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"autheticatorFlow" : true } ] }, { "id" : "f961b3f4-4e62-4971-9158-6bc982eb2404", "alias" : "clients", "description" : "Base authentication for clients", "providerId" : "client-flow", "topLevel" : true, "builtIn" : true, "authenticationExecutions" : [ { "authenticator" : "client-secret", "requirement" : "ALTERNATIVE", "priority" : 10, "userSetupAllowed" : false, "autheticatorFlow" : false }, { "authenticator" : "client-jwt", "requirement" : "ALTERNATIVE", "priority" : 20, "userSetupAllowed" : false, "autheticatorFlow" : false } ] }, { "id" : "4ccfe909-3865-46e1-810f-4caa2d9f44e7", "alias" : "direct grant", "description" : "OpenID Connect Resource Owner Grant", "providerId" : "basic-flow", "topLevel" : true, "builtIn" : true, "authenticationExecutions" : [ { "authenticator" : "direct-grant-validate-username", "requirement" : "REQUIRED", "priority" : 10, "userSetupAllowed" : false, "autheticatorFlow" : false }, { "authenticator" : "direct-grant-validate-password", "requirement" : "REQUIRED", "priority" : 20, "userSetupAllowed" : false, "autheticatorFlow" : false }, { "authenticator" : "direct-grant-validate-otp", "requirement" : "OPTIONAL", "priority" : 30, "userSetupAllowed" : false, "autheticatorFlow" : false } ] }, { "id" : "ff98f739-3356-4171-99cb-637dcb473128", "alias" : "first broker login", "description" : "Actions taken after first broker login with identity provider account, which is not yet linked to any Keycloak account", "providerId" : "basic-flow", "topLevel" : true, "builtIn" : true, "authenticationExecutions" : [ { "authenticatorConfig" : "review profile config", "authenticator" : "idp-review-profile", "requirement" : "REQUIRED", "priority" : 10, "userSetupAllowed" : false, "autheticatorFlow" : false }, { "authenticatorConfig" : "create unique user config", "authenticator" : "idp-create-user-if-unique", "requirement" : "ALTERNATIVE", "priority" : 20, "userSetupAllowed" : false, "autheticatorFlow" : false }, { "requirement" : "ALTERNATIVE", "priority" : 30, "flowAlias" : "Handle Existing Account", "userSetupAllowed" : false, "autheticatorFlow" : true } ] }, { "id" : "0d5b17f6-2a4b-4a9a-b54e-27a033fc31d3", "alias" : "forms", "description" : "Username, password, otp and other auth forms.", "providerId" : "basic-flow", "topLevel" : false, "builtIn" : true, "authenticationExecutions" : [ { "authenticator" : "auth-username-password-form", "requirement" : "REQUIRED", "priority" : 10, "userSetupAllowed" : false, "autheticatorFlow" : false }, { "authenticator" : "auth-otp-form", "requirement" : "OPTIONAL", "priority" : 20, "userSetupAllowed" : false, "autheticatorFlow" : false } ] }, { "id" : "28a0bd80-8eae-40c3-8bd0-e8e4971f8b34", "alias" : "registration", "description" : "registration flow", "providerId" : "basic-flow", "topLevel" : true, "builtIn" : true, "authenticationExecutions" : [ { "authenticator" : "registration-page-form", "requirement" : "REQUIRED", "priority" : 10, "flowAlias" : "registration form", "userSetupAllowed" : false, "autheticatorFlow" : true } ] }, { "id" : "54cafdd9-e98b-4dfd-8d13-0baf6b866fcd", "alias" : "registration form", "description" : "registration form", "providerId" : "form-flow", "topLevel" : false, "builtIn" : true, "authenticationExecutions" : [ { "authenticator" : "registration-user-creation", "requirement" : "REQUIRED", "priority" : 20, "userSetupAllowed" : false, "autheticatorFlow" : false }, { "authenticator" : "registration-profile-action", "requirement" : "REQUIRED", "priority" : 40, "userSetupAllowed" : false, "autheticatorFlow" : false }, { "authenticator" : "registration-password-action", "requirement" : "REQUIRED", "priority" : 50, "userSetupAllowed" : false, "autheticatorFlow" : false }, { "authenticator" : "registration-recaptcha-action", "requirement" : "DISABLED", "priority" : 60, "userSetupAllowed" : false, "autheticatorFlow" : false } ] }, { "id" : "24ba9841-44ba-476f-bf73-d1f9d3d10aa3", "alias" : "reset credentials", "description" : "Reset credentials for a user if they forgot their password or something", "providerId" : "basic-flow", "topLevel" : true, "builtIn" : true, "authenticationExecutions" : [ { "authenticator" : "reset-credentials-choose-user", "requirement" : "REQUIRED", "priority" : 10, "userSetupAllowed" : false, "autheticatorFlow" : false }, { "authenticator" : "reset-credential-email", "requirement" : "REQUIRED", "priority" : 20, "userSetupAllowed" : false, "autheticatorFlow" : false }, { "authenticator" : "reset-password", "requirement" : "REQUIRED", "priority" : 30, "userSetupAllowed" : false, "autheticatorFlow" : false }, { "authenticator" : "reset-otp", "requirement" : "OPTIONAL", "priority" : 40, "userSetupAllowed" : false, "autheticatorFlow" : false } ] }, { "id" : "b5e2d1a4-e42a-4ceb-bee9-56624e0c46ba", "alias" : "saml ecp", "description" : "SAML ECP Profile Authentication Flow", "providerId" : "basic-flow", "topLevel" : true, "builtIn" : true, "authenticationExecutions" : [ { "authenticator" : "http-basic-authenticator", "requirement" : "REQUIRED", "priority" : 10, "userSetupAllowed" : false, "autheticatorFlow" : false } ] } ], "authenticatorConfig" : [ { "id" : "6ed95a48-7643-41d9-b7b6-bd7a41971ad1", "alias" : "create unique user config", "config" : { "require.password.update.after.registration" : "false" } }, { "id" : "2b59f901-00d8-47c0-bc15-69e8580c702c", "alias" : "review profile config", "config" : { "update.profile.on.first.login" : "missing" } } ], "requiredActions" : [ { "alias" : "CONFIGURE_TOTP", "name" : "Configure OTP", "providerId" : "CONFIGURE_TOTP", "enabled" : true, "defaultAction" : false, "config" : { } }, { "alias" : "UPDATE_PASSWORD", "name" : "Update Password", "providerId" : "UPDATE_PASSWORD", "enabled" : true, "defaultAction" : false, "config" : { } }, { "alias" : "UPDATE_PROFILE", "name" : "Update Profile", "providerId" : "UPDATE_PROFILE", "enabled" : true, "defaultAction" : false, "config" : { } }, { "alias" : "VERIFY_EMAIL", "name" : "Verify Email", "providerId" : "VERIFY_EMAIL", "enabled" : true, "defaultAction" : false, "config" : { } }, { "alias" : "terms_and_conditions", "name" : "Terms and Conditions", "providerId" : "terms_and_conditions", "enabled" : false, "defaultAction" : false, "config" : { } } ], "browserFlow" : "browser", "registrationFlow" : "registration", "directGrantFlow" : "direct grant", "resetCredentialsFlow" : "reset credentials", "clientAuthenticationFlow" : "clients", "keycloakVersion" : "2.1.0.Final" } ]