# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Check [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/) for recommendations on how to structure this file. ## 1.9.0 (Unreleased) > Released N/A * fix: Make remove entry optional (#480) * Add dashboard icon face (#483) * Add customization option to hide the cursor on the dashboard (#492) * Add option to vertically center dashboard (#318 and #493) * fix: Adding animation to webp image (#502) * feat: Support for insert startupify list in order (#506) * Support for random banners (#510) * Support for random footer icon (#519) ## 1.8.0 > Released Jul 26, 2023 * Disable display-line-numbers-mode (#182) * Mute no project removed message (#212) * Align the file icons horizontally (#221) * Fix package count when using package.el and straight.el simultaneously (#233) * Fix fitler agenda by time (#232) * Respect to custom items face instead of widget-button face (#273) * Support for image transforms (#278) * Allow moving point during `dashboard-mode-hook` (#227) * Add truncate style for path (#279) * Add agenda highlight headlines (#281) * Fix mosue click error (#285) * Add flag to refresh instead to kill the dashboard buffer (#290) * Fix wrong recent files when first starting the dashboard buffer (#294) * Add license file (#296) * Fix icon for week agenda items (#300) * Make `page-break-lines` as optional dependency (#315) * Add feature to customize section headings (#316) * Add gif support (#327) * Fix init info reporting with wrong time (#330) * Add new ASCII GNU Emacs logo, `banners/4.txt`. (#337) * Add feature to sort agenda (#335) * Update the CI process uasing Cask (#341) * Add a changelog (#342) * Make shortcut function name respect to shortcut id (#348) * Add capability to custom align agenda widget (#350) * Correct straight.el package count (#354) * Lazy load modules specify in dashboard buffer (#359) * Clean up zombie project for project.el (#363) * Add capability to navigate each section (#365) * Add functionality to delete items (#366) * Fix issue dashboard-banners-directory resolves with two slashes ("dashboard//banners") (GNU only?) (#367) * Add capability to remove item for agenda (#372) * Add CI, activation test (#381) * Fix dashboard not showing up in daemon mode (#382) * Calculate truncate path length in pixel (#402) * Center banner with properties and combine text with image (#407) * Caculate line length in pixel width (#427) * Add ascii option to dashboard-startup-banner (#436) * Agenda tags format (#441) * Make icon display predicate customizeable (#442) * Add support for nerd-icons (#451) * Add custom variables for icon's arguments (#461) ## 1.7.0 > Released Feb 21, 2020 * Update year in Copyright * Fix CI and include emacs 27 (#218) * Disable package-lint checks for now * Fix error when `dashboard--section-starts' is nil (#204) * Smaller icon size for remote files (#211) * Create a custom variable for dashboard-footer (#186) * Replace defvar with defcustom, making customize work properly (#205) * Disable undo history for dashboard buffer (#207) * Avoid loading `all-the-icons` prematurely (#209) * Get elisp-lint path using find * Refactor: use all-the-icons-icon-for-dir (#198) * Update Emacs 26 to 26.3 * Update elisp-lint package * Update circe to 2.1 * Replace if with when (#200) * Fix space after comma for phrase in dashboard-footer (#194) * Fix face description typo (#189) * Fix widget face bug. Fixed some linting issues (#177) * Dashboard return button (#171) * Fix icons for weekly agenda and add an icon final condition (#173) * Added filtering by category for org mode (#167) * Revert "Remove `(require 'seq)` (#165)" * Remove `(require 'seq)` (#165) * Restore seq-take properly * Replace `seq-take` with its code (#161) * Reduce initial requires (#162) * Update screenshot * Vimish bindings (#139) ## 1.6.0 > Released Jun 07, 2019 * Added foot note plus several enhancements and code improvements (#137) @romatthe * Do not require all-the-icons for footer icon, use it only if it is available (#141) @JesusMtnez * Properly use footer icon fallback text (#142) @JesusMtnez * Add face: dashboard-footer (#145) @seagle0128 * Clean up project list before loading it (#144) @seagle0128 * Add the navigator below the banner with the customized buttons. (#143) @seagle0128 * Support `straight.el` properly in `dashboard-init-info` (#147) @JesusMtnez * Support multiple lines for the navigator. (#150) @JesusMtnez * Add newline at the end of insert footer. (#149) @jcs090218 * Update metadata in comments @JesusMtnez * Drop 24.4 support, from now on checking from emacs 25.3 @JesusMtnez ## 1.5.0 > Released May 27, 2019 * Support bookmark/agenda/register/project actions. (#131) * Made heading icons a customizable variable (#135) ## 1.4.0 > Released May 22, 2019 * Update emacs versions used in CircleCI (#124) - Emacs 25.3 - Emacs 26.2 - Emacs master * Added heading and file icons (#123) * Added new init info functionality (#126) ## 1.3.1 > Released Mar 20, 2019 * No need to launch 'projectile-mode (#113) * Use "Applications" group and give a proper description (#114) * Fix error in `dashboard-next-section` (#118) * Make line moving commands behave like `dired` (#117) ## 1.3.0 > Released Mar 03, 2019 * New configuration `dashboard-center-content` to center content (#88) * Handle the case where dashboard lines longer than win width (#101) * Fix shortcut regression bug (#102) * Fix opening org mode "links" (#106) * Add shortcut indicators to sections (#103) * Indicate when a section has no items (#107) * Give section headings a face for easy visual scanning (#109) ## 1.2.5 > Released Feb 25, 2019 * Improve CircleCI badge ## 1.2.4 > Released Sep 23, 2017 * Registers widget - Thanks to [Pedro Silva](https://github.com/pedros) ## 1.2.3 > Released Aug 11, 2017 * Refactored widgets into their own module * Added org-mode agenda ## 1.0.3 > Released Dec 05, 2016 * `g` shortcut refreshes contents of Dashboard. * Stop dashboard from displaying if Emacs is launched with a filename * Fix whitespace-mode banner issue