#! /usr/bin/python # Copyright 2013 - Emmanuel Cordente # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # See to get a copy of the GNU General # Public License. import urllib2 import simplejson import RPi.GPIO as GPIO from time import sleep import threading import subprocess import gaugette.rotary_encoder # Class qui gere toutes les communications avec le serveur squeezebox class SqueezeBoxServer(): def __init__(self, host="", port=9000, player_id=""): self.host = host self.port = port self.server_url = "http://%s:%s/jsonrpc.js" % (self.host, self.port) self.player_id = player_id self.artists = self.query( "artists", 0, 9999)['artists_loop'] self.radio_count = self.query( "favorites", "items")['count'] self.artist_count = len(self.artists) def query(self, *args): params = simplejson.dumps({'id':1, 'method':'slim.request', 'params':[self.player_id, list(args)]}) req = urllib2.Request(self.server_url, params) response = urllib2.urlopen(req) response_txt = response.read() return simplejson.loads(response_txt)['result'] def setVolume(self, volume): self.query("mixer", "volume", volume) def getArtists(self): return self.artists def getArtistsCount(self): return self.artist_count def getRadiosCount(self): return self.radio_count def playRadio(self, radio): return self.query("favorites", "playlist", "play", "item_id:"+str(radio)) def getArtistAlbum(self, artist_id): return self.query("albums", 0, 99, "tags:al", "artist_id:"+str(artist_id))['albums_loop'] def playAlbum(self, id): return self.query("playlistcontrol", "cmd:load", "album_id:"+str(id)) def pause(self): return self.query("pause") def previousSong(self): return self.query("playlist", "index", "-1") def nextSong(self): return self.query("playlist", "index", "+1") def getCurrentSongTitle(self): return self.query("current_title", "?")['_current_title'] def getCurrentRadioTitle(self, radio): return self.query("favorites", "items", 0, 99)['loop_loop'][radio]['name'] ############################ # Class de controle du LCD # ############################ class HD44780(threading.Thread): ###################### # Variable Shared # ###################### _PULSE = 0.00005 _DELAY = 0.00005 ###################### # Constructeur # ###################### def __init__(self, pin_rs=26, pin_e=24, pins_db=[22, 18, 16, 12], lcd_width=32): self.message = "" self.currentmessage = "azertyuiop" self.stop = False self.lcd_width = lcd_width self.pin_rs = pin_rs self.pin_e = pin_e self.pins_db = pins_db self.updating=False GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) # Use RaspPI GPIO numbers GPIO.setup(self.pin_e, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(self.pin_rs, GPIO.OUT) for pin in self.pins_db: GPIO.setup(pin, GPIO.OUT) self.Clear() threading.Thread.__init__(self) ###################### # Demarrage du Thread# ###################### def run(self): while self.stop == False: if self.message != self.currentmessage: self.currentmessage = self.message self.LcdMessage() sleep(0.005) ###################### # Arret du Thread # ###################### def Stop(self): self.stop = True ###################### # Initialisation LCD # ###################### def Clear(self): """ Blank / Reset LCD """ self.LcdByte(0x33, False) # $33 8-bit mode self.LcdByte(0x32, False) # $32 8-bit mode self.LcdByte(0x28, False) # $28 8-bit mode self.LcdByte(0x0C, False) # $0C 8-bit mode self.LcdByte(0x06, False) # $06 8-bit mode self.LcdByte(0x01, False) # $01 8-bit mode ###################### #Execution sur le LCD# ###################### def LcdByte(self, bits, mode): """ Send byte to data pins """ # bits = data # mode = True for character # False for command GPIO.output(self.pin_rs, mode) # RS # High bits for pin in self.pins_db: GPIO.output(pin, False) if bits&0x10==0x10: GPIO.output(self.pins_db[0], True) if bits&0x20==0x20: GPIO.output(self.pins_db[1], True) if bits&0x40==0x40: GPIO.output(self.pins_db[2], True) if bits&0x80==0x80: GPIO.output(self.pins_db[3], True) # Toggle 'Enable' pin sleep(HD44780._DELAY) GPIO.output(self.pin_e, True) sleep(HD44780._PULSE) GPIO.output(self.pin_e, False) sleep(HD44780._DELAY) # Low bits for pin in self.pins_db: GPIO.output(pin, False) if bits&0x01==0x01: GPIO.output(self.pins_db[0], True) if bits&0x02==0x02: GPIO.output(self.pins_db[1], True) if bits&0x04==0x04: GPIO.output(self.pins_db[2], True) if bits&0x08==0x08: GPIO.output(self.pins_db[3], True) # Toggle 'Enable' pin sleep(HD44780._DELAY) GPIO.output(self.pin_e, True) sleep(HD44780._PULSE) GPIO.output(self.pin_e, False) sleep(HD44780._DELAY) ###################### #Affichage sur le LCD# ###################### def LcdMessage(self): """ Send string to LCD. Newline wraps to second line""" text = self.currentmessage self.LcdByte(0x80, False) lines = text.split("\n") line1=lines[0].ljust(self.lcd_width, " ") if (len(lines)>1): line2 = lines[1].ljust(self.lcd_width, " ") else: line2= " ".ljust(self.lcd_width, " ") for c in line1: self.LcdByte(ord(c),True) self.LcdByte(0xC0, False) # next line for c in line2: self.LcdByte(ord(c),True) ###################### #Definir le message # ###################### def LcdSetMessage(self, text): self.message = text class UINavigation(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(11, GPIO.IN) GPIO.setup(15, GPIO.IN) A_PIN = 7 B_PIN = 9 self.encoder = gaugette.rotary_encoder.RotaryEncoder.Worker(A_PIN, B_PIN) self.encoder.start() self.current_artist=0 self.current_artist_album_count=0 self.current_radio=0 self.current_album=0 self.left=False self.right=False self.push=False self.back=False self.level="root" self.cursor=0 self.sbs = SqueezeBoxServer(host="",port=9000, player_id="80:1f:02:82:3a:50") self.lcd= HD44780() self.sbs.setVolume(100) self.paused = False threading.Thread.__init__(self) def affiche(self,texte): self.lcd.LcdSetMessage(texte) #print(texte) def update_screen(self): if (self.level == "root"): if (self.cursor==0): self.affiche('Radio') if (self.cursor==1): self.affiche('Artistes') elif (self.level == "artist"): self.affiche(self.sbs.getArtists()[self.current_artist]['artist']) elif (self.level == "radio"): if (self.paused==False): self.affiche(self.sbs.getCurrentRadioTitle(self.current_radio)) else: self.affiche("Pause - " + self.sbs.getCurrentRadioTitle(self.current_radio)) elif (self.level == "album"): self.affiche(self.sbs.getArtistAlbum(self.sbs.getArtists()[self.current_artist]['id'])[self.current_album]['album']) elif (self.level == "song"): if (self.paused==False): self.affiche(self.sbs.getArtists()[self.current_artist]['artist']+"\n"+self.sbs.getCurrentSongTitle()) else: self.affiche("Pause - " + self.sbs.getCurrentSongTitle()) def lbutton(self, fast=False): #Left BUTTON if (fast): fast_increment = 20 else: fast_increment = 0 if(self.level == "root"): if (self.cursor==1): self.cursor=0 self.update_screen() elif (self.cursor==0): self.cursor=1 self.update_screen() elif (self.level == "artist"): self.current_artist-=1+fast_increment if (self.current_artist<0): self.current_artist = self.sbs.getArtistsCount()-1 self.update_screen() elif (self.level == "radio"): if (self.current_radio>0): self.current_radio-=1 self.sbs.playRadio(self.current_radio) self.update_screen() elif (self.level == "album"): if (self.current_album>0): self.current_album-=1 self.update_screen() elif (self.level == "song"): self.sbs.previousSong() self.paused = False self.update_screen(); def rbutton(self, fast=False): #Right BUTTON if (fast): fast_increment = 20 else: fast_increment = 0 if (self.level == "root"): if (self.cursor==1): self.cursor=0 self.update_screen() elif (self.cursor==0): self.cursor=1 self.update_screen() elif (self.level == "artist"): self.current_artist+=1 + fast_increment if (self.current_artist>=self.sbs.getArtistsCount()-1): self.current_artist=0 self.update_screen() elif (self.level == "radio"): if (self.current_radio(5/tempo)): #refresh screen every 5 seconds if playing song self.update_screen() horloge=0 delta = self.encoder.get_delta() cumul += delta if (cumul>=4): cumul=0 self.rbutton(delta>=6) if (cumul<=-4): cumul=0 self.lbutton(delta<=-6) if(self.push==True): if(GPIO.input(11)==False): #print "BUTTON PUSH PRESSED" self.pbutton() self.push = GPIO.input(11) if(self.back==False): if(GPIO.input(15)==True): #print "BUTTON BACK PRESSED" self.bbutton() self.back = GPIO.input(15) sleep(tempo) def Stop(self): self.lcd.Clear() self.stop=True self.lcd.Stop() if __name__ == '__main__': # lcd = HD44780() # lcd.start() ui = UINavigation() ui.start() q = str(raw_input('Press ENTER to quit program\n')) ui.Stop()