#!/bin/sh # Script Name: ts3updater.sh # Author: eminga # Version: 1.6 # Description: Installs and updates TeamSpeak 3 servers # License: MIT License cd "$(dirname "$0")" || exit 1 # check whether the dependencies curl, jq, and tar are installed if ! command -v curl > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo 'curl not found' 1>&2 exit 1 elif ! command -v jq > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo 'jq not found' 1>&2 exit 1 elif ! command -v tar > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo 'tar not found' 1>&2 exit 1 fi # determine os and cpu architecture os=$(uname -s) if [ "$os" = 'Darwin' ]; then jqfilter='.macos' else if [ "$os" = 'Linux' ]; then jqfilter='.linux' elif [ "$os" = 'FreeBSD' ]; then jqfilter='.freebsd' else echo 'Could not detect operating system. If you run Linux, FreeBSD, or macOS and get this error, please open an issue on Github.' 1>&2 exit 1 fi architecture=$(uname -m) if [ "$architecture" = 'x86_64' ] || [ "$architecture" = 'amd64' ]; then jqfilter="${jqfilter}.x86_64" else jqfilter="${jqfilter}.x86" fi fi # download JSON file which provides information on server versions and checksums server=$(curl -Ls 'https://www.teamspeak.com/versions/server.json' | jq "$jqfilter") # determine installed version by parsing the most recent entry of the CHANGELOG file if [ -e 'CHANGELOG' ]; then old_version=$(grep -Eom1 'Server Release \S*' "CHANGELOG" | cut -b 16-) else old_version='-1' fi version=$(printf '%s' "$server" | jq -r '.version') if [ "$old_version" != "$version" ]; then echo "New version available: $version" checksum=$(printf '%s' "$server" | jq -r '.checksum') links=$(printf '%s' "$server" | jq -r '.mirrors | values[]') # order mirrors randomly if command -v shuf > /dev/null 2>&1; then links=$(printf '%s' "$links" | shuf) fi tmpfile=$(mktemp "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/ts3updater.XXXXXXXXXX") i=1 n=$(printf '%s\n' "$links" | wc -l) # try to download from mirrors until download is successful or all mirrors tried while [ "$i" -le "$n" ]; do link=$(printf '%s' "$links" | sed -n "$i"p) echo "Downloading the file $link" curl -Lo "$tmpfile" "$link" if [ $? = 0 ]; then i=$(( n + 1 )) else i=$(( i + 1 )) fi done if command -v sha256sum > /dev/null 2>&1; then sha256=$(sha256sum "$tmpfile" | cut -b 1-64) elif command -v shasum > /dev/null 2>&1; then sha256=$(shasum -a 256 "$tmpfile" | cut -b 1-64) elif command -v sha256 > /dev/null 2>&1; then sha256=$(sha256 -q "$tmpfile") else echo 'Could not generate SHA256 hash. Please make sure at least one of these commands is available: sha256sum, shasum, sha256' 1>&2 rm "$tmpfile" exit 1 fi if [ "$checksum" = "$sha256" ]; then tsdir=$(tar -tf "$tmpfile" | grep -m1 /) if [ ! -e '.ts3server_license_accepted' ]; then # display server license tar --to-stdout -xf "$tmpfile" "$tsdir"LICENSE echo -n "Accept license agreement (y/N)? " read answer if ! echo "$answer" | grep -iq "^y" ; then rm "$tmpfile" exit 1 fi fi if [ -e 'ts3server_startscript.sh' ]; then # check if server is running if [ -e 'ts3server.pid' ]; then ./ts3server_startscript.sh stop else server_stopped=true fi else mkdir "$tsdir" || { echo 'Could not create installation directory. If you wanted to upgrade an existing installation, make sure to place this script INSIDE the existing installation directory.' 1>&2; rm "$tmpfile"; exit 1; } cd "$tsdir" && mv ../"$(basename "$0")" . fi # extract the archive into the installation directory and overwrite existing files tar --strip-components 1 -xf "$tmpfile" "$tsdir" touch .ts3server_license_accepted if [ "$1" != '--dont-start' ] && [ "$server_stopped" != true ]; then ./ts3server_startscript.sh start "$@" fi else echo 'Checksum of downloaded file is incorrect!' 1>&2 rm "$tmpfile" exit 1 fi rm "$tmpfile" else echo "The installed server is up-to-date. Version: $version" fi