% Basic MPC example demonstrating the use of Yalmip to formulate MPC % problems and FORCESPRO to solve them very quickly. % % In this example, we will have the matrices A and B as parameters. This % often occurs when a system is (re-)linearized around an operating point. % % Simple MPC - double integrator example for use with FORCESPRO % % min xN'*P*xN + sum_{i=0}^{N-1} xi'*Q*xi + ui'*R*ui % xi,ui % s.t. x0 = x(t) % x_i+1 = A*xi + B*ui for i = 0...N-1 % xmin <= xi <= xmax for i = 1...N % umin <= ui <= umax for i = 0...N-1 % % Q, R, and P are suitable cost matrices and A and B are % parameters to the problem. % % Note: due to 1-based indexing in Matlab, we use 1...N+1 instead of 0...N % as indices for state and input trajectory % % This file is part of the y2f project: http://github.com/embotech/y2f, % a project maintained by embotech under the MIT open-source license. % % (c) Gian Ulli and embotech AG, Zurich, Switzerland, 2013-2023. clear; clc; %% MPC problem data % system dimensions nx = 2; nu = 1; % horizon N = 10; % cost matrices Q = eye(2); R = eye(1); P = 10*Q; % we don't know A and B yet, so we cannot compute the LQR cost and use this instead % constraints umin = -0.5; umax = 0.5; xmin = [-5; -5]; xmax = [5; 5]; %% Build MPC problem in Yalmip % Define variables x0 = sdpvar(nx,1); % initial state X = sdpvar(nx,N+1,'full'); % state trajectory: x1,...,xN (columns of X) U = sdpvar(nu,N,'full'); % input trajectory: u0,...,u_{N-1} (columns of U) A = sdpvar(nx,nx,'full'); % system matrix - parameter B = sdpvar(nx,nu,'full'); % input matrix - parameter % Initialize objective and constraints of the problem cost = 0; const = x0 == X(:,1); % Assemble MPC formulation for i = 1:N % cost if( i < N ) cost = cost + 0.5*X(:,i+1)'*Q*X(:,i+1) + 0.5*U(:,i)'*R*U(:,i); else cost = cost + 0.5*X(:,N+1)'*P*X(:,N+1) + 0.5*U(:,N)'*R*U(:,N); end % model const = [const, X(:,i+1) == A*X(:,i) + B*U(:,i)]; % bounds const = [const, umin <= U(:,i) <= umax]; const = [const, xmin <= X(:,i+1) <= xmax]; end %% Create controller object (generates code) % for a complete list of codeoptions, see % https://forces.embotech.com/Documentation/solver_options/index.html codeoptions = getOptions('parametricDynamics_solver'); % give solver a name parameters = { x0, A, B }; parameterNames = { 'xinit', 'Amatrix', 'Bmatrix' }; controller = optimizerFORCES(const, cost, codeoptions, parameters, U(:,1), parameterNames, {'u0'} ); %% Simulate x1 = [-4; 2]; kmax = 30; X = zeros(nx,kmax+1); X(:,1) = x1; U = zeros(nu,kmax); problem.z1 = zeros(2*nx,1); for k = 1:kmax % Set system matrices A = [1.1 1; 0 1]; B = [1; 0.5]; % Evaluate controller function for parameters [U(:,k),exitflag,info] = controller{ X(:,k), A, B }; % Always check the exitflag in case something went wrong in the solver if( exitflag == 1 ) fprintf('Time step %2d: FORCESPRO took %2d iterations and %5.3f ', k, info.it, info.solvetime*1000); fprintf('milliseconds to solve the problem.\n'); else disp(info); error('Some problem in solver'); end % State update X(:,k+1) = A*X(:,k) + B*U(:,k); end %% plot figure(1); clf; subplot(2,1,1); grid on; title('states'); hold on; plot([1 kmax], [xmax xmax]', 'r--'); plot([1 kmax], [xmin xmin]', 'r--'); ylim(1.1*[min(xmin),max(xmax)]); stairs(1:kmax,X(:,1:kmax)'); subplot(2,1,2); grid on; title('input'); hold on; plot([1 kmax], [umax umax]', 'r--'); plot([1 kmax], [umin umin]', 'r--'); ylim(1.1*[min(umin),max(umax)]); stairs(1:kmax,U(:,1:kmax)');