import { TelegramUserClient } from 'telebuilder'; import { buttonsReg, command, handler, inject } from 'telebuilder/decorators'; import { EncryptionHelper, tryInputThreeTimes } from 'telebuilder/helpers'; import { Buttons, Command, CommandScope, HandlerTypes } from 'telebuilder/types'; import { Api } from 'telegram'; import { NewMessageEvent } from 'telegram/events'; import { CallbackQueryEvent } from 'telegram/events/CallbackQuery.js'; import { Button } from 'telegram/tl/custom/button.js'; import { UserSession } from '../models/index.js'; import { UserSessionService } from '../services/index.js'; import { getPasswordValidationFn } from '../utils.js'; @command export class SessionCommand implements Command { command = 'session'; description = 'Creates and saves a new session'; scopes: CommandScope[] = [{ name: 'Default' }]; langCodes = []; @inject(UserSessionService) private userSessionService!: UserSessionService; @buttonsReg woSessionButtons: Buttons = [ [Button.inline('Create session', Buffer.from('createSession'))] ]; @buttonsReg withSessionButtons: Buttons = [ [Button.inline('Change Passphrase', Buffer.from('changePassphrase'))], [Button.inline('Revoke session', Buffer.from('revokeSession'))], [Button.inline('Delete session', Buffer.from('deleteSession'))] ]; @handler() public async entryHandler(event: NewMessageEvent) { if (!event.client || !event?.message?.senderId) return; const senderId = event.message.senderId; const userSession = await this.userSessionService.getById(senderId); const buttons = [ ...(userSession?.encryptedSession ? this.withSessionButtons : this.woSessionButtons) ]; await event.client.sendMessage(senderId, { message: userSession?.encryptedSession ? `You already have "${userSession?.sessionName}" session.` : "You don't have a session yet. Please create one.", buttons }); } @handler({ type: HandlerTypes.CallbackQuery }) public async createSession(event: CallbackQueryEvent) { await event.answer(); if (!event.client || !event?.senderId) return; const senderId = event.senderId; const userSession = await this.userSessionService.getById(senderId); let message = `You already have "${userSession?.sessionName}" session. Please revoke it first.`; if (!userSession?.encryptedSession) { const userClient = new TelegramUserClient('', senderId, event.client); try { await userClient.init(); const password = await tryInputThreeTimes( senderId, { message: 'Please enter your passphrase to encrypt session:' } ); if (!password) return; const sessionName = ((await userClient.getMe())).firstName; const newUserSession = { sessionName, userId: senderId, } as UserSession; const userCreds = { password, session:, }; if (userSession?.userId) { await this.userSessionService.update(newUserSession, userCreds); } else { await this.userSessionService.create(newUserSession, userCreds); } message = 'Your session has been created.'; } finally { await userClient.destroy(); } } await event.client.sendMessage(senderId, { message }); } @handler({ type: HandlerTypes.CallbackQuery }) public async revokeSession(event: CallbackQueryEvent) { await event.answer(); if (!event.client || !event?.senderId) return; const senderId = event.senderId; const userSession = await this.userSessionService.getById(senderId); let message = "You don't have a session yet. Please create one."; if (userSession?.encryptedSession && userSession?.hashedPassword) { const password = await tryInputThreeTimes( senderId, { message: 'Please enter your passphrase to revoke session:' }, getPasswordValidationFn(userSession) ); if (!password) return; const session = EncryptionHelper.decrypt(userSession.encryptedSession, password); const userClient = new TelegramUserClient(session, senderId, event.client); try { await userClient.connect(); if (await userClient.checkAuthorization()) { await userClient.invoke(new Api.auth.LogOut()); } await this.userSessionService.delete(senderId); message = 'Your session has been revoked.'; } finally { await userClient.destroy(); } } await event.client.sendMessage(senderId, { message }); } @handler({ type: HandlerTypes.CallbackQuery }) public async changePassphrase(event: CallbackQueryEvent) { await event.answer(); if (!event.client || !event?.senderId) return; const senderId = event.senderId; const userSession = await this.userSessionService.getById(senderId); let message = "You don't have a session yet. Please create one."; if (userSession?.encryptedSession && userSession?.hashedPassword) { const currentPassword = await tryInputThreeTimes( senderId, { message: 'Please enter your current passphrase:' }, getPasswordValidationFn(userSession) ); if (!currentPassword) return; const session = EncryptionHelper.decrypt(userSession.encryptedSession, currentPassword); const newPassword = await tryInputThreeTimes( senderId, { message: 'Please enter your new passphrase:' } ); if (!newPassword) return; const userCreds = { password: newPassword, session }; await this.userSessionService.update(userSession, userCreds); message = 'Your passphrase has been changed.'; } await event.client.sendMessage(senderId, { message }); } @handler({ type: HandlerTypes.CallbackQuery }) public async deleteSession(event: CallbackQueryEvent) { await event.answer(); if (!event.client || !event?.senderId) return; const senderId = event.senderId; const message = 'Your session has been deleted in the database.'; await this.userSessionService.delete(senderId); await event.client.sendMessage(senderId, { message }); } }