"""Classes representing robots in a simulation""" # MCS 275 Spring 2023 Emily Dumas import plane import random class Bot: """Base class for all robots. Sits in one place forever.""" symbol = "B" def __init__(self, position): """Setup with initial position `position` (a plane.Point2 instance)""" self.active = True if not isinstance(position, plane.Point2): raise TypeError("Bot position must be a Point2") self.position = position def move(self, v): "Move the position of this Bot by Vector2 `v`" self.position = self.position + v def __str__(self): """Human-readable string representation""" return "{}(position={},active={})".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.position, self.active, ) def __repr__(self): """Unambiguous string representation""" return str(self) def update(self): """Advance one time step (by doing nothing)""" class WanderBot(Bot): "Robot that makes a random movement at each time step" symbol = "W" # Create a CLASS ATTRIBUTE shared by all instances of WanderBot steps = [ plane.Vector2(1, 0), plane.Vector2(-1, 0), plane.Vector2(0, 1), plane.Vector2(0, -1), ] def update(self): "Take a random step" # Choose one of these steps at random v = random.choice(self.steps) # Add v to the position of this robot self.move(v) class FastWanderBot(WanderBot): "Robot that makes a random movement (NSEW or diagonal) at each time step" symbol = "F" steps = [ plane.Vector2(1, 0), plane.Vector2(-1, 0), plane.Vector2(0, 1), plane.Vector2(0, -1), plane.Vector2(1, 1), plane.Vector2(1, -1), plane.Vector2(-1, 1), plane.Vector2(-1, -1), ] class DestructBot(Bot): "Robot that sits in one place for a specified amount of time, then deactivates" symbol = "D" def __init__(self, position, active_time): """ Initialize a DestructBot at position `position` and which will remain active for `active_time` time steps """ # Old initialization super().__init__(position) # New initialization self.active_time = active_time # will stay the same on each update self.remaining_time = active_time # will decrease by 1 each update # Note: we don't strictly need to store active_time, as it's only # the remaining time that this instance needs to do its work. It's # a matter of taste whether to do so. def __str__(self): "Human-readable string representation" return "{}(position={},active_time={},remaining_time={},active={})".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.position, self.active_time, # <-- we stored it, so it's nice to display it self.remaining_time, self.active, ) def update(self): "Make note of the passage of one unit of time, deactivating if we're out of time" if self.remaining_time == 0: self.active = False else: self.remaining_time -= 1 class PatrolBot(Bot): "Robot that walks back and forth over a line segment" symbol = "P" def __init__(self, position, direction, n): """ Initialize a PatrolBot that starts at `position` and takes steps of size `direction`. After `n` steps, it turns around and comes back. This cycle repeats forever. """ super().__init__(position) # Unchanging parameters self.direction = direction self.n = n self.handlers = {"out": self.update_out, "back": self.update_back} # Internal state self.state = "out" # "out" for outward journey, "back" for return self.count = 0 # how many steps we've taken in the current state def update(self): "Advance the simulation by one time step" # Call whichever function in the `handlers` dispatch table # is the one meant to handle updates for the current state self.handlers[self.state]() def update_out(self): "Take a step out" self.move(self.direction) self.count += 1 if self.count == self.n: self.state = "back" self.count = 0 def update_back(self): "Take a step back" self.move(-self.direction) self.count += 1 if self.count == self.n: self.state = "out" self.count = 0