#bin/bash echo "******* Installing EndeavourOS Theming for XFCE4*******" && sleep 5 echo "******* cloning dotfiles for EndeavourOS - XFCE4 Theming *******" && sleep 1 git clone https://github.com/endeavouros-team/endeavouros-xfce4-theming.git cd endeavouros-xfce4-theming echo "******* Getting theme and packages installed now: *******" && sleep 1 wget -q --timeout=10 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/endeavouros-team/EndeavourOS-packages-lists/master/xfce4 sudo pacman -S --noconfirm --needed - < xfce4 echo "******* setting up theme for Light-DM: *******" && sleep 1 wget -q --timeout=10 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/endeavouros-team/EndeavourOS-ISO/main/airootfs/etc/lightdm/slick-greeter.conf sudo cp slick-greeter.conf /etc/lightdm/ echo "******* set lightdm.conf to logind-check-graphical=true ... enable slick greeter to be used *******" && sleep 1 cp /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf ~/endeavouros-xfce4-theming/ sed -i 's?#logind-check-graphical=false?logind-check-graphical=true?' lightdm.conf sed -i 's?#greeter-session=example-gtk-gnome?greeter-session=lightdm-slick-greeter?' lightdm.conf sed -i 's?#allow-user-switching=true?allow-user-switching=true?' lightdm.conf sudo cp lightdm.conf /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf echo "******* enable lightdm to be used on boot *******" && sleep 1 sudo systemctl -f enable lightdm echo "******* setting up xfce4 theme and settings: *******" && sleep 1 cd "etc/skel/" rm -rf ~/.config/xfce4 ~/.cache cp .Xresources ~/.Xresources cp .face ~/.face cp -R .config/ ~/ cd .. cd .. cd .. rm -rf endeavouros-xfce4-theming echo "******* All Done --- restarting System NOW! *******" && sleep 10 echo "******* Please login again and enjoy EndeavourOS Theming! *******" && sleep 1 yad --title="Restarting System" \ --text="All done --- please login again and enjoy XFCE4 with EndeavourOS Theming!" \ --width=400 --height=100 \ --button="Restart System":0 sudo systemctl reboot } Main "$@"