"""Robot motion simulation with simple text-based graphics""" # MCS 275 Spring 2021 - Emily Dumas # Used in Lecture 5 and Lecture 6 from plane import Vector,Point import bots import random import time width=60 height=30 current_bots = [] # Make some wander bots for i in range(5): P = Point(random.randint(0,width-1),random.randint(0,height-1)) current_bots.append(bots.WanderBot(position=P)) # Make some patrol bots patrol_directions = [ Vector(1,0), Vector(0,1), Vector(1,1) ] for i in range(10): P = Point(random.randint(0,width-1),random.randint(0,height-1)) D = random.choice(patrol_directions) current_bots.append(bots.PatrolBot(position=P,direction=D,nstep=8)) # Make two destruct bots current_bots.append(bots.DestructBot(position=Point(4,4),lifetime=5)) current_bots.append(bots.DestructBot(position=Point(4,10),lifetime=15)) # Symbols for the different kinds of bots botsymbols = { bots.PatrolBot: "P", bots.DestructBot: "D", bots.WanderBot: "W", bots.Bot: "*" } print("Press ENTER to begin the simulation") input() n=0 while True: print("\n"*2*height) board = [ [" "]*width for _ in range(height) ] for b in current_bots: if not b.alive: continue elif b.position.x < 0 or b.position.x >= width: continue elif b.position.y < 0 or b.position.y >= height: continue # Mark the spot with a symbol depending on bot type board[b.position.y][b.position.x] = botsymbols[b.__class__] # To print the board, we'll print a lot of newlines, then # the board itself, and then the time indicator. We'll put those # into a single string to reduce the chance that part of the display # is updated before the whole thing is shown. This makes the # "graphics" a little more fluid. boardstr = "\n"*3*height for row in board: boardstr+="".join(row) + "\n" boardstr += "time={}".format(n) print(boardstr,flush=True) time.sleep(0.2) for b in current_bots: b.update() n += 1