"""Classes representing robots in a simulation""" # MCS 275 Spring 2022 Emily Dumas # Lecture 5 import plane import random class Bot: """Base class for all robots. Sits in one place forever.""" def __init__(self,position): """Setup with initial position `position` (a plane.Point2 instance)""" self.alive = True if not isinstance(position,plane.Point2): raise TypeError("`postition` must be a Point2") self.position = position # intended to be a plane.Point2 instance def move(self,v): "Move the position of this Bot by Vector2 `v`" self.position = self.position + v def __str__(self): """Human-readable string representation""" return "{}(position=({},{}),alive={})".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.position.x, self.position.y, self.alive ) def __repr__(self): """Unambiguous string representation""" return str(self) def update(self): """Advance one time step (by doing nothing)""" class WanderBot(Bot): """A robot that wanders randomly""" steps = [ plane.Vector2(1,0), plane.Vector2(-1,0), plane.Vector2(0,1), plane.Vector2(0,-1) ] def update(self): """Take one random step""" self.move(random.choice(self.steps)) class HorizontalWanderBot(WanderBot): """A robot that wanders randomly along a horizontal line""" # Because we inherit from WanderBot, all we need to do is # change the value of class attribute `steps`. steps = [ plane.Vector2(1,0), plane.Vector2(-1,0) ] class DestructBot(Bot): """A robot that sits for a while and then self-destructs""" def __init__(self,position,lifetime): """ Initialize bot with position `position` (Point2) and which will sit there for `lifetime` steps """ # super() # returns an object that behaves like self, but # is a Bot, not a DestructBot super().__init__(position) # call constructor of Bot self.lifetime = lifetime self.remaining = self.lifetime if self.lifetime <= 0: self.alive = False def __str__(self): """Human-readable string representation""" return "{}(position=({},{}),lifetime={},remaining={})".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.position.x, self.position.y, self.lifetime, self.remaining ) def update(self): "Sit still and possibly self-destruct" if not self.alive: return self.remaining -= 1 if self.remaining <= 0: # self-destruct self.alive = False class PatrolBot(Bot): """A robot walks back and forth forever""" def __init__(self,position,step,numsteps): """ Initialize a PatrolBot starting at `position`, taking steps given by Vector2 `step`, and turning around after `numsteps` steps. """ super().__init__(position) self.step = step self.numsteps = numsteps self.curstep = 0 def __str__(self): """Human-readable string representation""" return "{}(position=({},{}),step={},numsteps={},curstep={})".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.position.x, self.position.y, self.step, self.numsteps, self.curstep ) def update(self): "Take one step and possibly turn around" if self.curstep == self.numsteps: self.step = -1*self.step # reverse direction self.curstep = 0 # reset the step counter self.move(self.step) self.curstep += 1