# TODO: rule-name-goes-here (TODO: only include this line if the rule is recommended) ✅ The `"extends": "plugin:ember/recommended"` property in a configuration file enables this rule. (TODO: only include this line if the rule is fixable) 🔧 The `--fix` option on the [command line](https://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/command-line-interface#fixing-problems) can automatically fix some of the problems reported by this rule. TODO: context about the problem goes here ## Rule Details TODO: what the rule does goes here ## Examples Examples of **incorrect** code for this rule: ```js // TODO: Example 1 ``` ```js // TODO: Example 2 ``` Examples of **correct** code for this rule: ```js // TODO: Example 1 ``` ```js // TODO: Example 2 ``` ## Migration TODO: suggest any fast/automated techniques for fixing violations in a large codebase - TODO: suggestion on how to fix violations using find-and-replace / regexp - TODO: suggestion on how to fix violations using a codemod ## Configuration TODO: exclude this section if the rule has no extra configuration. TODO: ensure `meta.schema` contains descriptions, constraints, defaults, etc for all options. ## Related Rules - [TODO-related-rule-name1](related-rule-name1.md) - [TODO-related-rule-name2](related-rule-name2.md) ## References - TODO: link to relevant documentation goes here) - TODO: link to relevant function spec goes here - TODO: link to relevant guide goes here