{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "##
The perfect balanced tree representing players and matches at a tennis Grand Slam.
Australian Open, 2022. Women's singles
" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "AUS Open is a tennis tournament attended by $𝑁=128=2^7$ women players. It is a balanced knokout tournament, \n", "consisting in 7 rounds. Before the starting a draw is released for the first round.\n", "Then succesivelly, the $(2𝑘-1)^{th}$ and $(2𝑘)^{th}$ winners in a round, $r\\geq 1$, $𝑘=1,...,2^{7-r}$ play together in the $(r+1)^{th}$ round. After the $6^{th}$ round the last two players have the final match, and the winner is the winner of the Grand Slam. The whole process is visualized by WTA as a balanced binary tree, having as root the tournament's winner, and the as tree nodes, the players in each round. The parent of a pair (2𝑘-1,2𝑘) playing in a round r is the winner of the corresponding match.\n", "\n", "We define as tree leafs the players from the second round, to avoid a cluttered tree visualization.\n", "The node positions, assigned by Shell network layout, are rotated by an angle to get a symmetric circular tree. \n", "The edges emanating from the a node pair (2k-1, 2k), representing players playing each other in the $r^{th}$, are drawn as a continuous/dotted line, depending on whether the match has been won/lost by that player.\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "The matches results are recorded in a csv file of 127 rows. The players from the second round are recorded in the lines $2^6:2^7-1$, i.e. 64:127, and similarly\n", "in the $r^{th}$, round, r=3, from $2^5:2^6-1$, and so on. In the $6^{th}$ round the finalists are recorded in the line 2 and 3,\n", "and the winner in the first line.\n", "\n", "Information on the match result is recorded in the column \"won_lost\". 1, repsectively 2, is the code for a won/lost match.\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 1, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.webio.node+json": { "children": [], "instanceArgs": { "namespace": "html", "tag": "div" }, "nodeType": "DOM", "props": {}, "type": "node" }, "text/html": [ "
\n", "

The WebIO Jupyter extension was not detected. See the\n", "\n", " WebIO Jupyter integration documentation\n", "\n", "for more information.\n", "

\n" ], "text/plain": [ "WebIO._IJuliaInit()" ] }, "metadata": { "application/vnd.webio.node+json": { "kernelId": "293b02dc-9d90-493e-bc5a-d39a04357d40" } }, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "using DataFrames, CSV, Graphs, PlotlyJS\n", "import NetworkLayout:Shell\n", "import LinearAlgebra:norm\n", "include(\"myutils.jl\");" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 2, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "set_annotation (generic function with 3 methods)" ] }, "execution_count": 2, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "function rot2d(t)\n", " return [cos(t) -sin(t); sin(t) cos(t)]\n", "end \n", "\n", "function set_annotation(x, y, anno_text, textangle, fontsize=11, color=\"white\")\n", " return attr(x= x, \n", " y= y, \n", " text= anno_text, \n", " textangle=textangle,#angle with horizontal line through (x,y), in degrees;\n", " #+ =clockwise, -=anti-clockwise\n", " font= attr(size=fontsize, color=color), \n", " showarrow=false) \n", "end " ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 3, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "h = 6\n", "N = 2^(h+1)-1\n", "V = collect(1:N)\n", "#get edges of a perfect balanced tree\n", "E = perfect_balanced_tree_edges();\n", "El = vcat([(0,0)], E);" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 4, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "df = CSV.File(\"data/AUS-open-2022.csv\") |> DataFrame ;\n", "@assert(size(df, 1)==N)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 5, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "G = SimpleGraph(N)\n", "for e in E[1:end-1]\n", " add_edge!(G, e[1], e[2])\n", "end \n", "\n", "n = vcat([[1]], [collect(2^k:2^(k+1)-1) for k in 1:h])\n", "A = Matrix{Int}(adjacency_matrix(G)) #adjacency_matrix(G) is a sparse matrix\n", "node_pos = Shell(; nlist=n)(A)\n", "node_pos = mapreduce(permutedims, vcat, node_pos);\n", "\n", "rnode_pos = copy(node_pos')\n", "for (k, nodes) in enumerate(n[2:end]) \n", " I = 2^k:2^(k+1)-1\n", " rnode_pos[:, I] = rot2d(π/length(nodes)) * node_pos'[:, I]\n", "end \n", "\n", "#retrieve indices for players which lost/won a match\n", "I = findall(idx->idx == 2, df[!, :won_lost]);\n", "J = findall(idx->idx == 1, df[!, :won_lost]);\n", "#coordinates of nodes representing players which lost/won the match that leads to \"this\" node \n", "xel, yel = get_plotly_data(El[I], rnode_pos'[:,1], rnode_pos'[:,2]);\n", "xew, yew = get_plotly_data(El[J], rnode_pos'[:,1], rnode_pos'[:,2]);" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 6, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "node_tr = get_node_trace(rnode_pos'[:,1], rnode_pos'[:,2], String.(df[!,:name]); \n", " marker_color=\"rgb(255, 200, 0)\", marker_size=10,\n", " linecolor=\"rgb(255, 200, 0)\")\n", "\n", "# an edge emanating from a player that lost \"this\" match in the r^th round \n", "# to the winner in the (r+1)^th round\n", "# is a dotted line, and a continuous one from winner to herself:\n", "\n", "edgel_tr = get_edge_trace(xel, yel; linecolor=\"rgb(210,210,210)\" , linewidth=1)\n", "push!(edgel_tr[\"line\"], \"dash\"=>\"dot\") #dotted edge\n", "\n", "edgew_tr = get_edge_trace(xew, yew; linecolor=\"rgb(210,210,210)\" , linewidth=1)# continuous edge\n", "\n", "# draw circles through the nodes representing players which played in quarterfinal, semifinal, resp final\n", "shapes = [attr(type=\"circle\",\n", " xref=\"x\", yref=\"y\",\n", " x0=-1.0, y0=-1.0, x1=1.0, y1=1.0,\n", " line=attr(color=\"rgb(210,210,210)\", width=0.5 )),\n", " attr(type=\"circle\",\n", " xref=\"x\", yref=\"y\",\n", " x0=-2.0, y0=-2.0, x1=2.0, y1=2.0,\n", " line=attr(color=\"rgb(210,210,210)\", width=0.5 )),\n", " attr(type=\"circle\",\n", " xref=\"x\", yref=\"y\",\n", " x0=-3.0, y0=-3.0, x1=3.0, y1=3.0,\n", " line=attr(color=\"rgb(210,210,210)\", width=0.5))]\n", "\n", "angles = []# angle of the radius direction through each leaf (player in the 2nd round)\n", "for k in 64:127\n", " push!(angles, -(180*atan(rnode_pos[2, k]/rnode_pos[1, k])/pi))\n", "end \n", "# to display player names approximately at the same distance from leafs\n", "# extract the maximum length, depending on leaf index\n", "# and add some spaces for shorter names\n", "pos_text = 1.2* rnode_pos[:, 64:127]\n", "slength1 = []\n", "for s in df[64:79, :name]\n", " push!(slength1, length(s))\n", "end \n", "for s in df[112:127, :name]\n", " push!(slength1, length(s))\n", "end \n", "l1 = maximum(slength1)\n", "\n", "slength2 = []\n", "for s in df[80:111, :name]\n", " push!(slength2, length(s))\n", "end \n", "l2 = maximum(slength2)\n", "player_name=[]\n", "for pname in df[64:79, :name]\n", " push!(player_name, \" \"^(2)*pname*\" \"^(l1-length(pname)))\n", "end\n", "\n", "for pname in df[80:111, :name]\n", " push!(player_name,\" \"^(l2+2-length(pname))*pname*\" \")\n", "end\n", "for pname in df[112:127, :name]\n", " push!(player_name, \" \"^(2)*pname*\" \"^(l1-length(pname)))\n", "end\n", "annotations = []\n", "for k in 64:127\n", " push!(annotations, \n", " set_annotation(pos_text[1, k-63], \n", " pos_text[2, k-63][1], \n", " player_name[k-63], \n", " angles[k-63]))\n", "end\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 7, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.plotly.v1+json": { "config": { "editable": false, "responsive": true, "scrollZoom": true, "showLink": false, "staticPlot": false }, "data": [ { "hoverinfo": "none", "line": { "color": "rgb(210,210,210)", "width": 1 }, "mode": "lines", "type": "scatter", "x": [ 0, 6.123233995736766e-17, null, 6.123233995736766e-17, 1.4142135623730951, null, -1.8369701987210297e-16, -1.4142135623730954, null, 1.4142135623730951, 2.77163859753386, null, -1.414213562373095, -2.7716385975338604, null, -1.4142135623730954, -2.77163859753386, null, 1.4142135623730947, 1.1480502970952688, null, 2.77163859753386, 3.9231411216129217, null, 1.1480502970952697, 2.222280932078409, null, -1.148050297095269, -0.7803612880645128, null, -2.7716385975338604, -3.3258784492101805, null, 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1.1480502970952688, 2.2222809320784096, null, 2.77163859753386, 3.9231411216129213, null, 3.9231411216129217, 4.784701678661044, null, 3.3258784492101805, 3.8650522668136853, null, 2.222280932078409, 3.1719664208182277, null, 0.7803612880645133, 1.451423386272312, null, -0.7803612880645128, -1.4514233862723116, null, -2.2222809320784087, -3.1719664208182263, null, -3.3258784492101805, -4.409606321741776, null, -3.9231411216129217, -4.784701678661045, null, -3.9231411216129217, -4.975923633360985, null, -3.3258784492101814, -3.865052266813686, null, -2.2222809320784096, -2.3569836841299883, null, -0.7803612880645155, -1.4514233862723147, null, 0.7803612880645123, 1.451423386272312, null, 2.2222809320784096, 3.171966420818226, null, 3.32587844921018, 4.409606321741776, null, 3.9231411216129213, 4.784701678661043, null, 4.975923633360985, 5.935059059788686, null, 4.784701678661044, 5.820187519167264, null, 4.409606321741776, 5.423935758740659, null, 3.8650522668136853, 4.819245188883869, 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