# Sublime minify on save
It is a sublime plugin to minify .js and .css file when you save them.
## Requirements
To work, you need to have the [Minifier](https://github.com/bistory/Sublime-Minifier "Minifier") plugin already installed on your sublime.
## Installation
a) Install `Minify on Save` via [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io "Package Control") (**RECOMMENDED**):
First install Package Control - [see installation instructions](https://packagecontrol.io/installation "Installation Instructions")
Then, inside Sublime Text press `ctrl + shift + p` (`super + shift + p` on Mac OS X) and find `Package Control: Install Package` then press `Enter`.
You just need to search for the `Minify on Save` package and install-it (pressing `Enter`).
b) Alternatively, you can install Minify on Save from GitHub directly (NOT RECOMMENDED):
_on Mac OS X_:
`git clone git://github.com/eltonvs/sublime-minify-on-save.git ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/Minify`
Note: Replace `"Sublime\ Text\ 3"` with `"Sublime\ Text\ 2"` in the above command if you are using Sublime Text 2.
_on Windows_:
`git clone git://github.com/eltonvs/sublime-minify-on-save.git %APPDATA%\Sublime Text 3\Packages\Minify`
Note: Replace `"Sublime Text 3"` with `"Sublime Text 2"` in the above command if you are using Sublime Text 2.
## Contribute
A lot of things can be improved on this plugin, make it better, feel free to contribute!
That's all, Folks!