version: 1 title: Planetside 2 contributor: summary: Models real-time player kill data from Planetside 2 and supplements the killfeed graph with detailed information about the player characters and the weapons used. description: |- Ingests the websockets killfeed from Daybreak Games' MMOFPS "PlanetSide 2", invoking the getJsonLines procedure to lazily fill out unknown static data. Replace all instances of `s:example` with a service-id acquired from ingestStreams: - type: WebsocketSimpleStartupIngest url: wss:// initMessages: # A couple notes: character names are not reused across servers, so we can subscribe to all servers ("worlds") and not worry about namespacing character names # Characters can be *renamed*, but this is rare because it costs the player $25 - |- { "service":"event", "action":"subscribe", "worlds": ["all"], "characters":["all"], "eventNames":["Death"] } format: type: CypherJson query: |- WITH * WHERE $that.type = 'serviceMessage' CREATE (m:murder) // these are never replayed, so no reason to idFrom SET m = COALESCE($that.payload, {}) WITH id(m) as mId MATCH (murder) WHERE id(murder) = mId MATCH (victim) WHERE id(victim) = idFrom('character', murder.character_id) MATCH (attacker) WHERE id(attacker) = idFrom('character', murder.attacker_character_id) MATCH (weapon) WHERE id(weapon) = idFrom('weapon', murder.attacker_weapon_id) SET weapon.uninitialized = weapon.weapon_id IS NULL // flag the weapon for initialization if applicable SET victim:character, attacker:character, weapon:weapon, victim.character_id = murder.character_id, attacker.character_id = murder.attacker_character_id, weapon.weapon_id = murder.attacker_weapon_id CREATE (victim)<-[:victim]-(murder)-[:attacker]->(attacker), (murder)-[:weapon]->(weapon) // characters contain mutable data, eg certs. We'll add the timestamp to give us something to hook for refreshing data WITH murder, victim, attacker UNWIND [victim, attacker] AS character SET character.last_update = murder.timestamp standingQueries: # Populate character data - pattern: type: Cypher # match each new character-label node query: MATCH (newCharacter:character) WHERE exists(newCharacter.character_id) RETURN DISTINCT id(newCharacter) AS id outputs: populate-fresh-character: type: CypherQuery query: |- MATCH (c) WHERE id(c) = $ CALL loadJsonLines(""+c.character_id) YIELD value SET c += COALESCE(value.character_list[0], {}) // there should always be a "character_list" with exactly 1 value: the character we queried # Populate weapon data - pattern: type: Cypher query: MATCH (weapon:weapon) WHERE weapon.uninitialized = true AND exists(weapon.weapon_id) RETURN DISTINCT id(weapon) AS id outputs: populate-weapon: type: CypherQuery query: |- MATCH (weapon) WHERE id(weapon) = $ CALL loadJsonLines(""+weapon.weapon_id+"&c:join=weapon_datasheet") YIELD value SET weapon += COALESCE(value.item_list[0], {}) // there should always be a "item_list" with exactly 1 value: the weapon we queried REMOVE weapon.uninitialized # Future Standing Query idea: monitor for "trades" (ie, when two players kill each other simultaneously) nodeAppearances: - predicate: propertyKeys: [] dbLabel: character knownValues: {} icon: ion-android-person - predicate: propertyKeys: [] dbLabel: murder knownValues: {} icon: "\u2694\uFE0F" - predicate: propertyKeys: [] dbLabel: weapon knownValues: {} icon: "\uD83D\uDD2B" - predicate: propertyKeys: [] dbLabels: [] knownValues: {} quickQueries: [] sampleQueries: []