% % LaTeX template for prepartion of submissions to PLDI'16 % % Requires temporary version of sigplanconf style file provided on % PLDI'16 web site. % \documentclass[pldi]{sigplanconf-pldi16} % \documentclass[pldi-cameraready]{sigplanconf-pldi16} % % the following standard packages may be helpful, but are not required % \usepackage{SIunits} % typset units correctly \usepackage{courier} % standard fixed width font \usepackage[scaled]{helvet} % see www.ctan.org/get/macros/latex/required/psnfss/psnfss2e.pdf \usepackage{url} % format URLs \usepackage{listings} % format code \usepackage{enumitem} % adjust spacing in enums \usepackage[colorlinks=true,allcolors=blue,breaklinks,draft=false]{hyperref} % hyperlinks, including DOIs and URLs in bibliography % known bug: http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/1522/pdfendlink-ended-up-in-different-nesting-level-than-pdfstartlink \newcommand{\doi}[1]{doi:~\href{http://dx.doi.org/#1}{\Hurl{#1}}} % print a hyperlinked DOI \begin{document} \title{Instructions for Submission to PLDI'16} % % any author declaration will be ignored when using 'pldi' option (for double blind review) % \authorinfo{Person 1 \and Person 2} {\makebox{A Department} \\ \makebox{A University} \\ \makebox{A Place, AS 12345}} {\{person1,person2\}@cs.auniv.edu} \maketitle \begin{abstract} This document is intended to serve as a sample for submissions to PLDI'16, the 37th Annual ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation. We provide some guidelines that authors should follow when submitting papers to the conference. \end{abstract} \section{Introduction} This document provides instructions for submitting papers to PLDI'16. In an effort to respect the efforts of reviewers and in the interest of fairness to all prospective authors, we request that all submissions to PLDI'16 follow the formatting and submission rules detailed below. \textbf{Submissions that violate these instructions may not be reviewed}, at the discretion of the \href{mailto:emery@cs.umass.edu?subject=[PLDI'16]}{program chair}, in order to maintain a review process that is fair to all potential authors. \paragraph{Paper evaluation objectives} The committee will make every effort to judge each submitted paper on its own merits. There will be no target acceptance rate. We expect to accept a wide range of papers with appropriate expectations for evaluation --- while papers that build on significant past work with strong evaluations are valuable, papers that open new areas with less rigorous evaluation are equally welcome and especially encouraged. \textbf{In either case, what is important is that the paper's claims are no stronger than what is supported by the evaluation.} Given the wide range of topics covered by PLDI, every effort will be made to find expert reviewers. All questions regarding paper formatting and submission should be directed to the \href{mailto:emery@cs.umass.edu?subject=[PLDI'16]}{program chair}. \paragraph{Highlights From This Document} \begin{itemize}[noitemsep] \item Paper must be submitted in printable PDF format. \item Text must be in a minimum \textbf{10\,pt font} (\emph{not} 9\,pt). \item Papers at most \textbf{11 pages}, not including references. \item There is no page limit for references. \item Each reference must specify \textbf{all authors} (no \emph{et al.}). \item The reviewing process will include two phases. \begin{itemize} \item There will be an initial round of reviews. \item Those papers identified as most worthy of further consideration will proceed to the second phase and receive additional reviews. \item Authors \emph{will not} be required, nor given the opportunity, to revise their submissions after phase one. \end{itemize} \item Authors of \emph{all} accepted papers will be required to give a lightning presentation (about 90\,s) in addition to the regular conference talk. \item Proceedings may appear in the ACM digital library as early as as early as May 30, 2016. \end{itemize} \section{Paper Preparation Instructions} \subsection{Paper Formatting} Papers must be submitted in printable PDF format and should contain a \textbf{maximum of 11 pages} of single-spaced two-column text, \textbf{not including references}. In-text citations may follow either the \textbf{ACM / TOPLAS author-year style (`[Smith 1990]')}, \emph{or} \textbf{the numerical style (`[1]')}. You may include any number of pages for references. If you are using \LaTeX~\cite{Lamport:94} to typeset your paper, then we suggest that you use the temporary versions of the SIGPLAN \LaTeX~\href{https://github.com/emeryberger/PLDI-2016/blob/master/sigplanconf-pldi16.cls}{class file} and \href{https://github.com/emeryberger/PLDI-2016/blob/master/pldi16-template.tex}{template}. If you are using Microsoft Word, you may wish to use \href{http://conf.researchr.org/getImage/pldi2015/orig/pldi15-word-template.dot}{this} template. \textbf{Whichever tool you use, please ensure you adhere to the guidelines given in Table~\ref{table:formatting}.} The conference submission website will use the \href{https://www.usenix.org/legacy/event/wowcs08/tech/full_papers/voelker/voelker.pdf}{banal} format checker to \emph{advise} on formatting compliance. \begin{table}[t!] \centering { \sffamily\small % tabular data either 10pt times, or 9pt helvetica \begin{tabular}{rl} \textbf{Field} & \textbf{Value}\\ \hline File format & PDF \\ Page limit & 11 pages, \textbf{excluding references}\\ Paper size & US Letter 8.5in $\times$ 11in\\ Top margin & 1in\\ Bottom margin & 1in\\ Left margin & 0.75in\\ Right margin & 0.75in\\ Body & 2-column, single-spaced\\ Column separation & 0.25in\\ Body font & 10pt\\ Tabular font & 10pt Times (or 9pt Helvetica)\\ Abstract font & 10pt\\ Section heading & 12pt, bold\\ Subsection heading & 10pt, bold\\ Caption font & 10pt\\ % In-text citation & Author-year (`[Smith 1990]' \emph{\textbf{not}} `[3]') \\ References & 10pt, no page limit, list all authors' names\\ \end{tabular} } \caption{Formatting guidelines for submission. } \label{table:formatting} \end{table} For the \emph{convenience of reviewers}, all submissions will be automatically watermarked by the paper submission site (\href{http://conf.researchr.org/getImage/pldi2015/orig/pldi15-template-wm.pdf}{example here}), so please \textbf{avoid adding any text in the margins or headers} such as footers, headers, or banners, other than the centered page number provided by the template (which is only for the author's convenience, since the watermarking adds page numbers). The watermarking process strips the submitted pdf of all metadata (thereby removing information which might otherwise identify authors). \subsection{Content} \paragraph{Double Blind.} Reviewing will be double blind; therefore, please do not include any author names on any submitted documents except in the space provided on the online submission form. Please take time to read the \href{http://conf.researchr.org/track/pldi-2016/pldi-2016-papers#FAQ-on-Double-Blind-Reviewing}{PLDI FAQ on Double Blind Reviewing}, which gives a more comprehensive and authoritative account than this short paragraph. If you are improving upon your prior work, refer to your prior work in the third person and include a full citation for the work in the bibliography. For example, if you happened to be Collins and McCarthy, building on \emph{your own} prior work, you might say something like: ``While prior work \cite{Backus:60,Collins:60,McCarthy:60} did X, Y, and Z, this paper additionally does W, and is therefore much better.'' \textbf{Do NOT omit or anonymize references for blind review}. \paragraph{Figures and Tables.} Ensure that the figures and tables are legible. Please also ensure that you refer to your figures in the main text. Many reviewers print the papers in gray-scale. Therefore, if you use colors for your figures, ensure that the different colors are highly distinguishable in gray-scale. \paragraph{References.} There is no length limit for references. \textbf{Each reference must explicitly list all authors of the paper.} Papers not meeting this requirement will be rejected. Authors of NSF proposals should be familiar with this requirement. Knowing all authors of related work will help find the best reviewers. Since there is no length limit for the number of pages used for references, there is no need to save space here. \section{Paper Submission Instructions} \subsection{Declaring Authors} Enter all authors of the paper into the online paper submission tool upfront. Addition/removal of authors once the paper is accepted will have to be approved by the \href{mailto:emery@cs.umass.edu?subject=[PLDI'16]}{program chair}, since it potentially undermines the goal of eliminating conflicts for reviewer assignment. \subsection{Supplementary Material} The paper submission website will allow authors to upload an additional document containing material that supplements the paper (such as an extended proof or extensive results). However, it is essential that authors understand that: a) reviewers are \textbf{not obliged} to read the supplement, and b) the supplement must be \textbf{fully anonymized.} \subsection{Areas and Topics} PLDI is a broad conference. If you are unsure whether your work falls within scope for PLDI, please check the \href{http://conf.researchr.org/track/pldi2016/pldi2016-papers#Call-for-Papers}{call for papers} and if still in doubt, check with the \href{mailto:emery@cs.umass.edu?subject=[PLDI'16]}{program chair}. \subsection{Concurrent Submissions and Workshops} By submitting a manuscript to PLDI'16, authors guarantee that they are adhering to the \href{http://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Policies/Republication/}{SIGPLAN Republication Policy}. Please ensure that you are familiar with it. Violation of any of these conditions will lead to rejection. As always, if you are in doubt, it is best to contact the \href{mailto:emery@cs.umass.edu?subject=[PLDI'16]}{program chair}. Finally, we also note that the \href{http://www.acm.org/publications/policies/plagiarism_policy}{ACM Plagiarism Policy} covers a range of ethical issues concerning the misrepresentation of other works or one's own work. \section{Early Access in the Digital Library} The PLDI'16 proceedings may be available on the ACM Digital Library as early as May 30, 2016. \textbf{Authors must consider any implications of this early disclosure of their work \emph{before} submitting their papers.} \section{Acknowledgements} This document is based primarily on the document created by Steve Blackburn (PLDI'15), which in turn relies heavily on ones prepared for previous conferences and we thank their program chairs; in particular, Sandhya Dwarkadas (ASPLOS'15), Sarita Adve (ASPLOS'14), Steve Keckler (ISCA'14), Christos Kozyrakis (Micro'13), Margaret Martonosi (ISCA'13), Onur Mutlu (Micro'12), and Michael L. Scott (ASPLOS'12). \bibliographystyle{abbrvnat} % We recommend that you use BibTeX. The inlined bibitems below are % used to keep this template to a single file. \begin{thebibliography}{} \softraggedright \bibitem[Backus et~al.(1960)]{Backus:60} J.~W. Backus, F.~L. Bauer, J.~Green, C.~Katz, J.~McCarthy, A.~J. Perlis, H.~Rutishauser, K.~Samelson, B.~Vauquois, J.~H. Wegstein, A.~van Wijngaarden, and M.~Woodger. \newblock Report on the algorithmic language ALGOL 60. \newblock \emph{Commun. ACM}, 3\penalty0 (5):\penalty0 299--314, May 1960. \newblock ISSN 0001-0782. \newblock \doi{10.1145/367236.367262}. \bibitem[Collins(1960)]{Collins:60} G.~E. Collins. \newblock A method for overlapping and erasure of lists. \newblock \emph{Commun. ACM}, 3\penalty0 (12):\penalty0 655--657, December 1960. \newblock \doi{10.1145/367487.367501} \bibitem[Lamport(1994)]{Lamport:94} L.~Lamport. \newblock \emph{{\LaTeX: A Document Preparation System}}. \newblock Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 2nd edition, 1994. \bibitem[McCarthy(1960)]{McCarthy:60} J.~McCarthy. \newblock Recursive functions of symbolic expressions and their computation by machine, part {I}. \newblock \emph{Commun. ACM}, 3\penalty0 (4):\penalty0 184--195, April 1960. \newblock \doi{10.1145/367177.367199} \end{thebibliography} \end{document}