{-| This script builds any version of the Elm Platform from source. Before you use it, make sure you have the Haskell Platform with a recent version of cabal. To install a released version of Elm, you will run something like this: runhaskell BuildFromSource.hs 0.18 Before you do that, in some directory of your choosing, add wherever/Elm-Platform/0.18/.cabal-sandbox/bin to your PATH. Then, run the above. You will now actually have a new directory for the Elm Platform, like this: Elm-Platform/0.18/ elm-make/ -- git repo for the build tool, ready to edit elm-repl/ -- git repo for the REPL, ready to edit ... .cabal-sandbox/ -- various build files All of the executables you need are in .cabal-sandbox/bin, which is on your PATH and thus can be used from anywhere. You can build many versions of the Elm Platform, so it is possible to have Elm-Platform/0.18/ and Elm-Platform/0.17/ with no problems. It is up to you to manage your PATH variable or symlinks though. To get set up with the master branch of all Elm Platform projects, run this: runhaskell BuildFromSource.hs master From there you can start developing on any of the projects, switching branches and testing interactions between projects. -} module Main where import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.Map as Map import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing, getCurrentDirectory, setCurrentDirectory) import System.Environment (getArgs) import System.Exit (ExitCode, exitFailure) import System.FilePath (()) import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr, stdout) import System.Process (rawSystem, readProcess) import System.Info (compilerVersion) import qualified Data.Version as Vsn import System.Directory (findExecutable) import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP (readP_to_S) (=:) = (,) data Config = Config { elmVersion :: String , ghcVersion :: [Int] , dependencies :: [(String, String)] } configs :: Map.Map String Config configs = Map.fromList $ map (\config -> (elmVersion config, config)) $ [ Config "master" [7,10] $ [ "elm-compiler" =: "master" , "elm-package" =: "master" , "elm-make" =: "master" , "elm-reactor" =: "master" , "elm-repl" =: "master" ] , Config "0.18" [7,10] $ [ "elm-compiler" =: "0.18.0" , "elm-package" =: "0.18.0" , "elm-make" =: "0.18.0" , "elm-reactor" =: "0.18.0" , "elm-repl" =: "0.18.0" ] , Config "0.17.1" [7,10] $ [ "elm-compiler" =: "0.17.1" , "elm-package" =: "0.17.1" , "elm-make" =: "0.17.1" , "elm-reactor" =: "0.17.1" , "elm-repl" =: "0.17.1" ] , Config "0.17" [7,10] $ [ "elm-compiler" =: "0.17" , "elm-package" =: "0.17" , "elm-make" =: "0.17" , "elm-reactor" =: "0.17" , "elm-repl" =: "0.17" ] , Config "0.16" [7,10] $ [ "elm-compiler" =: "0.16" , "elm-package" =: "0.16" , "elm-make" =: "0.16" , "elm-reactor" =: "0.16" , "elm-repl" =: "0.16" ] , Config "0.15.1" [7,8] $ [ "elm-compiler" =: "0.15.1" , "elm-package" =: "0.5.1" , "elm-make" =: "0.2" , "elm-reactor" =: "0.3.2" , "elm-repl" =: "0.4.2" ] , Config "0.15" [7,8] $ [ "elm-compiler" =: "0.15" , "elm-package" =: "0.5" , "elm-make" =: "0.1.2" , "elm-reactor" =: "0.3.1" , "elm-repl" =: "0.4.1" ] , Config "0.14.1" [7,6] $ [ "elm-compiler" =: "0.14.1" , "elm-package" =: "0.4" , "elm-make" =: "0.1.1" , "elm-reactor" =: "0.3" , "elm-repl" =: "0.4" ] , Config "0.14" [7,6] $ [ "elm-compiler" =: "0.14" , "elm-package" =: "0.2" , "elm-make" =: "0.1" , "elm-reactor" =: "0.2" , "elm-repl" =: "0.4" ] , Config "0.13" [7,6] $ [ "Elm" =: "0.13" , "elm-reactor" =: "0.1" , "elm-repl" =: "0.3" , "elm-get" =: "0.1.3" ] , Config "0.12.3" [7,6] $ [ "Elm" =: "0.12.3" , "elm-server" =: "" , "elm-repl" =: "" , "elm-get" =: "0.1.2" ] ] main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs case args of [version] -> case Map.lookup version configs of Nothing -> failure $ "You want me to build `" ++ version ++ "` but the only options are:\n " ++ List.intercalate ", " (Map.keys configs) Just (Config _ expectedGhcVersion dependencies) -> do checkGhc expectedGhcVersion checkCabal makeRepos ("Elm-Platform" version) version dependencies _ -> failure $ "Expecting one of the following values as the only argument:\n " ++ List.intercalate ", " (Map.keys configs) failure :: String -> IO () failure msg = do hPutStrLn stderr msg exitFailure makeRepos :: FilePath -> String -> [(String, String)] -> IO () makeRepos artifactDirectory version repos = do createDirectoryIfMissing True artifactDirectory setCurrentDirectory artifactDirectory writeFile "cabal.config" "split-objs: True" root <- getCurrentDirectory mapM_ (uncurry (makeRepo root)) repos cabal [ "update" ] -- create a sandbox for installation cabal [ "sandbox", "init" ] -- add each of the sub-directories as a sandbox source cabal ([ "sandbox", "add-source" ] ++ map fst repos) -- install all of the packages together in order to resolve transitive dependencies robustly -- (install the dependencies a bit more quietly than the elm packages) cabal ([ "install", "-j", "--only-dependencies", "--ghc-options=\"-w\"", "--max-backjumps=-1" ] ++ (if version <= "0.15.1" then [ "--constraint=fsnotify<0.2" ] else []) ++ map fst repos) cabal ([ "install", "-j" ] ++ (if version <= "0.15.1" then [ "--ghc-options=\"-XFlexibleContexts\"" ] else []) ++ filter (/= "elm-reactor") (map fst repos)) -- elm-reactor needs to be installed last because of a post-build dependency on elm-make cabal [ "install", "-j", "elm-reactor" ] return () makeRepo :: FilePath -> String -> String -> IO () makeRepo root projectName version = do -- get the right version of the repo git [ "clone", "https://github.com/elm-lang/" ++ projectName ++ ".git" ] setCurrentDirectory projectName git [ "checkout", version, "--quiet" ] -- move back into the root setCurrentDirectory root -- CHECK HASKELL VERSIONS checkGhc :: [Int] -> IO () checkGhc expected = if take 2 expected == take 2 (Vsn.versionBranch compilerVersion) then putStrLn $ "Using GHC " ++ Vsn.showVersion compilerVersion else failure $ "You need GHC " ++ List.intercalate "." (map show expected) ++ " to build this version of Elm.\nYou are using GHC " ++ Vsn.showVersion compilerVersion ++ " instead." checkCabal :: IO () checkCabal = do path <- findExecutable "cabal" case path of Nothing -> failure $ "It looks like cabal is not installed. You need at least version 1.18 or higher." Just path -> do versionString <- readProcess path [ "--numeric-version" ] "" let version = fst $ last $ readP_to_S Vsn.parseVersion versionString if [1,18] <= Vsn.versionBranch version then putStrLn $ "Using Cabal " ++ versionString else failure $ "You need cabal 1.18 or higher to build Elm. You are using cabal " ++ versionString -- HELPER FUNCTIONS cabal :: [String] -> IO ExitCode cabal = rawSystem "cabal" git :: [String] -> IO ExitCode git = rawSystem "git"