DashedComments for Sublime Text 2 ================================= This plugin inserts the comments block just before the current line with the same length by striping whitespaces. This is mainly used for ruby programmers. ## Requirement - RubyFormat plugin to format your ruby code after inserting the comment block since it will strip the blank spaces which may have introduced by the indentation settings. ## Installation ### Package Control Using [Package Control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control), a package manager for Sublime Text 2. In Sublime Text 2, press "win(cmd) + shift + p" and then type "install". Once you see "Package Control: Install Package", enter. When the packages load, another selection window will appear. Type DashedComments and enter. All done! ### Manual Installation Open a terminal. change the path to Sublime Text 2 's packages folder. Then type the command like this: ```bash cd "~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/" git clone git://github.com/email2vimalraj/DashedComments.git ``` Example: ------- ```ruby #-------------------- # This is the comment def comment_code #----------------------------- add_comment_block_on_top_of_me end ``` ## Useful ### Key Binding ``` ctrl + alt + d on Windows ctrl + alt + d on Linux shift + cmd + d on Mac OS X ``` ## TODO List - Try to avoid the RubyFormat