.amount, ptx.construction_data.subaddr_account, ptx.construction_data.subaddr_indices); if (store_tx_info()) { m_tx_keys.insert(std::make_pair(txid, ptx.tx_key)); m_additional_tx_keys.insert(std::make_pair(txid, ptx.additional_tx_keys)); } LOG_PRINT_L2("transaction " << txid << " generated ok and sent to daemon, key_images: [" << ptx.key_images << "]"); for(size_t idx: ptx.selected_transfers) { set_spent(idx, 0); } // tx generated, get rid of used k values for (size_t idx: ptx.selected_transfers) m_transfers[idx].m_multisig_k.clear(); //fee includes dust if dust policy specified it. LOG_PRINT_L1("Transaction successfully sent. <" << txid << ">" << ENDL << "Commission: " << print_etn(ptx.fee) << " (dust sent to dust addr: " << print_etn((ptx.dust_added_to_fee ? 0 : ptx.dust)) << ")" << ENDL << "Pre V10 Balance: " << print_etn(balance(ptx.construction_data.subaddr_account, false)) << ENDL << "Pre V10 Unlocked Balance: " << print_etn(unlocked_balance(ptx.construction_data.subaddr_account, false)) << ENDL << "Public Chain Balance: " << print_etn(balance(ptx.construction_data.subaddr_account, true)) << ENDL << "Public Chain Unlocked Balance: " << print_etn(unlocked_balance(ptx.construction_data.subaddr_account, true)) << ENDL << "Please, wait for confirmation for your balance to be unlocked."); } void wallet2::commit_tx(std::vector& ptx_vector) { for (auto & ptx : ptx_vector) { commit_tx(ptx); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::save_tx(const std::vector& ptx_vector, const std::string &filename) const { LOG_PRINT_L0("saving " << ptx_vector.size() << " transactions"); std::string ciphertext = dump_tx_to_str(ptx_vector); if (ciphertext.empty()) return false; return epee::file_io_utils::save_string_to_file(filename, ciphertext); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string wallet2::dump_tx_to_str(const std::vector &ptx_vector) const { LOG_PRINT_L0("saving " << ptx_vector.size() << " transactions"); unsigned_tx_set txs; for (auto &tx: ptx_vector) { // Short payment id is encrypted with tx_key. // Since sign_tx() generates new tx_keys and encrypts the payment id, we need to save the decrypted payment ID // Save tx construction_data to unsigned_tx_set txs.txes.push_back(get_construction_data_with_decrypted_short_payment_id(tx, m_account.get_device())); } txs.transfers = export_outputs(); // save as binary std::ostringstream oss; boost::archive::portable_binary_oarchive ar(oss); try { ar << txs; } catch (...) { return std::string(); } LOG_PRINT_L2("Saving unsigned tx data: " << oss.str()); std::string ciphertext = encrypt_with_view_secret_key(oss.str()); return std::string(UNSIGNED_TX_PREFIX) + ciphertext; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::load_unsigned_tx(const std::string &unsigned_filename, unsigned_tx_set &exported_txs) const { std::string s; boost::system::error_code errcode; if (!boost::filesystem::exists(unsigned_filename, errcode)) { LOG_PRINT_L0("File " << unsigned_filename << " does not exist: " << errcode); return false; } if (!epee::file_io_utils::load_file_to_string(unsigned_filename.c_str(), s)) { LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to load from " << unsigned_filename); return false; } return parse_unsigned_tx_from_str(s, exported_txs); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::parse_unsigned_tx_from_str(const std::string &unsigned_tx_st, unsigned_tx_set &exported_txs) const { std::string s = unsigned_tx_st; const size_t magiclen = strlen(UNSIGNED_TX_PREFIX) - 1; if (strncmp(s.c_str(), UNSIGNED_TX_PREFIX, magiclen)) { LOG_PRINT_L0("Bad magic from unsigned tx"); return false; } s = s.substr(magiclen); const char version = s[0]; s = s.substr(1); if (version == '\003') { try { std::istringstream iss(s); boost::archive::portable_binary_iarchive ar(iss); ar >> exported_txs; } catch (const std::exception &e) { LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to parse data from unsigned tx: " << e.what()); return false; } catch (...) { LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to parse data from unsigned tx"); return false; } } else if (version == '\004') { try { s = decrypt_with_view_secret_key(s); try { std::istringstream iss(s); boost::archive::portable_binary_iarchive ar(iss); ar >> exported_txs; } catch (const std::exception &e) { LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to parse decrypted data from unsigned tx: " << e.what()); return false; } } catch (const std::exception &e) { LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to decrypt unsigned tx: " << e.what()); return false; } catch(...) { LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to parse decrypted data from unsigned tx"); return false; } } else { LOG_PRINT_L0("Unsupported version in unsigned tx"); return false; } LOG_PRINT_L1("Loaded tx unsigned data from binary: " << exported_txs.txes.size() << " transactions"); return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::sign_tx(const std::string &unsigned_filename, const std::string &signed_filename, std::vector &txs, std::function accept_func, bool export_raw) { unsigned_tx_set exported_txs; if(!load_unsigned_tx(unsigned_filename, exported_txs)) return false; if (accept_func && !accept_func(exported_txs)) { LOG_PRINT_L1("Transactions rejected by callback"); return false; } return sign_tx(exported_txs, signed_filename, txs, export_raw); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::sign_tx(unsigned_tx_set &exported_txs, std::vector &txs, signed_tx_set &signed_txes) { import_outputs(exported_txs.transfers); // sign the transactions for (size_t n = 0; n < exported_txs.txes.size(); ++n) { tools::wallet2::tx_construction_data &sd = exported_txs.txes[n]; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(sd.sources.empty(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Empty sources"); LOG_PRINT_L1(" " << (n+1) << ": " << sd.sources.size() << " inputs, ring size " << sd.sources[0].outputs.size()); signed_txes.ptx.push_back(pending_tx()); tools::wallet2::pending_tx &ptx = signed_txes.ptx.back(); rct::RCTConfig rct_config = sd.rct_config; crypto::secret_key tx_key; std::vector additional_tx_keys; rct::multisig_out msout; // NB no early blocks this time for v3 transactions, as nobody should be sending v3 transactions before their v2 (migration) tx have confirmed. V2 confirmations always take place at, or after, the fork block. // todo: Migrate vs send regular tx. uint16_t hard_fork_version = use_fork_rules(CURRENT_HARDFORK_VERSION, 0) ? CURRENT_HARDFORK_VERSION : (CURRENT_HARDFORK_VERSION - 1); bool r = cryptonote::construct_tx_and_get_tx_key(m_account.get_keys(), m_subaddresses, sd.sources, sd.splitted_dsts, sd.change_dts.addr, sd.extra, ptx.tx, sd.unlock_time, tx_key, additional_tx_keys, sd.use_rct, rct_config, m_multisig ? &msout : NULL, m_account_major_offset, this->m_nettype); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::tx_not_constructed, sd.sources, sd.splitted_dsts, sd.unlock_time, m_nettype); // we don't test tx size, because we don't know the current limit, due to not having a blockchain, // and it's a bit pointless to fail there anyway, since it'd be a (good) guess only. We sign anyway, // and if we really go over limit, the daemon will reject when it gets submitted. Chances are it's // OK anyway since it was generated in the first place, and rerolling should be within a few bytes. // normally, the tx keys are saved in commit_tx, when the tx is actually sent to the daemon. // we can't do that here since the tx will be sent from the compromised wallet, which we don't want // to see that info, so we save it here if (store_tx_info()) { const crypto::hash txid = get_transaction_hash(ptx.tx); m_tx_keys.insert(std::make_pair(txid, tx_key)); m_additional_tx_keys.insert(std::make_pair(txid, additional_tx_keys)); } std::string key_images; if(ptx.tx.version < 3) { bool all_are_txin_to_key = std::all_of(ptx.tx.vin.begin(), ptx.tx.vin.end(), [&](const txin_v &s_e) -> bool { CHECKED_GET_SPECIFIC_VARIANT(s_e, const txin_to_key, in, false); key_images += boost::to_string(in.k_image) + " "; return true; }); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!all_are_txin_to_key, error::unexpected_txin_type, ptx.tx); }else{ bool all_are_txin_to_key_public = std::all_of(ptx.tx.vin.begin(), ptx.tx.vin.end(), [&](const txin_v &s_e) -> bool { CHECKED_GET_SPECIFIC_VARIANT(s_e, const txin_to_key_public, in, false); return true; }); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!all_are_txin_to_key_public, error::unexpected_txin_type, ptx.tx); } if(ptx.tx.version > 1) { bool all_are_txout_to_key_public = std::all_of(ptx.tx.vout.begin(), ptx.tx.vout.end(), [&](const tx_out &s_e) -> bool { CHECKED_GET_SPECIFIC_VARIANT(s_e.target, const txout_to_key_public, in, false); return true; }); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!all_are_txout_to_key_public, error::unexpected_txout_type, ptx.tx); } ptx.key_images = key_images; ptx.fee = 0; for (const auto &i: sd.sources) ptx.fee += i.amount; for (const auto &i: sd.splitted_dsts) ptx.fee -= i.amount; ptx.dust = 0; ptx.dust_added_to_fee = false; ptx.change_dts = sd.change_dts; ptx.selected_transfers = sd.selected_transfers; ptx.tx_key = rct::rct2sk(rct::identity()); // don't send it back to the untrusted view wallet ptx.dests = sd.dests; ptx.construction_data = sd; txs.push_back(ptx); // add tx keys only to ptx txs.back().tx_key = tx_key; txs.back().additional_tx_keys = additional_tx_keys; } // add key image mapping for these txes const account_keys &keys = get_account().get_keys(); hw::device &hwdev = m_account.get_device(); for (size_t n = 0; n < exported_txs.txes.size(); ++n) { const cryptonote::transaction &tx = signed_txes.ptx[n].tx; crypto::key_derivation derivation; std::vector additional_derivations; // compute public keys from out secret keys crypto::public_key tx_pub_key; crypto::secret_key_to_public_key(txs[n].tx_key, tx_pub_key); std::vector additional_tx_pub_keys; for (const crypto::secret_key &skey: txs[n].additional_tx_keys) { additional_tx_pub_keys.resize(additional_tx_pub_keys.size() + 1); crypto::secret_key_to_public_key(skey, additional_tx_pub_keys.back()); } // compute derivations hwdev.set_mode(hw::device::TRANSACTION_PARSE); if (!hwdev.generate_key_derivation(tx_pub_key, keys.m_view_secret_key, derivation)) { MWARNING("Failed to generate key derivation from tx pubkey in " << cryptonote::get_transaction_hash(tx) << ", skipping"); static_assert(sizeof(derivation) == sizeof(rct::key), "Mismatched sizes of key_derivation and rct::key"); memcpy(&derivation, rct::identity().bytes, sizeof(derivation)); } for (size_t i = 0; i < additional_tx_pub_keys.size(); ++i) { additional_derivations.push_back({}); if (!hwdev.generate_key_derivation(additional_tx_pub_keys[i], keys.m_view_secret_key, additional_derivations.back())) { MWARNING("Failed to generate key derivation from additional tx pubkey in " << cryptonote::get_transaction_hash(tx) << ", skipping"); memcpy(&additional_derivations.back(), rct::identity().bytes, sizeof(crypto::key_derivation)); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < tx.vout.size(); ++i) { if (tx.vout[i].target.type() != typeid(cryptonote::txout_to_key)) continue; const cryptonote::txout_to_key &out = boost::get(tx.vout[i].target); // if this output is back to this wallet, we can calculate its key image already if (!is_out_to_acc_precomp(m_subaddresses, out.key, derivation, additional_derivations, i, hwdev)) continue; crypto::key_image ki; cryptonote::keypair in_ephemeral; if (generate_key_image_helper(keys, m_subaddresses, out.key, tx_pub_key, additional_tx_pub_keys, i, in_ephemeral, ki, hwdev)) signed_txes.tx_key_images[out.key] = ki; else MERROR("Failed to calculate key image"); } } // add key images signed_txes.key_images.resize(m_transfers.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_transfers.size(); ++i) { if (!m_transfers[i].m_key_image_known || m_transfers[i].m_key_image_partial) LOG_PRINT_L0("WARNING: key image not known in signing wallet at index " << i); signed_txes.key_images[i] = m_transfers[i].m_key_image; } return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::sign_tx(unsigned_tx_set &exported_txs, const std::string &signed_filename, std::vector &txs, bool export_raw) { // sign the transactions signed_tx_set signed_txes; std::string ciphertext = sign_tx_dump_to_str(exported_txs, txs, signed_txes); if (ciphertext.empty()) { LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to sign unsigned_tx_set"); return false; } if (!epee::file_io_utils::save_string_to_file(signed_filename, ciphertext)) { LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to save file to " << signed_filename); return false; } // export signed raw tx without encryption if (export_raw) { for (size_t i = 0; i < signed_txes.ptx.size(); ++i) { std::string tx_as_hex = epee::string_tools::buff_to_hex_nodelimer(tx_to_blob(signed_txes.ptx[i].tx)); std::string raw_filename = signed_filename + "_raw" + (signed_txes.ptx.size() == 1 ? "" : ("_" + std::to_string(i))); if (!epee::file_io_utils::save_string_to_file(raw_filename, tx_as_hex)) { LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to save file to " << raw_filename); return false; } } } return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string wallet2::sign_tx_dump_to_str(unsigned_tx_set &exported_txs, std::vector &ptx, signed_tx_set &signed_txes) { // sign the transactions bool r = sign_tx(exported_txs, ptx, signed_txes); if (!r) { LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to sign unsigned_tx_set"); return std::string(); } // save as binary std::ostringstream oss; boost::archive::portable_binary_oarchive ar(oss); try { ar << signed_txes; } catch(...) { return std::string(); } LOG_PRINT_L3("Saving signed tx data (with encryption): " << oss.str()); std::string ciphertext = encrypt_with_view_secret_key(oss.str()); return std::string(SIGNED_TX_PREFIX) + ciphertext; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::load_tx(const std::string &signed_filename, std::vector &ptx, std::function accept_func) { std::string s; boost::system::error_code errcode; signed_tx_set signed_txs; if (!boost::filesystem::exists(signed_filename, errcode)) { LOG_PRINT_L0("File " << signed_filename << " does not exist: " << errcode); return false; } if (!epee::file_io_utils::load_file_to_string(signed_filename.c_str(), s)) { LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to load from " << signed_filename); return false; } return parse_tx_from_str(s, ptx, accept_func); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::parse_tx_from_str(const std::string &signed_tx_st, std::vector &ptx, std::function accept_func) { std::string s = signed_tx_st; boost::system::error_code errcode; signed_tx_set signed_txs; const size_t magiclen = strlen(SIGNED_TX_PREFIX) - 1; if (strncmp(s.c_str(), SIGNED_TX_PREFIX, magiclen)) { LOG_PRINT_L0("Bad magic from signed transaction"); return false; } s = s.substr(magiclen); const char version = s[0]; s = s.substr(1); if (version == '\003') { try { std::istringstream iss(s); boost::archive::portable_binary_iarchive ar(iss); ar >> signed_txs; } catch (const std::exception &e) { LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to parse data from signed transaction: " << e.what()); return false; } catch(...) { LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to parse data from signed transaction"); return false; } } else if (version == '\004') { try { s = decrypt_with_view_secret_key(s); try { std::istringstream iss(s); boost::archive::portable_binary_iarchive ar(iss); ar >> signed_txs; } catch (const std::exception &e) { LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to parse decrypted data from signed transaction: " << e.what()); return false; } } catch (const std::exception &e) { LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to decrypt signed transaction: " << e.what()); return false; } catch(...) { LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to decrypt signed transaction"); return false; } } else { LOG_PRINT_L0("Unsupported version in signed transaction"); return false; } LOG_PRINT_L0("Loaded signed tx data from binary: " << signed_txs.ptx.size() << " transactions"); for (auto &c_ptx: signed_txs.ptx) LOG_PRINT_L0(cryptonote::obj_to_json_str(c_ptx.tx)); if (accept_func && !accept_func(signed_txs)) { LOG_PRINT_L1("Transactions rejected by callback"); return false; } // import key images bool r = import_key_images(signed_txs.key_images); if (!r) return false; // remember key images for this tx, for when we get those txes from the blockchain for (const auto &e: signed_txs.tx_key_images) m_cold_key_images.insert(e); ptx = signed_txs.ptx; return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string wallet2::save_multisig_tx(multisig_tx_set txs) { LOG_PRINT_L0("saving " << txs.m_ptx.size() << " multisig transactions"); // txes generated, get rid of used k values for (size_t n = 0; n < txs.m_ptx.size(); ++n) for (size_t idx: txs.m_ptx[n].construction_data.selected_transfers) m_transfers[idx].m_multisig_k.clear(); // zero out some data we don't want to share for (auto &ptx: txs.m_ptx) { for (auto &e: ptx.construction_data.sources) e.multisig_kLRki.k = rct::zero(); } for (auto &ptx: txs.m_ptx) { // Get decrypted payment id from pending_tx ptx.construction_data = get_construction_data_with_decrypted_short_payment_id(ptx, m_account.get_device()); } // save as binary std::ostringstream oss; boost::archive::portable_binary_oarchive ar(oss); try { ar << txs; } catch (...) { return std::string(); } LOG_PRINT_L2("Saving multisig unsigned tx data: " << oss.str()); std::string ciphertext = encrypt_with_view_secret_key(oss.str()); return std::string(MULTISIG_UNSIGNED_TX_PREFIX) + ciphertext; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::save_multisig_tx(const multisig_tx_set &txs, const std::string &filename) { std::string ciphertext = save_multisig_tx(txs); if (ciphertext.empty()) return false; return epee::file_io_utils::save_string_to_file(filename, ciphertext); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wallet2::multisig_tx_set wallet2::make_multisig_tx_set(const std::vector& ptx_vector) const { multisig_tx_set txs; txs.m_ptx = ptx_vector; for (const auto &msk: get_account().get_multisig_keys()) { crypto::public_key pkey = get_multisig_signing_public_key(msk); for (auto &ptx: txs.m_ptx) for (auto &sig: ptx.multisig_sigs) sig.signing_keys.insert(pkey); } txs.m_signers.insert(get_multisig_signer_public_key()); return txs; } std::string wallet2::save_multisig_tx(const std::vector& ptx_vector) { return save_multisig_tx(make_multisig_tx_set(ptx_vector)); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::save_multisig_tx(const std::vector& ptx_vector, const std::string &filename) { std::string ciphertext = save_multisig_tx(ptx_vector); if (ciphertext.empty()) return false; return epee::file_io_utils::save_string_to_file(filename, ciphertext); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::parse_multisig_tx_from_str(std::string multisig_tx_st, multisig_tx_set &exported_txs) const { const size_t magiclen = strlen(MULTISIG_UNSIGNED_TX_PREFIX); if (strncmp(multisig_tx_st.c_str(), MULTISIG_UNSIGNED_TX_PREFIX, magiclen)) { LOG_PRINT_L0("Bad magic from multisig tx data"); return false; } try { multisig_tx_st = decrypt_with_view_secret_key(std::string(multisig_tx_st, magiclen)); } catch (const std::exception &e) { LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to decrypt multisig tx data: " << e.what()); return false; } try { std::istringstream iss(multisig_tx_st); boost::archive::portable_binary_iarchive ar(iss); ar >> exported_txs; } catch (...) { LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to parse multisig tx data"); return false; } // sanity checks for (const auto &ptx: exported_txs.m_ptx) { CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(ptx.selected_transfers.size() == ptx.tx.vin.size(), false, "Mismatched selected_transfers/vin sizes"); for (size_t idx: ptx.selected_transfers) CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(idx < m_transfers.size(), false, "Transfer index out of range"); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(ptx.construction_data.selected_transfers.size() == ptx.tx.vin.size(), false, "Mismatched cd selected_transfers/vin sizes"); for (size_t idx: ptx.construction_data.selected_transfers) CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(idx < m_transfers.size(), false, "Transfer index out of range"); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(ptx.construction_data.sources.size() == ptx.tx.vin.size(), false, "Mismatched sources/vin sizes"); } return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::load_multisig_tx(cryptonote::blobdata s, multisig_tx_set &exported_txs, std::function accept_func) { if(!parse_multisig_tx_from_str(s, exported_txs)) { LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to parse multisig transaction from string"); return false; } LOG_PRINT_L1("Loaded multisig tx unsigned data from binary: " << exported_txs.m_ptx.size() << " transactions"); for (auto &ptx: exported_txs.m_ptx) LOG_PRINT_L0(cryptonote::obj_to_json_str(ptx.tx)); if (accept_func && !accept_func(exported_txs)) { LOG_PRINT_L1("Transactions rejected by callback"); return false; } const bool is_signed = exported_txs.m_signers.size() >= m_multisig_threshold; if (is_signed) { for (const auto &ptx: exported_txs.m_ptx) { const crypto::hash txid = get_transaction_hash(ptx.tx); if (store_tx_info()) { m_tx_keys.insert(std::make_pair(txid, ptx.tx_key)); m_additional_tx_keys.insert(std::make_pair(txid, ptx.additional_tx_keys)); } } } return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::load_multisig_tx_from_file(const std::string &filename, multisig_tx_set &exported_txs, std::function accept_func) { std::string s; boost::system::error_code errcode; if (!boost::filesystem::exists(filename, errcode)) { LOG_PRINT_L0("File " << filename << " does not exist: " << errcode); return false; } if (!epee::file_io_utils::load_file_to_string(filename.c_str(), s)) { LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to load from " << filename); return false; } if (!load_multisig_tx(s, exported_txs, accept_func)) { LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to parse multisig tx data from " << filename); return false; } return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::sign_multisig_tx(multisig_tx_set &exported_txs, std::vector &txids) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(exported_txs.m_ptx.empty(), error::wallet_internal_error, "No tx found"); const crypto::public_key local_signer = get_multisig_signer_public_key(); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(exported_txs.m_signers.find(local_signer) != exported_txs.m_signers.end(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Transaction already signed by this private key"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(exported_txs.m_signers.size() > m_multisig_threshold, error::wallet_internal_error, "Transaction was signed by too many signers"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(exported_txs.m_signers.size() == m_multisig_threshold, error::wallet_internal_error, "Transaction is already fully signed"); txids.clear(); // sign the transactions for (size_t n = 0; n < exported_txs.m_ptx.size(); ++n) { tools::wallet2::pending_tx &ptx = exported_txs.m_ptx[n]; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(ptx.multisig_sigs.empty(), error::wallet_internal_error, "No signatures found in multisig tx"); tools::wallet2::tx_construction_data &sd = ptx.construction_data; LOG_PRINT_L1(" " << (n+1) << ": " << sd.sources.size() << " inputs, mixin " << (sd.sources[0].outputs.size()-1) << ", signed by " << exported_txs.m_signers.size() << "/" << m_multisig_threshold); cryptonote::transaction tx; rct::multisig_out msout = ptx.multisig_sigs.front().msout; auto sources = sd.sources; rct::RCTConfig rct_config = sd.rct_config; bool r = cryptonote::construct_tx_with_tx_key(m_account.get_keys(), m_subaddresses, sources, sd.splitted_dsts, ptx.change_dts.addr, sd.extra, tx, sd.unlock_time, ptx.tx_key, ptx.additional_tx_keys, sd.use_rct, rct_config, &msout, false, 0 /*===default value*/, this->m_nettype); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::tx_not_constructed, sd.sources, sd.splitted_dsts, sd.unlock_time, m_nettype); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(get_transaction_prefix_hash (tx) != get_transaction_prefix_hash(ptx.tx), error::wallet_internal_error, "Transaction prefix does not match data"); // Tests passed, sign std::vector indices; for (const auto &source: sources) indices.push_back(source.real_output); for (auto &sig: ptx.multisig_sigs) { if (sig.ignore.find(local_signer) == sig.ignore.end()) { ptx.tx.rct_signatures = sig.sigs; rct::keyV k; for (size_t idx: sd.selected_transfers) k.push_back(get_multisig_k(idx, sig.used_L)); rct::key skey = rct::zero(); for (const auto &msk: get_account().get_multisig_keys()) { crypto::public_key pmsk = get_multisig_signing_public_key(msk); if (sig.signing_keys.find(pmsk) == sig.signing_keys.end()) { sc_add(skey.bytes, skey.bytes, rct::sk2rct(msk).bytes); sig.signing_keys.insert(pmsk); } } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!rct::signMultisig(ptx.tx.rct_signatures, indices, k, sig.msout, skey), error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed signing, transaction likely malformed"); sig.sigs = ptx.tx.rct_signatures; } } const bool is_last = exported_txs.m_signers.size() + 1 >= m_multisig_threshold; if (is_last) { // when the last signature on a multisig tx is made, we select the right // signature to plug into the final tx bool found = false; for (const auto &sig: ptx.multisig_sigs) { if (sig.ignore.find(local_signer) == sig.ignore.end() && !keys_intersect(sig.ignore, exported_txs.m_signers)) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(found, error::wallet_internal_error, "More than one transaction is final"); ptx.tx.rct_signatures = sig.sigs; found = true; } } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!found, error::wallet_internal_error, "Final signed transaction not found: this transaction was likely made without our export data, so we cannot sign it"); const crypto::hash txid = get_transaction_hash(ptx.tx); if (store_tx_info()) { m_tx_keys.insert(std::make_pair(txid, ptx.tx_key)); m_additional_tx_keys.insert(std::make_pair(txid, ptx.additional_tx_keys)); } txids.push_back(txid); } } // txes generated, get rid of used k values for (size_t n = 0; n < exported_txs.m_ptx.size(); ++n) for (size_t idx: exported_txs.m_ptx[n].construction_data.selected_transfers) m_transfers[idx].m_multisig_k.clear(); exported_txs.m_signers.insert(get_multisig_signer_public_key()); return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::sign_multisig_tx_to_file(multisig_tx_set &exported_txs, const std::string &filename, std::vector &txids) { bool r = sign_multisig_tx(exported_txs, txids); if (!r) return false; return save_multisig_tx(exported_txs, filename); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::sign_multisig_tx_from_file(const std::string &filename, std::vector &txids, std::function accept_func) { multisig_tx_set exported_txs; if(!load_multisig_tx_from_file(filename, exported_txs)) return false; if (accept_func && !accept_func(exported_txs)) { LOG_PRINT_L1("Transactions rejected by callback"); return false; } return sign_multisig_tx_to_file(exported_txs, filename, txids); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- uint64_t wallet2::get_fee_multiplier(uint32_t priority, int fee_algorithm) const { static const struct { size_t count; uint64_t multipliers[4]; } multipliers[] = { { 3, {1, 2, 3} }, { 3, {1, 20, 166} }, { 4, {1, 4, 20, 166} }, { 4, {1, 2, 4, 8} }, }; if (fee_algorithm == -1) fee_algorithm = get_fee_algorithm(); // 0 -> default (here, x1 till fee algorithm 2, x4 from it) if (priority == 0) priority = m_default_priority; if (priority == 0) { if (fee_algorithm == 2) priority = 2; else priority = 1; } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(fee_algorithm < 0 || fee_algorithm > 4, error::invalid_priority); // 1 to 3/4 are allowed as priorities const uint32_t max_priority = multipliers[fee_algorithm].count; if (priority >= 1 && priority <= max_priority) { return multipliers[fee_algorithm].multipliers[priority-1]; } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF (false, error::invalid_priority); return 1; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- uint64_t wallet2::get_dynamic_base_fee_estimate() const { uint64_t fee; boost::optional result = m_node_rpc_proxy.get_dynamic_base_fee_estimate(FEE_ESTIMATE_GRACE_BLOCKS, fee); if (!result) return fee; const uint64_t base_fee = use_fork_rules(HF_VERSION_PER_BYTE_FEE) ? FEE_PER_BYTE : use_fork_rules(HF_VERSION_ZERO_FEE) ? FEE_PER_KB_V11 : FEE_PER_KB_V6; LOG_PRINT_L1("Failed to query base fee, using " << print_etn(base_fee)); return base_fee; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- uint64_t wallet2::get_base_fee() const { if(m_light_wallet) { if (use_fork_rules(HF_VERSION_PER_BYTE_FEE)) return m_light_wallet_per_kb_fee / 1024; else return m_light_wallet_per_kb_fee; } bool use_dyn_fee = use_fork_rules(HF_VERSION_DYNAMIC_FEE, -720 * 1); if (!use_dyn_fee){ if (use_fork_rules(HF_VERSION_ZERO_FEE)){ return FEE_PER_KB_V11; } else{ return FEE_PER_KB_V6; } } return get_dynamic_base_fee_estimate(); //this never gets hit for any version before 100 } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- uint64_t wallet2::get_fee_quantization_mask() const { if(m_light_wallet) { return 1; // TODO } bool use_per_byte_fee = use_fork_rules(HF_VERSION_PER_BYTE_FEE, 0); if (!use_per_byte_fee) return 1; uint64_t fee_quantization_mask; boost::optional result = m_node_rpc_proxy.get_fee_quantization_mask(fee_quantization_mask); if (result) return 1; return fee_quantization_mask; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int wallet2::get_fee_algorithm() const { // changes at v3, v5, v8 if (use_fork_rules(6, 0)) return 3; if (use_fork_rules(5, 0)) return 2; if (use_fork_rules(3, -720 * 14)) return 1; return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ uint64_t wallet2::get_min_ring_size() const { if (use_fork_rules(HF_VERSION_MIN_MIXIN_10, 10)) return 11; if (use_fork_rules(HF_VERSION_MIN_MIXIN_6, 10)) return 7; if (use_fork_rules(HF_VERSION_MIN_MIXIN_4, 10)) return 5; if (use_fork_rules(HF_VERSION_ENFORCE_0_DECOY_TXS, 10)) return 1; if (use_fork_rules(HF_VERSION_MIN_MIXIN_2, 10)) return 3; return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ uint64_t wallet2::get_max_ring_size() const { if (use_fork_rules(HF_VERSION_MAX_RING_11, 10)) return 11; if (use_fork_rules(HF_VERSION_ENFORCE_0_DECOY_TXS, 10)) return 1; return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ uint64_t wallet2::adjust_mixin(uint64_t mixin) const { const uint64_t min_ring_size = get_min_ring_size(); if (mixin + 1 < min_ring_size) { MWARNING("Requested ring size " << (mixin + 1) << " too low, using " << min_ring_size); mixin = min_ring_size-1; } const uint64_t max_ring_size = get_max_ring_size(); if (max_ring_size && mixin + 1 > max_ring_size) { MWARNING("Requested ring size " << (mixin + 1) << " too high, using " << max_ring_size); mixin = max_ring_size-1; } return mixin; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- uint32_t wallet2::adjust_priority(uint32_t priority) { // just return 1 for normal priority for aurelius instead of being concerned with backlog and adjusting priority because fees are 0 for everyone return 1; if (priority == 0 && m_default_priority == 0 && auto_low_priority()) { try { // check if there's a backlog in the tx pool const bool use_per_byte_fee = use_fork_rules(HF_VERSION_PER_BYTE_FEE, 0); const uint64_t base_fee = get_base_fee(); const uint64_t fee_multiplier = get_fee_multiplier(1); const double fee_level = fee_multiplier * base_fee * (use_per_byte_fee ? 1 : (12/(double)13 / (double)1024)); const std::vector> blocks = estimate_backlog({std::make_pair(fee_level, fee_level)}); if (blocks.size() != 1) { MERROR("Bad estimated backlog array size"); return priority; } else if (blocks[0].first > 0) { MINFO("We don't use the low priority because there's a backlog in the tx pool."); return priority; } // get the current full reward zone uint64_t block_weight_limit = 0; const auto result = m_node_rpc_proxy.get_block_weight_limit(block_weight_limit); throw_on_rpc_response_error(result, "get_info"); const uint64_t full_reward_zone = block_weight_limit / 2; // get the last N block headers and sum the block sizes const size_t N = 10; if (m_blockchain.size() < N) { MERROR("The blockchain is too short"); return priority; } cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_BLOCK_HEADERS_RANGE::request getbh_req = AUTO_VAL_INIT(getbh_req); cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_BLOCK_HEADERS_RANGE::response getbh_res = AUTO_VAL_INIT(getbh_res); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock(); getbh_req.start_height = m_blockchain.size() - N; getbh_req.end_height = m_blockchain.size() - 1; bool r = invoke_http_json_rpc("/json_rpc", "getblockheadersrange", getbh_req, getbh_res, rpc_timeout); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock(); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "getblockheadersrange"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(getbh_res.status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_BUSY, error::daemon_busy, "getblockheadersrange"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(getbh_res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK, error::get_blocks_error, get_rpc_status(getbh_res.status)); if (getbh_res.headers.size() != N) { MERROR("Bad blockheaders size"); return priority; } size_t block_weight_sum = 0; for (const cryptonote::block_header_response &i : getbh_res.headers) { block_weight_sum += i.block_weight; } // estimate how 'full' the last N blocks are const size_t P = 100 * block_weight_sum / (N * full_reward_zone); MINFO((boost::format("The last %d blocks fill roughly %d%% of the full reward zone.") % N % P).str()); if (P > 80) { MINFO("We don't use the low priority because recent blocks are quite full."); return priority; } MINFO("We'll use the low priority because probably it's safe to do so."); return 1; } catch (const std::exception &e) { MERROR(e.what()); } } return priority; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::set_ring_database(const std::string &filename) { m_ring_database = filename; MINFO("ringdb path set to " << filename); m_ringdb.reset(); if (!m_ring_database.empty()) { try { cryptonote::block b; generate_genesis(b); m_ringdb.reset(new tools::ringdb(m_ring_database, epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(get_block_hash(b)))); } catch (const std::exception &e) { MERROR("Failed to initialize ringdb: " << e.what()); m_ring_database = ""; return false; } } return true; } crypto::chacha_key wallet2::get_ringdb_key() { if (!m_ringdb_key) { MINFO("caching ringdb key"); crypto::chacha_key key; generate_chacha_key_from_secret_keys(key); m_ringdb_key = key; } return *m_ringdb_key; } void wallet2::register_devices(){ hw::trezor::register_all(); } hw::device& wallet2::lookup_device(const std::string & device_descriptor){ if (!m_devices_registered){ m_devices_registered = true; register_devices(); } return hw::get_device(device_descriptor); } bool wallet2::add_rings(const crypto::chacha_key &key, const cryptonote::transaction_prefix &tx) { if (!m_ringdb) return false; try { return m_ringdb->add_rings(key, tx); } catch (const std::exception &e) { return false; } } bool wallet2::add_rings(const cryptonote::transaction_prefix &tx) { try { return add_rings(get_ringdb_key(), tx); } catch (const std::exception &e) { return false; } } bool wallet2::remove_rings(const cryptonote::transaction_prefix &tx) { if (!m_ringdb) return false; try { return m_ringdb->remove_rings(get_ringdb_key(), tx); } catch (const std::exception &e) { return false; } } bool wallet2::get_ring(const crypto::chacha_key &key, const crypto::key_image &key_image, std::vector &outs) { if (!m_ringdb) return false; try { return m_ringdb->get_ring(key, key_image, outs); } catch (const std::exception &e) { return false; } } bool wallet2::get_rings(const crypto::hash &txid, std::vector>> &outs) { for (auto i: m_confirmed_txs) { if (txid == i.first) { for (const auto &x: i.second.m_rings) outs.push_back({x.first, cryptonote::relative_output_offsets_to_absolute(x.second)}); return true; } } for (auto i: m_unconfirmed_txs) { if (txid == i.first) { for (const auto &x: i.second.m_rings) outs.push_back({x.first, cryptonote::relative_output_offsets_to_absolute(x.second)}); return true; } } return false; } bool wallet2::get_ring(const crypto::key_image &key_image, std::vector &outs) { try { return get_ring(get_ringdb_key(), key_image, outs); } catch (const std::exception &e) { return false; } } bool wallet2::set_ring(const crypto::key_image &key_image, const std::vector &outs, bool relative) { if (!m_ringdb) return false; try { return m_ringdb->set_ring(get_ringdb_key(), key_image, outs, relative); } catch (const std::exception &e) { return false; } } bool wallet2::unset_ring(const std::vector &key_images) { if (!m_ringdb) return false; try { return m_ringdb->remove_rings(get_ringdb_key(), key_images); } catch (const std::exception &e) { return false; } } bool wallet2::unset_ring(const crypto::hash &txid) { if (!m_ringdb) return false; COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::request req; COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::response res; req.txs_hashes.push_back(epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(txid)); req.decode_as_json = false; req.prune = true; m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock(); bool ok = invoke_http_json("/gettransactions", req, res, rpc_timeout); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock(); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!ok, error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to get transaction from daemon"); if (res.txs.empty()) return false; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(res.txs.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to get transaction from daemon"); cryptonote::transaction tx; crypto::hash tx_hash; if (!get_pruned_tx(res.txs.front(), tx, tx_hash)) return false; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(tx_hash != txid, error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to get the right transaction from daemon"); try { return m_ringdb->remove_rings(get_ringdb_key(), tx); } catch (const std::exception &e) { return false; } } bool wallet2::find_and_save_rings(bool force) { if (!force && m_ring_history_saved) return true; if (!m_ringdb) return false; COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::request req = AUTO_VAL_INIT(req); COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::response res = AUTO_VAL_INIT(res); MDEBUG("Finding and saving rings..."); // get payments we made std::vector txs_hashes; std::list> payments; get_payments_out(payments, 0, std::numeric_limits::max(), boost::none, std::set()); for (const std::pair &entry: payments) { const crypto::hash &txid = entry.first; txs_hashes.push_back(txid); } MDEBUG("Found " << std::to_string(txs_hashes.size()) << " transactions"); // get those transactions from the daemon auto it = txs_hashes.begin(); static const size_t SLICE_SIZE = 200; for (size_t slice = 0; slice < txs_hashes.size(); slice += SLICE_SIZE) { req.decode_as_json = false; req.prune = true; req.txs_hashes.clear(); size_t ntxes = slice + SLICE_SIZE > txs_hashes.size() ? txs_hashes.size() - slice : SLICE_SIZE; for (size_t s = slice; s < slice + ntxes; ++s) req.txs_hashes.push_back(epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(txs_hashes[s])); bool r; { const boost::lock_guard lock{m_daemon_rpc_mutex}; r = invoke_http_json("/gettransactions", req, res, rpc_timeout); } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "gettransactions"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(res.status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_BUSY, error::daemon_busy, "gettransactions"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK, error::wallet_internal_error, "gettransactions"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(res.txs.size() != req.txs_hashes.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "daemon returned wrong response for gettransactions, wrong txs count = " + std::to_string(res.txs.size()) + ", expected " + std::to_string(req.txs_hashes.size())); MDEBUG("Scanning " << res.txs.size() << " transactions"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(slice + res.txs.size() > txs_hashes.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Unexpected tx array size"); for (size_t i = 0; i < res.txs.size(); ++i, ++it) { const auto &tx_info = res.txs[i]; cryptonote::transaction tx; crypto::hash tx_hash; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!get_pruned_tx(tx_info, tx, tx_hash), error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to get transaction from daemon"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!(tx_hash == *it), error::wallet_internal_error, "Wrong txid received"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!add_rings(get_ringdb_key(), tx), error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to save ring"); } } MINFO("Found and saved rings for " << txs_hashes.size() << " transactions"); m_ring_history_saved = true; return true; } bool wallet2::blackball_output(const std::pair &output) { if (!m_ringdb) return false; try { return m_ringdb->blackball(output); } catch (const std::exception &e) { return false; } } bool wallet2::set_blackballed_outputs(const std::vector> &outputs, bool add) { if (!m_ringdb) return false; try { bool ret = true; if (!add) ret &= m_ringdb->clear_blackballs(); ret &= m_ringdb->blackball(outputs); return ret; } catch (const std::exception &e) { return false; } } bool wallet2::unblackball_output(const std::pair &output) { if (!m_ringdb) return false; try { return m_ringdb->unblackball(output); } catch (const std::exception &e) { return false; } } bool wallet2::is_output_blackballed(const std::pair &output) const { if (!m_ringdb) return false; try { return m_ringdb->blackballed(output); } catch (const std::exception &e) { return false; } } bool wallet2::lock_keys_file() { if (m_keys_file_locker) { MDEBUG(m_keys_file << " is already locked."); return false; } m_keys_file_locker.reset(new tools::file_locker(m_keys_file)); return true; } bool wallet2::unlock_keys_file() { if (!m_keys_file_locker) { MDEBUG(m_keys_file << " is already unlocked."); return false; } m_keys_file_locker.reset(); return true; } bool wallet2::is_keys_file_locked() const { return m_keys_file_locker->locked(); } bool wallet2::tx_add_fake_output(std::vector> &outs, uint64_t global_index, const crypto::public_key& output_public_key, const rct::key& mask, uint64_t real_index, bool unlocked) const { if (!unlocked) // don't add locked outs return false; if (global_index == real_index) // don't re-add real one return false; auto item = std::make_tuple(global_index, output_public_key, mask); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(!outs.empty(), false, "internal error: outs is empty"); if (std::find(outs.back().begin(), outs.back().end(), item) != outs.back().end()) // don't add duplicates return false; // check the keys are valid if (!rct::isInMainSubgroup(rct::pk2rct(output_public_key))) { MWARNING("Key " << output_public_key << " at index " << global_index << " is not in the main subgroup"); return false; } if (!rct::isInMainSubgroup(mask)) { MWARNING("Commitment " << mask << " at index " << global_index << " is not in the main subgroup"); return false; } // if (is_output_blackballed(output_public_key)) // don't add blackballed outputs // return false; outs.back().push_back(item); return true; } void wallet2::light_wallet_get_outs(std::vector> &outs, const std::vector &selected_transfers, size_t fake_outputs_count) { MDEBUG("LIGHTWALLET - Getting random outs"); cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_RANDOM_OUTS::request oreq; cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_RANDOM_OUTS::response ores; size_t light_wallet_requested_outputs_count = (size_t)((fake_outputs_count + 1) * 1.5 + 1); // Amounts to ask for // MyMonero api handle amounts and fees as strings for(size_t idx: selected_transfers) { const uint64_t ask_amount = m_transfers[idx].is_rct() ? 0 : m_transfers[idx].amount(); std::ostringstream amount_ss; amount_ss << ask_amount; oreq.amounts.push_back(amount_ss.str()); } oreq.count = light_wallet_requested_outputs_count; m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock(); bool r = invoke_http_json("/get_random_outs", oreq, ores, rpc_timeout, "POST"); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock(); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "get_random_outs"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(ores.amount_outs.empty() , error::wallet_internal_error, "No outputs received from light wallet node. Error: " + ores.Error); // Check if we got enough outputs for each amount for(auto& out: ores.amount_outs) { const uint64_t out_amount = boost::lexical_cast(out.amount); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(out.outputs.size() < light_wallet_requested_outputs_count , error::wallet_internal_error, "Not enough outputs for amount: " + boost::lexical_cast(out.amount)); MDEBUG(out.outputs.size() << " outputs for amount "+ boost::lexical_cast(out.amount) + " received from light wallet node"); } MDEBUG("selected transfers size: " << selected_transfers.size()); for(size_t idx: selected_transfers) { // Create new index outs.push_back(std::vector()); outs.back().reserve(fake_outputs_count + 1); // add real output first const transfer_details &td = m_transfers[idx]; const uint64_t amount = td.is_rct() ? 0 : td.amount(); outs.back().push_back(std::make_tuple(td.m_global_output_index, td.get_public_key(), rct::commit(td.amount(), td.m_mask))); MDEBUG("added real output " << string_tools::pod_to_hex(td.get_public_key())); // Even if the lightwallet server returns random outputs, we pick them randomly. std::vector order; order.resize(light_wallet_requested_outputs_count); for (size_t n = 0; n < order.size(); ++n) order[n] = n; std::shuffle(order.begin(), order.end(), std::default_random_engine(crypto::rand())); LOG_PRINT_L2("Looking for " << (fake_outputs_count+1) << " outputs with amounts " << print_etn(td.is_rct() ? 0 : td.amount())); MDEBUG("OUTS SIZE: " << outs.back().size()); for (size_t o = 0; o < light_wallet_requested_outputs_count && outs.back().size() < fake_outputs_count + 1; ++o) { // Random pick size_t i = order[o]; // Find which random output key to use bool found_amount = false; size_t amount_key; for(amount_key = 0; amount_key < ores.amount_outs.size(); ++amount_key) { if(boost::lexical_cast(ores.amount_outs[amount_key].amount) == amount) { found_amount = true; break; } } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!found_amount , error::wallet_internal_error, "Outputs for amount " + boost::lexical_cast(ores.amount_outs[amount_key].amount) + " not found" ); LOG_PRINT_L2("Index " << i << "/" << light_wallet_requested_outputs_count << ": idx " << ores.amount_outs[amount_key].outputs[i].global_index << " (real " << td.m_global_output_index << "), unlocked " << "(always in light)" << ", key " << ores.amount_outs[0].outputs[i].public_key); // Convert light wallet string data to proper data structures crypto::public_key tx_public_key; rct::key mask = AUTO_VAL_INIT(mask); // decrypted mask - not used here rct::key rct_commit = AUTO_VAL_INIT(rct_commit); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(string_tools::validate_hex(64, ores.amount_outs[amount_key].outputs[i].public_key), error::wallet_internal_error, "Invalid public_key"); string_tools::hex_to_pod(ores.amount_outs[amount_key].outputs[i].public_key, tx_public_key); const uint64_t global_index = ores.amount_outs[amount_key].outputs[i].global_index; if(!light_wallet_parse_rct_str(ores.amount_outs[amount_key].outputs[i].rct, tx_public_key, 0, mask, rct_commit, false)) rct_commit = rct::zeroCommit(td.amount()); if (tx_add_fake_output(outs, global_index, tx_public_key, rct_commit, td.m_global_output_index, true)) { MDEBUG("added fake output " << ores.amount_outs[amount_key].outputs[i].public_key); MDEBUG("index " << global_index); } } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(outs.back().size() < fake_outputs_count + 1 , error::wallet_internal_error, "Not enough fake outputs found" ); // Real output is the first. Shuffle outputs MTRACE(outs.back().size() << " outputs added. Sorting outputs by index:"); std::sort(outs.back().begin(), outs.back().end(), [](const get_outs_entry &a, const get_outs_entry &b) { return std::get<0>(a) < std::get<0>(b); }); // Print output order for(auto added_out: outs.back()) MTRACE(std::get<0>(added_out)); } } void wallet2::get_outs(std::vector> &outs, const std::vector &selected_transfers, size_t fake_outputs_count, const uint8_t tx_version) { LOG_PRINT_L2("fake_outputs_count: " << fake_outputs_count); outs.clear(); if(m_light_wallet && fake_outputs_count > 0) { light_wallet_get_outs(outs, selected_transfers, fake_outputs_count); return; } if (fake_outputs_count > 0) // zero for electroneum, so skip a lot of code { uint64_t segregation_fork_height = get_segregation_fork_height(); // check whether we're shortly after the fork uint64_t height; boost::optional result = m_node_rpc_proxy.get_height(height); throw_on_rpc_response_error(result, "get_info"); bool is_shortly_after_segregation_fork = height >= segregation_fork_height && height < segregation_fork_height + SEGREGATION_FORK_VICINITY; bool is_after_segregation_fork = height >= segregation_fork_height; uint64_t v8height = m_nettype == TESTNET ? 446674 : 589169; uint16_t TX_SPENDABLE_AGE = height > v8height ? ETN_DEFAULT_TX_SPENDABLE_AGE_V8 : CRYPTONOTE_DEFAULT_TX_SPENDABLE_AGE; uint16_t MINED_ETN_SPENDABLE_AGE = height > v8height ? ETN_MINED_ETN_UNLOCK_WINDOW_V8 : CRYPTONOTE_MINED_ETN_UNLOCK_WINDOW; // if we have at least one rct out, get the distribution, or fall back to the previous system uint64_t rct_start_height; std::vector rct_offsets; bool has_rct = false; uint64_t max_rct_index = 0; for (size_t idx: selected_transfers) if (m_transfers[idx].is_rct()) { has_rct = true; max_rct_index = std::max(max_rct_index, m_transfers[idx].m_global_output_index); } const bool has_rct_distribution = has_rct && get_rct_distribution(rct_start_height, rct_offsets); if (has_rct_distribution) { // check we're clear enough of rct start, to avoid corner cases below THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(rct_offsets.size() <= TX_SPENDABLE_AGE, error::get_output_distribution, "Not enough rct outputs"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(rct_offsets.back() <= max_rct_index, error::get_output_distribution, "Daemon reports suspicious number of rct outputs"); } // get histogram for the amounts we need cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_OUTPUT_HISTOGRAM::request req_t = AUTO_VAL_INIT(req_t); cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_OUTPUT_HISTOGRAM::response resp_t = AUTO_VAL_INIT(resp_t); // request histogram for all outputs, except 0 if we have the rct distribution for(size_t idx: selected_transfers) if (!m_transfers[idx].is_rct() || !has_rct_distribution) req_t.amounts.push_back(m_transfers[idx].is_rct() ? 0 : m_transfers[idx].amount()); if (!req_t.amounts.empty()) { std::sort(req_t.amounts.begin(), req_t.amounts.end()); auto end = std::unique(req_t.amounts.begin(), req_t.amounts.end()); req_t.amounts.resize(std::distance(req_t.amounts.begin(), end)); req_t.unlocked = true; req_t.recent_cutoff = time(NULL) - RECENT_OUTPUT_ZONE; m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock(); bool r = invoke_http_json_rpc("/json_rpc", "get_output_histogram", req_t, resp_t, rpc_timeout); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock(); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "transfer_selected"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(resp_t.status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_BUSY, error::daemon_busy, "get_output_histogram"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(resp_t.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK, error::get_histogram_error, get_rpc_status(resp_t.status)); } // if we want to segregate fake outs pre or post fork, get distribution std::unordered_map> segregation_limit; if (is_after_segregation_fork && (m_segregate_pre_fork_outputs || m_key_reuse_mitigation2)) { cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_OUTPUT_DISTRIBUTION::request req_t = AUTO_VAL_INIT(req_t); cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_OUTPUT_DISTRIBUTION::response resp_t = AUTO_VAL_INIT(resp_t); for(size_t idx: selected_transfers) req_t.amounts.push_back(m_transfers[idx].is_rct() ? 0 : m_transfers[idx].amount()); std::sort(req_t.amounts.begin(), req_t.amounts.end()); auto end = std::unique(req_t.amounts.begin(), req_t.amounts.end()); req_t.amounts.resize(std::distance(req_t.amounts.begin(), end)); req_t.from_height = std::max(segregation_fork_height, RECENT_OUTPUT_BLOCKS) - RECENT_OUTPUT_BLOCKS; req_t.to_height = segregation_fork_height + 1; req_t.cumulative = true; req_t.binary = true; m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock(); bool r = invoke_http_json_rpc("/json_rpc", "get_output_distribution", req_t, resp_t, rpc_timeout * 1000); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock(); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "transfer_selected"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(resp_t.status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_BUSY, error::daemon_busy, "get_output_distribution"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(resp_t.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK, error::get_output_distribution, get_rpc_status(resp_t.status)); // check we got all data for(size_t idx: selected_transfers) { const uint64_t amount = m_transfers[idx].is_rct() ? 0 : m_transfers[idx].amount(); bool found = false; for (const auto &d: resp_t.distributions) { if (d.amount == amount) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(d.data.start_height > segregation_fork_height, error::get_output_distribution, "Distribution start_height too high"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(segregation_fork_height - d.data.start_height >= d.data.distribution.size(), error::get_output_distribution, "Distribution size too small"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(segregation_fork_height - RECENT_OUTPUT_BLOCKS - d.data.start_height >= d.data.distribution.size(), error::get_output_distribution, "Distribution size too small"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(segregation_fork_height <= RECENT_OUTPUT_BLOCKS, error::wallet_internal_error, "Fork height too low"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(segregation_fork_height - RECENT_OUTPUT_BLOCKS < d.data.start_height, error::get_output_distribution, "Bad start height"); uint64_t till_fork = d.data.distribution[segregation_fork_height - d.data.start_height]; uint64_t recent = till_fork - d.data.distribution[segregation_fork_height - RECENT_OUTPUT_BLOCKS - d.data.start_height]; segregation_limit[amount] = std::make_pair(till_fork, recent); found = true; break; } } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!found, error::get_output_distribution, "Requested amount not found in response"); } } // we ask for more, to have spares if some outputs are still locked size_t base_requested_outputs_count = (size_t)((fake_outputs_count + 1) * 1.5 + 1); LOG_PRINT_L2("base_requested_outputs_count: " << base_requested_outputs_count); // generate output indices to request COMMAND_RPC_GET_OUTPUTS_BIN::request req = AUTO_VAL_INIT(req); COMMAND_RPC_GET_OUTPUTS_BIN::response daemon_resp = AUTO_VAL_INIT(daemon_resp); std::unique_ptr gamma; if (has_rct_distribution) gamma.reset(new gamma_picker(rct_offsets)); size_t num_selected_transfers = 0; for(size_t idx: selected_transfers) { ++num_selected_transfers; const transfer_details &td = m_transfers[idx]; const uint64_t amount = td.is_rct() ? 0 : td.amount(); std::unordered_set seen_indices; // request more for rct in base recent (locked) coinbases are picked, since they're locked for longer size_t requested_outputs_count = base_requested_outputs_count + (td.is_rct() ? MINED_ETN_SPENDABLE_AGE - TX_SPENDABLE_AGE : 0); size_t start = req.outputs.size(); bool use_histogram = amount != 0 || !has_rct_distribution; const bool output_is_pre_fork = td.m_block_height < segregation_fork_height; uint64_t num_outs = 0, num_recent_outs = 0; uint64_t num_post_fork_outs = 0; float pre_fork_num_out_ratio = 0.0f; float post_fork_num_out_ratio = 0.0f; if (is_after_segregation_fork && m_segregate_pre_fork_outputs && output_is_pre_fork) { num_outs = segregation_limit[amount].first; num_recent_outs = segregation_limit[amount].second; } else { // if there are just enough outputs to mix with, use all of them. // Eventually this should become impossible. for (const auto &he: resp_t.histogram) { if (he.amount == amount) { LOG_PRINT_L2("Found " << print_etn(amount) << ": " << he.total_instances << " total, " << he.unlocked_instances << " unlocked, " << he.recent_instances << " recent"); num_outs = he.unlocked_instances; num_recent_outs = he.recent_instances; break; } } if (is_after_segregation_fork && m_key_reuse_mitigation2) { if (output_is_pre_fork) { if (is_shortly_after_segregation_fork) { pre_fork_num_out_ratio = 33.4/100.0f * (1.0f - RECENT_OUTPUT_RATIO); } else { pre_fork_num_out_ratio = 33.4/100.0f * (1.0f - RECENT_OUTPUT_RATIO); post_fork_num_out_ratio = 33.4/100.0f * (1.0f - RECENT_OUTPUT_RATIO); } } else { if (is_shortly_after_segregation_fork) { } else { post_fork_num_out_ratio = 67.8/100.0f * (1.0f - RECENT_OUTPUT_RATIO); } } } num_post_fork_outs = num_outs - segregation_limit[amount].first; } if (use_histogram) { LOG_PRINT_L1("" << num_outs << " unlocked outputs of size " << print_etn(amount)); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(num_outs == 0, error::wallet_internal_error, "histogram reports no unlocked outputs for " + boost::lexical_cast(amount) + ", not even ours"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(num_recent_outs > num_outs, error::wallet_internal_error, "histogram reports more recent outs than outs for " + boost::lexical_cast(amount)); } else { // the base offset of the first rct output in the first unlocked block (or the one to be if there's none) num_outs = rct_offsets[rct_offsets.size() - TX_SPENDABLE_AGE]; LOG_PRINT_L1("" << num_outs << " unlocked rct outputs"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(num_outs == 0, error::wallet_internal_error, "histogram reports no unlocked rct outputs, not even ours"); } // how many fake outs to draw on a pre-fork distribution size_t pre_fork_outputs_count = requested_outputs_count * pre_fork_num_out_ratio; size_t post_fork_outputs_count = requested_outputs_count * post_fork_num_out_ratio; // how many fake outs to draw otherwise size_t normal_output_count = requested_outputs_count - pre_fork_outputs_count - post_fork_outputs_count; size_t recent_outputs_count = 0; if (use_histogram) { // X% of those outs are to be taken from recent outputs recent_outputs_count = normal_output_count * RECENT_OUTPUT_RATIO; if (recent_outputs_count == 0) recent_outputs_count = 1; // ensure we have at least one, if possible if (recent_outputs_count > num_recent_outs) recent_outputs_count = num_recent_outs; if (td.m_global_output_index >= num_outs - num_recent_outs && recent_outputs_count > 0) --recent_outputs_count; // if the real out is recent, pick one less recent fake out } LOG_PRINT_L1("Fake output makeup: " << requested_outputs_count << " requested: " << recent_outputs_count << " recent, " << pre_fork_outputs_count << " pre-fork, " << post_fork_outputs_count << " post-fork, " << (requested_outputs_count - recent_outputs_count - pre_fork_outputs_count - post_fork_outputs_count) << " full-chain"); uint64_t num_found = 0; // if we have a known ring, use it if (td.m_key_image_known && !td.m_key_image_partial) { std::vector ring; if (get_ring(get_ringdb_key(), td.m_key_image, ring)) { MINFO("This output has a known ring, reusing (size " << ring.size() << ")"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(ring.size() > fake_outputs_count + 1, error::wallet_internal_error, "An output in this transaction was previously spent on another chain with ring size " + std::to_string(ring.size()) + ", it cannot be spent now with ring size " + std::to_string(fake_outputs_count + 1) + " as it is smaller: use a higher ring size"); bool own_found = false; for (const auto &out: ring) { MINFO("Ring has output " << out); if (out < num_outs) { MINFO("Using it"); req.outputs.push_back({amount, out}); ++num_found; seen_indices.emplace(out); if (out == td.m_global_output_index) { MINFO("This is the real output"); own_found = true; } } else { MINFO("Ignoring output " << out << ", too recent"); } } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!own_found, error::wallet_internal_error, "Known ring does not include the spent output: " + std::to_string(td.m_global_output_index)); } } if (num_outs <= requested_outputs_count) { for (uint64_t i = 0; i < num_outs; i++) req.outputs.push_back({amount, i}); // duplicate to make up shortfall: this will be caught after the RPC call, // so we can also output the amounts for which we can't reach the required // mixin after checking the actual unlockedness for (uint64_t i = num_outs; i < requested_outputs_count; ++i) req.outputs.push_back({amount, num_outs - 1}); } else { // start with real one if (num_found == 0) { num_found = 1; seen_indices.emplace(td.m_global_output_index); req.outputs.push_back({amount, td.m_global_output_index}); LOG_PRINT_L1("Selecting real output: " << td.m_global_output_index << " for " << print_etn(amount)); } std::unordered_map> picks; // while we still need more mixins uint64_t num_usable_outs = num_outs; bool allow_blackballed = false; MDEBUG("Starting gamma picking with " << num_outs << ", num_usable_outs " << num_usable_outs << ", requested_outputs_count " << requested_outputs_count); while (num_found < requested_outputs_count) { // if we've gone through every possible output, we've gotten all we can if (seen_indices.size() == num_usable_outs) { // there is a first pass which rejects blackballed outputs, then a second pass // which allows them if we don't have enough non blackballed outputs to reach // the required amount of outputs (since consensus does not care about blackballed // outputs, we still need to reach the minimum ring size) if (allow_blackballed) break; MINFO("Not enough output not marked as spent, we'll allow outputs marked as spent"); allow_blackballed = true; num_usable_outs = num_outs; } // get a random output index from the DB. If we've already seen it, // return to the top of the loop and try again, otherwise add it to the // list of output indices we've seen. uint64_t i; const char *type = ""; if (amount == 0 && has_rct_distribution) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!gamma, error::wallet_internal_error, "No gamma picker"); // gamma distribution if (num_found -1 < recent_outputs_count + pre_fork_outputs_count) { do i = gamma->pick(); while (i >= segregation_limit[amount].first); type = "pre-fork gamma"; } else if (num_found -1 < recent_outputs_count + pre_fork_outputs_count + post_fork_outputs_count) { do i = gamma->pick(); while (i < segregation_limit[amount].first || i >= num_outs); type = "post-fork gamma"; } else { do i = gamma->pick(); while (i >= num_outs); type = "gamma"; } } else if (num_found - 1 < recent_outputs_count) // -1 to account for the real one we seeded with { // triangular distribution over [a,b) with a=0, mode c=b=up_index_limit uint64_t r = crypto::rand() % ((uint64_t)1 << 53); double frac = std::sqrt((double)r / ((uint64_t)1 << 53)); i = (uint64_t)(frac*num_recent_outs) + num_outs - num_recent_outs; // just in case rounding up to 1 occurs after calc if (i == num_outs) --i; type = "recent"; } else if (num_found -1 < recent_outputs_count + pre_fork_outputs_count) { // triangular distribution over [a,b) with a=0, mode c=b=up_index_limit uint64_t r = crypto::rand() % ((uint64_t)1 << 53); double frac = std::sqrt((double)r / ((uint64_t)1 << 53)); i = (uint64_t)(frac*segregation_limit[amount].first); // just in case rounding up to 1 occurs after calc if (i == num_outs) --i; type = " pre-fork"; } else if (num_found -1 < recent_outputs_count + pre_fork_outputs_count + post_fork_outputs_count) { // triangular distribution over [a,b) with a=0, mode c=b=up_index_limit uint64_t r = crypto::rand() % ((uint64_t)1 << 53); double frac = std::sqrt((double)r / ((uint64_t)1 << 53)); i = (uint64_t)(frac*num_post_fork_outs) + segregation_limit[amount].first; // just in case rounding up to 1 occurs after calc if (i == num_post_fork_outs+segregation_limit[amount].first) --i; type = "post-fork"; } else { // triangular distribution over [a,b) with a=0, mode c=b=up_index_limit uint64_t r = crypto::rand() % ((uint64_t)1 << 53); double frac = std::sqrt((double)r / ((uint64_t)1 << 53)); i = (uint64_t)(frac*num_outs); // just in case rounding up to 1 occurs after calc if (i == num_outs) --i; type = "triangular"; } if (seen_indices.count(i)) continue; if (!allow_blackballed && is_output_blackballed(std::make_pair(amount, i))) // don't add blackballed outputs { --num_usable_outs; continue; } seen_indices.emplace(i); picks[type].insert(i); req.outputs.push_back({amount, i}); ++num_found; MDEBUG("picked " << i << ", " << num_found << " now picked"); } for (const auto &pick: picks) MDEBUG("picking " << pick.first << " outputs: " << boost::join(pick.second | boost::adaptors::transformed([](uint64_t out){return std::to_string(out);}), " ")); // if we had enough unusable outputs, we might fall off here and still // have too few outputs, so we stuff with one to keep counts good, and // we'll error out later while (num_found < requested_outputs_count) { req.outputs.push_back({amount, 0}); ++num_found; } } // sort the subsection, to ensure the daemon doesn't know which output is ours std::sort(req.outputs.begin() + start, req.outputs.end(), [](const get_outputs_out &a, const get_outputs_out &b) { return a.index < b.index; }); } if (ELPP->vRegistry()->allowed(el::Level::Debug, ELECTRONEUM_DEFAULT_LOG_CATEGORY)) { std::map> outs; for (const auto &i: req.outputs) outs[i.amount].insert(i.index); for (const auto &o: outs) MDEBUG("asking for outputs with amount " << print_etn(o.first) << ": " << boost::join(o.second | boost::adaptors::transformed([](uint64_t out){return std::to_string(out);}), " ")); } // get the keys for those req.get_txid = false; m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock(); bool r = invoke_http_bin("/get_outs.bin", req, daemon_resp, rpc_timeout); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock(); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "get_outs.bin"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(daemon_resp.status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_BUSY, error::daemon_busy, "get_outs.bin"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(daemon_resp.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK, error::get_outs_error, get_rpc_status(daemon_resp.status)); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(daemon_resp.outs.size() != req.outputs.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "daemon returned wrong response for get_outs.bin, wrong amounts count = " + std::to_string(daemon_resp.outs.size()) + ", expected " + std::to_string(req.outputs.size())); std::unordered_map scanty_outs; size_t base = 0; outs.reserve(num_selected_transfers); for(size_t idx: selected_transfers) { const transfer_details &td = m_transfers[idx]; size_t requested_outputs_count = base_requested_outputs_count + (td.is_rct() ? MINED_ETN_SPENDABLE_AGE - TX_SPENDABLE_AGE : 0); outs.push_back(std::vector()); outs.back().reserve(fake_outputs_count + 1); const rct::key mask = td.is_rct() ? rct::commit(td.amount(), td.m_mask) : rct::zeroCommit(td.amount()); uint64_t num_outs = 0; const uint64_t amount = td.is_rct() ? 0 : td.amount(); const bool output_is_pre_fork = td.m_block_height < segregation_fork_height; if (is_after_segregation_fork && m_segregate_pre_fork_outputs && output_is_pre_fork) num_outs = segregation_limit[amount].first; else for (const auto &he: resp_t.histogram) { if (he.amount == amount) { num_outs = he.unlocked_instances; break; } } bool use_histogram = amount != 0 || !has_rct_distribution; if (!use_histogram) num_outs = rct_offsets[rct_offsets.size() - TX_SPENDABLE_AGE]; // make sure the real outputs we asked for are really included, along // with the correct key and mask: this guards against an active attack // where the node sends dummy data for all outputs, and we then send // the real one, which the node can then tell from the fake outputs, // as it has different data than the dummy data it had sent earlier bool real_out_found = false; for (size_t n = 0; n < requested_outputs_count; ++n) { size_t i = base + n; if (req.outputs[i].index == td.m_global_output_index) if (daemon_resp.outs[i].key == boost::get(td.m_tx.vout[td.m_internal_output_index].target).key) if (daemon_resp.outs[i].mask == mask) real_out_found = true; } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!real_out_found, error::wallet_internal_error, "Daemon response did not include the requested real output"); // pick real out first (it will be sorted when done) outs.back().push_back(std::make_tuple(td.m_global_output_index, boost::get(td.m_tx.vout[td.m_internal_output_index].target).key, mask)); // then pick outs from an existing ring, if any if (td.m_key_image_known && !td.m_key_image_partial) { std::vector ring; if (get_ring(get_ringdb_key(), td.m_key_image, ring)) { for (uint64_t out: ring) { if (out < num_outs) { if (out != td.m_global_output_index) { bool found = false; for (size_t o = 0; o < requested_outputs_count; ++o) { size_t i = base + o; if (req.outputs[i].index == out) { LOG_PRINT_L2("Index " << i << "/" << requested_outputs_count << ": idx " << req.outputs[i].index << " (real " << td.m_global_output_index << "), unlocked " << daemon_resp.outs[i].unlocked << ", key " << daemon_resp.outs[i].key << " (from existing ring)"); tx_add_fake_output(outs, req.outputs[i].index, daemon_resp.outs[i].key, daemon_resp.outs[i].mask, td.m_global_output_index, daemon_resp.outs[i].unlocked); found = true; break; } } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!found, error::wallet_internal_error, "Falied to find existing ring output in daemon out data"); } } } } } // then pick others in random order till we reach the required number // since we use an equiprobable pick here, we don't upset the triangular distribution std::vector order; order.resize(requested_outputs_count); for (size_t n = 0; n < order.size(); ++n) order[n] = n; std::shuffle(order.begin(), order.end(), std::default_random_engine(crypto::rand())); LOG_PRINT_L2("Looking for " << (fake_outputs_count+1) << " outputs of size " << print_etn(td.is_rct() ? 0 : td.amount())); for (size_t o = 0; o < requested_outputs_count && outs.back().size() < fake_outputs_count + 1; ++o) { size_t i = base + order[o]; LOG_PRINT_L2("Index " << i << "/" << requested_outputs_count << ": idx " << req.outputs[i].index << " (real " << td.m_global_output_index << "), unlocked " << daemon_resp.outs[i].unlocked << ", key " << daemon_resp.outs[i].key); tx_add_fake_output(outs, req.outputs[i].index, daemon_resp.outs[i].key, daemon_resp.outs[i].mask, td.m_global_output_index, daemon_resp.outs[i].unlocked); } if (outs.back().size() < fake_outputs_count + 1) { scanty_outs[td.is_rct() ? 0 : td.amount()] = outs.back().size(); } else { // sort the subsection, so any spares are reset in order std::sort(outs.back().begin(), outs.back().end(), [](const get_outs_entry &a, const get_outs_entry &b) { return std::get<0>(a) < std::get<0>(b); }); } base += requested_outputs_count; } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!scanty_outs.empty(), error::not_enough_outs_to_mix, scanty_outs, fake_outputs_count); } else //no fake outs => start reading here { if(tx_version < 3) { for (size_t idx: selected_transfers) { const transfer_details &td = m_transfers[idx]; std::vector v; const rct::key mask = td.is_rct() ? rct::commit(td.amount(), td.m_mask) : rct::zeroCommit(td.amount()); v.push_back(std::make_tuple(td.m_global_output_index, td.get_public_key(), mask)); // get pub key is where our error is (wrong get) outs.push_back(v); } } } if(tx_version < 3) { // save those outs in the ringdb for reuse for (size_t i = 0; i < selected_transfers.size(); ++i) { const size_t idx = selected_transfers[i]; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(idx >= m_transfers.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "selected_transfers entry out of range"); const transfer_details &td = m_transfers[idx]; std::vector ring; ring.reserve(outs[i].size()); for (const auto &e: outs[i]) ring.push_back(std::get<0>(e)); if (!set_ring(td.m_key_image, ring, false))// MERROR("Failed to set ring for " << td.m_key_image); } } } template void wallet2::transfer_selected(const std::vector& dsts, const std::vector& selected_transfers, size_t fake_outputs_count, std::vector> &outs, uint64_t unlock_time, uint64_t fee, const std::vector& extra, T destination_split_strategy, const tx_dust_policy& dust_policy, cryptonote::transaction& tx, pending_tx &ptx) { using namespace cryptonote; // throw if attempting a transaction with no destinations THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(dsts.empty(), error::zero_destination); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(m_multisig, error::wallet_internal_error, "Multisig wallets cannot spend non rct outputs"); uint64_t upper_transaction_weight_limit = get_upper_transaction_weight_limit(); uint64_t needed_etn = fee; LOG_PRINT_L2("transfer: starting with fee " << print_etn (needed_etn)); // calculate total amount being sent to all destinations // throw if total amount overflows uint64_t for(auto& dt: dsts) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(0 == dt.amount, error::zero_destination); needed_etn += dt.amount; LOG_PRINT_L2("transfer: adding " << print_etn(dt.amount) << ", for a total of " << print_etn (needed_etn)); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(needed_etn < dt.amount, error::tx_sum_overflow, dsts, fee, m_nettype); } uint64_t found_etn = 0; for(size_t idx: selected_transfers) { found_etn += m_transfers[idx].amount(); } LOG_PRINT_L2("wanted " << print_etn(needed_etn) << ", found " << print_etn(found_etn) << ", fee " << print_etn(fee)); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(found_etn < needed_etn, error::not_enough_unlocked_etn, found_etn, needed_etn - fee, fee); uint32_t subaddr_account = m_transfers[*selected_transfers.begin()].m_subaddr_index.major; for (auto i = ++selected_transfers.begin(); i != selected_transfers.end(); ++i) THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(subaddr_account != m_transfers[*i].m_subaddr_index.major, error::wallet_internal_error, "the tx uses funds from multiple accounts"); if (outs.empty()) get_outs(outs, selected_transfers, fake_outputs_count, tx.version); // may throw //prepare inputs LOG_PRINT_L2("preparing outputs"); typedef cryptonote::tx_source_entry::output_entry tx_output_entry; size_t i = 0, out_index = 0; std::vector sources; for(size_t idx: selected_transfers) { sources.resize(sources.size()+1); cryptonote::tx_source_entry& src = sources.back(); const transfer_details& td = m_transfers[idx]; src.amount = td.amount(); src.rct = td.is_rct(); if(tx.version < 3) { //paste keys (fake and real) // adding pairs of global index & stealth address to our vector of source outs (needed forold ins only) for (size_t n = 0; n < fake_outputs_count + 1; ++n) { tx_output_entry oe; oe.first = std::get<0>(outs[out_index][n]); oe.second.dest = rct::pk2rct(std::get<1>(outs[out_index][n])); oe.second.mask = std::get<2>(outs[out_index][n]); src.outputs.push_back(oe); ++i; } //paste real transaction to the random index auto it_to_replace = std::find_if(src.outputs.begin(), src.outputs.end(), [&](const tx_output_entry &a) { return a.first == td.m_global_output_index; }); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(it_to_replace == src.outputs.end(), error::wallet_internal_error, "real output not found"); tx_output_entry real_oe; real_oe.first = td.m_global_output_index; real_oe.second.dest = rct::pk2rct( boost::get(td.m_tx.vout[td.m_internal_output_index].target).key); real_oe.second.mask = rct::commit(td.amount(), td.m_mask); *it_to_replace = real_oe; src.real_out_tx_key = get_tx_pub_key_from_extra(td.m_tx, td.m_pk_index); src.real_out_additional_tx_keys = get_additional_tx_pub_keys_from_extra(td.m_tx); src.real_output = it_to_replace - src.outputs.begin(); src.multisig_kLRki = rct::multisig_kLRki({rct::zero(), rct::zero(), rct::zero(), rct::zero()}); } src.real_output_in_tx_index = td.m_internal_output_index; // these two are all we really need for v3 sources src.tx_hash = td.m_txid; src.subaddr_index = td.m_subaddr_index; detail::print_source_entry(src); ++out_index; } LOG_PRINT_L2("outputs prepared"); cryptonote::tx_destination_entry change_dts = AUTO_VAL_INIT(change_dts); if (needed_etn < found_etn) { // send change to the first input's address for v3+ tx uint32_t change_subaddress_minor = tx.version > 2 ? sources.front().subaddr_index.minor : 0; change_dts.addr = get_subaddress({subaddr_account, change_subaddress_minor}); change_dts.is_subaddress = (subaddr_account != 0 || change_subaddress_minor != 0); change_dts.amount = found_etn - needed_etn; } std::vector splitted_dsts, dust_dsts; uint64_t dust = 0; destination_split_strategy(dsts, change_dts, dust_policy.dust_threshold, splitted_dsts, dust_dsts); for(auto& d: dust_dsts) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(dust_policy.dust_threshold < d.amount, error::wallet_internal_error, "invalid dust value: dust = " + std::to_string(d.amount) + ", dust_threshold = " + std::to_string(dust_policy.dust_threshold)); } for(auto& d: dust_dsts) { if (!dust_policy.add_to_fee) splitted_dsts.push_back(cryptonote::tx_destination_entry(d.amount, dust_policy.addr_for_dust, d.is_subaddress)); dust += d.amount; } crypto::secret_key tx_key; std::vector additional_tx_keys; rct::multisig_out msout; LOG_PRINT_L2("constructing tx"); bool r = cryptonote::construct_tx_and_get_tx_key(m_account.get_keys(), m_subaddresses, sources, splitted_dsts, change_dts.addr, extra, tx, unlock_time, tx_key, additional_tx_keys, false, {}, m_multisig ? &msout : NULL, m_account_major_offset, this->m_nettype); LOG_PRINT_L2("constructed tx, r="<= 3 ? std::all_of(tx.vin.begin(), tx.vin.end(), [&](const txin_v& s_e) -> bool { CHECKED_GET_SPECIFIC_VARIANT(s_e, const txin_to_key_public, in, false); return true; }) : std::all_of(tx.vin.begin(), tx.vin.end(), [&](const txin_v& s_e) -> bool { CHECKED_GET_SPECIFIC_VARIANT(s_e, const txin_to_key, in, false); key_images += boost::to_string(in.k_image) + " "; return true; }); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!are_ins_correct_type, error::unexpected_txin_type, tx); bool dust_sent_elsewhere = (dust_policy.addr_for_dust.m_view_public_key != change_dts.addr.m_view_public_key || dust_policy.addr_for_dust.m_spend_public_key != change_dts.addr.m_spend_public_key); if (dust_policy.add_to_fee || dust_sent_elsewhere) change_dts.amount -= dust; ptx.key_images = key_images; ptx.fee = (dust_policy.add_to_fee ? fee+dust : fee); ptx.dust = ((dust_policy.add_to_fee || dust_sent_elsewhere) ? dust : 0); ptx.dust_added_to_fee = dust_policy.add_to_fee; ptx.tx = tx; ptx.change_dts = change_dts; ptx.selected_transfers = selected_transfers; ptx.tx_key = tx_key; ptx.additional_tx_keys = additional_tx_keys; ptx.dests = dsts; ptx.construction_data.sources = sources; ptx.construction_data.change_dts = change_dts; ptx.construction_data.splitted_dsts = splitted_dsts; ptx.construction_data.selected_transfers = selected_transfers; ptx.construction_data.extra = tx.extra; ptx.construction_data.unlock_time = unlock_time; ptx.construction_data.use_rct = false; ptx.construction_data.rct_config = { rct::RangeProofBorromean, 0 }; ptx.construction_data.dests = dsts; // record which subaddress indices are being used as inputs ptx.construction_data.subaddr_account = subaddr_account; ptx.construction_data.subaddr_indices.clear(); for (size_t idx: selected_transfers) ptx.construction_data.subaddr_indices.insert(m_transfers[idx].m_subaddr_index.minor); LOG_PRINT_L2("transfer_selected done"); } std::vector wallet2::pick_preferred_rct_inputs(uint64_t needed_etn, uint32_t subaddr_account, const std::set &subaddr_indices) const { std::vector picks; float current_output_relatdness = 1.0f; LOG_PRINT_L2("pick_preferred_rct_inputs: needed_etn " << print_etn(needed_etn)); // try to find a rct input of enough size for (size_t i = 0; i < m_transfers.size(); ++i) { const transfer_details& td = m_transfers[i]; if (!td.m_spent && !td.m_frozen && td.is_rct() && td.amount() >= needed_etn && is_transfer_unlocked(td) && td.m_subaddr_index.major == subaddr_account && subaddr_indices.count(td.m_subaddr_index.minor) == 1) { LOG_PRINT_L2("We can use " << i << " alone: " << print_etn(td.amount())); picks.push_back(i); return picks; } } // then try to find two outputs // this could be made better by picking one of the outputs to be a small one, since those // are less useful since often below the needed etn, so if one can be used in a pair, // it gets rid of it for the future for (size_t i = 0; i < m_transfers.size(); ++i) { const transfer_details& td = m_transfers[i]; if (!td.m_spent && !td.m_frozen && !td.m_key_image_partial && td.is_rct() && is_transfer_unlocked(td) && td.m_subaddr_index.major == subaddr_account && subaddr_indices.count(td.m_subaddr_index.minor) == 1) { LOG_PRINT_L2("Considering input " << i << ", " << print_etn(td.amount())); for (size_t j = i + 1; j < m_transfers.size(); ++j) { const transfer_details& td2 = m_transfers[j]; if (!td2.m_spent && !td2.m_frozen && !td.m_key_image_partial && td2.is_rct() && td.amount() + td2.amount() >= needed_etn && is_transfer_unlocked(td2) && td2.m_subaddr_index == td.m_subaddr_index) { // update our picks if those outputs are less related than any we // already found. If the same, don't update, and oldest suitable outputs // will be used in preference. float relatedness = get_output_relatedness(td, td2); LOG_PRINT_L2(" with input " << j << ", " << print_etn(td2.amount()) << ", relatedness " << relatedness); if (relatedness < current_output_relatdness) { // reset the current picks with those, and return them directly // if they're unrelated. If they are related, we'll end up returning // them if we find nothing better picks.clear(); picks.push_back(i); picks.push_back(j); LOG_PRINT_L0("we could use " << i << " and " << j); if (relatedness == 0.0f) return picks; current_output_relatdness = relatedness; } } } } } return picks; } bool wallet2::should_pick_a_second_output(bool use_rct, size_t n_transfers, const std::vector &unused_transfers_indices, const std::vector &unused_dust_indices) const { if (!use_rct) return false; if (n_transfers > 1) return false; if (unused_dust_indices.empty() && unused_transfers_indices.empty()) return false; // we want at least one free rct output to avoid a corner case where // we'd choose a non rct output which doesn't have enough "siblings" // value-wise on the chain, and thus can't be mixed bool found = false; for (auto i: unused_dust_indices) { if (m_transfers[i].is_rct()) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) for (auto i: unused_transfers_indices) { if (m_transfers[i].is_rct()) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) return false; return true; } std::vector wallet2::get_only_rct(const std::vector &unused_dust_indices, const std::vector &unused_transfers_indices) const { std::vector indices; for (size_t n: unused_dust_indices) if (m_transfers[n].is_rct()) indices.push_back(n); for (size_t n: unused_transfers_indices) if (m_transfers[n].is_rct()) indices.push_back(n); return indices; } static uint32_t get_count_above(const std::vector &transfers, const std::vector &indices, uint64_t threshold) { uint32_t count = 0; for (size_t idx: indices) if (transfers[idx].amount() >= threshold) ++count; return count; } bool wallet2::light_wallet_login(bool &new_address) { MDEBUG("Light wallet login request"); m_light_wallet_connected = false; tools::COMMAND_RPC_LOGIN::request request; tools::COMMAND_RPC_LOGIN::response response; request.address = get_account().get_public_address_str(m_nettype); request.view_key = string_tools::pod_to_hex(get_account().get_keys().m_view_secret_key); // Always create account if it doesn't exist. request.create_account = true; m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock(); bool connected = invoke_http_json("/login", request, response, rpc_timeout, "POST"); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock(); // MyMonero doesn't send any status message. OpenMonero does. m_light_wallet_connected = connected && (response.status.empty() || response.status == "success"); new_address = response.new_address; MDEBUG("Status: " << response.status); MDEBUG("Reason: " << response.reason); MDEBUG("New wallet: " << response.new_address); if(m_light_wallet_connected) { // Clear old data on successful login. // m_transfers.clear(); // m_payments.clear(); // m_unconfirmed_payments.clear(); } return m_light_wallet_connected; } bool wallet2::light_wallet_import_wallet_request(tools::COMMAND_RPC_IMPORT_WALLET_REQUEST::response &response) { MDEBUG("Light wallet import wallet request"); tools::COMMAND_RPC_IMPORT_WALLET_REQUEST::request oreq; oreq.address = get_account().get_public_address_str(m_nettype); oreq.view_key = string_tools::pod_to_hex(get_account().get_keys().m_view_secret_key); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock(); bool r = invoke_http_json("/import_wallet_request", oreq, response, rpc_timeout, "POST"); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock(); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "import_wallet_request"); return true; } void wallet2::light_wallet_get_unspent_outs() { MDEBUG("Getting unspent outs"); tools::COMMAND_RPC_GET_UNSPENT_OUTS::request oreq; tools::COMMAND_RPC_GET_UNSPENT_OUTS::response ores; oreq.amount = "0"; oreq.address = get_account().get_public_address_str(m_nettype); oreq.view_key = string_tools::pod_to_hex(get_account().get_keys().m_view_secret_key); // openMonero specific oreq.dust_threshold = boost::lexical_cast(::config::DEFAULT_DUST_THRESHOLD); // below are required by openMonero api - but are not used. oreq.mixin = 0; oreq.use_dust = true; m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock(); bool r = invoke_http_json("/get_unspent_outs", oreq, ores, rpc_timeout, "POST"); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock(); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "get_unspent_outs"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(ores.status == "error", error::wallet_internal_error, ores.reason); m_light_wallet_per_kb_fee = ores.per_kb_fee; std::unordered_map transfers_txs; for(const auto &t: m_transfers) transfers_txs.emplace(t.m_txid,t.m_spent); MDEBUG("FOUND " << ores.outputs.size() <<" outputs"); // return if no outputs found if(ores.outputs.empty()) return; // Clear old outputs m_transfers.clear(); for (const auto &o: ores.outputs) { bool spent = false; bool add_transfer = true; crypto::key_image unspent_key_image; crypto::public_key tx_public_key = AUTO_VAL_INIT(tx_public_key); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(string_tools::validate_hex(64, o.tx_pub_key), error::wallet_internal_error, "Invalid tx_pub_key field"); string_tools::hex_to_pod(o.tx_pub_key, tx_public_key); for (const std::string &ski: o.spend_key_images) { spent = false; // Check if key image is ours THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(string_tools::validate_hex(64, ski), error::wallet_internal_error, "Invalid key image"); string_tools::hex_to_pod(ski, unspent_key_image); if(light_wallet_key_image_is_ours(unspent_key_image, tx_public_key, o.index)){ MTRACE("Output " << o.public_key << " is spent. Key image: " << ski); spent = true; break; } { MTRACE("Unspent output found. " << o.public_key); } } // Check if tx already exists in m_transfers. crypto::hash txid; crypto::public_key tx_pub_key; crypto::public_key public_key; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(string_tools::validate_hex(64, o.tx_hash), error::wallet_internal_error, "Invalid tx_hash field"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(string_tools::validate_hex(64, o.public_key), error::wallet_internal_error, "Invalid public_key field"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(string_tools::validate_hex(64, o.tx_pub_key), error::wallet_internal_error, "Invalid tx_pub_key field"); string_tools::hex_to_pod(o.tx_hash, txid); string_tools::hex_to_pod(o.public_key, public_key); string_tools::hex_to_pod(o.tx_pub_key, tx_pub_key); for(auto &t: m_transfers){ if(t.get_public_key() == public_key) { t.m_spent = spent; add_transfer = false; break; } } if(!add_transfer) continue; m_transfers.push_back(boost::value_initialized()); transfer_details& td = m_transfers.back(); td.m_block_height = o.height; td.m_global_output_index = o.global_index; td.m_txid = txid; // Add to extra add_tx_pub_key_to_extra(td.m_tx, tx_pub_key); td.m_key_image = unspent_key_image; td.m_key_image_known = !m_watch_only && !m_multisig; td.m_key_image_request = false; td.m_key_image_partial = m_multisig; td.m_amount = o.amount; td.m_pk_index = 0; td.m_internal_output_index = o.index; td.m_spent = spent; td.m_frozen = false; tx_out txout; txout.target = txout_to_key(public_key); txout.amount = td.m_amount; td.m_tx.vout.resize(td.m_internal_output_index + 1); td.m_tx.vout[td.m_internal_output_index] = txout; // Add unlock time and coinbase bool got from get_address_txs api call std::unordered_map::const_iterator found = m_light_wallet_address_txs.find(txid); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(found == m_light_wallet_address_txs.end(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Lightwallet: tx not found in m_light_wallet_address_txs"); bool miner_tx = found->second.m_coinbase; td.m_tx.unlock_time = found->second.m_unlock_time; if (!o.rct.empty()) { // Coinbase tx's if(miner_tx) { td.m_mask = rct::identity(); } else { // rct txs // decrypt rct mask, calculate commit hash and compare against blockchain commit hash rct::key rct_commit; light_wallet_parse_rct_str(o.rct, tx_pub_key, td.m_internal_output_index, td.m_mask, rct_commit, true); bool valid_commit = (rct_commit == rct::commit(td.amount(), td.m_mask)); if(!valid_commit) { MDEBUG("output index: " << o.global_index); MDEBUG("mask: " + string_tools::pod_to_hex(td.m_mask)); MDEBUG("calculated commit: " + string_tools::pod_to_hex(rct::commit(td.amount(), td.m_mask))); MDEBUG("expected commit: " + string_tools::pod_to_hex(rct_commit)); MDEBUG("amount: " << td.amount()); } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!valid_commit, error::wallet_internal_error, "Lightwallet: rct commit hash mismatch!"); } td.m_rct = true; } else { td.m_mask = rct::identity(); td.m_rct = false; } if(!spent) set_unspent(m_transfers.size()-1); m_key_images[td.m_key_image] = m_transfers.size()-1; m_pub_keys[td.get_public_key()] = m_transfers.size()-1; } } bool wallet2::light_wallet_get_address_info(tools::COMMAND_RPC_GET_ADDRESS_INFO::response &response) { MTRACE(__FUNCTION__); tools::COMMAND_RPC_GET_ADDRESS_INFO::request request; request.address = get_account().get_public_address_str(m_nettype); request.view_key = string_tools::pod_to_hex(get_account().get_keys().m_view_secret_key); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock(); bool r = invoke_http_json("/get_address_info", request, response, rpc_timeout, "POST"); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock(); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "get_address_info"); // TODO: Validate result return true; } void wallet2::light_wallet_get_address_txs() { MDEBUG("Refreshing light wallet"); tools::COMMAND_RPC_GET_ADDRESS_TXS::request ireq; tools::COMMAND_RPC_GET_ADDRESS_TXS::response ires; ireq.address = get_account().get_public_address_str(m_nettype); ireq.view_key = string_tools::pod_to_hex(get_account().get_keys().m_view_secret_key); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock(); bool r = invoke_http_json("/get_address_txs", ireq, ires, rpc_timeout, "POST"); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock(); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "get_address_txs"); //OpenMonero sends status=success, Mymonero doesn't. THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF((!ires.status.empty() && ires.status != "success"), error::no_connection_to_daemon, "get_address_txs"); // Abort if no transactions if(ires.transactions.empty()) return; // Create searchable vectors std::vector payments_txs; for(const auto &p: m_payments) payments_txs.push_back(p.second.m_tx_hash); std::vector unconfirmed_payments_txs; for(const auto &up: m_unconfirmed_payments) unconfirmed_payments_txs.push_back(up.second.m_pd.m_tx_hash); // for balance calculation uint64_t wallet_total_sent = 0; // txs in pool std::vector pool_txs; for (const auto &t: ires.transactions) { const uint64_t total_received = t.total_received; uint64_t total_sent = t.total_sent; // Check key images - subtract fake outputs from total_sent for(const auto &so: t.spent_outputs) { crypto::public_key tx_public_key; crypto::key_image key_image; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(string_tools::validate_hex(64, so.tx_pub_key), error::wallet_internal_error, "Invalid tx_pub_key field"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(string_tools::validate_hex(64, so.key_image), error::wallet_internal_error, "Invalid key_image field"); string_tools::hex_to_pod(so.tx_pub_key, tx_public_key); string_tools::hex_to_pod(so.key_image, key_image); if(!light_wallet_key_image_is_ours(key_image, tx_public_key, so.out_index)) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(so.amount > t.total_sent, error::wallet_internal_error, "Lightwallet: total sent is negative!"); total_sent -= so.amount; } } // Do not add tx if empty. if(total_sent == 0 && total_received == 0) continue; crypto::hash payment_id = null_hash; crypto::hash tx_hash; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(string_tools::validate_hex(64, t.payment_id), error::wallet_internal_error, "Invalid payment_id field"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(string_tools::validate_hex(64, t.hash), error::wallet_internal_error, "Invalid hash field"); string_tools::hex_to_pod(t.payment_id, payment_id); string_tools::hex_to_pod(t.hash, tx_hash); // lightwallet specific info bool incoming = (total_received > total_sent); address_tx address_tx; address_tx.m_tx_hash = tx_hash; address_tx.m_incoming = incoming; address_tx.m_amount = incoming ? total_received - total_sent : total_sent - total_received; address_tx.m_fee = 0; // TODO address_tx.m_block_height = t.height; address_tx.m_unlock_time = t.unlock_time; address_tx.m_timestamp = t.timestamp; address_tx.m_coinbase = t.coinbase; address_tx.m_mempool = t.mempool; m_light_wallet_address_txs.emplace(tx_hash,address_tx); // populate data needed for history (m_payments, m_unconfirmed_payments, m_confirmed_txs) // INCOMING transfers if(total_received > total_sent) { payment_details payment; payment.m_tx_hash = tx_hash; payment.m_amount = total_received - total_sent; payment.m_fee = 0; // TODO payment.m_block_height = t.height; payment.m_unlock_time = t.unlock_time; payment.m_timestamp = t.timestamp; payment.m_coinbase = t.coinbase; if (t.mempool) { if (std::find(unconfirmed_payments_txs.begin(), unconfirmed_payments_txs.end(), tx_hash) == unconfirmed_payments_txs.end()) { pool_txs.push_back(tx_hash); // assume false as we don't get that info from the light wallet server crypto::hash payment_id; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!epee::string_tools::hex_to_pod(t.payment_id, payment_id), error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to parse payment id"); emplace_or_replace(m_unconfirmed_payments, payment_id, pool_payment_details{payment, false, false}); if (0 != m_callback) { m_callback->on_lw_unconfirmed_etn_received(t.height, payment.m_tx_hash, payment.m_amount); } } } else { if (std::find(payments_txs.begin(), payments_txs.end(), tx_hash) == payments_txs.end()) { m_payments.emplace(tx_hash, payment); if (0 != m_callback) { m_callback->on_lw_etn_received(t.height, payment.m_tx_hash, payment.m_amount); } } } // Outgoing transfers } else { uint64_t amount_sent = total_sent - total_received; cryptonote::transaction dummy_tx; // not used by light wallet // increase wallet total sent wallet_total_sent += total_sent; if (t.mempool) { // Handled by add_unconfirmed_tx in commit_tx // If sent from another wallet instance we need to add it if(m_unconfirmed_txs.find(tx_hash) == m_unconfirmed_txs.end()) { unconfirmed_transfer_details utd; utd.m_amount_in = amount_sent; utd.m_amount_out = amount_sent; utd.m_change = 0; utd.m_payment_id = payment_id; utd.m_timestamp = t.timestamp; utd.m_state = wallet2::unconfirmed_transfer_details::pending; m_unconfirmed_txs.emplace(tx_hash,utd); } } else { // Only add if new auto confirmed_tx = m_confirmed_txs.find(tx_hash); if(confirmed_tx == m_confirmed_txs.end()) { // tx is added to m_unconfirmed_txs - move to confirmed if(m_unconfirmed_txs.find(tx_hash) != m_unconfirmed_txs.end()) { process_unconfirmed(tx_hash, dummy_tx, t.height); } // Tx sent by another wallet instance else { confirmed_transfer_details ctd; ctd.m_amount_in = amount_sent; ctd.m_amount_out = amount_sent; ctd.m_change = 0; ctd.m_payment_id = payment_id; ctd.m_block_height = t.height; ctd.m_timestamp = t.timestamp; m_confirmed_txs.emplace(tx_hash,ctd); } if (0 != m_callback) { m_callback->on_lw_etn_spent(t.height, tx_hash, amount_sent); } } // If not new - check the amount and update if necessary. // when sending a tx to same wallet the receiving amount has to be credited else { if(confirmed_tx->second.m_amount_in != amount_sent || confirmed_tx->second.m_amount_out != amount_sent) { MDEBUG("Adjusting amount sent/received for tx: <" + t.hash + ">. Is tx sent to own wallet? " << print_etn(amount_sent) << " != " << print_etn(confirmed_tx->second.m_amount_in)); confirmed_tx->second.m_amount_in = amount_sent; confirmed_tx->second.m_amount_out = amount_sent; confirmed_tx->second.m_change = 0; } } } } } // TODO: purge old unconfirmed_txs remove_obsolete_pool_txs(pool_txs); // Calculate wallet balance m_light_wallet_balance = ires.total_received-wallet_total_sent; // MyMonero doesn't send unlocked balance if(ires.total_received_unlocked > 0) m_light_wallet_unlocked_balance = ires.total_received_unlocked-wallet_total_sent; else m_light_wallet_unlocked_balance = m_light_wallet_balance; } bool wallet2::light_wallet_parse_rct_str(const std::string& rct_string, const crypto::public_key& tx_pub_key, uint64_t internal_output_index, rct::key& decrypted_mask, rct::key& rct_commit, bool decrypt) const { // rct string is empty if output is non RCT if (rct_string.empty()) return false; // rct_string is a string with length 64+64+64 ( + + ) rct::key encrypted_mask; std::string rct_commit_str = rct_string.substr(0,64); std::string encrypted_mask_str = rct_string.substr(64,64); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(string_tools::validate_hex(64, rct_commit_str), error::wallet_internal_error, "Invalid rct commit hash: " + rct_commit_str); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(string_tools::validate_hex(64, encrypted_mask_str), error::wallet_internal_error, "Invalid rct mask: " + encrypted_mask_str); string_tools::hex_to_pod(rct_commit_str, rct_commit); string_tools::hex_to_pod(encrypted_mask_str, encrypted_mask); if (decrypt) { // Decrypt the mask crypto::key_derivation derivation; bool r = generate_key_derivation(tx_pub_key, get_account().get_keys().m_view_secret_key, derivation); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to generate key derivation"); crypto::secret_key scalar; crypto::derivation_to_scalar(derivation, internal_output_index, scalar); sc_sub(decrypted_mask.bytes,encrypted_mask.bytes,rct::hash_to_scalar(rct::sk2rct(scalar)).bytes); } return true; } bool wallet2::light_wallet_key_image_is_ours(const crypto::key_image& key_image, const crypto::public_key& tx_public_key, uint64_t out_index) { // Lookup key image from cache std::map index_keyimage_map; std::unordered_map >::const_iterator found_pub_key = m_key_image_cache.find(tx_public_key); if(found_pub_key != m_key_image_cache.end()) { // pub key found. key image for index cached? index_keyimage_map = found_pub_key->second; std::map::const_iterator index_found = index_keyimage_map.find(out_index); if(index_found != index_keyimage_map.end()) return key_image == index_found->second; } // Not in cache - calculate key image crypto::key_image calculated_key_image; cryptonote::keypair in_ephemeral; // Subaddresses aren't supported in mymonero/openmonero yet. Roll out the original scheme: // compute D = a*R // compute P = Hs(D || i)*G + B // compute x = Hs(D || i) + b (and check if P==x*G) // compute I = x*Hp(P) const account_keys& ack = get_account().get_keys(); crypto::key_derivation derivation; bool r = crypto::generate_key_derivation(tx_public_key, ack.m_view_secret_key, derivation); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(r, false, "failed to generate_key_derivation(" << tx_public_key << ", " << ack.m_view_secret_key << ")"); r = crypto::derive_public_key(derivation, out_index, ack.m_account_address.m_spend_public_key, in_ephemeral.pub); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(r, false, "failed to derive_public_key (" << derivation << ", " << out_index << ", " << ack.m_account_address.m_spend_public_key << ")"); crypto::derive_secret_key(derivation, out_index, ack.m_spend_secret_key, in_ephemeral.sec); crypto::public_key out_pkey_test; r = crypto::secret_key_to_public_key(in_ephemeral.sec, out_pkey_test); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(r, false, "failed to secret_key_to_public_key(" << in_ephemeral.sec << ")"); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(in_ephemeral.pub == out_pkey_test, false, "derived secret key doesn't match derived public key"); crypto::generate_key_image(in_ephemeral.pub, in_ephemeral.sec, calculated_key_image); index_keyimage_map.emplace(out_index, calculated_key_image); m_key_image_cache.emplace(tx_public_key, index_keyimage_map); return key_image == calculated_key_image; } // Another implementation of transaction creation that is hopefully better // While there is anything left to pay, it goes through random outputs and tries // to fill the next destination/amount. If it fully fills it, it will use the // remainder to try to fill the next one as well. // The tx size if roughly estimated as a linear function of only inputs, and a // new tx will be created when that size goes above a given fraction of the // max tx size. At that point, more outputs may be added if the fee cannot be // satisfied. // If the next output in the next tx would go to the same destination (ie, we // cut off at a tx boundary in the middle of paying a given destination), the // fee will be carved out of the current input if possible, to avoid having to // add another output just for the fee and getting change. // This system allows for sending (almost) the entire balance, since it does // not generate spurious change in all txes, thus decreasing the instantaneous // usable balance. std::vector wallet2::create_transactions_2(std::vector dsts, const size_t fake_outs_count, const uint64_t unlock_time, uint32_t priority, const std::vector& extra, uint32_t subaddr_account, std::set subaddr_indices) { //ensure device is let in NONE mode in any case hw::device &hwdev = m_account.get_device(); boost::unique_lock hwdev_lock (hwdev); hw::reset_mode rst(hwdev); //destinations in the full etn-address format auto original_dsts = dsts; if(m_light_wallet) { // Populate m_transfers light_wallet_get_unspent_outs(); } uint8_t tx_version = this->public_transactions_required() ? 3 : 1; //vector of pairs of > std::vector>> unused_transfers_indices_per_subaddr; std::vector>> unused_dust_indices_per_subaddr; uint64_t needed_etn; uint64_t accumulated_fee, accumulated_outputs, accumulated_change; struct TX { std::vector selected_transfers; std::vector dsts; cryptonote::transaction tx; pending_tx ptx; size_t weight; uint64_t needed_fee; std::vector> outs; TX() : weight(0), needed_fee(0) {} void add(const cryptonote::tx_destination_entry &de, uint64_t amount, unsigned int original_output_index, bool merge_destinations) { if (merge_destinations) { std::vector::iterator i; i = std::find_if(dsts.begin(), dsts.end(), [&](const cryptonote::tx_destination_entry &d) { return !memcmp (&d.addr, &de.addr, sizeof(de.addr)); }); if (i == dsts.end()) { dsts.push_back(de); i = dsts.end() - 1; i->amount = 0; } i->amount += amount; } else { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(original_output_index > dsts.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, std::string("original_output_index too large: ") + std::to_string(original_output_index) + " > " + std::to_string(dsts.size())); if (original_output_index == dsts.size()) { dsts.push_back(de); dsts.back().amount = 0; } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(memcmp(&dsts[original_output_index].addr, &de.addr, sizeof(de.addr)), error::wallet_internal_error, "Mismatched destination address"); dsts[original_output_index].amount += amount; } } }; std::vector txes; bool adding_fee; // true if new outputs go towards fee, rather than destinations uint64_t needed_fee, available_for_fee = 0; uint64_t upper_transaction_weight_limit; uint64_t extra_bytes = extra.size(); switch(hwdev.get_type()){ // Normal Software Limit case 0 : upper_transaction_weight_limit = get_upper_transaction_weight_limit(); break; // Ledger NanoS: ~3.3kB of RAM for app variables. Give a bit of buffer (300) for other variables on device // and subtract the size of the extra. // because in the Ledger app this still lives on the stack at the same time the entire prefix does. // This is a rough rule of thumb estimate... The logic can be updated at a later stage. // Right now we just need to make we don't fail to build any tx (and split the tx to avoid this happening) case 1 : upper_transaction_weight_limit = 3000 - extra_bytes; break; //Trezor limit set at the same as Ledger for the time being. case 2 : upper_transaction_weight_limit = 3000 - extra_bytes; break; //Future hw devices } const bool use_per_byte_fee = use_fork_rules(HF_VERSION_PER_BYTE_FEE, 0); const bool use_rct = use_fork_rules(HF_VERSION_ENABLE_RCT, 0); const bool bulletproof = use_fork_rules(get_bulletproof_fork(), 0); const rct::RCTConfig rct_config { bulletproof ? rct::RangeProofPaddedBulletproof : rct::RangeProofBorromean, bulletproof ? (use_fork_rules(HF_VERSION_SMALLER_BP, -10) ? 2 : 1) : 0 }; const uint64_t base_fee = get_base_fee(); const uint64_t fee_multiplier = get_fee_multiplier(priority, get_fee_algorithm()); const uint64_t fee_quantization_mask = get_fee_quantization_mask(); // throw if attempting a transaction with no destinations THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(dsts.empty(), error::zero_destination); // calculate total amount being sent to all destinations // throw if total amount overflows uint64_t needed_etn = 0; for(auto& dt: dsts) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(0 == dt.amount, error::zero_destination); needed_etn += dt.amount; LOG_PRINT_L2("transfer: adding " << print_etn(dt.amount) << ", for a total of " << print_etn (needed_etn)); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(needed_etn < dt.amount, error::tx_sum_overflow, dsts, 0, m_nettype); } // throw if attempting a transaction with no etn THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(needed_etn == 0, error::zero_destination); std::map> unlocked_balance_per_subaddr = unlocked_balance_per_subaddress(subaddr_account, tx_version >= 3); std::map balance_per_subaddr = balance_per_subaddress(subaddr_account, tx_version >= 3); if (subaddr_indices.empty()) // "index=[,,...]" wasn't specified -> use all the indices with non-zero unlocked balance { for (const auto& i : balance_per_subaddr) subaddr_indices.insert(i.first); } // early out if we know we can't make it anyway // we could also check for being within FEE_PER_KB, but if the fee calculation // ever changes, this might be missed, so let this go through uint64_t min_fee = (fee_multiplier * base_fee * estimate_tx_size(use_rct, 1, fake_outs_count, 2, extra.size(), bulletproof)); //Whilst we're still dealing with fee/kb: if (!use_per_byte_fee){ min_fee /= 1000; if(min_fee == 0){min_fee += 10;} } uint64_t balance_subtotal = 0; uint64_t unlocked_balance_subtotal = 0; for (uint32_t index_minor : subaddr_indices) { balance_subtotal += balance_per_subaddr[index_minor]; unlocked_balance_subtotal += unlocked_balance_per_subaddr[index_minor].first; } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(needed_etn + min_fee > balance_subtotal, error::not_enough_etn, balance_subtotal, needed_etn, 0); // first check overall balance is enough, then unlocked one, so we throw distinct exceptions THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(needed_etn + min_fee > unlocked_balance_subtotal, error::not_enough_unlocked_etn, unlocked_balance_subtotal, needed_etn, 0); for (uint32_t i : subaddr_indices) LOG_PRINT_L2("Candidate subaddress index for spending: " << i); // determine threshold for fractional amount const size_t tx_weight_one_ring = estimate_tx_weight(use_rct, 1, fake_outs_count, 2, 0, bulletproof); const size_t tx_weight_two_rings = estimate_tx_weight(use_rct, 2, fake_outs_count, 2, 0, bulletproof); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(tx_weight_one_ring > tx_weight_two_rings, error::wallet_internal_error, "Estimated tx weight with 1 input is larger than with 2 inputs!"); const size_t tx_weight_per_ring = tx_weight_two_rings - tx_weight_one_ring; const uint64_t fractional_threshold = (fee_multiplier * base_fee * tx_weight_per_ring) / (use_per_byte_fee ? 1 : 1024); // gather all dust and non-dust outputs belonging to specified subaddresses size_t num_nondust_outputs = 0; size_t num_dust_outputs = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_transfers.size(); ++i) { const transfer_details& td = m_transfers[i]; if (m_ignore_fractional_outputs && td.amount() < fractional_threshold) { MDEBUG("Ignoring output " << i << " of amount " << print_etn(td.amount()) << " which is below threshold " << print_etn(fractional_threshold)); continue; } if (!td.m_spent && !td.m_frozen && (!td.m_key_image_partial || td.m_tx.version > 1) && (use_rct ? true : !td.is_rct()) && is_transfer_unlocked(td) && td.m_subaddr_index.major == subaddr_account && subaddr_indices.count(td.m_subaddr_index.minor) == 1) { if((tx_version < 3 && td.m_tx.version > 1) || (tx_version >= 3 && td.m_tx.version == 1)) continue; const uint32_t index_minor = td.m_subaddr_index.minor; auto find_predicate = [&index_minor](const std::pair>& x) { return x.first == index_minor; }; if ((td.is_rct()) || is_valid_decomposed_amount(td.amount())) { auto found = std::find_if(unused_transfers_indices_per_subaddr.begin(), unused_transfers_indices_per_subaddr.end(), find_predicate); if (found == unused_transfers_indices_per_subaddr.end()) { unused_transfers_indices_per_subaddr.push_back({index_minor, {i}}); } else { found->second.push_back(i); } ++num_nondust_outputs; } else { auto found = std::find_if(unused_dust_indices_per_subaddr.begin(), unused_dust_indices_per_subaddr.end(), find_predicate); if (found == unused_dust_indices_per_subaddr.end()) { unused_dust_indices_per_subaddr.push_back({index_minor, {i}}); } else { found->second.push_back(i); } ++num_dust_outputs; } } } // sort output indices { auto sort_predicate = [&unlocked_balance_per_subaddr] (const std::pair>& x, const std::pair>& y) { return unlocked_balance_per_subaddr[x.first].first > unlocked_balance_per_subaddr[y.first].first; }; std::sort(unused_transfers_indices_per_subaddr.begin(), unused_transfers_indices_per_subaddr.end(), sort_predicate); std::sort(unused_dust_indices_per_subaddr.begin(), unused_dust_indices_per_subaddr.end(), sort_predicate); } LOG_PRINT_L2("Starting with " << num_nondust_outputs << " non-dust outputs and " << num_dust_outputs << " dust outputs"); if (unused_dust_indices_per_subaddr.empty() && unused_transfers_indices_per_subaddr.empty()) return std::vector(); // if empty, put dummy entry so that the front can be referenced later in the loop if (unused_dust_indices_per_subaddr.empty()) unused_dust_indices_per_subaddr.push_back({}); if (unused_transfers_indices_per_subaddr.empty()) unused_transfers_indices_per_subaddr.push_back({}); // start with an empty tx txes.push_back(TX()); accumulated_fee = 0; accumulated_outputs = 0; accumulated_change = 0; adding_fee = false; needed_fee = 0; std::vector> outs; // for rct, since we don't see the amounts, we will try to make all transactions // look the same, with 1 or 2 inputs, and 2 outputs. One input is preferable, as // this prevents linking to another by provenance analysis, but two is ok if we // try to pick outputs not from the same block. We will get two outputs, one for // the destination, and one for change. LOG_PRINT_L2("checking preferred"); std::vector preferred_inputs; uint64_t rct_outs_needed = 2 * (fake_outs_count + 1); rct_outs_needed += 100; // some fudge factor since we don't know how many are locked if (use_rct) { // this is used to build a tx that's 1 or 2 inputs, and 2 outputs, which // will get us a known fee. uint64_t estimated_fee = estimate_fee(use_per_byte_fee, use_rct, 2, fake_outs_count, 2, extra.size(), bulletproof, base_fee, fee_multiplier, fee_quantization_mask); preferred_inputs = pick_preferred_rct_inputs(needed_etn + estimated_fee, subaddr_account, subaddr_indices); if (!preferred_inputs.empty()) { string s; for (auto i: preferred_inputs) s += boost::lexical_cast(i) + " (" + print_etn(m_transfers[i].amount()) + ") "; LOG_PRINT_L1("Found preferred rct inputs for rct tx: " << s); // bring the list of available outputs stored by the same subaddress index to the front of the list uint32_t index_minor = m_transfers[preferred_inputs[0]].m_subaddr_index.minor; for (size_t i = 1; i < unused_transfers_indices_per_subaddr.size(); ++i) { if (unused_transfers_indices_per_subaddr[i].first == index_minor) { std::swap(unused_transfers_indices_per_subaddr[0], unused_transfers_indices_per_subaddr[i]); break; } } for (size_t i = 1; i < unused_dust_indices_per_subaddr.size(); ++i) { if (unused_dust_indices_per_subaddr[i].first == index_minor) { std::swap(unused_dust_indices_per_subaddr[0], unused_dust_indices_per_subaddr[i]); break; } } } } LOG_PRINT_L2("done checking preferred"); // while: // - we have something to send // - or we need to gather more fee // - or we have just one input in that tx, which is rct (to try and make all/most rct txes 2/2) unsigned int original_output_index = 0; std::vector* unused_transfers_indices = &unused_transfers_indices_per_subaddr[0].second; std::vector* unused_dust_indices = &unused_dust_indices_per_subaddr[0].second; hwdev.set_mode(hw::device::TRANSACTION_CREATE_FAKE); while ((!dsts.empty() && dsts[0].amount > 0) || adding_fee || !preferred_inputs.empty() || should_pick_a_second_output(use_rct, txes.back().selected_transfers.size(), *unused_transfers_indices, *unused_dust_indices)) { TX &tx = txes.back(); LOG_PRINT_L2("Start of loop with " << unused_transfers_indices->size() << " " << unused_dust_indices->size() << ", tx.dsts.size() " << tx.dsts.size()); LOG_PRINT_L2("unused_transfers_indices: " << strjoin(*unused_transfers_indices, " ")); LOG_PRINT_L2("unused_dust_indices: " << strjoin(*unused_dust_indices, " ")); LOG_PRINT_L2("dsts size " << dsts.size() << ", first " << (dsts.empty() ? "-" : cryptonote::print_etn(dsts[0].amount))); LOG_PRINT_L2("adding_fee " << adding_fee << ", use_rct " << use_rct); // if we need to spend etn and don't have any left, we fail if (unused_dust_indices->empty() && unused_transfers_indices->empty()) { LOG_PRINT_L2("No more outputs to choose from"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(1, error::tx_not_possible, unlocked_balance(subaddr_account, tx_version >= 3), needed_etn, accumulated_fee + needed_fee); } // get a random unspent output and use it to pay part (or all) of the current destination (and maybe next one, etc) // This could be more clever, but maybe at the cost of making probabilistic inferences easier size_t idx; if (!preferred_inputs.empty()) { idx = pop_back(preferred_inputs); pop_if_present(*unused_transfers_indices, idx); pop_if_present(*unused_dust_indices, idx); } else if ((dsts.empty() || dsts[0].amount == 0) && !adding_fee) { // the "make rct txes 2/2" case - we pick a small value output to "clean up" the wallet too std::vector indices = get_only_rct(*unused_dust_indices, *unused_transfers_indices); idx = pop_best_value(indices, tx.selected_transfers, true); // we might not want to add it if it's a large output and we don't have many left uint64_t min_output_value = m_min_output_value; uint32_t min_output_count = m_min_output_count; if (min_output_value == 0 && min_output_count == 0) { min_output_value = DEFAULT_MIN_OUTPUT_VALUE; min_output_count = DEFAULT_MIN_OUTPUT_COUNT; } if (m_transfers[idx].amount() >= min_output_value) { if (get_count_above(m_transfers, *unused_transfers_indices, min_output_value) < min_output_count) { LOG_PRINT_L2("Second output was not strictly needed, and we're running out of outputs above " << print_etn(min_output_value) << ", not adding"); break; } } // since we're trying to add a second output which is not strictly needed, // we only add it if it's unrelated enough to the first one float relatedness = get_output_relatedness(m_transfers[idx], m_transfers[tx.selected_transfers.front()]); if (relatedness > SECOND_OUTPUT_RELATEDNESS_THRESHOLD) { LOG_PRINT_L2("Second output was not strictly needed, and relatedness " << relatedness << ", not adding"); break; } pop_if_present(*unused_transfers_indices, idx); pop_if_present(*unused_dust_indices, idx); } else idx = pop_best_value(unused_transfers_indices->empty() ? *unused_dust_indices : *unused_transfers_indices, tx.selected_transfers); const transfer_details &td = m_transfers[idx]; LOG_PRINT_L2("Picking output " << idx << ", amount " << print_etn(td.amount()) << ", ki " << td.m_key_image); // add this output to the list to spend tx.selected_transfers.push_back(idx); uint64_t available_amount = td.amount(); accumulated_outputs += available_amount; // clear any fake outs we'd already gathered, since we'll need a new set outs.clear(); if (adding_fee) { LOG_PRINT_L2("We need more fee, adding it to fee"); available_for_fee += available_amount; } else { while (!dsts.empty() && dsts[0].amount <= available_amount && estimate_tx_weight(use_rct, tx.selected_transfers.size(), fake_outs_count, tx.dsts.size()+1, extra.size(), bulletproof) < TX_WEIGHT_TARGET(upper_transaction_weight_limit)) { // we can fully pay that destination LOG_PRINT_L2("We can fully pay " << get_account_address_as_str(m_nettype, dsts[0].is_subaddress, dsts[0].addr) << " for " << print_etn(dsts[0].amount)); tx.add(dsts[0], dsts[0].amount, original_output_index, m_merge_destinations); available_amount -= dsts[0].amount; dsts[0].amount = 0; pop_index(dsts, 0); ++original_output_index; } if (available_amount > 0 && !dsts.empty() && estimate_tx_weight(use_rct, tx.selected_transfers.size(), fake_outs_count, tx.dsts.size()+1, extra.size(), bulletproof) < TX_WEIGHT_TARGET(upper_transaction_weight_limit)) { // we can partially fill that destination LOG_PRINT_L2("We can partially pay " << get_account_address_as_str(m_nettype, dsts[0].is_subaddress, dsts[0].addr) << " for " << print_etn(available_amount) << "/" << print_etn(dsts[0].amount)); tx.add(dsts[0], available_amount, original_output_index, m_merge_destinations); dsts[0].amount -= available_amount; available_amount = 0; } } // here, check if we need to sent tx and start a new one LOG_PRINT_L2("Considering whether to create a tx now, " << tx.selected_transfers.size() << " inputs, tx limit " << upper_transaction_weight_limit); bool try_tx = false; // if we have preferred picks, but haven't yet used all of them, continue if (preferred_inputs.empty()) { if (adding_fee) { /* might not actually be enough if adding this output bumps size to next kB, but we need to try */ try_tx = available_for_fee >= needed_fee; } else { const size_t estimated_rct_tx_weight = estimate_tx_weight(use_rct, tx.selected_transfers.size(), fake_outs_count, tx.dsts.size()+1, extra.size(), bulletproof); try_tx = dsts.empty() || (estimated_rct_tx_weight >= TX_WEIGHT_TARGET(upper_transaction_weight_limit)); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(try_tx && tx.dsts.empty(), error::tx_too_big, estimated_rct_tx_weight, upper_transaction_weight_limit); } } if (try_tx) { cryptonote::transaction test_tx; test_tx.version = tx_version; pending_tx test_ptx; needed_fee = estimate_fee(use_per_byte_fee, use_rct ,tx.selected_transfers.size(), fake_outs_count, tx.dsts.size()+1, extra.size(), bulletproof, base_fee, fee_multiplier, fee_quantization_mask); uint64_t inputs = 0, outputs = needed_fee; for (size_t idx: tx.selected_transfers) inputs += m_transfers[idx].amount(); for (const auto &o: tx.dsts) outputs += o.amount; if (inputs < outputs) { LOG_PRINT_L2("We don't have enough for the basic fee, switching to adding_fee"); adding_fee = true; goto skip_tx; } LOG_PRINT_L2("Trying to create a tx now, with " << tx.dsts.size() << " outputs and " << tx.selected_transfers.size() << " inputs"); transfer_selected(tx.dsts, tx.selected_transfers, fake_outs_count, outs, unlock_time, needed_fee, extra, detail::digit_split_strategy, tx_dust_policy(::config::DEFAULT_DUST_THRESHOLD), test_tx, test_ptx); auto txBlob = t_serializable_object_to_blob(test_ptx.tx); needed_fee = calculate_fee(use_per_byte_fee, test_ptx.tx, txBlob.size(), base_fee, fee_multiplier, fee_quantization_mask); available_for_fee = test_ptx.fee + test_ptx.change_dts.amount + (!test_ptx.dust_added_to_fee ? test_ptx.dust : 0); LOG_PRINT_L2("Made a " << get_weight_string(test_ptx.tx, txBlob.size()) << " tx, with " << print_etn(available_for_fee) << " available for fee (" << print_etn(needed_fee) << " needed)"); if (needed_fee > available_for_fee && !dsts.empty() && dsts[0].amount > 0) { // we don't have enough for the fee, but we've only partially paid the current address, // so we can take the fee from the paid amount, since we'll have to make another tx anyway std::vector::iterator i; i = std::find_if(tx.dsts.begin(), tx.dsts.end(), [&](const cryptonote::tx_destination_entry &d) { return !memcmp (&d.addr, &dsts[0].addr, sizeof(dsts[0].addr)); }); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(i == tx.dsts.end(), error::wallet_internal_error, "paid address not found in outputs"); if (i->amount > needed_fee) { uint64_t new_paid_amount = i->amount /*+ test_ptx.fee*/ - needed_fee; LOG_PRINT_L2("Adjusting amount paid to " << get_account_address_as_str(m_nettype, i->is_subaddress, i->addr) << " from " << print_etn(i->amount) << " to " << print_etn(new_paid_amount) << " to accommodate " << print_etn(needed_fee) << " fee"); dsts[0].amount += i->amount - new_paid_amount; i->amount = new_paid_amount; test_ptx.fee = needed_fee; available_for_fee = needed_fee; } } if (needed_fee > available_for_fee) { LOG_PRINT_L2("We could not make a tx, switching to fee accumulation"); adding_fee = true; } else { LOG_PRINT_L2("We made a tx, adjusting fee and saving it, we need " << print_etn(needed_fee) << " and we have " << print_etn(test_ptx.fee)); while (needed_fee > test_ptx.fee) { transfer_selected(tx.dsts, tx.selected_transfers, fake_outs_count, outs, unlock_time, needed_fee, extra, detail::digit_split_strategy, tx_dust_policy(::config::DEFAULT_DUST_THRESHOLD), test_tx, test_ptx); txBlob = t_serializable_object_to_blob(test_ptx.tx); needed_fee = calculate_fee(use_per_byte_fee, test_ptx.tx, txBlob.size(), base_fee, fee_multiplier, fee_quantization_mask); LOG_PRINT_L2("Made an attempt at a final " << get_weight_string(test_ptx.tx, txBlob.size()) << " tx, with " << print_etn(test_ptx.fee) << " fee and " << print_etn(test_ptx.change_dts.amount) << " change"); } LOG_PRINT_L2("Made a final " << get_weight_string(test_ptx.tx, txBlob.size()) << " tx, with " << print_etn(test_ptx.fee) << " fee and " << print_etn(test_ptx.change_dts.amount) << " change"); tx.tx = test_tx; tx.ptx = test_ptx; tx.weight = get_transaction_weight(test_tx, txBlob.size()); tx.outs = outs; tx.needed_fee = test_ptx.fee; accumulated_fee += test_ptx.fee; accumulated_change += test_ptx.change_dts.amount; adding_fee = false; if (!dsts.empty()) { LOG_PRINT_L2("We have more to pay, starting another tx"); txes.push_back(TX()); original_output_index = 0; } } } skip_tx: // if unused_*_indices is empty while unused_*_indices_per_subaddr has multiple elements, and if we still have something to pay, // pop front of unused_*_indices_per_subaddr and have unused_*_indices point to the front of unused_*_indices_per_subaddr if ((!dsts.empty() && dsts[0].amount > 0) || adding_fee) { if (unused_transfers_indices->empty() && unused_transfers_indices_per_subaddr.size() > 1) { unused_transfers_indices_per_subaddr.erase(unused_transfers_indices_per_subaddr.begin()); unused_transfers_indices = &unused_transfers_indices_per_subaddr[0].second; } if (unused_dust_indices->empty() && unused_dust_indices_per_subaddr.size() > 1) { unused_dust_indices_per_subaddr.erase(unused_dust_indices_per_subaddr.begin()); unused_dust_indices = &unused_dust_indices_per_subaddr[0].second; } } } if (adding_fee) { LOG_PRINT_L1("We ran out of outputs while trying to gather final fee"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(1, error::tx_not_possible, unlocked_balance(subaddr_account, tx_version >= 3), needed_etn, accumulated_fee + needed_fee); } LOG_PRINT_L1("Done creating " << txes.size() << " transactions, " << print_etn(accumulated_fee) << " total fee, " << print_etn(accumulated_change) << " total change"); hwdev.set_mode(hw::device::TRANSACTION_CREATE_REAL); for (std::vector::iterator i = txes.begin(); i != txes.end(); ++i) { TX &tx = *i; cryptonote::transaction test_tx; test_tx.version = tx_version; pending_tx test_ptx; transfer_selected(tx.dsts, tx.selected_transfers, fake_outs_count, tx.outs, unlock_time, tx.needed_fee, extra, detail::digit_split_strategy, tx_dust_policy(::config::DEFAULT_DUST_THRESHOLD), test_tx, test_ptx); auto txBlob = t_serializable_object_to_blob(test_ptx.tx); tx.tx = test_tx; tx.ptx = test_ptx; tx.weight = get_transaction_weight(test_tx, txBlob.size()); } std::vector ptx_vector; for (std::vector::iterator i = txes.begin(); i != txes.end(); ++i) { TX &tx = *i; uint64_t tx_etn = 0; for (size_t idx: tx.selected_transfers) tx_etn += m_transfers[idx].amount(); LOG_PRINT_L1(" Transaction " << (1+std::distance(txes.begin(), i)) << "/" << txes.size() << " " << get_transaction_hash(tx.ptx.tx) << ": " << get_weight_string(tx.weight) << ", sending " << print_etn(tx_etn) << " in " << tx.selected_transfers.size() << " outputs to " << tx.dsts.size() << " destination(s), including " << print_etn(tx.ptx.fee) << " fee, " << print_etn(tx.ptx.change_dts.amount) << " change"); ptx_vector.push_back(tx.ptx); } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!sanity_check(ptx_vector, original_dsts), error::wallet_internal_error, "Created transaction(s) failed sanity check"); // if we made it this far, we're OK to actually send the transactions return ptx_vector; } bool wallet2::sanity_check(const std::vector &ptx_vector, std::vector dsts) const { MDEBUG("sanity_check: " << ptx_vector.size() << " txes, " << dsts.size() << " destinations"); hw::device &hwdev = m_account.get_device(); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(ptx_vector.empty(), error::wallet_internal_error, "No transactions"); if (std::all_of(ptx_vector.begin(), ptx_vector.end(), [](const pending_tx &ptx) { return ptx.tx.version == 1; })) { // we only need do tx proofs for v1 // check every party in there does receive at least the required amount std::unordered_map> required; for (const auto &d: dsts) { required[d.addr].first += d.amount; required[d.addr].second = d.is_subaddress; } // add change uint64_t change = 0; for (const auto &ptx: ptx_vector) { for (size_t idx: ptx.selected_transfers) //1:add the amount you're spending change += m_transfers[idx].amount(); change -= ptx.fee; //2: take off the fee } for (const auto &r: required) change -= r.second.first; // 3: subtract the destination required amount MDEBUG("Adding " << cryptonote::print_etn(change) << " expected change"); // for all txes that have actual change, check change is coming back to the sending wallet for (const pending_tx &ptx: ptx_vector) { if (ptx.change_dts.amount == 0) continue; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF( m_subaddresses.find(ptx.change_dts.addr.m_spend_public_key) == m_subaddresses.end(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Change address is not ours"); required[ptx.change_dts.addr].first += ptx.change_dts.amount; required[ptx.change_dts.addr].second = ptx.change_dts.is_subaddress; } for (const auto &r: required) { const account_public_address &address = r.first; const crypto::public_key &view_pkey = address.m_view_public_key; uint64_t total_received = 0; for (const auto &ptx: ptx_vector) { uint64_t received = 0; try { std::string proof = get_tx_proof(ptx.tx, ptx.tx_key, ptx.additional_tx_keys, address, r.second.second, "automatic-sanity-check"); check_tx_proof(ptx.tx, address, r.second.second, "automatic-sanity-check", proof, received); } catch (const std::exception &e) { received = 0; } total_received += received; } std::stringstream ss; ss << "Total received by " << cryptonote::get_account_address_as_str(m_nettype, r.second.second, address) << ": " << cryptonote::print_etn(total_received) << ", expected " << cryptonote::print_etn(r.second.first); MDEBUG(ss.str()); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(total_received < r.second.first, error::wallet_internal_error, ss.str()); } } // end of v1 sanity check else { // for all txes that have actual change, check change is coming back to the sending wallet for (const pending_tx &ptx: ptx_vector) { if (ptx.change_dts.amount == 0) continue; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF( m_subaddresses.find(ptx.change_dts.addr.m_spend_public_key) == m_subaddresses.end(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Change address is not ours"); } } return true; } std::vector wallet2::create_transactions_all(uint64_t below, const cryptonote::account_public_address &address, bool is_subaddress, const size_t outputs, const size_t fake_outs_count, const uint64_t unlock_time, uint32_t priority, const std::vector& extra, uint32_t subaddr_account, std::set subaddr_indices, const bool migrate) { std::vector unused_transfers_indices; std::vector unused_dust_indices; const bool use_rct = use_fork_rules(4, 0); uint8_t tx_version = public_transactions_required() ? (migrate ? 2 : 3) : 1; //public migration **NOT** SC migration. SC migration tx are just vanilla v3 tx. THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(unlocked_balance(subaddr_account, tx_version >=3) == 0, error::wallet_internal_error, "No unlocked balance in the entire wallet"); std::map, std::vector>> unused_transfer_dust_indices_per_subaddr; // gather all dust ***and*** non-dust outputs of specified subaddress (if any) and below specified threshold (if any) bool fund_found = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_transfers.size(); ++i) { const transfer_details& td = m_transfers[i]; if((tx_version < 3 && td.m_tx.version > 1) || (tx_version >= 3 && td.m_tx.version == 1)) continue; if (!td.m_spent && !td.m_frozen && (!td.m_key_image_partial || tx_version >= 3) && (use_rct ? true : !td.is_rct()) && is_transfer_unlocked(td) && td.m_subaddr_index.major == subaddr_account && (subaddr_indices.empty() || subaddr_indices.count(td.m_subaddr_index.minor) == 1)) { fund_found = true; if (below == 0 || td.amount() < below) { if ((td.is_rct()) || is_valid_decomposed_amount(td.amount())) unused_transfer_dust_indices_per_subaddr[td.m_subaddr_index.minor].first.push_back(i); else unused_transfer_dust_indices_per_subaddr[td.m_subaddr_index.minor].second.push_back(i); } } } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!fund_found, error::wallet_internal_error, "No unlocked balance in the specified subaddress(es)"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(unused_transfer_dust_indices_per_subaddr.empty(), error::wallet_internal_error, "The smallest amount found is not below the specified threshold"); if (subaddr_indices.empty()) { // in case subaddress index wasn't specified, choose non-empty subaddress randomly (with index=0 being chosen last) if (unused_transfer_dust_indices_per_subaddr.count(0) == 1 && unused_transfer_dust_indices_per_subaddr.size() > 1) unused_transfer_dust_indices_per_subaddr.erase(0); auto i = unused_transfer_dust_indices_per_subaddr.begin(); std::advance(i, crypto::rand_idx(unused_transfer_dust_indices_per_subaddr.size())); unused_transfers_indices = i->second.first; unused_dust_indices = i->second.second; LOG_PRINT_L2("Spending from subaddress index " << i->first); } else { for (const auto& p : unused_transfer_dust_indices_per_subaddr) { unused_transfers_indices.insert(unused_transfers_indices.end(), p.second.first.begin(), p.second.first.end()); unused_dust_indices.insert(unused_dust_indices.end(), p.second.second.begin(), p.second.second.end()); LOG_PRINT_L2("Spending from subaddress index " << p.first); } } return create_transactions_from(address, is_subaddress, outputs, unused_transfers_indices, unused_dust_indices, fake_outs_count, unlock_time, priority, extra, tx_version); } std::vector wallet2::create_transactions_single(const crypto::key_image &ki, const cryptonote::account_public_address &address, bool is_subaddress, const size_t outputs, const size_t fake_outs_count, const uint64_t unlock_time, uint32_t priority, const std::vector& extra) { std::vector unused_transfers_indices; std::vector unused_dust_indices; uint8_t tx_version = 1; //todo: leave it as this for now until we update it for sending by chainstate index const bool use_rct = use_fork_rules(4, 0); // find output with the given key image ( for (size_t i = 0; i < m_transfers.size(); ++i) { const transfer_details& td = m_transfers[i]; if (td.m_key_image_known && td.m_tx.version == 1 && td.m_key_image == ki && !td.m_spent && !td.m_frozen && (use_rct ? true : !td.is_rct()) && is_transfer_unlocked(td)) { if (td.is_rct() || is_valid_decomposed_amount(td.amount())) unused_transfers_indices.push_back(i); else unused_dust_indices.push_back(i); break; } } return create_transactions_from(address, is_subaddress, outputs, unused_transfers_indices, unused_dust_indices, fake_outs_count, unlock_time, priority, extra, tx_version); } std::vector wallet2::create_transactions_from(const cryptonote::account_public_address &address, bool is_subaddress, const size_t outputs, std::vector unused_transfers_indices, std::vector unused_dust_indices, const size_t fake_outs_count, const uint64_t unlock_time, uint32_t priority, const std::vector& extra, const uint8_t tx_version) { //ensure device is let in NONE mode in any case hw::device &hwdev = m_account.get_device(); boost::unique_lock hwdev_lock (hwdev); hw::reset_mode rst(hwdev); uint64_t accumulated_fee, accumulated_outputs, accumulated_change; struct TX { std::vector selected_transfers; std::vector dsts; cryptonote::transaction tx; pending_tx ptx; size_t weight; uint64_t needed_fee; std::vector> outs; TX() : weight(0), needed_fee(0) {} }; std::vector txes; uint64_t needed_fee, available_for_fee = 0; uint64_t upper_transaction_weight_limit = get_upper_transaction_weight_limit(); //max size of a tx - usually ~ half the block size std::vector> outs; const bool use_per_byte_fee = use_fork_rules(HF_VERSION_PER_BYTE_FEE); const bool use_rct = fake_outs_count > 0 && use_fork_rules(4, 0); const bool bulletproof = use_fork_rules(get_bulletproof_fork(), 0); const rct::RCTConfig rct_config { bulletproof ? rct::RangeProofPaddedBulletproof : rct::RangeProofBorromean, bulletproof ? (use_fork_rules(HF_VERSION_SMALLER_BP, -10) ? 2 : 1) : 0, }; const uint64_t base_fee = get_base_fee(); const uint64_t fee_multiplier = get_fee_multiplier(priority, get_fee_algorithm()); const uint64_t fee_quantization_mask = get_fee_quantization_mask(); LOG_PRINT_L2("Starting with " << unused_transfers_indices.size() << " non-dust outputs and " << unused_dust_indices.size() << " dust outputs"); if (unused_dust_indices.empty() && unused_transfers_indices.empty()) return std::vector(); // start with an empty tx txes.push_back(TX()); accumulated_fee = 0; accumulated_outputs = 0; accumulated_change = 0; needed_fee = 0; // while we have something to send hwdev.set_mode(hw::device::TRANSACTION_CREATE_FAKE); while (!unused_dust_indices.empty() || !unused_transfers_indices.empty()) { TX &tx = txes.back(); // get a random unspent output and use it to pay next chunk. We try to alternate // dust and non dust to ensure we never get with only dust, from which we might // get a tx that can't pay for itself uint64_t fee_dust_threshold; if (use_fork_rules(HF_VERSION_PER_BYTE_FEE)) { const uint64_t estimated_tx_weight_with_one_extra_output = estimate_tx_weight(use_rct, tx.selected_transfers.size() + 1, fake_outs_count, tx.dsts.size()+1, extra.size(), bulletproof); fee_dust_threshold = calculate_fee_from_weight(base_fee, estimated_tx_weight_with_one_extra_output, fee_multiplier, fee_quantization_mask); } else { fee_dust_threshold = base_fee * fee_multiplier * (upper_transaction_weight_limit + 1023) / 1024; } size_t idx = unused_transfers_indices.empty() ? pop_best_value(unused_dust_indices, tx.selected_transfers) : unused_dust_indices.empty() ? pop_best_value(unused_transfers_indices, tx.selected_transfers) : ((tx.selected_transfers.size() & 1) || accumulated_outputs > fee_dust_threshold) ? pop_best_value(unused_dust_indices, tx.selected_transfers) : pop_best_value(unused_transfers_indices, tx.selected_transfers); const transfer_details &td = m_transfers[idx]; LOG_PRINT_L2("Picking output " << idx << ", amount " << print_etn(td.amount())); // add this output to the list to spend tx.selected_transfers.push_back(idx); uint64_t available_amount = td.amount(); accumulated_outputs += available_amount; // clear any fake outs we'd already gathered, since we'll need a new set outs.clear(); // here, check if we need to sent tx and start a new one LOG_PRINT_L2("Considering whether to create a tx now, " << tx.selected_transfers.size() << " inputs, tx limit " << upper_transaction_weight_limit); const size_t estimated_rct_tx_weight = estimate_tx_weight(use_rct, tx.selected_transfers.size(), fake_outs_count, tx.dsts.size() + 2, extra.size(), bulletproof); bool try_tx = (unused_dust_indices.empty() && unused_transfers_indices.empty()) || ( estimated_rct_tx_weight >= TX_WEIGHT_TARGET(upper_transaction_weight_limit)); if (try_tx) { cryptonote::transaction test_tx; test_tx.version = tx_version; pending_tx test_ptx; needed_fee = tx_version == 2 ? 0 : estimate_fee(use_per_byte_fee, use_rct, tx.selected_transfers.size(), fake_outs_count, tx.dsts.size()+1, extra.size(), bulletproof, base_fee, fee_multiplier, fee_quantization_mask); // add N - 1 outputs for correct initial fee estimation for (size_t i = 0; i < ((outputs > 1) ? outputs - 1 : outputs); ++i) tx.dsts.push_back(tx_destination_entry(1, address, is_subaddress)); LOG_PRINT_L2("Trying to create a tx now, with " << tx.dsts.size() << " destinations and " << tx.selected_transfers.size() << " outputs"); transfer_selected(tx.dsts, tx.selected_transfers, fake_outs_count, outs, unlock_time, needed_fee, extra, detail::digit_split_strategy, tx_dust_policy(::config::DEFAULT_DUST_THRESHOLD), test_tx, test_ptx); auto txBlob = t_serializable_object_to_blob(test_ptx.tx); needed_fee = tx_version == 2 ? 0 : calculate_fee(use_per_byte_fee, test_ptx.tx, txBlob.size(), base_fee, fee_multiplier, fee_quantization_mask); available_for_fee = test_ptx.fee + test_ptx.change_dts.amount; for (auto &dt: test_ptx.dests) available_for_fee += dt.amount; LOG_PRINT_L2("Made a " << get_weight_string(test_ptx.tx, txBlob.size()) << " tx, with " << print_etn(available_for_fee) << " available for fee (" << print_etn(needed_fee) << " needed)"); // add last output, missed for fee estimation if (outputs > 1) tx.dsts.push_back(tx_destination_entry(1, address, is_subaddress)); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(needed_fee > available_for_fee, error::wallet_internal_error, "Transaction cannot pay for itself"); do { LOG_PRINT_L2("We made a tx, adjusting fee and saving it"); // distribute total transferred amount between outputs uint64_t amount_transferred = available_for_fee - needed_fee; //shouuld be zero for migration transactions uint64_t dt_amount = amount_transferred / outputs; // residue is distributed as one atomic unit per output until it reaches zero uint64_t residue = amount_transferred % outputs; for (auto &dt: tx.dsts) { uint64_t dt_residue = 0; if (residue > 0) { dt_residue = 1; residue -= 1; } dt.amount = dt_amount + dt_residue; } transfer_selected(tx.dsts, tx.selected_transfers, fake_outs_count, outs, unlock_time, needed_fee, extra, detail::digit_split_strategy, tx_dust_policy(::config::DEFAULT_DUST_THRESHOLD), test_tx, test_ptx); txBlob = t_serializable_object_to_blob(test_ptx.tx); needed_fee = tx_version == 2 ? 0 : calculate_fee(use_per_byte_fee, test_ptx.tx, txBlob.size(), base_fee, fee_multiplier, fee_quantization_mask); LOG_PRINT_L2("Made an attempt at a final " << get_weight_string(test_ptx.tx, txBlob.size()) << " tx, with " << print_etn(test_ptx.fee) << " fee and " << print_etn(test_ptx.change_dts.amount) << " change"); } while (needed_fee > test_ptx.fee); LOG_PRINT_L2("Made a final " << get_weight_string(test_ptx.tx, txBlob.size()) << " tx, with " << print_etn(test_ptx.fee) << " fee and " << print_etn(test_ptx.change_dts.amount) << " change"); tx.tx = test_tx; tx.ptx = test_ptx; tx.weight = get_transaction_weight(test_tx, txBlob.size()); tx.outs = outs; tx.needed_fee = test_ptx.fee; accumulated_fee += test_ptx.fee; accumulated_change += test_ptx.change_dts.amount; if (!unused_transfers_indices.empty() || !unused_dust_indices.empty()) { LOG_PRINT_L2("We have more to pay, starting another tx"); txes.push_back(TX()); } } } LOG_PRINT_L1("Done creating " << txes.size() << " transactions, " << print_etn(accumulated_fee) << " total fee, " << print_etn(accumulated_change) << " total change"); hwdev.set_mode(hw::device::TRANSACTION_CREATE_REAL); for (std::vector::iterator i = txes.begin(); i != txes.end(); ++i) { TX &tx = *i; cryptonote::transaction test_tx; test_tx.version = tx_version; pending_tx test_ptx; transfer_selected(tx.dsts, tx.selected_transfers, fake_outs_count, tx.outs, unlock_time, tx.needed_fee, extra, detail::digit_split_strategy, tx_dust_policy(::config::DEFAULT_DUST_THRESHOLD), test_tx, test_ptx); auto txBlob = t_serializable_object_to_blob(test_ptx.tx); tx.tx = test_tx; tx.ptx = test_ptx; tx.weight = get_transaction_weight(test_tx, txBlob.size()); } std::vector ptx_vector; for (std::vector::iterator i = txes.begin(); i != txes.end(); ++i) { TX &tx = *i; uint64_t tx_etn = 0; for (size_t idx: tx.selected_transfers) tx_etn += m_transfers[idx].amount(); LOG_PRINT_L1(" Transaction " << (1+std::distance(txes.begin(), i)) << "/" << txes.size() << " " << get_transaction_hash(tx.ptx.tx) << ": " << get_weight_string(tx.weight) << ", sending " << print_etn(tx_etn) << " in " << tx.selected_transfers.size() << " outputs to " << tx.dsts.size() << " destination(s), including " << print_etn(tx.ptx.fee) << " fee, " << print_etn(tx.ptx.change_dts.amount) << " change"); ptx_vector.push_back(tx.ptx); } uint64_t a = 0; for (const TX &tx: txes) { for (size_t idx: tx.selected_transfers) { a += m_transfers[idx].amount(); } a -= tx.ptx.fee; } std::vector synthetic_dsts(1, cryptonote::tx_destination_entry("", a, address, is_subaddress)); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!sanity_check(ptx_vector, synthetic_dsts), error::wallet_internal_error, "Created transaction(s) failed sanity check"); // if we made it this far, we're OK to actually send the transactions return ptx_vector; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::cold_tx_aux_import(const std::vector & ptx, const std::vector & tx_device_aux) { CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(ptx.size() == tx_device_aux.size(), "TX aux has invalid size"); for (size_t i = 0; i < ptx.size(); ++i){ crypto::hash txid; txid = get_transaction_hash(ptx[i].tx); set_tx_device_aux(txid, tx_device_aux[i]); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::cold_sign_tx(const std::vector& ptx_vector, signed_tx_set &exported_txs, std::vector &dsts_info, std::vector & tx_device_aux) { auto & hwdev = get_account().get_device(); if (!hwdev.has_tx_cold_sign()){ throw std::invalid_argument("Device does not support cold sign protocol"); } unsigned_tx_set txs; for (auto &tx: ptx_vector) { txs.txes.push_back(get_construction_data_with_decrypted_short_payment_id(tx, m_account.get_device())); } txs.transfers = std::make_pair(0, m_transfers); auto dev_cold = dynamic_cast<::hw::device_cold*>(&hwdev); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(dev_cold, "Device does not implement cold signing interface"); hw::tx_aux_data aux_data; hw::wallet_shim wallet_shim; setup_shim(&wallet_shim, this); aux_data.tx_recipients = dsts_info; aux_data.bp_version = use_fork_rules(HF_VERSION_SMALLER_BP, -10) ? 2 : 1; dev_cold->tx_sign(&wallet_shim, txs, exported_txs, aux_data); tx_device_aux = aux_data.tx_device_aux; MDEBUG("Signed tx data from hw: " << exported_txs.ptx.size() << " transactions"); for (auto &c_ptx: exported_txs.ptx) LOG_PRINT_L0(cryptonote::obj_to_json_str(c_ptx.tx)); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- uint64_t wallet2::cold_key_image_sync(uint64_t &spent, uint64_t &unspent) { auto & hwdev = get_account().get_device(); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(hwdev.has_ki_cold_sync(), "Device does not support cold ki sync protocol"); auto dev_cold = dynamic_cast<::hw::device_cold*>(&hwdev); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(dev_cold, "Device does not implement cold signing interface"); std::vector> ski; hw::wallet_shim wallet_shim; setup_shim(&wallet_shim, this); dev_cold->ki_sync(&wallet_shim, m_transfers, ski); // Call COMMAND_RPC_IS_KEY_IMAGE_SPENT only if daemon is trusted. uint64_t import_res = import_key_images(ski, 0, spent, unspent, is_trusted_daemon()); m_device_last_key_image_sync = time(NULL); return import_res; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::get_hard_fork_info(uint8_t version, uint64_t &earliest_height) const { boost::optional result = m_node_rpc_proxy.get_earliest_height(version, earliest_height); throw_on_rpc_response_error(result, "get_hard_fork_info"); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::use_fork_rules(uint8_t version, int64_t early_blocks) const { // TODO: How to get fork rule info from light wallet node? if(m_light_wallet) return true; uint64_t height, earliest_height; boost::optional result = m_node_rpc_proxy.get_height(height); throw_on_rpc_response_error(result, "get_info"); result = m_node_rpc_proxy.get_earliest_height(version, earliest_height); throw_on_rpc_response_error(result, "get_hard_fork_info"); bool close_enough = (int64_t)height >= (int64_t)earliest_height - early_blocks && earliest_height != std::numeric_limits::max() && version <= CURRENT_HARDFORK_VERSION; // start using the rules that many blocks beforehand if (close_enough) LOG_PRINT_L2("Using v" << (unsigned)version << " rules"); else LOG_PRINT_L2("Not using v" << (unsigned)version << " rules"); return close_enough; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- uint64_t wallet2::get_upper_transaction_weight_limit() const { if (m_upper_transaction_weight_limit > 0) return m_upper_transaction_weight_limit; uint64_t full_reward_zone = use_fork_rules(10, 10) ? CRYPTONOTE_BLOCK_GRANTED_FULL_REWARD_ZONE_V10 : use_fork_rules(8, 10) ? CRYPTONOTE_BLOCK_GRANTED_FULL_REWARD_ZONE_V8 : use_fork_rules(5, 10) ? CRYPTONOTE_BLOCK_GRANTED_FULL_REWARD_ZONE_V5 : use_fork_rules(2, 10) ? CRYPTONOTE_BLOCK_GRANTED_FULL_REWARD_ZONE_V2 : CRYPTONOTE_BLOCK_GRANTED_FULL_REWARD_ZONE_V1; if (use_fork_rules(8, 10)) return full_reward_zone / 2 - CRYPTONOTE_COINBASE_BLOB_RESERVED_SIZE; else return full_reward_zone - CRYPTONOTE_COINBASE_BLOB_RESERVED_SIZE; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::vector wallet2::select_available_outputs(const std::function &f) const { std::vector outputs; size_t n = 0; for (transfer_container::const_iterator i = m_transfers.begin(); i != m_transfers.end(); ++i, ++n) { if (i->m_spent) continue; if (i->m_frozen) continue; if (i->m_key_image_partial) continue; if (!is_transfer_unlocked(*i)) continue; if (f(*i)) outputs.push_back(n); } return outputs; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::vector wallet2::get_unspent_amounts_vector() const { std::set set; for (const auto &td: m_transfers) { if (!td.m_spent && !td.m_frozen) set.insert(td.is_rct() ? 0 : td.amount()); } std::vector vector; vector.reserve(set.size()); for (const auto &i: set) { vector.push_back(i); } return vector; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::vector wallet2::select_available_outputs_from_histogram(uint64_t count, bool atleast, bool unlocked, bool allow_rct) { cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_OUTPUT_HISTOGRAM::request req_t = AUTO_VAL_INIT(req_t); cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_OUTPUT_HISTOGRAM::response resp_t = AUTO_VAL_INIT(resp_t); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock(); if (is_trusted_daemon()) req_t.amounts = get_unspent_amounts_vector(); req_t.min_count = count; req_t.max_count = 0; req_t.unlocked = unlocked; req_t.recent_cutoff = 0; bool r = invoke_http_json_rpc("/json_rpc", "get_output_histogram", req_t, resp_t, rpc_timeout); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock(); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "select_available_outputs_from_histogram"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(resp_t.status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_BUSY, error::daemon_busy, "get_output_histogram"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(resp_t.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK, error::get_histogram_error, resp_t.status); std::set mixable; for (const auto &i: resp_t.histogram) { mixable.insert(i.amount); } return select_available_outputs([mixable, atleast, allow_rct](const transfer_details &td) { if (!allow_rct && td.is_rct()) return false; const uint64_t amount = td.is_rct() ? 0 : td.amount(); if (atleast) { if (mixable.find(amount) != mixable.end()) return true; } else { if (mixable.find(amount) == mixable.end()) return true; } return false; }); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- uint64_t wallet2::get_num_rct_outputs() { cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_OUTPUT_HISTOGRAM::request req_t = AUTO_VAL_INIT(req_t); cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_OUTPUT_HISTOGRAM::response resp_t = AUTO_VAL_INIT(resp_t); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock(); req_t.amounts.push_back(0); req_t.min_count = 0; req_t.max_count = 0; req_t.unlocked = true; req_t.recent_cutoff = 0; bool r = invoke_http_json_rpc("/json_rpc", "get_output_histogram", req_t, resp_t, rpc_timeout); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock(); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "get_num_rct_outputs"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(resp_t.status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_BUSY, error::daemon_busy, "get_output_histogram"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(resp_t.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK, error::get_histogram_error, resp_t.status); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(resp_t.histogram.size() != 1, error::get_histogram_error, "Expected exactly one response"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(resp_t.histogram[0].amount != 0, error::get_histogram_error, "Expected 0 amount"); return resp_t.histogram[0].total_instances; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const wallet2::transfer_details &wallet2::get_transfer_details(size_t idx) const { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(idx >= m_transfers.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Bad transfer index"); return m_transfers[idx]; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::vector wallet2::select_available_unmixable_outputs() { // request all outputs with less instances than the min ring size return select_available_outputs_from_histogram(get_min_ring_size(), false, true, false); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::vector wallet2::select_available_mixable_outputs() { // request all outputs with at least as many instances as the min ring size return select_available_outputs_from_histogram(get_min_ring_size(), true, true, true); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::vector wallet2::create_unmixable_sweep_transactions() { // From hard fork 1, we don't consider small amounts to be dust anymore const bool hf1_rules = use_fork_rules(2, 10); // first hard fork has version 2 tx_dust_policy dust_policy(hf1_rules ? 0 : ::config::DEFAULT_DUST_THRESHOLD); uint8_t tx_version = this->public_transactions_required() ? 3 : 1; const uint64_t base_fee = get_base_fee(); // may throw std::vector unmixable_outputs = select_available_unmixable_outputs(); size_t num_dust_outputs = unmixable_outputs.size(); if (num_dust_outputs == 0) { return std::vector(); } // split in "dust" and "non dust" to make it easier to select outputs std::vector unmixable_transfer_outputs, unmixable_dust_outputs; for (auto n: unmixable_outputs) { if (m_transfers[n].amount() < base_fee) unmixable_dust_outputs.push_back(n); else unmixable_transfer_outputs.push_back(n); } return create_transactions_from(m_account_public_address, false, 1, unmixable_transfer_outputs, unmixable_dust_outputs, 0 /*fake_outs_count */, 0 /* unlock_time */, 1 /*priority */, std::vector(), tx_version); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::discard_unmixable_outputs() { // may throw std::vector unmixable_outputs = select_available_unmixable_outputs(); for (size_t idx : unmixable_outputs) { freeze(idx); } } bool wallet2::get_tx_key_cached(const crypto::hash &txid, crypto::secret_key &tx_key, std::vector &additional_tx_keys) const { additional_tx_keys.clear(); const std::unordered_map::const_iterator i = m_tx_keys.find(txid); if (i == m_tx_keys.end()) return false; tx_key = i->second; const auto j = m_additional_tx_keys.find(txid); if (j != m_additional_tx_keys.end()) additional_tx_keys = j->second; return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::get_tx_key(const crypto::hash &txid, crypto::secret_key &tx_key, std::vector &additional_tx_keys) { bool r = get_tx_key_cached(txid, tx_key, additional_tx_keys); if (r) { return true; } auto & hwdev = get_account().get_device(); // So far only Cold protocol devices are supported. if (hwdev.device_protocol() != hw::device::PROTOCOL_COLD) { return false; } const auto tx_data_it = m_tx_device.find(txid); if (tx_data_it == m_tx_device.end()) { MDEBUG("Aux data not found for txid: " << txid); return false; } auto dev_cold = dynamic_cast<::hw::device_cold*>(&hwdev); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(dev_cold, "Device does not implement cold signing interface"); if (!dev_cold->is_get_tx_key_supported()) { MDEBUG("get_tx_key not supported by the device"); return false; } hw::device_cold::tx_key_data_t tx_key_data; dev_cold->load_tx_key_data(tx_key_data, tx_data_it->second); // Load missing tx prefix hash if (tx_key_data.tx_prefix_hash.empty()) { COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::request req; COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::response res; req.txs_hashes.push_back(epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(txid)); req.decode_as_json = false; req.prune = true; m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock(); bool ok = invoke_http_json("/gettransactions", req, res, rpc_timeout); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock(); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!ok || (res.txs.size() != 1 && res.txs_as_hex.size() != 1), error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to get transaction from daemon"); cryptonote::transaction tx; crypto::hash tx_hash{}; cryptonote::blobdata tx_data; crypto::hash tx_prefix_hash{}; ok = string_tools::parse_hexstr_to_binbuff(res.txs_as_hex.front(), tx_data); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!ok, error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to parse transaction from daemon"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!cryptonote::parse_and_validate_tx_from_blob(tx_data, tx, tx_hash, tx_prefix_hash), error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to validate transaction from daemon"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(tx_hash != txid, error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to get the right transaction from daemon"); tx_key_data.tx_prefix_hash = std::string(tx_prefix_hash.data, 32); } std::vector tx_keys; dev_cold->get_tx_key(tx_keys, tx_key_data, m_account.get_keys().m_view_secret_key); if (tx_keys.empty()) { return false; } tx_key = tx_keys[0]; tx_keys.erase(tx_keys.begin()); additional_tx_keys = tx_keys; return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::set_tx_key(const crypto::hash &txid, const crypto::secret_key &tx_key, const std::vector &additional_tx_keys) { // fetch tx from daemon and check if secret keys agree with corresponding public keys COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::request req = AUTO_VAL_INIT(req); req.txs_hashes.push_back(epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(txid)); req.decode_as_json = false; req.prune = true; COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::response res = AUTO_VAL_INIT(res); bool r; { const boost::lock_guard lock{m_daemon_rpc_mutex}; r = invoke_http_json("/gettransactions", req, res, rpc_timeout); } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "gettransactions"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(res.status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_BUSY, error::daemon_busy, "gettransactions"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK, error::wallet_internal_error, "gettransactions"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(res.txs.size() != 1, error::wallet_internal_error, "daemon returned wrong response for gettransactions, wrong txs count = " + std::to_string(res.txs.size()) + ", expected 1"); cryptonote::transaction tx; crypto::hash tx_hash; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!get_pruned_tx(res.txs[0], tx, tx_hash), error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to get transaction from daemon"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(tx_hash != txid, error::wallet_internal_error, "txid mismatch"); std::vector tx_extra_fields; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!parse_tx_extra(tx.extra, tx_extra_fields), error::wallet_internal_error, "Transaction extra has unsupported format"); tx_extra_pub_key pub_key_field; bool found = false; size_t index = 0; while (find_tx_extra_field_by_type(tx_extra_fields, pub_key_field, index++)) { crypto::public_key calculated_pub_key; crypto::secret_key_to_public_key(tx_key, calculated_pub_key); if (calculated_pub_key == pub_key_field.pub_key) { found = true; break; } } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!found, error::wallet_internal_error, "Given tx secret key doesn't agree with the tx public key in the blockchain"); tx_extra_additional_pub_keys additional_tx_pub_keys; find_tx_extra_field_by_type(tx_extra_fields, additional_tx_pub_keys); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(additional_tx_keys.size() != additional_tx_pub_keys.data.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "The number of additional tx secret keys doesn't agree with the number of additional tx public keys in the blockchain" ); m_tx_keys.insert(std::make_pair(txid, tx_key)); m_additional_tx_keys.insert(std::make_pair(txid, additional_tx_keys)); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string wallet2::get_spend_proof(const crypto::hash &txid, const std::string &message) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(m_watch_only, error::wallet_internal_error, "get_spend_proof requires spend secret key and is not available for a watch-only wallet"); // fetch tx from daemon COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::request req = AUTO_VAL_INIT(req); req.txs_hashes.push_back(epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(txid)); req.decode_as_json = false; req.prune = true; COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::response res = AUTO_VAL_INIT(res); bool r; { const boost::lock_guard lock{m_daemon_rpc_mutex}; r = invoke_http_json("/gettransactions", req, res, rpc_timeout); } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "gettransactions"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(res.status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_BUSY, error::daemon_busy, "gettransactions"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK, error::wallet_internal_error, "gettransactions"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(res.txs.size() != 1, error::wallet_internal_error, "daemon returned wrong response for gettransactions, wrong txs count = " + std::to_string(res.txs.size()) + ", expected 1"); cryptonote::transaction tx; crypto::hash tx_hash; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!get_pruned_tx(res.txs[0], tx, tx_hash), error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to get tx from daemon"); std::vector> signatures; // get signature prefix hash std::string sig_prefix_data((const char*)&txid, sizeof(crypto::hash)); sig_prefix_data += message; crypto::hash sig_prefix_hash; crypto::cn_fast_hash(sig_prefix_data.data(), sig_prefix_data.size(), sig_prefix_hash); for(size_t i = 0; i < tx.vin.size(); ++i) { const txin_to_key* const in_key = boost::get(std::addressof(tx.vin[i])); if (in_key == nullptr) continue; // check if the key image belongs to us const auto found = m_key_images.find(in_key->k_image); if(found == m_key_images.end()) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(i > 0, error::wallet_internal_error, "subset of key images belong to us, very weird!"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(true, error::wallet_internal_error, "This tx wasn't generated by this wallet!"); } // derive the real output keypair const transfer_details& in_td = m_transfers[found->second]; const txout_to_key* const in_tx_out_pkey = boost::get(std::addressof(in_td.m_tx.vout[in_td.m_internal_output_index].target)); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(in_tx_out_pkey == nullptr, error::wallet_internal_error, "Output is not txout_to_key"); const crypto::public_key in_tx_pub_key = get_tx_pub_key_from_extra(in_td.m_tx, in_td.m_pk_index); const std::vector in_additionakl_tx_pub_keys = get_additional_tx_pub_keys_from_extra(in_td.m_tx); keypair in_ephemeral; crypto::key_image in_img; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!generate_key_image_helper(m_account.get_keys(), m_subaddresses, in_tx_out_pkey->key, in_tx_pub_key, in_additionakl_tx_pub_keys, in_td.m_internal_output_index, in_ephemeral, in_img, m_account.get_device(), m_account_major_offset), error::wallet_internal_error, "failed to generate key image"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(in_key->k_image != in_img, error::wallet_internal_error, "key image mismatch"); // get output pubkeys in the ring const std::vector absolute_offsets = cryptonote::relative_output_offsets_to_absolute(in_key->key_offsets); const size_t ring_size = in_key->key_offsets.size(); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(absolute_offsets.size() != ring_size, error::wallet_internal_error, "absolute offsets size is wrong"); COMMAND_RPC_GET_OUTPUTS_BIN::request req = AUTO_VAL_INIT(req); req.outputs.resize(ring_size); for (size_t j = 0; j < ring_size; ++j) { req.outputs[j].amount = in_key->amount; req.outputs[j].index = absolute_offsets[j]; } COMMAND_RPC_GET_OUTPUTS_BIN::response res = AUTO_VAL_INIT(res); bool r; { const boost::lock_guard lock{m_daemon_rpc_mutex}; r = invoke_http_bin("/get_outs.bin", req, res, rpc_timeout); } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "get_outs.bin"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(res.status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_BUSY, error::daemon_busy, "get_outs.bin"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK, error::wallet_internal_error, "get_outs.bin"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(res.outs.size() != ring_size, error::wallet_internal_error, "daemon returned wrong response for get_outs.bin, wrong amounts count = " + std::to_string(res.outs.size()) + ", expected " + std::to_string(ring_size)); // copy pubkey pointers std::vector p_output_keys; for (const COMMAND_RPC_GET_OUTPUTS_BIN::outkey &out : res.outs) p_output_keys.push_back(&out.key); // figure out real output index and secret key size_t sec_index = -1; for (size_t j = 0; j < ring_size; ++j) { if (res.outs[j].key == in_ephemeral.pub) { sec_index = j; break; } } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(sec_index >= ring_size, error::wallet_internal_error, "secret index not found"); // generate ring sig for this input signatures.push_back(std::vector()); std::vector& sigs = signatures.back(); sigs.resize(in_key->key_offsets.size()); crypto::generate_ring_signature(sig_prefix_hash, in_key->k_image, p_output_keys, in_ephemeral.sec, sec_index, sigs.data()); } std::string sig_str = "SpendProofV1"; for (const std::vector& ring_sig : signatures) for (const crypto::signature& sig : ring_sig) sig_str += tools::base58::encode(std::string((const char *)&sig, sizeof(crypto::signature))); return sig_str; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::check_spend_proof(const crypto::hash &txid, const std::string &message, const std::string &sig_str) { const std::string header = "SpendProofV1"; const size_t header_len = header.size(); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(sig_str.size() < header_len || sig_str.substr(0, header_len) != header, error::wallet_internal_error, "Signature header check error"); // fetch tx from daemon COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::request req = AUTO_VAL_INIT(req); req.txs_hashes.push_back(epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(txid)); req.decode_as_json = false; req.prune = true; COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::response res = AUTO_VAL_INIT(res); bool r; { const boost::lock_guard lock{m_daemon_rpc_mutex}; r = invoke_http_json("/gettransactions", req, res, rpc_timeout); } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "gettransactions"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(res.status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_BUSY, error::daemon_busy, "gettransactions"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK, error::wallet_internal_error, "gettransactions"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(res.txs.size() != 1, error::wallet_internal_error, "daemon returned wrong response for gettransactions, wrong txs count = " + std::to_string(res.txs.size()) + ", expected 1"); cryptonote::transaction tx; crypto::hash tx_hash; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!get_pruned_tx(res.txs[0], tx, tx_hash), error::wallet_internal_error, "failed to get tx from daemon"); // check signature size size_t num_sigs = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < tx.vin.size(); ++i) { const txin_to_key* const in_key = boost::get(std::addressof(tx.vin[i])); if (in_key != nullptr) num_sigs += in_key->key_offsets.size(); } std::vector> signatures = { std::vector(1) }; const size_t sig_len = tools::base58::encode(std::string((const char *)&signatures[0][0], sizeof(crypto::signature))).size(); if( sig_str.size() != header_len + num_sigs * sig_len ) { return false; } // decode base58 signatures.clear(); size_t offset = header_len; for(size_t i = 0; i < tx.vin.size(); ++i) { const txin_to_key* const in_key = boost::get(std::addressof(tx.vin[i])); if (in_key == nullptr) continue; signatures.resize(signatures.size() + 1); signatures.back().resize(in_key->key_offsets.size()); for (size_t j = 0; j < in_key->key_offsets.size(); ++j) { std::string sig_decoded; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!tools::base58::decode(sig_str.substr(offset, sig_len), sig_decoded), error::wallet_internal_error, "Signature decoding error"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(sizeof(crypto::signature) != sig_decoded.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Signature decoding error"); memcpy(&signatures.back()[j], sig_decoded.data(), sizeof(crypto::signature)); offset += sig_len; } } // get signature prefix hash std::string sig_prefix_data((const char*)&txid, sizeof(crypto::hash)); sig_prefix_data += message; crypto::hash sig_prefix_hash; crypto::cn_fast_hash(sig_prefix_data.data(), sig_prefix_data.size(), sig_prefix_hash); std::vector>::const_iterator sig_iter = signatures.cbegin(); for(size_t i = 0; i < tx.vin.size(); ++i) { const txin_to_key* const in_key = boost::get(std::addressof(tx.vin[i])); if (in_key == nullptr) continue; // get output pubkeys in the ring COMMAND_RPC_GET_OUTPUTS_BIN::request req = AUTO_VAL_INIT(req); const std::vector absolute_offsets = cryptonote::relative_output_offsets_to_absolute(in_key->key_offsets); req.outputs.resize(absolute_offsets.size()); for (size_t j = 0; j < absolute_offsets.size(); ++j) { req.outputs[j].amount = in_key->amount; req.outputs[j].index = absolute_offsets[j]; } COMMAND_RPC_GET_OUTPUTS_BIN::response res = AUTO_VAL_INIT(res); bool r; { const boost::lock_guard lock{m_daemon_rpc_mutex}; r = invoke_http_bin("/get_outs.bin", req, res, rpc_timeout); } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "get_outs.bin"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(res.status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_BUSY, error::daemon_busy, "get_outs.bin"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK, error::wallet_internal_error, "get_outs.bin"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(res.outs.size() != req.outputs.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "daemon returned wrong response for get_outs.bin, wrong amounts count = " + std::to_string(res.outs.size()) + ", expected " + std::to_string(req.outputs.size())); // copy pointers std::vector p_output_keys; for (const COMMAND_RPC_GET_OUTPUTS_BIN::outkey &out : res.outs) p_output_keys.push_back(&out.key); // check this ring if (!crypto::check_ring_signature(sig_prefix_hash, in_key->k_image, p_output_keys, sig_iter->data())) return false; ++sig_iter; } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(sig_iter != signatures.cend(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Signature iterator didn't reach the end"); return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::check_tx_key(const crypto::hash &txid, const crypto::secret_key &tx_key, const std::vector &additional_tx_keys, const cryptonote::account_public_address &address, uint64_t &received, bool &in_pool, uint64_t &confirmations) { crypto::key_derivation derivation; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!crypto::generate_key_derivation(address.m_view_public_key, tx_key, derivation), error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to generate key derivation from supplied parameters"); std::vector additional_derivations; additional_derivations.resize(additional_tx_keys.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < additional_tx_keys.size(); ++i) THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!crypto::generate_key_derivation(address.m_view_public_key, additional_tx_keys[i], additional_derivations[i]), error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to generate key derivation from supplied parameters"); check_tx_key_helper(txid, derivation, additional_derivations, address, received, in_pool, confirmations); } void wallet2::check_tx_key_helper(const cryptonote::transaction &tx, const crypto::key_derivation &derivation, const std::vector &additional_derivations, const cryptonote::account_public_address &address, uint64_t &received) const { received = 0; for (size_t n = 0; n < tx.vout.size(); ++n) { const cryptonote::txout_to_key* const out_key = boost::get(std::addressof(tx.vout[n].target)); if (!out_key) continue; crypto::public_key derived_out_key; bool r = crypto::derive_public_key(derivation, n, address.m_spend_public_key, derived_out_key); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to derive public key"); bool found = out_key->key == derived_out_key; crypto::key_derivation found_derivation = derivation; if (!found && !additional_derivations.empty()) { r = crypto::derive_public_key(additional_derivations[n], n, address.m_spend_public_key, derived_out_key); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to derive public key"); found = out_key->key == derived_out_key; found_derivation = additional_derivations[n]; } if (found) { uint64_t amount; amount = tx.vout[n].amount; received += amount; } } } void wallet2::check_tx_key_helper(const crypto::hash &txid, const crypto::key_derivation &derivation, const std::vector &additional_derivations, const cryptonote::account_public_address &address, uint64_t &received, bool &in_pool, uint64_t &confirmations) { COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::request req; COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::response res; req.txs_hashes.push_back(epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(txid)); req.decode_as_json = false; req.prune = true; m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock(); bool ok = invoke_http_json("/gettransactions", req, res, rpc_timeout); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock(); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!ok || (res.txs.size() != 1 && res.txs_as_hex.size() != 1), error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to get transaction from daemon"); cryptonote::transaction tx; crypto::hash tx_hash; if (res.txs.size() == 1) { ok = get_pruned_tx(res.txs.front(), tx, tx_hash); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!ok, error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to parse transaction from daemon"); } else { cryptonote::blobdata tx_data; ok = string_tools::parse_hexstr_to_binbuff(res.txs_as_hex.front(), tx_data); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!ok, error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to parse transaction from daemon"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!cryptonote::parse_and_validate_tx_from_blob(tx_data, tx), error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to validate transaction from daemon"); tx_hash = cryptonote::get_transaction_hash(tx); } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(tx_hash != txid, error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to get the right transaction from daemon"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!additional_derivations.empty() && additional_derivations.size() != tx.vout.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "The size of additional derivations is wrong"); check_tx_key_helper(tx, derivation, additional_derivations, address, received); in_pool = res.txs.front().in_pool; confirmations = 0; if (!in_pool) { std::string err; uint64_t bc_height = get_daemon_blockchain_height(err); if (err.empty()) confirmations = bc_height - res.txs.front().block_height; } } std::string wallet2::get_tx_proof(const crypto::hash &txid, const cryptonote::account_public_address &address, bool is_subaddress, const std::string &message) { // fetch tx pubkey from the daemon COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::request req; COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::response res; req.txs_hashes.push_back(epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(txid)); req.decode_as_json = false; req.prune = true; m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock(); bool ok = invoke_http_json("/gettransactions", req, res, rpc_timeout); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock(); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!ok || (res.txs.size() != 1 && res.txs_as_hex.size() != 1), error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to get transaction from daemon"); cryptonote::transaction tx; crypto::hash tx_hash; if (res.txs.size() == 1) { ok = get_pruned_tx(res.txs.front(), tx, tx_hash); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!ok, error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to parse transaction from daemon"); } else { cryptonote::blobdata tx_data; ok = string_tools::parse_hexstr_to_binbuff(res.txs_as_hex.front(), tx_data); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!ok, error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to parse transaction from daemon"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!cryptonote::parse_and_validate_tx_from_blob(tx_data, tx), error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to validate transaction from daemon"); tx_hash = cryptonote::get_transaction_hash(tx); } CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(tx.version == 1, "Tx proofs are for v1 transactions only"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(tx_hash != txid, error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to get the right transaction from daemon"); // determine if the address is found in the subaddress hash table (i.e. whether the proof is outbound or inbound) crypto::secret_key tx_key = crypto::null_skey; std::vector additional_tx_keys; const bool is_out = m_subaddresses.count(address.m_spend_public_key) == 0; if (is_out) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!get_tx_key(txid, tx_key, additional_tx_keys), error::wallet_internal_error, "Tx secret key wasn't found in the wallet file."); } return get_tx_proof(tx, tx_key, additional_tx_keys, address, is_subaddress, message); } std::string wallet2::get_tx_proof(const cryptonote::transaction &tx, const crypto::secret_key &tx_key, const std::vector &additional_tx_keys, const cryptonote::account_public_address &address, bool is_subaddress, const std::string &message) const { hw::device &hwdev = m_account.get_device(); rct::key aP; // determine if the address is found in the subaddress hash table (i.e. whether the proof is outbound or inbound) const bool is_out = m_subaddresses.count(address.m_spend_public_key) == 0; const crypto::hash txid = cryptonote::get_transaction_hash(tx); std::string prefix_data((const char*)&txid, sizeof(crypto::hash)); prefix_data += message; crypto::hash prefix_hash; crypto::cn_fast_hash(prefix_data.data(), prefix_data.size(), prefix_hash); std::vector shared_secret; std::vector sig; std::string sig_str; if (is_out) { const size_t num_sigs = 1 + additional_tx_keys.size(); shared_secret.resize(num_sigs); sig.resize(num_sigs); hwdev.scalarmultKey(aP, rct::pk2rct(address.m_view_public_key), rct::sk2rct(tx_key)); shared_secret[0] = rct::rct2pk(aP); crypto::public_key tx_pub_key; if (is_subaddress) { hwdev.scalarmultKey(aP, rct::pk2rct(address.m_spend_public_key), rct::sk2rct(tx_key)); tx_pub_key = rct2pk(aP); hwdev.generate_tx_proof(prefix_hash, tx_pub_key, address.m_view_public_key, address.m_spend_public_key, shared_secret[0], tx_key, sig[0]); } else { hwdev.secret_key_to_public_key(tx_key, tx_pub_key); hwdev.generate_tx_proof(prefix_hash, tx_pub_key, address.m_view_public_key, boost::none, shared_secret[0], tx_key, sig[0]); } for (size_t i = 1; i < num_sigs; ++i) { hwdev.scalarmultKey(aP, rct::pk2rct(address.m_view_public_key), rct::sk2rct(additional_tx_keys[i - 1])); shared_secret[i] = rct::rct2pk(aP); if (is_subaddress) { hwdev.scalarmultKey(aP, rct::pk2rct(address.m_spend_public_key), rct::sk2rct(additional_tx_keys[i - 1])); tx_pub_key = rct2pk(aP); hwdev.generate_tx_proof(prefix_hash, tx_pub_key, address.m_view_public_key, address.m_spend_public_key, shared_secret[i], additional_tx_keys[i - 1], sig[i]); } else { hwdev.secret_key_to_public_key(additional_tx_keys[i - 1], tx_pub_key); hwdev.generate_tx_proof(prefix_hash, tx_pub_key, address.m_view_public_key, boost::none, shared_secret[i], additional_tx_keys[i - 1], sig[i]); } } sig_str = std::string("OutProofV1"); } else { crypto::public_key tx_pub_key = get_tx_pub_key_from_extra(tx); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(tx_pub_key == null_pkey, error::wallet_internal_error, "Tx pubkey was not found"); std::vector additional_tx_pub_keys = get_additional_tx_pub_keys_from_extra(tx); const size_t num_sigs = 1 + additional_tx_pub_keys.size(); shared_secret.resize(num_sigs); sig.resize(num_sigs); const crypto::secret_key& a = m_account.get_keys().m_view_secret_key; hwdev.scalarmultKey(aP, rct::pk2rct(tx_pub_key), rct::sk2rct(a)); shared_secret[0] = rct2pk(aP); if (is_subaddress) { hwdev.generate_tx_proof(prefix_hash, address.m_view_public_key, tx_pub_key, address.m_spend_public_key, shared_secret[0], a, sig[0]); } else { hwdev.generate_tx_proof(prefix_hash, address.m_view_public_key, tx_pub_key, boost::none, shared_secret[0], a, sig[0]); } for (size_t i = 1; i < num_sigs; ++i) { hwdev.scalarmultKey(aP,rct::pk2rct(additional_tx_pub_keys[i - 1]), rct::sk2rct(a)); shared_secret[i] = rct2pk(aP); if (is_subaddress) { hwdev.generate_tx_proof(prefix_hash, address.m_view_public_key, additional_tx_pub_keys[i - 1], address.m_spend_public_key, shared_secret[i], a, sig[i]); } else { hwdev.generate_tx_proof(prefix_hash, address.m_view_public_key, additional_tx_pub_keys[i - 1], boost::none, shared_secret[i], a, sig[i]); } } sig_str = std::string("InProofV1"); } const size_t num_sigs = shared_secret.size(); // check if this address actually received any funds crypto::key_derivation derivation; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!crypto::generate_key_derivation(shared_secret[0], rct::rct2sk(rct::I), derivation), error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to generate key derivation"); std::vector additional_derivations(num_sigs - 1); for (size_t i = 1; i < num_sigs; ++i) THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!crypto::generate_key_derivation(shared_secret[i], rct::rct2sk(rct::I), additional_derivations[i - 1]), error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to generate key derivation"); uint64_t received; check_tx_key_helper(tx, derivation, additional_derivations, address, received); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!received, error::wallet_internal_error, tr("No funds received in this tx.")); // concatenate all signature strings for (size_t i = 0; i < num_sigs; ++i) sig_str += tools::base58::encode(std::string((const char *)&shared_secret[i], sizeof(crypto::public_key))) + tools::base58::encode(std::string((const char *)&sig[i], sizeof(crypto::signature))); return sig_str; } bool wallet2::check_tx_proof(const crypto::hash &txid, const cryptonote::account_public_address &address, bool is_subaddress, const std::string &message, const std::string &sig_str, uint64_t &received, bool &in_pool, uint64_t &confirmations) { // fetch tx pubkey from the daemon COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::request req; COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::response res; req.txs_hashes.push_back(epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(txid)); req.decode_as_json = false; req.prune = true; m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock(); bool ok = invoke_http_json("/gettransactions", req, res, rpc_timeout); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock(); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!ok || (res.txs.size() != 1 && res.txs_as_hex.size() != 1), error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to get transaction from daemon"); cryptonote::transaction tx; crypto::hash tx_hash; if (res.txs.size() == 1) { ok = get_pruned_tx(res.txs.front(), tx, tx_hash); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!ok, error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to parse transaction from daemon"); } else { cryptonote::blobdata tx_data; ok = string_tools::parse_hexstr_to_binbuff(res.txs_as_hex.front(), tx_data); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!ok, error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to parse transaction from daemon"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!cryptonote::parse_and_validate_tx_from_blob(tx_data, tx), error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to validate transaction from daemon"); tx_hash = cryptonote::get_transaction_hash(tx); } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(tx_hash != txid, error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to get the right transaction from daemon"); if (!check_tx_proof(tx, address, is_subaddress, message, sig_str, received)) return false; in_pool = res.txs.front().in_pool; confirmations = 0; if (!in_pool) { std::string err; uint64_t bc_height = get_daemon_blockchain_height(err); if (err.empty()) confirmations = bc_height - res.txs.front().block_height; } return true; } bool wallet2::check_tx_proof(const cryptonote::transaction &tx, const cryptonote::account_public_address &address, bool is_subaddress, const std::string &message, const std::string &sig_str, uint64_t &received) const { CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(tx.version == 1, "Tx proofs are for v1 transactions only"); const bool is_out = sig_str.substr(0, 3) == "Out"; const std::string header = is_out ? "OutProofV1" : "InProofV1"; const size_t header_len = header.size(); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(sig_str.size() < header_len || sig_str.substr(0, header_len) != header, error::wallet_internal_error, "Signature header check error"); // decode base58 std::vector shared_secret(1); std::vector sig(1); const size_t pk_len = tools::base58::encode(std::string((const char *)&shared_secret[0], sizeof(crypto::public_key))).size(); const size_t sig_len = tools::base58::encode(std::string((const char *)&sig[0], sizeof(crypto::signature))).size(); const size_t num_sigs = (sig_str.size() - header_len) / (pk_len + sig_len); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(sig_str.size() != header_len + num_sigs * (pk_len + sig_len), error::wallet_internal_error, "Wrong signature size"); shared_secret.resize(num_sigs); sig.resize(num_sigs); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_sigs; ++i) { std::string pk_decoded; std::string sig_decoded; const size_t offset = header_len + i * (pk_len + sig_len); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!tools::base58::decode(sig_str.substr(offset, pk_len), pk_decoded), error::wallet_internal_error, "Signature decoding error"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!tools::base58::decode(sig_str.substr(offset + pk_len, sig_len), sig_decoded), error::wallet_internal_error, "Signature decoding error"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(sizeof(crypto::public_key) != pk_decoded.size() || sizeof(crypto::signature) != sig_decoded.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Signature decoding error"); memcpy(&shared_secret[i], pk_decoded.data(), sizeof(crypto::public_key)); memcpy(&sig[i], sig_decoded.data(), sizeof(crypto::signature)); } crypto::public_key tx_pub_key = get_tx_pub_key_from_extra(tx); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(tx_pub_key == null_pkey, error::wallet_internal_error, "Tx pubkey was not found"); std::vector additional_tx_pub_keys = get_additional_tx_pub_keys_from_extra(tx); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(additional_tx_pub_keys.size() + 1 != num_sigs, error::wallet_internal_error, "Signature size mismatch with additional tx pubkeys"); const crypto::hash txid = cryptonote::get_transaction_hash(tx); std::string prefix_data((const char*)&txid, sizeof(crypto::hash)); prefix_data += message; crypto::hash prefix_hash; crypto::cn_fast_hash(prefix_data.data(), prefix_data.size(), prefix_hash); // check signature std::vector good_signature(num_sigs, 0); if (is_out) { good_signature[0] = is_subaddress ? crypto::check_tx_proof(prefix_hash, tx_pub_key, address.m_view_public_key, address.m_spend_public_key, shared_secret[0], sig[0]) : crypto::check_tx_proof(prefix_hash, tx_pub_key, address.m_view_public_key, boost::none, shared_secret[0], sig[0]); for (size_t i = 0; i < additional_tx_pub_keys.size(); ++i) { good_signature[i + 1] = is_subaddress ? crypto::check_tx_proof(prefix_hash, additional_tx_pub_keys[i], address.m_view_public_key, address.m_spend_public_key, shared_secret[i + 1], sig[i + 1]) : crypto::check_tx_proof(prefix_hash, additional_tx_pub_keys[i], address.m_view_public_key, boost::none, shared_secret[i + 1], sig[i + 1]); } } else { good_signature[0] = is_subaddress ? crypto::check_tx_proof(prefix_hash, address.m_view_public_key, tx_pub_key, address.m_spend_public_key, shared_secret[0], sig[0]) : crypto::check_tx_proof(prefix_hash, address.m_view_public_key, tx_pub_key, boost::none, shared_secret[0], sig[0]); for (size_t i = 0; i < additional_tx_pub_keys.size(); ++i) { good_signature[i + 1] = is_subaddress ? crypto::check_tx_proof(prefix_hash, address.m_view_public_key, additional_tx_pub_keys[i], address.m_spend_public_key, shared_secret[i + 1], sig[i + 1]) : crypto::check_tx_proof(prefix_hash, address.m_view_public_key, additional_tx_pub_keys[i], boost::none, shared_secret[i + 1], sig[i + 1]); } } if (std::any_of(good_signature.begin(), good_signature.end(), [](int i) { return i > 0; })) { // obtain key derivation by multiplying scalar 1 to the shared secret crypto::key_derivation derivation; if (good_signature[0]) THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!crypto::generate_key_derivation(shared_secret[0], rct::rct2sk(rct::I), derivation), error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to generate key derivation"); std::vector additional_derivations(num_sigs - 1); for (size_t i = 1; i < num_sigs; ++i) if (good_signature[i]) THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!crypto::generate_key_derivation(shared_secret[i], rct::rct2sk(rct::I), additional_derivations[i - 1]), error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to generate key derivation"); check_tx_key_helper(tx, derivation, additional_derivations, address, received); return true; } return false; } std::string wallet2::get_reserve_proof(const boost::optional> &account_minreserve, const std::string &message) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(m_watch_only || m_multisig, error::wallet_internal_error, "Reserve proof can only be generated by a full wallet"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(balance_all(false) == 0, error::wallet_internal_error, "Zero balance"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(account_minreserve && balance(account_minreserve->first, false) < account_minreserve->second, error::wallet_internal_error, "Not enough balance in this account for the requested minimum reserve amount"); // determine which outputs to include in the proof std::vector selected_transfers; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_transfers.size(); ++i) { const transfer_details &td = m_transfers[i]; if (!td.m_spent && !td.m_frozen && (!account_minreserve || account_minreserve->first == td.m_subaddr_index.major)) selected_transfers.push_back(i); } if (account_minreserve) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(account_minreserve->second == 0, error::wallet_internal_error, "Proved amount must be greater than 0"); // minimize the number of outputs included in the proof, by only picking the N largest outputs that can cover the requested min reserve amount std::sort(selected_transfers.begin(), selected_transfers.end(), [&](const size_t a, const size_t b) { return m_transfers[a].amount() > m_transfers[b].amount(); }); while (selected_transfers.size() >= 2 && m_transfers[selected_transfers[1]].amount() >= account_minreserve->second) selected_transfers.erase(selected_transfers.begin()); size_t sz = 0; uint64_t total = 0; while (total < account_minreserve->second) { total += m_transfers[selected_transfers[sz]].amount(); ++sz; } selected_transfers.resize(sz); } // compute signature prefix hash std::string prefix_data = message; prefix_data.append((const char*)&m_account.get_keys().m_account_address, sizeof(cryptonote::account_public_address)); for (size_t i = 0; i < selected_transfers.size(); ++i) { prefix_data.append((const char*)&m_transfers[selected_transfers[i]].m_key_image, sizeof(crypto::key_image)); } crypto::hash prefix_hash; crypto::cn_fast_hash(prefix_data.data(), prefix_data.size(), prefix_hash); // generate proof entries std::vector proofs(selected_transfers.size()); std::unordered_set subaddr_indices = { {0,0} }; for (size_t i = 0; i < selected_transfers.size(); ++i) { transfer_details &td = m_transfers[selected_transfers[i]]; reserve_proof_entry& proof = proofs[i]; proof.txid = td.m_txid; proof.index_in_tx = td.m_internal_output_index; proof.key_image = td.m_key_image; cryptonote::subaddress_index index2 = {td.m_subaddr_index.major + (td.m_subaddr_index.major != 0 ? m_account_major_offset : 0), td.m_subaddr_index.minor}; td.m_subaddr_index = index2; subaddr_indices.insert(td.m_subaddr_index); // get tx pub key const crypto::public_key tx_pub_key = get_tx_pub_key_from_extra(td.m_tx, td.m_pk_index); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(tx_pub_key == crypto::null_pkey, error::wallet_internal_error, "The tx public key isn't found"); const std::vector additional_tx_pub_keys = get_additional_tx_pub_keys_from_extra(td.m_tx); // determine which tx pub key was used for deriving the output key const crypto::public_key *tx_pub_key_used = &tx_pub_key; for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { proof.shared_secret = rct::rct2pk(rct::scalarmultKey(rct::pk2rct(*tx_pub_key_used), rct::sk2rct(m_account.get_keys().m_view_secret_key))); crypto::key_derivation derivation; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!crypto::generate_key_derivation(proof.shared_secret, rct::rct2sk(rct::I), derivation), error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to generate key derivation"); crypto::public_key subaddress_spendkey; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!derive_subaddress_public_key(td.get_public_key(), derivation, proof.index_in_tx, subaddress_spendkey), error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to derive subaddress public key"); if (m_subaddresses.count(subaddress_spendkey) == 1) break; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(additional_tx_pub_keys.empty(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Normal tx pub key doesn't derive the expected output, while the additional tx pub keys are empty"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(i == 1, error::wallet_internal_error, "Neither normal tx pub key nor additional tx pub key derive the expected output key"); tx_pub_key_used = &additional_tx_pub_keys[proof.index_in_tx]; } // generate signature for shared secret crypto::generate_tx_proof(prefix_hash, m_account.get_keys().m_account_address.m_view_public_key, *tx_pub_key_used, boost::none, proof.shared_secret, m_account.get_keys().m_view_secret_key, proof.shared_secret_sig); // derive ephemeral secret key crypto::key_image ki; cryptonote::keypair ephemeral; const bool r = cryptonote::generate_key_image_helper(m_account.get_keys(), m_subaddresses, td.get_public_key(), tx_pub_key, additional_tx_pub_keys, td.m_internal_output_index, ephemeral, ki, m_account.get_device(), m_account_major_offset); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to generate key image"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(ephemeral.pub != td.get_public_key(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Derived public key doesn't agree with the stored one"); // generate signature for key image const std::vector pubs = { &ephemeral.pub }; crypto::generate_ring_signature(prefix_hash, td.m_key_image, &pubs[0], 1, ephemeral.sec, 0, &proof.key_image_sig); } // collect all subaddress spend keys that received those outputs and generate their signatures std::unordered_map subaddr_spendkeys; for (const cryptonote::subaddress_index &index : subaddr_indices) { crypto::secret_key subaddr_spend_skey = m_account.get_keys().m_spend_secret_key; if (!index.is_zero()) { crypto::secret_key m = m_account.get_device().get_subaddress_secret_key(m_account.get_keys().m_view_secret_key, index); crypto::secret_key tmp = subaddr_spend_skey; sc_add((unsigned char*)&subaddr_spend_skey, (unsigned char*)&m, (unsigned char*)&tmp); } crypto::public_key subaddr_spend_pkey; secret_key_to_public_key(subaddr_spend_skey, subaddr_spend_pkey); crypto::generate_signature(prefix_hash, subaddr_spend_pkey, subaddr_spend_skey, subaddr_spendkeys[subaddr_spend_pkey]); } // serialize & encode std::ostringstream oss; boost::archive::portable_binary_oarchive ar(oss); ar << proofs << subaddr_spendkeys; return "ReserveProofV1" + tools::base58::encode(oss.str()); } bool wallet2::check_reserve_proof(const cryptonote::account_public_address &address, const std::string &message, const std::string &sig_str, uint64_t &total, uint64_t &spent) { uint32_t rpc_version; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!check_connection(&rpc_version), error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to connect to daemon: " + get_daemon_address()); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(rpc_version < MAKE_CORE_RPC_VERSION(1, 0), error::wallet_internal_error, "Daemon RPC version is too old"); static constexpr char header[] = "ReserveProofV1"; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!boost::string_ref{sig_str}.starts_with(header), error::wallet_internal_error, "Signature header check error"); std::string sig_decoded; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!tools::base58::decode(sig_str.substr(std::strlen(header)), sig_decoded), error::wallet_internal_error, "Signature decoding error"); std::istringstream iss(sig_decoded); boost::archive::portable_binary_iarchive ar(iss); std::vector proofs; std::unordered_map subaddr_spendkeys; ar >> proofs >> subaddr_spendkeys; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(subaddr_spendkeys.count(address.m_spend_public_key) == 0, error::wallet_internal_error, "The given address isn't found in the proof"); // compute signature prefix hash std::string prefix_data = message; prefix_data.append((const char*)&address, sizeof(cryptonote::account_public_address)); for (size_t i = 0; i < proofs.size(); ++i) { prefix_data.append((const char*)&proofs[i].key_image, sizeof(crypto::key_image)); } crypto::hash prefix_hash; crypto::cn_fast_hash(prefix_data.data(), prefix_data.size(), prefix_hash); // fetch txes from daemon COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::request gettx_req; COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::response gettx_res; for (size_t i = 0; i < proofs.size(); ++i) gettx_req.txs_hashes.push_back(epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(proofs[i].txid)); gettx_req.decode_as_json = false; gettx_req.prune = true; m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock(); bool ok = invoke_http_json("/gettransactions", gettx_req, gettx_res, rpc_timeout); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock(); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!ok || gettx_res.txs.size() != proofs.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to get transaction from daemon"); // check spent status COMMAND_RPC_IS_KEY_IMAGE_SPENT::request kispent_req; COMMAND_RPC_IS_KEY_IMAGE_SPENT::response kispent_res; for (size_t i = 0; i < proofs.size(); ++i) kispent_req.key_images.push_back(epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(proofs[i].key_image)); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock(); ok = invoke_http_json("/is_key_image_spent", kispent_req, kispent_res, rpc_timeout); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock(); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!ok || kispent_res.spent_status.size() != proofs.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to get key image spent status from daemon"); total = spent = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < proofs.size(); ++i) { const reserve_proof_entry& proof = proofs[i]; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(gettx_res.txs[i].in_pool, error::wallet_internal_error, "Tx is unconfirmed"); cryptonote::transaction tx; crypto::hash tx_hash; ok = get_pruned_tx(gettx_res.txs[i], tx, tx_hash); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!ok, error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to parse transaction from daemon"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(tx_hash != proof.txid, error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to get the right transaction from daemon"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(proof.index_in_tx >= tx.vout.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "index_in_tx is out of bound"); const cryptonote::txout_to_key* const out_key = boost::get(std::addressof(tx.vout[proof.index_in_tx].target)); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!out_key, error::wallet_internal_error, "Output key wasn't found") // get tx pub key const crypto::public_key tx_pub_key = get_tx_pub_key_from_extra(tx); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(tx_pub_key == crypto::null_pkey, error::wallet_internal_error, "The tx public key isn't found"); const std::vector additional_tx_pub_keys = get_additional_tx_pub_keys_from_extra(tx); // check singature for shared secret ok = crypto::check_tx_proof(prefix_hash, address.m_view_public_key, tx_pub_key, boost::none, proof.shared_secret, proof.shared_secret_sig); if (!ok && additional_tx_pub_keys.size() == tx.vout.size()) ok = crypto::check_tx_proof(prefix_hash, address.m_view_public_key, additional_tx_pub_keys[proof.index_in_tx], boost::none, proof.shared_secret, proof.shared_secret_sig); if (!ok) return false; // check signature for key image const std::vector pubs = { &out_key->key }; ok = crypto::check_ring_signature(prefix_hash, proof.key_image, &pubs[0], 1, &proof.key_image_sig); if (!ok) return false; // check if the address really received the fund crypto::key_derivation derivation; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!crypto::generate_key_derivation(proof.shared_secret, rct::rct2sk(rct::I), derivation), error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to generate key derivation"); crypto::public_key subaddr_spendkey; crypto::derive_subaddress_public_key(out_key->key, derivation, proof.index_in_tx, subaddr_spendkey); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(subaddr_spendkeys.count(subaddr_spendkey) == 0, error::wallet_internal_error, "The address doesn't seem to have received the fund"); // check amount uint64_t amount = tx.vout[proof.index_in_tx].amount; if (amount == 0) { // decode rct crypto::secret_key shared_secret; crypto::derivation_to_scalar(derivation, proof.index_in_tx, shared_secret); rct::ecdhTuple ecdh_info = tx.rct_signatures.ecdhInfo[proof.index_in_tx]; rct::ecdhDecode(ecdh_info, rct::sk2rct(shared_secret), tx.rct_signatures.type == rct::RCTTypeBulletproof2); amount = rct::h2d(ecdh_info.amount); } total += amount; if (kispent_res.spent_status[i]) spent += amount; } // check signatures for all subaddress spend keys for (const auto &i : subaddr_spendkeys) { if (!crypto::check_signature(prefix_hash, i.first, i.second)) return false; } return true; } std::string wallet2::get_wallet_file() const { return m_wallet_file; } std::string wallet2::get_keys_file() const { return m_keys_file; } std::string wallet2::get_daemon_address() const { return m_daemon_address; } uint64_t wallet2::get_daemon_blockchain_height(string &err) const { uint64_t height; boost::optional result = m_node_rpc_proxy.get_height(height); if (result) { if (m_trusted_daemon) err = *result; else err = "daemon error"; return 0; } err = ""; return height; } uint64_t wallet2::get_daemon_blockchain_target_height(string &err) { err = ""; uint64_t target_height = 0; const auto result = m_node_rpc_proxy.get_target_height(target_height); if (result && *result != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK) { if (m_trusted_daemon) err = *result; else err = "daemon error"; return 0; } return target_height; } uint64_t wallet2::get_approximate_blockchain_height() const { // time of v2 fork const time_t fork_time = m_nettype == TESTNET ? 1341378000 : m_nettype == STAGENET ? 1521000000 : 1538815057; // v2 fork block const uint64_t fork_block = m_nettype == TESTNET ? 190060 : m_nettype == STAGENET ? 32000 : 307500; // avg seconds per block const int seconds_per_block = DIFFICULTY_TARGET_V6; // Calculated blockchain height uint64_t approx_blockchain_height = fork_block + (time(NULL) - fork_time)/seconds_per_block; // testnet got some huge rollbacks, so the estimation is way off static const uint64_t approximate_testnet_rolled_back_blocks = 303967; if (m_nettype == TESTNET && approx_blockchain_height > approximate_testnet_rolled_back_blocks) approx_blockchain_height -= approximate_testnet_rolled_back_blocks; // estiamte blocks from v6 if(m_nettype == MAINNET) { approx_blockchain_height += 82000; } LOG_PRINT_L2("Calculated blockchain height: " << approx_blockchain_height); return approx_blockchain_height; } void wallet2::set_tx_note(const crypto::hash &txid, const std::string ¬e) { m_tx_notes[txid] = note; } std::string wallet2::get_tx_note(const crypto::hash &txid) const { std::unordered_map::const_iterator i = m_tx_notes.find(txid); if (i == m_tx_notes.end()) return std::string(); return i->second; } void wallet2::set_tx_device_aux(const crypto::hash &txid, const std::string &aux) { m_tx_device[txid] = aux; } std::string wallet2::get_tx_device_aux(const crypto::hash &txid) const { std::unordered_map::const_iterator i = m_tx_device.find(txid); if (i == m_tx_device.end()) return std::string(); return i->second; } void wallet2::set_attribute(const std::string &key, const std::string &value) { m_attributes[key] = value; } std::string wallet2::get_attribute(const std::string &key) const { std::unordered_map::const_iterator i = m_attributes.find(key); if (i == m_attributes.end()) return std::string(); return i->second; } void wallet2::set_description(const std::string &description) { set_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION, description); } std::string wallet2::get_description() const { return get_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION); } const std::pair, std::vector>& wallet2::get_account_tags() { // ensure consistency if (m_account_tags.second.size() != get_num_subaddress_accounts()) m_account_tags.second.resize(get_num_subaddress_accounts(), ""); for (const std::string& tag : m_account_tags.second) { if (!tag.empty() && m_account_tags.first.count(tag) == 0) m_account_tags.first.insert({tag, ""}); } for (auto i = m_account_tags.first.begin(); i != m_account_tags.first.end(); ) { if (std::find(m_account_tags.second.begin(), m_account_tags.second.end(), i->first) == m_account_tags.second.end()) i = m_account_tags.first.erase(i); else ++i; } return m_account_tags; } void wallet2::set_account_tag(const std::set &account_indices, const std::string& tag) { for (uint32_t account_index : account_indices) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(account_index >= get_num_subaddress_accounts(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Account index out of bound"); if (m_account_tags.second[account_index] == tag) MDEBUG("This tag is already assigned to this account"); else m_account_tags.second[account_index] = tag; } get_account_tags(); } void wallet2::set_account_tag_description(const std::string& tag, const std::string& description) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(tag.empty(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Tag must not be empty"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(m_account_tags.first.count(tag) == 0, error::wallet_internal_error, "Tag is unregistered"); m_account_tags.first[tag] = description; } std::string wallet2::sign(const std::string &data) const { crypto::hash hash; crypto::cn_fast_hash(data.data(), data.size(), hash); const cryptonote::account_keys &keys = m_account.get_keys(); crypto::signature signature; crypto::generate_signature(hash, keys.m_account_address.m_spend_public_key, keys.m_spend_secret_key, signature); return std::string("SigV1") + tools::base58::encode(std::string((const char *)&signature, sizeof(signature))); } bool wallet2::verify(const std::string &data, const cryptonote::account_public_address &address, const std::string &signature) const { const size_t header_len = strlen("SigV1"); if (signature.size() < header_len || signature.substr(0, header_len) != "SigV1") { LOG_PRINT_L0("Signature header check error"); return false; } crypto::hash hash; crypto::cn_fast_hash(data.data(), data.size(), hash); std::string decoded; if (!tools::base58::decode(signature.substr(header_len), decoded)) { LOG_PRINT_L0("Signature decoding error"); return false; } crypto::signature s; if (sizeof(s) != decoded.size()) { LOG_PRINT_L0("Signature decoding error"); return false; } memcpy(&s, decoded.data(), sizeof(s)); return crypto::check_signature(hash, address.m_spend_public_key, s); } std::string wallet2::sign_multisig_participant(const std::string& data) const { CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(m_multisig, "Wallet is not multisig"); crypto::hash hash; crypto::cn_fast_hash(data.data(), data.size(), hash); const cryptonote::account_keys &keys = m_account.get_keys(); crypto::signature signature; crypto::generate_signature(hash, get_multisig_signer_public_key(), keys.m_spend_secret_key, signature); return MULTISIG_SIGNATURE_MAGIC + tools::base58::encode(std::string((const char *)&signature, sizeof(signature))); } bool wallet2::verify_with_public_key(const std::string &data, const crypto::public_key &public_key, const std::string &signature) const { if (signature.size() < MULTISIG_SIGNATURE_MAGIC.size() || signature.substr(0, MULTISIG_SIGNATURE_MAGIC.size()) != MULTISIG_SIGNATURE_MAGIC) { MERROR("Signature header check error"); return false; } crypto::hash hash; crypto::cn_fast_hash(data.data(), data.size(), hash); std::string decoded; if (!tools::base58::decode(signature.substr(MULTISIG_SIGNATURE_MAGIC.size()), decoded)) { MERROR("Signature decoding error"); return false; } crypto::signature s; if (sizeof(s) != decoded.size()) { MERROR("Signature decoding error"); return false; } memcpy(&s, decoded.data(), sizeof(s)); return crypto::check_signature(hash, public_key, s); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- crypto::public_key wallet2::get_tx_pub_key_from_received_outs(const tools::wallet2::transfer_details &td) const { std::vector tx_extra_fields; if(!parse_tx_extra(td.m_tx.extra, tx_extra_fields)) { // Extra may only be partially parsed, it's OK if tx_extra_fields contains public key } // Due to a previous bug, there might be more than one tx pubkey in extra, one being // the result of a previously discarded signature. // For speed, since scanning for outputs is a slow process, we check whether extra // contains more than one pubkey. If not, the first one is returned. If yes, they're // checked for whether they yield at least one output tx_extra_pub_key pub_key_field; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!find_tx_extra_field_by_type(tx_extra_fields, pub_key_field, 0), error::wallet_internal_error, "Public key wasn't found in the transaction extra"); const crypto::public_key tx_pub_key = pub_key_field.pub_key; bool two_found = find_tx_extra_field_by_type(tx_extra_fields, pub_key_field, 1); if (!two_found) { // easy case, just one found return tx_pub_key; } // more than one, loop and search const cryptonote::account_keys& keys = m_account.get_keys(); size_t pk_index = 0; hw::device &hwdev = m_account.get_device(); while (find_tx_extra_field_by_type(tx_extra_fields, pub_key_field, pk_index++)) { const crypto::public_key tx_pub_key = pub_key_field.pub_key; crypto::key_derivation derivation; bool r = hwdev.generate_key_derivation(tx_pub_key, keys.m_view_secret_key, derivation); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to generate key derivation"); for (size_t i = 0; i < td.m_tx.vout.size(); ++i) { tx_scan_info_t tx_scan_info; check_acc_out_precomp(td.m_tx.vout[i], derivation, {}, i, tx_scan_info); if (!tx_scan_info.error && tx_scan_info.received) return tx_pub_key; } } // we found no key yielding an output, but it might be in the additional // tx pub keys only, which we do not need to check, so return the first one return tx_pub_key; } bool wallet2::export_key_images(const std::string &filename) const { PERF_TIMER(export_key_images); std::pair>> ski = export_key_images(); std::string magic(KEY_IMAGE_EXPORT_FILE_MAGIC, strlen(KEY_IMAGE_EXPORT_FILE_MAGIC)); const cryptonote::account_public_address &keys = get_account().get_keys().m_account_address; const uint32_t offset = ski.first; std::string data; data.reserve(4 + ski.second.size() * (sizeof(crypto::key_image) + sizeof(crypto::signature)) + 2 * sizeof(crypto::public_key)); data.resize(4); data[0] = offset & 0xff; data[1] = (offset >> 8) & 0xff; data[2] = (offset >> 16) & 0xff; data[3] = (offset >> 24) & 0xff; data += std::string((const char *)&keys.m_spend_public_key, sizeof(crypto::public_key)); data += std::string((const char *)&keys.m_view_public_key, sizeof(crypto::public_key)); for (const auto &i: ski.second) { data += std::string((const char *)&i.first, sizeof(crypto::key_image)); data += std::string((const char *)&i.second, sizeof(crypto::signature)); } // encrypt data, keep magic plaintext PERF_TIMER(export_key_images_encrypt); std::string ciphertext = encrypt_with_view_secret_key(data); return epee::file_io_utils::save_string_to_file(filename, magic + ciphertext); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::pair>> wallet2::export_key_images(bool all) const { PERF_TIMER(export_key_images_raw); std::vector> ski; size_t offset = 0; if (!all) { while (offset < m_transfers.size() && !m_transfers[offset].m_key_image_request) ++offset; } ski.reserve(m_transfers.size() - offset); for (size_t n = offset; n < m_transfers.size(); ++n) { const transfer_details &td = m_transfers[n]; // get ephemeral public key const cryptonote::tx_out &out = td.m_tx.vout[td.m_internal_output_index]; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(out.target.type() != typeid(txout_to_key), error::wallet_internal_error, "Output is not txout_to_key"); const cryptonote::txout_to_key &o = boost::get(out.target); const crypto::public_key pkey = o.key; // get tx pub key std::vector tx_extra_fields; if(!parse_tx_extra(td.m_tx.extra, tx_extra_fields)) { // Extra may only be partially parsed, it's OK if tx_extra_fields contains public key } crypto::public_key tx_pub_key = get_tx_pub_key_from_received_outs(td); const std::vector additional_tx_pub_keys = get_additional_tx_pub_keys_from_extra(td.m_tx); // generate ephemeral secret key crypto::key_image ki; cryptonote::keypair in_ephemeral; bool r = cryptonote::generate_key_image_helper(m_account.get_keys(), m_subaddresses, pkey, tx_pub_key, additional_tx_pub_keys, td.m_internal_output_index, in_ephemeral, ki, m_account.get_device(), m_account_major_offset); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to generate key image"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(td.m_key_image_known && !td.m_key_image_partial && ki != td.m_key_image, error::wallet_internal_error, "key_image generated not matched with cached key image"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(in_ephemeral.pub != pkey, error::wallet_internal_error, "key_image generated ephemeral public key not matched with output_key"); // sign the key image with the output secret key crypto::signature signature; std::vector key_ptrs; key_ptrs.push_back(&pkey); crypto::generate_ring_signature((const crypto::hash&)td.m_key_image, td.m_key_image, key_ptrs, in_ephemeral.sec, 0, &signature); ski.push_back(std::make_pair(td.m_key_image, signature)); } return std::make_pair(offset, ski); } uint64_t wallet2::import_key_images(const std::string &filename, uint64_t &spent, uint64_t &unspent) { PERF_TIMER(import_key_images_fsu); std::string data; bool r = epee::file_io_utils::load_file_to_string(filename, data); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::wallet_internal_error, std::string(tr("failed to read file ")) + filename); const size_t magiclen = strlen(KEY_IMAGE_EXPORT_FILE_MAGIC); if (data.size() < magiclen || memcmp(data.data(), KEY_IMAGE_EXPORT_FILE_MAGIC, magiclen)) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION(error::wallet_internal_error, std::string("Bad key image export file magic in ") + filename); } try { PERF_TIMER(import_key_images_decrypt); data = decrypt_with_view_secret_key(std::string(data, magiclen)); } catch (const std::exception &e) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION(error::wallet_internal_error, std::string("Failed to decrypt ") + filename + ": " + e.what()); } const size_t headerlen = 4 + 2 * sizeof(crypto::public_key); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(data.size() < headerlen, error::wallet_internal_error, std::string("Bad data size from file ") + filename); const uint32_t offset = (uint8_t)data[0] | (((uint8_t)data[1]) << 8) | (((uint8_t)data[2]) << 16) | (((uint8_t)data[3]) << 24); const crypto::public_key &public_spend_key = *(const crypto::public_key*)&data[4]; const crypto::public_key &public_view_key = *(const crypto::public_key*)&data[4 + sizeof(crypto::public_key)]; const cryptonote::account_public_address &keys = get_account().get_keys().m_account_address; if (public_spend_key != keys.m_spend_public_key || public_view_key != keys.m_view_public_key) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION(error::wallet_internal_error, std::string( "Key images from ") + filename + " are for a different account"); } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(offset > m_transfers.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Offset larger than known outputs"); const size_t record_size = sizeof(crypto::key_image) + sizeof(crypto::signature); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF((data.size() - headerlen) % record_size, error::wallet_internal_error, std::string("Bad data size from file ") + filename); size_t nki = (data.size() - headerlen) / record_size; std::vector> ski; ski.reserve(nki); for (size_t n = 0; n < nki; ++n) { crypto::key_image key_image = *reinterpret_cast(&data[headerlen + n * record_size]); crypto::signature signature = *reinterpret_cast(&data[headerlen + n * record_size + sizeof(crypto::key_image)]); ski.push_back(std::make_pair(key_image, signature)); } return import_key_images(ski, offset, spent, unspent); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- uint64_t wallet2::import_key_images(const std::vector> &signed_key_images, size_t offset, uint64_t &spent, uint64_t &unspent, bool check_spent) { PERF_TIMER(import_key_images_lots); COMMAND_RPC_IS_KEY_IMAGE_SPENT::request req = AUTO_VAL_INIT(req); COMMAND_RPC_IS_KEY_IMAGE_SPENT::response daemon_resp = AUTO_VAL_INIT(daemon_resp); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(offset > m_transfers.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Offset larger than known outputs"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(signed_key_images.size() > m_transfers.size() - offset, error::wallet_internal_error, "The blockchain is out of date compared to the signed key images"); if (signed_key_images.empty() && offset == 0) { spent = 0; unspent = 0; return 0; } req.key_images.reserve(signed_key_images.size()); PERF_TIMER_START(import_key_images_A); for (size_t n = 0; n < signed_key_images.size(); ++n) { const transfer_details &td = m_transfers[n + offset]; const crypto::key_image &key_image = signed_key_images[n].first; const crypto::signature &signature = signed_key_images[n].second; // get ephemeral public key const cryptonote::tx_out &out = td.m_tx.vout[td.m_internal_output_index]; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(out.target.type() != typeid(txout_to_key), error::wallet_internal_error, "Non txout_to_key output found"); const cryptonote::txout_to_key &o = boost::get(out.target); const crypto::public_key pkey = o.key; if (!td.m_key_image_known || !(key_image == td.m_key_image)) { std::vector pkeys; pkeys.push_back(&pkey); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!(rct::scalarmultKey(rct::ki2rct(key_image), rct::curveOrder()) == rct::identity()), error::wallet_internal_error, "Key image out of validity domain: input " + boost::lexical_cast(n + offset) + "/" + boost::lexical_cast(signed_key_images.size()) + ", key image " + epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(key_image)); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!crypto::check_ring_signature((const crypto::hash&)key_image, key_image, pkeys, &signature), error::signature_check_failed, boost::lexical_cast(n + offset) + "/" + boost::lexical_cast(signed_key_images.size()) + ", key image " + epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(key_image) + ", signature " + epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(signature) + ", pubkey " + epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(*pkeys[0])); } req.key_images.push_back(epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(key_image)); } PERF_TIMER_STOP(import_key_images_A); PERF_TIMER_START(import_key_images_B); for (size_t n = 0; n < signed_key_images.size(); ++n) { m_transfers[n + offset].m_key_image = signed_key_images[n].first; m_key_images[m_transfers[n + offset].m_key_image] = n + offset; m_transfers[n + offset].m_key_image_known = true; m_transfers[n + offset].m_key_image_request = false; m_transfers[n + offset].m_key_image_partial = false; } PERF_TIMER_STOP(import_key_images_B); if(check_spent) { PERF_TIMER(import_key_images_RPC); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock(); bool r = invoke_http_json("/is_key_image_spent", req, daemon_resp, rpc_timeout); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock(); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "is_key_image_spent"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(daemon_resp.status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_BUSY, error::daemon_busy, "is_key_image_spent"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(daemon_resp.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK, error::is_key_image_spent_error, daemon_resp.status); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(daemon_resp.spent_status.size() != signed_key_images.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "daemon returned wrong response for is_key_image_spent, wrong amounts count = " + std::to_string(daemon_resp.spent_status.size()) + ", expected " + std::to_string(signed_key_images.size())); for (size_t n = 0; n < daemon_resp.spent_status.size(); ++n) { transfer_details &td = m_transfers[n + offset]; td.m_spent = daemon_resp.spent_status[n] != SPENT_STATUS::UNSPENT; } } spent = 0; unspent = 0; std::unordered_set spent_txids; // For each spent key image, search for a tx in m_transfers that uses it as input. std::vector swept_transfers; // If such a spending tx wasn't found in m_transfers, this means the spending tx // was created by sweep_all, so we can't know the spent height and other detailed info. std::unordered_map spent_key_images; PERF_TIMER_START(import_key_images_C); for (const transfer_details &td: m_transfers) { for (const cryptonote::txin_v& in : td.m_tx.vin) { if (in.type() == typeid(cryptonote::txin_to_key)) spent_key_images.insert(std::make_pair(boost::get(in).k_image, td.m_txid)); } } PERF_TIMER_STOP(import_key_images_C); // accumulate outputs before the updated data for(size_t i = 0; i < offset; ++i) { const transfer_details &td = m_transfers[i]; if (td.m_frozen) continue; uint64_t amount = td.amount(); if (td.m_spent) spent += amount; else unspent += amount; } PERF_TIMER_START(import_key_images_D); for(size_t i = 0; i < signed_key_images.size(); ++i) { const transfer_details &td = m_transfers[i + offset]; if (td.m_frozen) continue; uint64_t amount = td.amount(); if (td.m_spent) spent += amount; else unspent += amount; LOG_PRINT_L2("Transfer " << i << ": " << print_etn(amount) << " (" << td.m_global_output_index << "): " << (td.m_spent ? "spent" : "unspent") << " (key image " << req.key_images[i] << ")"); if (i < daemon_resp.spent_status.size() && daemon_resp.spent_status[i] == SPENT_STATUS::SPENT_IN_BLOCKCHAIN) { const std::unordered_map::const_iterator skii = spent_key_images.find(td.m_key_image); if (skii == spent_key_images.end()) swept_transfers.push_back(i); else spent_txids.insert(skii->second); } } PERF_TIMER_STOP(import_key_images_D); MDEBUG("Total: " << print_etn(spent) << " spent, " << print_etn(unspent) << " unspent"); if (check_spent) { // query outgoing txes COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::request gettxs_req; COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::response gettxs_res; gettxs_req.decode_as_json = false; gettxs_req.prune = true; gettxs_req.txs_hashes.reserve(spent_txids.size()); for (const crypto::hash& spent_txid : spent_txids) gettxs_req.txs_hashes.push_back(epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(spent_txid)); PERF_TIMER_START(import_key_images_E); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock(); bool r = invoke_http_json("/gettransactions", gettxs_req, gettxs_res, rpc_timeout); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock(); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "gettransactions"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(gettxs_res.status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_BUSY, error::daemon_busy, "gettransactions"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(gettxs_res.txs.size() != spent_txids.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "daemon returned wrong response for gettransactions, wrong count = " + std::to_string(gettxs_res.txs.size()) + ", expected " + std::to_string(spent_txids.size())); PERF_TIMER_STOP(import_key_images_E); // process each outgoing tx PERF_TIMER_START(import_key_images_F); auto spent_txid = spent_txids.begin(); hw::device &hwdev = m_account.get_device(); auto it = spent_txids.begin(); for (const COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::entry& e : gettxs_res.txs) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(e.in_pool, error::wallet_internal_error, "spent tx isn't supposed to be in txpool"); cryptonote::transaction spent_tx; crypto::hash spnet_txid_parsed; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!get_pruned_tx(e, spent_tx, spnet_txid_parsed), error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to get tx from daemon"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!(spnet_txid_parsed == *it), error::wallet_internal_error, "parsed txid mismatch"); ++it; // get received (change) amount uint64_t tx_etn_got_in_outs = 0; const cryptonote::account_keys& keys = m_account.get_keys(); const crypto::public_key tx_pub_key = get_tx_pub_key_from_extra(spent_tx); crypto::key_derivation derivation; bool r = hwdev.generate_key_derivation(tx_pub_key, keys.m_view_secret_key, derivation); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to generate key derivation"); const std::vector additional_tx_pub_keys = get_additional_tx_pub_keys_from_extra(spent_tx); std::vector additional_derivations; for (size_t i = 0; i < additional_tx_pub_keys.size(); ++i) { additional_derivations.push_back({}); r = hwdev.generate_key_derivation(additional_tx_pub_keys[i], keys.m_view_secret_key, additional_derivations.back()); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to generate key derivation"); } size_t output_index = 0; bool miner_tx = cryptonote::is_coinbase(spent_tx); for (const cryptonote::tx_out& out : spent_tx.vout) { tx_scan_info_t tx_scan_info; check_acc_out_precomp(out, derivation, additional_derivations, output_index, tx_scan_info); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(tx_scan_info.error, error::wallet_internal_error, "check_acc_out_precomp failed"); if (tx_scan_info.received) { if (tx_scan_info.etn_transfered == 0 && !miner_tx) { rct::key mask; tx_scan_info.etn_transfered = tools::decodeRct(spent_tx.rct_signatures, tx_scan_info.received->derivation, output_index, mask, hwdev); } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(tx_etn_got_in_outs >= std::numeric_limits::max() - tx_scan_info.etn_transfered, error::wallet_internal_error, "Overflow in received amounts"); tx_etn_got_in_outs += tx_scan_info.etn_transfered; } ++output_index; } // get spent amount uint64_t tx_etn_spent_in_ins = 0; uint32_t subaddr_account = (uint32_t)-1; std::set subaddr_indices; for (const cryptonote::txin_v& in : spent_tx.vin) { if (in.type() != typeid(cryptonote::txin_to_key)) continue; auto it = m_key_images.find(boost::get(in).k_image); if (it != m_key_images.end()) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(it->second >= m_transfers.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, std::string("Key images cache contains illegal transfer offset: ") + std::to_string(it->second) + std::string(" m_transfers.size() = ") + std::to_string(m_transfers.size())); const transfer_details& td = m_transfers[it->second]; uint64_t amount = boost::get(in).amount; if (amount > 0) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(amount != td.amount(), error::wallet_internal_error, std::string("Inconsistent amount in tx input: got ") + print_etn(amount) + std::string(", expected ") + print_etn(td.amount())); } amount = td.amount(); tx_etn_spent_in_ins += amount; LOG_PRINT_L0("Spent ETN: " << print_etn(amount) << ", with tx: " << *spent_txid); set_spent(it->second, e.block_height); if (m_callback) m_callback->on_etn_spent(e.block_height, *spent_txid, spent_tx, amount, spent_tx, td.m_subaddr_index); if (subaddr_account != (uint32_t)-1 && subaddr_account != td.m_subaddr_index.major) LOG_PRINT_L0("WARNING: This tx spends outputs received by different subaddress accounts, which isn't supposed to happen"); subaddr_account = td.m_subaddr_index.major; subaddr_indices.insert(td.m_subaddr_index.minor); } } // create outgoing payment process_outgoing(*spent_txid, spent_tx, e.block_height, e.block_timestamp, tx_etn_spent_in_ins, tx_etn_got_in_outs, subaddr_account, subaddr_indices); // erase corresponding incoming payment for (auto j = m_payments.begin(); j != m_payments.end(); ++j) { if (j->second.m_tx_hash == *spent_txid) { m_payments.erase(j); break; } } ++spent_txid; } PERF_TIMER_STOP(import_key_images_F); PERF_TIMER_START(import_key_images_G); for (size_t n : swept_transfers) { const transfer_details& td = m_transfers[n]; confirmed_transfer_details pd; pd.m_change = (uint64_t)-1; // change is unknown pd.m_amount_in = pd.m_amount_out = td.amount(); // fee is unknown pd.m_block_height = 0; // spent block height is unknown pd.m_is_migration = td.m_tx.version == 2; if(td.m_tx.version == 3){ cryptonote::account_public_address dest_address = boost::get(td.m_tx.vout[0].target).address; //// bool is_portal_address; if(m_nettype == MAINNET){ is_portal_address = epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(dest_address.m_spend_public_key) == "8ce0f34fd37c7f7d07c44024eb5b3cdf275d1b3e75c3464b808dce532e861137" && epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(dest_address.m_view_public_key) == "2b95a2eb2c62253c57e82b082b850bbf22a1a7829aaea09c7c1511c1cced4375"; }else{ is_portal_address = epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(dest_address.m_spend_public_key) == "5bd0c0e25eee6133850edd2b255ed9e3d6bb99fd5f08b7b5cf7f2618ad6ff2a3" && epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(dest_address.m_view_public_key) == "5866666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666"; } pd.m_is_sc_migration = is_portal_address; } const crypto::hash &spent_txid = crypto::null_hash; // spent txid is unknown m_confirmed_txs.insert(std::make_pair(spent_txid, pd)); } PERF_TIMER_STOP(import_key_images_G); } // this can be 0 if we do not know the height return m_transfers[signed_key_images.size() + offset - 1].m_block_height; } bool wallet2::import_key_images(std::vector key_images, size_t offset, boost::optional> selected_transfers) { if (key_images.size() + offset > m_transfers.size()) { LOG_PRINT_L1("More key images returned that we know outputs for"); return false; } for (size_t ki_idx = 0; ki_idx < key_images.size(); ++ki_idx) { const size_t transfer_idx = ki_idx + offset; if (selected_transfers && selected_transfers.get().find(transfer_idx) == selected_transfers.get().end()) continue; transfer_details &td = m_transfers[transfer_idx]; if (td.m_key_image_known && !td.m_key_image_partial && td.m_key_image != key_images[ki_idx]) LOG_PRINT_L0("WARNING: imported key image differs from previously known key image at index " << ki_idx << ": trusting imported one"); td.m_key_image = key_images[ki_idx]; m_key_images[td.m_key_image] = transfer_idx; td.m_key_image_known = true; td.m_key_image_request = false; td.m_key_image_partial = false; m_pub_keys[td.get_public_key()] = transfer_idx; } return true; } bool wallet2::import_key_images(signed_tx_set & signed_tx, size_t offset, bool only_selected_transfers) { std::unordered_set selected_transfers; if (only_selected_transfers) { for (const pending_tx & ptx : signed_tx.ptx) { for (const size_t s: ptx.selected_transfers) selected_transfers.insert(s); } } return import_key_images(signed_tx.key_images, offset, only_selected_transfers ? boost::make_optional(selected_transfers) : boost::none); } wallet2::payment_container wallet2::export_payments() const { payment_container payments; for (auto const &p : m_payments) { payments.emplace(p); } return payments; } void wallet2::import_payments(const payment_container &payments) { m_payments.clear(); for (auto const &p : payments) { m_payments.emplace(p); } } void wallet2::import_payments_out(const std::list> &confirmed_payments) { m_confirmed_txs.clear(); for (auto const &p : confirmed_payments) { m_confirmed_txs.emplace(p); } } std::tuple> wallet2::export_blockchain() const { std::tuple> bc; std::get<0>(bc) = m_blockchain.offset(); std::get<1>(bc) = m_blockchain.empty() ? crypto::null_hash: m_blockchain.genesis(); for (size_t n = m_blockchain.offset(); n < m_blockchain.size(); ++n) { std::get<2>(bc).push_back(m_blockchain[n]); } return bc; } void wallet2::import_blockchain(const std::tuple> &bc) { m_blockchain.clear(); if (std::get<0>(bc)) { for (size_t n = std::get<0>(bc); n > 0; --n) m_blockchain.push_back(std::get<1>(bc)); m_blockchain.trim(std::get<0>(bc)); } for (auto const &b : std::get<2>(bc)) { m_blockchain.push_back(b); } cryptonote::block genesis; generate_genesis(genesis); crypto::hash genesis_hash = get_block_hash(genesis); check_genesis(genesis_hash); m_last_block_reward = cryptonote::get_outs_etn_amount(genesis.miner_tx); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::pair> wallet2::export_outputs(bool all) const { PERF_TIMER(export_outputs); std::vector outs; size_t offset = 0; if (!all) while (offset < m_transfers.size() && (m_transfers[offset].m_key_image_known && !m_transfers[offset].m_key_image_request)) ++offset; outs.reserve(m_transfers.size() - offset); for (size_t n = offset; n < m_transfers.size(); ++n) { const transfer_details &td = m_transfers[n]; outs.push_back(td); } return std::make_pair(offset, outs); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string wallet2::export_outputs_to_str(bool all) const { PERF_TIMER(export_outputs_to_str); std::stringstream oss; boost::archive::portable_binary_oarchive ar(oss); const auto& outputs = export_outputs(all); ar << outputs; std::string magic(OUTPUT_EXPORT_FILE_MAGIC, strlen(OUTPUT_EXPORT_FILE_MAGIC)); const cryptonote::account_public_address &keys = get_account().get_keys().m_account_address; std::string header; header += std::string((const char *)&keys.m_spend_public_key, sizeof(crypto::public_key)); header += std::string((const char *)&keys.m_view_public_key, sizeof(crypto::public_key)); PERF_TIMER(export_outputs_encryption); std::string ciphertext = encrypt_with_view_secret_key(header + oss.str()); return magic + ciphertext; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- size_t wallet2::import_outputs(const std::pair> &outputs) { PERF_TIMER(import_outputs); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(outputs.first > m_transfers.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Imported outputs omit more outputs that we know of"); const size_t offset = outputs.first; const size_t original_size = m_transfers.size(); m_transfers.resize(offset + outputs.second.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < offset; ++i) m_transfers[i].m_key_image_request = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < outputs.second.size(); ++i) { transfer_details td = outputs.second[i]; // skip those we've already imported, or which have different data if (i + offset < original_size) { // compare the data used to create the key image below const transfer_details &org_td = m_transfers[i + offset]; if (!org_td.m_key_image_known) goto process; #define CMPF(f) if (!(td.f == org_td.f)) goto process CMPF(m_txid); CMPF(m_key_image); CMPF(m_internal_output_index); #undef CMPF if (!(get_transaction_prefix_hash(td.m_tx) == get_transaction_prefix_hash(org_td.m_tx))) goto process; // copy anyway, since the comparison does not include ancillary fields which may have changed m_transfers[i + offset] = std::move(td); continue; } process: // the hot wallet wouldn't have known about key images (except if we already exported them) cryptonote::keypair in_ephemeral; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(td.m_tx.vout.empty(), error::wallet_internal_error, "tx with no outputs at index " + boost::lexical_cast(i + offset)); crypto::public_key tx_pub_key = get_tx_pub_key_from_received_outs(td); const std::vector additional_tx_pub_keys = get_additional_tx_pub_keys_from_extra(td.m_tx); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(td.m_tx.vout[td.m_internal_output_index].target.type() != typeid(cryptonote::txout_to_key), error::wallet_internal_error, "Unsupported output type"); const crypto::public_key& out_key = boost::get(td.m_tx.vout[td.m_internal_output_index].target).key; bool r = cryptonote::generate_key_image_helper(m_account.get_keys(), m_subaddresses, out_key, tx_pub_key, additional_tx_pub_keys, td.m_internal_output_index, in_ephemeral, td.m_key_image, m_account.get_device(), m_account_major_offset); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to generate key image"); expand_subaddresses(td.m_subaddr_index); td.m_key_image_known = true; td.m_key_image_request = true; td.m_key_image_partial = false; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(in_ephemeral.pub != out_key, error::wallet_internal_error, "key_image generated ephemeral public key not matched with output_key at index " + boost::lexical_cast(i + offset)); m_key_images[td.m_key_image] = i + offset; m_pub_keys[td.get_public_key()] = i + offset; m_transfers[i + offset] = std::move(td); } return m_transfers.size(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- size_t wallet2::import_outputs_from_str(const std::string &outputs_st) { PERF_TIMER(import_outputs_from_str); std::string data = outputs_st; const size_t magiclen = strlen(OUTPUT_EXPORT_FILE_MAGIC); if (data.size() < magiclen || memcmp(data.data(), OUTPUT_EXPORT_FILE_MAGIC, magiclen)) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION(error::wallet_internal_error, std::string("Bad magic from outputs")); } try { PERF_TIMER(import_outputs_decrypt); data = decrypt_with_view_secret_key(std::string(data, magiclen)); } catch (const std::exception &e) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION(error::wallet_internal_error, std::string("Failed to decrypt outputs: ") + e.what()); } const size_t headerlen = 2 * sizeof(crypto::public_key); if (data.size() < headerlen) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION(error::wallet_internal_error, std::string("Bad data size for outputs")); } const crypto::public_key &public_spend_key = *(const crypto::public_key*)&data[0]; const crypto::public_key &public_view_key = *(const crypto::public_key*)&data[sizeof(crypto::public_key)]; const cryptonote::account_public_address &keys = get_account().get_keys().m_account_address; if (public_spend_key != keys.m_spend_public_key || public_view_key != keys.m_view_public_key) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION(error::wallet_internal_error, std::string("Outputs from are for a different account")); } size_t imported_outputs = 0; try { std::string body(data, headerlen); std::stringstream iss; iss << body; std::pair> outputs; try { boost::archive::portable_binary_iarchive ar(iss); ar >> outputs; } catch (...) { iss.str(""); iss << body; boost::archive::binary_iarchive ar(iss); ar >> outputs; } imported_outputs = import_outputs(outputs); } catch (const std::exception &e) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION(error::wallet_internal_error, std::string("Failed to import outputs") + e.what()); } return imported_outputs; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- crypto::public_key wallet2::get_multisig_signer_public_key(const crypto::secret_key &spend_skey) const { crypto::public_key pkey; crypto::secret_key_to_public_key(get_multisig_blinded_secret_key(spend_skey), pkey); return pkey; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- crypto::public_key wallet2::get_multisig_signer_public_key() const { CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(m_multisig, "Wallet is not multisig"); crypto::public_key signer; CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(crypto::secret_key_to_public_key(get_account().get_keys().m_spend_secret_key, signer), "Failed to generate signer public key"); return signer; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- crypto::public_key wallet2::get_multisig_signing_public_key(const crypto::secret_key &msk) const { CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(m_multisig, "Wallet is not multisig"); crypto::public_key pkey; CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(crypto::secret_key_to_public_key(msk, pkey), "Failed to derive public key"); return pkey; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- crypto::public_key wallet2::get_multisig_signing_public_key(size_t idx) const { CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(m_multisig, "Wallet is not multisig"); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(idx < get_account().get_multisig_keys().size(), "Multisig signing key index out of range"); return get_multisig_signing_public_key(get_account().get_multisig_keys()[idx]); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rct::key wallet2::get_multisig_k(size_t idx, const std::unordered_set &used_L) const { CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(m_multisig, "Wallet is not multisig"); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(idx < m_transfers.size(), "idx out of range"); for (const auto &k: m_transfers[idx].m_multisig_k) { rct::key L; rct::scalarmultBase(L, k); if (used_L.find(L) != used_L.end()) return k; } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION(tools::error::multisig_export_needed); return rct::zero(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rct::multisig_kLRki wallet2::get_multisig_kLRki(size_t n, const rct::key &k) const { CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(n < m_transfers.size(), "Bad m_transfers index"); rct::multisig_kLRki kLRki; kLRki.k = k; cryptonote::generate_multisig_LR(m_transfers[n].get_public_key(), rct::rct2sk(kLRki.k), (crypto::public_key&)kLRki.L, (crypto::public_key&)kLRki.R); kLRki.ki = rct::ki2rct(m_transfers[n].m_key_image); return kLRki; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rct::multisig_kLRki wallet2::get_multisig_composite_kLRki(size_t n, const std::unordered_set &ignore_set, std::unordered_set &used_L, std::unordered_set &new_used_L) const { CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(n < m_transfers.size(), "Bad transfer index"); const transfer_details &td = m_transfers[n]; rct::multisig_kLRki kLRki = get_multisig_kLRki(n, rct::skGen()); // pick a L/R pair from every other participant but one size_t n_signers_used = 1; for (const auto &p: m_transfers[n].m_multisig_info) { if (ignore_set.find(p.m_signer) != ignore_set.end()) continue; for (const auto &lr: p.m_LR) { if (used_L.find(lr.m_L) != used_L.end()) continue; used_L.insert(lr.m_L); new_used_L.insert(lr.m_L); rct::addKeys(kLRki.L, kLRki.L, lr.m_L); rct::addKeys(kLRki.R, kLRki.R, lr.m_R); ++n_signers_used; break; } } CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(n_signers_used >= m_multisig_threshold, "LR not found for enough participants"); return kLRki; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- crypto::key_image wallet2::get_multisig_composite_key_image(size_t n) const { CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(n < m_transfers.size(), "Bad output index"); const transfer_details &td = m_transfers[n]; const crypto::public_key tx_key = get_tx_pub_key_from_received_outs(td); const std::vector additional_tx_keys = cryptonote::get_additional_tx_pub_keys_from_extra(td.m_tx); crypto::key_image ki; std::vector pkis; for (const auto &info: td.m_multisig_info) for (const auto &pki: info.m_partial_key_images) pkis.push_back(pki); bool r = cryptonote::generate_multisig_composite_key_image(get_account().get_keys(), m_subaddresses, td.get_public_key(), tx_key, additional_tx_keys, td.m_internal_output_index, pkis, ki); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to generate key image"); return ki; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cryptonote::blobdata wallet2::export_multisig() { std::vector info; const crypto::public_key signer = get_multisig_signer_public_key(); info.resize(m_transfers.size()); for (size_t n = 0; n < m_transfers.size(); ++n) { transfer_details &td = m_transfers[n]; crypto::key_image ki; td.m_multisig_k.clear(); info[n].m_LR.clear(); info[n].m_partial_key_images.clear(); for (size_t m = 0; m < get_account().get_multisig_keys().size(); ++m) { // we want to export the partial key image, not the full one, so we can't use td.m_key_image bool r = generate_multisig_key_image(get_account().get_keys(), m, td.get_public_key(), ki); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(r, "Failed to generate key image"); info[n].m_partial_key_images.push_back(ki); } // Wallet tries to create as many transactions as many signers combinations. We calculate the maximum number here as follows: // if we have 2/4 wallet with signers: A, B, C, D and A is a transaction creator it will need to pick up 1 signer from 3 wallets left. // That means counting combinations for excluding 2-of-3 wallets (k = total signers count - threshold, n = total signers count - 1). size_t nlr = tools::combinations_count(m_multisig_signers.size() - m_multisig_threshold, m_multisig_signers.size() - 1); for (size_t m = 0; m < nlr; ++m) { td.m_multisig_k.push_back(rct::skGen()); const rct::multisig_kLRki kLRki = get_multisig_kLRki(n, td.m_multisig_k.back()); info[n].m_LR.push_back({kLRki.L, kLRki.R}); } info[n].m_signer = signer; } std::stringstream oss; boost::archive::portable_binary_oarchive ar(oss); ar << info; const cryptonote::account_public_address &keys = get_account().get_keys().m_account_address; std::string header; header += std::string((const char *)&keys.m_spend_public_key, sizeof(crypto::public_key)); header += std::string((const char *)&keys.m_view_public_key, sizeof(crypto::public_key)); header += std::string((const char *)&signer, sizeof(crypto::public_key)); std::string ciphertext = encrypt_with_view_secret_key(header + oss.str()); return MULTISIG_EXPORT_FILE_MAGIC + ciphertext; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::update_multisig_rescan_info(const std::vector> &multisig_k, const std::vector> &info, size_t n) { CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(n < m_transfers.size(), "Bad index in update_multisig_info"); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(multisig_k.size() >= m_transfers.size(), "Mismatched sizes of multisig_k and info"); MDEBUG("update_multisig_rescan_info: updating index " << n); transfer_details &td = m_transfers[n]; td.m_multisig_info.clear(); for (const auto &pi: info) { CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(n < pi.size(), "Bad pi size"); td.m_multisig_info.push_back(pi[n]); } m_key_images.erase(td.m_key_image); td.m_key_image = get_multisig_composite_key_image(n); td.m_key_image_known = true; td.m_key_image_request = false; td.m_key_image_partial = false; td.m_multisig_k = multisig_k[n]; m_key_images[td.m_key_image] = n; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- size_t wallet2::import_multisig(std::vector blobs) { CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(m_multisig, "Wallet is not multisig"); std::vector> info; std::unordered_set seen; for (cryptonote::blobdata &data: blobs) { const size_t magiclen = strlen(MULTISIG_EXPORT_FILE_MAGIC); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(data.size() < magiclen || memcmp(data.data(), MULTISIG_EXPORT_FILE_MAGIC, magiclen), error::wallet_internal_error, "Bad multisig info file magic in "); data = decrypt_with_view_secret_key(std::string(data, magiclen)); const size_t headerlen = 3 * sizeof(crypto::public_key); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(data.size() < headerlen, error::wallet_internal_error, "Bad data size"); const crypto::public_key &public_spend_key = *(const crypto::public_key*)&data[0]; const crypto::public_key &public_view_key = *(const crypto::public_key*)&data[sizeof(crypto::public_key)]; const crypto::public_key &signer = *(const crypto::public_key*)&data[2*sizeof(crypto::public_key)]; const cryptonote::account_public_address &keys = get_account().get_keys().m_account_address; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(public_spend_key != keys.m_spend_public_key || public_view_key != keys.m_view_public_key, error::wallet_internal_error, "Multisig info is for a different account"); if (get_multisig_signer_public_key() == signer) { MINFO("Multisig info from this wallet ignored"); continue; } if (seen.find(signer) != seen.end()) { MINFO("Duplicate multisig info ignored"); continue; } seen.insert(signer); std::string body(data, headerlen); std::istringstream iss(body); std::vector i; boost::archive::portable_binary_iarchive ar(iss); ar >> i; MINFO(boost::format("%u outputs found") % boost::lexical_cast(i.size())); info.push_back(std::move(i)); } CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(info.size() + 1 <= m_multisig_signers.size() && info.size() + 1 >= m_multisig_threshold, "Wrong number of multisig sources"); std::vector> k; k.reserve(m_transfers.size()); for (const auto &td: m_transfers) k.push_back(td.m_multisig_k); // how many outputs we're going to update size_t n_outputs = m_transfers.size(); for (const auto &pi: info) if (pi.size() < n_outputs) n_outputs = pi.size(); if (n_outputs == 0) return 0; // check signers are consistent for (const auto &pi: info) { CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(std::find(m_multisig_signers.begin(), m_multisig_signers.end(), pi[0].m_signer) != m_multisig_signers.end(), "Signer is not a member of this multisig wallet"); for (size_t n = 1; n < n_outputs; ++n) CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(pi[n].m_signer == pi[0].m_signer, "Mismatched signers in imported multisig info"); } // trim data we don't have info for from all participants for (auto &pi: info) pi.resize(n_outputs); // sort by signer if (!info.empty() && !info.front().empty()) { std::sort(info.begin(), info.end(), [](const std::vector &i0, const std::vector &i1){ return memcmp(&i0[0].m_signer, &i1[0].m_signer, sizeof(i0[0].m_signer)); }); } // first pass to determine where to detach the blockchain for (size_t n = 0; n < n_outputs; ++n) { const transfer_details &td = m_transfers[n]; if (!td.m_key_image_partial) continue; MINFO("Multisig info importing from block height " << td.m_block_height); detach_blockchain(td.m_block_height); break; } for (size_t n = 0; n < n_outputs && n < m_transfers.size(); ++n) { update_multisig_rescan_info(k, info, n); } m_multisig_rescan_k = &k; m_multisig_rescan_info = &info; try { refresh(false); } catch (...) { m_multisig_rescan_info = NULL; m_multisig_rescan_k = NULL; throw; } m_multisig_rescan_info = NULL; m_multisig_rescan_k = NULL; return n_outputs; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string wallet2::encrypt(const char *plaintext, size_t len, const crypto::secret_key &skey, bool authenticated) const { crypto::chacha_key key; crypto::generate_chacha_key(&skey, sizeof(skey), key, m_kdf_rounds); std::string ciphertext; crypto::chacha_iv iv = crypto::rand(); ciphertext.resize(len + sizeof(iv) + (authenticated ? sizeof(crypto::signature) : 0)); crypto::chacha20(plaintext, len, key, iv, &ciphertext[sizeof(iv)]); memcpy(&ciphertext[0], &iv, sizeof(iv)); if (authenticated) { crypto::hash hash; crypto::cn_fast_hash(ciphertext.data(), ciphertext.size() - sizeof(signature), hash); crypto::public_key pkey; crypto::secret_key_to_public_key(skey, pkey); crypto::signature &signature = *(crypto::signature*)&ciphertext[ciphertext.size() - sizeof(crypto::signature)]; crypto::generate_signature(hash, pkey, skey, signature); } return ciphertext; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string wallet2::encrypt(const epee::span &plaintext, const crypto::secret_key &skey, bool authenticated) const { return encrypt(plaintext.data(), plaintext.size(), skey, authenticated); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string wallet2::encrypt(const std::string &plaintext, const crypto::secret_key &skey, bool authenticated) const { return encrypt(plaintext.data(), plaintext.size(), skey, authenticated); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string wallet2::encrypt(const epee::wipeable_string &plaintext, const crypto::secret_key &skey, bool authenticated) const { return encrypt(plaintext.data(), plaintext.size(), skey, authenticated); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string wallet2::encrypt_with_view_secret_key(const std::string &plaintext, bool authenticated) const { return encrypt(plaintext, get_account().get_keys().m_view_secret_key, authenticated); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template T wallet2::decrypt(const std::string &ciphertext, const crypto::secret_key &skey, bool authenticated) const { const size_t prefix_size = sizeof(chacha_iv) + (authenticated ? sizeof(crypto::signature) : 0); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(ciphertext.size() < prefix_size, error::wallet_internal_error, "Unexpected ciphertext size"); crypto::chacha_key key; crypto::generate_chacha_key(&skey, sizeof(skey), key, m_kdf_rounds); const crypto::chacha_iv &iv = *(const crypto::chacha_iv*)&ciphertext[0]; if (authenticated) { crypto::hash hash; crypto::cn_fast_hash(ciphertext.data(), ciphertext.size() - sizeof(signature), hash); crypto::public_key pkey; crypto::secret_key_to_public_key(skey, pkey); const crypto::signature &signature = *(const crypto::signature*)&ciphertext[ciphertext.size() - sizeof(crypto::signature)]; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!crypto::check_signature(hash, pkey, signature), error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to authenticate ciphertext"); } std::unique_ptr buffer{new char[ciphertext.size() - prefix_size]}; auto wiper = epee::misc_utils::create_scope_leave_handler([&]() { memwipe(buffer.get(), ciphertext.size() - prefix_size); }); crypto::chacha20(ciphertext.data() + sizeof(iv), ciphertext.size() - prefix_size, key, iv, buffer.get()); return T(buffer.get(), ciphertext.size() - prefix_size); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template epee::wipeable_string wallet2::decrypt(const std::string &ciphertext, const crypto::secret_key &skey, bool authenticated) const; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string wallet2::decrypt_with_view_secret_key(const std::string &ciphertext, bool authenticated) const { return decrypt(ciphertext, get_account().get_keys().m_view_secret_key, authenticated); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string wallet2::make_uri(const std::string &address, const std::string &payment_id, uint64_t amount, const std::string &tx_description, const std::string &recipient_name, std::string &error) const { cryptonote::address_parse_info info; if(!get_account_address_from_str(info, nettype(), address)) { error = std::string("wrong address: ") + address; return std::string(); } // we want only one payment id if (info.has_payment_id && !payment_id.empty()) { error = "A single payment id is allowed"; return std::string(); } if (!payment_id.empty()) { crypto::hash pid32; crypto::hash8 pid8; if (!wallet2::parse_long_payment_id(payment_id, pid32) && !parse_short_payment_id(payment_id, pid8)) { error = "Invalid payment id"; return std::string(); } } std::string uri = "electroneum:" + address; unsigned int n_fields = 0; if (!payment_id.empty()) { uri += (n_fields++ ? "&" : "?") + std::string("tx_payment_id=") + payment_id; } if (amount > 0) { // URI encoded amount is in decimal units, not atomic units uri += (n_fields++ ? "&" : "?") + std::string("tx_amount=") + cryptonote::print_etn(amount); } if (!recipient_name.empty()) { uri += (n_fields++ ? "&" : "?") + std::string("recipient_name=") + epee::net_utils::conver_to_url_format(recipient_name); } if (!tx_description.empty()) { uri += (n_fields++ ? "&" : "?") + std::string("tx_description=") + epee::net_utils::conver_to_url_format(tx_description); } return uri; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::parse_uri(const std::string &uri, std::string &address, std::string &payment_id, uint64_t &amount, std::string &tx_description, std::string &recipient_name, std::vector &unknown_parameters, std::string &error) { if (uri.substr(0, 12) != "electroneum:") { error = std::string("URI has wrong scheme (expected \"electroneum:\"): ") + uri; return false; } std::string remainder = uri.substr(12); const char *ptr = strchr(remainder.c_str(), '?'); address = ptr ? remainder.substr(0, ptr-remainder.c_str()) : remainder; cryptonote::address_parse_info info; if(!get_account_address_from_str(info, nettype(), address)) { error = std::string("URI has wrong address: ") + address; return false; } if (!strchr(remainder.c_str(), '?')) return true; std::vector arguments; std::string body = remainder.substr(address.size() + 1); if (body.empty()) return true; boost::split(arguments, body, boost::is_any_of("&")); std::set have_arg; for (const auto &arg: arguments) { std::vector kv; boost::split(kv, arg, boost::is_any_of("=")); if (kv.size() != 2) { error = std::string("URI has wrong parameter: ") + arg; return false; } if (have_arg.find(kv[0]) != have_arg.end()) { error = std::string("URI has more than one instance of " + kv[0]); return false; } have_arg.insert(kv[0]); if (kv[0] == "tx_amount") { amount = 0; if (!cryptonote::parse_amount(amount, kv[1])) { error = std::string("URI has invalid amount: ") + kv[1]; return false; } } else if (kv[0] == "tx_payment_id") { if (info.has_payment_id) { error = "Separate payment id given with an integrated address"; return false; } crypto::hash hash; crypto::hash8 hash8; if (!wallet2::parse_long_payment_id(kv[1], hash) && !wallet2::parse_short_payment_id(kv[1], hash8)) { error = "Invalid payment id: " + kv[1]; return false; } payment_id = kv[1]; } else if (kv[0] == "recipient_name") { recipient_name = epee::net_utils::convert_from_url_format(kv[1]); } else if (kv[0] == "tx_description") { tx_description = epee::net_utils::convert_from_url_format(kv[1]); } else { unknown_parameters.push_back(arg); } } return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- uint64_t wallet2::get_blockchain_height_by_date(uint16_t year, uint8_t month, uint8_t day) { uint32_t version; if (!check_connection(&version)) { throw std::runtime_error("failed to connect to daemon: " + get_daemon_address()); } if (version < MAKE_CORE_RPC_VERSION(1, 6)) { throw std::runtime_error("this function requires RPC version 1.6 or higher"); } std::tm date = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; date.tm_year = year - 1900; date.tm_mon = month - 1; date.tm_mday = day; if (date.tm_mon < 0 || 11 < date.tm_mon || date.tm_mday < 1 || 31 < date.tm_mday) { throw std::runtime_error("month or day out of range"); } uint64_t timestamp_target = std::mktime(&date); std::string err; uint64_t height_min = 0; uint64_t height_max = get_daemon_blockchain_height(err) - 1; if (!err.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error("failed to get blockchain height"); } while (true) { COMMAND_RPC_GET_BLOCKS_BY_HEIGHT::request req; COMMAND_RPC_GET_BLOCKS_BY_HEIGHT::response res; uint64_t height_mid = (height_min + height_max) / 2; req.heights = { height_min, height_mid, height_max }; bool r = invoke_http_bin("/getblocks_by_height.bin", req, res, rpc_timeout); if (!r || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "failed to get blocks by heights: "; for (auto height : req.heights) oss << height << ' '; oss << endl << "reason: "; if (!r) oss << "possibly lost connection to daemon"; else if (res.status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_BUSY) oss << "daemon is busy"; else oss << get_rpc_status(res.status); throw std::runtime_error(oss.str()); } cryptonote::block blk_min, blk_mid, blk_max; if (res.blocks.size() < 3) throw std::runtime_error("Not enough blocks returned from daemon"); if (!parse_and_validate_block_from_blob(res.blocks[0].block, blk_min)) throw std::runtime_error("failed to parse blob at height " + std::to_string(height_min)); if (!parse_and_validate_block_from_blob(res.blocks[1].block, blk_mid)) throw std::runtime_error("failed to parse blob at height " + std::to_string(height_mid)); if (!parse_and_validate_block_from_blob(res.blocks[2].block, blk_max)) throw std::runtime_error("failed to parse blob at height " + std::to_string(height_max)); uint64_t timestamp_min = blk_min.timestamp; uint64_t timestamp_mid = blk_mid.timestamp; uint64_t timestamp_max = blk_max.timestamp; if (!(timestamp_min <= timestamp_mid && timestamp_mid <= timestamp_max)) { // the timestamps are not in the chronological order. // assuming they're sufficiently close to each other, simply return the smallest height return std::min({height_min, height_mid, height_max}); } if (timestamp_target > timestamp_max) { throw std::runtime_error("specified date is in the future"); } if (timestamp_target <= timestamp_min + 2 * 24 * 60 * 60) // two days of "buffer" period { return height_min; } if (timestamp_target <= timestamp_mid) height_max = height_mid; else height_min = height_mid; if (height_max - height_min <= 2 * 24 * 30) // don't divide the height range finer than two days { return height_min; } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wallet2::is_synced() const { uint64_t height; boost::optional result = m_node_rpc_proxy.get_target_height(height); if (result && *result != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK) return false; return get_blockchain_current_height() >= height; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::vector> wallet2::estimate_backlog(const std::vector> &fee_levels) { for (const auto &fee_level: fee_levels) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(fee_level.first == 0.0, error::wallet_internal_error, "Invalid 0 fee"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(fee_level.second == 0.0, error::wallet_internal_error, "Invalid 0 fee"); } // get txpool backlog cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTION_POOL_BACKLOG::request req = AUTO_VAL_INIT(req); cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTION_POOL_BACKLOG::response res = AUTO_VAL_INIT(res); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock(); bool r = invoke_http_json_rpc("/json_rpc", "get_txpool_backlog", req, res, rpc_timeout); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock(); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "Failed to connect to daemon"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(res.status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_BUSY, error::daemon_busy, "get_txpool_backlog"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK, error::get_tx_pool_error); uint64_t block_weight_limit = 0; const auto result = m_node_rpc_proxy.get_block_weight_limit(block_weight_limit); throw_on_rpc_response_error(result, "get_info"); uint64_t full_reward_zone = block_weight_limit / 2; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(full_reward_zone == 0, error::wallet_internal_error, "Invalid block weight limit from daemon"); std::vector> blocks; for (const auto &fee_level: fee_levels) { const double our_fee_byte_min = fee_level.first; const double our_fee_byte_max = fee_level.second; uint64_t priority_weight_min = 0, priority_weight_max = 0; for (const auto &i: res.backlog) { if (i.weight == 0) { MWARNING("Got 0 weight tx from txpool, ignored"); continue; } double this_fee_byte = i.fee / (double)i.weight; if (this_fee_byte >= our_fee_byte_min) priority_weight_min += i.weight; if (this_fee_byte >= our_fee_byte_max) priority_weight_max += i.weight; } uint64_t nblocks_min = priority_weight_min / full_reward_zone; uint64_t nblocks_max = priority_weight_max / full_reward_zone; MDEBUG("estimate_backlog: priority_weight " << priority_weight_min << " - " << priority_weight_max << " for " << our_fee_byte_min << " - " << our_fee_byte_max << " piconero byte fee, " << nblocks_min << " - " << nblocks_max << " blocks at block weight " << full_reward_zone); blocks.push_back(std::make_pair(nblocks_min, nblocks_max)); } return blocks; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::vector> wallet2::estimate_backlog(uint64_t min_tx_weight, uint64_t max_tx_weight, const std::vector &fees) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(min_tx_weight == 0, error::wallet_internal_error, "Invalid 0 fee"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(max_tx_weight == 0, error::wallet_internal_error, "Invalid 0 fee"); for (uint64_t fee: fees) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(fee == 0, error::wallet_internal_error, "Invalid 0 fee"); } std::vector> fee_levels; for (uint64_t fee: fees) { double our_fee_byte_min = fee / (double)min_tx_weight, our_fee_byte_max = fee / (double)max_tx_weight; fee_levels.emplace_back(our_fee_byte_min, our_fee_byte_max); } return estimate_backlog(fee_levels); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- uint64_t wallet2::get_segregation_fork_height() const { if (m_nettype == TESTNET) return TESTNET_SEGREGATION_FORK_HEIGHT; if (m_nettype == STAGENET) return STAGENET_SEGREGATION_FORK_HEIGHT; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(m_nettype != MAINNET, tools::error::wallet_internal_error, "Invalid network type"); if (m_segregation_height > 0) return m_segregation_height; if (m_use_dns && !m_offline) { // All four ElectroneumPulse domains have DNSSEC on and valid static const std::vector dns_urls = { "segheights.electroneumpulse.org", "segheights.electroneumpulse.net", "segheights.electroneumpulse.co", "segheights.electroneumpulse.se" }; const uint64_t current_height = get_blockchain_current_height(); uint64_t best_diff = std::numeric_limits::max(), best_height = 0; std::vector records; if (tools::dns_utils::load_txt_records_from_dns(records, dns_urls, "heights")) { for (const auto& record : records) { std::vector fields; boost::split(fields, record, boost::is_any_of(":")); if (fields.size() != 2) continue; uint64_t height; if (!string_tools::get_xtype_from_string(height, fields[1])) continue; MINFO("Found segregation height via DNS: " << fields[0] << " fork height at " << height); uint64_t diff = height > current_height ? height - current_height : current_height - height; if (diff < best_diff) { best_diff = diff; best_height = height; } } if (best_height) return best_height; } } return SEGREGATION_FORK_HEIGHT; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::generate_genesis(cryptonote::block& b) const { cryptonote::generate_genesis_block(b, get_config(m_nettype).GENESIS_TX, get_config(m_nettype).GENESIS_NONCE); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mms::multisig_wallet_state wallet2::get_multisig_wallet_state() const { mms::multisig_wallet_state state; state.nettype = m_nettype; state.multisig = multisig(&state.multisig_is_ready); state.has_multisig_partial_key_images = has_multisig_partial_key_images(); state.multisig_rounds_passed = m_multisig_rounds_passed; state.num_transfer_details = m_transfers.size(); if (state.multisig) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!m_original_keys_available, error::wallet_internal_error, "MMS use not possible because own original Electroneum address not available"); state.address = m_original_address; state.view_secret_key = m_original_view_secret_key; } else { state.address = m_account.get_keys().m_account_address; state.view_secret_key = m_account.get_keys().m_view_secret_key; } state.mms_file=m_mms_file; return state; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wallet_device_callback * wallet2::get_device_callback() { if (!m_device_callback){ m_device_callback.reset(new wallet_device_callback(this)); } return m_device_callback.get(); }//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::on_device_button_request(uint64_t code) { if (nullptr != m_callback) m_callback->on_device_button_request(code); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::on_device_button_pressed() { if (nullptr != m_callback) m_callback->on_device_button_pressed(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boost::optional wallet2::on_device_pin_request() { if (nullptr != m_callback) return m_callback->on_device_pin_request(); return boost::none; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boost::optional wallet2::on_device_passphrase_request(bool on_device) { if (nullptr != m_callback) return m_callback->on_device_passphrase_request(on_device); return boost::none; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::on_device_progress(const hw::device_progress& event) { if (nullptr != m_callback) m_callback->on_device_progress(event); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string wallet2::get_rpc_status(const std::string &s) const { if (m_trusted_daemon) return s; return ""; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::throw_on_rpc_response_error(const boost::optional &status, const char *method) const { // no error if (!status) return; MERROR("RPC error: " << method << ": status " << *status); // empty string -> not connection THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(status->empty(), tools::error::no_connection_to_daemon, method); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(*status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_BUSY, tools::error::daemon_busy, method); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(*status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK, tools::error::wallet_generic_rpc_error, method, m_trusted_daemon ? *status : "daemon error"); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::hash_m_transfer(const transfer_details & transfer, crypto::hash &hash) const { KECCAK_CTX state; keccak_init(&state); keccak_update(&state, (const uint8_t *) transfer.m_txid.data, sizeof(transfer.m_txid.data)); keccak_update(&state, (const uint8_t *) transfer.m_internal_output_index, sizeof(transfer.m_internal_output_index)); keccak_update(&state, (const uint8_t *) transfer.m_global_output_index, sizeof(transfer.m_global_output_index)); keccak_update(&state, (const uint8_t *) transfer.m_amount, sizeof(transfer.m_amount)); keccak_finish(&state, (uint8_t *) hash.data); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- uint64_t wallet2::hash_m_transfers(int64_t transfer_height, crypto::hash &hash) const { CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(transfer_height > (int64_t)m_transfers.size(), "Hash height is greater than number of transfers"); KECCAK_CTX state; crypto::hash tmp_hash{}; uint64_t current_height = 0; keccak_init(&state); for(const transfer_details & transfer : m_transfers){ if (transfer_height >= 0 && current_height >= (uint64_t)transfer_height){ break; } hash_m_transfer(transfer, tmp_hash); keccak_update(&state, (const uint8_t *) transfer.m_block_height, sizeof(transfer.m_block_height)); keccak_update(&state, (const uint8_t *) tmp_hash.data, sizeof(tmp_hash.data)); current_height += 1; } keccak_finish(&state, (uint8_t *) hash.data); return current_height; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wallet2::finish_rescan_bc_keep_key_images(uint64_t transfer_height, const crypto::hash &hash) { // Compute hash of m_transfers, if differs there had to be BC reorg. crypto::hash new_transfers_hash{}; hash_m_transfers((int64_t) transfer_height, new_transfers_hash); if (new_transfers_hash != hash) { // Soft-Reset to avoid inconsistency in case of BC reorg. clear_soft(false); // keep_key_images works only with soft reset. THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(true, error::wallet_internal_error, "Transfers changed during rescan, soft or hard rescan is needed"); } // Restore key images in m_transfers from m_key_images for(auto it = m_key_images.begin(); it != m_key_images.end(); it++) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(it->second >= m_transfers.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Key images cache contains illegal transfer offset"); m_transfers[it->second].m_key_image = it->first; m_transfers[it->second].m_key_image_known = true; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- uint64_t wallet2::get_bytes_sent() const { return m_http_client.get_bytes_sent(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- uint64_t wallet2::get_bytes_received() const { return m_http_client.get_bytes_received(); } void wallet2::add_checkpoint(uint64_t height, std::string hash){ m_checkpoints.add_checkpoint(height, hash); } }