# sublime-text-2-teaspoon This plugin is for running javascript unit tests in sublime text 2, ruby(on rails) and by using [teaspoon](https://github.com/modeset/teaspoon) test runner. ## Installation Search `sublime-text-2-teaspoon` in sublime text package controll. ## Usage - Run single teaspoon test: `Command-Shift-R` - Run all teaspoon tests from current file: `Command-Shift-T` - Run last teaspoon test(s): `Command-Shift-E` - Show test panel: `Command-Shift-X` (when test panel visible hit `esc` to hide it) Keys: 'Command' (OSX) 'Ctrl' (Linux / Windows) ### Options #### *test_folder: `String` (default: `"spec"`)* Sets the test root folder where put javascripts folder. ## Note This plugin is modfied from [sublime-text-2-ruby-tests](https://github.com/maltize/sublime-text-2-ruby-tests). You can find more information there. ## License The project is released under the [MIT license](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT). ## Contact The project's website is located at https://github.com/emn178/sublime-text-2-teaspoon Author: emn178@gmail.com