# GenExprForSublime ##What's that? It's a syntax highlighting theme and snippets for developing [gen](http://cycling74.com/products/gen/) code for [Max](http://www.cycling74.com). ##Installation with Package Control You can install *GenExprForSublime* directly using [package control](https://sublime.wbond.net). If you don't have *package control* installed check this [great tutorial](https://tutsplus.com/lesson/package-control/). Once you have package control installed, simply type *package install* in the Command Palette, search for *GenExpr* and press enter to install. That's it. ##Manual installation go into your *~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User* folder and drop the **GenExprForSublime** folder in it. ## Support If you have question or need assistance, visit [e--j dev support](http://support.e--j.com).