{ "id": "ce2c106e1892a583", "definitionId": "3e970eee281541c9", "name": "Onboarding", "description": "A simple onboarding process for demo purposes.", "createdAt": "2024-01-01T18:43:18.336419+00:00", "version": 6, "toolVersion": "", "variables": [ { "id": "bd549b6479e7d3be", "name": "Employee", "typeName": "Object", "isArray": false, "storageDriverTypeName": "Elsa.Workflows.Services.WorkflowStorageDriver, Elsa.Workflows.Core" } ], "inputs": [], "outputs": [], "outcomes": [], "customProperties": {}, "isReadonly": false, "isLatest": true, "isPublished": true, "options": { "autoUpdateConsumingWorkflows": false }, "root": { "type": "Elsa.Flowchart", "version": 1, "id": "4fcee5c53a7d231b", "nodeId": "Workflow1:4fcee5c53a7d231b", "metadata": {}, "customProperties": { "source": "FlowchartJsonConverter.cs:45", "notFoundConnections": [], "canStartWorkflow": false, "runAsynchronously": false }, "activities": [ { "taskName": { "typeName": "String", "expression": { "type": "Literal", "value": "Create Email Account" } }, "payload": { "typeName": "ObjectDictionary", "expression": { "type": "JavaScript", "value": "return {\n employee: getEmployee(),\n description: \u0022Create an email account for the new employee\u0022\n}" } }, "result": null, "id": "b39d18dd92744edd", "nodeId": "Workflow1:4fcee5c53a7d231b:b39d18dd92744edd", "name": "RunTask1", "type": "Elsa.RunTask", "version": 1, "customProperties": { "canStartWorkflow": false, "runAsynchronously": false }, "metadata": { "designer": { "position": { "x": -400, "y": 260 }, "size": { "width": 223.265625, "height": 50 } }, "displayText": "Create Email Account" } }, { "from": { "typeName": "String", "expression": { "type": "Literal", "value": "hr@acme.com" } }, "to": { "typeName": "String[]", "expression": { "type": "JavaScript", "value": "getEmployee().email;" } }, "cc": null, "bcc": null, "subject": { "typeName": "String", "expression": { "type": "JavaScript", "value": "\u0060Welcome onboard, ${getEmployee().name}!\u0060" } }, "attachments": null, "body": { "typeName": "String", "expression": { "type": "JavaScript", "value": "\u0060Hi ${getEmployee()},\u003Cbr\u003E\u003Cbr\u003EAll of your accounts have been setup. Welcome onboard!\u0060" } }, "error": null, "id": "877360a825dc284e", "nodeId": "Workflow1:4fcee5c53a7d231b:877360a825dc284e", "name": "SendEmail1", "type": "Elsa.SendEmail", "version": 1, "customProperties": { "canStartWorkflow": false, "runAsynchronously": false }, "metadata": { "designer": { "position": { "x": 342.0234375, "y": 226.9921875 }, "size": { "width": 147.875, "height": 116.015625 } } } }, { "variable": { "id": "bd549b6479e7d3be", "name": "Employee", "typeName": "Object", "storageDriverTypeName": "Elsa.Workflows.Services.WorkflowStorageDriver, Elsa.Workflows.Core" }, "value": { "typeName": "Object", "expression": { "type": "JavaScript", "value": "getInput(\u0022Employee\u0022)" } }, "id": "a2f276be6a01814b", "nodeId": "Workflow1:4fcee5c53a7d231b:a2f276be6a01814b", "name": "SetVariable1", "type": "Elsa.SetVariable", "version": 1, "customProperties": { "canStartWorkflow": false, "runAsynchronously": false }, "metadata": { "designer": { "position": { "x": -759.55078125, "y": 260 }, "size": { "width": 245.109375, "height": 50 } }, "displayText": "Set Employee from Input" } }, { "taskName": { "typeName": "String", "expression": { "type": "Literal", "value": "Create Slack Account" } }, "payload": { "typeName": "ObjectDictionary", "expression": { "type": "JavaScript", "value": "return {\n employee: getEmployee(),\n description: \u0022Create a Slack account for the new employee.\u0022\n}" } }, "result": null, "id": "7f999d32038312aa", "nodeId": "Workflow1:4fcee5c53a7d231b:7f999d32038312aa", "name": "RunTask2", "type": "Elsa.RunTask", "version": 1, "customProperties": { "canStartWorkflow": false, "runAsynchronously": false }, "metadata": { "designer": { "position": { "x": -40, "y": 140 }, "size": { "width": 222.25, "height": 50 } }, "displayText": "Create Slack Account" } }, { "taskName": { "typeName": "String", "expression": { "type": "Literal", "value": "Create GitHub Account" } }, "payload": { "typeName": "ObjectDictionary", "expression": { "type": "JavaScript", "value": "return {\n employee: getEmployee(),\n description: \u0022Create a GitHub account for the new employee.\u0022\n}" } }, "result": null, "id": "78f84d3cc03f652", "nodeId": "Workflow1:4fcee5c53a7d231b:78f84d3cc03f652", "name": "RunTask3", "type": "Elsa.RunTask", "version": 1, "customProperties": { "canStartWorkflow": false, "runAsynchronously": false }, "metadata": { "designer": { "position": { "x": -40, "y": 260 }, "size": { "width": 233.046875, "height": 50 } }, "displayText": "Create GitHub Account" } }, { "taskName": { "typeName": "String", "expression": { "type": "Literal", "value": "Add to HR System" } }, "payload": { "typeName": "ObjectDictionary", "expression": { "type": "JavaScript", "value": "return {\n employee: getEmployee(),\n description: \u0022Add the new employee to the HR system.\u0022\n}" } }, "result": null, "id": "50c91865b8ef2c09", "nodeId": "Workflow1:4fcee5c53a7d231b:50c91865b8ef2c09", "name": "RunTask4", "type": "Elsa.RunTask", "version": 1, "customProperties": { "canStartWorkflow": false, "runAsynchronously": false }, "metadata": { "designer": { "position": { "x": -40, "y": 384 }, "size": { "width": 198.265625, "height": 50 } }, "displayText": "Add to HR System" } } ], "connections": [ { "source": { "activity": "a2f276be6a01814b", "port": "Done" }, "target": { "activity": "b39d18dd92744edd", "port": "In" } }, { "source": { "activity": "7f999d32038312aa", "port": "Done" }, "target": { "activity": "877360a825dc284e", "port": "In" } }, { "source": { "activity": "78f84d3cc03f652", "port": "Done" }, "target": { "activity": "877360a825dc284e", "port": "In" } }, { "source": { "activity": "50c91865b8ef2c09", "port": "Done" }, "target": { "activity": "877360a825dc284e", "port": "In" } }, { "source": { "activity": "b39d18dd92744edd", "port": "Done" }, "target": { "activity": "7f999d32038312aa", "port": "In" } }, { "source": { "activity": "b39d18dd92744edd", "port": "Done" }, "target": { "activity": "78f84d3cc03f652", "port": "In" } }, { "source": { "activity": "b39d18dd92744edd", "port": "Done" }, "target": { "activity": "50c91865b8ef2c09", "port": "In" } } ] } }