{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Plotly plot of a rectangular phylogenetic tree ##" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "In this Jupyter Notebook we illustrate how to generate the Plotly plot of a phylogram with rectangular layout." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 1, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "from Bio import Phylo\n", "import pandas as pd" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 2, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "" ], "text/vnd.plotly.v1+html": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "from plotly.offline import download_plotlyjs, init_notebook_mode, iplot\n", "init_notebook_mode(connected=True)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Read the Zika Virus tree file in `newick` format, downloaded from [nextstrain](http://nextstrain.org/zika):" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 3, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "tree = Phylo.read('Data/nextstrain_zika_tree.new', \"newick\")" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "The next cells contain commented lines that were typed to inspect the file structure:" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 4, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "#print(tree)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 5, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "#dir(tree)\n", "#tree.get_terminals()" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 6, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "#tree.count_terminals()# Counts the number of terminal (leaf) nodes within this tree." ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "The functions `get_x_coordinates()`, `get_y_coordinates()` are mainly the functions with the same name \n", "from Biopython: [https://github.com/biopython/biopython/blob/master/Bio/Phylo/_utils.py](https://github.com/biopython/biopython/blob/master/Bio/Phylo/_utils.py).\n", "\n", "They assign cartesian coordinates to the tree nodes." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 7, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "def get_x_coordinates(tree):\n", " # Associates to each clade a x-coord.\n", " # returns a dict {clade: x-coord}, i.e the key is a clade, and x-coord its value\n", " \n", " xcoords = tree.depths()\n", " # tree.depth() maps tree clades to depths (by branch length).\n", " # returns a dict {clade: depth} where clade runs over all Clade instances of the tree,\n", " # and depth is the distance from root to clade\n", " \n", " # If there are no branch lengths, assign unit branch lengths\n", " if not max(xcoords.values()):\n", " xcoords = tree.depths(unit_branch_lengths=True)\n", " return xcoords\n", " \n", "def get_y_coordinates(tree, dist=1.3):\n", " # y-coordinates are multiple of dist (i*dist below); \n", " # dist: vertical distance between two consecutive leafs; it is chosen such that to get a tree of \n", " # reasonable height \n", " # returns a dict {clade: y-coord}\n", " \n", " maxheight = tree.count_terminals()#Counts the number of tree leafs.\n", " \n", " ycoords = dict((leaf, maxheight - i*dist) for i, leaf in enumerate(reversed(tree.get_terminals())))\n", " def calc_row(clade):\n", " for subclade in clade:\n", " if subclade not in ycoords:\n", " calc_row(subclade)\n", " ycoords[clade] = (ycoords[clade.clades[0]] +\n", " ycoords[clade.clades[-1]]) / 2\n", "\n", " if tree.root.clades:\n", " calc_row(tree.root)\n", " return ycoords\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 8, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "x_coords = get_x_coordinates(tree)\n", "y_coords = get_y_coordinates(tree)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 9, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "def get_clade_lines(orientation='horizontal', y_curr=0, x_start=0, x_curr=0, y_bot=0, y_top=0,\n", " line_color='rgb(25,25,25)', line_width=0.5):\n", " # define a Plotly shape of type 'line', for each branch\n", " \n", " branch_line = dict(type= 'line',\n", " layer='below',\n", " line=dict(color=line_color, \n", " width=line_width)\n", " )\n", " if orientation == 'horizontal':\n", " branch_line.update(x0=x_start,\n", " y0=y_curr,\n", " x1=x_curr,\n", " y1=y_curr)\n", " elif orientation == 'vertical':\n", " branch_line.update(x0=x_curr,\n", " y0=y_bot,\n", " x1=x_curr,\n", " y1=y_top)\n", " else:\n", " raise ValueError(\"Line type can be 'horizontal' or 'vertical'\")\n", " \n", " return branch_line \n", " \n", " \n", "\n", "def draw_clade(clade, x_start, line_shapes, line_color='rgb(15,15,15)', line_width=1):\n", " # defines recursively the tree lines (branches), starting from the argument clade\n", " \n", " x_curr = x_coords[clade]\n", " y_curr = y_coords[clade]\n", " \n", " # Draw a horizontal line \n", " branch_line=get_clade_lines(orientation='horizontal', y_curr=y_curr, x_start=x_start, x_curr=x_curr, \n", " line_color=line_color, line_width=line_width)\n", " \n", " line_shapes.append(branch_line)\n", " \n", " if clade.clades:\n", " # Draw a vertical line connecting all children\n", " y_top = y_coords[clade.clades[0]]\n", " y_bot = y_coords[clade.clades[-1]]\n", " \n", " line_shapes.append(get_clade_lines(orientation='vertical', x_curr=x_curr, y_bot=y_bot, y_top=y_top,\n", " line_color=line_color, line_width=line_width))\n", " \n", " # Draw descendants\n", " for child in clade:\n", " draw_clade(child, x_curr, line_shapes)\n", " \n", " " ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 10, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "line_shapes = [] \n", "draw_clade(tree.root, 0, line_shapes, line_color='rgb(25,25,25)', line_width=1)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Get the node coordinates:" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 11, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "my_tree_clades = x_coords.keys()\n", "X = [] # list of nodes x-coordinates\n", "Y = [] # list of nodes y-coords\n", "text = [] #list of text to be displayed on hover over nodes\n", "\n", "for cl in my_tree_clades:\n", " X.append(x_coords[cl])\n", " Y.append(y_coords[cl])\n", " text.append(cl.name)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Read the metatadata file to record more info about nodes:" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 12, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "Index(['Strain', 'Accession', 'Date', 'Region', 'Country', 'Division',\n", " 'Authors', 'Journal', 'Title', 'Url', 'Num Date', 'Db', 'Raw Date'],\n", " dtype='object')" ] }, "execution_count": 12, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "df = pd.read_csv('Data/nextstrain_zika_metadata.csv')\n", "df.columns" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 13, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "377" ] }, "execution_count": 13, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "len(df)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 14, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "{'China',\n", " 'Japan Korea',\n", " 'North America',\n", " 'Oceania',\n", " 'South America',\n", " 'Southeast Asia'}" ] }, "execution_count": 14, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "set(list(df['Region']))" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Set the intermediate node color:" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 15, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "intermediate_node_color = 'rgb(100,100,100)'" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Set the node colors depending on region (continent):" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 16, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# North Amer.\n", "NA_color = {'Cuba': 'rgb(252, 196, 174)',\n", " 'Dominican Republic': 'rgb(201, 32, 32)',\n", " 'El Salvador': 'rgb(253, 202, 181)',\n", " 'Guadeloupe': 'rgb(253, 202, 181)',\n", " 'Guatemala': 'rgb(252, 190, 167)',\n", " 'Haiti': 'rgb(252, 145, 114)',\n", " 'Honduras': 'rgb(239, 66, 49)',\n", " 'Jamaica': 'rgb(252, 185, 161)',\n", " 'Martinique': 'rgb(252, 190, 167)',\n", " 'Mexico': 'rgb(247, 109, 82)',\n", " 'Nicaragua': 'rgb(249, 121, 92)',\n", " 'Panama': 'rgb(252, 185, 161)',\n", " 'Puerto Rico': 'rgb(252, 174, 148)',\n", " 'Saint Barthelemy': 'rgb(253, 202, 181)',\n", " 'USA': 'rgb(188, 20, 26)',\n", " 'USVI': 'rgb(206, 36, 34)'}\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "# South Amer.\n", "SAmer_color = {'Brazil': 'rgb(21, 127, 59)',\n", " 'Colombia': 'rgb(153, 213, 149)',\n", " 'Ecuador': 'rgb(208, 237, 202)',\n", " 'French Guiana': 'rgb(211, 238, 205)',\n", " 'Peru': 'rgb(208, 237, 202)',\n", " 'Suriname': 'rgb(206, 236, 200)',\n", " 'Venezuela': 'rgb(202, 234, 196)'}\n", "\n", "# South Asia\n", "SAsia_color = {'Singapore': '#0000EE', 'Vietnam': '#1E90FF'}\n", "pl_SAsia = [[0.0, '#1E90FF'], \n", " [0.5, '#1E90FF'], \n", " [0.5, '#0000EE'], \n", " [1.0,'#0000EE' ]]\n", "\n", "\n", "Oceania_color = {'American Samoa': 'rgb(209,95,238)',\n", " 'Fiji': 'rgb(238,130, 238)',\n", " 'French Polynesia': 'rgb(148,0,211)',\n", " 'Tonga': 'rgb(238,130, 238)'}\n", "\n", "\n", "China_color={'China': 'rgb(255,185,15'} \n", "\n", "JapanKorea_color={'Japan': '#fcdd04'}" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Assign color to nodes according to region and country:" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 17, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "country=[]\n", "region=[]\n", "color=[intermediate_node_color]*len(X)\n", "\n", "for k, strain in enumerate(df['Strain']):\n", " \n", " i=text.index(strain)\n", " text[i]=text[i]+f\"
Country: {df.loc[k, 'Country']}\\\n", "
Region: {df.loc[k, 'Region']}\\\n", "
Collection date: {df.loc[k,'Date']}\\\n", "
Journal: {df.loc[k, 'Journal']}\\\n", "
Authors: {df.loc[k, 'Authors']}\"\n", " country.append(df.loc[k, 'Country'])\n", " region.append(df.loc[k, 'Region'])\n", " if df.loc[k, 'Region'] == 'North America':\n", " color[i] = NA_color[df.loc[k, 'Country']]\n", " elif df.loc[k, 'Region'] == 'South America':\n", " color[i] = SAmer_color[df.loc[k, 'Country']] \n", " elif df.loc[k, 'Region'] == 'Southeast Asia':\n", " color[i] = SAsia_color[df.loc[k, 'Country']]\n", " elif df.loc[k, 'Region'] == 'Oceania':\n", " color[i] = Oceania_color[df.loc[k, 'Country']] \n", " elif df.loc[k, 'Region'] == 'China':\n", " color[i] = '#fecc00'\n", " elif df.loc[k, 'Region'] == 'Japan Korea':\n", " color[i]= '#dc7928'\n", " else: pass" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Define the Plotly trace for the tree nodes:" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 18, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "nodes = dict(type='scatter',\n", " x=X,\n", " y=Y,\n", " mode='markers',\n", " marker=dict(color=color, \n", " size=5),\n", " opacity=1.0,\n", " text=text,\n", " hoverinfo='text')" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "The branches are already defined and stored as Plotly shapes that are included in the plot layout below:" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 20, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "layout=dict(title='Phylogeny of Zika Virus
377 genomes colored according to region and country',\n", " font=dict(family='Balto',size=14),\n", " width=1000,\n", " height=3000,\n", " autosize=False,\n", " showlegend=False,\n", " xaxis=dict(showline=True, \n", " zeroline=False,\n", " showgrid=False,\n", " ticklen=4, \n", " showticklabels=True,\n", " title='branch length'),\n", " yaxis=dict(visible=False), \n", " hovermode='closest',\n", " plot_bgcolor='rgb(250,250,250)',\n", " margin=dict(l=10),\n", " shapes=line_shapes # lines for tree branches\n", " )" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 21, "metadata": { "scrolled": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.plotly.v1+json": { "data": [ { "hoverinfo": "text", "marker": { "color": [ "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "#1E90FF", "rgb(100,100,100)", "#0000EE", "#0000EE", "rgb(100,100,100)", "#0000EE", "rgb(100,100,100)", "#0000EE", "#0000EE", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "#0000EE", "#0000EE", "rgb(100,100,100)", "#0000EE", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "#0000EE", "rgb(100,100,100)", "#0000EE", "#0000EE", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "#0000EE", "#0000EE", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "#0000EE", "rgb(100,100,100)", "#0000EE", "rgb(100,100,100)", "#0000EE", "#0000EE", "rgb(100,100,100)", "#0000EE", "rgb(100,100,100)", "#0000EE", "rgb(100,100,100)", "#0000EE", "rgb(100,100,100)", "#0000EE", "rgb(100,100,100)", "#0000EE", "rgb(100,100,100)", "#0000EE", "rgb(100,100,100)", "#0000EE", "rgb(100,100,100)", "#0000EE", "rgb(100,100,100)", "#0000EE", "#0000EE", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(148,0,211)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(148,0,211)", "rgb(148,0,211)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(148,0,211)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(148,0,211)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(148,0,211)", "rgb(148,0,211)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(238,130, 238)", "rgb(238,130, 238)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(209,95,238)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(209,95,238)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(209,95,238)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(209,95,238)", "rgb(209,95,238)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "#fecc00", "#fecc00", "rgb(209,95,238)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(209,95,238)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "#fecc00", "#fecc00", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(209,95,238)", "rgb(209,95,238)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(148,0,211)", "rgb(148,0,211)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(148,0,211)", "rgb(148,0,211)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(148,0,211)", "rgb(148,0,211)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(148,0,211)", "rgb(148,0,211)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(252, 145, 114)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(252, 145, 114)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(21, 127, 59)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(21, 127, 59)", "rgb(21, 127, 59)", "rgb(21, 127, 59)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(21, 127, 59)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(21, 127, 59)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(21, 127, 59)", "rgb(21, 127, 59)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "#0000EE", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(21, 127, 59)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(208, 237, 202)", "rgb(208, 237, 202)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(21, 127, 59)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(21, 127, 59)", "rgb(21, 127, 59)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(21, 127, 59)", "rgb(21, 127, 59)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(21, 127, 59)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(21, 127, 59)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(201, 32, 32)", "rgb(253, 202, 181)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(21, 127, 59)", "rgb(21, 127, 59)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(201, 32, 32)", "rgb(201, 32, 32)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(252, 145, 114)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(253, 202, 181)", "rgb(252, 145, 114)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(252, 145, 114)", "rgb(252, 145, 114)", "rgb(252, 145, 114)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(252, 145, 114)", "rgb(252, 145, 114)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(252, 196, 174)", "rgb(201, 32, 32)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(206, 36, 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"rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(247, 109, 82)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(239, 66, 49)", "rgb(252, 190, 167)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(249, 121, 92)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(249, 121, 92)", "rgb(249, 121, 92)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(239, 66, 49)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(249, 121, 92)", "rgb(239, 66, 49)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(249, 121, 92)", "rgb(249, 121, 92)", "rgb(249, 121, 92)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(239, 66, 49)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(239, 66, 49)", "rgb(100,100,100)", "rgb(239, 66, 49)", "rgb(239, 66, 49)" ], "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers", "opacity": 1, "text": [ "NODE_0000385", "NODE_0000349", "NIID123/2016
Country: Vietnam
Region: Southeast Asia
Collection date: 2016-11-22
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Tajima Et Al", "NODE_0000355", "ZKA_16_097
Country: Singapore
Region: Southeast Asia
Collection date: 2016-08-27
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Ng Et Al", "SG_108
Country: Singapore
Region: Southeast Asia
Collection date: 2016-09-06
Journal: Lancet Infect Dis 2017 In Press
Authors: Ho Et Al", "NODE_0000363", "SG_037
Country: Singapore
Region: Southeast Asia
Collection date: 2016-08-28
Journal: Lancet Infect Dis 2017 In Press
Authors: Ho Et Al", "NODE_0000365", "SG_046
Country: Singapore
Region: Southeast Asia
Collection date: 2016-08-28
Journal: Lancet Infect Dis 2017 In Press
Authors: Ho Et Al", "SG_027
Country: Singapore
Region: Southeast Asia
Collection date: 2016-08-27
Journal: Lancet Infect Dis 2017 In Press
Authors: Ho Et Al", "NODE_0000483", "NODE_0000380", "SG_109
Country: Singapore
Region: Southeast Asia
Collection date: 2016-09-06
Journal: Lancet Infect Dis 2017 In Press
Authors: Ho Et Al", "SG_111
Country: Singapore
Region: Southeast Asia
Collection date: 2016-09-06
Journal: Lancet Infect Dis 2017 In Press
Authors: Ho Et Al", "NODE_0000484", "SG_063
Country: Singapore
Region: Southeast Asia
Collection date: 2016-08-28
Journal: Lancet Infect Dis 2017 In Press
Authors: Ho Et Al", "NODE_0000485", "NODE_0000373", "SG_105
Country: Singapore
Region: Southeast Asia
Collection date: 2016-09-05
Journal: Lancet Infect Dis 2017 In Press
Authors: Ho Et Al", "NODE_0000374", "SG_020
Country: Singapore
Region: Southeast Asia
Collection date: 2016-09-13
Journal: Lancet Infect Dis 2017 In Press
Authors: Ho Et Al", "SG_016
Country: Singapore
Region: Southeast Asia
Collection date: 2016-09-12
Journal: Lancet Infect Dis 2017 In Press
Authors: Ho Et Al", "NODE_0000486", "NODE_0000358", "SG_013
Country: Singapore
Region: Southeast Asia
Collection date: 2016-09-08
Journal: Lancet Infect Dis 2017 In Press
Authors: Ho Et Al", "SG_061
Country: Singapore
Region: Southeast Asia
Collection date: 2016-08-30
Journal: Lancet Infect Dis 2017 In Press
Authors: Ho Et Al", "NODE_0000487", "NODE_0000359", "SG_008
Country: Singapore
Region: Southeast Asia
Collection date: 2016-09-07
Journal: Lancet Infect Dis 2017 In Press
Authors: Ho Et Al", "NODE_0000488", "SG_005
Country: Singapore
Region: Southeast Asia
Collection date: 2016-09-06
Journal: Lancet Infect Dis 2017 In Press
Authors: Ho Et Al", "NODE_0000489", "SG_097
Country: Singapore
Region: Southeast Asia
Collection date: 2016-09-07
Journal: Lancet Infect Dis 2017 In Press
Authors: Ho Et Al", "SG_014
Country: Singapore
Region: Southeast Asia
Collection date: 2016-09-08
Journal: Lancet Infect Dis 2017 In Press
Authors: Ho Et Al", "NODE_0000490", "SG_009
Country: Singapore
Region: Southeast Asia
Collection date: 2016-09-07
Journal: Lancet Infect Dis 2017 In Press
Authors: Ho Et Al", "NODE_0000386", "SG_025
Country: Singapore
Region: Southeast Asia
Collection date: 2016-09-20
Journal: Lancet Infect Dis 2017 In Press
Authors: Ho Et Al", "NODE_0000387", "SG_102
Country: Singapore
Region: Southeast Asia
Collection date: 2016-08-30
Journal: Lancet Infect Dis 2017 In Press
Authors: Ho Et Al", "NODE_0000388", "SG_095
Country: Singapore
Region: Southeast Asia
Collection date: 2016-08-30
Journal: Lancet Infect Dis 2017 In Press
Authors: Ho Et Al", "NODE_0000389", "SG_033
Country: Singapore
Region: Southeast Asia
Collection date: 2016-08-29
Journal: Lancet Infect Dis 2017 In Press
Authors: Ho Et Al", "NODE_0000390", "SG_100
Country: Singapore
Region: Southeast Asia
Collection date: 2016-08-30
Journal: Lancet Infect Dis 2017 In Press
Authors: Ho Et Al", "NODE_0000391", "SG_041
Country: Singapore
Region: Southeast Asia
Collection date: 2016-08-29
Journal: Lancet Infect Dis 2017 In Press
Authors: Ho Et Al", "NODE_0000392", "SG_090
Country: Singapore
Region: Southeast Asia
Collection date: 2016-09-13
Journal: Lancet Infect Dis 2017 In Press
Authors: Ho Et Al", "NODE_0000393", "SG_073
Country: Singapore
Region: Southeast Asia
Collection date: 2016-08-26
Journal: Lancet Infect Dis 2017 In Press
Authors: Ho Et Al", "SG_039
Country: Singapore
Region: Southeast Asia
Collection date: 2016-08-28
Journal: Lancet Infect Dis 2017 In Press
Authors: Ho Et Al", "NODE_0000348", "1_0038_PF
Country: French Polynesia
Region: Oceania
Collection date: 2014-01-01
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Nougairede Et Al", "NODE_0000333", "1_0111_PF
Country: French Polynesia
Region: Oceania
Collection date: 2014-01-01
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Nougairede Et Al", "1_0030_PF
Country: French Polynesia
Region: Oceania
Collection date: 2013-11-01
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Nougairede Et Al", "NODE_0000394", "NODE_0000328", "1_0035_PF
Country: French Polynesia
Region: Oceania
Collection date: 2014-01-01
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Nougairede Et Al", "NODE_0000395", "H/PF/2013
Country: French Polynesia
Region: Oceania
Collection date: 2013-11-28
Journal: Genome Announc 2 3 E00500-14 2014
Authors: Baronti Et Al", "NODE_0000396", "1_0080_PF
Country: French Polynesia
Region: Oceania
Collection date: 2014-02-01
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Nougairede Et Al", "1_0087_PF
Country: French Polynesia
Region: Oceania
Collection date: 2013-12-01
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Nougairede Et Al", "NODE_0000334", "NODE_0000335", "Chiba/S36/2016
Country: Fiji
Region: Oceania
Collection date: 2016-04-21
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Taira Et Al", "TS17_2016
Country: Tonga
Region: Oceania
Collection date: 2016-02-01
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Pyke Et Al", "NODE_0000336", "ZJ02
Country: American Samoa
Region: Oceania
Collection date: 2016-02-01
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Tong Et Al", "NODE_0000337", "ZJ03
Country: American Samoa
Region: Oceania
Collection date: 2016-02-01
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Tong Et Al", "NODE_0000338", "Zhejiang04
Country: American Samoa
Region: Oceania
Collection date: 2016-02-17
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Zhang Et Al", "NODE_0000339", "CN/SZ02/2016
Country: American Samoa
Region: Oceania
Collection date: 2016-02-17
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Zhao Et Al", "SZ_WIV01
Country: American Samoa
Region: Oceania
Collection date: 2016-01-01
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Deng Et Al", "NODE_0000340", "ZJ04
Country: China
Region: China
Collection date: 2016-02-17
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Tong Et Al", "ZJ01
Country: China
Region: China
Collection date: 2016-02-16
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Tong Et Al", "SZ01/2016/China
Country: American Samoa
Region: Oceania
Collection date: 2016-01-01
Journal: Sci China Life Sci 59 4 428-430 2016
Authors: Deng Et Al", "NODE_0000344", "SMGC_1
Country: American Samoa
Region: Oceania
Collection date: 2016-02-14
Journal: Chin. Sci. Bull. 61 22 2463-2474 2016
Authors: Bi Et Al", "NODE_0000397", "NODE_0000347", "_CCMU01/2016
Country: China
Region: China
Collection date: 2016-11-02
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Wu Et Al", "SY01_2016
Country: China
Region: China
Collection date: 2016-11-01
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Wu Et Al", "NODE_0000398", "Z16006
Country: American Samoa
Region: Oceania
Collection date: 2016-02-16
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Wu Et Al", "ZKC2/2016
Country: American Samoa
Region: Oceania
Collection date: 2016-02-16
Journal: Submitted 18-may-2016 Center For Diseases Control And Prevention Of Guangdong Province; National Institute Of Viral Disease Control And Prevention China
Authors: Wu Et Al", "NODE_0000323", "1_0016_PF
Country: French Polynesia
Region: Oceania
Collection date: 2014-01-01
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Nougairede Et Al", "1_0015_PF
Country: French Polynesia
Region: Oceania
Collection date: 2014-01-01
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Nougairede Et Al", "NODE_0000325", "1_0134_PF
Country: French Polynesia
Region: Oceania
Collection date: 2013-12-01
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Nougairede Et Al", "1_0199_PF
Country: French Polynesia
Region: Oceania
Collection date: 2013-11-01
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Nougairede Et Al", "NODE_0000322", "PF13/251013_18
Country: French Polynesia
Region: Oceania
Collection date: 2013-10-25
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Troesemeier Et Al", "1_0181_PF
Country: French Polynesia
Region: Oceania
Collection date: 2013-12-01
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Nougairede Et Al", "NODE_0000320", "1_0049_PF
Country: French Polynesia
Region: Oceania
Collection date: 2013-12-01
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Nougairede Et Al", "1_0117_PF
Country: French Polynesia
Region: Oceania
Collection date: 2013-12-01
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Nougairede Et Al", "NODE_0000309", "NODE_0000310", "Haiti/1/2016
Country: Haiti
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-02-05
Journal: Clin. Infect. Dis. 2016 In Press
Authors: Iovine Et Al", "NODE_0000311", "Haiti/1225/2014
Country: Haiti
Region: North America
Collection date: 2014-12-12
Journal: Plos Negl Trop Dis 10 4 E0004687 2016
Authors: Lednicky Et Al", "NODE_0000312", "SPH2015
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-03-01
Journal: Genome Announc 4 2 2016
Authors: Cunha Et Al", "NODE_0000313", "V17829
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-01-01
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Nunes Et Al", "PE243
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-05-13
Journal: Submitted 14-jun-2017 Institute For Medical Engineering And Science Massachusetts Institute Of Technology 77 Massachusetts Ave Building 48-419 Cambridge Ma 02139 Usa
Authors: Marques Et Al", "Brazil/PE243/2015
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-01-01
Journal: Plos Negl Trop Dis 10 10 E0005048 2016
Authors: Donald Et Al", "NODE_0000316", "Brazil/2016/ZBRC25
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-01-18
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Faria Et Al", "NODE_0000317", "ZBRC13
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-01-12
Journal: ?
Authors: Zika In Brazil Real-time Analysis Consortium", "NODE_0000399", "Brazil/2016/ZBRC14
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-01-15
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Faria Et Al", "ZBRC15
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-01-15
Journal: ?
Authors: Zika In Brazil Real-time Analysis Consortium", "NODE_0000284", "SG_118
Country: Singapore
Region: Southeast Asia
Collection date: 2016-05-13
Journal: Lancet Infect Dis 2017 In Press
Authors: Ho Et Al", "NODE_0000091", "NODE_0000401", "Brazil/2015/ZBRC321
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-08-09
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Faria Et Al", "NODE_0000092", "NODE_0000093", "EcEs089_16
Country: Ecuador
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-04-01
Journal: Genome Announc 5 8 E01673-16 2017
Authors: Marquez Et Al", "EcEs062_16
Country: Ecuador
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-04-01
Journal: Genome Announc 5 8 E01673-16 2017
Authors: Marquez Et Al", "NODE_0000402", "Brazil/2016/ZBRX16
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-04-25
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Faria Et Al", "NODE_0000095", "Paraiba_01
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-01-01
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Tsetsarkin Et Al", "Brazil_2015_MG
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-06-14
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Green Et Al", "NODE_0000088", "NODE_0000089", "Rio_S1
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-01-29
Journal: Plos Negl Trop Dis 10 6 E0004816 2016
Authors: Bonaldo Et Al", "Natal_RGN
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-01-01
Journal: N. Engl. J. Med. 374 10 951-958 2016
Authors: Mlakar Et Al", "NODE_0000087", "BeH823339
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-01-01
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Faria Et Al", "NODE_0000086", "Brazil/2015/ZBRA105
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-02-23
Journal: Nature 546 7658 406-410 2017
Authors: Faria Et Al", "NODE_0000085", "NODE_0000403", "DOM/2016/MA_WGS16_020
Country: Dominican Republic
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-06-30
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "Saint_Barthelemi_Rus_6BRN_2016
Country: Saint Barthelemy
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-07-25
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Karan Et Al", "NODE_0000001", "NODE_0000404", "Brazil/2016/ZBRY11
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-01-01
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Faria Et Al", "Brazil/2016/ZBRY14
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-01-01
Journal: Nature 546 7658 406-410 2017
Authors: Faria Et Al", "NODE_0000003", "NODE_0000405", "DOM/2016/BB_0216
Country: Dominican Republic
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-04-21
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "DOM/2016/BB_0180
Country: Dominican Republic
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-04-18
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000005", "NODE_0000012", "mosquito/Haiti/1682/2016
Country: Haiti
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-05-17
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: White Et Al", "NODE_0000013", "NODE_0000406", "PHE_Guadeloupe
Country: Guadeloupe
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-04-21
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Atkinson Et Al", "Haiti/0054/2014
Country: Haiti
Region: North America
Collection date: 2014-06-05
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: White Et Al", "NODE_0000015", "Haiti/0033/2014
Country: Haiti
Region: North America
Collection date: 2014-05-29
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: White Et Al", "Haiti/0036/2014
Country: Haiti
Region: North America
Collection date: 2014-06-02
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: White Et Al", "Haiti/0029/2014
Country: Haiti
Region: North America
Collection date: 2014-05-29
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: White Et Al", "NODE_0000016", "Haiti/0074/2014
Country: Haiti
Region: North America
Collection date: 2014-06-10
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: White Et Al", "Haiti/0097/2014
Country: Haiti
Region: North America
Collection date: 2014-06-24
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: White Et Al", "NODE_0000407", "NODE_0000036", "Cuba_2017
Country: Cuba
Region: North America
Collection date: 2017-02-12
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Lasala-sanchez Et Al", "DOM/2016/BB_0433
Country: Dominican Republic
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-06-13
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000408", "NODE_0000024", "NODE_0000025", "USVI/28/2016
Country: USVI
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-11-28
Journal: ?
Authors: Black Et Al", "USVI/42/2016
Country: USVI
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-10-26
Journal: ?
Authors: Black Et Al", "NODE_0000026", "USVI/20/2016
Country: USVI
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-10-13
Journal: ?
Authors: Black Et Al", "NODE_0000027", "USVI/19/2016
Country: USVI
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-11-21
Journal: ?
Authors: Black Et Al", "USVI/41/2016
Country: USVI
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-11-10
Journal: ?
Authors: Black Et Al", "NODE_0000409", "NODE_0000032", "DOM/2016/MA_WGS16_013
Country: Dominican Republic
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-06-15
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "DOM/2016/BB_0091
Country: Dominican Republic
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-04-07
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000410", "NODE_0000044", "Dominican_Republic/2016/ZB
Country: Dominican Republic
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-08-25
Journal: Submitted 13-aug-2017 Molecular Genetics Ivanovsky Virilogy Institute Gamalei Centre Of Microbiology And Epidemiology Gamalei Str. 16 Moscow 123098 Russia
Authors: Prilipov Et Al", "NODE_0000411", "Dominican_Rep_Rus_8ZBR_2016
Country: Dominican Republic
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-08-25
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Karan Et Al", "Dominican_Rep_Rus_7EGR_2016
Country: Dominican Republic
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-08-25
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Karan Et Al", "NODE_0000412", "DOM/2016/BB_0071
Country: Dominican Republic
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-04-05
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000413", "NODE_0000010", "DOM/2016/BB_0436
Country: Dominican Republic
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-06-14
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000414", "DOM/2016/MA_WGS16_014
Country: Dominican Republic
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-06-18
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "DOM/2016/BB_0115
Country: Dominican Republic
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-04-11
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000415", "NODE_0000022", "Dominican_Republic/2016/PD1
Country: Dominican Republic
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-02-01
Journal: Euro Surveill. 21 10 2016
Authors: Barzon Et Al", "USA/2016/FL039
Country: USA
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-08-17
Journal: Nature 2017 In Press
Authors: Grubaugh Et Al", "NODE_0000416", "NODE_0000043", "DOM/2016/BB_0269
Country: Dominican Republic
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-04-27
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "DOM/2016/BB_0183
Country: Dominican Republic
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-04-18
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000417", "Yokohama/1/2016
Country: Japan
Region: Japan Korea
Collection date: 2016-05-20
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Ozawa Et Al", "NODE_0000418", "NODE_0000034", "Dominican_Rep_Rus_5RMN_2016
Country: Dominican Republic
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-05-31
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Karan Et Al", "DOM/2016/MA_WGS16_031
Country: Dominican Republic
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-08-17
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000419", "DOM/2016/BB_0076
Country: Dominican Republic
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-04-05
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000420", "NODE_0000038", "Dominican_Rep_Rus_3ALT_2016
Country: Dominican Republic
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-05-11
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Karan Et Al", "NODE_0000039", "USVI/22/2016
Country: USVI
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-09-07
Journal: ?
Authors: Black Et Al", "NODE_0000040", "DOM/2016/MA_WGS16_040
Country: Dominican Republic
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-10-06
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "DOM/2016/MA_WGS16_036
Country: Dominican Republic
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-09-22
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000421", "NODE_0000422", "NODE_0000029", "DOM/2016/MA_WGS16_011
Country: Dominican Republic
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-06-06
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "DOM/2016/MA_WGS16_024
Country: Dominican Republic
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-07-07
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000423", "DOM/2016/BB_0428
Country: Dominican Republic
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-06-13
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000424", "JAM/2016/MA_WGS16_038
Country: Jamaica
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-09-26
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "Haiti/2016/PD
Country: Haiti
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-02-01
Journal: Euro Surveill. 21 32 2016
Authors: Barzon Et Al", "NODE_0000046", "NODE_0000052", "NODE_0000053", "USA/2016/FLUR058
Country: USA
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-10-11
Journal: Nature 2017 In Press
Authors: Grubaugh Et Al", "USA/2016/FLSR036
Country: USA
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-09-19
Journal: Nature 2017 In Press
Authors: Grubaugh Et Al", "NODE_0000054", "NODE_0000055", "Aedes_aegypti/USA/2016/FL05
Country: USA
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-09-09
Journal: Nature 2017 In Press
Authors: Grubaugh Et Al", "USA/2016/FLUR014
Country: USA
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-08-24
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Ladner Et Al", "NODE_0000056", "USA/2016/FL032
Country: USA
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-08-05
Journal: Nature 2017 In Press
Authors: Grubaugh Et Al", "NODE_0000060", "Aedes_aegypti/USA/2016/FL04
Country: USA
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-09-04
Journal: Nature 2017 In Press
Authors: Grubaugh Et Al", "USA/2016/MA_WGS16_034
Country: USA
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-08-15
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000425", "Aedes_aegypti/USA/2016/FL03
Country: USA
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-08-23
Journal: Nature 2017 In Press
Authors: Grubaugh Et Al", "NODE_0000426", "USA/2016/FL035
Country: USA
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-08-03
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "USA/2016/FLUR026
Country: USA
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-09-13
Journal: Nature 2017 In Press
Authors: Grubaugh Et Al", "NODE_0000427", "NODE_0000048", "NODE_0000049", "DOM/2016/MA_WGS16_007
Country: Dominican Republic
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-05-10
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "DOM/2016/BB_0208
Country: Dominican Republic
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-04-20
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000050", "JAM/2016/MA_WGS16_041
Country: Jamaica
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-10-12
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "JAM/2016/MA_WGS16_039
Country: Jamaica
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-09-28
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000428", "JAM/2016/MA_WGS16_025
Country: Jamaica
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-07-10
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000061", "USVI/7/2016
Country: USVI
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-10-27
Journal: ?
Authors: Black Et Al", "NODE_0000429", "Dominican_Rep_Rus_4MRG_2016
Country: Dominican Republic
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-05-23
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Karan Et Al", "NODE_0000063", "DOM/2016/BB_0059
Country: Dominican Republic
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-04-04
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000064", "USA/2016/FL029
Country: USA
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-08-01
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000065", "USA/2016/FL028
Country: USA
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-08-01
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000066", "USA/2016/FL022
Country: USA
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-07-22
Journal: Nature 2017 In Press
Authors: Grubaugh Et Al", "USA/2016/FLUR006
Country: USA
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-07-29
Journal: Nature 2017 In Press
Authors: Grubaugh Et Al", "NODE_0000081", "USA/2016/FLUR005
Country: USA
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-07-29
Journal: Nature 2017 In Press
Authors: Grubaugh Et Al", "HTI/2016/MA_WGS16_022
Country: Haiti
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-07-05
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "USA/2016/FL030
Country: USA
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-08-02
Journal: Nature 2017 In Press
Authors: Grubaugh Et Al", "NODE_0000491", "USA/2016/FL038
Country: USA
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-08-05
Journal: Nature 2017 In Press
Authors: Grubaugh Et Al", "NODE_0000492", "NODE_0000069", "USA/2016/FL021
Country: USA
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-07-19
Journal: Nature 2017 In Press
Authors: Grubaugh Et Al", "USA/2016/FLUR002
Country: USA
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-07-28
Journal: Nature 2017 In Press
Authors: Grubaugh Et Al", "NODE_0000430", "Aedes_aegypti/USA/2016/FL08
Country: USA
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-10-05
Journal: Nature 2017 In Press
Authors: Grubaugh Et Al", "NODE_0000431", "USA/2016/FLUR007
Country: USA
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-08-04
Journal: Nature 2017 In Press
Authors: Grubaugh Et Al", "USA/2016/FLUR008
Country: USA
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-08-04
Journal: Nature 2017 In Press
Authors: Grubaugh Et Al", "NODE_0000432", "USA/2016/FLUR001
Country: USA
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-07-28
Journal: Nature 2017 In Press
Authors: Grubaugh Et Al", "NODE_0000433", "USA/2016/FLUR009
Country: USA
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-08-04
Journal: Nature 2017 In Press
Authors: Grubaugh Et Al", "NODE_0000434", "NODE_0000084", "USA/2016/FLUR057
Country: USA
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-10-05
Journal: Nature 2017 In Press
Authors: Grubaugh Et Al", "USA/2016/FLWB042
Country: USA
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-09-26
Journal: Nature 2017 In Press
Authors: Grubaugh Et Al", "NODE_0000435", "NODE_0000436", "USA/2016/FLUR013
Country: USA
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-08-23
Journal: Nature 2017 In Press
Authors: Grubaugh Et Al", "USA/2016/FL010
Country: USA
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-06-22
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000076", "USA/2016/FLUR015
Country: USA
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-08-24
Journal: Nature 2017 In Press
Authors: Grubaugh Et Al", "USA/2016/FLUR063
Country: USA
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-10-03
Journal: Nature 2017 In Press
Authors: Grubaugh Et Al", "Aedes_aegypti/USA/2016/FL06
Country: USA
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-09-20
Journal: Nature 2017 In Press
Authors: Grubaugh Et Al", "NODE_0000493", "NODE_0000299", "NODE_0000300", "Brazil/2015/ZBRD116
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-08-28
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Faria Et Al", "BeH828305
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-01-01
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Faria Et Al", "NODE_0000301", "Bahia01
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-05-01
Journal: Emerging Infect. Dis. 22 10 1788-1792 2016
Authors: Naccache Et Al", "NODE_0000302", "Bahia02
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-05-01
Journal: Emerging Infect. Dis. 22 10 1788-1792 2016
Authors: Naccache Et Al", "NODE_0000303", "NODE_0000304", "Bahia07
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-07-01
Journal: Emerging Infect. Dis. 22 10 1788-1792 2016
Authors: Naccache Et Al", "NODE_0000305", "Bahia09
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-08-01
Journal: Emerging Infect. Dis. 22 10 1788-1792 2016
Authors: Naccache Et Al", "HS_2015_BA_01
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-08-01
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Teixeira Et Al", "NODE_0000306", "Bahia03
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-05-01
Journal: Emerging Infect. Dis. 22 10 1788-1792 2016
Authors: Naccache Et Al", "NODE_0000400", "Bahia08
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-07-15
Journal: Emerging Infect. Dis. 22 10 1788-1792 2016
Authors: Naccache Et Al", "Bahia15
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-01-01
Journal: Emerging Infect. Dis. 22 10 1788-1792 2016
Authors: Naccache Et Al", "NODE_0000437", "NODE_0000438", "NODE_0000286", "USVI/36/2016
Country: USVI
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-09-13
Journal: ?
Authors: Black Et Al", "NODE_0000287", "Brazil/2016/ZBRX1
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-04-18
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Faria Et Al", "NODE_0000288", "NODE_0000439", "Brazil/2016/ZBRX137
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-03-03
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Faria Et Al", "Brazil/2016/ZBRX6
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-04-19
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Faria Et Al", "NODE_0000290", "Brazil/2016/ZBRX103
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-05-24
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Faria Et Al", "Brazil/2016/ZBRX13
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-04-24
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Faria Et Al", "Brazil/2016/ZBRX7
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-04-19
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Faria Et Al", "NODE_0000293", "Brazil/2016/ZBRX12
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-04-19
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Faria Et Al", "Brazil/2016/ZBRX100
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-05-19
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Faria Et Al", "NODE_0000295", "Brazil/2016/ZBRX11
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-04-19
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Faria Et Al", "Brazil/2016/ZBRX8
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-04-19
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Faria Et Al", "NODE_0000440", "NODE_0000297", "BRA/2016/FC_5790
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-03-22
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000298", "V9
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-12-01
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Miranda Et Al", "DOM/2016/BB_0085
Country: Dominican Republic
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-04-07
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000441", "NODE_0000221", "BRA/2016/FC_6696
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-04-05
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000222", "BRA/2016/FC_DQ58D1
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-03-30
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "BRA/2016/FC_DQ107D1
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-04-13
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000223", "BRA/2016/FC_DQ131D1
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-04-18
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "BRA/2016/FC_DQ42D1
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-03-23
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000442", "BRA/2016/FC_DQ28D1
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-03-21
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000443", "BRA/2016/FC_DQ47D1
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-03-28
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "Brazil/2016/ZBRY8
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-01-01
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Faria Et Al", "NODE_0000228", "Brazil/2016/ZBRY10
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-01-01
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Faria Et Al", "NODE_0000229", "Brazil_ZKV2015
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-11-30
Journal: Lancet Infect Dis 16 6 653-660 2016
Authors: Calvet Et Al", "NODE_0000444", "NODE_0000236", "Brazil/2015/ZBRC301
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-05-13
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Faria Et Al", "NODE_0000445", "Brazil/2015/ZBRD103
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-08-20
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Faria Et Al", "NODE_0000446", "Brazil/2015/ZBRD107
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-09-09
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Faria Et Al", "NODE_0000238", "Brazil/2016/ZBRX128
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-03-13
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Faria Et Al", "Brazil/2016/INMI1
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-03-06
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Carletti Et Al", "NODE_0000230", "Brazil/2016/ZBRC18
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-01-06
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Faria Et Al", "NODE_0000233", "BRA/2016/FC_DQ49D1
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-03-28
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "Brazil/2016/ZBRY6
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-02-16
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Faria Et Al", "NODE_0000447", "BRA/2016/FC_6703
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-04-08
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "Brazil/2015/ZBRC303
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-05-14
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Faria Et Al", "NODE_0000240", "NODE_0000243", "BRA/2016/FC_DQ62D1
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-03-30
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "Brazil/2015/ZBRC313
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-06-15
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Faria Et Al", "NODE_0000448", "Brazil/2016/ZBRX15
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-04-24
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Faria Et Al", "Brazil/2016/ZBRC319
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-07-10
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Faria Et Al", "NODE_0000244", "Brazil/2015/ZBRC302
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-05-13
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Faria Et Al", "NODE_0000245", "NODE_0000246", "COL/FCC00093/2015
Country: Colombia
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-10-07
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Leguia Et Al", "NODE_0000247", "Colombia/2016/ZC192Se
Country: Colombia
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-01-07
Journal: Nat Protoc 12 6 1261-1276 2017
Authors: Quick Et Al", "NODE_0000248", "FPI15263/PERU/Loreto/2016
Country: Peru
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-07-11
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Leguia Et Al", "FPI15198/PERU/Loreto/2016
Country: Peru
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-06-28
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Leguia Et Al", "NODE_0000250", "NODE_0000251", "Martinique/2016/FL001Sa
Country: Martinique
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-03-22
Journal: Nature 2017 In Press
Authors: Grubaugh Et Al", "Martinique/2016/FL001
Country: Martinique
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-03-22
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000252", "MEX/InDRE/2016
Country: Mexico
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-02-25
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Diaz-quinonez Et Al", "MRS_OPY_Martinique_PaRi_2015
Country: Martinique
Region: North America
Collection date: 2015-12-01
Journal: New Microbes New Infect 11 52-53 2016
Authors: Piorkowski Et Al", "NODE_0000253", "NODE_0000449", "NODE_0000257", "Colombia/2016/ZC207Se
Country: Colombia
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-01-09
Journal: Nat Protoc 12 6 1261-1276 2017
Authors: Quick Et Al", "Colombia/2016/ZC199Se
Country: Colombia
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-01-10
Journal: Nat Protoc 12 6 1261-1276 2017
Authors: Quick Et Al", "NODE_0000450", "NODE_0000259", "Colombia/2016/ZC188Se
Country: Colombia
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-01-16
Journal: Nat Protoc 12 6 1261-1276 2017
Authors: Quick Et Al", "Colombia/2016/ZC204Se
Country: Colombia
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-01-06
Journal: Nat Protoc 12 6 1261-1276 2017
Authors: Quick Et Al", "NODE_0000451", "PAN/BEI_259634_V4/2016
Country: Panama
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-01-01
Journal: Submitted 05-may-2016 J. Craig Venter Institute 9704 Medical Center Drive Rockville Md 20850 Usa
Authors: Shabman Et Al", "NODE_0000452", "NODE_0000453", "COL/2016/SU_1856A
Country: Colombia
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-04-28
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "DOM/2016/BB_0127
Country: Dominican Republic
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-04-11
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000260", "COL/2016/SU_2293A
Country: Colombia
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-06-09
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000261", "COL/2016/SU_2724A
Country: Colombia
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-04-05
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "COL/2016/SU_1810A
Country: Colombia
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-04-06
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000263", "NODE_0000264", "FLA
Country: Colombia
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-12-01
Journal: Submitted 26-apr-2017 Molecular Virology And Microbiology Baylor College Of Medicine One Baylor Plaza Houston Tx 77030 Usa
Authors: Kneubehl Et Al", "NODE_0000265", "PAN/CDC_259249_V1_V3/2015
Country: Panama
Region: North America
Collection date: 2015-12-11
Journal: Submitted 29-apr-2016 J. Craig Venter Institute 9704 Medical Center Drive Rockville Md 20850 Usa
Authors: Shabman Et Al", "PAN/CDC_259364_V1_V2/2015
Country: Panama
Region: North America
Collection date: 2015-12-18
Journal: Submitted 29-apr-2016 J. Craig Venter Institute 9704 Medical Center Drive Rockville Md 20850 Usa
Authors: Shabman Et Al", "NODE_0000267", "PAN/CDC_259359_V1_V3/2015
Country: Panama
Region: North America
Collection date: 2015-12-18
Journal: Submitted 29-apr-2016 J. Craig Venter Institute 9704 Medical Center Drive Rockville Md 20850 Usa
Authors: Shabman Et Al", "NODE_0000454", "COL/PAN_00030/2015
Country: Colombia
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-12-01
Journal: Submitted 30-jul-2017 J. Craig Venter Institute 9704 Medical Center Drive Rockville Md 20850 Usa
Authors: Pickett Et Al", "COL/PAN_00029/2015
Country: Colombia
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-12-01
Journal: Submitted 30-jul-2017 J. Craig Venter Institute 9704 Medical Center Drive Rockville Md 20850 Usa
Authors: Pickett Et Al", "NODE_0000269", "NODE_0000270", "VEN/UF_1/2016
Country: Venezuela
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-03-25
Journal: Genome Announc 5 17 E00231-17 2017
Authors: Blohm Et Al", "COL/UF_1/2016
Country: Colombia
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-02-09
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Lednicky Et Al", "NODE_0000271", "COL/FLR_00004/2015
Country: Colombia
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-12-01
Journal: Submitted 28-jul-2017 J. Craig Venter Institute 9704 Medical Center Drive Rockville Md 20850 Usa
Authors: Pickett Et Al", "COL/FLR_00011/2015
Country: Colombia
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-12-01
Journal: Submitted 28-jul-2017 J. Craig Venter Institute 9704 Medical Center Drive Rockville Md 20850 Usa
Authors: Pickett Et Al", "NODE_0000278", "COL/FLR_00002/2015
Country: Colombia
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-12-01
Journal: Submitted 28-jul-2017 J. Craig Venter Institute 9704 Medical Center Drive Rockville Md 20850 Usa
Authors: Pickett Et Al", "COL/FLR_00006/2015
Country: Colombia
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-12-01
Journal: Submitted 28-jul-2017 J. Craig Venter Institute 9704 Medical Center Drive Rockville Md 20850 Usa
Authors: Pickett Et Al", "NODE_0000279", "COL/FLR_00005/2015
Country: Colombia
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-12-01
Journal: Submitted 28-jul-2017 J. Craig Venter Institute 9704 Medical Center Drive Rockville Md 20850 Usa
Authors: Pickett Et Al", "COL/FLR_00008/2015
Country: Colombia
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-12-01
Journal: Submitted 28-jul-2017 J. Craig Venter Institute 9704 Medical Center Drive Rockville Md 20850 Usa
Authors: Pickett Et Al", "NODE_0000281", "COL/FLR_00016/2015
Country: Colombia
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-12-01
Journal: Submitted 28-jul-2017 J. Craig Venter Institute 9704 Medical Center Drive Rockville Md 20850 Usa
Authors: Pickett Et Al", "COL/FLR_00014/2015
Country: Colombia
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-12-01
Journal: Submitted 28-jul-2017 J. Craig Venter Institute 9704 Medical Center Drive Rockville Md 20850 Usa
Authors: Pickett Et Al", "NODE_0000282", "COL/FLR_00024/2015
Country: Colombia
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-12-01
Journal: Submitted 28-jul-2017 J. Craig Venter Institute 9704 Medical Center Drive Rockville Md 20850 Usa
Authors: Pickett Et Al", "NODE_0000283", "COL/FLR_00025/2015
Country: Colombia
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-12-01
Journal: Submitted 28-jul-2017 J. Craig Venter Institute 9704 Medical Center Drive Rockville Md 20850 Usa
Authors: Pickett Et Al", "COL/FLR_00026/2015
Country: Colombia
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-12-01
Journal: Submitted 28-jul-2017 J. Craig Venter Institute 9704 Medical Center Drive Rockville Md 20850 Usa
Authors: Pickett Et Al", "NODE_0000455", "COL/FLR_00020/2015
Country: Colombia
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-12-01
Journal: Submitted 28-jul-2017 J. Craig Venter Institute 9704 Medical Center Drive Rockville Md 20850 Usa
Authors: Pickett Et Al", "NODE_0000456", "COL/FLR_00017/2015
Country: Colombia
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-12-01
Journal: Submitted 28-jul-2017 J. Craig Venter Institute 9704 Medical Center Drive Rockville Md 20850 Usa
Authors: Pickett Et Al", "COL/FLR_00001/2015
Country: Colombia
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-12-01
Journal: Submitted 28-jul-2017 J. Craig Venter Institute 9704 Medical Center Drive Rockville Md 20850 Usa
Authors: Pickett Et Al", "NODE_0000097", "NODE_0000100", "NODE_0000101", "FVM00318/VEN/Maracay/2016
Country: Venezuela
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-10-19
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Leguia Et Al", "BR/AM/16800005
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-01-08
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Souza Et Al", "NODE_0000102", "NODE_0000103", "Brazil/2016/ZBRX106
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-03-07
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Faria Et Al", "NODE_0000104", "BeH819966
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-01-01
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Azevedo Et Al", "SSABR1
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-07-01
Journal: Infect. Genet. Evol. 41 142-145 2016
Authors: Giovanetti Et Al", "NODE_0000106", "BeH818995
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-01-01
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Azevedo Et Al", "BeH815744
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-01-01
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Azevedo Et Al", "NODE_0000107", "Z1106033
Country: Suriname
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-10-02
Journal: Lancet 387 10015 227-228 2016
Authors: Enfissi Et Al", "NODE_0000109", "BRA/2016/FC_6864
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-04-12
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "BRA/2016/FC_6863
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-04-12
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000110", "NODE_0000111", "GZ01
Country: Venezuela
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-02-14
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Deng Et Al", "USVI/11/2016
Country: USVI
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-03-22
Journal: ?
Authors: Black Et Al", "NODE_0000113", "R114916
Country: Dominican Republic
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-06-06
Journal: Submitted 23-aug-2016 Diagnostic & Reference Laboratory Arbovirus Diseases Branch Centers For Disease Control & Prevention 3150 Rampart Road Fort Collins Co 80521 Usa
Authors: Lanciotti Et Al", "NODE_0000114", "GZ02/2016
Country: Venezuela
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-02-25
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Li Et Al", "NODE_0000115", "Z16019
Country: Venezuela
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-02-26
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Wu Et Al", "GDZ16021
Country: China
Region: China
Collection date: 2016-02-26
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Sun Et Al", "NODE_0000116", "BeH819015
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-01-01
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Azevedo Et Al", "NODE_0000117", "SL1602
Country: Suriname
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-01-22
Journal: Sci Rep 7 1 2368 2017
Authors: Van Boheemen Et Al", "NODE_0000457", "V17271
Country: French Guiana
Region: South America
Collection date: 2015-12-01
Journal: Submitted 25-feb-2016 Laboratoire De Virologie Institut Pasteur De La Guyane 23 Avenue Pasteur Cayenne French Guiana 97300 France
Authors: Enfissi Et Al", "NODE_0000119", "USVI/4/2016
Country: USVI
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-10-14
Journal: ?
Authors: Black Et Al", "NL00013
Country: Suriname
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-02-11
Journal: Submitted 18-mar-2016 Department Of Viroscience Erasmus Medical Center Dr Molewaterplein 50 Rotterdam 3015 Ge The Netherlands
Authors: Stalin Raj Et Al", "NODE_0000121", "USVI/40/2016
Country: USVI
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-11-05
Journal: ?
Authors: Black Et Al", "NODE_0000122", "NODE_0000458", "PRI/2016/MA_WGS16_005
Country: Puerto Rico
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-04-12
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000123", "NODE_0000127", "PRVABC59
Country: Puerto Rico
Region: North America
Collection date: 2015-12-01
Journal: Emerging Infect. Dis. 22 5 933-935 2016
Authors: Lanciotti Et Al", "PuertoRico/2016/FL008U
Country: Puerto Rico
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-06-21
Journal: Nature 2017 In Press
Authors: Grubaugh Et Al", "BRA/2016/FC_DQ192D1
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-05-10
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000459", "BRA/2016/FC_DQ12D1
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-03-15
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000124", "PuertoRico/2016/FL016U
Country: Puerto Rico
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-07-03
Journal: Nature 2017 In Press
Authors: Grubaugh Et Al", "NODE_0000460", "PRI/2016/MA_WGS16_016
Country: Puerto Rico
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-06-26
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "PRI/2016/MA_WGS16_004
Country: Puerto Rico
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-04-13
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000130", "NODE_0000131", "USVI/23/2016
Country: USVI
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-07-12
Journal: ?
Authors: Black Et Al", "NODE_0000132", "NODE_0000461", "USVI/39/2016
Country: USVI
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-11-09
Journal: ?
Authors: Black Et Al", "NODE_0000133", "USVI/30/2016
Country: USVI
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-08-07
Journal: ?
Authors: Black Et Al", "USVI/32/2016
Country: USVI
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-08-11
Journal: ?
Authors: Black Et Al", "NODE_0000135", "USVI/37/2016
Country: USVI
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-10-06
Journal: ?
Authors: Black Et Al", "NODE_0000136", "USVI/12/2016
Country: USVI
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-11-04
Journal: ?
Authors: Black Et Al", "NODE_0000137", "USVI/1/2016
Country: USVI
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-09-28
Journal: ?
Authors: Black Et Al", "USVI/2/2016
Country: USVI
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-09-28
Journal: ?
Authors: Black Et Al", "NODE_0000138", "USIV/35/2016
Country: USVI
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-09-08
Journal: ?
Authors: Black Et Al", "NODE_0000139", "USVI/25/2016
Country: USVI
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-09-27
Journal: ?
Authors: Black Et Al", "USVI/27/2016
Country: USVI
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-08-19
Journal: ?
Authors: Black Et Al", "NODE_0000140", "USVI/43/2016
Country: USVI
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-07-19
Journal: ?
Authors: Black Et Al", "USVI/34/2016
Country: USVI
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-08-01
Journal: ?
Authors: Black Et Al", "NODE_0000141", "USVI/13/2016
Country: USVI
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-08-13
Journal: ?
Authors: Black Et Al", "USVI/38/2016
Country: USVI
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-10-25
Journal: ?
Authors: Black Et Al", "NODE_0000145", "NODE_0000146", "USVI/3/2016
Country: USVI
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-09-26
Journal: ?
Authors: Black Et Al", "USVI/5/2016
Country: USVI
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-10-17
Journal: ?
Authors: Black Et Al", "NODE_0000147", "USVI/21/2016
Country: USVI
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-11-07
Journal: ?
Authors: Black Et Al", "USVI/6/2016
Country: USVI
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-10-19
Journal: ?
Authors: Black Et Al", "NODE_0000462", "NODE_0000098", "Brazil/2016/ZBRX102
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-02-25
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Faria Et Al", "USVI/24/2016
Country: USVI
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-09-13
Journal: ?
Authors: Black Et Al", "NODE_0000148", "NODE_0000463", "NODE_0000150", "Brazil/2016/ZBRC16
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-01-19
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Faria Et Al", "BRA/2016/FC_6418
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-03-27
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000151", "BRA/2016/FC_DQ5D1
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-03-14
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "RIO_BM1
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-02-12
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Bonaldo Et Al", "NODE_0000464", "Brazil/2016/ZBRY7
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-01-01
Journal: Nature 546 7658 406-410 2017
Authors: Faria Et Al", "NODE_0000465", "BRA/2016/FC_5905
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-03-23
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "Brazil/2016/ZBRY1
Country: Brazil
Region: South America
Collection date: 2016-01-15
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Faria Et Al", "NODE_0000155", "NIC/6188_13A1/2016
Country: Nicaragua
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-06-30
Journal: Submitted 13-mar-2017 J. Craig Venter Institute 9704 Medical Center Drive Rockville Md 20850 Usa
Authors: Shabman Et Al", "NODE_0000156", "NODE_0000157", "2016\\HND\\19563
Country: Honduras
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-04-16
Journal: ?
Authors: ?", "NODE_0000158", "V103451
Country: Honduras
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-01-06
Journal: Submitted 18-may-2016 Diagnostic & Reference Laboratory Arbovirus Diseases Branch Centers For Disease Control & Prevention 3150 Rampart Road Fort Collins Co 80521 Usa
Authors: Lanciotti Et Al", "HND/R103451/2015
Country: Honduras
Region: North America
Collection date: 2015-01-06
Journal: Submitted 12-aug-2016 J. Craig Venter Institute 9704 Medical Center Drive Rockville Md 20850 Usa
Authors: Shabman Et Al", "NODE_0000206", "Mexico_Rus_10GNN_2016
Country: Mexico
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-11-09
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Karan Et Al", "NODE_0000214", "mex07/Mexico/2016
Country: Mexico
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-08-05
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Chiu Et Al", "NODE_0000215", "MEX_ENCB165
Country: Mexico
Region: North America
Collection date: 2015-10-15
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Sevilla-reyes Et Al", "ENCB165P4
Country: Mexico
Region: North America
Collection date: 2015-10-15
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Sevilla-reyes Et Al", "NODE_0000217", "USA/UT_1/2016
Country: Mexico
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-01-01
Journal: N. Engl. J. Med. 375 19 1907-1909 2016
Authors: Swaminathan Et Al", "R116265
Country: Mexico
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-06-23
Journal: Submitted 23-aug-2016 Diagnostic & Reference Laboratory Arbovirus Diseases Branch Centers For Disease Control & Prevention 3150 Rampart Road Fort Collins Co 80521 Usa
Authors: Lanciotti Et Al", "NODE_0000468", "NODE_0000207", "Aedes_aegypti/MEX/MEX_I_44/2016
Country: Mexico
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-01-01
Journal: Submitted 22-feb-2017 J. Craig Venter Institute 9704 Medical Center Drive Rockville Md 20850 Usa
Authors: Shabman Et Al", "Aedes_sp/MEX_I_44/2016
Country: Mexico
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-01-01
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Balaraman Et Al", "NODE_0000469", "Mexico_Rus_12TVR_2017
Country: Mexico
Region: North America
Collection date: 2017-01-30
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Karan Et Al", "NODE_0000211", "MEX_CIENI551
Country: Mexico
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-03-03
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Boukadida Et Al", "NODE_0000212", "Aedessp/MEX/MEX_2_81/2016
Country: Mexico
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-01-01
Journal: Submitted 27-jun-2016 J. Craig Venter Institute 9704 Medical Center Drive Rockville Md 20850 Usa
Authors: Shabman Et Al", "NODE_0000213", "MEX_I_7
Country: Mexico
Region: North America
Collection date: 2015-11-01
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Barrows Et Al", "Aedessp/MEX/MEX_I_7/2016
Country: Mexico
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-01-01
Journal: Submitted 27-jun-2016 J. Craig Venter Institute 9704 Medical Center Drive Rockville Md 20850 Usa
Authors: Shabman Et Al", "NODE_0000494", "NODE_0000168", "NODE_0000169", "NIC/8610_13A1/2016
Country: Nicaragua
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-07-07
Journal: Submitted 13-mar-2017 J. Craig Venter Institute 9704 Medical Center Drive Rockville Md 20850 Usa
Authors: Shabman Et Al", "NIC/5256_13A1/2016
Country: Nicaragua
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-08-26
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Theze Et Al", "NODE_0000170", "NODE_0000171", "HN16
Country: Honduras
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-05-01
Journal: Emerging Infect. Dis. 23 1 99-101 2017
Authors: Murray Et Al", "NODE_0000172", "HND/2016/HU_ME58
Country: Honduras
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-05-13
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "HND/2016/HU_ME156
Country: Honduras
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-06-07
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000173", "HND/2016/HU_ME42
Country: Honduras
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-05-09
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000174", "HND/2016/HU_ME38
Country: Honduras
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-04-30
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000178", "NIC/6547_13A1/2016
Country: Nicaragua
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-07-19
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Theze Et Al", "NODE_0000179", "NIC/4886_12A1/2016
Country: Nicaragua
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-07-10
Journal: Submitted 13-mar-2017 J. Craig Venter Institute 9704 Medical Center Drive Rockville Md 20850 Usa
Authors: Shabman Et Al", "NIC/7252_12A1/2016
Country: Nicaragua
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-06-29
Journal: Submitted 13-mar-2017 J. Craig Venter Institute 9704 Medical Center Drive Rockville Md 20850 Usa
Authors: Shabman Et Al", "NODE_0000466", "HND/2016/HU_ME147
Country: Honduras
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-06-04
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000467", "USA/2016/FL019
Country: USA
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-07-07
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "HND/2016/HU_ME33
Country: Honduras
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-04-28
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000470", "NODE_0000164", "mex48/Mexico/2016
Country: Mexico
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-06-30
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Chiu Et Al", "NODE_0000165", "V103344
Country: Guatemala
Region: North America
Collection date: 2015-12-01
Journal: Emerging Infect. Dis. 22 5 933-935 2016
Authors: Lanciotti Et Al", "V8375
Country: Guatemala
Region: North America
Collection date: 2015-11-01
Journal: Emerging Infect. Dis. 22 5 933-935 2016
Authors: Lanciotti Et Al", "NODE_0000471", "NODE_0000472", "NODE_0000167", "USA/2016/FLWB044
Country: USA
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-09-28
Journal: Nature 2017 In Press
Authors: Grubaugh Et Al", "USA/2016/FLSR043
Country: USA
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-09-28
Journal: Nature 2017 In Press
Authors: Grubaugh Et Al", "NODE_0000473", "Mex03/Mexico/2016
Country: Mexico
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-03-05
Journal: Nature 546 7658 406-410 2017
Authors: Faria Et Al", "NODE_0000474", "Henan/001/2016
Country: China
Region: China
Collection date: 2016-09-14
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Li Et Al", "NODE_0000475", "Cuba/2017/Hu0046Sa
Country: Cuba
Region: North America
Collection date: 2017-04-19
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Grubaugh Et Al", "NODE_0000197", "NODE_0000476", "UNK/2016/MA_WGS16_029
Country: El Salvador
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-08-05
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000199", "HND/2016/HU_ME152
Country: Honduras
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-06-06
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "HND/2016/HU_ME59
Country: Honduras
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-05-13
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000200", "NODE_0000201", "NIC/5005_13A1/2016
Country: Nicaragua
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-04-22
Journal: Submitted 13-mar-2017 J. Craig Venter Institute 9704 Medical Center Drive Rockville Md 20850 Usa
Authors: Shabman Et Al", "FHT1175/HON/2016
Country: Honduras
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-08-26
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Leguia Et Al", "NODE_0000202", "HND/2016/HU_ME136
Country: Honduras
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-05-31
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NIC/5847_12B1/2016
Country: Nicaragua
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-02-07
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Theze Et Al", "NODE_0000204", "HND/2016/HU_ME167
Country: Honduras
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-06-09
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "HND/2016/HU_ME50
Country: Honduras
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-05-12
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "HND/2016/HU_ME178
Country: Honduras
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-06-10
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000181", "mex39/Mexico/2016
Country: Mexico
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-07-07
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Chiu Et Al", "NODE_0000477", "NODE_0000183", "HND/2016/HU_ME180
Country: Honduras
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-06-13
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "FB_GWUH_2016
Country: Guatemala
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-02-02
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Driggers Et Al", "NODE_0000478", "NODE_0000186", "NIC/6406_13A1/2016
Country: Nicaragua
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-05-29
Journal: Submitted 13-mar-2017 J. Craig Venter Institute 9704 Medical Center Drive Rockville Md 20850 Usa
Authors: Shabman Et Al", "NODE_0000479", "Nica2_16
Country: Nicaragua
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-01-13
Journal: Cell Host Microbe 20 2 155-166 2016
Authors: Tabata Et Al", "Nica1_16
Country: Nicaragua
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-01-19
Journal: Cell Host Microbe 20 2 155-166 2016
Authors: Tabata Et Al", "NODE_0000480", "HND/2016/HU_ME137
Country: Honduras
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-05-31
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000188", "NIC/1659_13A1/2016
Country: Nicaragua
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-08-19
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Theze Et Al", "HND/2016/HU_SZ76
Country: Honduras
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-05-03
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000190", "NIC/7253_13A1/2016
Country: Nicaragua
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-08-29
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Theze Et Al", "NIC/1304_13A1/2016
Country: Nicaragua
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-08-05
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Theze Et Al", "NIC/5338_13A1/2016
Country: Nicaragua
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-07-22
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Theze Et Al", "NODE_0000481", "HND/2016/HU_ME171
Country: Honduras
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-06-10
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000482", "HND/2016/HU_ME172
Country: Honduras
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-06-10
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "NODE_0000192", "HND/2016/HU_ME131
Country: Honduras
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-05-28
Journal: Nature 546 7658 411-415 2017
Authors: Metsky Et Al", "FHT1166/HON/2016
Country: Honduras
Region: North America
Collection date: 2016-08-26
Journal: Unpublished
Authors: Leguia Et Al" ], "type": "scatter", "uid": "0a4bf6ba-c550-11e8-a7b7-8af2f04e441a", "x": [ 0, 6.555195508771621e-09, 0.005791689352737594, 0.00438466852368986, 0.004942353684003155, 0.005035420108373306, 0.0044775787847450765, 0.004477585339940585, 0.004570489763677347, 0.0049422651635439765, 0.004756347436075718, 0.004384675078885369, 0.004477584553210342, 0.004756363278207898, 0.0045704940275496705, 0.004384681634080878, 0.004570516937643193, 0.0043846881892763865, 0.0044775976636013595, 0.004477604218796868, 0.004570507137940688, 0.004663418463293267, 0.004570513693136197, 0.004384694744471895, 0.004477605089100985, 0.004663442136160482, 0.004477611644296494, 0.004384701299667404, 0.004477630240046842, 0.004570535577754826, 0.00447763679524235, 0.004477643350437859, 0.004477643350437859, 0.004477649905633368, 0.004477649905633368, 0.004384707854862913, 0.004477617481716897, 0.004384714410058422, 0.00447762810896365, 0.0043847209652539305, 0.004384727520449439, 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