module Fluent class GELFOutput < BufferedOutput Plugin.register_output("gelf", self) config_param :use_record_host, :bool, :default => false config_param :add_msec_time, :bool, :default => false config_param :host, :string, :default => nil config_param :port, :integer, :default => 12201 config_param :protocol, :string, :default => 'udp' def initialize super require "gelf" end def configure(conf) super # a destination hostname or IP address must be provided raise ConfigError, "'host' parameter (hostname or address of Graylog2 server) is required" unless conf.has_key?('host') # choose protocol to pass to gelf-rb Notifier constructor # (@protocol is used instead of conf['protocol'] to leverage config_param default) if @protocol == 'udp' then @proto = GELF::Protocol::UDP elsif @protocol == 'tcp' then @proto = GELF::Protocol::TCP else raise ConfigError, "'protocol' parameter should be either 'udp' (default) or 'tcp'" end end def start super @conn =, @port, 'WAN', {:facility => 'fluentd', :protocol => @proto}) # Errors are not coming from Ruby so we use direct mapping @conn.level_mapping = 'direct' # file and line from Ruby are in this class, not relevant @conn.collect_file_and_line = false end def shutdown super end def format(tag, time, record) if defined? Fluent::EventTime and time.is_a? Fluent::EventTime then timestamp = time.sec + (time.nsec.to_f/1000000000).round(3) else timestamp = time end gelfentry = { :timestamp => timestamp, :_tag => tag } record.each_pair do |k,v| case k when 'version' then gelfentry[:_version] = v when 'timestamp' then gelfentry[:_timestamp] = v when 'host' then if @use_record_host then gelfentry[:host] = v else gelfentry[:_host] = v end when 'level' then case "#{v}".downcase # emergency and alert aren't supported by gelf-rb when '0', 'emergency' then gelfentry[:level] = GELF::UNKNOWN when '1', 'alert' then gelfentry[:level] = GELF::UNKNOWN when '2', 'critical', 'crit' then gelfentry[:level] = GELF::FATAL when '3', 'error', 'err' then gelfentry[:level] = GELF::ERROR when '4', 'warning', 'warn' then gelfentry[:level] = GELF::WARN # gelf-rb also skips notice when '5', 'notice' then gelfentry[:level] = GELF::INFO when '6', 'informational', 'info' then gelfentry[:level] = GELF::INFO when '7', 'debug' then gelfentry[:level] = GELF::DEBUG else gelfentry[:_level] = v end when 'msec' then # msec must be three digits (leading/trailing zeroes) if @add_msec_time then gelfentry[:timestamp] = "#{time.to_s}.#{v}".to_f else gelfentry[:_msec] = v end when 'short_message', 'full_message', 'facility', 'line', 'file' then gelfentry[k.to_sym] = v else gelfentry["_#{k}".to_sym] = v end end if !gelfentry.has_key?(:short_message) or gelfentry[:short_message].to_s.strip.empty? then # allow other non-empty fields to masquerade as the short_message if it is unset if gelfentry.has_key?(:_message) and !gelfentry[:_message].to_s.strip.empty? then gelfentry[:short_message] = gelfentry.delete(:_message) elsif gelfentry.has_key?(:_msg) and !gelfentry[:_msg].to_s.strip.empty? then gelfentry[:short_message] = gelfentry.delete(:_msg) elsif gelfentry.has_key?(:_log) and !gelfentry[:_log].to_s.strip.empty? then gelfentry[:short_message] = gelfentry.delete(:_log) elsif gelfentry.has_key?(:_record) and !gelfentry[:_record].to_s.strip.empty? then gelfentry[:short_message] = gelfentry.delete(:_record) else # we must have a short_message, so provide placeholder gelfentry[:short_message] = '(no message)' end end gelfentry.to_msgpack end def write(chunk) chunk.msgpack_each do |data| @conn.notify!(data) end end def formatted_to_msgpack_binary true end end end # vim: sw=2 ts=2 et