Version 0.10.6 * Bug fixes: * Content bugs: * Typo fixes. (@AlexBassett, @alexrovw, @bene-dictator, @fingolfin, @opusforlife2, @tibetiroka, @warp-core) * Gave the Gatling Turret and Javelin Turret 1 required crew each. (@Amazinite) * The "Gemini Shipyards" jobs now check the correct conditions. (@bene-dictator) * Uninhabited systems and Kaus Borealis will now correctly change governments in the course of the Free Worlds campaign. (@bene-dictator) * Added the "ramming" personality to the timer ship in "Sad Archie" so it behaves more like it should. (@ziproot) * Engine bugs: * Animated ship and planet sprites are now correctly rendered in the hail panel. (@warp-core) * Game content: * New content: * Expanded the descriptions of some Hai stations. (@roadrunner56) * Some planet descriptions will now include references to abandoned Navy bases as they are captured in Free Worlds Checkmate. (@bene-dictator) * Added Merchant hails about dumping cargo to distract pirates. (@tibetiroka) * Balance: * Gave Dreadnought back their fourth Torpedo Launcher. (@warp-core) * And the 30 extra torpedoes this provides space for. They were previously removed when the launchers were made larger. * Replaced the LP144a battery with an LP072a battery to make space. * Made the Lasher Pistol more defensive and less offensive. (@Amazinite) * Capture attack: 2.6 -> 1.1 * Capture defense: 1.4 -> 2.8 * Other: * Reduced the spawn rate of Astral Cetaceans and Embersylphs, and removed the large Embersylphs. (@Saugia) * Added the "lingering" personality to the "Gegno Old" fleets, containing intra-system Protoliths. (@Saugia) * User interface: * Increased the padding between the energy and heat table and the list of installed outfits in the ship info display in the shipyard and outfitter. (@warp-core) * Opening the menu panel with a credits scroll speed of 0 resets the scroll speed. (@TomGoodIdea) * Under the hood: * Removed the declaration of an undefined method. (@warp-core) * Corrected the order of some copyright entries, and removed spaces from file patterns (as they are not allowed there). (@ziproot) * Added some missing color definitions for message text. (@TomGoodIdea, @Koranir, @warp-core) * CI/CD and development environment: * Added "GOG" as an option for "game source" in the bug report issue template. (@warp-core) * Renamed the feature request issue template to "Feature/Balance/Change Request". (@Amazinite) Version 0.10.5 * Big changes: * Expanded the mechanics behind asteroid mining, including the addition of mining lasers that increase the yield of asteroids, tractor beams that pull ores toward your ship, and dedicated mining ships in human space. (@Amazinite, @bene-dictator, @Quantumshark, @Saugia) * Added a small pirate region to the south, home to the remnants of a collapsed government: the Confederated Councils of the Outer Rim. Includes the addition of various new pirate ships and weapons. This is the first of a number of planned expansions to pirate content and gameplay, with the goal of making it so that playing as a pirate is a more viable option. Stay tuned for more in future updates. (@beccabunny, @bene-dictator, @Ebreus, @Galaucus, @Quantumshark, @Saugia) * Bug fixes: * Content bugs: * Typo fixes. (@alexrovw, @Anarchist2, @bene-dictator, @Corraban2, @jarmokivekas, @LepRyot, @mOctave, @opusforlife2, @Saugia, @Tangle10, @tibetiroka, @The-Legendary-M, @ThrawnCA, @Wedge009, @ziproot) * Fixed the location filters for some pirate escort jobs. (@ziproot) * Added a missing departure distance to Dokdobaru. (@Arachi-Lover) * Various fixes to "Navy Resupply [0]". (@LazerLit) * Added missing conditions in the Heliarch intro. (@ziproot) * Added some missing system attributes. (@Tangle10) * Added a missing `goto` in "Saryd University Lecture". (@RedDeadUndead) * Fixed/adjusted a few things in the "Early South" mission set. (@RisingLeaf, @bene-dictator) * Corrected several outdated conditions in "FW Bloodsea 1.1". (@RisingLeaf) * Gave "Remnant Cafeteria" news a location filter so it properly appears. (@warp-core) * "Evacuate Lunarium" rescue jobs no longer overlap locations. (@Arachi-Lover) * Fixed location filters for some of the new Hai missions. (@bene-dictator) * "Hai Wormhole Warning" is now correctly restricted from offering if you've started the Hai Reveal storyline. (@ziproot) * "Remnant: Void Sprites 3" now lists all possible mission objectives, informing the player why the mission doesn't complete if they don't meet the objectives. (@roadrunner56) * Added proper location attributes to Clink and Mutiny. (@roadrunner56) * Engine bugs: * The drag value for a ship used in calculations has been capped to the ship's mass to avoid problematic behavior. (@warp-core) * Limited the heat meter length on the escort HUD. (@TomGoodIdea) * Planetary security fines are now properly applied for illegal cargo. (@TomGoodIdea) * Fixed a rare deadlock while loading the game. (@quyykk) * Fixed a compilation error on SDL before v2.0.22. (@quyykk) * Corrected collision checks for fast moving flotsams. (@RisingLeaf, @Amazinite) * Travel plan validity checks now ensure that all systems are visible. (@Amazinite) * Fixed shader compilation error that could occur on older OpenGL versions. (@RisingLeaf) * Fixed a segmentation fault when opening the message log. (@RisingLeaf) * The player's ship now faces its flight direction on takeoff from a planet. (@TomGoodIdea) * The zoom modifier is now reset if the landing zoom setting is disabled. (@TomGoodIdea) * Fixed a segfault on losing your ship during boarding. (@warp-core) * Game content: * New content: * Added a new culture conversation about Earth Day. (@bene-dictator) * Added a few new generic human jobs. (@bene-dictator) * More Quarg spaceport news. (@Arachi-Lover) * Added a new person ship for the Github reviewers. (@bene-dictator, @DarcyManoel @EjoThims, @roadrunner56, @Saugia, @TheMarksman-ES, @tibetiroka, @1010todd) * Added new Deep hails and ship names. (@bene-dictator) * Added a new culture conversation about Burthen. (@bene-dictator) * Added a new mission about transporting a stranded Paradise Worlds family back home. (@bene-dictator) * Added a new conversation about Greenrock's reversion to piracy in the Free Worlds campaign. (@bene-dictator) * A new set of bounty jobs that make use of the "entering" personality. (@Quantumshark) * Added some larger Hai transport jobs. (@roadrunner56) * Introduced a new Kestrel variant. (@Saugia) * Introduced a new mission where the player can talk to the Quarg about the Coalition after having joined either the Lunarium or Heliarchs. (@Arachi-Lover) * Created a few new Hai transport missions that interact with Darkrest. (@roadrunner56) * Added a new mining tutorial mission to the Sparrow intro quest. (@Amazinite, @williaji) * Mission changes: * Added NPC cargo to some existing human jobs. (@bene-dictator) * The government of the hostile ships in "Deep Archaeology" now displays as "Deep Security". (@ziproot) * Updated the "Heliarch Investigate" and "Lunarium: Combat Training 2" missions to mention to return to their origins. (@Arachi-Lover) * The offer rate of "Stranded Field Trip" has been reduced. (@Anarchist2) * Adjusted the conversation in "FW Epilogue: Ijs and Katya" to better reflect the current state of the game. (@hexagonrecursion) * Changed the description of how deep the ocean is in "Dangerous Games 2" to be more reasonable. (@ziproot) * Expanded the conversation in "Sheragi Archaeology: The Box 7b" to include a "black box" joke. (@alexrovw) * Diversified some assisting boarding missions. (@Daeridanii1) * Changed how Sayari refers to humans when translating for the Wanderers in "Wanderers: Translation Machine". (@The-Legendary-M) * Disabled the Gegno intro missions if the player has not done the first contact mission for the Quarg. (@Saugia) * Graphics: * Updated Ka'het outfit graphics. (@beccabunny) * Added a sprite for the Deep Mug. (@Anarchist2) * New unique projectile and hit effect graphics for the Ionic Turret. (@RisingLeaf) * Lowered the brightness of the center of the map sprite for better readability of system names. (@RisingLeaf) * "Ringworld Debris: Quarg" has been adjusted to be more vague about the ringworld's fate. (@Arachi-Lover) * Balance: * Nerfed the Inferno and Blaze-pike turrets as they were a bit too strong. (@Quantumshark) * Inferno * Turn rate reduced from 2 to 1.3. * Burn damage reduced from 0.9 to 0.75. * Blaze-pike * Turn rate reduced from 2.8 to 2.1. * Burn damage reduced from 0.45 to 0.4. * Nerfed the Flamethrower again. (@Quantumshark) * Firing fuel increased from 0.25 to 0.4. * Heat damage reduced from 150 to 125. * Nerfed the Shield Refactor Module so that ships with larger outfit space can't abuse it. (@Arachi-Lover) * Cost increased from 2843000 to 3248000. * Decreased "hull repair rate" from -0.2 to -0.25. * Replaced the "shield energy" attribute (at a value of 0.24) with the "shield energy multiplier" attribute (at a value of 0.2). * Other: * Removed the Quarg atrocity mission and added the proper atrocities to the Quarg governments. (@TomGoodIdea) * Reworked and removed some overly-wordy and complex hails. (@bene-dictator) * Lovelace Labs will now sell Typhoon Torpedo outfits shortly after they are introduced. (@Quantumshark) * Small wording tweaks in the intro mission set. (@Hurleveur) * Various adjustments to intro Gegno content. (@Saugia, @bene-dictator) * Game mechanics: * New mechanics: * Added gamerules for depreciation-related constants. (@1010todd) * Added the ability to define custom spaceports, controlling which services are available there and whether the spaceport will refuel, recharge, or repair your ships. (@quyykk) * Created two new attributes, "acceleration multiplier" and "turn multiplier", which allow the adjustment of a ship's acceleration or turn. (@Quantumshark) * Engine hardpoints can now be given the "gimbal" attribute to rotate engine flares when thrusting and turning. (@Azure3141) * The raid deterrence of a weapon now accounts for all combat damage types. (@Hurleveur) * Added a new attribute, "use crew equivalent as crew", which causes the "crew equivalent" attribute to count as the total crew of the ship instead of adding to it for reputation purposes. (@Hurleveur) * Governments can now define default attitudes toward other governments. (@TomGoodIdea) * A ship's center of rotation can now be defined with a new "center" attribute. (@RisingLeaf) * NPCs can now be given a "restricted" personality that follows government travel restrictions. (@Hurleveur) * Escorts now only pathfind through systems that the player has visited before. (@quyykk) * Projectiles can now be given a new "penetration count" attribute that allows them to penetrate through ships and deal damage multiple times. (@Amazinite) * Added the ability to trigger an action when encountering an NPC. (@danaris) * Ship variants can now add licenses onto the base model using a "licenses" node under "add attributes". (@UnorderedSigh, @warp-core) * Mechanic changes: * It is now possible to provide a single swizzle mask for an animated sprite, instead of needing one for each frame of sprite. (@RisingLeaf) * Adjusted the scaling of scan times with an increased amount of scanners. (@UnorderedSigh) * User interface: * The main view zoom levels can now be customized through the interfaces file. (@Zitchas, @Hurleveur, @quyykk) * Improved landing target selection when above a star. (@quyykk) * Ship categories for player ships are now displayed in the shop panels. (@mOctave) * Added an "on hit" mode for status overlays, causing the overlay to display only after a ship has taken damage and fade away shortly after. (@Koranir, @warp-core, @quyykk) * Added a new map key that displays the relative danger of visited systems. (@flowers9) * The regions for the lists in the load panel are now defined in the interfaces file. (@warp-core) * Added a wider dialog box for longer dialog text. (@thewierdnut) * The click zones in the escort display are now much larger. (@warp-core) * Fixed a zoom mismatch with landing zoom and zooming in/out. (@quyykk) * All map panels now show how many jumps away the selected system is, not just the mission panel. (@VeryGoodDog) * Damage dropoff on weapons is now displayed in the outfitter. (@Quantumshark) * The "u" and "c" keys can now be used to sell a ship while sending all of its outfits to storage. (@kaol) * Added search functionality to the shops with the "f" key. (@Ember369) * Added a button on the load panel that opens the saves file folder. (@alexrovw) * The keyboard can now be used to navigate the plugins menu. (@Koranir) * Shop keyboard navigation now remembers the selected column when moving between differently sized rows. (@Koranir) * The "u" and "e" keys can now be used as shortcuts to "buy all" or "sell all" on the trading panel. (@AntimatterReactor) * Added scrolling to the plugins panel for both the plugins list and plugin descriptions. (@thewierdnut) * The state of the caps lock key is now tied to the state of fast-forward if caps lock is used for fast-forward. (@RisingLeaf) * Added a new message log panel that displays past hails and status messages. (@TomGoodIdea) * Under the hood: * Added support for formatting non-finite values. (@tibetiroka) * Minor tweaks, refactors, and code style changes. (@tibetiroka) * Removed unused #includes. (@tibetiroka) * Migrated to C++17. (@tibetiroka, @quyykk) * Renamed confusingly named variables in the engine. (@Koranir) * ShopPanel now uses ScrollVar for its scrolling panes. (@thewierdnut) * CI/CD and development environment: * Added a missing word exclusion to the spellcheck CI. (@tibetiroka) * Fixed some failing integration tests. (@Hurleveur) * Added a landing destination to all integration tests. (@quyykk) * Added an integration test for landing in systems with multiple planets. (@quyykk) * CMake check now only runs when integration tests are changed. (@quyykk) * Removed the save folder workaround for integration tests. (@quyykk) * Improved the Linux CMake instructions. (@quyykk) * Removed the "on offer" conversation from the capture override integration test. (@quyykk) * Ctest can now repeatedly run integration tests. (@quyykk) * Condensed the PR template. (@warp-core) * Shipyard help message no longer shows for integration tests. (@quyykk) * Updated the new screenshots in the AppStream file. (@quyykk) * Integration tests now run without OpenGL. (@quyykk) * Integration tests have been made to be more deterministic. (@quyykk) * The data files CI no longer needs the test_parse scripts. (@quyykk) * A new commit will no longer cancel the Actions running for previous commits. (@quyykk) * Integration tests are now allowed to run on every platform. (@quyykk) * If an integration test fails due to a segfault, a reason is now given so that the error is more clear. (@quyykk) * Update the Steam workflow to use the "-p" argument with Endless Sky to test parse instead of the old, now deleted test parse script. (@MCOfficer, @warp-core) Version 0.10.4 * Bug fixes: * Content bugs: * Typo fixes. (@tibetiroka, @warp-core) * Added passenger counts to the descriptions of various Core jobs. (@bene-dictator) * Various fixes to the new Coalition campaign intros. (@Arachi-Lover, @Saugia, @tibetiroka) * Corrected the offer conditions of, and various other improvements to, "Small Pirate gambling". (@Anarchist2) * Ensure that relevant Quarg governments are friendly to the Kor Mereti after their transformation. (@warp-core) * Use fleets of the "Quarg (Kor Efreti)" government in ruined Korath space, and NPCs with the "Quarg (Hai)" governmment in the "Wanderers: Sestor: Quarg Help 2" and "Wanderers: Sestor: Farpoint Attack 2" missions. (@Saugia) * Cleaned up the descriptions of various spaceport missions. (@Anarchist2) * Removed some duplicated text from "Remnant: Celebration 1". (@warp-core) * Correctly refer to commodity categories in some FW war jobs. (@tibetiroka) * Make the "Quarg (Hai)" government hostile to the "Kor Sestor" government so the Quarg ships will properly aid in the defense of Farpoint. (@warp-core) * Correctly display the payment for Heliarch Jump Drive delivery jobs. (@tibetiroka) * Engine bugs: * Correctly set the application icon on Linux. (@quyykk) * Fix scrolling up with the keyboard from the top of a short list in the load panel causing all the items to snap to the bottom. (@warp-core) * Fix blurriness when dragging to scroll panes in shop panels. (@Hurleveur) * The "select nearest asteroid" command will no longer select asteroids beyond asteroid scan range. (@quyykk) * The "infiltrating" and "clearance" mission tags will now work together correctly. (@RisingLeaf) * Collision masks will now be generated for ships in save files using sprite scales that do not appear in the game data. (@quyykk) * Game content: * Mission changes: * Changed the government of NPC ships in "FW Katya 2B" from "Pirate" to "Bounty Hunter" to better match the lore. (@Anarchist2) * Graphics: * Swapped a duplicated station landing image for a unique one. (@Saugia) * Other: * Tweaked some wording in "FW Pirates: Attack 1". (@hexagonrecursion) * Tweaked some wording in "FW Diplomacy 1C". (@LazerLit) * Removed an extraneous item from the "to offer" conditions of "The Book of Skadenga". (@hexagonrecursion) * Game mechanics: * New mechanics: * Outfits can be given the "unique" attribute which will cause the player to be warned when they are about to be lost. (@TomGoodIdea) * Mechanics changes: * Ships are no longer allowed to be outfitted with negative "shield generation" or "hull repair rate" values. (@Arachi-Lover) * Cooling and active cooling will be disabled when a ship is overheated. This reverts a change made in the previous release. (@Quantumshark) * User interface: * The "extended jump effects" setting is now off by default and has an additional intermediate level of motion blur. (@RisingLeaf, @TomGoodIdea) * Added tooltips for all controls and settings. (@Amazinite) * Added a key to bring up the help dialog for the current panel on demand. (@TomGoodIdea) * The main save file for a pilot will always be listed above all the snapshots in the load panel. (@warp-core) * CI/CD and development environment: * Fix release names when using the release workflow. (@quyykk) * Stop building 32-bit binaries for releases. (@quyykk) Version 0.10.3 * Big changes: * The introductory chapters for TWO storylines in Coalition space are now available, allowing the player to either gain the favor of the Heliarchy or become entangled with the underground Lunarium faction. (@Arachi-Lover) * Loads of UI/UX changes and improvements. See the user interface section for more details. * Bug fixes: * Content bugs: * Typo fixes. (@AlexSeaLion, @Arachi-Lover, @aradapilot, @ashdnazg, @bene-dictator, @justinnhli, @lumbar527, @Pshy0, @real-dam, @roadrunner56, @Saugia, @tibetiroka, @warp-core, @Wedge009) * Re-added the planet Eavine to the map, as it was accidentally removed in a previous release. (@warp-core) * Added the "inscrutable" attribute to a space creature that was missing it. (@Saugia) * Added the "unplunderable" attribute to the Lasher Pistol. (@Quantumshark) * Changed the Marauder Manta weapons-variant ship description to properly describe what new features the variant has. (@warp-core) * Adjusted a conversation branch in "Remnant: Shattered Light 4" that was preventing most ships from getting the full conversation. (@justinnhli) * "Expedition to Hope 2" now gives clearance to the destination, allowing it to offer if you are hostile with the destination instead of not offering without explanation. (@warp-core) * Old pilots who completed part of the Wanderer campaign will now be properly retroactively granted the Wanderer outfit license. (@warp-core) * The "Remnant: Expanded Horizons Astral" job can no longer choose the Deep Space systems as waypoints. (@Quantumshark) * Ssil Vida station no longer loses one of its planet attributes after an event. (@danaris) * Spaceport news intended for occupied Pug worlds no longer appears on uninhabited worlds. (@Anarchist2) * Added the "minor" mission tag to a Free Worlds side plot storyline to prevent it from offering at the same time as major storyline missions. (@Anarchist2) * Fixed the "Remnant: Face to Maw" missions to properly offer under the expected circumstances. (@Zitchas, @warp-core) * Replaced the "shield resistance" attribute (which doesn't do anything) on the Embersylph with "ion resistance". (@Quantumshark) * Set the Hai merchant fleets to use the correct government. (@warp-core) * Contacting the Korath Exiles can now properly be deferred and reoffered instead of deferring the mission effectively declining it. (@Hurleveur) * Corrected the offer location on "Robotic Musical 1", as it was unable to offer with the location it was given. (@Terin) * Corrected uses of the "scrambling protection/resistance" attribute to the proper "scramble protection/resistance" attribute. (@warp-core) * Separated the government used for space life near the Gegno to be different to the one used for space life in the Ember Waste to prevent one from unintentionally affecting the other. (@Saugia) * Adjusted the location of the planet Ki Patek Ka in its system as to not overlap with the orbits of its neighboring gas giant (@Quantumshark) * Trimmed New Austria's post-bombing description to better fit the text box. (@Anarchist2) * Fixed the source filter of the "Trash Fire Crops" mission to properly offer only on planets that are both farming and from the Dirt Belt. (warp-core) * Corrected the brown dwarf sprite in the system "Ae Il A-3" to the non-rogue variant. (@warp-core) * Recategorized the Heliarch license to the "License" category. (@DarcyManoel) * Corrected the offer conditions of "Care Package to South 3a" so that it now properly offers. (@ziproot) * Various fixes and improvements to the new Coalition storylines. (@quyykk, @Saugia, @warp-core) * Fix epilogue mission condition for an Emerald Sword mission. (@quyykk) * Engine bugs: * Using hotkeys to search for the nearest asteroid no longer crashes the game. (@RisingLeaf) * Player escorts no longer appear as landed on the planet that the player landed on if they themselves could not land on that planet. (@TomGoodIdea) * Fixed an error with this where landing on planets under certain circumstances, such as when losing mission clearance after landing, could cause no ship to be chosen as the player's flagship, stranding you on the planet. (@danaris, @warp-core) * The autopilot AI no longer attempts to make pointless turn commands when already in the process of jumping. (@Zitchas) * Escorts now properly offload their cargo on every landing. (@flowers9) * Map buttons no longer overlap on smaller screens. (@TomGoodIdea) * Empty strings are now saved as "" so that they don't disappear on subsequent loads. (@warp-core) * Bribes can no longer have negative values. (@Hurleveur) * The scroll buttons on the shop detail panel can now be clicked. (@flowers9) * Improved the rounding used for mortgage calculations to result in the proper payment amount. (@flowers9) * The shipyard and outfitter mission offer location tags will now properly write to the save file. (@flowers9) * Fixed an error that prevented the "tribute: " autocondition from being used. (@Hurleveur) * Cargo scans no longer duplicate the digits of harvested minerals. (@warp-core) * The player info UI now only accepts double clicking to open a ship's info if both clicks were on the same ship, instead of allowing clicking on one ship and then clicking on another ship shortly afterward to count as double clicking the second ship. (@TomGoodIdea) * Trailing whitespace in hails no longer causes hails to overlap with one another. (@flowers9) * The selected ship UI now has the ship name centered with the ship image, and the maximum ship image size has been shrunk so that it doesn't overlap with the ship's name. (@TomGoodIdea) * If the player's flagship is a fighter, the travel plan will now be properly drawn with how far the flagship can jump. (@flowers9) * Fixed the new "fail" action behavior not working with the "on enter" action (@Hurleveur) * Fixed a logic error when checking if a ship is ready to jump that prevented some ships from jumping. (@flowers9) * The amount of thrust provided by engines when you have insufficient resources (e.g. energy, fuel) available to fire them at 100% now correctly scales down the thrust provided by the amount of resources you have. (@flowers9) * Planets no longer launch defense fleets from invalid definitions, which could cause the game to crash. (@TomGoodIdea) * The click zones for the descriptions of ships and outfits in the shop are now properly aligned with the description text. (@flowers9) * Ships and outfits without descriptions in the shop will no longer display description click zones. (@warp-core) * Fixed an issue where scanning a ship's cargo or outfits could cause the scan dialog to appear twice. (@warp-core) * Selecting a new system on the map now always clears the system orbit data, instead of only doing so when the newly selected system has been visited. (@TomGoodIdea) * Switching between two engines that use the same engine flare sprite but at different scales will now properly update the engine sprite scale. (@TomGoodIdea) * Overlays like the planet labels are no longer stepped while the player is landed. This was causing planet labels to appear in the wrong position when landed. (@tibetiroka) * NPC actions now properly trigger if a ship receives two simultaneous events. (@warp-core) * Disabling and enabling plugins is now properly handled with the new plugin metadata file. (@quyykk) * Long plugin names are now truncated to the appropriate length in the plugins preferences panel. (@warp-core) * Travel plans that become invalid due to any reason (such as by system changes caused by events) are now cleared. (@warp-core) * A valid CargoHold is now always returned when getting planetary storage, preventing segfaults. (@quyykk) * Fixed a race condition that could occur when drawing planet labels, causing them to flicker. (@quyykk) * Corrected the use of SDL_GetPrefPath in Files.cpp. (@quyykk) * Fixed a lambda function that was unnecessarily copying the list of every active ship every frame instead of getting a reference to it. (@tibetiroka, @quyykk) * Game content: * New content: * New mission where you answer a distress call in Korath space. (@UnorderedSigh, @williaji) * More human spaceport news. (@dorbarker, @tibetiroka) * Added new humanitarian aid jobs to human space. (@dorbarker) * Added a warning for when you've upset Unfettered sympathizers. (@MasterOfGrey) * New mission where you take war refugees to Humanika. (@dseomn) * New pre-war missions that help lead people to the start of the Free Worlds campaign if they're traveling elsewhere in the galaxy. (@danaris) * Added more high-end passenger missions to human space. (@Anarchist2) * Mission changes: * Mentioned in the conversation and description of "Deal Change 2" that you need to hail the destination planet in order to land. (@bene-dictator) * The player can now ask Tomek for combat advice prior to the first major Free Worlds battle. (@warp-core) * Revised the smuggler arc of the Hai Reveal storyline. (@UnorderedSigh) * Bounty jobs now provide their payment the moment the bounty fleet is destroyed, instead of requiring that the player return to the offer location of the job to receive pay. (@Anarchist2) * Improved the wording in the description of "FW Bounty 1". (@mOctave, @EjoThims) * Added the mission destination to the description of "Remnant: Cognizance 7". (@lumbar527) * The Heliarch jump drive jobs now use the text replacement instead of spelling out the payment. (@Arachi-Lover, @tibetiroka) * Removed a sentence that didn't make sense from the description of the secure package delivery job completion dialog. (@ziproot) * Balance: * Added weaponry to some human fighters to fit in the additional hardpoints that they were recently given. (@AvianGeneticist) * Increased the reputation gains with Unfettered sympathizers when doing Unfettered jobs. (@Hurleveur) * Changed the stock Frigate to have two Torpedo Launchers instead of one Torpedo and a Sidewinder, in exchange for less battery power. (@warp-core) * Added a deadline to the pirate occupation spaceport missions to prevent them from being stacked indefinitely. (@lumbar527) * The Quarg in Korath space now receive permanent reputation hits if you attack the Efreti. (@Saugia) * Gave the Dagger +5 engine space and stock A120 Atomic Thrusters to give it more of a niche among the other human fighters. (@Quantumshark) * Gave the Violin Spider +4 weapon space to allow it to equip an anti-missile turret in addition to its gun. (@Hurleveur) * Flattened the thrust scaling of sets of engines as you get bigger engines in a set. (@Quantumshark) * The exact changes depend on the set of engines, but the changes are roughly as follows: * Tiny: +23.0% thrust * Small: +14.3% * Medium: +5.5% * Large: +0.0% * Huge: -5.1% * In other words: small engines have been made stronger while large engines have been made slightly weaker. The result of this is that smaller ships should be generally quicker than they were before while larger ships should either see no change or should be slightly slower. * Afterburners are unchanged. * Reduced the cost of the supercapacitor from 9,000 credits to 1,500, to bring it closer in line with other human batteries while still having a slight "premium" for its tiny size. (@Zitchas) * Removed a few ship variants from the pirate raid fleet that had high damage weapons not conducive to disabling their target. (@Zitchas) * The Ka'het Nullifier has been rebalanced to more effectively disable targets by draining their energy. (@beccabunny) * Energy damage from 0 to 3200. This is energy which is immediately removed from the target's batteries on impact. * Ion damage from 150 to 220. This is lingering energy loss that results in about 22,000 energy lost over the course of the next ten seconds after impact. * Scrambling damage from 150 to 10. This causes the Nullifier to have much less of an effect on the target's weapons, instead relying on its much greater energy and ion damage. * Buffed the Ion Cannon's ion and scrambling damage by 20%, from 5 to 6 for each in order to make it a bit more competitive with other weaponry. (@Hurleveur) * Reduced the profitability of commodity trading in Hai space by about 40% by bringing trade prices closer together, as the lack of piracy in Hai space makes it an easy place for trading. (@Anarchist2) * Combined the two Barb variants into a single ship. This effectively just means that the turreted variant of the ship has gained +4 weapon space, and the Proton Gun variant of the ship is no longer sold. These two ships weren't sufficiently differentiated from one another to justify keeping both around. (@Quantumshark) * Reduced the buff to engine space provided to the Marauder Leviathan and Falcon engine variants. (@Quantumshark) * Falcon: +55 to +25 (total of 220 to 190) * Leviathan: +80 to +40 (total of 220 to 180) * Other: * Tweaked the wording of the description of the Vivid Aether planet. (@Zitchas) * Ringworld planets now have a "ringworld" attribute for missions to use. (@Quantumshark) * Added a "frozen" attribute to various cold and frozen worlds for missions and spaceport news to use. (@dorbarker, @Anarchist2) * The Unfettered Solifuge and Violin Spider are now added to the Unfettered shipyards at the same time as they are added to Unfettered fleets. (@Hurleveur) * Added the "forest" attribute to Stormhold and changed its planet sprite in order to better match the planet's description. (@bene-dictator) * Various NPC ships in Free Worlds missions which state that they carry cargo now actually have the cargo you're told they have. (@bene-dictator) * Changed the attitude of various Hai governments toward certain actions that the player takes to better reflect the story. (@Hurleveur) * You no longer gain reputation with the Hai for attacking or destroying Unfettered ships. * You no longer lose reputation with the Unfettered for disabling Unfettered ships. * You now gain 50% more reputation for assisting Hai ships. * Standardized the language used for attribute tooltips. (@tibetiroka) * Renamed the Hai's Railgun to the Skipper Railgun. (@Saugia) * Gave a "noun" to the hallucination for use when the ship is scanned. (@warp-core) * Tweaked the limited jump ranges of some systems in Gegno and Rulei space. (@Saugia) * Game mechanics: * New mechanics: * Fighters will now grab a chunk of energy from their carrier's batteries when they deploy if the fighter's energy reserves are not full. Useful for battery-only fighters. (@tibetiroka) * Mission can now have an "on disabled" action that triggers when the player's flagship is disabled. (@TomGoodIdea) * Ships can now be given display names for their model name. (@TomGoodIdea) * Created new "cargo scan opacity" and "outfit scan opacity" attributes that increase the time it takes for a scanner to scan your cargo or outfits respectively. (@Quantumshark) * Game actions are now able to take ships from the player. (@Hurleveur) * Fighters in fleets can now be given different personalities than the rest of the fleet. (@Quantumshark) * Using the "fail" action with no named mission now only fails the mission that called the action instead of failing every mission with the same name. Explicitly listing the name of the mission will still fail every mission with the same name. (@Amazinite) * Plugins can now have a "plugin.txt" metadata file in their root folder that specifies the name of the plugin and its description as shown in the plugins menu in game. (@Beed-git) * Systems can now define the raid fleets that spawn in them or disable all raid fleet spawning, instead of raid fleets only being able to be defined for the government of the system. (@Hurleveur) * Ship images can now be given "@sw" sprites that apply a swizzle mask to the ship in game, allowing certain parts of a ship to remain unswizzled while other parts are. (@RisingLeaf) * Weapons can be given a "fade out" attribute which causes their projectiles to become more transparent until disappearing at the end of their lifetime. (@RisingLeaf) * New multiplier attributes for a ship's base shields and hull. (@Azure3141) * Created a new "on destroy" NPC action that triggers when every ship in the fleet has been destroyed but not captured. This was the behavior of the "on kill" action, which has been changed to allow every ship in the fleet to be either destroyed or captured, matching the "kill" NPC objective. (@warp-core) * Governments can now fine the player for having an illegal ship. If a ship is illegal, it may be discovered by an outfit scan. (@TomGoodIdea) * Governments can now define travel restrictions that prevent their fleets from traveling to or from systems or planets that match the restrictions. (@Hurleveur) * Going to the outfitter when you're able to refill your ammo now auto-refills ammo from planetary storage if you have stored ammo on the planet. (@warp-core) * New autoconditions: * "flagship disabled" returns 1 if the player's flagship is disabled, 0 otherwise. (@TomGoodIdea) * "installed plugin: " returns 1 if a plugin of the given name is installed, 0 otherwise. (@1010Todd, @Hurleveur) * "roll: " returns a random number between 0 and the specified number, or between 0 and the value of the given condition if a condition name is provided. (@Amazinite) * "person destroyed: " returns 1 if the person ship with the given name has been destroyed, 0 otherwise. (@Hurleveur) * "flagship bays: " returns the number of bays of the given type that the player's flagship has. (@TomGoodIdea) * Changed mechanics: * Having more required crew than you have bunks is now an outfitter warning instead of an error that prevents you from leaving. (@TomGoodIdea) * Redesigned how outfit and cargo scanning works. (@UnorderedSigh) * The scan time is now always 2 seconds at the best and 10 seconds at the worst. * Scan speed now follows a gaussian decay as distance increases. * Scan time increases with cargo hold or outfit space size with the 2/3rd power of the size instead of linearly. * Pirate raid deterrence no longer looks at whether you have ammo in your launchers. (@TomGoodIdea) * Fleets can now spawn from any section of a ringworld instead of only ever spawning from the same section. (@quyykk) * Cooling is no longer disabled when a ship becomes overheated. (@Quantumshark) * The player now always launches from the same section of the ringworld that they landed on instead of only ever departing from the same section. (@quyykk) * AI: * Ships with only secondary weapons that run out of ammo will now attempt to flee instead of flying straight at their target without any weapons. (@TomGoodIdea) * Escorts that are capable of cloaking can now cloak on their own without input from the player if they are low on health. (@TomGoodIdea) * Ships with the "surveillance" personality will now patrol the system they are in when there are no other ships to scan instead of freezing up and doing nothing. (@tibetiroka) * User interface: * Weapons that use both outfits and fuel as ammunition now properly display the number of shots remaining instead of ignoring the fuel use. (@tibetiroka) * The flagship now has a separate color scheme from friendlies in the HUD overlay. (@warp-core) * Moved the definitions of the ship info hardpoint colors to the interfaces file so that they can be modified without recompiling. (@TomGoodIdea) * Disabling motion blur in the settings now also disables motion blur for the starfield. (@Koranir) * Added support for drawing pointers in the interface game data. (@warp-core) * Increased the saturation of the shields HUD color. (@Quantumshark) * Added a new setting that determines which ships in your fleet will pick up flotsams, if at all. (@OcelotWalrus) * The outfits installed on player ships are now displayed in a list format under all the other ship stats in the shipyard and outfitter, similar to how they're displayed for ships that are sold in the shipyard. (@flowers9) * Changed the "has no shipyard/outfitter" color on the shipyard and outfitter map keys to a darker shade of blue to better differentiate it from the "has shipyard/outfitter" color. (@flowers9) * Added a "landing zoom" UI setting that zooms the camera in or out when landing on or launching from a planet. (@flowers9) * Human engines in the outfitter are now ordered according to the engine set that they come from, from smallest to largest, and listed with steering before thrusters, instead of purely alphabetically. (@warp-core) * The color of a wormhole's link on the map is now also used when that wormhole is a part of the travel plan. (@RisingLeaf, @warp-core) * Increased the amount of motion blur that occurs in the background while hyperspacing. This can be toggled in the settings under the "extended jump effects" preference. (@Koranir) * The map can now be opened from the shipyard or outfitter. (@TomGoodIdea) * Externally docked fighters are now drawn in the hail panel when hailing a carrier. (@TomGoodIdea) * The auto-selection of available jobs when you accept one job now moves to the next available job for the destination instead of resetting back to the top of the list of jobs for that destination. (@flowers9) * Added a preference to blink the map mission marker for missions with a deadline more quickly if you have fewer extra days to reach the destination compared to the minimum number of days necessary to reach it. The default behavior is to simply blink based on the number of days until the deadline. (@TomGoodIdea) * The player will now be warned when taking off if they don't have enough cargo space for outfits that are marked as in cargo. (@flowers9, @warp-core) * Buttons on the planet panel when you are landed no longer disappear if you don't have a flagship. (@flowers9) * Mission destination reminder messages are now colored in a new green "info" message level. (@RisingLeaf) * Interface bars can now be defined to draw from the top left corner instead of only drawing from the bottom right. (@warp-core) * Added a confirmation dialog to demanding tribute from a planet, to prevent the player accidentally demanding tribute from a planet and ruining their reputation. (@UnorderedSigh) * Non-hyperdrive jumps in the travel plan are now drawn with dashed lines instead of solid ones in the map. (@flowers9) * The save file load panel now scrolls when you use arrow keys to select your pilot and save. (@warp-core) * Planet labels are now much less likely to overlap with one another or with other objects in the system. (@flowers9) * The escort HUD display is now defined by the interfaces file so that it can be modified without recompiling. (@warp-core) * Fullscreen can now be toggled in all panels. (@TomGoodIdea) * The net change in energy and heat when all systems are active is now visible on the energy/heat table for ships when viewed in the outfitter and shipyard. (@mOctave) * The shipyard and outfitter map keys now have a color for denoting systems with parked ships or stored outfits. (@flowers9) * If a planet has a different government from the system it is in, that is now displayed on the planet's detail card in the map. (@TomGoodIdea, @Hurleveur) * Created a new preference to change the format that dates are displayed in. (@a-random-lemurian) * All applicable takeoff warnings are now displayed at the same time instead of only displaying one warning. (@TomGoodIdea, @quyykk) * Improved the behavior of scrolling in the outfitter and shipyard to be smoother and better handle movement with the arrow keys. (@flowers9) * Messages about being unable to land on the target planet now use the "Highest" message importance, causing them to be displayed in orange. (@AmbushedRaccoon) * Under the hood: * Refactored part of PlayerInfo::Land to reduce code duplication. (@warp-core) * Selling all your commodities in the trade panel now loops over the commodities that the player owns instead of looping through all commodities in the game and seeing if the player owns them. (@flowers9) * Separated the "pug.txt" file into separate, more specific files. (@tibetiroka) * Combined the Remnant keystone missions using new mission syntax to reduce data duplication. (@warp-core) * Relocated pirate raid and bounty hunter warning missions to a more sensible file. (@MasterOfGrey) * Updated fleet definitions to use the new fighter naming syntax. (@flowers9) * Reordered the hardpoint definitions on various ships to match the expected style. (@warp-core) * Updated a code comment to match the actual code below it. (@ashdnazg) * Updated the project license field in the appdata file to list only the primary code license of the game instead of the licenses for all assets. (@salarua) * The caching of Angles is now done when the game launches instead of the first time Angle::Unit is called. (@flowers9) * Fixed incorrectly ordered includes in source files. (@tibetiroka) * Created a new type of dialog that always runs its callback function regardless of the user's choice. (@flowers9) * Added null pointer checks to functions in Politics. (@warp-core) * Refactored ShipyardPanel and OutfitterPanel code into the ShopPanel base class. (@flowers9) * Removed a redundant check in the ShipyardPanel and OutfitterPanel code. (@flowers9) * Removed NPC actions from the Deep Archaeology missions that were made redundant by the change to the "on kill" action. (@ziproot) * The destination planet is now cleared if the player's travel plan is changed. (@warp-core) * Removed unnecessary and added missing #includes. (@quyykk) * Data changes from multiple events that occur on the same day are now batch-applied for performance purposes. (@quyykk) * CI/CD and development environment: * Added some rudimentary checks for proper use of indefinite articles to the content style checker. (@tibetiroka) * Added a link to the mobile port when creating new issues on Github. (@mOctave) * Improved checking of quote style issues in the style checker. (@flowers9, @tibetiroka) * apt-get update is now run before apt-get install in CI jobs. (@MCOfficer) * Incorrectly ordered includes in source files now causes a style check error instead of a warning. (@tibetiroka) * The content style checker now also runs on integration test data. (@warp-core) * Fixed an indefinite article issue false positive in the style checker that had to do with abbreviations. (@tibetiroka) * Always use vcpkg's OpenAL Soft on MacOS CI jobs. (@quyykk) * Miscellaneous GitHub Actions tweaks and improvements. (@quyykk) * Updated dependencies. (@quyykk) * Updated outdated actions. (@tibetiroka) * Fixed caching for CI/CD jobs. (@quyykk) * CD jobs no longer skip uploading on partial failures. (@tibetiroka) * Various updates and improvements to build documentation. (quyykk) * Added an editorconfig entry for credits.txt so that editors recognize the two-space indentation. (@warp-core) * The game can now be built with MinGW without having a VS toolchain installed. (@quyykk) * Compiler flags are now correctly added for main.cpp. (@quyykk) Version 0.10.2 * Bug fixes: * Content bugs: * Typo fixes. (@nothing-but-the-rain, @Saugia, @tibetiroka, @warp-core, @waterhouse) * "Pact Recon 0" can no longer be offered from Glaze. (@UnorderedSigh) * "Hai Reveal: Early Arrival: Alondo" and "Hai Reveal: Late Arrival: Alondo" can no longer offer from Hai-home. (@warp-core) * Text in "Liberate Kornephoros" now correctly refers to Carriers as the attacking ships, not Cruisers. (@tibetiroka) * Updated the "try out fighters transfer cargo" help message to refer to the correct section of the settings, "Gameplay" instead of "AI." (@tibetiroka) * The Heliarch government will now also be hostile to the new split Quarg governments, not just the original one. (@Saugia) * Conversations in "FW Diplomacy 1" and "FW Southern Break" will now check the correct conditions to branch if the player was previously suspended from the FW militia. (@warp-core) * Actions against the Gegno civilian government will now correctly impact the player's reputation with the Quarg in Gegno space. (@Saugia) * The "financial analyst" news item will no longer appear on human worlds while they are occupied by the Pug. (@tibetiroka) * Ensure that the Unfettered escort fleet in Hai Reveal "A13-A" are not erroneously hostile to the player. (@MasterOfGrey) * Make the new status overlay settings respect the old one and turn it off by default (@quyykk, @warp-core) * Engine bugs: * Fixed some situations where ships will stop acting and drift forever. (@UnorderedSigh) * Fixed a case in AI::DoScatter where ships may get stuck together. (@UnorderedSigh) * Correct pluralization in some messages about automatically fired crew. (@tibetiroka) * Fixed a bug where plugin icons would not be correctly loaded if an @2x version was not present. (@warp-core) * Fixed an issue where out of system escorts would not land to refuel and instead get stuck. (@warp-core) * Removed the capitalization of "flotsam" in the command name "Fleet: Harvest flotsam" in order to match other commands. (@TomGoodIdea) * Fixed a bug where the "explode" conversation endpoint wouldn't proper destroy the player's ship if it has more than 60 hull regeneration per second. (@UnorderedSigh) * Fixed a bug with the new NPC Actions where a conversation was deleted while a conversation panel was still using it, leading to a crash. (@Amazinite) * Fixed a bug where ships ordered to fire on a ship after being ordered to fire on an asteroid that still exists would behave improperly and leave the system. (@warp-core) * Game content: * New content: * New civilian ship hails. (@LazerLit) * New human news items. (@dorbarker) * New jobs in Free Worlds space during the war that involve Military cargo. (@dorbarker) * Mission changes: * The "FW Pug 2C" missions now use autoconditions to ensure the appropriate one is offered instead of relying on MissionAction blocking. (@warp-core) * The "Street Swindle" mission is now invisible, and uses conversation actions to take credits from the player and is always declined. (@lumbar527) * Small wording change to "Earth Retirement" mission. (@lumbar527) * Various wording changes to Gegno intro missions. (@Saugia) * The missions that trigger the events for the Kestrel to be made available will now fail immediately instead of staying active indefinitely doing nothing. (@warp-core) * Added a branch for "FW Senate 1B" for if the player already has a jump drive installed. (@lumbar527) * Renamed some jobs involving stopovers to include the stopover planet in the name instead of the source/destination. (@warp-core) * The Starling that the player needs to scan in the "Remnant: Keystone Research" missions now has the new "decloaked" personality. (@UnorderedSigh) * The "Remnant: Broken Jump Drive" missions and job can no longer select planets with the "remnant station" attribute as destinations. (@Smedley-SC) * Other: * Removed a mention of Tomek drinking whiskey in FW Middle. (@Quantumshark) * Added a "human names" phrase that can combines the results of the "male names" and "female names" phrases. (@warp-core) * Change the pronoun used for Hai of unknown gender from "it" to "they". (@tibetiroka) * Increased the power of "star/wr" from 0.4 to 5. (@Quantumshark) * Refactored some hails to separate punctuation that is common to every element in a "word" in its own "word" to avoid unnecessary repetition. (@lumbar527) * The "ship salesperson" spaceport news will now only appear on planets with a shipyard. (@tibetiroka) * Game mechanics: * New mechanics: * Added two new parameters for rings drawn by interfaces: (@warp-core) * "start angle": starts drawing the ring from a custom angle, instead of 0 degrees (straight up.) * "span angle": draws an arc spanning the given angle, instead of a full ring (360 degrees.) * Added a new personality, "decloaked," which prevents ships from cloaking. (@UnorderedSigh) * User interface: * The system names in the escort display for out of system escorts will now be truncated if they would exceed the escorts display box. (@TomGoodIdea) * Under the hood: * Prevent false positive warnings for dangling references by making copies. (@quyykk) * Zero valued conditions will no longer be saved. (@warp-core) * The "merchant in pirate space" news item now refers to the "merchant names" phrase for its name instead of reproducing all the possible results of that phrase. (@tibetiroka) * Split Ship::Move into a number of separate methods to handle each step of the process to improve readability and maintainability. (@UnorderedSigh, @warp-core) * Created a new NPCAction class to wrap MissionActions used directly by NPCs. (@Amazinite) * CI/CD and development environment: * Removed references to the old Google Group from the issue template. (@lumbar527, @ntabris) * Disabled the sound card when running CI to suppress errors. (@UnorderedSigh, @MCOfficer) * Created a section in the PR template for balance changes. (@Quantumshark) * Added an EditorConfig rule for the indentation of the changelog file and Unix style (lf) line endings for all files. (@warp-core) * Various GitHub Actions jobs will now also be triggered if their scripts or configuration files are updated, in addition to when the files they check are updated. (@tibetiroka) * Add new entries to the .codespell.exclude file after the spell checker was updated. (@warp-core) * Creating a GitHub release will now automatically generate Steam depots. (@quyykk) * The codespell job will now also be run on the changelog. (@tibetiroka) Version 0.10.1 * Big changes: * Releasing the first chapter of an extensive storyline that takes place after the main campaign is completed, focusing on the open secret of the existence of the Hai. (@MasterOfGrey, @Amazinite) * Development help and fixes from many community members. (@bene-dictator, @EjoThims, @UnorderedSigh, @warp-core) * More chapters coming in the future. * NPC nodes in missions can now be given "on *" nodes that behave similarly to "on *" nodes on missions, triggering actions on status changes for the NPC. (@Amazinite, @warp-core) * Plugins are now able to be enabled and disabled within the Plugins menu. (@samrocketman, @quyykk) * Updated and added new mechanics around asteroid mining to increase its depth, including allowing player escorts to engage more in mining. See the game mechanics section for more details. * Bug fixes: * Content bugs: * Typo fixes. (@bene-dictator, @Deltaspace0, @quyykk, @samrocketman, @shitwolfymakes, @Terin, @tibetiroka, @TomGoodIdea, @UnorderedSigh, @warp-core) * Fixed the offer requirements for various Coalition missions that had been unable to offer under the correct circumstances. (@Arachi-Lover) * Added a proper plural form to the Solar Batteries outfit. (@Terin) * Fixed the displaying of the Basrem Reverse Thrusters description. (@Fzzr) * Cleaned up the brown haze graphics. (@RisingLeaf) * The "Puny" outfit no longer disappears after reloading the game. (@warp-core) * The "Stranded field trip to " job description now mentions that there is cargo involved. (@3agleEmpire) * Fixed the NPC spawn distance on a Marauder job that was using an older value, spawning ships up to three systems away instead of up to one. (@Terin) * Adjusted the source filter and offer conditions on the "Local Politics" mission to offer in more appropriate locations and at more appropriate times. (@Zitchas) * Removed the required reputation for landing on Zenith after completing the alternative route in the Sestor Invasion arc. (@warp-core) * Corrected various jobs that were intended to require that the player had a certain outfit installed, but also accepted that outfit being in your cargo hold. (@warp-core) * The "Immigrant Workers" mission can no longer have a pirate planet destination. (@Anarchist2) * The "Southern Blockade" description can no longer overflow the description text box. (@Anarchist2) * "Unwanted Cargo" now only triggers from inhabited worlds. (@mOctave) * Various Quarg missions no longer offer on the Gegno Quarg locations, since the Quarg there can't communicate in the same way as other locations. (@Saugia) * Added a missing "blocked" dialog to "Saryd Students 2". (@Arachi-Lover) * Fixed missions which looked at the category of the player's ships to account for newer ship categories. (@warp-core) * Fixed an infinite money glitch. (@Hurleveur) * Added a missing blocked dialog to "Wanderers Invaded 3". (@warp-core) * Engine bugs: * Outfits with the "uninstallable" attribute are no longer sold alongside minables when using the "Sell All" button on the trading panel. (@TomGoodIdea) * The string truncation functions now properly handle inputs that would have previously hit an infinite loop check. (@warp-core) * The location of outfit thumnails on the UI is now rounded to an integer, preventing blurry thumbnails. (@TomGoodIdea) * NPCs will no longer attempt to target flotsams that they cannot pick up. (@UnorderedSigh) * Surveillance ships now maintain the same target until they are finished scanning, preventing a bug where some surveillance ships would never succeed their scan. (@warp-core) * The shop will now properly report why it is that you can't "buy" an outfit from storage instead of saying that you can't place it into your cargo. (@alextd, @warp-core) * Governments are now required to explicitly state if they are able to send untranslated hails, preventing some aliens from sending English hails. (@warp-core) * The save load UI now only accepts double clicking to open a save if both clicks were on the same save file, instead of allowing clicking on one save and then clicking on another save shortly afterward to count as double clicking the second save. (@warp-core) * Adding and removing tribute from a planet via conditions now properly changes that planet's dominated status immediately, instead of requiring that the save be reloaded before the changes take effect. (@petervdmeer) * The outfitter buy/install/cargo button now properly reflects whether you can click it (instead of appearing grayed out when you could actually use it under certain circumstances). (@TomGoodIdea) * Escort and storage map tooltips are now drawn on top of other UI elements instead of potentially appearing below menus. (@TomGoodIdea) * The turn radius of a ship is now correctly calculated based on its current speed instead of assuming that the ship is at its max speed, which was causing ships to target incorrectly. (@samrocketman) * Ships are now considered to be turned toward their target if they are within about 0.5 degrees of the target, instead of requiring pin-point accuracy that could cause ships to bounce back and forth around the target without ever hitting it. (@samrocketman) * Fixed some ships being unable to jump as a result of the above change to turn accuracy. (@warp-core) * The game will no longer give status messages for low-crew ships that aren't the player's. (@petervdmeer) * Ships with low max speeds no longer rubberband backwards when exiting hyperspace. (@1010todd) * Fixed incorrect string delimiting in DataWriter. (@tibetiroka) * Having an outfit in storage no longer allows you to bypass the license requirement when purchasing new copies. (@TomGoodIdea) * Game content: * New content: * Various new landable gas giants outside of the Ember Waste. (@Azure3141) * Various new landable objects in Gegno space. (@Saugia) * Created jobs that only appear around the time of the bombings of Martini and Geminus. (@bene-dictator) * Landing on a Quarg ringworld with a Pug Arfecta now provokes a reaction from the Quarg. (@rovermicrover) * Added a spaceport mission about a package with a mixed up destination. (@bene-dictator, Improvise#7330) * Split the single Quarg government into a set of regional governments, allowing for more fine-tuned story interactions with different groups of Quarg. (@Saugia) * Added Paradise World jobs with pirate planets as intentional destinations (replacing some jobs where pirate worlds were accidentally destinations). (@mOctave) * Added attributes to various systems to catalog the number and type of stars in those systems, for use by missions and jobs. (@Ferociousfeind) * Added a spaceport mission about an Argosy hijacking in Syndicate space. (@bene-dictator) * New civilian ship hails. (@mOctave) * Added a new mission interacting with the vyu-Ir. (@Saugia) * Untranslated hails for Korath Exiles and Efreti. (@ravenshining, @UnorderedSigh) * There is now an alternative Gegno intro mission for if the player is hostile with the Quarg. (@Saugia) * Added continuation missions to the "Quicksilver Mixup" story. (@LorenzoBolla) * Various new Gegno ships and outfits, including new mining equipment and ships for the Gegno Vi. (@Saugia) * New planet attributes to Hai planets for use in missions and jobs. (@MasterOfGrey) * Added a new human spaceport mission transporting a blind man from Martini. (@bene-dictator) * Added various new phrase possibilities for human ship names. (@dorbarker) * Added a new human spaceport mission where a captain offers to escort the player if their fleet is weakly defended and high in cargo space. (@Quantumshark) * Mission changes: * Scrappers can now spawn in various bounty jobs. (@Anarchist2) * Changed the description of the size of the black box in the Sheragi Archaeology missions to make more sense with how it is handled. (@ziproot) * Repeatable Unfettered jobs now have destination clearance. (@EjoThims) * Improved how certain Remnant missions are blocked if the player doesn't have a Research Laboratory outfit using newer mechanics. (@warp-core) * Add more detail to the dialogs in Han Sizer jobs. (@Zitchas) * Every choice at the end of the Sheragi Archaeology missions can now be chosen, instead of only allowing one. (@warp-core) * Changed the Pookie mission to have a 100% offer rate, giving players a guaranteed next mission after finishing the James tutorial, should they visit the spaceport. (@warp-core) * The banker from the intro conversation now provides the exact amount of interest that will be paid for the loan instead of rounding to the nearest 1,000 credits. (@ziproot) * The game now remembers which Deep Security ships you destroyed in "Deep Archaeology 3", and doesn't spawn them in "Deep Archaeology 5" if they died. (@ziproot) * The combat rating requirement for unlocking the Kestrel is now greatly reduced if you had unlocked the Kestrel on a previous save file. (@mOctave) * The "Saryd University Lecture" mission now more properly assesses the player's knowledge of certain factions. (@warp-core) * Balance: * Added a reverse thruster to the stock Mule loadout. (@LorenzoBolla) * Added built-in solar collection to the Dromedary to reflect that the sprite has a solar panel array on it. (@Zitchas) * Increased the number of gun hardpoints on various smaller human ships to allow them to saturate their weapon space with smaller weaponry. (@Anarchist2) * Dagger: 2 -> 3 * Finch: 2 -> 3 * Lance: 2 -> 3 * Sparrow: 2 -> 4 * Wasp: 3 -> 5 * Fury: 4 -> 6 * Marauder Fury: 6 -> 8 * Changed the Ka'het Nullifier to fire in cluster mode, firing all equipped Nullifiers at once. (@1001010100) * Added a fuel pod to the "Raven (Afterburner)" variant. (@LorenzoBolla) * Wanderer crew now has non-default base hand-to-hand stats. (@Quantumshark) * Attack: 1 -> 1.4 * Defense: 2 -> 1.8 * Wanderers will now defend the Unfettered tribute ships from early in the Wanderer campaign if you attempt to farm them. (@warp-core) * Shifted the balance of some Unfettered prototype ion weaponry so that their ion and scrambling damage isn't equal. (@EjoThims) * Ionic Blaster: * Ion damage: 1 -> 0.5 * Scrambling damage: 1 -> 1.45 * Ionic Turret: * Ion damage: 14 -> 17.5 * Scrambling damage: 14 -> 10 * Adjusted range overrides on the Javelin and Heavy Rocket pods. (@Anarchist2) * Removed on Javelin Mini Pod. * 500 -> 1000 on Heavy Rocket Pod. * Changed reward and risk of "Deal Change 2". (@Anarchist2) * Offer chance: 35 -> 10 * Payment: 500k -> 300k * Added bounty hunters that impede your path to the destination. * Changed various jobs that used fixed cargo ranges to now use negative binomial distributions. (@Anarchist2) * Hai cross-wormhole jobs now account for the wormhole in their distance calculations, meaning they aren't always the same payment anymore. (@Anarchist2) * Lowered the payment of "Wool Smuggling" from 200k to 90k. (@Anarchist2) * Graphics: * New Sunbeam projectile sprites. (@Anarchist2) * Added a new hills landscape image, used on Blubipad's Workshop. (@mOctave) * Reworked the appearance of the vyu-Ir ship to appear more alien. (@Saugia) * Added 14 new landscape images to remove more duplicate landscape image uses. (@bene-dictator) * Updated the Plasma Repeater scene with extra details and improved lighting. (@1010todd) * Created a unique Shield Beetle sprite for an important Unfettered character. (@Hurleveur) * Reworked the Bounder and its Marauder variants. (@Anarchist2) * Other: * Created new subfactions to the Hai and Unfettered to better reflect dynamics between the Hai and Unfettered. (@EjoThims, @Hurleveur) * The Wanderer government now understands both the Wanderer and Hai languages, and the player gains the Hai language when receiving the Hai translation device instead of receiving the Wanderer language. (@UnorderedSigh) * Changed the Heliarch swizzle to gold instead of red/orange/yellow. (@Arachi-Lover) * Added a Mark II variant of the Auxiliary. (@LorenzoBolla) * Added a random lifetime to Flamethrower projectiles so that they don't all disappear at the same time. (@Anarchist2) * Improved the source filter of "Remnant Rescue 4" using new location filter syntax. (@warp-core) * Adjusted the trade prices in Gegno space to be more lore-appropriate. (@Saugia) * Tweaked the solar wind values of M and K supergiants to follow the same trend as the other supergiants. (@Quantumshark) * K-supergiant: 2 -> 3 * M-supergiant: 2 -> 3.1 * Game mechanics: * New mechanics: * Added a "" substitution that more concisely lists all stopover locations. (@Terin) * The "inscrutable" attribute which makes the player unable to scan NPC ships now causes the player's ships to be unscannable by NPCs. (@TomGoodIdea) * Phrases can now be inserted into various mission texts using the same "${phrase name}" syntax that phrases use. (@UnorderedSigh) * Created two new attributes, "high shield permeability" and "low shield permeability", which allow for shields which are not 100% effective at blocking damage to the hull. (@Quantumshark) * Weapons can now define how their inaccuracy is distributed, allowing the default triangular distribution to be changed to a uniform or normal distribution. (@DeBlister) * Having asteroid scanners equipped can now automatically catalog the locations of minables should you be in close proximity to the minable for a short duration, in addition to the old behavior of targeting an asteroid causing it to be cataloged. (@samrocketman) * Governments can now be given minimum and maximum reputation limits outside of which your reputation with them cannot go. (@Terin) * Plugins are now able to add to the menu credits by having their own credits.txt file. Plugin credits are appended to the bottom of the existing credits. (@Koranir) * Events are now able to remove sprites from galaxies. (@warp-core) * Mission NPC blocks can now define cargo that the NPCs carry, instead of only allowing NPCs to carry a cargo if they're defined as a Fleet. (@warp-core) * Added a new "outfit (parked): " condition for checking how many of a given outfit you have installed on parked ships that are landed with you. (@Amazinite) * Having both an asteroid scanner and a tactical scanner installed now displays the health of the targeted ship. (@RugnirViking, @samrocketman) * Created new escort commands and preferences to increase asteroid mining engagement. (@samrocketman) * Escorts can now be made to focus fire asteroids. * Escorts will harvest asteroid flotsams, and can also be commanded to harvest cargo flotsams from ships. * Added a preference to have your fighters offload cargo onto your carriers upon docking. * Added a new key to target the nearest asteroid, or the asteroid of highest value in range, when an asteroid scanner is equipped. * Added various new tutorial help dialogs relating to mining for the above information. * How distances are calculated can now be customized, such as whether wormholes or jump drives are used or if only hyperspace links can be used (old, default behavior). Works for destinations for mission and the distance and near keywords for location filters. (@warp-core) * The maximum amount of time that mining NPCs spend mining in a system can now be controlled by a gamerule. (@1010todd) * The health threshold where frugal personality ships become active can now be controlled by a gamerule. (@1010todd) * Added a mission token to have the chosen destination ignore whether or not you have landing clearance. (@UnorderedSigh) * Created a new "lingering" personality which causes ships to linger in a system and fly around, even if they have nothing else to do. (@UnorderedSigh) * Conversation text can now contain formatted conditions that get converted to numeric text. (@UnorderedSigh) * Mechanic changes: * NPCs without the escort personality no longer follow the player's flagship if it is cloaked. (@UnorderedSigh) * Having "active cooling" without "cooling energy" now causes "active cooling" to scale with heat level, instead of always operating at 100% as it normally does when "cooling energy" is present. (@Ferociousfeind) * Disruption and discharge damage now deal 50% damage against hull, while still dealing 100% damage against shields. (@Ferociousfeind) * Removed the scan decay that occurred when a target that was being scanned got out of range of the scanner, as it made scanning faster ships after the recent scanning changes too difficult. (@Amazinite) * The "outfit: " and "outfit (installed): " conditions now skip over parked ships. (@Amazinite) * User interface: * Broke the user preferences up into multiple pages. (@Terin) * Repeatedly clicking on a selected mission now cycles through every system involved with that mission, be that the waypoints, stopovers, or destination. (@alextd) * The credits on the main menu can now have their speed and direction of travel controlled using the up and down arrow keys. (@Koranir) * Added a message that appears at the bottom left when one of your escorts is destroyed. This message can be disabled by the "Extra fleet status messages" preference. (@Koranir) * Licenses required to buy a ship or outfit now appear under the cost of the item in the shop if you have the description for the item collapsed. (@alextd, @warp-core) * Expanded the customization of status overlays, including allowing overlays to only exist for specific groups of ships (e.g. your escorts, friendly NPCs, hostile NPCs), and controlling when the overlays appear (e.g. always active, only when the ship is damaged). (@Terin, @warp-core) * Shop items (outfits and ships) are now able to be custom sorted within categories by the item's definition, instead of always being alphabetical. (@warp-core, @Amazinite) * When multiple ships are selected in the outfitter and an outfit is also selected, an extra marker will appear next to any selected ships that have the selected outfit installed. (@TomGoodIdea) * Replaced the mouse control toggle button with a preference to prevent accidental activations. (@samrocketman) * Added a preference to toggle whether the flagship will collect flotsams. (@TomGoodIdea) * Disabled ships now appear as gray in the escort UI at the bottom left to avoid confusion with docked ships, and selected ships have a pointer next to them. (@TomGoodIdea) * The autofire preference can now be limited to only guns or only turrets. (@TomGoodIdea) * Added a new control to auto-aim your ship toward your target when a key is pressed, default "E". Usable as an alternative to having the auto-aim setting always on. (@ChamEV, @UnorderedSigh) * Only scan messages that are considered important will now be displayed. Important scan messages are when you are being scanned, or an escort with illegal cargo is being scanned. (@TomGoodIdea) * Controls can now be unbound by pressing X or delete when hovering over the control. (@Koranir) * Reordered settings in the settings menu to more sensibly group related settings. (@warp-core) * Under the hood: * Changed the Personality class from using a single integer to track personality flags to a bitset, allowing for more than just 32 NPC personality flags to exist. (@tibetiroka) * The Personality class will fail compilation if the personality count constant doesn't match the number of possible personalities. (@UnorderedSigh) * Corrected the declaration order of private members of the Conversation class. (@warp-core) * Added a missing #include to the Preferences class. (@quyykk) * The planet, spaceport, bank, and trade panels are now defined by the interface file instead of entirely hardcoded, allowing for plugins to edit them. (@theweirdnut) * Simplified various conversations using new "to display" nodes. (@warp-core) * Cleaned up and updated information in the README and CONTRIBUTING files. (@quyykk) * Cleaned up the syntax of the Ringworld Debris missions. (@warp-core) * Refactored and improved the shop's handling of purchasing errors. (@alextd, @warp-core) * The game will no longer print a warning if a GameAction uses a "fail" node for a mission name with no matching definition. (@Amazinite) * Commands are now stored in a 64-bit integer, up from a 32-bit integer, to double the number of commands that can be used. (@UnorderedSigh) * Moved the storage of save file information from your conditions to dedicated storage locations, such as licenses and the planets you have dominated. This information can still be accessed via derived conditions, using the same condition names that would have been used before (e.g. "license: "). (@petervdmeer) * Added a missing copyright header to the tooltips file. (@mOctave) * Created a cypher for generating Korath hails. (@ravenshining) * Reorganized some files that were in the data folder into subfolders. (@Zitchas) * Created _deprecated and _ui folders. * Added delimiters to string when printing data. (@warp-core) * Removed unnecessary code from Interface class. (@warp-core) * Removed extraneous whitespace in data files. (@AvianGeneticist) * CI/CD and development environment: * Removed use of deprecated attributes in test data. (@UnorderedSigh) * Added a CMake preset to run the unit tests in Release mode. (@UnorderedSigh) * CI tests now also run when the CMake files have been edited. (@quyykk) * The creation of the static library is now skipped to increase build speed, as it was unnecessary to have. (@quyykk) * Fixed MacOS CI/CD failures. (@quyykk) * Warnings are no longer treated as errors for release builds. (@quyykk) * Switched the Steam Linux build to use the Sniper runtime. (@quyykk) * Enhanced the error detection capabilities of the content style checker. (@tibetiroka) * Added support for building for Flatpak from CMake. (@quyykk) * Disabled the style checker for vcpkg and cmake C++ files. (@tibetiroka) Version 0.10.0 * Breaking changes: * The accompany objective on mission npcs no longer implicitly sets the save objective. Plugin missions that had "accompany" but not "save" should be changed to include "save" if the intention of the mission is that the npcs live (without the bug this time). (@Amazinite, @RisingLeaf) * Big changes: * Added a young alien faction located beyond the core, inhabiting a region of space that is home to long-lost secrets and mysterious lifeforms. (@Saugia, @GefullteTaubenbrust2) * Added a not-so-young alien faction located near the Korath, an advanced race of mantis-like beings that make heavy use of genetic and cybernetic modifications. (@Amazinite, @beccabunny, @Saugia) * A long-standing UI feature has been finished: the job board can now be sorted by various metrics! Jobs can be sorted alphabetically, pay, deadline, and more. (@alextd, @samrocketman) * A long-standing (and annoying) bug has also been fixed: out of system mission cargo and passengers will no longer be teleported to the player's location when loading a save. (Yes, this bug was reported enough over the years that this constitutes a big change.) (@warp-core) * Created a large number of new conditions for content creators to make use of, including the ability to set "global conditions" that can be accessed by any save file, as well as a few new places to use them, including allowing individual lines and choices in a conversation to be hidden by conditions. More specifics can be found below. * Bug fixes: * Content bugs: * Typo fixes. (@a-random-lemurian, @Anarchist2, @Aneutronic, @aradapilot, @Corraban2, @Deltaspace0, @EjoThims, @Ember369, @FoxSylv, @Hecter94, @hmglasgow, @Kepler-69c, @nathan-b, @opusforlife2, @real-dam, @roadrunner56, @Terin, @ThrawnCA, @tibetiroka, @warp-core, @williaji, @zlonghofer) * Gave Void Sprite Parts a proper plural name override. (@warp-core) * Moved the log entry in "Unfettered: Jump Drive Source" to the correct place. (@Hurleveur) * Added range and velocity overrides and hit effects to the Twin Blaster definitions. (@Hecter94) * Fixed a Rainmaker variant that was left with negative outfit space. (@Hecter94) * Made an Unfettered jump drive job fail properly. (@Anarchist2) * Prevented the Unwanted Cargo mission from offering on Alta Hai. (@warp-core) * Prevented colony missions from selecting locations with the "urban" or "station" attributes as destinations. (@mOctave) * Reduced the length of the description of "Bounty Hunting (Big)" as it was overflowing the description box. (@Anarchist2) * Made the log after taking drugs trigger properly. (@Anarchist2) * Replaced a reference to the Bulk Freighter with the Container Transport in the Container Transport description. (@McloughlinGuy) * Fixed FW Escort 0 offering inappropriately on older saves. (@Aneutronic) * Removed unnecessary text from Stone of Our Fathers 5. (@wallphoenix) * Add the "uncapturable" tag to Korsmanath A'awoj variants that were missing them. (@warp-core) * Various improvements to the end of the Skadenga saga. (@Anarchist2) * Ensure Remnant Gascraft-Puffin compatibility with older saves. (@warp-core) * Fixed a broken branch in Remnant: Paradise Visit. (@warp-core) * Removed some British English spellings. (@a-random-lemurian) * Adjust articles prior to "" text replacements. (@McloughlinGuy) * Replace Korath world-ship freighter with fuel tanker in Ember Waste Large Raid fleet. (@rovermicrover) * Improved the description of the Remnant Tech Retrieval mission. (@Zitchas) * Improved dialogs in "Remnant: Cognizance 25" to make the objective clearer. (@McloughlinGuy) * Remove a duplicated "Fury" in pirate ship name phrases. (@bene-dictator) * Allowed Nanachi missions to start on Giverstone again. (@williaji) * Ensured the laborer mission cannot select the source as the destination. (@quyykk) * Prevent "Remnant: Celebration" mission from occurring in non-sensical places. (@warp-core) * The "Remnant: Cognizance 32" blocked message now works as intended. (@warp-core) * The player now always has clearance for Pugglemug in the Free Worlds mission to visit the Pug. (@TomGoodIdea) * Earth Day jobs can no longer offer with deadlines after Earth Day itself. (@warp-core) * Improved some Graveyard planet descriptions. (@Improvise#7330 (Discord), @RisingLeaf) * Coalition Games jobs can no longer offer with deadlines after July (when the Games end). (@Arachi-Lover) * Fixed a typo of 'automaton' in the Kas'ik Tek 7 definition and gave it a crew equivalent of 1. (@Hurleveur) * Corrected an oversight where the Kimek Briar was not given reverse thrusters alongside the other civilian Coalition ships. (@Arachi-Lover) * Void Sprite Parts can no longer be installed. (@TomGoodIdea) * Correctly fail "Deep: TMBR 0" when "Deep: TMBR 1" is offered. (@warp-core) * Corrected "Hai Wormhole Warning" offer conditions. (@bene-dictator) * Shorten the description of "Paradise Job: Debtors" so it fits in the UI box. (@Terin) * Added a missing "goto" in a new alien first contact mission. (@Quantumshark) * Fixed a stray pixel in a new ship image. (@Terin) * Added a missing mission name and description to a new alien first contact mission. (@warp-core) * Engine bugs: * Fixed rendering of some compressed PNGs. (@quyykk) * Use 'png_set_strip_16' when 'png_set_scale_16' is not available, such as the Steam runtime. (@quyykk) * Fixed a potential null pointer dereference in System::Danger(). (@quyykk) * Fixed weapons not firing on captured ships without a save reload. (@quyykk, @warp-core) * Ships with the "staying" personality can no longer land or leave the system if they also have the "surveillance" personality. (@warp-core) * Fixed a null pointer dereference in the MapPanel. (@warp-core) * It is no longer possible to select invalid systems in the map using keyboard shortcuts. (@Hurleveur) * Don't try to parse the "display name" token in an outfit like a normal attribute. (@warp-core) * Ensured some primitive variables are properly initialized. (@Hurleveur, @petervdmeer) * Fixed the minimum distance calculation for departure distance. (@wjp) * Don't try to load non-existent plugin icons. (@quyykk) * Ensured ships will always have an attraction and deterrence value. (@quyykk) * Ensured options in conversation choices which aren't being displayed can't be selected with keyboard navigation. (@UnorderedSigh) * Improved behavior of out of system escorts without fuel. (@wjp) * Fixed a null pointer dereference in the player info panel when the player has multiple ships but no flagship. (@warp-core) * Do not offer landing missions in the shipyard or outfitter. (@warp-core) * Do not allow disabled ships to dock with carriers. (@UnorderedSigh) * Lines in interfaces now use the center of the defining rectangle instead of the top left corner. (@thewierdnut) * Fixed various issues reported by Cppchecks. (@mike-f1) * Less than 1 unit of free cargo space is no longer rounded down when attempting to buy an outfit into cargo. (@warp-core) * Fixed a crash due to a null pointer dereference in the parallax code when the player has no flagship. (@warp-core) * Fixed a vector iterator incompatibility in ShipInfoDisplay. (@warp-core) * Out of system escorts that fail flight checks will now be parked. (@yjhn, @Amazinite) * Fixed a crash due to a null pointer dereference with the missile overlay when the flagship is lost in a boarding operation. (@warp-core) * Fixed an issue with the insufficient crew flight check. (@Quantumshark) * Fixed a bug where the parking buttons did not work correctly with only one ship and no flagship. (@warp-core) * Fixed building in gcc 13 by including . (@heirecka) * Fixed an issue with displaying the text of the selected choice when some choices are hidden in conversations. (@warp-core) * Ships which can be carried no longer select targets for plundering. (@tibetiroka) * Use a PlayerInfo transaction to prevent repetition of actions in missions when saving and reloading during a conversation. (@wjp, @UnorderedSigh, @warp-core) * Prevent plundering ships from retargeting a ship they've already boarded for plundering. (@tibetiroka) * Carryable ships no longer offer to assist the player when hailed, since they are not able to assist. (@warp-core, @tibetiroka) * Correct the minimum required crew check when installing or uninstalling an outfit to allow uninstalling a Command Center with no other required crew. (@TomGoodIdea, @RisingLeaf) * Prevent a divide by zero error in Ship::Move(). (@warp-core) * Allow mission clearance to bypass language barriers. (@Amazinite) * Game content: * New content: * Two new human guns: Twin Blaster and Modified Twin Blaster. (@Daeridanii1) * An easter egg if the pilot has a certain name. (@RisingLeaf) * Additional Hai names and hail phrases. (@MasterOfGrey) * A person ship for Gefüllte Taubenbrust and MasterOfGrey. (@Saugia) * Two new Hai transport ships: the Cicada and Scarab. (@Saugia) * A new ship and some outfits for the Unfettered. (@beccabunny, @EjoThims, @Hurleveur) * The Sea Scorpion: a medium warship. * Tripulse Shredder and Ionic Blaster and Turret weapons. * Value Detector: a new scanner. * Three new ships for the Korath Exiles. (@ravenshining, @Saugia) * Rai'alorej: a search and rescue hospital ship. * Ikatila'ej: a large mining and manufacturing ship with a unique spinal weapon. * Kas'ik Tek 7: a surveillance drone. (@Saugia) * Quarg now consider possession of their outfits or ships to be atrocities and will permanently imprison the player if they are caught with them. (@Arachi-Lover) * Increased cooperation between Tarazed Corporation and the Free Worlds early in the campaign. (@bene-dictator) * A new Free Worlds side mission about expanding infrastructure on Zug. (@bene-dictator) * Added basic human jobs with shorter ranges than usual; 1 to 3 jumps. (@Zitchas) * Six new pirate hails. (@bene-dictator) * Added descriptions to the tier 1 Pug ships. (@McloughlinGuy) * A Remnant job to disable (but not destroy or capture) a stranded Korath world-ship. (@rovermicrover) * It is now possible to demand tribute from appropriate Unfettered Hai worlds. (@Hurleveur) * A short mission chain about "Hound Racing," featuring the return of an old face. (@Anarchist2) * A mission about smuggling wool. (@Anarchist2) * Hails and news items hinting to the player about the requirements for the There Might Be Riots mission chain. (@Zitchas) * Added a variety of new hails for Free Worlds and Republic ships. (@bene-dictator) * Added a short mission chain about delivering a large inheritance. (@Anarchist2) * Additional human ship names. (@bene-dictator) * The Embersylph: a new form of spacefaring lifeform that can be found in parts of the Ember Waste under certain circumstances. (@Saugia) * Added pirate versions of some human ships. Most are unavailable at the moment, and will be implemented in a future update. (@1010todd) * Mammoth (pirate Behemoth). * Nighthawk (pirate Blackbird). * Cutthroat (pirate Clipper). * Valkyrie (pirate Aerie). * Bulwark (pirate Bastion). * Added the Scrapper, a low-end ship built from scrap Shuttle parts. (@1010todd) * Added optical jamming outfits to Hai ships. (@Hurleveur, @beccab) * Added two new types of jobs from the Unfettered. (@Hurleveur) * Added a mission where the Unfettered will exchange jump drives for new weaponry. (@Hurleveur) * Unfettered Hai shipyards now sell ships outfitted differently to normal Hai shipyards. (@Hurleveur, @EjoThims) * Added more attributes to human worlds and two new jobs destined for planets with the "forest" attribute. (@bene-dictator) * Added a mission and jobs where the player can sell jump drives to the Heliarchs. (@Arachi-Lover) * Began development on a new storyline titled Hai Reveal. Much of the content of this storyline is accessible in the game's files, but currently disabled being accessed normally while it's still being worked on. (@MasterOfGrey, @NomadicVolcano) * Various fixes to missions. (@bene-dictator, @Hurleveur, @McloughlinGuy, @RisingLeaf, @UnorderedSigh) * Various typo fixes. (@bene-dictator, @EjoThims, @Hatrask, @McloughlinGuy, @tibetiroka, @UnorderedSigh, @williaji) * Relocate the new "Deep Space" systems. (@Quantumshark) * Various fixes to other content. (@TomGoodIdea) * Mission changes: * Adjusted human bounty jobs to make engaging with them more active rather than passive. This includes putting deadlines on bounty jobs so that they can't be stacked infinitely, while at the same time reducing the area around the source that the bounty may spawn, among other minor changes. (@Anarchist2) * Improved some conversation text in early FW missions. (@Anarchist2) * Standardized the formatting of some old transport missions. (@Anarchist2) * Made the offer conditions of early Free Worlds and Deep missions easier to meet. (@Anarchist2) * Adjust "on visit" text of some Coalition missions. (@Arachi-Lover) * Use new auto-conditions to remove duplicated Slave Crew Rescue mission. (@Hecter94) * Made Moonbeam weapons available near the end of the existing Wanderer storyline. (@warp-core) * Improved offer checks of Remnant keystone missions using new autoconditions. (@Zitchas) * Added an "on waypoint" message to the star research mission. (@Zitchas) * Nanachi missions will no longer start during the Hai Reveal storyline. (@Zitchas) * Adjusted text in Remnant ground assault ship bounty job. (@McloughlinGuy) * Added advice on using multiple scanners to increase performance in "FW Recon 1". (@williaji) * Remnant Shattered Light 3 now gives better information about the location of the ship. (@McloughlinGuy) * Human jobs requiring brigs or luxury accommodations will now appear in the job board but be blocked if the outfit is not present. (@bene-dictator) * Improved text in Remnant: Salvage 4 to better describe mission objective and failure condition. (@ThrawnCA) * Improved some writing in FW Southern Battle 1B. (@Zitchas) * The Behemoth bounty target in FW Bounty 2 is now a Mammoth. (@1010todd, @Saugia) * Reduce some long job descriptions. (@bene-dictator) * Balance: * Adjusted the Sparrow and Flivver to better match their roles. (@Hecter94) * Flivver: * +10 cargo sapce (5 -> 15) * -9 weapon capacity (25 -> 16) * Sparrow: * +200 shields (1200 -> 1400) * +5 weapon capacity (20 -> 25) * Made the Falcon and Leviathan more distinct from each other. (@Anarchist2) * Falcon: * +16 bunks (75 -> 91) * +40 cargo space (90 -> 130) * +20 outfit space (540 -> 560) * +10 weapon capacity (240 -> 250) * Leviathan: * +120 mass (480 -> 600) * +0.5 drag (7.6 -> 8.1) * Marauder Falcon: * +14 required crew (43 -> 57) * +16 bunks (80 -> 96) * +20 cargo space (60 -> 80) * +40 outfit space (580 -> 620) * +10 weapon capacity (265 -> 275) * Marauder Leviathan: * +40 mass (640 -> 680) * +0.5 drag (7.6 -> 8.1) * Increased the size and damage of some human large missile launchers to better differentiate them from the missile pods. (@Pointedstick) * Increased the outfit space of the Marauder Manta (390 -> 400). (@Pointedstick) * Increased the outfit space and weapon capacity of the Rainmaker (230 -> 240 and 60 -> 70). (@Pointedstick) * Buffed the Star Queen. (@Anarchist2) * -1300000 base cost (5.5M -> 4.2M) * -8 required crew (41 -> 33) * The Rano'ereks that appear as miners in human space are now better able to defend themselves. (@ravenshining) * Made the battle in Terraforming Tundra less difficult. (@Anarchist2) * Added some more Wanderer escort ships (equipped with Moonbeams) to "Wanderers: Sestor: Factory Escorts". (@warp-core) * Significantly increase the energy capacity of Archons. (@Zitchas) * Nerfed the flamethrower. (@Quantumshark) * +100% firing heat (2 -> 4). * -25% heat damage (200 -> 150) * Added damage dropoff with range beyond 45 units. Damage is halved by maximum range. * Increased the size of some Large Syndicate fleet variants. (@Quantumshark) * Added a small amount of inertia reduction and force protection to Quarg engines. (@Zitchas) * Made the Unfettered Hai attacking Wah Ki cowards and the Hai defending the system merciful, so fewer Unfettered get disabled or die there. (@Hurleveur) * Slightly buffed the Berserker and Hawk. (@Zitchas) * Berserker: * Mass: 110 -> 90 * Hawk: * Mass: 150 -> 110 * Required crew: 2 -> 1 * Reduced the lifetime of the Hai Tracker from 600 to 475 (range reduced from 8400 to 6650). (@Zitchas) * Buffed the Hai Wiliwaw Cooling. 570 -> 660 cooling. (@Zitchas) * Buffed the Hai Grasshopper. (@Hurleveur) * Outfit space: 169 -> 198 * Weapon capacity: 38 -> 47 * Adjusted the Quicksilver. (@Zitchas) * Reduce chassic cost: 1090000 -> 836000 * Increased cargo space: 10 -> 15 * Removed the Cooling Ducts and replaced the generator with a cheaper one to decrease the stock cost of the ship in the shipyard. * Reduce the 0.9.15 afterburner buff. (@Amazinite) * Reduced thrust by 20-30% and increased fuel usage by 20-30% on all afterburners. * For reference, in 0.9.15, afterburners gained a 50% increase in thrust, 70-80% decrease in fuel usage, and 33% decrease in size. * Adjusted the Sea Scorpion and Cicada slightly. (@EjoThims) * Increased ramscoop value of all Remnant ships and the Emergency Ramscoop by 0.75, and adjusted the performance of ramscoops in Ember Waste systems. (@Zitchas) * Change the Ibis' required license to "Remnant" from "Remnant Capital". (@Zitchas) * Increase scan speeds on some ships to account for the changes to scanning. (@Zitchas) * Graphics: * Added sprites for the Remnant Swan. (@Saugia) * Remodeled Korath Thermal Repeater sprites. (@Daeridanii1) * Remodeled the Android sprite. (@Anarchist2) * Reduced the scaling of Hai stations from 0.5 to 0.4. (@Azure3141) * New landscape images for Earth, New China, Chiron, and Solace. (@bene-dictator) * Remodeled the Hai Railgun, Railgun Slug, and Railgun Slug Rack. (@1010todd) * Expanded and improved the Milky Way galaxy sprite. (@Azure3141) * Remodeled the Enforcer Riot Staff and Enforcer Confrontation Gear. (@1010todd) * Added a brown background haze graphic to be used in new locations. (@RisingLeaf) * Sprites for Hai optical jamming outfits. (@beccabunny) * Added a sprite for a proto-planetary disk. (@RisingLeaf) * Gave unstable wormholes red link colors. (@Azure3141) * Sounds: * Reduced the volumes of the Particle Cannon and Proton Gun sounds. (@Saugia) * A new sound for the Ion Hail Turret. (@Saugia) * A unique sound for the Moonbeam and Moonbeam Turret. (@Saugia) * Unique sounds for the Ember Tear. (@Saugia) * Added ambient music to some stations. (@roadrunner56) * Added bay launch sounds to various carriers. (@Saugia) * Other: * Reduced the speed of minable asteroids in Coalition space. (@Azure3141) * Inform the player if they lose their jump drive while it is still necessary in the Free Worlds story. (@Anarchist2) * Improved descriptions of various planets: Longjump, Buccaneer Bay, Poisonwood, Bourne, Millrace, and Solace. (@bene-dictator) * Added a new category to the shipyard: Superheavy. (@Saugia) * Also moved the Ikatila'ej, Korsmmanath A'awoj, Heron, and Emerald Sword to this category. * Danforth's ship now also has the "timid" personality in "Wanderers: Alpha Surveillance F/G". (@Quantumshark) * Broke up the main Hai shipyards into a number of smaller shipyards, each offering different ships. (@MasterOfGrey) * Moved the Cloaking Device to the "Unique" outfit category. (@czartrak) * The descriptions of the Heliarch reactors now indicate that they use anti-matter catalyzed fusion technology. (@Arachi-Lover) * Added a reference in the credits to the player's manual. (@hmglasgow) * Separated planet and system definitions into their own files. (@Amazinite) * Brighten some government colors to improve map readability. (@TomGoodIdea) * Added custom penalties to improve Remnant and Quarg reactions to actions against some foreign governments. (@Hurleveur) * Added departure distances to systems with Quarg Ringworlds. (@RisingLeaf) * Void Sprites now drop Void Sprite Parts. (@Quantumshark, @Saugia) * Adjusted the description of Hai Quantum Keystones to better differentiate them from Remnant key stones. (@Zitchas) * Reduced tribute payments from New Tortuga from 6000 to 1400. (McloughlinGuy) * Added a hazard to neutron stars. (@RisingLeaf) * Added more details to the description of "Remnant: Cognizance 28". (@Aneutronic) * Added a new conversation option when first offered the Emerald Sword. (@dashkal16) * Reworded the message given when attempting to land on an unlandable stellar object within the habitable range of its star. (@TomGoodIdea) * Swapped the Ramscoop on the "Cruiser (Jump)" for a Catalytic Ramscoop. (@williaji) * Removed two curse words from "Remnant: Deep Surveillance" missions. (@Zitchas) * Game mechanics: * New mechanics: * New autoconditions: * Pilot first and last name. (@RisingLeaf) * All ships of a certain category in fleet, total number of ships in fleet, ship models in fleet, outfits in fleet, visited planets and systems. (@Amazinite) * The attributes that the planet that the flagship is currently landed on has. (@rovermicrover) * Several date related conditions. (@warp-core) * Conditions for the number of hyperspace jumps to another planet or system. (@warp-core) * Attributes that the flagship has, including a version to check only the base ship stats. (@warp-core) * The planet that the flagship is landed on, if any. (@Hurleveur) * The method you used to enter the current system by and the previous system you were in. (@Hurleveur, @Amazinite) * Individual text lines and choices in conversations can be hidden with conditions. (@SolraBizna, @UnorderedSigh, @Hurleveur) * Conditions can be stored and accessed across save files using the "global: " prefix. (@RisingLeaf) * Starts may be unlocked based on the above global conditions. (@RisingLeaf) * Illegal outfits and cargo: * "scan brightness" attribute, increases the chance an outfit is found on a scan. (@quyykk) * "scan concealment" attribute, reduces the chance an outfit is found on a scan. (@quyykk) * Illegal and attrocity goods can now be defined individually for different governments. (@Hurleveur, @tibetiroka) * Added the option for a hyper, scram, or jump drive to have variable fuel cost based on the mass of the ship using it. (@Ferociousfeind) * Added new NPC ship personalities: * "merciful": causes ships to avoid attacking hostile ships that are fleeing. (@Hurleveur, @quyykk) * "daring" and "hunting": separate behaviors of "heroic" so they can be applied with more granularity. "daring" ships will disregard the strength of their opponent, while "hunting" ships will disregard how far away their target is when pursuing them. (@UnorderedSigh) * Added "drag reduction" and "inertia reduction" attributes. (@Azure3141) * Systems can now define a "departure distance", a minimum distance a ship must be from the center to jump to another system. (@RisingLeaf, @petervdmeer, @quyykk) * When taking off from a planet with an outfitter while having more outfits in cargo than there is space for, store them instead of selling them. (@warp-core) * Ship variant definitions can now remove all the bays from the base definition. (@daggs1) * It is now possible to offer a mission in the shipyard or outfitter. (@rovermmicrover) * A system definition can now include a custom value for the invisible fence radius. (@a-random-lemurian) * Governments can now have penalties for actions taken against other governments that differ from how they take those same actions agsint themselves, instead of using the same penalty multipliers for everyone. (@Hurleveur) * Missions can now define a "to accept" condition set. (@rovermicrover) * Governments can use named "stock" colors instead of always defining a color literal. (@warp-core) * Added a "flotsam chance" attribute for outfits which determines the chance the outfit will be dropped as flotsam when the ship carrying it explodes. (@Azure3141) * Governments can define custom values for various actions against foreign governments. (@warp-core) * Added an "optical jamming" attribute that works similarly to radar jamming, but against optically guided missiles. (@Hurleveur) * Added the "invisible" system property which makes systems inaccessible. (@yjhn, @Amazinite) * Added a new "secretive" personality that causes a ship to fly away from ships attemmpting to scan it. (@Hurleveur) * Added customizability to landing speeds. (@Hurleveur) * Added more options for customizing ramscoop based fuel collection on a per system basis. (@Hurleveur) * Added support for the use of phrases in conversation text. (@UnorderedSigh) * Boarding missions are now able to override the "uncapturable" tag on the originating ship and allow the player to capture it. (@Hurleveur) * A mission's "apparent payment" may be used in "" text replacements. (@tibetiroka) * Added an text replacement for text in missions and NPCs. (@kaol) * Added support for a user to increase the number of previous saves created automatically by editing the preferences file. (@warp-core) * Added support for "gamerules," which allow for the tweaking of gameplay constants without the need to recompile the game. Currently available gamerules include activating or deactivating the universal ramscoop everywhere and adjusting the person ship spawn period and no-spawn chance. (@Amazinite) * Mechanic changes: * Improved the AI's awareness of their own weapon ranges. (@StuffPhotonDev, @Hurleveur) * Frugal ships now consider their health percentage instead of the sum of their shield and hull percentages. (@Hurleveur) * Changed the scanning formula for detecting illegal cargo so more legal cargo can conceal illegal cargo in the hold, making it less likely to be detected. (@quyykk) * Ships with the "mining" personality no longer continue mining when they should flee. (@Hurleveur) * The "scan speed" attributes have been replaced with "scan efficiency" attributes. The higher your scan efficiency, the quicker the scan, but the speed of a scan is now also influenced by the size of the ship you are scanning and its distance from you. Overall scan times will have increased. (@Ferociousfeind) * Ships with the "forbearing" personality will now also react to special damage types, instead of just based on health. (@Hurleveur) * Both a dialog and conversation may now be displayed upon completing the objective for a mission NPC. (@Hurleveur) * Made wormholes root-defined objects, allowing for more customization of wormhole behavior. (@quyykk, @tibetiroka) * Restored the old overheating behavior where a ship is completely unable to act, instead of just not having energy generation while overheated. (@warp-core) * Initiating a hyperspace jump with no travel plan set does not set one. (@Zitchas) * Hazard environmental effects may now be given non-integer magnitudes. (@RisingLeaf) * Weapon jamming is now its own damage type, "scrambling," separated from ion damage. (@Hurleveur) * Raid fleets are now much more customizable. (@Hurleveur) * Ships will now send random interval untranslated hail messages if they have hails even if the player does not have their government's language. (@UnorderedSigh) * Reintroduced the possibility for enabling auto-aim only while weapons are being fired. (@Koranir) * Ships conducting scans will match course and position with their target if possible. (@UnorderedSigh) * User interface: * Added shortcut keys for parking and unparking ships ("K" for the selected ships, "A" for all). (@Terin) * Added a setting to always underline the shortcut hotkey on button labels. (@warp-core) * Changed the line style for the jump range in the map to differentiate it from the view range. (@RisingLeaf) * Changed the default screen mode to full screen. (@samrocketman) * Separate governments with the same display name and color will no longer appear separately in the map key. (@warp-core) * Added option for only parking or unparking ships in the current system. (@Koranir) * The settings panel can now have multiple pages. (@warp-core) * Added a button to the plugins panel which opens the plugins folder. (@quyykk, @tehhowch) * Outfits can now have non-unique display names, different from their real name. (@RisingLeaf, @quyykk, @Hurleveur, @Amazinite) * The boarding panel will now indicate how many crew were transferred to a captured ship. (@warp-core) * Added indicator overlays for missiles. (@Koranir) * Added an 's' unit symbol for attributes that are in seconds. (@Koranir) * Improvements to the selecting of targets for boarding. (@Hurleveur) * Automatic target selection can prioritize either proximity or value, based on a user controlled setting. * Pressing the 'board' key multiple times in quick succession will now cycle through boarding targets. * An additional autosave at the most recent planet with a spaceport. (@Hurleveur) * Added a visual warning icon alongside the audible warning siren. (@Zitchas, @warp-core) * Star icons on the radar now have a unique color. (@Zitchas) * Hailing a hostile ship shows the hostile hail, offering a bribe shows the cost. (@Hurleveur) * The outfitter only shows one tutorial each time it opens, and tutorials have titles. (@Hurleveur) * Selecting a new system in the mission panel selects the first mission involving that system, instead of looking down from the previously selected mission. (@alextd) * Switching the map to the mission view recenters on the system of the auto-selected mission. (@alextd) * It is now possible to aim your ship and fire primary weapons using your mouse! (@CAPTAIN1947, @samrocketman, @Hurleveur, @Terin) * Made the secondary weapon icons in the HUD clickable. (@warp-core, @quyykk, @tehhowch, @tibetiroka, @Hurleveur) * Minables can now have custom display names and nouns. (@warp-core) * Wormhole arrows and links colors can now be customized in the wormhole definition. (@Azure3141, @RisingLeaf) * Trade commodity profit is now displayed in its own column, separate to the price level. (@hmglasgow, @warp-core) * Improved the display of requirements to install an outfit. (@alextd) * The order of outfit attributes in the outfitter is now cost, requirements (e.g. outfit space used), then all other attributes. (@warp-core) * Outfits in storage on planets without an outfitter are no longer marked on the map. (@TomGoodIdea) * Targeting pointers and the target ship outline in the HUD can now have colors defined independently to the radar colors. (@warp-core) * Flicker the name text entry fields in the conversation panel on invalid inputs. (@Terin) * Added an option to hide the asteroid scanning target pointers around unselected minables. (@RisingLeaf) * Hostile disabled ships no longer apologize for being unable to assist when hailed by a player in need of assistance. (@tibetiroka) * The parallax setting now has separate "fast" and "fancy" settings, the former providing better performance for less flashiness with the latter being flashier for those whose computers can handle it. (@Azure3141, @quyykk) * Under the hood: * Various content and code style fixes. (@tibetiroka, @petervdmeer) * Fixed various issues in the copyright file. (@quyykk) * Governments that reuse colors now refer to named "stock" colors instead of providing their own color literals. (@warp-core) * Moved Unfettered missions and jobs to their own files. (@Hurleveur) * Use SDL for Windows high-DPI support. (@quyykk) * Cache attraction and deterrence values. (@Hurleveur) * Added a warning when no plural name is defined for ships and outfits with names ending in 's'. (@warp-core) * Changed the default priority for "Messages::Add()" to low. (@Koranir) * Added formation pattern load and store code and unit tests. (@petervdmeer, @tibetiroka) * Add a warning for the deprecation of the "apply" conversation node. (@warp-core) * Avoid race conditions inside MaskManager. (@quyykk) * Moved some potentially expensive jump navigation calculations to their own class from Ship, and cache the values. (@Amazinite) * Added a command line option for parsing a location filter definition and printing all the planets and systems which match. (@warp-core) * Include afterburner attributes when printing engine outfit data. (@warp-core) * Fixed typos & metadata in the appdata file for latest releases. (@tehhowch) * Link on Linux to the new OpenGL ABI. (@sevu) * Improved the error message for instantiation of events referencing invalid planets or systems. (@warp-core) * Improved documentation on settings panel pagination. (@samrocketman) * Re-ordered minable checks in AI::Step() to improve performance. (@wjp) * Added a method for getting the hail phrase of a ship. (@RisingLeaf) * Added a method for checking if the Personality has been defined. (@RisingLeaf) * Added a coarse check to Mask::Collide() to improve performance. (@mike-f1) * Improved CollisionSet performance. (@mike-f1) * Made use of existing Color methods instead of replicating their functionality in MapPanel. (@warp-core) * The "color" root node allows defining only the RGB values, using 1. as the default alpha value. (@warp-core) * Refactored LocationFilter to determine if it is empty at the end of the Load method and store that value, instead of rechecking on every call to LocationFilter::IsEmpty(). (@warp-core) * Moved CanSendHail from the AI.cpp anonymous namespace to Ship. (@Hurleveur) * Added a method for formatting a credits string (" credits") and make use of it in appropriate places. (@tibetiroka) * Skip the use of RendezvousTime for projectiles with TotalLifetimes of a single frame. (kaol) * Standardized the construction of " tons" and " tons of " strings with new Format methods. (@tibetiroka) * CI/CD and development environment: * Removed the xCode project files in favor of using CMake to generate them on demand. (@quyykk) * Fixed an issue with the MacOS CD bundle. (@RisingLeaf) * Added support for debugging integration tests. (@quyykk) * A variety of new integration tests for new and existing features. (@Hurleveur, @warp-core) * Various fixes to unit tests. (@quyykk) * Update link to the assets repository. (@quyykk) * Updated Ubuntu runtime to 20.04. (@tibetiroka) * Created an issue template for documentation problems. (@quyykk) * Improved bash debug output for Steam release build. (@samrocketman) * Updated Windows build instructions and project files with updated libraries. (@quyykk) * Added a section for automated tests to the PR template. (@petervdmeer) * Added an integration test for afterburner only flight. (@petervdmeer) * Improved the handling of known failing tests. (@petervdmeer, @quyykk) * Expanded code style check. (@tibetiroka, @petervdmeer, @quyykk) * Fixed CI path filter. (@quyykk) * Increased capacities of ships defined in test data to account for increased secondary weapon sizes. (@Hurleveur) * Fixed some pilot name checking in integration tests. (@Hurleveur, @petervdmeer) * A warning is now printed and the integration test will fail if an input key string parses to SDLK_UNKNOWN. (@warp-core) * Filter integration test warning messages. (@quyykk) * Fixed a slow GLES integration test. (@quyykk) * Fixed deprecated usage of "go get" in CD release upload. (@MCOfficer) * Cancel currently running workflows when starting new ones. (@quyykk, @warp-core) * Inverted a condition in the copyright CI. (@quyykk) * Booted the appveyor config. (@tehhowch) * Honor CPPFLAGS from environment in scons. (@real-dam) * Added file argument support to (@samrocketman) * Added SonarQube static analysis files to gitignore. (@samrocketman) * Added unit tests and benchmarks for Dictionary. (@quyykk) * Fixed the project check CI when adding a new test file. (@quyykk) * Added missing runtime dependency. (@quyykk) * No longer report condition errors in unit testing. (@quyykk) * Added CI to verify integration test syntax. (@quyykk) * Fixed test presets not working. (@quyykk) * Reduced the output delay when running integration tests with the --debug flag. (@quyykk) * Compile in strict C++ mode (without any compiler extensions). (@quyykk) * Update GitHub Action versions. (@quyykk) * Improve CI job names. (@quyykk) * Remove the Ubuntu CD run. (@quyykk) * Import DefaultEnvironment from scons. (@quyykk) * Use relative path for workflows instead of absolute. (@quyykk) * Improved the test parse script. (@quyykk) * Simplified data parsing CI jobs. (@quyykk) * Use dedicated sccache GHA support + Linux support. (@quyykk) * Disabled various invisible landing missions that were causing an integration test to fail. (@warp-core) * Reorganized the build instructions. (@Zitchas) * Added the "install" folder to .gitignore. (@Zitchas) * It is now possible to inject missions as test-data into integration tests. (@warp-core) * All relevant conditions will be printed when an integration test fails, not just ones with a specific prefix. (@petervdmeer, @quyykk) * Muted audio by default when running integration tests. (@tibetiroka) * Added an extensive data file style check CI job. (@tibetiroka) * Install pkg-config in MacOS CI/CD if it is not installed. (@samrocketman) Version * Breaking changes: * Revert the changes to the accompany objective on mission npcs made in the last release. (@warp-core) Version 0.9.16: * Breaking changes: * The accompany objective on mission npcs no longer implicitly sets the save objective. Plugin missions that had "accompany" but not "save" should be changed to include "save" if the intention of the mission is that the npcs live. (@RisingLeaf) * Bug fixes: * Content bugs: * Typo fixes. (@a-random-lemurian, @Arachi-Lover, @LepRyot, @tibetiroka) * The Firestorm Battery outfit now has a proper plural name. (@warp-core) * The Mule's description has been updated to reflect its new category. (@McloughlinGuy) * Corrected the name of the passenger in "FW Pug 4." (@a-random-lemurian, @williaji) * Added a firing sound to the Ka'het Annihilator Turret, as it was missing one. (@Hecter94) * Fixed an incorrect planet text replacement in "FW Refinery 1." (@roadrunner56) * Prevented a Wanderer job from offering with an impossible deadline. (@warp-core) * Replaced some small numbers that were written as digits with words. (@samrocketman) * Shortened Greenview's planet description to fit the UI. (@mOctave) * The Archon missions will now refresh once on old saves so that the new missions are used. (@Hurleveur) * The Syndicate ships that attack New Tibet in the FW campaign will now be properly hostile to your mission escorts. (@RisingLeaf) * Hard set the npc name in a Scar's Legion mission description to point to the correct npc to kill. (@roadrunner56) * Fixed a Remnant rescue job that had an npc location that should not have been allowed. (@warp-core) * Cleaned up the audio on some sound files that had audible clicking. (@Saugia) * Remnant cargo that Korath ships in the Ember Waste carry is now more fitting to the lore of their situation. (@warp-core) * Fixed the object sprites and scaling in the Ssil Vida event. (@warp-core) * The jump range of systems affected by the Ssil Vida activation are now reset when Ssil Vida is deactivated in order to avoid a bug in pathfinding. This change will be reverted in the future once the pathfinding is improved. (@warp-core) * Changed a Remnant bounty mission that had an unconstrained npc with a jump drive to spawn one without a jump drive as to stop the ship from escaping the Ember Waste. (@Hecter94) * Added a fallback mission for people who were in the middle of a section of the FW campaign that was changed. (@warp-core) * Engine bugs: * The load panel now only lists .txt files from the save folder instead of listing every file there. (@quyykk) * Traveling between systems no longer assumes that hyperdrives are always cheaper to use than jump drives. (@RisingLeaf, @Amazinite) * Fixed an error where attempting to launch with a fighter as your flagship under certain circumstances could cause you to launch with no ship at all. (@petervdmeer) * Mission npcs that become disabled by corrosion damage will now properly have the disable objective set. (@RisingLeaf) * Disallowed planet labels from jumping around at different zoom levels for a better viewing experience. (@quyykk) * Fixed a longstanding bug where npcs could get stuck thinking they need fuel after traveling through a wormhole. (@yjhn) * Fixed a bug where fighters would sometimes fail to reparent to a carrier that had space for them when recalled. (@samrocketman) * Game content: * Mission changes: * The last mission to give jump drives to the Unfettered is now a repeating job instead of a spaceport mission. (@Hurleveur) * Balance: * Added H2H weapons to some Hai ships and increased the base crew stats of the Unfettered. (@Hurleveur) * Graphics: * Slightly reworked the atomic and ion flare effects. (@GefullteTaubenbrust2) * Other: * Recategorized the Hai Centipede as a space liner. (@1010todd) * Changed the landscape images of Mainsail and Inmost Blue to better fit their planet descriptions. (@Anarchist2) * Recategorized the Saryd Traveler as a utility ship. (@Arachi-Lover) * User interface: * Clicking on a planet card on the left side of the map now selects that planet as a destination on your travel plan. (@Hurleveur) * Under the hood: * Fixed a link in the README to point to the proper location. (@quyykk) * Made a few small code improvements that were found by various compilers and linters. (@quyykk) * Added new PR labels to the contributing guidelines file. (@tibetiroka) * Improved the printing of game data when using the command line options. (@warp-core) * Added checks and warnings to overlapping derived condition provider ranges. (@petervdmeer) * Added the std:: prefix to two calls to std::move. (@thomasballinger) * CI/CD and development environment: * Now using the new static runtime to build AppImages. (@quyykk) Version 0.9.15: * Big changes: * Over a year's worth of new content and bug fixes! We hope it was worth the wait! * Many graphical improvements, such as adding parallax for planets, stars, and haze and remodelling and improving various assets. See the graphics section for more details. * Made various sweeping balance changes to multiple ships and outfits to improve lesser used items or strategies and turn certain choices into a question of what fits best for the role you're looking for instead of there being single no-brainer choices as to which ship or outfit is the best. See the balance section of the changelog for more details. * Added over 20 new missions to the Remnant storyline, following the Remnant as they further investigate the Ember Waste and deal with the troubles it throws at them. Includes the addition of new ships and outfits. (@Zitchas, @Azure3141, @beccabunny, @Dschiltt, @GefullteTaubenbrust2, jeverett#3344, @Saugia, scrinarii1337) * Added a massive amount of new content to the Korath Exiles, including two new systems near the core, multiple new ships, over two dozen new weapons and outfits, improved models for some older ships and outfits, and a new set of names for the outfits and ships that avoid having "Korath" as a prefix for every name. (@ravenshining, @Dragenhart, @EjoThims, @GefullteTaubenbrust2, @MasterOfGrey, @Saugia, @warp-core) * Redid large parts of the Free Worlds campaign intro and start chapters. The goals of this rework were to enhance various themes and features of the plot that were on the weaker side while also laying the groundwork for future content, such as the other main human campaigns and post-main campaign content. This rework is the first of many, with this stage primarily focusing on Tomek's storyline and the Syndicate's role in the main campaign. (@Amazinite) * Bug fixes: * Content bugs: * Typo fixes. (@alex116, @alextd, @Amazinite, @Anarchist2, @Arachi-Lover, @Arrow2thekn33, @dragonmaus, @fakepass, @Galaucus, @Hurleveur, @infinitewarp, @MasterOfGrey, @McloughlinGuy, @nathan-b, @NRK4, @oo13, @pilover100, @Pointedstick, @quyykk, @RestingImmortal, @roadrunner56, @samrocketman, @tehhowch, @Terin, @theweirdnut, @thomasballinger, @tibetiroka, @W1zrad, @warp-core, @Wedge009, @williaji, @Zitchas) * Removed a duplicate "landing" tag on a mission. (@shitwolfymakes) * Deep merchant fleets no longer have Deep Security names. (@peteryager) * Ensured all ship, thumbnail, and outfit sprites have even dimensions to avoid blurriness caused by scaling. (@Anarchist2) * Fixed a job with impossible to obtain offer conditions. (@Terin) * Fixed a mission that was assigning reputation for a government that no longer exists. (@Amazinite) * Fixed a misordered conversation branch in "Remnant: Deep Surveillance" that made part of the conversation unreachable. (@Terin) * The luxury accommodations outfit now has a proper plural form. (@quyykk) * "Defend New Tibet" now has a fail dialog. (@Terin) * Some Coalition missions are no longer offered on stations. (@Arachi-Lover) * Fixed the failure conditions of Earth Day missions to properly fail once Earth Day has passed. (@DownsB) * Corrected various uses of concrete vs. cement. (@Zitchas) * Changed various mission cargo to lowercase. (@Anarchist2) * Converted a 16-bit linear sprite that rendered strangely to 8-bit sRGB. (@Anarchist2) * Prevented some Hai missions from offering on uninhabited planets. (@Mach565) * Fixed some ships that had more ammo than they could actually hold. (@Hecter94) * Fixed the blending mode on the Remnant afterburner graphics. (@Anarchist2) * The first Pact Recon mission is now marked as minor. (@Anarchist2) * Fixed a Punisher variant with a missing hyperdrive. (@quyykk) * "FW Pug 1C Return" now doesn't trigger until after the player has visited the waypoint in "FW Pug 1C". (@Amazinite) * Fixed the personality of some Remnant NPCs in missions that should have been staying. (@alextd, @quyykk) * Enforced some writing style changes across the whole game, such as proper nouns which end in "s" becoming "s'" when possessive as opposed to "s's" and action choices always being in first person. (@Amazinite, @Anarchist2, @Zitchas) * Fixed some Remnant ship variants that had accidentally been given extra keystones. (@pilover100) * The Hunted mission that sends bounty hunters after the player now more accurately measures the player's fleet strength. (@Amazinite) * Fixed reputation changes to the Hai from missions to also apply to all the new Hai governments. (@Hurleveur) * The Unfettered Tribute jobs now mention both possible missing objectives in the on visit dialog. (@Hurleveur) * The Coalition Finisher now plays a sound effect when it impacts a target. (@Arachi-Lover) * The Pre-Hai first contact mission for the Wanderers no longer offers if you've met the Unfettered, but not the Hai. (@Arachi-Lover) * Fixed errors in various ship images. (@leklachu) * Fixed the lighting on a new Korath ship sprite. (@Anarchist2) * Fixed the engine hardpoints on the new Pug ship sprites being improperly mirrored. (@pilover100) * Fixed the Battle in Wei events to properly change the system fleet spawns. (@warp-core) * Engine bugs: * Ships already being carried are no longer double-counted when calculating the number of available bays. (@benflodge) * The destination of an invisible mission is no longer visible when opening the map during a conversation or dialog from the mission. (@Amazinite) * Swizzles are now applied to carried ships when they are placed. (@quyykk) * Cargo names in the ship info panel are now only capitalized after a space. (@Terin) * Fixed the centering of text in the map outfitter panel. (@oo13) * Fixed a longstanding bug that prevented carriers from transferring energy and fuel to carried ships. (@vitalchip) * Mission NPCs no longer reparent to other NPCs of the same mission that have yet to spawn. (@Amazinite) * Fixed a possible segfault caused by disowning a ship without a suitable flagship. (@petervdmeer) * The hidden tag on systems can now be properly removed by events. (@Amazinite) * Ships with fuel generation now regenerate their fuel when landing on an uninhabited planet. (@quyykk) * Outfits with the "atrocity" attribute are now correctly scanned by planets. (@quyykk) * A ship variant's hardpoints now get cleared when the ship's outfits are redefined. (@quyykk) * Fixed an out-of-bounds access when generating random angles from large inputs. (@quyykk) * Fixed commodities being oversold when making space for a newly accepted mission with cargo. (@DownsB) * The game should now properly detect if the computer is compatible with adaptive vsync. (@quyykk) * Carried ships no longer update their swizzle when deploying. (@quyykk) * Custom swizzles on ships are now correctly used when viewing them in the shipyard map. (@quyykk) * Adding the "#" character to a pilot name will no longer cause the game to fail to load the save file. (@quyykk) * The game will now properly warn about lines in data that contain indentation errors. (@Amazinite, @tehhowch) * Friendly ships targeted by a weapon with a blast and trigger radius will now correctly become provoked. (@Amazinite) * Ships that aren't automata can no longer reduce their required crew below 1. (@quyykk) * Fixed shader compilation failures that specific graphics drivers may have experienced. (@quyykk) * Requiring 0 of an outfit now properly checks the player's cargo hold for the outfit. (@Amazinite, @MageKing17) * The graphics for effects are no longer mirrored by the game. (@yjhn) * Haze is now drawn with a slightly different zoom level to avoid premature culling. (@Terin) * The current flagship is now always correctly displayed in the load panel. (@Terin) * Fixed various issues across Deep jobs and missions. (@Anarchist2) * Discharge damage can no longer push a ship's shields negative. (@Amazinite) * The landing sound now always plays when starting a new game. (@quyykk) * Fixed incorrect snapshot names on Linux and MacOS. (@quyykk, @sigus) * Fixed an instance of a value of one displaying as "one" on the map outfitter panel while all other values displayed numerically. (@quyykk) * The projectile velocity is no longer applied to firing effects and sounds, which was causing them to appear out of place when moving at high speeds. (@Ferociousfiend) * The damage dropoff of a projectile, should it have it, is no longer influenced by the velocity of the firing ship. (@Amazinite) * Fixed an instance where the player could be fined for outfits that had been put into their cargo hold but were removed. (@quyykk) * Improved synchronization of the calculation and rendering threads. It turns out the game has always been rendering one frame slower before. (@quyykk) * Auto-aiming no longer requires either auto-fire to be active or the primary fire button to be held, meaning that auto-aiming will always work when targeting something. (@Mr-L-oof) * NPCs no longer offer to refuel you if you don't have the ability to jump out of the system. (@quyykk) * The names of ships are now drawn on top of the ship thumbnails in the shipyard, avoiding large thumbnails obscuring the ship name. (@Amazinite) * Planet labels now more appropriately move out of the way of other objects in the system at all zoom levels. (@warp-core) * Fixed a crash that could occur if outfits were stored on a planet from a plugin, the plugin was removed, and then the map was opened. (@quyykk) * The confirmation dialog for deleting a save file now correctly verifies the input against the pilot's name instead of the file name, which isn't visible in-game and may sometimes differ from the pilot's name. (@pilover100) * Overlays are now always drawn at the proper zoom level, fixing overlays being in the wrong location during transitions between zoom levels. (@quyykk) * All RGB pngs are properly converted to RGBA during loading. (@quyykk) * Fixed a potential crash on older MacOS systems when background music plays. (@EricFromCanada) * Fixed a bug with mission NPCs preventing the new fleet jump mechanic from working. (@samrocketman) * We now use Windows' "Sleep" system API for framerate control as MinGW 11's Winpthreads implementation is inaccurate. (@quyykk) * Shift+R now properly selects the nearest ship. (@alextd) * Selecting a mission on the map using the arrow keys now zooms the map to the mission's destination, just as it does when selecting a mission via other means. (@alextd) * Adjusted how planet labels move from opaque to transparent as you move farther away from them so as to not cull too early. (@tibetiroka) * The orbit of moons is not considered when determining the scale of system orbits on the map, preventing moons from being drawn outside the UI panel. (@thvk-net) * Fix a crash caused by minable objects with negative payload values. (@quyykk) * Increased the maximum allowed outfit name length by 3 so all vanilla outfit names from before name trimming were added fit. (@quyykk) * The player's ships will now properly pursue targets beyond the system fence. (@kaol) * The carried ships of a defense fleet now have proper personalities. (@kaol) * The game will now be able to initialize GLEW on Wayland. (@eternal-sorrow, @quyykk) * Changed derived conditions to register before reading from the save file to have auto-generated conditions properly function. (@leklachu) * Fixed the formatting of some values in the bank panel to not overflow into neighboring text. (@warp-core) * Fixed the maximum scroll in shop panels to allow more buffer space at the bottom. (@Anarchist2) * Game content: * New content: * More spaceport news for Coalition, Hai, human, Remnant, Wanderer, and Quarg planets. (@Anarchist2, @Arachi-Lover, @BlazingDiesel, @dorbarker, @jerith, @NRK4, @petervdmeer, @roadrunner56, @tibetiroka) * Two new civilian Coalition outfits: a fuel pod and a power generation outfit that does not rely on solar power. (@Arachi-Lover) * More civilian hails. (@Galaucus, @petervdmeer) * The Sol system now contains all nine planets. (@ravenshining) * A new devastating but risky weapon for Ka'het drones. (@beccabunny) * More Remnant bounty hunting jobs to hunt down the new Korath Dredgers. (@arkhne) * An additional mission after the Eye opens in the Wanderer campaign to explain to the player that they need to wait for the next part of the campaign to start. (@MasterOfGrey, @Terin) * "Spacediving" jobs to human space that can have... unpredictable outcomes. (@petervdmeer) * Three new missions in Coalition space exploring Coalition folklore. (@Arachi-Lover) * A mission in Coalition space involving running into an unlikely character. (@Arachi-Lover) * A hardpoint sprite for the nuclear missile. (@Amazinite) * A new person ship. (@Brick63, @Zitchas) * Reverse thruster versions for human ion and plasma engines. (@ravenshining, @Zitchas) * Lighter versions of various human secondary weapons for easier use on smaller ships. (@Pointedstick, @ravenshining, @Zitchas) * A pirate mission involving a mafia with a penchant for extorting unwilling victims. (@petervdmeer) * A mission where the player is invited to a Coalition university seminar. (@roadrunner56) * A mission where the player transports a human to Hai space. (@roadrunner56) * More civilian and pirate ship names. (@Galaucus, @Pointedstick) * A series of worldbuilding missions for the Deep. (@SpearDane) * Hai space now contains a series of ancient space stations, some still in use, but some long left dormant, having fulfilled their ancient purpose long ago. (@beccabunny, @MasterOfGrey) * More Republic ship names. (@a-random-lemurian, @Corraban2) * Three low-level bounty jobs for beginner combat pilots. (@samoja12) * Two Wanderer jobs that utilize the brig and luxury accommodations outfits. (@unjown) * A large variety of rare missions intended to highlight the culture of different regions across the galaxy. (@Arachi-Lover, @dorbarker, @ESCelestia, @Galaucus, @MasterOfGrey, @TheMarksman-ES, @Zitchas) * New disabled hails. (@LepRyot) * A mission where the player transports a family from Thrall to Delve. (@Rocketeer456) * A mission where the player can get involved in a street scam. (@Rocketeer456) * New "search and rescue" jobs to Remnant space. (@arkhne) * New author hails. (@pilover100) * New hails for MCO's person ship. (@MCOfficer) * A new "Ember Tear" spinal weapon to the Heron person ship. (@Zitchas, X-27#8884) * Over 80 new landscape images, replacing all landscape images that were previously duplicated across multiple planets. (@roadrunner56) * 25 spare landscape images. (@petervdmeer) * The player can now attempt to ask the Unfettered for help with communicating with the Wanderers. (@Anarchist2) * A new set of missions involving the various Arach houses. (@Arachi-Lover) * New jobs and missions in the Deep region to encourage players to stick around and discover more major storylines there. (@MasterOfGrey) * Added a new, elusive space creature to the Ember Waste. (@Galaucus) * A new mission chain to investigate the appearance of a mysterious system within the Graveyard. (@beccabunny) * A new mission where you speak with a news reporter after the bombings of Geminus and Martini. (@DJF113) * A new mission chain centering on research done by the Kimek. (@Arachi-Lover) * New lower-level bounty jobs to fight and potentially capture smaller Marauder ships more easily. (@Anarchist2) * More names for commodities. (@dorbarker, @NRK4, @samrocketman) * Created a "Military" commodities type for use in missions. (@dorbarker) * The pendant mentioned at the end of the Nanachi mission chain is now gifted as an outfit. (@Arachi-Lover) * Added new Hai governments with their own fleets to Hai space, greatly increasing the density of ships in the region to better match its high population density while also reducing the amount of carnage in Wah Ki. (@MasterOfGrey) * Created a larger human afterburner, the Caldera Afterburner. The old afterburner has been renamed to the Volcano Afterburner. (@Amazinite, @GefullteTaubenbrust2) * Archons now teleport away when defeated and later respawn. You are not safe. (@Karirawri) * A new set of missions and jobs dealing with Remnant logistics. (@williaji) * New Deep ship names. (@dorbarker) * A new mission where the player encounters an inexperienced mugger. (@Anarchist2) * A unique sound for the Remnant afterburner. (@Saugia) * Hostile planets are a bit more unfriendly when you hail them to land. (@Dschiltt) * A new mission chain where you investigate an old Coalition expedition into human space. (@Arachi-Lover) * Created a larger and more powerful version of the Finisher Pod for some Heliarch ships. (@Arachi-Lover) * Various new superstructures in Coalition space. (@Arachi-Lover, @Saugia) * A new mission chain where you investigate a long-lost Coalition satellite sent into human space. (@Arachi-Lover) * The Coalition now has a set of reverse thrusters. (@Hecter94) * The player will now be confronted by Republic personnel upon returning to Republic space from their first time in Hai space. (@Amazinite) * Created various new individual and short chains of missions around human space. (@roadrunner56) * Added a new planet in a system near Nenia to save on and cut down on travel times when dodging the Archon in Nenia. (@Zitchas) * Created a Coalition mining drill used by Coalition mining fleets. (@Arachi-Lover) * Added tiny, small, and medium-sized reverse thrusters for the Hai. (@Hecter94) * Mission changes: * Killing both Arfecta that defend the Wanderer planets now causes hostility with the Wanderers upon landing on any of their planets, not just one specific planet. (@Terin) * The Deep Archaeology and Unfettered first contact missions now contain branches if the player knows about the Pug or Sheragi respectively, before reaching those missions. (@BlazingDiesel) * The Remnant now gifts a Puffin to the player instead of requiring that the player buy one. (@Zitchas) * The Hai first contact mission now describes the wormhole connection to human space in case the player reached the Hai via jump drive. (@Anarchist2) * Reordered the Deep: Remnant missions so that further investigation into the Ember Waste doesn't happen until after Deep: Scientist Rescue. (@Amazinite) * Removed a stopover location that was optional in a Remnant mission. (@Zitchas) * Reworked most pirate jobs to be higher risk but also higher reward. (@Pointedstick) * The "Hiding in plain sight" mission now has a deadline. (@Pointedstick, @waterhouse) * Changed some missions to take advantage of the new conversation action behavior. (@Amazinite) * Greatly reduced the threshold on the raid warning mission for players with high pirate attraction fleets from about 50% to about 14%. (@Amazinite) * Ivan in Terminus exploration now gives the player a hint on where to go to continue the storyline in the Deep. (@Amazinite) * Refit the Cosmic Devil to use less Remnant tech. (@Amazinite) * Added additional dialog to "FW Katya 7". (@saraswativ23) * Removed a mention of Freya from "FW Alphas 1.1," as she is located somewhere else at that time in the story. (@DownsB) * The Paradise Fortune missions now restore your reputation with the Republic to exactly what it was before the missions should you choose to cooperate with the Navy. (@Anarchist2) * Change the government of some hostile mission NPCs to dummy governments to prevent permanent reputation loss with the main government. (@PeacefulPotato) * Hai jobs now grant a small amount of reputation upon completion, allowing access to Hai-home without the need to fight the Unfettered. (@Terin) * Moved the defer option in "There Might Be Riots 1" to an earlier point so that information isn't repeated if the player defers multiple times. (@Anarchist2) * Unwanted Cargo can now trigger anywhere outside Hai space instead of only in human space. (@Anarchist2) * Various minor spaceport missions that did not mention their payments now do. (@Anarchist2) * The Hauler VI mission no longer offers if you don't have any weapons. (@Anarchist2) * The intro mission now mentions the usefulness of buying local maps. (@Hecter94) * Improved the salaries you get during the Free Worlds campaign to better cover the ships you're expected to have at the time. (@Anarchist2) * The final Kestrel mission now displays the thumbnail of the Kestrel you chose. (@Anarchist2) * Increased how much the Coalition pays for Yottrite from 220k per sample to 350k per sample. (@Arachi-Lover) * Updated the prisoner transports in some Free Worlds missions to be equipped with brigs. (@AlbertNewton) * The Remnant missions that ask you to get a copy of Alexandria's archives now make it clear that you keep a copy for yourself. (@Amazinite) * The "Deep: Remnant" missions are no longer required to trigger "Deep: Scientist Rescue", which is the set of missions that unlocks the Bactrian. (@Amazinite) * Improved the dialog in one of the new Remnant missions to make it more understandable. (@alextd) * Rewrote part of "FW Hope Recon 1C" to have the Gunboat join the Oathkeepers should you ask them to surrender. (@jostephd) * The senator in "FW Senate 1B" now commends you if you reach the destination in an impossibly short time. (@Hecter94) * The corporate espionage job now has a short deadline, as it is easy to miss the objective and never find the NPC that you're supposed to scan. (@Terin) * Slight wording change in FW Bounty 1 to reduce repeated information. (@Anarchist2) * Balance: * Altered the default equation for when a ship becomes disabled to become continuous. The lowest-hull ships still become disabled at about 45% remaining hull, but the highest-hull ships approach a threshold of 10% hull remaining instead of all ships over 4,500 hull becoming disabled at 15%. This results in most human ships becoming disabled slightly earlier while higher health alien ships become disabled slightly later. (@Ferociousfiend) * Buffed the Heavy Shuttle while increasing its price to make it more of a midpoint between the Shuttle and the Scout or Bounder rather than having a massive price gap between the Shuttle and Heavy Shuttle and the ships mentioned previously. (@Zitchas) * +2 bunks * -20 mass * -0.2 drag * +5 cargo space * +10 outfit space * +6 weapon space * +5 engine space * +15,000 cost * Buffed the cargo and bunk capacities of civilian Coalition ships to make them more appealing compared to when you're likely to reach them. (@Arachi-Lover) * +10% cargo and bunks on Saryd light freighters * +20% cargo and bunks on Saryd heavy freighters * +50% bunks and +10% cargo space on all Kimek ships * +20% cargo space on Arach light freighters * +40% cargo space on Arach heavy freighters * Gave the Sparrow an extra bunk to slightly increase its effectiveness in capturing other interceptors during the early game. (@Terin) * Greatly reduced the required crew and bunks on the Rainmaker so that it's no longer tied with the Gunboat as the highest required crew among human light warships, instead having one of the lowest crew requirements. (@Terin) * 7 -> 3 required crew * 14 -> 7 bunks * Lowered the offer requirements on more lucrative jobs in human space, allowing the player to start running them sooner. (@Terin) * Increased the Lampyrid's number of bunks to match the source material. (@Zitchas) * Archons now ramp up significantly in strength when they feel threatened. (@Zitchas) * 11x normal DPS when threatened * Buffed the Protector. (@Amazinite) * The Protector has long been considered the worst human heavy warship in the game. While some heavy warships should be better than others, the Protector had almost no redeeming factors. These changes seek to make the Protector more of a heavy weapons platform, slow but able to pack a considerable punch when within range. * 6 -> 8 turrets, going from "a lot" to "tied with the most among all heavy warships in the game." * +500 shields * +1300 hull * +20 outfit space * +10 weapon space * Rebalanced various human primary weapons. Here are some highlights: (@Amazinite) * Lasers have been the overwhelmingly most popular choice among human primary weapons for years due to their high damage but low firing costs, with blasters seeing little use due to their high energy and heat costs but lower damage. These changes seek to bring all human weapons more in line with one another, making choosing a weapon more a matter of what role you need filled than a matter of which weapon is better than all the rest. * Lasers: * Lasers are a pirate's friend and always will be. Easy to use and great for disabling ships without destroying them, but not necessarily the best at everything. * +33% firing energy and heat * Blasters: * Blasters are the smallest weapons in human space. They are weak but cheap and strong in numbers. Put eight quad blaster turrets on a new Protector and have some fun. * -40% firing energy and heat * +10% shield and hull damage * Cannons: * Cannons are the big guns. Powerful, even in small numbers. The weapons you pull out when you want to punch a hole in something. * +20% shield and hull damage on the Particle Cannon and Proton Gun. The Plasma Cannon has been untouched, as its added heat damage is still rather powerful. * Added an additional Small Heat Shunt to the stock Korath Raider. (@Arachi-Lover) * Rebalanced most engines in the game. Here are some highlights: (@Amazinite) * The goal of this was to improve lesser used engines while also making it so that choosing which engines you use is more a matter of what you're looking for instead of there being one best choice for everything. * Afterburners were made 33% smaller while providing 50% more thrust at 75-80% less fuel, as afterburners have long been considered not worth installing. * The largest ion and plasma engines were made smaller and easier to install, as these engines were so large that it was seldom feasible to use them. * Ion and plasma engines now provide about 20% more thrust and turn, so atomic engines aren't such a no-brainer upgrade. * Buffed the reverse thrust on Remnant thrusters while reducing their forward thrust to compensate, making Remnant engines more the choice for people who enjoy the reverse thrust instead of being incredibly good for almost everything. * Differentiated the Bulk Freighter and Container Transport. (@ravenshining) * Changed Coalition solar panels to use solar heat instead of heat generation. (@Arachi-Lover) * Buffed ion damage. Ionization now causes a ship's weapons to jam in addition to draining the ship's energy, causing ionization to be a damage debuff. The lower a ship's energy capacity and the higher its ionization, the more likely a weapon is to jam when attempting to fire, capping out at 50%. Jammed weapons must reload before attempting to fire again. (@Amazinite) * Rebalanced most battery outfits in the game. Here are some highlights: (@warp-core, @Zitchas) * The goal of this was to make relying on your batteries more viable, as with weaker batteries from past versions, outfitting your ship has almost always been a matter of ensuring your reactor produces enough energy for all your systems. With stronger batteries, getting the best energy reactor possible should be less of a requirement as you can now rely on your energy capacity to get you through short bursts of intense combat. Even going so far as to use nothing but batteries with little to no energy generation should also be a possibility as a cheaper but not as a combat-capable alternative. * Greatly buffed the energy capacity of most battery outfits. * Most dedicated battery outfits have received a 4x buff. * Some outfits that are batteries as a secondary characteristic, such as Korath System Cores or Wanderer Sun reactors, received a 2x buff. * Wanderer Small and Large Biochemical Cells received a 25x and 42.8x buff, respectively. * Greatly reduced the size of the two largest human and Hai batteries to make them more feasible to use. * Cut the cost of dedicated battery outfits in half. * Added an arrival distance to all systems in the game. The arrival distance is equal to the system's habitable distance, capped at the range of [500, 5000]. This causes ships to generally enter the system farther apart from one another and farther from any inhabited planets in the system, improving the ability of a player to pick and choose their fights. (@Zitchas) * Traded some batteries for better engines, weapons, or repairs on Heliarch ships. (@Arachi-Lover) * Slightly adjusted the stats on Scout and Bounder to better fit their size and role. (@Anarchist2) * -100 fuel capacity on the Bounder. * +800 shields on the Scout. * -1 required crew on the Scout. * Graphics: * Completely redid and improved the graphics for all existing stars. (Matteo "Lead" M., @ravenshining) * Created various new star graphics, including giant and supergiant variants for all star spectral types. (Matteo "Lead" M., @ravenshining) * Created a new planet sprite for Saturn. (@ravenshining) * Remodeled all Navy ships. (@GefullteTaubenbrust2) * Created a new effect for the nuke explosion. (@Karirawri) * Remodeled the nuclear missile, afterburner, asteroid scanner, photovoltaic outfits, Wanderer reactors, shield generators, cooling, and weapons. (@GefullteTaubenbrust2) * Remodeled the Raven, Splinter, Corvette, Flivver, Dagger, and Manta. (@GefullteTaubenbrust2) * Remodeled the Aerie, Bactrian, Mule, and Osprey. (@Saugia) * Remodeled the jump drive. (@Scrinarii1337) * Added extra detail to differentiate the Kestrel variants. (@Saugia) * Added extra detail to the Grab-Strike outfit image and updated its hardpoint sprite. (@ravenshining) * Remodeled the Quicksilver and Scout. (@Anarchist) * Remodeled the Enforcer Confrontation Gear outfit. (@1010todd) * Modeled the Tear of Skade for new missions in the Deep. (@Anarchist2) * Added unique graphics for Wanderer engine flares, corrosion and burn damage-over-time sparks, and Pug Zapper impacts. (@GefullteTaubenbrust2) * Redid plasma, Coalition, Pug, and Korath engine flares. (@GefullteTaubenbrust2) * Redid Pug ship, Coalition Finisher, and Hai Tracker explosion effects. (@GefullteTaubenbrust2) * Created models for the upcoming Sunder, Mining Drone, Hailstone, Heavy Gust, and Squall. (@Saugia) * Created a whole new scene for the plasma repeater. (@1010todd) * Doubled the resolution of all station graphics. (@Anarchist2) * Remodeled Quarg ringworlds. (@GefullteTaubenbrust2) * Remodeled the Pug ships. (@beccabunny) * Other: * The Pug worlds at the end of the main campaign now appear uninhabited after the Pug flee before becoming inhabited by humanity. (@Anarchist2) * Reworded a technically incorrect news entry. (@Anarchist2) * Tweaked the atomic engine sounds to be less harsh on the ear. (@ravenshining) * The Emerald Sword and Black Diamond now have set swizzles that don't change with the player's swizzle. (@kestrel1110) * Human ship name generation is now weighted so that Three Skeleton Key does not appear on every other pirate ship. (@Amazinite, @Pointedstick) * The Star Queen now comes with reverse engines by default and has been given reverse engine flares. (@Zitchas) * Tweaked the outfit cargo held by Remnant and Korath fleets in the Ember Waste to make more sense. (@Zitchas) * Added ships to Remnant fleets that were missing. (@Zitchas) * Poisonwood's spaceport description changes depending on the outcome of certain FW missions. (@Anarchist2) * Updated smaller human ships to use the new small secondary weapons. (@Zitchas) * Tweaked the descriptions on over 100 planets for better readability. (@skilaa) * Added reverse and steering flares to the Lampyrid. (@Zitchas) * The Remnant now become hostile when scanned and the player loses reputation on a completed scan or when a drone is destroyed. This behavior stops after the Remnant trust the player enough. (@Zitchas) * Standardized the habitable range of all systems given the star of each system. Some systems have had their planets moved around to compensate for this. (@Amazinite) * Readded the disables personality to Remnant fleets. (@Zitchas) * The Mereti will no longer remain neutral if the player attacks them after they've been made friendly. (@Hurleveur) * Added ramscoops to the outfitters of some Far North worlds. (@williaji) * The War Begins conversation no longer refers to ship licensing as being one of the Free Worlds' grievances against the Republic. (@Anarchist2) * The on visit dialog for "FW Albatross 2A" now mentions both possible missing objectives. (@Anarchist2) * The Strong Wind is now locked by a non-military Wanderer license instead of a military license. (@williaji) * Various human freighters and transports now come stock with reverse thrusters. (@Hecter94) * All fighter and drone descriptions now make it clear that you need a fighter or drone bay to carry them. (@Amazinite) * Reduced the mass of quantum keystones to better match their description instead of being a one-ton stone that people carry around. (@dragonmaus) * The first Wanderer colony in Korath space now comes with an outfitter so that you don't need to travel back to Wanderer space to rearm. (@williaji) * Black holes now add fuel to ships within their accretion disk, allowing ships that might have entered the system without any remaining fuel to risk getting torn to shreds to escape instead of being stuck forever. (@Amazinite) * Spaceport news on Wanderer planets no longer refers to them as Wanderers before you learn their name. (@Anarchist2) * Coalition worlds now have varying security levels instead of all having the default. (@Arachi-Lover) * Reworded the description of the Pug Biodefense outfit to not suggest that the Pug don't get affected by it because they do. (@Hecter94) * Changed the Korati Efreti station to always be located between the planet and the sun in the system, as the description suggests. (@warp-core) * Added two new ship categories. Space Liner, for very large transport ships, and Utility, for ships that didn't fit their previous category because they were a hybrid of multiple categories. (@MasterOfGrey) * Changed the stars for some systems in human space to match what is known about the real star system of the same name. (@ravenshining) * Created new "Mineral," "License," and "Unique" outfit categories, the former two breaking out of the "Special" category and the latter for one-time outfits gifted to the player. (@Anarchist2, @DarcyManoel, @Zitchas) * Game mechanics: * New mechanics: * Expanded the total number of swizzles from 7 to 27. (@Amazinite) * Missions are now capable of fining the player. (@petervdmeer) * Weapons can now create "target effects" that appear on ships similar to how jump drive effects appear. (@petervdmeer) * Weapon hardpoints can now be drawn under the ship. Turret hardpoints default to being drawn over the ship, while gun hardpoints default to being drawn under the ship. (@Amazinite) * All secondary weapons will be selected at once after cycling through your flagship's entire list of secondary weapons. Pressing the select secondary weapon key after selecting all weapons will cause no weapons to be selected. (@petervdmeer) * Outfit and ship categories can now be customized in the data files, allowing for the creation of new outfit or ship categories, including new categories of carried ships. (@Amazinite, @Hadron1776) * Choices of phrases can now have weighted outcomes akin to the weighting of variants in fleets. (@Amazinite) * Submunitions can now be created with an "offset" position and a "facing" angle relative to the parent projectile. (@petervdmeer, @tehhowch) * Created four new damage-over-time types that affect shields, hull, fuel, and heat. (@Amazinite) * Randomly spawned fleets are now able to use the derelict personality. (@Terin) * Hazards can now originate from objects in a system instead of just the system center. (@quyykk) * Sprites can now be drawn at customizable scales. (@Amazinite) * Conversations can now grant payments, levy fines, trigger events, write log entries, gift outfits, ships, and more through conversation action nodes. (@Amazinite, @tehhowch) * Custom text substitutions can now be created globally or within the scope of a single mission. (@Amazinite) * Governments can now have their reputation impacted by scanning their ships. (@Hurleveur) * Ships can be given a "crew equivalent" attribute that counts toward the reputation hit for interacting with a ship but doesn't contribute to boarding. (@Hurleveur) * Governments can now be provoked by starting a scan on their ships. (@quyykk) * Missions can now grant and require maps, discovering systems for the player, and requiring that nearby systems be discovered. (@LukeMarlin) * Added new attributes "operating income" and "income" that grant credits to the player each day. (@petervdmeer) * Raised the limit of the number of weapons allowed on a single ship from 32 to effectively unlimited. (@quyykk) * Governments can now incur a reputation loss from provoking their ships. (@Terin) * Engines can now have all the same costs for firing as weapons can (e.g., fuel, ionization, etc.). (@Ferociousfiend) * Weapons can now deal different hull damage to disabled ships compared to non-disabled ones. (@Amazinite, @ChamEV, @petervdmeer) * Outfits and ships can now be given a "heat capacity" attribute, which acts like mass in increasing a ship's heat capacity without reducing its acceleration and turn rate. (@Ferociousfiend) * Ships can now be given an overheat damage attribute that makes them take damage while overheated. (@10010101001) * Plugins can now optionally disable individual vanilla missions, events, and Person ship spawns. (@tehhowch) * Weapons can now be given "minable damage" which is used to damage minable asteroids instead of hull damage. (@pilover100) * Minables can now be given a random hull value that adds to their base hull. (@quyykk) * Added a new autocondition that allows missions to check what your flagship model is. (@warp-core) * Effects can now be defined with absolute angle and velocity values instead of inheriting the parent's attribute. (@Hurleveur) * System hazards can now be defined as being "system-wide", causing them to damage all ships in the system regardless of distance and center environmental effect generation on the center of the screen instead of the origin of the hazard. (@Hurleveur, @Amazinite) * Add/remove syntax can now be used on various attributes of a Government during an Event. (@Hurleveur) * Missions can now be given an "on daily" action to cause this to occur every time the date advances (when jumping and when departing a planet). (@thvk-net) * Carried ships will now restock their ammo by taking from the carrier's installed ammunition. (@tehhowch) * Events can now remove specific objects from a system instead of only being able to remove all objects. (@warp-core) * Mechanic changes: * "hit effect" behavior for hazards has been replaced with "target effect". (@petervdmeer) * Committing an atrocity now only affects the reputation of governments friendly to the government that the atrocity was committed against. (@Amazinite) * Flotsams dumped by a certain government will no longer be picked up by ships of the same government. This prevents merchants from picking up cargo dumped by other merchants that was intended to distract pirates. The player's government is exempt from this change. (@petervdmeer) * The data syntax for requiring a license on a ship or outfit now accepts one-line specifications. (@tehhowch) * Some heat is now removed when firing ammunition with mass. (@tehhowch) * Updated collision mask generation to allow ships to contain holes or disjointed regions. (@flaviojs, @tehhowch) * Bribing a government now breaks all projectile collisions between you and the government you bribed, preventing accidentally becoming hostile again after bribing. (@Amazinite, @tehhowch) * Systems can now define multiple asteroid belts. Asteroid belts can be given weights that determine the likelihood of asteroids appearing in that belt. (@Amazinite) * Whether an outfit is determined to have been mined from an asteroid is now handled by a positive "minable" attribute instead of being assumed from a negative "installable" attribute. (@Terin) * Jobs that have been offered but not yet accepted can no longer be accepted if all of the job's requirements are no longer met (e.g., have the proper outfit(s) installed, have enough credits for any negative payment) instead of only checking for cargo and passenger space. (@quyykk) * Submunitions now more properly inherit the velocity of the parent projectile, and inaccuracy is more accurately applied. (@Amazinite, @DeBlister, @oo13) * Weapons with an ammo usage of 0 no longer auto refill that ammunition. (@Amazinite) * Improved the behavior of the coward and appeasing ship personalities to more consistently trigger and have an effect. (@Hurleveur) * Active missions that you no longer have space for now count as aborted instead of simply failed. (@Amazinite) * Fighters and drones now retreat and redeploy at 50% and 75% health, respectively, instead of 25% and 35%, increasing their survivability. (@Amazinite) * Ships that are appeasing no longer drop their cargo if there are no hostile ships to drop it for. (@DeBlister) * The inaccuracy of a projectile is now also applied to the firing effect. (@DeBlister) * Expanded the attribute whitelist to allow more outfit attributes to become negative, such as allowing engines to produce energy while in use. (@Ferociousfiend) * Escorts ordered to leave the system will now ignore hostiles to leave instead of continuing to fight. (@alextd) * Music no longer restarts from the beginning if the track trying to be played is the same as the one already playing. (@samrocketman) * Overheating has been nerfed from completely disabling an overheated ship to only disabling an overheated ship's power generation. (@Amazinite) * Reverted how hit force is applied to ships to how it was before v0.9.9: only take the ship's mass into account instead of adding a fixed mass that reduced the hit force to small ships while increasing the hit force to large ships. (@1010todd) * User interface: * Pilot playtime is now visible in the player info panel. (@Terin) * The map can now be opened at the end of a conversation. (@Amazinite) * The player info panel now displays the current amount of combat experience and the amount of experience needed to reach the next level instead of just displaying the current level. (@Terin) * If moving at high speed, hitting the landing key while over an uninhabited planet will no longer attempt to land on the uninhabited planet. (@Terin) * Available jobs on the jobs board are now sorted alphabetically. (@quyykk) * Improved keyboard-triggered scrolling in shops to prevent the shop from flickering when first selecting an item with the keyboard. (@quyykk, @tehhowch) * Critical messages such as mission failure are now highlighted in red to make them easier to spot. (@salqadri) * The bank will now allow commas in player-entered input when applying for loans or paying off debts. (@thomasballinger) * Pirate raid alert messages are now considered critical messages that get highlighted. (@Terin) * Commodities in the plundering panel now display their unit mass. (@jostephd) * The map now indicates systems that have outfits stored on planets. * Ship and outfit stats now display 0 to 2 decimal places instead of only ever showing up to 1 decimal place. (@Rakete1111, @tehhowch) * The background haze on the main menu now fades to match the haze of the player's system in the loaded save instead of instantly transitioning. (@pakyinwww) * Tab can now be used to swap the focus between the main and side shop panels. (@Terin) * Wormholes without a sprite no longer draw a wormhole link arrow on the map. (@quyykk) * Outfits considered an atrocity now display that fact in the outfitter as a boolean attribute instead of a value. (@Terin) * The background haze and stars are now slightly parallax to the foreground. This can be disabled in the preferences panel. (@Terin) * Conversation choices are now highlighted when hovering over them with the mouse. (@quyykk) * Added support for "line" elements in user-declared interfaces. (@quyykk) * Outfits are now grouped by category when scanning a ship. (@jostephd) * Players must now type the pilot's name when attempting to delete a save. (@quyykk) * Non-mission dialog can now be closed with the escape key. (@quyykk) * Readded the D key as a shortcut for deleting a pilot. (@quyykk) * Having above 5,000 fuel on your flagship will now render the fuel as a single solid bar instead of adding a dividing line for every 100 fuel. (@Ferociousfiend) * Improved the ship info display to add units to some attributes and make others more readable. (@stechio, @quyykk) * The bank now accepts spaces as numeric separators when inputting a credit amount. (@Hurleveur) * Added a new button to the outfitter for toggling the visibility of stored outfits. (@Amacita) * The map now shows what outfits you have stored in a system if you hover over it. (@jostephd) * The job marker on systems for available jobs is now drawn before the one for active jobs. (@Jamibaraki) * It is now possible to sort your fleet in the player info panel by model, system, and other metrics. (@yjhn, @quyykk) * Added a new "fleet jump" command, activated by pressing shift+jump, as an alternative to holding the jump key. Your fleet will jump automatically once every member is ready. (@petervdmeer, @yjhn) * Pressing space or double clicking now pauses and unpauses the scrolling of the credits on the main menu. (@quyykk, @tehhowch) * The Home and End keys can now jump to the top and bottom of various panels. (@MagicMuscleMan) * Outfits that cost 0 credits now display as "free." (@quyykk) * The new "Save Order" button now underlines the "v" when holding the alt key to show hotkeys. (@warp-core) * The find panel on the map no longer turns fast forward off when the interrupt fast forward preference is active. (@Amazinite) * A help dialog is now shown when attempting to buy more cargo than you have space for. (@alextd) * Holding ctrl when accepting a job now automatically makes room for it. (@alextd) * The map UI is now capable of displaying an unlimited number of landable objects in a system, as opposed to before, where only three planets could be shown and the fourth would begin to push UI off the screen. (@Hurleveur) * Laser weapons that fire in a burst no longer display their per-shot values, instead displaying their rate of fire as "continuous" with some percentage value next to them for the amount of time they maintain continuous fire. (@warp-core) * Moved the title on the main menu up 30 pixels so that it doesn't get overlapped by other UI elements that can appear in the middle of the screen. (@Amazinite) * Tweaked the government colors of the Hai governments to better differentiate them on the map. (@mOctave) * Added a screen mode preference in the settings. (@Terin) * Under the hood: * Unified the code for damage dealt to ships by hazards and projectiles. (@petervdmeer) * Updated the Code::Blocks URL in the README files to use https. (@TotalCaesar659) * Improved handling when image buffer allocation fails. (@tehhowch) * Simplified move-ctor and assignment operator for the File class. (@tehhowch) * Moved the Windows UTF16-UTF8 conversion helpers to the text/utf8 class. (@tehhowch) * Avoided undefined behavior of comparing iterators from separate containers. (@oo13) * The importance of a message must now be explicitly defined. (@salqadri) * Updated the libraries and added SDL integration for the MacOS builds. (@EricFromCanada) * UUIDs are now generated for ships, NPCs, and missions. (@NomadicVolcano, @tehhowch) * The swizzle is now reset before detaching the OpenGL program in SpriteShader. (@thomasballinger) * Images are now read in RGBA textures instead of BGRA to improve portability. (@janisozaur, @thomasballinger) * Made graphics shaders compliant with OpenGL ES. (@janisozaur, @thomasballinger) * Added Windows UUID library to the Code::Blocks project files. (@Amacita) * Ensure windows.h is included under strict mode. (@tehhowch) * Replaced modulo reduction with integer multiplication for generating random numbers. (@SubstandardZeal) * A warning is now thrown when collision mask generation fails. (@tehhowch) * Fixed a dependency installation step. (@tehhowch) * Added a diagnostic message for incorrectly sized frames. (@tehhowch) * Only attempt to read image paths that were explicitly discovered while loading. (@tehhowch) * A warning is now thrown for missing sounds. (@quyykk) * Added noexcept to Angle constructors. (@quyykk) * Restore support for spaces in the filesystem path for MacOS builds. (@thomasballinger) * A warning is now thrown for sprites with uneven dimensions that may result in blurriness when rendered. (@tehhowch) * A warning is now thrown for undefined hazards. (@quyykk) * Files and directories are now guaranteed to be loaded in alphabetical order. (@quyykk) * Renamed "transport missions.txt" to "human missions.txt" to match the naming scheme from other folders. (@Amazinite) * WeightedLists can now be erased from. (@Amazinite) * Added updated build instructions to the readme. (@Terin) * The "lost" tutorial messages now use the same DoHelp method as other tutorial messages. (@thomasballinger) * Standardized map data. (@Amazinite) * Replace some unnecessary shared_ptrs with regular pointers to improve performance. (@quyykk) * Added Eclipse IDE files to the .gitignore. (@a-random-lemurian) * A warning is now printed to errors.txt if audio fails to initialize. (@quyykk) * Data is now loaded in a separate thread in parallel with image and sound loading, improving loading times. (@quyykk, @petervdmeer, @tehhowch) * Removed trailing spaces from empty lines in the codebase. (@tehhowch) * Filesystem knowledge is not only initialized when needed. (@tehhowch) * Improved standardization of print traces. (@tehhowch) * Moved some substitution code to PlayerInfo. (@petervdmeer) * The list of equipped weapons on a ship is now generated on demand. (@petervdmeer) * Remove iCCP chunk from some images. (@quyykk) * Removed the apostrophe from the Ka'het folder and file names. (@Zitchas) * Alphabetized and sorted some human hails into subphrases. (@a-random-lemurian, @LepRyot) * Missions with the "landing" and "minor" tags are no longer warned about. (@Amazinite) * The custom Set class now has find() and empty() methods. (@petervdmeer) * Refactored Ship::TakeDamage to reduce its responsibilities of calculating how much damage was taken and instead calculate that in a new DamageProfile class. (@Amazinite) * Standardized various data used by Remnant missions. (@Zitchas) * Removed an unnecessary PushOrPop call in the UI class. (@quyykk) * Moved the animation and sound effect handling when the game starts to a new panel. (@quyykk) * Added VSCode files to the gitignore. (@samrocketman) * Fixed broken --talk launch flag behavior. (@samrocketman) * Added an Average method to WeightedLists to compute the average of its contents. (@tehhowch) * The correct folder for the AppStream file is now used. (@quyykk) * All unit and integration test files are now in dedicated directories. (@petervdmeer) * Variant is now its own class instead of being contained within Fleet. (@Amazinite) * Added a wrapper class for the stock and regular item pattern observed across multiple classes. (@Amazinite) * Removed the GenericName key from the .desktop file. (@Pointedstick) * Improved support for system-installed scons. (@CAPTAIN1947) * Removed some unnecessary trade nodes. (@Anarchist2) * Various internal code improvements. (@quyykk, @tehhowch) * Removed Terminal=false and added PrefersNonDefaultGPU and SingleMainWindow keys to the desktop file. (@Pointedstick) * Save files now record the name of all installed plugins. (@Terin) * Renamed various spaceport news entries for consistency. (@NRK4) * Implemented on-demand auto-generated conditions, massively overhauling how auto-generated conditions are handled. (@petervdmeer) * Updated copyright headers across all files in the game to provide a link to the full GPL license. (@tibetiroka) * Made various code-style fixes across the game. (@tibetiroka) * Added a manifest file to have the game tell Windows that it is high DPI aware. (@quyykk, @Terin) * Improved the in-built game data printing when using various command line options. (@warp-core) * Created a "deprecated ships" file for ships that have been removed from use by the game but could still be necessary for some save files or plugins. (@quyykk) * Updated some events to use the new ability to remove specific objects from a system. (@warp-core) * CI/CD and development environment: * Added unit tests for the Account class. (@petervdmeer) * Removed Ubuntu-16.04 from the CICD pipeline. (@tehhowch) * Added support for additional integration test actions. (@petervdmeer, @tehhowch, @Terin) * Upgraded catch from 2.13.3 to 2.13.9. (@tehhowch) * Use approximate matcher instead of direct double equality for testing of text parsing. (@tehhowch) * Added unit tests for Format. (@tehhowch) * Removed the 60hz speed lock on the game during integration testing. (@petervdmeer) * Allow test framework to send SDL events to the game loop. (@petervdmeer) * Removed Runtime Type Information from code and compilation and forbade its use. (@petervdmeer) * Updated SCons version to 4.2.0 and cache scons locally. (@tehhowch) * Support reading additional commands from text nodes for automated testing. (@petervdmeer) * Tests now print flagship and escort info upon failure. (@petervdmeer) * Removed Panel dependencies from Test.cpp / Test.h. (@petervdmeer) * Added a spell-checking CI with codespell. (@quyykk) * Adjusted the test dates on certain test data to avoid test failure. (@Terin) * Warnings compile to errors only for release builds. (@quyykk) * Deduplicated parts of the CICD pipeline. (@tehhowch) * Builds now use SCons 4.2.0 or newer on all Linux platforms. (@tehhowch) * Integration Tests now print out a call-stack for failing. (@petervdmeer) * Added a generic landing test. (@petervdmeer) * Combined testToRun and stepToRun into a single callstack variable. (@petervdmeer) * A "compilation database" is emitted when building the default target. (@quyykk) * Added tests for comparators. (@jostephd) * Added a validation job for Code::Blocks project files. (@quyykk) * Invoke integration tests more portably. (@quyykk) * Adopt locally defined reusable workflow syntax. (@quyykk) * Added tests for selling ships. (@petervdmeer) * Removed multiple calls to hashFiles when only a single restore key. (@tehhowch) * Improved version identification in the credits for continuous versions. (@quyykk) * Updated the appveyor image to have the correct test binary location. (@tehhowch) * Added the EditorConfig style checker to the CI. (@quyykk) * Updated the XCode checker to account for dasherized filenames. (@tehhowch) * Created a CI job for validating copyright entries. (@quyykk) * Made Windows Actions compatible with new CI image. (@samrocketman, @quyykk) * Added a three-second delay to UI steps when debugging. (@petervdmeer) * Moved the tests definitions out of the general data folder. (@quyykk) Version 0.9.14: * Bug fixes: * Content bugs: * Typo fixes. (@alextd, @Amazinite, @Anarchist2, @AraCaputDraco, @Arachi-Lover, @Corraban2, @dazuma, @EjoThims, @InfiniteDonuts, @infinitewarp, @jarekchr, @Jugosloven1612, @McloughlinGuy, @MCOfficer, @Ornok, @petervdmeer, @tehhowch, @Terin, @Zitchas) * "Remnant: Deep Surveillance" will now offer, as typos in the offer conditions were preventing it from offering. (@alextd, @Amazinite) * "Deep: Remnant 3" now properly offers on landing instead of requiring you to visit the spaceport with no direction. (@Amazinite) * The Dropship is now sold in Navy Basics shipyards, whereas before it was sold nowhere. (@Amazinite) * "Wanderers: Mentors 2" now has an on visit dialog. (@Amazinite) * "Strider 1" now sends you to Allhome for the next mission instead of the spaceport, as the next mission in the string wasn't offering before. (@Amazinite) * "FW Pug 4", "Nanachi 3", and "Nanachi 4" now mention both possible missing objectives when you visit the mission destination. (@Amazinite) * The reverse thrust heat of the Smelter-Class Thruster is no longer the same as the smaller Crucible-Class Thruster. (@Zitchas) * "Remnant: Cognizance 4" and "Remnant: Cognizance 16" no longer spoil the objective location for the player when you're supposed to go looking for them. (@Amazinite) * The fighters that spawn alongside the Michael Zahniser person ship can no longer be disabled. (@Anarchist2) * Engine bugs: * Invalid planets are now filtered when iterating over a system's objects, preventing pathfinding from trying to use wormholes that no longer exist. (@tehhowch) * Firing ionization/disruption/slowing on weapons no longer allows status effects to drop below zero, which could potentially cause a crash. (@Ferociousfiend) * Ships can no longer have a drag of 0, which could have caused divide-by-zero errors. (@tehhowch) * Active cooling now requires the ship to have positive energy. (@10010101001) * The acceleration and turn values displayed in the ship info panel while in flight are now accurate to their actual values, no longer counting cargo as twice as heavy as it is. (@Amazinite) * Game content: * New content: * The Heliarch Interdictor now has a Scrappy variant like other Heliarch ships. (@Arachi-Lover) * The Pug Gridfire, Gatling Gun, and minable asteroid explosions now have unique sounds, whereas previously they had reused sounds or none at all. (@Floppa-Priest) * Quarg planets now all have regional attributes describing where in the galaxy they're located for use by missions and jobs. (@Amazinite) * Added a new human ship, the Container Transport. For now, this ship has identical stats to the Bulk Freighter, but the two ships will be differentiated from one another next update. (@ravenshining) * Mission changes: * Changed the Saryd couple's budget to something more sensible. (@jerith) * Made it clear in "Remnant: Electron Beam" that you are to return with two electron beams. (@AraCaputDraco) * Improved some of the wording in "Remnant: Expanded Horizons Storms 1". (@Zitchas) * "Remnant: Face to Maw" no longer offers while you are in the middle of the "Cognizance" string of missions. (@Amazinite, @Ornok) * "Remnant: Cognizance 4" no longer uses mission failure to determine player choice, which led to confusion when the mission failed message appeared after making an acceptable choice. (@Amazinite) * The mission "Wanderers: Hai Diplomat" can now be offered on Mirrorlake. (@Ornok) * Improved some of the wording in "Lagrange Ring: Cargo". (@Arachi-Lover) * Lowered the chances of an alien baby crawling into your cargo hold. Safety measured have been put into place to ensure that this happens far less often. (@Amazinite) * The James tutorial missions can now be continued if the player returns to the first mission after obtaining a ship that isn't in one of the starter categories. (@Zitchas) * Balance: * Tweaked the Telis and Vareti engines to maintain a better upgrade progression. (@DeBlister) * Graphics: * Updated the Bulk Freighter sprite to have a hardpoint layout matching pre-v0.9.13 Bulk Freighters for save compatibility. (@ravenshining) * Other: * The Unfettered now have their own outfitter and shipyard, preventing new Hai technology from being sold by the Unfettered. (@Amazinite) * The Independent government will now always be friendly after it is introduced in the Free Worlds campaign. (@Amazinite) * Removed part of a logbook entry that said that the Quarg claimed that the Pug could defeat the Drak, which they never did. (@Arachi-Lover) * The highest rank of Heliarch has been changed from "elder" to "consul" to avoid having multiple alien factions use the "elder" title. (@Arachi-Lover) * Game mechanics: * Disabled ships that are captured or assisted will now repair to slightly higher than the bare minimum hull necessary. (@Amazinite) * Invalid fleet variants are now removed from fleets, preventing plugins with improper data from blocking the offering of missions that spawn fleets. (@tehhowch) * User interface: * The "interrupt fast-forward" setting now defaults to off instead of on. (@Terin) * Fixed a misaligned UI element in the map panel. (@Terin) * Messages about low crew ships are no longer considered "important," meaning they will no longer be pushed to the bottom of the message list every time they trigger and drown out other messages. (@ravenshining) * Under the hood: * Combined checking if a stellar object has a planet and if that planet is valid into a single method. (@tehhowch) * Having multiple missing frames for a sprite are now logged to the error file on a single line instead of generating a new line for each missing frame. (@ashdnazg, @tehhowch) * The Barb (Proton) variant definition now uses "add attribute" instead of completely redefining the base ship. (@Amazinite) * The heat and energy table values for ship info have been broken out into their own variables for easier handling. (@jostephd) * Missions that fail to instantiate will now report to the error file why they failed. (@tehhowch) * Missions that mix the "minor" or "priority" tags with the "landing" tag will now produce a warning to the error file, as "landing" takes precedence over the former two tags. (@Amazinite) * Fixed a rare crash that could happen when printing errors, if the error file could not be opened. (@tehhowch) * Updated the build process for Steam Linux to avoid statically linking in the C++ standard library. (@tehhowch) * Updated the Scons build process to remove the need for both ar and ranlib programs to be LTO-aware. (@tehhowch) * Slightly reduced memory usage associated with in-memory game data while loading. (@tehhowch) * Enabled C++ "move" semantics for several core data structures. (@tehhowch) Version 0.9.13: * Breaking changes: * Starting conditions defined by plugins no longer automatically override the game's default start. (@FranchuFranchu, @tehhowch) * Big changes: * Added over 30 new spaceport missions to Coalition space. (@Arachi-Lover) * Added over 25 new missions to Remnant space, as well as a new region of the Ember Waste. (@Zitchas) * Added 15 new archaeology missions with Albert Foster to investigate the Sheragi ruins, including the discovery of ancient Sheragi technology. (@Karirawri) * The Ember Waste has become a more hostile place with the introduction of system hazards. Be prepared the next time you visit. (@Zitchas) * Outfits can now be stored on planets by pressing U or R on installed or in-cargo outfits in the outfitter. (@petervdmeer) * Completely redid and improved the graphics for most human outfit images. (@beccabunny) * Added a "New Pilot" scenario picker, allowing players to choose between game and plugin starts. (@FranchuFranchu, @tehhowch) * Bug fixes: * Content bugs: * Typo fixes. (@Amazinite, @Anarchist2, @Arachi-Lover, @arkhne, @beccabunny, @Darcman99, @FixItYondu, @Galaucus, @infinitewarp, @MCOfficer, @michel-slm, @pega3, @Rakete1111, @roadrunner56, @tatami4, @tehhowch, @Terin, @thebigh2014, @Thunderforge, @tux2603, @W1zrad, @waterhouse, @Zitchas) * The Subsidurial person ship can now appear in uninhabited systems as intended. (@Zitchas, @Terin) * "Deep Mystery Cube [3]" no longer offers on stations. (@Anarchist2) * Corrected the hull mass of the Faes'mar. (@Amazinite) * Tinker's tribute is now properly restored after the main plot. (@Zitchas) * "FW Pug 3" now requires that the previous mission be completed before offering. (@Amazinite) * "There Might Be Riots part 3A" no longer offers on pirate worlds. (@Amazinite) * The event "fw reconciliation break" now properly triggers when the related mission is completed instead of offered. (@Amazinite) * The dimensions of the large Pug explosion 3 and 4 sprites now match the other large explosion sprites. (@Amazinite) * The Stack Core side plot mission now fails after the Pug invasion starts if the player still has it active. (@Anarchist2) * Fixed conversation branch conditions in Remnant missions. (@Ornok) * Cleaned up the edges of UI and haze images. (@Terin) * The EMP ammo storage outfit will now sell any excess ammo when uninstalled. (@Anarchist2) * Destroying the asteroid during Terraforming Rand now causes the mission to fail. (@Anarchist2) * Large Coalition engine flares are now better centered in the image. (@Arachi-Lover) * The FW epilogue missions are no longer marked as minor. (@Anarchist2) * The Core Blockade mission now gives clearance to land on the pirate planet destination. (@Amazinite) * The Remembrance Day jobs now properly have a deadline. (@Amazinite) * Shortened the descriptions of some jobs as to not overflow the UI. (@Amazinite) * Added missing "variant" keyword to NPC fleets in several Wanderer missions. (@tehhowch) * Remnant "tech retrieval" missions have more appropriate destinations. (@jerith) * Engine bugs: * Missions with illegal cargo that fail when scanned can no longer be scanned again before landing. (@Amazinite) * The outfitter will no longer allow purchasing licensed outfits under certain circumstances where the player didn't have a license. (@Rakete1111) * Planets without a spaceport but with a jobs board will no longer skip generating jobs. (@Amazinite) * Ships will no longer attempt to route through undefined systems. (@Elorram) * Infinitely nested submunitions will no longer crash the game. (@Rakete1111) * Fixed a potential divide-by-zero error. (@tehhowch) * Escorts will now properly obey the hold command when they are already moving to hold position. (@petervdmeer) * Fixed a potential null pointer exception. (@petervdmeer) * News with no message will no longer be chosen. (@tehhowch) * Fixed a potential floating point exception related to mortgages created through save editing. (@tehhowch) * Fixed a segfault that involved the player rapidly cycling through ships in the info panel while moving the mouse. (@tehhowch) * Unvisited systems that are selected on the map in the outfitter/shipyard key no longer display whether they have an outfitter/shipyard. (@tehhowch) * Prevented factions that didn't share a language with the player from sending hails. (@Amazinite) * The motion blur effect no longer persists if the player's flagship is destroyed while in motion. (@bobrobbow) * Ships will now save various non-numerical attributes that they previously did not. (@Amazinite) * Destroyed ships can no longer be selected after the player has died. (@bobrobbow) * Disabling your own escorts no longer increases your combat rating. (@tehhowch) * Disabled ships will now experience the effects of ionization. (@Amazinite) * Ships will no longer attempt to land on planets without a sprite. (@bobrobbow) * Missions now ensure that the defer action can be done before offering. (@Amazinite) * Player conditions are now properly updated when failing or aborting a mission when the fail action can not be done. (@Amazinite) * Ships will now check if they are overheated after taking damage, preventing overheated ships from healing for a frame after taking damage. (@Amazinite) * The gather escort command will now work if all escorts are out of the player's system. (@petervdmeer) * Ships with reverse thrusters no longer struggle to land. (@Terin, @Vitalchip) * The planet panel will no longer become blank when departure requires confirmation. (@tatami4) * Planets are now written to the save file using their true name instead of their display name. (@tehhowch) * An error is now produced when improperly granting a ship in a start condition. (@tehhowch) * The "battery only" warning in the outfitter now takes fuel energy into account. (@Amazinite) * All flagship commands and the hailing command are now ignored while in the process of landing or departing from a planet. (@tatami4) * Ships no longer preserve inaccessible jump targets when loading the game. (@tehhowch) * Reduced likelihood of integer overflow when selling commodities. (@tehhowch) * Fixed a divide-by-zero error when a fleet contains no variant definitions. (@tehhowch) * Game content: * New content: * New missions: * New missions offered by the Quarg. (@Arachi-Lover) * Created two short spaceport missions in human space. (@Naminson) * Created a difficult combat mission only available to early pilots. (@Anarchist2) * The player will now be warned when their combat rating is high enough that Marauder Hunted fleets will start showing up. (@Amazinite) * Created jobs and missions available on Kor Efreti worlds. (@W1zrad) * Created new bounty hunting jobs to track down disguised ships. (@Anarchist2) * Added a new string of missions during the start of the Wanderer campaign that leads to a sideplot to help the Hai build a new ship. (@Amazinite, @Arachi-Lover, @beccabunny, @LocalGod79, @Zitchas) * Created an epilogue mission for Barmy Edward. (@beccabunny, @Darcman99) * Created a mission where you can inform the Remnant about the research that the Deep are doing on the Ember Waste. (@Amazinite, @Zitchas) * The player will now be warned the first time their pirate attraction is greater than 50%. (@Amazinite) * Added a boarding mission about a secret slave ship. (@Pointedstick, @oo13) * New outfits and ships: * Created an ammo storage outfit for Finisher torpedoes. (@Arachi-Lover) * Ka'het ships now have power generation and storage outfits. (@beccabunny) * The Navy now has a unique logistics vessel, the Auxiliary, along with a new fighter, the Dropship. (@Brick63) * Added a new Remnant ship, the Peregrine. (@beccabunny, @Zitchas) * Created an ammo storage outfit for EMP torpedoes. (@Anarchist2) * Ka'het ships now have engine outfits. (@beccabunny, @Karirawri, @TheronEpic) * Created six new Heliarch ships. (@Arachi-Lover) * Added a new Ka'het ship with a unique superweapon and other new outfits. (@beccabunny, @Karirawri) * Added a new Korath Exiles ship, the Dredger, intended to replace the World-Ship in combat missions that need a stronger Korath ship. (@beccabunny, @NomadicVolcano, @Zitchas) * Other new content: * The Penguin now uses the new engine flare mechanics. (@Zitchas) * Added new civilian hails. (@Anarchist2, @Naminson, @petervdmeer) * New logs for various characters, factions, and plot points. (@MasterOfGrey, @pega3) * Added a new Builder station to the Graveyard. (@beccabunny) * Wrote more news messages for human space and beyond. (@Amazinite, @Anarchist2, @Arachi-Lover, @Galaucus, @NRK4, @petervdmeer, @Plip-Plop, @Pointedstick, Swiren#8879, @W1zrad, @WarlordMike, @Zitchas) * Wrote friendly and hostile hails for the Remnant. (@temtemy) * The Archon now has a ship description. (@Zitchas) * Added three new person ships. (@beccabunny, @Brick63, @MCOfficer, @Zitchas) * Quarg outfits now have placeholder descriptions. (@Amazinite) * Planets in the Graveyard region now gain expanded descriptions after you learn more about the region. (@beccabunny) * Added system attributes to various system for use in missions. (@Galaucus) * Expanded the list of potential Heliarch ship names. (@Arachi-Lover) * Scouts will now actually spawn in merchant fleets. (@ScruffyKitty) * Added various new help messages describing hidden features. (@Terin) * The supermassive black hole in Sagittarius A* now pulls in ships that get too close. (@Zitchas) * Wrote a description for the vanilla start of the game for the new start scenario picker. (@Amazinite) * Mission changes: * "FW Hope Recon 1C" now refers to the proper number of crew on a Gunboat. (@beccabunny) * Rewrote some of the conversation for "Wanderers: Defend Vara Ke'sok Hint". (@Anarchist2) * If the player has forgotten, the Remnant outfitter asking for Hai keystones will now explain how to purchase outfits into cargo. (@Zitchas) * Corrected the on visit dialog for some missions that had multiple objectives to now refer to all possible missing objectives. (@W1zrad) * Planets that are being actively evacuated during the Wanderer campaign will no longer have jobs as their source or destination. (@Amazinite) * Log entries for Chilia now come in a fixed order. (@Zitchas) * The first contact missions for the Hai and Unfettered now change depending on the order in which they are done. (@Amazinite, @arkhne) * Reworded the Sestor search hint conversation to make more sense if offered on Farpoint. (@Amazinite) * The Kestrel mission now shows the ship's thumbnail during the conversation instead of its sprite. (@Anarchist2) * Updated various missions to make use of the new "on abort" behavior. (@petervdmeer) * The Marauder Hunted mission has been changed to now scale with the player's fleet strength. (@Amazinite) * During the "Deep: Remnant" mission string, it is now optional whether you reveal the existence of the Remnant to the Deep. (@Amazinite, @Zitchas) * The player now saves the cultural data from Alexandria, allowing missions to be skipped that need it instead of having the player fly to Alexandria again. (@Amazinite) * The mystery cube jobs will now hint that you are being followed by bounty hunters when you accept it. (@jmathes) * Balance: * Buffed the Heliarch reactors and Coalition engines. (@Arachi-Lover) * Buffed the Drak Draining Field and Antimatter Cannon. (@Zitchas) * Gave the Kestrel two fighter bays. (@Zitchas) * Increased the heat dissipation on the Kestrel (More Shields) to strengthen it against heat damage. (@finite-galaxy) * The Ka'het Annihilator Turret now fires two projectiles at once instead of one projectile that deals double damage. (@Amazinite) * Heliarch ships now ignore a small percentage of incoming ion damage. (@Arachi-Lover) * Increased the crew strength of the Alpha government. (@Zitchas) * Slightly buffed the cooling ability of Thermoelectric Coolers. (@Zitchas) * Changed the outfits on the stock Aphid as to nearly cut its cost in half. (@Terin) * Some Remnant outfits now come with ion resistance to help against the Ember Waste's new ion storms. (@Zitchas) * Gave Remnant thrusters built-in reverse thrust and slight slowing resistance on all their engines to make them stick out more. (@Zitchas) * Reduced the number of missile-equipped ships in one of the small pirate fleet variants. (@Terin) * The Puffin's Quantum Key Stone is now integrated into the hull to prevent access to stone before the player has a license for them. (@Zitchas) * Human missiles were updated to reflect changes to missile tracking behavior. (@Pointedstick) * Graphics: * "Mouthparts?" now has a sprite. (@beccabunny) * Added a scene image to the on enter conversation in the Graveyard. (@beccabunny) * Created a black hole scene image used in a new Remnant mission. (@wrzlprnft) * Created a new jump drive sound and visual effect to be used at a later date. (@Kryes-Omega) * The background haze now changes in intensity according to where you are in the galaxy. (@ravenshining) * Created graphics for hot Jupiter planet sprites. (@beccabunny) * Reworked the graphics of some Remnant ship thumbnails to better match the ship sprite. (@beccabunny) * Reworked the graphics of Tarazed ships. (@Anarchist2) * Reworked the graphics of Ka'het ships. (@beccabunny) * Reworked the graphics of Syndicated Shipyards ships. (@beccabunny) * Reworked the graphics of the Korath Raider. (@ravenshining, @Red-57) * Reworked the graphics of some Korath outfit images. (@beccabunny) * Replaced the 2D assets of the void sprite images with 3D models, and update associated images. (@beccabunny) * Other: * Renamed the Gascraft to the Puffin so that all Remnant ships are named after birds. (@Zitchas) * Removed the Quarg ringworld from the Graveyard. (@Arachi-Lover) * The phrase "plural nouns" now includes the contents of "gender-neutral titles" for ship names. (@SubstandardZeal) * Added system attributes to the Ember Waste and related systems to be used by jobs. (@Zitchas) * Updated the description of the Militia License to better match the description of other licenses. (@Anarchist2) * News portraits have been removed in response to feedback. (@Amazinite) * All Remnant ships now come equipped with key stones. (@Zitchas) * Updated the description of the Pilot's License to reflect current lore and updated the silhouette of the Argosy to use the newer model. (@Anarchist2) * Renamed the Membulem system to Meblumem to match the name of the inhabited planet within it. (@arkne) * Local God's gridfires will no longer accidentally kill him. (@ravenshining) * Coalition space now sells fuel pods and bunk rooms. (@Terin) * Prevented various governments from being able to fine or be bribed by the player. (@petervdmeer) * Standardized capitalization of certain terms. (@Amazinite) * Replaced some remaining imperial measurements with metric ones. (@prophile) * The starting frame of a void sprite is now randomized. (@Zitchas) * Game mechanics: * New weapon and outfit attributes: * Weapon attributes to override the range and velocity values used by the AI to determine where to aim and when to fire. (@Amazinite) * Multiplier attributes for various shield and hull-related attributes. (@Amazinite) * "Protection" attributes that reduce the effect of incoming damage types. (@Amazinite) * A resistance attribute for piercing that subtracts from the piercing of incoming projectiles. (@Amazinite) * The sound and visual effects of hyperdrives and jump drives can now be customized. (@Amazinite) * A "parallel" keyword for gun hardpoints and weapons that changes aiming behavior. (@petervdmeer) * Attributes that can alter the point at which a ship becomes disabled. (@Amazinite) * Attributes that allow a projectile to lose (or gain) damage over range. (@Amazinite) * An attribute that allows the customization of how far a jump drive can travel. (@Amazinite) * Energy, fuel, and heat attributes for disruption, ion, and slowing resistance. (@Amazinite) * Attributes that allow for shield and hull repair to be delayed after taking damage. (@Amazinite) * A "gravitational" weapon tag that causes all hit force to deal the same push regardless of the mass of the impacted ship. (@Amazinite) * "Relative" damage types that deal damage as some percentage of the target's stats. (@Amazinite) * New ship mechanics: * Ships can have engine flares for reverse and steering engines. (@Amazinite) * Engine flares on ships can now be given arbitrary facing angles. (@Amazinite) * Fighter and drone bays on ships can now be given arbitrary facing angles. (@petervdmeer) * Gun ports on ships can now be given arbitrary facing angles. (@petervdmeer) * New mission mechanics: * Mission NPCs can now be spawned or despawned based on the player's conditions. (@Amazinite, @tehhowch) * Missions are now capable of gifting ships to the player. (@Fzzr, @Gods-Righthand, @NomadicVolcano) * Aborting and failing a mission are now separate mission actions. (@Amazinite) * Two new NPC mission objectives to capture or provoke an NPC. (@Amazinite) * Created a mission action that can be triggered after all waypoints are visited. (@Amazinite) * Other new mechanics: * Effects can now have a random lifetime. (@Amazinite) * Spaceport news can now be triggered based on the player's conditions. (@Amazinite) * Systems are now able to generate hazards, "space weather" that can affect any ships in the system. (@Amazinite) * Escorts can now be commanded to move to other systems by using the galaxy map. This must be opted into via the "System map sends move orders" preference. (@tehhowch) * Systems can change the range at which ships enter the system, with potentially different ranges for hyperdrive and jump drive travel. (@petervdmeer) * Playtime is now tracked for each pilot save. (@Terin) * Systems can now be hidden from view unless they are linked to a visited system. (@Amazinite) * Changed mechanics: * Certain attributes are now capable of being made negative in the outfitter. For example, shield energy is now allowed to be negative, resulting in shield generation also creating energy. (@Amazinite) * Fines for illegal mission cargo are now added together instead of only the worst being applied. (@Amazinite) * Escorts of a person ship can now have names that do not match the person ship. (@tehhowch) * Fighters and drones can now be deployed and recalled individually. (@petervdmeer) * Missions can now randomly pick uninhabited planets for stopovers, as well as randomly pick uninhabited planets for destinations if explicitly provided in a list of planet names. (@tehhowch) * Hardpoint sprites are now drawn on the player's flagship when cloaked. (@tehhowch) * The player's ship will no longer auto-fire on previously boarded ships. (@petervdmeer) * Improved the AI's usage of afterburners and reverse thrusters. (@Rakete1111) * The visited planets map key now includes uninhabited systems with landable planets. (@Amazinite) * The player is now capable of piloting fighters and drones. (@Amazinite) * The player's cargo space is now ignored in the outfitter when uninstalling outfits. (@Sandwichs-del) * Ships with a low amount of cargo no longer count as repulsive toward pirate raids. (@wjbotham) * Heat can now be used as a resource for shield and hull repairs. (@Amazinite) * Escorts will now follow their parent to landing instead of racing ahead of it. (@petervdmeer) * Pirate deterrence takes relative shield and hull damage into account by scaling relative to the ship with the weapons. (@Terin) * Ships with both the disables and plunders personalities will no longer destroy ships that have been plundered. (@tatami4) * Ships with the plunders personality will now always aim to destroy ships they plundered. (@tatami4) * Greatly increased the lifetime of flotsam by at least 10x and added drag so they slow down over time. (@Amazinite) * Modify missile tracking calculations to improve usefulness of radar jammers and heat reduction. (@Pointedstick) * User interface: * The outfitter help now explains how to buy outfits into cargo. (@Zitchas) * Fast-forward will now be turned off if the player is not in flight, such as when landing or boarding a ship. (@petervdmeer) * The fast-forward interrupt can be turned off in preferences. (@Amazinite) * Added a preference to change the graphics of the player's ship outlines in the shipyard/outfitter. (@Amazinite) * Simply clicking on a player ship in the player info planel or shop panel doesn't create an overlay for the ship's name or sprite/outline. (@tehhowch) * Holding Control when clicking a system on the map now doesn't set a travel plan. (@Terin) * Renaming a ship or save file will now prefill the UI with the existing name instead of starting blank. (@jostephd) * Added a confirmation when overwriting a save snapshot. (@tehhowch) * Information for a selected outfit or ship in the shop panel now appears in a separate details column instead of being drawn under the selected item. (@ThrosturX) * Pressing D at the end of a conversation now ends it. (@Terin) * Disabled ships are now colored orange in the player info panel instead of disabled and destroyed ships both being red. (@Terin) * Added a "Find" button to the map. (@Terin) * The min and max zoom levels on the map can now be customized in the interface file. (@thebigh2014) * The vsync setting can now be changed in the preferences. (@tehhowch) * Text truncating is now used more widely for shortening long text. (@oo13, @tehhowch) * A warning dialog will appear when attempting to change the vsync setting fails. (@tatami4) * The main view, map, hiring, and trading panels are now capable of using the numpad + and - keys for zooming in/out, hiring/firing crew, or buying/selling goods. (@tatami4) * The list of pilot snapshots now resets to the top when switching between pilots. (@Terin) * Clicking on empty space now deselects the player's current ship or asteroid target. (@ChamEV, @tatami4) * Conflicting keybinds are no longer reset when loading the game, allowing for one key to be bound to multiple controls. (@tatami4, @yobbo2020) * Fix a small misalignment of list items in the Pilot & New Pilot pickers. (@oo13) * Under the hood: * Carried ships are now identified by their category instead of a boolean. (@petervdmeer) * The game will now report more errors in conversations, including incorrect indentation. (@NomadicVolcano) * The `--ships` command-line option now outputs the number of guns and turrets on a ship. (@fcfort) * The `--weapons` command-line option now outputs the firing force and hit force of weapons. (@petervdmeer) * The systems that were defined in the Pug file have been moved to the map file. (@Zitchas) * Fixed a memory leak related to recreating the errors.txt log file. (@tehhowch) * A single bind + unbind is used when drawing mission system rings instead of one for each ring. (@tehhowch) * Commands can now be created from datafile text. (@petervdmeer) * Various sections of a save file, including the outfits on a ship and visited systems and planets, are now saved in alphabetical order instead of the save order being random. (@petervdmeer, @tehhowch) * Data files encoded by UTF-8 are now supported. (@flaviojs, @oo13) * Fixed a potential compiler error for older compilers. (@thebigh2014) * Added nullptr checks where they were missing. (@tehhowch) * Updated the copyright file with a "catch-all" line for contributors. (@oo13) * Pre/post-fix operators now function as expected on dates. (@tehhowch) * Added a missing virtual destructor for ItemInfoDisplay. (@tehhowch) * Prevented a race condition scenario when loading audio. (@Rakete1111) * The game will use shaders for swizzling if the player's hardware does not have the swizzle extension. (@janisozaur, @thomasballinger) * References to undefined data are now preserved in the save file, preventing crashes or lost data caused by removing plugins. (@tehhowch) * The game will now warn about having a low monitor frame rate, which causes the game to run at a reduced frame rate. (@tehhowch) * Improved performance of certain repeated effect generation steps. (@tehhowch) * CI/CD and development environment: * Make (test-)executables available (for Linux, MacOS and Windows) for every in-progress PR. (@MCOfficer) * Update CI/CD environment to the latest GitHub actions and Linux runtime environments. (@MCOfficer) * A number of smaller CI/CD updates. (@MCOfficer, @petervdmeer, @tehhowch) * Added CLion IDE files to the gitignore. (@Ririshi) * The Code::Blocks project file now uses default MinGW paths. (@Terin) * Created a unit-testing framework. (@tehhowch) * Converted the Windows makefile build to use Scons, to match linux development. (@tehhowch) * Added an initial framework for integration testing. (@petervdmeer, @tehhowch) Version 0.9.12: * Bug fixes: * Typo fixes. (@Amazinite, @Anarchist2, @Arachi-Lover, @MCOfficer, Mr. Doom, @Naminson, @NomadicVolcano, @petervdmeer, @oo13, @Proont, @tehhowch, @TheMarksman-ES, @waterhouse, @Zitchas) * The Penguin now requires a Remnant license to purchase. (@Zitchas) * Out-of-system ships can no longer be selected in the outfitter and shipyard. (@tehhowch) * Pressing D to depart will no longer also immediately deploy fighters on launch. (@petervdmeer) * Fixed various instances of missing or unnecessary minor tags on missions. (@Amazinite, @Anarchist2) * Governments now have the same attitude toward the " Hai " government as they do the "Hai" government. (@NomadicVolcano) * No longer able to ask the Remnant about the Ka'het before having passed the blood test. (@beccabunny) * Max depreciation age now accounts for the 7-day grace period. (@Amazinite) * The Wanderer outfit license is now granted when you return to Wanderer space instead of while in Hai space. (@Amazinite) * The number of drone and fighter bays is now properly displayed in the ship info when in flight. (@tehhowch) * The pop-up dialog when launching with ships that can not leave the system will now always refer to the correct number of ships. (@tehhowch) * Fixed various cases where the map would improperly display whether a mission's objectives were satisfied. (@tehhowch) * Afterburner and other visual effects are no longer drawn "shifted" by their velocity. (@tehhowch) * Fixed a possible crash on startup caused by unsupported VSync settings. (@tehhowch) * Restored the visual alert for fatal errors that occur during startup. (@tehhowch) * Game content: * New content: * New variant of the mystery deliver jobs that has unique dialog for station destinations. (@Anarchist2) * Remnant ships now have unique leak effects. (@Zitchas) * New missions in Hai space where the player helps a Hai captain who has just bought her first ship. (@Arachi-Lover, @Janaszar) * Added a new person ship. (@Zitchas, @beccabunny) * Added a new, extremely rare and valuable minable asteroid. (@Arachi-Lover, @beccabunny) * There are now more large passenger jobs in human space to balance out with the abundance of large cargo jobs. (@MasterOfGrey) * Added new Remnant outfits, an afterburner and a turret, to be used in future missions. (@Zitchas, @beccabunny) * Added a new Heliarch turret, the Ion Hail Turret. (@Arachi-Lover, @beccabunny) * More Ka'het ship names and hails. (@beccabunny) * Added a new star/planet type, the brown dwarf. (@ravenshining) * Added spaceport news stories for Hai space. (@NomadicVolcano) * Balance: * Slightly increased the hull and ion damage of the Ion Rain Gun. (@Arachi-Lover) * Reduced the outfit space requirement of solar panels to make them more attractive to use. (@Zitchas, @Amazinite) * Reduced the number of gun ports on the Kestrel (More Weapons) from 18 to 12. (@Naminson) * Other: * Kor Mereti will now use Wanderer hails after becoming friendly. (@Amazinite) * The Pug in Pug Iyik are now a separate government from the Pug in Deneb. (@Amazinite) * Hai space is now patrolled by Hai ships with scanners. (@NomadicVolcano) * Added a blue flame to the base of the Fire-Lance projectile sprite to give it a blow-torch effect. (@Amazinite) * Solar panels are now used by various human ships. (@Amazinite) * Tweaked the description of the Ka'het Primary Cooling. (@beccabunny) * Renamed the Carrier and Cruiser licenses to the Navy Carrier and Navy Cruiser licenses. (@Zitchas) * The Pug Arfecta will now defend the Wanderers if the player attacks them. (@Amazinite) * The Hauler VI missions now mention why Southbound Shipyards skipped over the Hauler IV and V. (@Anarchist2) * Game mechanics: * Added a "solar heat" attribute that generates heat based on the type of and distance to the system star(s). (@Amazinite) * Automatic conditions are now updated daily instead of only on landing. (@petervdmeer) * The flagship's system and planet are now automatic condition variables. (@petervdmeer) * Negative shield/hull energy and shield/hull fuel will no longer block the ability to repair. (@Amazinite) * Under the hood: * Organized the game data into subfolders based off of factions and species. (@Amazinite) * Generate downloadable continuous builds upon commit. (@MCOfficer) * Make AppImage releases compatible with systems older than Ubuntu 18.04. (@MCOfficer) * Expanded the credits to acknowledge everyone who has contributed to the game on GitHub. (@Zitchas) * The game's build systems now support placing code files in subdirectories. (@tehhowch) * Various improvements to the GitHub build pipeline. (@MCOfficer, @petervdmeer, @tehhowch) * Release note updates for the Appstream XML file. (@corecontingency) Version 0.9.11: * Big changes: * Added the Graveyard, a region near the Ember Waste, and its inhabitants. (@beccabunny) * Bug fixes: * Typo fixes. (@alextd, @Amazinite, @Anarchist2, @Arachi-Lover, @Darcman99, @Gods-Righthand, @Jozephi-Krakowskije, @Mageking17, @MCOfficer, @oo13, @otsohelos, @perey, @petervdmeer, @tehhowch, @Waffleship, @wjp, @Zitchas) * The Quicksilver (Mark II) variant no longer has the exact same outfits as the base variant. (@Amazinite) * The Shuttle and Behemoth no longer contact the image border. (@beccabunny) * Terraforming 7 will no longer offer on every planet. (@Bladewood) * Explicitly stated the source of various missions so that they don't accidentally offer where they shouldn't. (@Amazinite) * Pact Recon missions no longer offer on pirate planets. (@Amazinite) * The " Drak " government now has the correct swizzle. (@Zitchas) * Added a tooltip for "movement:" that was missing. (@oo13) * Fighters and drones that are able to jump will now correctly follow the player if left behind by the player. (@tehhowch) * The "scram drive" attribute now displays with the same scale as the "jump speed" attribute. (@Amazinite) * The Marauder Firebird's shield/hull ratio now matches the Firebird's. (@Arachi-Lover) * Fixed a missing null check. (@NomadicVolcano) * Fixed a potential divide by zero error in the shipyard/outfitter. (@tehhowch) * Fixed a crash that occurred if a mission's carried ship was picked up by a regular NPC. (@tehhowch) * Missions will now properly indicate on the map if they have been completed. (@NomadicVolcano) * "Mystery Cube" jobs no longer have stations as destinations. (@Anarchist2) * "FW Southern Break" now offers after "FW Southern Prisoners - Released" is done, not after "FW Southern Prisoners - Release". (@Amazinite) * Game content: * New content: * Various new Remnant missions, ships, and outfits. (@Zitchas, @Amazinite, images from @beccabunny) * Various new spaceport missions in human space. (@petervdmeer) * Added new hails to alien governments where they were missing some under certain conditions. (@Amazinite) * Added new Pug and Heliarch hand to hand weapons. (@Brick63) * Added new, larger Coalition shield and hull repair modules used only by the Heliarchs. (@Arachi-Lover, images from @beccabunny) * Tribute can now be demanded from the Remnant. (@Zitchas) * Added a new Wanderer transport ship that has been retroactively added to the Wanderer campaign. (@Brick63) * Added hints to the Free Worlds campaign as to where to go to steal an electron beam, and removed large Navy fleets from Wei as to make it less punishing on average to fly through the system. (@Amazinite) * Improved the graphics for various station images and added new ones so that every station in human space is unique. (@beccabunny) * Added three stations to Coalition space. (@beccabunny) * Added a new person ship. (@LocalGod79) * Added variant Archon images so that not all Archons look the same. (@beccabunny) * New line of mission in Hai space dealing with human pirate raids. (@Amazinite) * Added a new set of friendly civilian hails. (@PaulBlay) * Added a new boarding mission for smaller merchant and Syndicate ships. (@beccabunny) * Added a new cargo mission in Wanderer space that leads the player to starting the storyline instead of requiring the player to randomly stumble upon it. (@Anarchist2) * Missions: * The mission Courier 2 now randomly generates its offer dialog as a showcase of this mechanic. (@Naminson) * Updated the intro missions from James to include new and updated information about game mechanics. (@Amazinite) * Made various minor changes to the Free Worlds campaign, such as the Stack Core and Flamethrower now becoming available to the player regardless of if they helped transport or test them. (@Amazinite) * If the player has a jump drive and a hyperdrive installed when going to the Syndicate for a jump drive, they will no longer give you an extra jump drive. (@Amazinite) * Should the player have their own jump drive during Free Worlds Reconciliation, the Navy will now provide an extra escort for the unused jump drive. (@AlbertNewton) * Removed the Hunted by State missions, as they made playing as a pirate too punishing. (@Amazinite) * The "Remnant: Broken Jump Drive" missions can be done in lieu of the "Remnant: Key Stones" missions in order to obtain a Remnant license. (@Zitchas) * Balance: * Heliarch and Coalition crew now have altered base crew attack and defense stats. (@Tadrix) * Gave the Pelican more engine space to better fit its description of being a fast ship. (@Zitchas) * Increased the fuel capacity, engine capacity, and speed of the Arrow and Star Queen so that they better compete with other transport ships. (@Zitchas) * The Frigate (Mark II) now has atomic engines just like all other Mark II Navy ships. (@Hyugat) * Tweak the stats of the Bastion, Mule, and Osprey to better differentiate the roles that each ship plays and make the Mule less powerful. (@Amazinite) * Other: * Added more variety for hails and pirate ship names. (@Thunderforge) * Increased the variety of ships in pirate fleets. (@ZBok) * Increased the variety of ships sold on pirate worlds. (@Zitchas) * Some Remnant ships now come with a Scram Drive installed instead of a standard Hyperdrive. (@Zitchas) * Improved the descriptions of the Marauder ships. (@MageKing17) * Gave the laser rifle and security station improved graphics. (@Brick63 and @beccabunny respectively) * Efreti outfitters now sell Hyperdrives. (@Arachi-Lover) * Demanding tribute from human worlds occupied by the Pug will now send Pug fleets. (@Zitchas) * Hai-home will no longer accept bribes, and now requires more reputation to land on. (@Amazinite) * Reduced the transparency of the background haze to make it more noticeable. (@Pointedstick) * Hai power generators and cooling now have unique graphics instead of being modified human graphics. (@Brick63) * The Ember Waste wormholes will now be used by the Remnant. (@Zitchas) * Improved the descriptions of Relic and Calda. (@Naminson) * The Hai wormhole will now be used by humans. (@Gods-Righthand) * Oxyrhynchus can now be attacked in Rim Archaeology without consequence. (@Amazinite) * The Ring of Power and Ring of Wisdom graphics have been swapped to reflect the age of the Kimek and Arachi. (@Arachi-Lover) * Renamed the Militia Carrier License to the Militia License and added it to the Dreadnought. (@Arachi-Lover) * Game mechanics: * Created an "enforces" government attribute that dictates in which systems the government will scan other ships. (@tehhowch) * Uninhabited planets will now have a default security rating of 0. (@Amazinite) * Added "maintenance costs" and "operating costs" attributes that allow for an outfit or ship to cost credits daily without needing them to increase crew requirements. (@Amazinite) * Conditions for offering/failing/completing missions now support basic math expressions to allow for more complex condition requirements. (@tehhowch) * The status overlay will now display the disabled threshold of a ship just as the HUD does. (@Amazinite) * Weapons that consume ammunition are now able to consume a variable amount. (@Amazinite) * Flagship crew info can now be accessed as conditions. (@Fzzr) * A government's "display name" can now be customized. (@tehhowch) * Fighters and drones without a ship to carry them will no longer be automatically sold upon departure. (@petervdmeer, @tehhowch) * Improved the calculation of the number of jumps remaining for escorts. (@oo13) * Injured escorts will now stick near the player's flagship in an attempt to survive. (@tehhowch) * Added support for nested phrase interpolation to lay the groundwork for future translations. (@oo13) * Added support for add/remove syntax for News. (@tehhowch) * The player's flagship can be ordered to stop by combining the Shift key and the "BACK" command. (@petervdmeer) * User interface: * Added a new preference that allows the starfield to be toggled. (@Disiuze) * The fast-forward key can now be configured in preferences. (@bjidar-bg) * Conversation panels now require a new key press for each choice or on exit. (@tehhowch) * The total outfit space on a ship will now update with installed outfits expansions. (@Amazinite) * Under the hood: * Fixed formatting errors in the license file. (@Zitchas) * The FW flamethrower missions, being optional, have been moved to the side plots file. (@Bladewood) * Error traces will now provide the line number on which they occurred. (@tehhowch) * Consolidated input-handling into the Engine class. (@petervdmeer) * Allow passing CXX flags from the build environment. (@pkubaj) * Extracted SDL window setup and interaction into a new class to promote single-responsibility. (@AdamKauffman) * The error log file is always closed when the game exits. (@tehhowch) * Added sanity checks to the GitHub contribution pipeline. (@tehhowch, @MCOfficer) * Created an AppImage build pipeline for releases. (@MCOfficer) Version 0.9.10: * Bug fixes: * Typo fixes. (@Amazinite, @Darcman99, @Kryes-Omega, @MCOfficer, @petervdmeer, @realityforge, @RestingImmortal, @SolraBizna, @tehhowch, @warp-core, @Zitchas) * Terraforming 6 will no longer offer on planets that make it impossible to complete before the deadline. (@comnom) * Pug and Free Worlds ships will now properly be hostile toward each other during FWC Pug 3B. (@Amazinite) * The Timer Ship will now properly destroy itself. (@tehhowch) * Corrected the descriptions of the Sidewinder and Meteor missiles to refer to the proper capacity of their launchers. (@Amazinite) * Completing the Plasma Cannon retrieval mission will now properly continue the Remnant storyline. (@Zitchas) * Terraforming 6 will no longer offer on uninhabited planets. (@Amazinite) * Mystery Cube 2 escorts now have the proper governments. (@Amazinite) * The outfitter will no longer load more ammo than can be held when auto-refilling. (@jostephd) * Outfits that don't depreciate will no longer show a depreciated cost in the boarding panel. (@tehhowch) * Ships with zero cargo space will no longer be overloaded with cargo. (@tehhowch) * Various boarding missions will no longer offer on ships without any crew. (@tehhowch) * The "Unwanted Cargo" mission now correctly identifies when you have the translator. (@Amazinite) * Paradise Fortune 1's on visit dialog no longer refers to Diana by name. (@petervdmeer) * Mission NPCs that have no saved system will not crash the game when the player departs a planet. (@tehhowch) * Ship thumbnails are now saved, just like sprites. (@MageKing17) * Hostile Mereti ships during the Wanderer Mind missions will no longer return understandable hails. (@Amazinite) * The "require" mission tag is now evaluated in all actions, not just when the mission is offered. (@MageKing17) * Game content: * Black holes now have a landing message. (@comnom) * Pirate occupation spaceport missions will no longer cause the player to launch if the occupation is in another system. (@ZBok) * Some Deep missions will no longer offer while the player is doing the main storyline. (@Amazinite) * Reduced the speed of the Centipede. (@Amazinite) * Remnant Tech Retrieval missions will no longer be blocked by other missions. (@Zitchas) * EMP torpedoes now require a Remnant license to purchase. (@Zitchas) * Nearly all missions that could possibly trigger an on visit dialog now have one, making it easier to tell why you aren't completing a mission when at the destination. (@Amazinite) * Mystery Retrieval jobs now mention their source and destination in the description. (@Amazinite) * Tactical and asteroid scanners and missile storage outfits can now be found on various NPC ships. (@Amazinite) * The Marauder Splinter's required crew now better matches the normal Splinter's. (@starcollide5) * Added an additional mission on Wanderer middle so that the player is never without a mission when they should be doing something. (@Amazinite) * All obtainable ships now have shipyard thumbnails. (@Amazinite) * Generic jobs will now offer on independent planets, which previously had few if any jobs. (@Amazinite) * Greatly reduced the wait times in the recently added Deep missions. (@Amazinite) * Pirate occupation jobs will no longer have Humanika as a destination. (@AlexBasset) * Created more detailed versions of ships made by Betelgeuse and Southbound Shipyards. (@beccabunny) * Updated Mad Max's government so that capturing his ship no longer angers Author ships. (@LocalGod79) * Quantum Key Stones no longer require a Remnant license to buy as to avoid having the player get stuck in Remnant space with no way out. (@Naminson) * Added an improved graphic for graviton engines. (@beccabunny) * Changed the names and descriptions of various bounty jobs to better highlight the difficulty of the jobs. (@Naminson) * Added an autosave point to Rescue Katya 2, meaning that players can jump to a safe point from before Liberate Kornephoros if they're having issues with the battle in their current ship. (@Amazinite) * Reduced the price of the asteroid scanner to make it easier for new pilots to buy. (@Amazinite) * Game mechanics: * Modified depreciation rates so it occurs three times slower, as was intended for v0.9.6. (@Amazinite) * Added a 7-day grace period to depreciation. (@Amazinite) * NPC ships will no longer randomly carry cargo that modifies bunks or increase outfit space or cargo. (@tehhowch) * Ships will now refuel at more appropriate times when using both a hyperdrive and a jump drive. (@oo13) * The Bank is once again accessible on inhabited planets when you don't have a flagship. (@Amazinite) * Carried ships that belong to missions will only ask fellow ships from the same mission to be their carrier. (@tehhowch) * User interface: * The map will now update system colors when switching between the shipyard and outfitter views. (@ChamEV) * Rings around systems on the map are now drawn behind other UI elements instead of in front of them. (@ChamEV) * The "done" button on the map is now located furthest to the right to match other UI menus. (@ChamEV) * Fixed the hitboxes of various UI buttons to better fit where the buttons are visually. (@ChamEV) * Using arrow keys to navigate will now scroll the active & available mission lists. (@tehhowch) * Under the hood: * The README now links to the Steam store page for the game instead of the community page. (@Luckz) * Style enforcement of the source code. (@petervdmeer) * The variable for turret aiming is now explicitly signed as to avoid some architectures assuming it is unsigned. (@sdennie) * The game's title is no longer translated in the appdata. (@rugk) * Altered the outfit info display to allow for attributes to have unit labels. (@Amazinite) Version 0.9.9: * Big changes: * All ship sprites have been re-rendered with a less "flat" and more dramatic illumination angle. * The shipyard now displays angled 3D images of ships instead of top-down images. * Ships can now be hit by projectiles while cloaked (but still can't be targeted). * The turn rates of most turrets have been reduced, so small fast ships can dodge around them. * Graphics and physics calculations have been optimized significantly. * Added a "news" system in the Spaceport, as an experiment to make it feel more "inhabited." * Added an "asteroid scanner," allowing you to target asteroids and letting turrets track them. * Ramscoop and solar power effectiveness now varies depending on the stars in each system. * Added various new Remnant missions, ships, and outfits. (@Zitchas, with images from @Brick63, @Darcman99, and @beccabunny) * The Bactrian now requires a license to purchase, which can be earned through doing various missions now offered in the Deep. (@Amazinite and @tehhowch, with an image from @Brick63) * Bug fixes: * Crashes and other serious bugs: * Fixed a crash when reordering escorts in the player info panel on Mac OS X. * Fixed a bug that caused ships with nuclear missiles to launch them all at the same time. * Fixed a bug where large projectile velocities would freeze the game. (@tehhowch) * Fixed a crash when pressing "Land" at a specific time while jumping in uninhabited systems. (@tehhowch) * Ship behavior: * Fixed escorts doing nothing if near death. (@flaviojs) * Reverse thrust now works properly while turning. (@Hacklin) * Fixed a situation where carrier escorts in other systems wouldn't pick up their fighters. (@tehhowch) * Ships will now request help if enemies are present as long as all enemies are disabled or untargetable. (@tehhowch) * Avoiding a situation where ships can exit hyperspace with negative velocity. (@tehhowch) * Fixed autofire shooting at cloaked targets. (@tehhowch) * Pirates will no longer plunder passengers. * Fixed special "persons" spawning in systems with no links for them to leave through. * Out-of-system ships no longer bother trying not to overlap each other. (@tehhowch) * Fixed a situation where you couldn't cancel escort orders. (@flaviojs) * Fixed a bug when issuing a "hold position" command while escorts are hyperjumping. * Ships will no longer attempt to scan targets that they are hostile toward. (@tehhowch) * Fixed a bug where carried ships might not be destroyed when their carrier self-destructs. (@tehhowch) * Ships will no longer take off from planets they do not have the required attributes to land on. (@tehhowch) * User interface: * Fixed "ton" vs. "tons" when harvesting materials with a unit size other than 1 ton. (@Rakete1111) * Fixed "invisible" ships (disabled escorts) getting selected in the shop panel. (@tehhowch) * Avoiding a bug if the "recent" saved game cannot be found. (@comnom) * Missions no longer show up as "can be done" if the cargo is elsewhere. (@Hadron1776) * The hail panel now properly reflects if a ship is already coming to assist you. (@flaviojs) * Drag actions are now canceled if interrupted by a pop-up dialog. (@tehhowch) * Fixed map re-centering at different zoom levels. (@dzhu) * The numeric entry dialog now treats non-numeric text as if you clicked "cancel." * Fixed jumpiness in map zooming. (@thomasballinger) * Fixed trailing whitespace and "1 credits" in payment messages. (@tehhowch) * The "fail" noise no longer plays on repeat if you have no way to jump. (@tehhowch) * Other: * Fixed the FW "electron turret" mission not offering on landing. (@tehhowch) * Fixed the last fraction of a crate of commodities not getting jettisoned. (@flaviojs) * Made it impossible to switch landing targets while landing. (@Hadron1776) * Fixed the outfitter scroll changing when you select different ships. (@flaviojs) * Fixed location filters matching planets that have not yet been placed in a system. * Fixed a bug when a weapon hardpoint specified an outfit that wasn't loaded yet. * Fixed the "Syndicate Capture" escorts not assisting you in the battles. * Fixed a situation where a ship could have zero passengers tied to a mission. (@tehhowch) * Cargo from boarding missions now goes into the flagship's cargo hold. * Fixed some cases where reputation changes could disrupt the story line. (@temtemy) * Centered the Pointedstick Vanguard sprite. (@czartrak) * Ships can no longer have negative outfit counts. (@tehhowch) * Fixed some impossible deadlines in new Free Worlds jobs. (@Tadrix) * Fixed some odd merchant fleet spawns. (@Nescio0) * FW Katya 1C now only offers on inhabited planets. (@Amazinite) * The Remembrance Day and war begins missions now only offer on inhabited planets. (@Fzzr) * The turret hardpoint and projectile of the Laser Turret now properly reflect the outfit image. (@Amazinite) * NPC carrier-fighter assignment properly counts available bays. (@oo13) * Unrepresentable condition values generate a warning, rather than result in signed integer overflow. (@tehhowch) * Weapon outfits that do not specify a hardpoint no longer occupy a gun port. (@tehhowch) * The system of a carried ship's parent is now checked for mission NPCs that must be evaded or accompanied. (@comnom) * Minor issues: * Typo fixes. (@abenkovskii, @Alkallid, @Amazinite, @Bladewood, @Fzzr, @jafdy, @Janaszar, @jostephd, @Jugosloven1612, @LordInsane, @MCOfficer, @MessyMix, @Nescio0, @redshalken, @seanfahey, @solardawning, @temtemy, @themightygrunt, @tmbutterworth, @toilethinges, @Turtleroku, @UnciaPrima, @warp-core, @whismerhill) * Fixed missions that give "gifts" not being colored as ready to be completed. (@tehhowch) * Fixed ship placement when traveling through a wormhole that moves a lot in one day. (@tehhowch) * Added a warning for ships with more than 32 hardpoints. (@EndrosG) * Fixed a blank pilot being created if you quit while in the intro conversation. * Disabled help message no longer shown if you're destroyed instead of just disabled. (@thomasballinger) * Fixed case-sensitive bug where music mp3's could not have the extension ".MP3". (@tehhowch) * Game content: * New content: * Doubled the number of unique planet sprites. (@comnom) * Added a bunch of new ship names. (@Pointedstick) * Added some new special "person" ships. * New galaxy background image. (@Aurelite) * New Pleiades background image. (@beccabunny) * Updated some landscape images. * Added new station landscape images. (@sivael, @Pointedstick) * Added a "Deep Security" government that's distinct from the Republic Navy (and has its own hails). * Outfit image for the Tactical Scanner. (@Kryes-Omega) * Added new ships and weapons for a new Wanderer faction. * New sounds for blasters. (@Pointedstick) * New Wanderer hails. (@ph2000bis) * New Korath, Hai, and Remnant hand-to-hand weapons. (@Brick63) * Added dragons in the distance in the landscape image for Skymoot. (@DrBlight) * Added a sound for the Inhibitor Cannon. (@solardawning) * New hails from friendly disabled ships. (@OverYrPaygrade) * New "Korath Fuel Processor" outfit. (@Tadrix) * Outfit sprite for the Scram Drive. (@Brick63) * New "EMP Torpedo" Remnant weapon. * Hostile hails for the Heliarchs. (@temtemy) * New sound effect for the Repeater and for various missiles. (@Pointedstick) * New special landscape image for Deep, with a volcanic island. (@DrBlight) * New hostile militia hails. (@Ferociousfiend) * New pirate jobs to assassinate high value targets. (@czartrak) * Various new missions available in both Hai and human space. (@TheUnfetteredOne, @Amazinite, @Fzzr, @Pointedstick) * Unique explosions to Pug ships. (@Vilhelm16) * New station sprite for Lagrange. (@beccabunny) * Three new Hai ships. (@Brick63) * New jobs that are offered by the Free Worlds during the campaign as another form of income. (@Amazinite) * Images for the Quarg outfits. (@Brick63) * A luxury accommodations outfit and a brig outfit, as well as various jobs that are triggered by having them installed. (@Pointedstick) * More regional flavor jobs for the South, Rim, Dirt Belt, and Frontier. (@Amazinite) * The landscape images of Muspel and Norn now show the other planet in orbit. (@DrBlight) * New jobs to transport released prisoners home. (@Fzzr) * New Hai jobs to bring commodities back from human space. (@Fzzr) * More portraits to be viewed through the new "news" system for increased variety. (@MCOfficer) * More jobs that are offered when a brig is installed. (@Fzzr) * More news entries. (@Fzzr) * New Scanning Module used by Heliarch ships. (@Nescio0, @Brick63) * Unique sounds for the Thrasher and Point Defense Turret. (@Lineth) * Balancing: * Balance and price adjustments on some of the Remnant outfits. * The Surveillance Pod now has tactical scanning capabilities. * Reduced the crew requirements for the Bastion and Splinter. (@Pointedstick) * Buffed the Proton Gun to balance it better versus the other big guns. (@Amazinite) * Added a Proton Turret. (@Pointedstick) * Blasters now have a longer range and speed. * Improved the heat dissipation of the Shuttle and Star Barge, to make dodging missiles easier. * Torpedoes are now less effective at tracking small targets. * Quarg ships now have "hull repair." (@tehhowch) * Javelins now fire faster to make them a bit more deadly. (@Nescio0) * Missiles now do more damage but fire slower and don't track as well. (@Pointedstick, @Amazinite) * Tweaked various ship loadouts and fleet variants to reflect the changes to human missiles. (@Pointedstick, @Amazinite) * Altered the shield/hull balance of the Corvette and Firebird to better fit their intended roles. (@Pointedstick) * Adjusted the stats of the Kestrel to make it more enticing to use and to better reflect when it is unlock. (@Nescio0) * Tweaked the Headhunter and Raven to better differentiate the various human light warships. (@Amazinite) * Increased the velocity of blaster projectiles by roughly 25%. (@Nescio0) * Attacking the Pug Arfectas will now anger the Wanderers. (@tehhowch) * Slightly lowered the heat generation of the Armageddon Core to make it a more viable choice. (@Lineth) * Certain factions now have higher base crew attack and defense stats. (@Tadrix) * Missions: * Added a combat rating check to the "Hunted by the State" pirate missions. (@jjhankins) * Your behavior toward other factions no longer influences the Pug's attitude toward you. * The Republic now becomes hostile as soon as you join the Free Worlds. (@mootootwo) * Unfettered aid jobs can no longer have destinations on occupied Wanderer worlds. (@Amazinite) * Added hails and other improvements for the Syndicate target practice missions. (@Pointedstick) * Blocked some mission "messages" from showing up outside of human space. (@tehhowch) * Added rare defense missions in the Core against Korath raiders. (@czartrak) * Fixed "fw syndicate welcoming" happening too late for players with jump drives. (@tehhowch) * Added log entries for some of the side missions. (@Amazinite) * Drug running missions now fail if you are caught by the authorities. (@Pointedstick) * Added an extra player choice in response to the "Alondo is gay" revelation. (@elgeonmb) * Planets that turn neutral during the main plot campaign will now change to either Republic or Free Worlds worlds during the story. (@Amazinite) * Navy (Oathkeeper) fleets will now have Mark II variant ships when the rest of the Navy does. (@Fzzr) * The science drone can no longer be made hostile. (@tehhowch) * Added extra player choices that are more sympathetic to the Wanderers and Pug during Wanderer missions. (@10010101001) * The FW Epilogue missions are now marked as minor. (@comnom) * Other: * Fixed the plural versions of some ship types. * Expanded the descriptions for the Hai ships. (@Amazinite) * The HUD is now defined in a single "hud" interface, for easy overloading by modders. * Modified the Meteor description to explain how infrared tracking works. (@Pointedstick) * Added more fancy passenger ships in the Paradise systems. (@Pointedstick) * The cloaking device is now unplunderable. (@Bladewood) * Switched some landscape images so that fewer of them are used for multiple planets. (@Amazinite) * All red wormholes now require the quantum keystone attribute to be used. (@Nescio0) * Wasps will now spawn in small Core pirate fleets. (@Nescio0) * Test dummy ships now only aim to disable instead of destroying. (@tehhowch, @Amazinite) * Command centers are now unplunderable. (@AlexBassett) * Added small numbers of hand to hand weapons to various human ships. (@Fzzr) * Ship names are now always preceded by the word "the" in missions and jobs. (@DrBlight) * Lead's description no longer incorrectly claims that it is the heaviest non-radioactive element. (@Janaszar) * Added more content definition warnings & checks, to help modders develop functional content. (@tehhowch) * Content definition checks do not warn for certain objects defined solely by game events. (@comnom) * Changed the human anti-missile turret models to increase their hardpoint image visibility. (@comnom) * Lowered the pitch of the scan sound effect by one octave. (@comnom) * Some regional pirate jobs now increase your reputation with pirates if completed, but decrease your reputation with the regional government (i.e. Republic, Syndicate, or Free Worlds) if failed. (@Amazinite) * Game mechanics: * Ship AI: * AI ships no longer keep trying to plunder if their cargo is full. (@tehhowch) * Escorts with no fuel in uninhabited systems now move to the system center to refuel. (@tehhowch) * Adjusted the logic for when AI ships use their afterburners. (@tehhowch) * Improved the AI for mining ships, including fighters and drones. (@tehhowch) * Improved how escorts decide when to refuel when following their parent ship. (@flaviojs) * Mission NPC fleets now travel together instead of individually following the player. (@tehhowch) * The "follow" order now has a ship keep station rather than swarming around its target. (@tehhowch) * Ships told to hold position now return to that spot if knocked away. (@tehhowch) * The missile boat AI can now use reverse thrusters if it's useful to do so. (@tehhowch) * "Mining" mission NPCs now never stop mining even if the timer runs out. (@tehhowch) * Ships are now smarter about firing projectiles with a blast and trigger radius. (@tehhowch) * Carried ships now forget their target system and ship when boarding the carrier. (@tehhowch) * Fighters now retreat to their mothership when in need of repairs. * Made improvements to the cloaking AI. (@tehhowch) * Adjustments to NPC behavior, especially outside the "invisible fence." (@tehhowch) * The "ship health" calculation now better represents how close a ship is to being disabled. (@tehhowch) * Overheated enemies now have lower priority when choosing targets to attack. (@tehhowch) * Carried ships will now unload any collected cargo into the carrier's cargo bay, but not for the player. (@tehhowch) * Fighters and drones also return to their carrier if they need fuel. (@zwparchman) * Ships will now depart from their previously-specified planet, instead of always departing from the player's planet. (@tehhowch) * Physics and game engine: * A dying ship can now have hull "leak" effects (e.g. flames or venting atmosphere). * Boarding is now suspended if the target to be boarded is knocked away. (@flaviojs) * A ship can now apply a fraction of its full thrust if that's all it has power for. * Tweaked hit force and firing force so its effect is less dependent on ship mass. * Weapon blast strength now depends on the distance from the blast. (@tehhowch) * Fighters can now run their own generators while being carried. * Engine flares or afterburner effects may now be integrated into a ship definition. * Weapon hit force is now "inherited" from submunitions, like all the damage types. * Slight adjustments to the disabled hull percent calculation (now never higher than 45%). * Players may now control the strategy with which fighters and drones are repaired. (@tehhowch) * Fast forward now only applies when the player is in flight. * Ships can now randomly carry outfits like they do commodities. (@tehhowch) * Mission dialog can now be randomized through the use of phrases. (@tehhowch) * Ship and outfit attributes: * Cloaking can now generate heat ("cloaking heat") as well as draining energy and fuel. (@Hadron1776) * Added "tactical scanners" that show more info about the selected target ship. * Added "fuel damage" that reduces (or increases) the target ship's fuel. * Heat can now be used as a weapon resource. (@pscamman) * Fighter and drone bays can now specify a launch effect that is played when the carried ship is launched. (@tehhowch) * Added various fuel related attributes for using or generating fuel. (@Nescio0) * Hardpoint offsets can now have both a y-axis and x-axis offset. (@tehhowch) * New automatic condition variables: * Added a "credits" auto-condition so missions can check the player's bank balance. (@Elyssaen) * Added auto-conditions "cargo attractiveness", "armament deterrence", and "pirate attraction". * Auto-conditions "unpaid mortgages", "unpaid fines", "unpaid salaries", and "credit score". (@tehhowch) * Mission and event functionality: * Game events can now mark a planet or system as visited. (@tehhowch) * Made it possible for the start conditions to give the player starting ships. * Added support for system attributes, which work the same as planet attributes. * New auto-generated planet attributes "spaceport", "shipyard", and "outfitter". * NPC specs can now specify how many copies to make of a single fleet. (@tehhowch) * The NPC "accompany" goal now always implies "save" as well. (@tehhowch) * Events can now "add" or "remove" specific personalities from a fleet. * Mission's Do() will no longer modify condition variables if the action cannot be done. * Location filters can now use "not" to specify things the location must not match. * Location filters can now use "neighbor" to specify what criteria the location's neighboring systems must satisfy. (@tehhowch) * Added a text substitution for "" in missions. (@tehhowch) * Conversation "apply" nodes can now modify your reputations. (@tehhowch) * The "require" mission tag can now specify how many of an outfit to require. (@Elyssaen) * Any mission conversation can now trigger a "launch." (@tehhowch) * "On enter" actions can now specify which system via a filter. (@tehhowch) * New "launching" personality for NPCs that always take off with the player. (@tehhowch) * New ways for a conversation to kill the player or an NPC the player is boarding. (@tehhowch) * Missions will now create "mission: failed" and "mission: declined" conditions upon failing and being declined respectively. (@Fzzr) * Assisting & boarding missions can spawn NPCs in-flight, without requiring the player to land. (@tehhowch) * The starting planet of NPCs can be specified. (@tehhowch) * Other: * In an interface spec, different elements can now be anchored to different screen corners. * In the HUD interface spec, the location of the ammo, escorts, and messages is now customizable. * Special "persons" can now include fleets with multiple ships. * Added support for loading grayscale PNGs. (@dplepage) * Each government can now specify a baseline attack and defense multiplier for crew. (@Hadron1776) * Made it possible for ship variants to add attributes without redefining all of them. (@tehhowch) * Wormhole links are now only drawn in the map if their "description" is not empty. * An asteroid scanner lets you remember the minable types in a system even without harvesting them. * Ship hails now support some text replacements. (@dzhu) * Planetary defenses can now include multiple fleet types. (@tehhowch) * User interface: * Player and fleet info: * Made it possible to reorder selected ships in the fleet info with Ctrl+Shift+Arrow. * The ship cargo list now shows count and total mass for outfits in cargo. * The player info now indicates how attractive your fleet is to pirate raids, and why. (@tehhowch) * Shops: * Added a shortcut key (U) in the outfitter to uninstall an outfit without selling. (@tehhowch) * The outfitter now shows all the licenses that you possess. (@flaviojs) * All licenses now have an outfit image. * In the shops, hovering over "buy" or "sell" now highlights which ships it applies to. * "Flight checks" now show up as warning icons rather than blocking you from leaving the outfitter. * Added a flight check for ships with no hyperdrive. (@jostephd) * Numbers now only show one decimal, to make ship attribute tables easier to read. * Ships without enough fuel to jump will now display a warning in the shipyard. (@Nescio0) * Ships without enough energy capacity to fire their weapons will now display a warning in the shipyard. (@mattsoulanille) * Updated the hull tooltips to reflect the changes to when ships are disabled. (@Nescio0) * Maps: * Ships with no hyperdrive can now plan wormhole-only travel paths. (@tehhowch) * The "compare" boxes in the shipyard and outfitter maps are now side by side. * Rearranged the map detail panel so that even small screens have space to list three ports. * Made space for longer planet and system names in the "orbits" map UI. * Clicking a system in the missions map now cycles through waypoints there, too. (@flaviojs) * In the map, a dot inside a system indicates presence of player escorts. (@tehhowch) * Visited mission waypoints and stopovers are now still displayed on the map. (@tehhowch) * You can now hover a system in the map to view a list of which escorts are there. (@tehhowch) * When the map "recenters" on a new system, the movement is now animated instead of instantaneous. * Heads-up display: * A mission failure message is now shown if mission cargo is plundered. (@tehhowch) * The minimap now shows up as soon as you begin preparing to jump. (@flaviojs) * The landing target HUD now says whether you're able to land or not. (@flaviojs) * Colored "faction markers" are now displayed in the targeting HUD next to the government name. * Ship target "outlines" now show some of the ship's interior, not just the silhouette. * Improved how the outline shader looks when operating on an animated texture. * Messages in the HUD now wrap rather than overflowing. (@tehhowch) * The heat bar now blinks and shows an overlay to indicate overheated status. * The radar now shows the viewport boundaries. (@tehhowch) * Other: * The UI zoom level can now be adjusted in smaller increments. (@tehhowch) * The zoom level updates dynamically and restores after minimization / tabbing. (@CyberShadow) * Scrolling the display zoom in flight is smoother. (@thomasballinger) * The "" substitution is now formatted as a positive number even for fines. (@tehhowch) * Added a preference to rehire extra crew (beyond the minimum) if lost. (@tehhowch, @flaviojs) * Scrolling past the end of a logbook page now wraps around to the top. (@tehhowch) * Escape or Ctrl-W now closes dialogs. (@tehhowch) * Tweaked the star field rendering to reduce "sparkle" when zoomed all the way out. * Added new color settings to the interface file. (@tehhowch) * Added help messages for new players who fly far out from the system center without jumping. * Reduced the volume scale to better match other games. * When formatting numbers, always put a digit to the left of the separator. (@Hacklin) * The player's name is now limited in how long it can be. (@tehhowch) * Moved the contribution information to the top of the credits in order to increase exposure. (@Amazinite) * Under the hood: * Lots of data file cleanup and simplification of redundant items. (@tehhowch) * Data file fixes. (@Amazinite, @jafdy, @luiges90, @Nescio0, @Rob59er, @toilethinges, @warp-core) * Minor code issues. (@abenkovskii, @AMDmi3, @AskePit, @gunqqer, @Hacklin, @Isaacssv552, @tehhowch) * Improved some of the trace messages shown for invalid data. (@tehhowch) * Fixes to the AppStream data file for some Linux distributions. (@Pointedstick) * Made reputation adjustments use substitution in missions now shows payment for that action clause, if any. * Once a "derelict" NPC has been boarded, it can now repair when landing like an ordinary ship. * User interface: * In the radar, the "blink" color for mission targets is now customizable. (@Hadron1776) * Restricted planets are now a different color than hostile planets. (@Hadron1776) * If a plugin overrides the start date, new player messages still work correctly. (@Hadron1776) * Fixed a missing newline in the scan dialog for harvested materials in cargo. (@tehhowch) * In fullscreen mode, the cursor now disappears if you don't move the mouse for 10 seconds. * Sped up the main view zoom animation so it's easier to set it to a specific zoom level. * Made it so you can sell outfits in cargo without switching to the cargo view. * Fixed a case where your flagship could end up included in the escort selection. * In the map, systems with "inhabited" worlds but no spaceports now show up as uninhabited. * Made it possible to click a planet in the map to set it as your landing target. * You can now double-click a snapshot in the Load / Save panel to load it. * Planet labels now always use the government color (instead of being red for hostile planets). * Under the hood: * Refactored the assistance-seeking AI to use less CPU time. (@tehhowch) * Fixed some missing #includes that messed up compilation in Visual Studio. * Fixed some potential issues and dead code found by Clang's static analyzer. Version 0.9.7: * Big changes: * Added a new area, the Ember Waste, populated by a new faction and new space-dwelling creatures. * Replaced "Mass Expansion" with an outfit that reduces your ship's cooling if you install too many. * Turrets now have limited turn rates and can each choose and track targets independently. * Added a "logbook" with brief, automatic summaries of important missions you've completed. * The game now moves at triple speed when caps lock is on (e.g. to speed up traveling long distances). * Pirate "raids" now depend on how well defended your fleet is, not how many freighters you have. * Bug fixes: * Crashes and other serious bugs: * Ships with no collision mask no longer crash the game if a weapon with a blast radius explodes. * If initializing OpenAL fails, the game now launches with no audio instead of crashing. * The game no longer crashes if a system contains an undefined minable object type. * Fixed a crash when viewing ship details in the info panel if no ship is selected. * The game no longer hangs if you auto-refill and have more than the maximum ammo installed already. * Ship masks are now generated correctly even if one whole side of the image is blank. * Fixed a bug in recursive directory listings on Windows (maybe causing sound loading errors). * Ship behavior: * "Harvesting" ships no longer chase flotsam that they can't hold. (@EndrosG) * Fixed a bug where fleet orders would not clear if carried fighters were selected. (@tehhowch) * Hostile NPCs no longer "keep station" with cloaked parent ships they cannot see. (@tehhowch) * Fixed "move to" orders moving multiple ships to the exact same location. (@tehhowch) * Ships that have offered assistance no longer get distracted by mining asteroids. (@tehhowch) * Fixed NPCs getting stuck trying to land somewhere they cannot. (@tehhowch) * Fixed a case where escorts were not pathfinding through wormholes. * Fixed "vindictive" ships getting stuck with a non-targetable target. (@tehhowch) * Auto-aiming and turret tracking no longer works with cloaked targets. * Fighters and drones no longer try to board their parent ship if the parent is disabled. * "Appeasing" ships no longer dump cargo right after being repaired from being disabled. * It's no longer possible to give an escort orders targeting itself (i.e. to move to itself). * The autopilot's travel destination now works even if that destination is a wormhole. * Interface bugs: * Fixed improper scaling of sprites wider than they are tall in the sales maps. (@EndrosG) * Fixed a bug that allowed you to scan cloaked ships. (@tehhowch) * Fixed a bug where the "New Pilot" button didn't work if a pilot was loaded but was dead. * Fixed some cases where an invisible mission could end up selected in the Job Board. * Fixed a bug in calculating the number of bunks free for passengers in the player's fleet. * When entering text, caps lock now applies only to letter keys, not to number keys, etc. * Scanning a ship you own no longer causes a "your ship is being scanned" warning. * It's now possible to install an outfit from cargo even if it requires a license you don't have. * Fixed scrolling of the fleet list when "looping around" to the first or last ship. * Fixed "1 ton" vs. "2 tons" pluralizing incorrectly in the trading panel. * Other: * Fixed a bug where capturing ships was not affecting your reputation. (@Elyssaen) * Fixed missiles with homing level 4 "running away" from targets that are faster than they are. * Fixed defense fleets sometimes not coming from the planet they are defending. * Fixed commodities with a quantity of 0 showing up in the plunder list (if a ship dumped cargo). * Fixed an event that didn't fully succeed in making Varu K'prai show up as "uninhabited." * Typos fixes: * (@alkallid, @Amazinite, @awfulworldkid, @Bladewood, @davidarcher, @dufferzafar, @EndrosG) * (@Hadron1776, @jafdy, @jostephd, @KiLEdEnNis, @MessyMix, @PhaedrusES, @Pointedstick, @Proont) * (@Rhendox, @SolraBizna, @strollcata, @Tadrix, @tehhowch, @toilethinges, @YellowApple) * Game content: * Wanderers story line: * The Wanderer and Hai jobs are now different from human jobs. (@Amazinite) * Added a hint for the Wanderers mission to hunt down the Kor Sestor fleet. (@MessyMix) * Wanderer outfits now require a license instead of the outfitters starting out hidden. (@Disiuze) * Made the Wanderer events more concise using the new add / remove keywords. (@tehhowch) * Free Worlds story line: * The Free Worlds commitment mission now stays active until you commit to a side. (@jafdy) * Free Worlds intro missions are now offered more often the more you've helped them. (@jafdy) * The Syndicate now always becomes hostile in the mission where you capture an executive. * Ships and outfits: * Adjusted the mass of the Hai tracker so it adds up correctly to the total outfit space. * Bunk rooms are now sold in Wanderer and Hai space. * Local maps are now sold in Coalition space. (@EndrosG) * Made sure that all ship variants now have the same chassis cost as their base models. * Increased the cargo space of the Deep River. * Fixed a Bactrian variant that had negative outfit space. * Star systems and planets: * Pirate planets now offer jobs to players who are friendly with pirates. (@Amazinite, @Kryes-Omega) * Added "station" and "moon" attributes to various planets. (@EndrosG) * Changed some overused landscape images to previously unused ones. (@Amazinite) * The Kor Sestor worlds will now let you land once they are gone (but, they no longer have spaceports). * It's now impossible to bribe Heliarch ringworlds (so you can't land there prior to first contact). * Security checks are now disabled when on human worlds that are under Pug control. * Added some "old" star variants, for main sequence stars near the end of their lives. * Fixed some Deep planets using a defense fleet that included unarmed Flivvers. * Added map labels that appear when you explore Korath, Wanderer, Hai, and Coalition space. * Other: * Names for illegal commodities. (@Bladewood, @Wrzlprnft, @Disiuze, @Pointedstick, @kaylara, @comnom) * New hail messages. (@ph2000bis, @BlackVegetable) * Clearer instructions on placing the thruster on the asteroid in the terraforming missions. (@Tadrix) * Added some new landscape images. (@jafdy, @IridiumOre, @spfldsatellite) * Added a bunch of new hails from the Wanderers. (@Elyssaen) * Various fixes to the time scales in the histories of different alien species. * It's no longer possible to get pirates to be friendly except by attacking merchants. * Game mechanics: * AI: * Improved the AI's ability to dock with a moving target. (@EndrosG) * Made it possible for one ship to refuel another by transferring a fraction of a jump. (@EndrosG) * When jumping, the AI now takes total turn time into account when using reverse thrusters. (@tboby) * Carried ships can now take part in mining. (@tehhowch) * "Nemesis" ships may now target non-player ships if they have the "escort" personality. * Added a "target" personality to make certain mission NPCs flash on the radar to highlight them. * Added a "marked" personality for ships that only fight the player and that no one else attacks. * Added a "mute" personality for ships that never respond to hails. * Added a personality and preference for whether turrets focus fire or all track different targets. * AI ships will now take off and land from uninhabited planets if given no other choice. * Fleet "move to" commands can now refer to a different system from the current one. (@tehhowch) * Ships with "move to" orders will no longer follow you if you leave the system. * Ships no longer exit hyperspace headed at a wormhole unless it's one NPCs can travel through. * Surveillance ships now hold position instead of drifting if they have nothing to do. * Ship and outfit attributes: * Hai regenerators work with solar panels and don't block generators from being removed. (@Elyssaen) * Fixed projectiles' actual steady state speeds not matching the calculated speed. (@Elyssaen) * Made it possible for ships to specify custom "swizzle" colors. (@Elyssaen) * Added support for "safe" blast weapons and "phasing" weapons that aren't blocked by asteroids. * Added ship attributes for resistance to ion, disruption, or slowing effects. * Weapon reload timers now reset whenever a day passes in-game (i.e. your jump or take off). * A hyperdrive or jump drive can now specify how much fuel it consumes. * Outfits can now require a license in order to buy them. * Ship movement and mechanics: * Flotsam created when a ship explodes now includes any ammunition it was carrying. (@tehhowch) * Improved the efficiency of packing outfits into cargo holds. (@tehhowch) * Turrets can now have sprites that are drawn on top of the ship to show where the turret is facing. * Ships forced to decloak by running out of fuel must now fully decloak before cloaking again. * Fighters and drones are no longer capable of repairing other ships. * A ship's animation now pauses if it is disabled or destroyed. * If a carrier is captured before launching its fighters, those fighters are now captured, too. * If a ship is captured, its escorts now become independent. * Missions and events: * Events that change a system's music now change it before the music starts playing. (@Elyssaen) * Missions now fail if they become impossible to complete. (@Elyssaen) * Events can now remove specific variants from a fleet definition. (@tehhowch) * Made it possible to add or remove single items from fleets, sales, etc. without clearing the rest. * The "on visit" mission messages no longer get shown when you first load the game. * Made it possible to specify a fleet's government in an NPC definition instead of the fleet itself. * Other: * You can now customize a government's hostile and friendly disabled hail. (@EndrosG, @Elyssaen) * Fixed some places where large numbers of credits weren't pretty-printed. (@TurkeyMcMac) * The messages shown when trying to hail a wormhole are now customizable. (@tehhowch) * Outfits in a ship's cargo now show up in the list if you scan that ship's cargo. (@Elyssaen) * Outfits a ship has in cargo now show up in the plunder list if you board them. * Added support for planets that only show up as landable if your flagship has certain attributes. * "Raids" on poorly defended players now happen only if the specified raid fleet is hostile. * Gatling gun bullets are no longer susceptible to anti-missiles. * The minimum mortgage payment is now 1 credit per day. * Unpaid crew salaries now count against your net worth. * Travel distance calculations now take total fuel into account (scram drive vs. hyperdrive). * Tweaked the rate at which ships enter a system from hostile vs. friendly neighboring systems. * Zero-mass outfits can now always be bought into cargo even if you have negative space free. * User interface: * Main view: * Fighters held "under" a ship are now drawn underneath the ship's engine flares. (@EndrosG) * Added an indicator showing the progress of outfit and cargo scans. * Changed the message for a completed scan to make it clearer that the scan may not have succeeded. * Autopilot actions are now cleared if they become impossible to perform. * Added a wider variety of random messages for if you try to hail a wormhole. * Escorts holding position to be refueled or pick up fighters now takes priority over fleet orders. * The escort group bindings and zoom keys now only work if not bound to any command. * Heads up display: * Added a preference to show the flagship's rotation in the status display. (@EndrosG) * Ship names are now truncated if they won't fit in the space the UI has available. (@tehhowch) * The data files can now specify the colors used for status overlays and escort attributes. (@tehhowch) * In the escort display, hostile ships (added so you can track them) now show up in red. (@tehhowch) * Plugins can now customize the flagship highlight color and the escort icon colors. * If the flagship highlight is drawn, it is now animated to match the ship sprite. * The flagship highlight is now disabled if the flagship is destroyed. * If a ship is animated, its outline in the target display is now animated as well. * Planet panels: * In the outfitter, you can now toggle whether outfits for sale and outfits in cargo are displayed. * If buying multiple ships, you can now leave the name blank to give a random name to each. * In the shop panels, the 'i' key is now only a "buy" shortcut if installing an outfit from cargo. * Made the "max heat" tooltip explain what it represents a bit more clearly. * The bank now displays whatever you owe in unpaid crew salaries. * Player info panel: * The fleet list now always scrolls by one page on page up / down despite the scroll speed preference. * In the fleet list you can now view a ship's info by pressing return, instead of by clicking it. * It's now possible to reorder groups of ships all at once in the fleet listing. * The hotkeys for setting and selecting groups of ships now work in shops and the info panel. * Current crew complement for under-crewed ships is now displayed correctly in the fleet list. * Added a help message for how to set your flagship, shown the first time you have multiple ships. * Fixed a bug that had made it possible to change a ship's weapon hardpoints while in flight. * The names of the combat rating levels can now be customized via a data file. * The outfit list in the ship info panel can now spill over into three columns if necessary. * Main menu: * Added a warning if you can't zoom the interface in because the window is too small. (@Pointedstick) * In the Load / Save panel, snapshots are now sorted by the file's timestamp instead of by name. * Disabled the shortcuts for deleting snapshots or pilots to make that harder to do by mistake. * When deleting snapshots, focus stays in the snapshot list instead of moving to the player list. * Other: * Paths for multi-stop wormholes are now shown only if you have visited both endpoint systems. * Fixed the squashed and unsymmetrical shape of the "+" sign in the 14-point font. * When scanning a ship's cargo, harvested materials are now formatted like plain commodities. * A ship model can now specify the "noun" used for it (e.g. "creature" instead of "ship"). * Under the hood: * Condition expressions now support "random" on either side of the expression. (@EndrosG) * Reordering some hardpoint definitions for consistency. (@warp-core) * Simplified events that change fleet definitions, using the new "remove" keyword. (@jafdy, @tehhowch) * Fixed submunitions getting included in the --weapons output. (@comnom) * Added startup warnings for undefined systems, outfits, governments, etc. * Data parsing errors now include the name of the data file, to make debugging easier. * Switching from planet.GetSystem() to planet.IsInSystem() where possible, to support wormholes. * Reordered the Personality class to group the personalities by type. * Added an IsNumber(index) function to DataNode to check whether a given token is numeric. * Split InfoPanel into two separate classes for player info and ship info, and cleaned it up. * Made it so none of the code makes assumptions about how much fuel various jump modes take. * Switched from vectors to sets in a few places to simplify adding and erasing members. * Switched from constant arrays to constant vectors in a few places to avoid the need for sizeof(). * Cleaned up the map file formatting to match the output of the latest map editor version. * Rearranged the entries in the saved games into a more logical order. * Added a helper function for splitting a string by newlines or other delimiters. Version 0.9.6: * Bug fixes: * Coalition jobs will now "repeat" instead of only being offered once. (@mootootwo) * Typo fixes. (@Alkallid, @Bladewood, @KiLEdEnNis, @MessyMix, @Pointedstick, @SolraBizna, @warp-core) * Fixed a bug that caused wildly inaccurate depreciation values on some computers. * Fixed a crash due to responding to mouse clicks when the player's flagship is dead. * Fixed a bug where "surveillance" ships never succeed in scanning. * Saved games on planets that were created by events now load correctly. * Fixed incorrect accelerator hints being displayed in the info panel. * Hopefully fixed the bug of the "last" sound not loading properly on some Windows systems. * "Entering" ships no longer forget their destination if the game is reloaded. * Clicking and dragging now only selects ships if no other panel was open when clicking. * Fixed a bug that kept the "Sad Archie" mission from working in 0.9.5. * Fixed depreciation not being applied to auto-sold fighters and outfits. * Made it so you can't hail wormholes, even if they're marked as "inhabited." * If you're in an uninhabited system, fixed how commodity prices in other systems show up in the map. * Made it so the first TMBR mission doesn't get offered on pirate worlds. * Fixed derelict ships that had been captured reappearing. * Fixed the NPC message showing multiple times if you capture a ship you needed to "evade." * The selected planet is now cleared in the map if you change your destination via the jump key. * Fixed shipyard and outfitter maps showing what's available in unexplored systems. * Game content: * Updated the scanner descriptions to describe the benefit of multiple scanners. (@Pointedstick) * Drug running missions now only get offered in human space. (@jafdy) * Added hail messages for friendly pirates. (@Amazinite) * The Coalition intro mission no longer assumes you have already met the Hai. (@toilethinges) * New landscape images. (@jafdy, @striker, * Added messages when you succeed in destroying each "scattered remnant" Korath fleet. (@Amazinite) * Made the "Defend Spera Anatrusk" battle a little bit easier. * Added images for all the Coalition outfits and unique sounds for all their weapons. * Korath exile worlds no longer fine you for illegal cargo. * The TMBR missions can no longer interrupt missions from the main story line. * The first part of the Syndicate Capture mission now requires your escorts to accompany you. * Fixed an incorrectly set "habitable" zone in the Dokdobaru system. * Switched back to the full-resolution icon on Mac OS X (rather than the "window icon"). * Added "autosave" tags to key missions in the Wanderer story line. * Reduced the Unfettered jump drive payoff to be more in line with the drive's depreciated value. * Game mechanics: * Made depreciation happen about three times slower. * Eliminated death benefits, since depreciation does a better job of balancing capture and plunder. * Drag now applies to the acceleration from firing weapons and being hit by them. * Escorts now ignore orders (except "hold position") if you're jumping or in another system. * You can now select a planet in the map to have the autopilot land there when it reaches that system. * You can now hail dominated planets to release them from paying tribute to you. * Auto-aiming now takes "random velocity" into account, making the Bombardment Turret more accurate. * User interface: * Added a preference to highlight your flagship to make it easier to distinguish from other ships. * When naming a new ship, added a button to have the game propose a random civilian name. * The zooming of the main view now pauses whenever it is not active. * In the main menu, the "New Pilot" shortcut now only works if no pilot is loaded. * Escort target brackets no longer show up for escorts that have not taken off yet. * Reduced the number of scanning warnings that display at the same time. * Added messages that tell you if someone succeeds in scanning your cargo or outfits. * The "fail" noise no longer plays over and over if you hold the jump key while out of fuel. * Ships exiting wormholes no longer make the "exiting hyperspace" noise. * Under the hood: * The help messages for new players are now configurable via a text file. Version 0.9.5: * Bug fixes: * Typo fixes. (@Amazinite, @Bladewood, @doches, @Elyssaen, @jafdy, @gecko-locator) * More typo fixes. (@KiLEdEnNis, @MillerNerd, @Pointedstick, @retrue, @warp-core, @Wrzlprnft) * Fixed the hardpoint locations on the Vanguard. (@jafdy) * Republic and Syndicate ships no longer attack each other in the "reconciliation" plot. (@jafdy) * Fixed a mistake in the scanner warning message for the new scanner mechanics. (@Elyssaen) * Automatic variables are now updated before checking if a mission can complete. (@Elyssaen) * On high DPI displays, the viewport no longer shrinks to half size when resizing the window. * Fixed a bug where ships with fuel but no hyperdrive could attempt to "board" themselves. * Ships will no longer try to land on a wormhole to refuel. * It's no longer possible to bring up the map and change your jump destination while jumping. * Fixed a memory leak in the "fog" images in the map panel. * Clicking "Back to Menu" in the preferences now works even if editing a key binding. * The flight check in the outfitter no longer includes disabled ships. * Wormholes are no longer listed as "ports" you can visit in the map. * You can no longer hail a ship that is in the process of landing or has landed. * Fixed a bug where the escort AI stopped pathfinding after stopping to refuel. * Fixed typos in the Electron Beam / Turret missions that made both missions get offered. * "Not enough passenger space" is no longer displayed if required crew is greater than bunks. * "Phantom" systems are no longer left in saved games from previously used plugins. * Game content: * Added sprites for all the Pug outfits. (@comnom) * Escort missions now always go to or from a dangerous region of space. (@Pointedstick) * Added "regional flavor" jobs in certain parts of human space. (@Pointedstick) * New outfits that increase ammo capacity. (@Amazinite) * Added a ton of new hail messages. (@Pointedstick) * Added distinctive hails for the militia ships, separate from the Free Worlds. (@Amazinite) * New commodity names for cargo missions. (@Pointedstick) * More ship names, particularly for civilians and pirates. (@Pointedstick) * New civilian hails involving different made-up song and band names. (@Pointedstick) * New "person" representing @Pointedstick in-game. (@Pointedstick, @Wrzlprnft) * In Hai space, human fleets now sometimes use Hai technology. (@Amazinite) * Rebalanced the cost and attributes of the Hai engines. (@Amazinite) * Changed the outfits on the Marauder Fury. (@LocalGod79) * Tweaked the Marauder engine flares using the new ability to specify flare scale. (@Wrzlprnft) * Skeins are now included in the post-Dreadnought Free Worlds fleets. (@LocalGod79) * Tweaked the Firebird's description of when the Alpha Wars happened. (@warp-core) * Fixed a missing passenger (Freya) in one of the last Free Worlds missions. (@jafdy) * New faction south of human space, the Coalition, with 16 new ships and about 70 star systems. * Added first contact missions and distinctive, large-scale jobs for Coalition space. * Added the next segment of the Wanderer story line, dealing with the Korath automata. * Added a "Model 8" Kor Mereti drone for mining asteroids. * Added occasional mining fleets in human systems with high-value asteroids. * Boosted the price of the Pulse Cannon and Pulse Turret. * Made sure you have permission to land on Farpoint in the reconciliation plot line. * The Unfettered jump drive missions now stop getting offered once they invade Wanderer space. * Fixed the Earth's description of how its population compares to other human worlds. * Replaced some ugly landscapes with some prettier ones from * Replaced some ring planet sprites that I wasn't happy with. * The one planet you can land on in Korath exile space is no longer treated as inhabited. * The Conservatory side missions will no longer be offered after the Bloodsea missions. * The Syndicate reinforcements against the Pug now show up as Syndicate ships, not Escorts. * Cleaned up the text of the Smuggler's Den mission. * Pirates in the North now occasionally use Bactrians. * Shortened the weirdly elongated cockpit on the Shuttle. * Fixed some hardpoints on the Argosy that did not match the sprite. * Added a sprite for a red giant star. * Re-rendered the Jump Drive outfit sprite in orthographic perspective, to match all the others. * Quarg ships now have ramscoops built in so they don't get stranded. * Added an ambient sound for human space stations, just to test the MP3 streaming. * Fixed the order of the gun hardpoints on the Mark II Cruiser. * Updated the outfits on the "alien weapons" Osprey variant. * Removed the lists of special outfits and alien ships; they're now in the all-content plugin. * The mission on Hope now correctly states the crew complement of a Gunboat. * Added five new landscapes using NASA pictures from Mars. * Attacking "Navy Intelligence" ships now angers the Republic. * The Syndicate can no longer be bribed during the FW story when you are fighting them. * Replaced some over-used landscapes with under-used ones. * Game mechanics: * Ammo is now auto-sold when selling the new ammo capacity outfits. (@kozbot) * Ships and outfits now depreciate over time. When selling, you always sell the least depreciated. * Harvested minerals (anything with installable < 0) do not depreciate. * Added a "mining" personality that attacks asteroids, and "harvests" that picks up flotsam. * Added an "appeasing" personality that dumps cargo to get pirates to leave the ship alone. * Scanning a ship now takes time; you must hold down the scan key. * Adding multiple scanners makes scanning take less time and increases its range. * Added support for streaming MP3s from the disk for ambient sounds or music. * Each planet and system can now specify the "music" to play when you are there. * Added a new, much more efficient collision detection algorithm, to speed up big battles. * The game now ensures that all "landing" missions are offered, even if one causes a "launch." * Added an "active cooling" attribute for a cooling system that ramps up as heat level increases. * It's now possible to specify the plural form of an outfit or ship name, for irregular plurals. * NPC crews now replenish each time you leave a planet, so you can't wear them down by attrition. * "Entering" fleets with no jump capabilities no longer spawn in neighboring systems. * You can no longer repeatedly buy and sell a ship to make all its outfits appear "in stock." * Made it possible to limit what commodity types a fleet may carry (e.g. the Korath drones). * Added an "atrocity" outfit attribute that makes owning it an atrocity. * An "attitude toward" another government of less than .05 means no reputation changes carry over. * Combat ratings now go up to level 21. * Each star system can now specify what "haze" image it uses. * The target-picking AI now prioritizes armed ships over unarmed ones. * Automatic mission clearance now applies to stopovers as well as the destination. * The "random" condition now changes every time it's checked, so you can use it in conversations. * Events can now mark individual planets as "unvisited" without affecting the whole system. * Fixed the flicker when taking off from a planet. * User interface: * Modified the alarm sound to have less background buzz. (@DingusShingleton) * The conversation panel now allows you to use the numeric keypad. (@kozbot) * Solar collection is now displayed per second, not per frame, in the outfitter. (@Elyssaen) * Added an icon for the Windows binary. (@CH-de) * Made it possible to zoom the main view in or out (between 25% and 200%) independent of the UI. * Click on escorts (or escort icons) to select them (or shift-click to select multiple). * Fleet commands are now issued only to selected escorts (if any). * Number keys can be assigned as hotkeys to particular groups of escorts (control + key). * You can right click a target or location to issue move or attack commands to your escorts. * Split the preferences panel into separate pages for keys, settings, and plugins. * If a plugin has an icon or an about.txt, those are now shown in the plugins list. * Zoom preferences can now be adjusted with the scroll wheel instead of clicking to cycle. * Overheated targets now blink gray to show that they're only half disabled. * Switched to a less cartoony icon, particularly for use by the Mac OS X application. * The game now sets the "window icon" to show in the corner of the window and in the switcher. * Put a limit on how many messages will display at the bottom of the screen. * Added a message telling you when autopilot is engaged or disengaged. * Added expand / collapse arrows to the shipyard and outfitter category names. * The shipyard and outfitter maps can now be filtered to only show the selected system's items. * Shift + clicking a category name in the shops now expands or collapses all categories. * Collapsed categories are now remembered rather than resetting to expanded every time. * The zoom level is now remembered when you close the map. * Tripled the scroll speed in the shipyard and outfitter (and added a setting to adjust speed). * Double clicking is now distinguished from two clicks with a long time in between them. * Added a key binding to toggle your escorts' ammo usage (off, on, or frugal) on the fly. * It's now possible to resize the window to odd dimensions. * Widened the planetary orbits map widget to make space for longer planet and system names. * The trade panel is no longer accessible if a system does not define any commodity prices. * If a system has no price for a specific commodity, it displays as "----" in the trade panel. * Fixed some UI graphics that were blurry due to lines being off by half a pixel. * Fixed numbers very close to 1B getting displayed as 1000.00M. * The "fog" in the map now updates each time you open the map panel. * Updated the "cost" and "sells for" tooltips to include a description of depreciation. * Added a warning message explaining that you can't board a ship while cloaked. * Non-installable outfits now show "This is not an installable item" in the outfit info. * Under the hood: * Added RPM package names to the developer read-me. (@Pointedstick) * Fixed a typo in the RPM package list. (@TJesionowski) * Allow additional CPPPATHs to be specified in an environment variable. (@Barthalion) * Updating the XCode file to include the new classes added in 0.9.5. (@Isaacssv552) * Added Thumbs.db to the .gitignore file. (@Amazinite) * Stranded escorts now remember where they're going so they don't waste a ton of CPU pathfinding. * Added more image decoding threads to speed up the game's load time. * Beginner help messages are now defined in a text file instead of in the code. * Fixed some places where having an escort with no sprite could crash the game. * New, cleaner code for tracking clickable zones (buttons, etc.) in the UI. * Stripped the non-standard color profiles from some of the PNG files. * Changed how game data is reloaded, so governments left over from plugins won't stick around. * The "--ships" spreadsheet output now shows total space, not remaining space. * Moved the Marauder ships to a separate data file. * Fixed some variables that didn't need to be marked "mutable" now that Draw() is not const. * The star field "haze" will now display correctly even with very large monitors. * Cleaned up and simplified the Audio code. * Fixed some data file lines that were using spaces instead of tabs. * Cleaned up some unnecessary namespace prefixes. * Replaced some asserts with reasonable fall-back behavior that avoids quitting the program. * Fixed some things that Google's cpplint warns about, mostly making constructors explicit. * Cleaned up the AI code by storing a reference to the ship list instead of passing it around. * Simplified the code for deferred landscape image loading. Version 0.9.4: * Bug fixes: * Unfettered jump drive mission no longer get offered on Vara Ke'sok. (@Amazinite) * Typo fixes. (@Waladil, @Pointedstick, @oo13) * Fixed a crash that could occur when disowning a ship. * Changed how window resizing is handled to fix a hang in Windows when maximizing. * The saved game now remembers which missions are "failed," so reloading won't cancel fails. * Fixed various bugs with how orphaned fighters get assigned to carriers. * Game content: * More variety in the ship names. (@Pointedstick) * Fixed an issue where both the Electron Turret and the Electron Beam mission could be completed. * Raised the prices of the Behemoth and the Mule. * Hai Trackers now use optical and infrared tracking, so small ships can dodge them. * Fixed how the sound for the Pug Zapper is played. * Reduced the probability on all but the highest tier Marauder jobs the player qualifies for. * Tweaked the probabilities for the "There Might Be Riots" missions. * Game mechanics: * Missions can now fail if you are scanned, by specifying "stealth" cargo. (@Pointedstick) * Systems created by game events are now linked properly to the rest of the map. * A "nemesis" ship will now seek other targets if no player ships are available to attack. * Wanderer ships will now travel through the Eye. * Engine hardpoints now have adjustable zoom factors for bigger or smaller flares. * Hostile fleets are now more likely to enter a system from the direction of a system they control. * Put a cap on how much mortgage debt the player can take on, to avoid absurdly large mortgages. * User interface: * Ships with lots of outfits or more than 12 weapons now display properly in the info panel. * Snapshot names displayed in the load panel are now truncated if they are too long. * Added custom messages when you try to land on certain unusual stellar objects (like lava planets). * Under the hood: * Added support in the Font class for truncating strings (and adding ellipses). * Interface definitions can now include named "boxes" for custom content to be drawn in. * Cleaned up the code for rendering the Info Panel UI. Version 0.9.3: * Bug fixes: * Fixed a bug that kept you from completely clearing your travel plan. (@MarcelineVQ) * Fixed a possible crash in auto-refill of ammo. (@MarcelineVQ) * Fixed planet sub-panel overlays remaining up when you depart. (@MarcelineVQ) * You can no longer hire crew if you have negative bunks space. (@MarcelineVQ) * Game no longer crashes if unable to create the config directory. (@lheckemann) * Stranded fighters in other systems no longer get sold when you take off. (@MarcelineVQ) * Typo fixes. (@lheckemann, @KiLEdEnNis, @davidwhitman, @kitsunemochi, @toilethinges) * More typo fixes. (@jafdy, @MessyMix, @Pointedstick) * Fixed an integer overflow in fleet costs calculated in the boarding panel. (@MarcelineVQ) * Invisible ships (i.e. ships with no sprite) are no longer "targetable." (@MarcelineVQ) * Various fixes to the UI, handling of fighters, and hails sent to dead ships. (@MarcelineVQ) * Fixed fighters not being assigned the right swizzle. (@MarcelineVQ) * Fixed tooltips showing up when hovering over the shop panel buttons. * Fixed several glitches when multiple UI shortcut keys are pressed simultaneously. * Fixed a bug where the window dimensions could end up odd. * Orphaned enemy NPC drones no longer try to dock with you. * Fixed a bug where fighters were counted as destroyed when they returned to their mothership. * Hopefully fixed the intermittent bug where landscape images do not load. * Fixed a bug where an escort "lands" on its parent's target planet even if it's in another system. * Fixed a crash when a "fail" command removed the next mission in the player's active mission list. * Fixed a bug where the tutorial is not shown if you visit the bank before buying your first ship. * Fixed a bug in the station-keeping AI that made some ships drift far away. * Fixed a glitch in the cycling of jump destinations in the map details panel. * The AI code for complete stops is no longer inappropriately applied during hyperspace jumps. * The slicer gun no longer requires crew. * Cloaked ships no longer broadcast hail messages. * Game content: * Hai carrier, gatling, and rail guns. (@Amazinite, @LocalGod79, @mdsmestad, @Sinsling, @Wrzlprnft) * The Syndicate extremists are now always hostile in the mission against them. (@Amazinite) * Fixed incorrect turret coordinates in the Kestrel. (@Amazinite) * Changed "miles" to "kilometers" in a few places. (@davidwhitman) * Many new hails and ship names, for added flavor. (@Pointedstick) * New (slightly louder) explosion sounds. (@Pointedstick) * Grammar and phrasing improvements to some ship and outfit descriptions. (@Pointedstick) * A pirate world can no longer be the destination of the Hope mission. (@jafdy) * Added twelve different kinds of minable asteroids, and put some in each system. * Added new Wanderer missions, up until the point where the Eye opens. * Any outfit can now define a "flotsam sprite" to use if it is dumped into space. * Fixed a long-standing bug where the largest asteroids were not being drawn. * Fixed the energy use and heat output on the smallest Korath steering. * Added three new Wanderer warships, two new reactors, and a heat sink. * Added outfit images to use for various mined materials. * Killing Navy ships no longer makes you a friend of the Alphas. * Lesath now properly reverts to the Free Worlds in the "checkmate" story branch. * Added commodity prices for all systems in Korath space. * Flycatchers now count as drones, so other ships can carry them. * Warn the player if they can't complete the Alexandria mission due to being bankrupt. * The "Navy Intelligence" government is now an enemy of pirates. * Fixed a Free Worlds side mission that should have included passengers but did not. * Added a mission that is only offered on April Fool's Day. * Adjusted the Argosy and Raven prices to better reflect their relative usefulness. * The Unfettered will now attack human merchants. * For the Free Worlds mission, you can now steal an Electron Turret instead of a Beam. * Fixed some Core systems that were using southern pirate fleets. * Added "reserved" space in the Pookie mission so it can't silently fail to continue. * Fixed the Navy and Pirate fleets appearing in Nocte and Orvala after the Pug invasion. * Korath automata now have outfits representing their control systems. * Wanderer shield generators are now 25% more powerful. * Fixed a planet description that referred to "dreadnoughts." * Stock jobs are no longer offered to or from Quarg planets. * Tweaked the appearance of Pug gridfire slightly (added a bit of yellow to it). * Made Korath Repeaters a bit better, and Korath Heat Shunts 10% less effective. * Fixed misplaced engine hardpoints on the Pug Maboro. * Game mechanics: * Cargo transfer now handles fractional mass correctly. (@MarcelineVQ) * Let flotsam have non-integral mass and let half-full flotsam boxes be launched. (@MarcelineVQ) * Mission payments now take distance to all waypoints and stopovers into account. * Added warning messages if unable to create or delete saved game files. * Projectiles can no longer hit a ship that is not yet done taking off. * Cloaking and uncloaking no longer pause while jumping or landing. * Mortgages no longer carry over when reloading an "account" definition. * The phrase system now lets you include a random phrase, in addition to random words. * Fighter bays can now have both a facing direction and "over" or "under." * Fighters now take their share of the mothership's heat with them when they launch. * Jettisoning cargo now also dumps the heat associated with the cargo's mass. * Made it possible for animations to have a frame rate of 0. * Wormholes no longer count when checking if all planets in a system have been visited. * Adjusted the random aim "confusion" to look more natural and not get stuck at a bad angle. * Made it impossible to jump or land while disabled. * Added fallback code for what to do if a saved game has the player in an unknown system. * Location filters can now be used to select random waypoint systems. * Tweaked the cloaking AI to make the Pug Arfecta harder to kill. * User interface: * Hiding the "park" button in the info panel when it doesn't apply. (@MarcelineVQ) * The "dump all" button will dump outfits if you have no other cargo. (@MarcelineVQ) * The boarding panel now handles fractional outfit masses. (@MarcelineVQ) * Selecting an escort in the info panel now targets that escort. (@MarcelineVQ) * Added a take-off if you will fail missions due to lack of space. (@MarcelineVQ) * Fixed some awkward phrasing in the fine dialog. (@Pointedstick) * The "Sell All" trade panel button now only includes outfits if that's all you have in cargo. * The map details panel now remembers your selected coloring each time it is opened. * The outfitter map now also shows what resources you have mined in each system. * When you pick up flotsam a message now tells you how much cargo space you have left. * When dumping commodities, you can now specify how many tons to jettison. * Changed the syntax for the interface element definitions and added "hover" support. * The bank panel now has a line showing your salary and tribute income. * Added a "disown" button when viewing an individual ship in the info panel when landed * The flight check messages now include the name of the misconfigured ship. * Added a click sound as feedback when you change the volume level. * You can no longer select an un-targetable ship by clicking on it. * The trading panel can now handle fleets with over 2 million cargo space. * Added "fog of war" obscuring sections of the map backdrop that have not been visited. * The boarding panel now displays self-destruct odds. * Outfits in cargo are no longer always referred to as "plunder." * Fixed a bug where dialog boxes offering missions were too tall. * Made the max energy / max heat tooltip a little clearer and more detailed. * Fixed a slight mismatch in the background color of the info panel. * Under the hood: * Added a Linux AppData file. (@Mailaender) * Added a common base class for all objects added to the DrawList. * Added more functionality to the Angle class. * Cleaning up the code and adding more detailed and up to date comments. * Replaced a few remaining instances of "NULL" with "nullptr." * Added a "Rectangle" class to make defining rectangular regions simpler. * Simplified the tracking of clickable zones on the screen. Version 0.9.2: * Bug fixes: * Typo fixes. (@Alkallid, @egony, @lheckemann, @MarcelineVQ) * You now get paid for outfits sold for lack of space when taking off. (@MarcelineVQ) * Corrected the credit amount shown when jettisoning spare outfits. (@MarcelineVQ) * Fixed the ammo dialog showing up even if the ammo is not for sale. (@MarcelineVQ) * You are now able to bribe planets even after "provoking" their government. (@MarcelineVQ) * Holding the jump key while jumping no longer causes a crash. * Attacking a ship that's trying to assist you now makes it stop trying to assist. * Double-clicking a planet to land on it now always works correctly. * The game no longer crashes if you press "land" in a system with nothing to land on. * Fixed irregular escort icon "merging" due to a memory access error. * Your fleet's "shared target" is now cleared if that ship leaves the system. * Fixed a bug where selecting Food in the map didn't select it in the trade panel. * Cargo capacity now updates immediately when you buy or sell outfits. * It's now impossible for an "invisible" mission to be selected in the mission panel. * Fixed the size of the "click box" around ship icons in the shops. * Fixed two Hai ship variants that had no thrusters. * Disabled ships no longer show the "moving erratically" message. * NPC fighters in "staying" fleets now use the proper fighter names. * Fixed a bug that made it impossible for plugins to change the interface colors. * Fighters are now able to "assist" ships other than their motherships. * Fixed a case where your escorts can trigger boarding if your flagship is captured. * It's now possible to capture a zero-crew ship if you have only one crew member. * Game content: * Rebalanced the new Hai outfits. (@LocalGod79) * Androids are no longer sold - they're just too unbalanced. * Added an event after the main story line where the shipyard at Geminus is rebuilt. * The Wanderers vs. Alphas missions are now only offered after the human story line. * Added an Unfettered invasion event as the next step in that story line. * Fixed a typo that kept the Wanderer Anti-Missile from being offered for sale. * Shrunk the Korath Piercer sprite to be less absurdly large compared to other missiles. * Made the Korath Tek Far 109 a bit more common. * New Shield Beetle variant with lots of pulse cannons (mainly for Unfettered fleets). * Fixed a mission that could be offered on uninhabited Hai planets. * Cleaned up the Marauder mission text and definitions a bit. * Made some Free Worlds side missions "minor" so they won't interrupt the main story. * Tweaked the Kor Sestor fleets for better balance against the Kor Mereti. * Quarg in Korath space now travel in packs, for safety. * All the special "persons" now have ramscoops so they don't get stranded. * Swapped the Hai and Unfettered government colors to better match their ship colors. * Game mechanics: * You're now allowed to capture fighters even if you cannot carry them. * Landing on an uninhabited planet recharges shields (and hull, if your ship can repair). * All missiles now have some "mass" so you can't have infinite numbers of them in cargo. * NPCs that self-destruct now count as "destroyed" as soon as they explode. * A ship's accuracy now improves after firing at the same target for a few seconds. * When told to "gather," escorts use the old behavior, not the new station-keeping one. * Ships with 50% hull now flee even if they have 100% shields. * Weapons can now have a "random lifetime" rather than all shots lasting the same time. * The saved game now remembers what outfits are "in stock" because you just sold them. * User interface: * In the Bank you can now "pay extra" for the "Other" debts. (@MarcelineVQ) * The sell confirmation dialog in the shipyard now includes total cost. (@MarcelineVQ) * Ship license names now use "a" or "an" depending on the leading vowel. (@MarcelineVQ) * Three previous save files are now always automatically kept as backups. * Added explanatory tooltips when you hover the mouse over any ship or outfit attribute. * Added a confirmation dialog before taking off if you will be forced to sell something. * Added a subtle blue "haze" in the background to make the stars a bit less boring. * You can now select multiple ships in the info panel and park or unpark them all at once. * The navigation buttons are now in the same place on all four map panels. * It's now possible to buy outfits into cargo even if you only have one ship. * Made the active mission pointers a bit bigger to look less similar to blocked missions. * Added a preference (accessible by editing the preferences file) to reduce VRAM usage. * Added hidden preferences to disable the warning siren, mini-map, and planet labels. * Added a preference to disable the hyperspace flash (by editing the preferences file). * Wormholes now count as distance 1, not distance 0, for pathfinding purposes. * The ammo refill dialog now takes into account that using ammo from cargo is free. * Under the hood: * Added "debug" and "profile" builds to the Scons script (for Linux builds). * Optimized the check for whether a ship is invisible or cloaked. * Optimized anti-missiles by adding a range check before doing more complex calculations. * Limited the "sparks" (ionization, etc.) drawn over a ship, to avoid graphics lag. * On Windows, saved games and preferences will now use Windows line endings. * Removed a lot of duplicated and fragile code in the Fleet class. * Cleaned up some superfluous namespace qualifiers. Version 0.9.1: * Bug fixes: * Typo fixes. (@Alkallid, @Wrzlprnft, @toilethinges) * No longer crashes if a saved game references a nonexistent "person." * Fixed a crash if the player tricks the game into letting them depart in an automaton. * The "southern carriers" no longer take over the entire fleets when they appear. * Special persons no longer "enter" systems with no links to them. * Fixed incorrectly placed planet labels when you first enter your ship. * Fixed the direction the plunder list scrolls when using the scroll wheel. * Weapons with zero shield damage (e.g. Drak Distancer) no longer cause divide by zero errors. * Mission NPCs that self-destruct are now properly counted as destroyed. * Icons for escorts with scram or jump drives no longer remain green while jumping. * Ships disabled in the act of landing now stop landing. * Reputation changes in "on enter" actions are now applied correctly. * Disabled NPCs now start always out at zero velocity. * You can no longer plan a jump drive jump between two systems you don't know are linked. * Fixed the planet panel flicker when you first enter your ship. * Ships no longer ask you for help if they do not speak your language. * Game content: * New human ship, the "Boxwing" cargo fighter. (@LocalGod79, @pootthedestroyer) * Updated "Southern Carriers" sprites. (@LocalGod79) * New civilian hail messages, referencing fictitious futuristic bands. (@Wrzlprnft) * Fixed an armistice that lasts too long if the player has a jump drive. (@LocalGod79) * In the Free Worlds plot, Ijs can no longer be in two places at once. (@LocalGod79) * New Hai outfits to replace human placeholders. (@Wrzlprnft, @LocalGod79, @Amazinite) * Fixed some awkward Navy hails. (@Amazinite) * New Wanderer missions, giving you access to new ships and technology. * New human side missions that give hints about different alien species near human space. * Adjusted the Kor Mereti weapons and fleets to balance them better against the Kor Sestor. * Adjusted some weapon prices for better balance. * Increased the price of the Android so it will take two years to break even. * For all escort missions, added pirates camping the destination system. * Added radar jamming outfits, and a Wanderer ramscoop. * Boosted the Quarg hull amounts so they are not so vulnerable to shield piercing. * All Korath worlds now have security of 0 (i.e. no fines). * All Korath automata now have integrated ramscoops (making it easier to move captured ships). * New shuttle sprite with a subtle running light animation. * New Wanderer ship, the Flycatcher (an autonomous anti-missile drone). * You can now ask the ordinary Hai for their side of the story about the Unfettered. * Made some softer and hopefully less annoying sounds for the plasma and atomic thrusters. * Fixed the coloring of dominated systems that contain planets with no spaceports. * Fixed the Hauler III's cargo space, which was less than I intended it to be. * Tweaked the generator prices, and made Wanderer biochemicals run very cool. * Fixed some places where mission escorts were assigned to the player's government. * Game mechanics: * Marauder ships now have "self destruct" attribute (to balance bounties somewhat). (@LocalGod79) * Missiles can now have tracking modes relying on target temperature, size, or radar jamming. * Escorts now match your speed and heading instead of just swarming around you. * A carrier's hull repair rate can now be used to repair fighters it is carrying. * Ships now dump cargo when they die, and others can pick it up. * Escorts will now repair each other if not under orders or threatened by enemies. * Combat rating is now based on the cost of ships you destroy, not the crew count. * NPCs can now specify that they start out in the mission's destination system. * Outfits may now specify "shield heat" and "hull heat" generated while repairing. * Weapons with blast radii now affect invisible ships (like the nanobots). * Added "day", "month", and "year" condition variables to support recurring missions / holidays. * Capturing an NPC now counts as "evading" it for mission purposes. * Added a "swarming" personality type that hovers near friendly ships. * Added an "unconstrained" personality type that will fly beyond the "invisible fence." * You can now leave the outfitter with no thrusters, just reverse thrusters or afterburners. * Fleets taking off from a planet now stagger their departure a bit, to look more organic. * Ships are now non-targetable for half a second after leaving hyperspace. * Dying carriers now release any fighters they are still carrying. * You can now specify animation speed as "frame time" (game frames per animation frame). * A looping animation can now have a "delay" in between cycles. * User interface: * Added a pop-up mini map that is displayed when your ship is jumping. * Route finding now prefers less dangerous systems if multiple paths have equal length. * Added a warning siren when hostile ships (actively targeting the player) first appear. * Added a "fail" sound for when you can't jump or land. * Straight quotation marks are now replaced with curly ones when rendering text. * Added "final explosion" sounds for all but the smallest ships. * In the map you can now plan an entire route using J and Shift+J rather than the mouse. * Adjusted the planet label fade-out to be based on distance to the planet edge, not the center. * The "deploy" command no only applies to escorts in the same system as your flagship. * Tweaked the orbit display in the map to avoid bright spots where orbits intersect. * "Unseen" systems are now shown in the map if they have a waypoint or stopover pointer. * Fines now correctly display as "Fine" rather than "Mortgage" in the bank. * Made the targeting pointers a tiny bit bigger so they're easier to see. * Changed the "repairing" ship info line to "charging shields" unless you have hull repair too. * Put a limit on how often other ships broadcast requests for help. * The 'D' key now works as a shortcut for "leave" in the shop panels. * You can now cancel "capture ship" without fighting by clicking "defend" as your first action. * The shipyard now shows full stats for the player's ship. * Categories in the shipyard and outfitter are now "collapsible." * You can now buy outfits directly into cargo by deselecting all your ships (control + click). * Under the hood: * The compiler now uses the CPPFLAGS in addition to CXXFLAGS. (@kilobyte) * Added an error message if a fleet definition references a nonexistent ship type. Version 0.9.0: * Bug fixes: * Proper error message is now shown if you cannot install an outfit from cargo. (@thomasballinger) * Fixed a bug if you clicked "done" instead of pressing "enter" in boarding conversations. (@jmhorjus) * Scrolling now works properly when at 150% zoom level. (@db47h) * Fixed a crash in the info panel. (@reizbar) * Fixed a screen resizing bug on Ubuntu Linux where the scale ends up slightly off. (@db47h) * The outfitter now properly displays the "turret mounts needed" line. (@ItsNickBarry). * Fixed places where Parliament is referred to as the "Senate." (@jafdy, @ItsNickBarry) * Fixed AI confusion when a ship's "target" system is set, but set to the current system. * Clearing your travel plan now also clears your flagship's destination system. * "Uninhabited" worlds with spaceports are no longer shown as "dominated" in the map. * Fixed merging of icons of escorts that are not in the current system. * Fixed a possible bug in the Free Worlds missions following the Alpha attack on Poisonwood. * "Bunks free" in the mission panel no longer counts extra "remembered" crew on escorts. * Mission "enter system" messages now also work if you enter via wormhole. * "Mission failed" messages are no longer shown when NPCs from invisible missions die. * The Syndicate Extremists will now always be hostile when you receive the mission to fight them. * Fixed ships with exactly zero hull being counted as un-targetable but not destroyed. * Capturing a special "person" now counts as destroying them. * Orphaned fighters no longer get stuck in a landing loop. * Fixed a Free Worlds mission that could be offered anywhere because it defined no "source." * Autopilot is no longer locked on if you have a travel plan through a wormhole selected. * Fixed a crash when conversations are displayed from an "on enter" mission event. * Deadline "multipliers" for missions are now handled correctly. * Fighters in a different system are no longer auto-sold when you take off. * Ships no longer show engine flares if the command is set but they don't have energy to thrust. * Fixed formatting of large numbers of credits in the ship sell-off message when you take off. * Blast radius is now properly calculated from where a projectile strikes, not its start location. * It's no longer possible to hail or board ships while cloaked. * Modified how stranded ships request help so they don't wait on a ship that is not coming. * Attacking a friendly ship, bribing it, then attacking again now makes it hostile again. * Fixed handling of player escorts with fewer bunks than required crew. * Game content: * Added the former Korath territory to the map. * Korath with no jump drives no longer appear in one uninhabited system. (@thenerdfreak) * Fixed typos, grammar, and unclear text. (@Wrzlprnft, @lehgogh, @thomasballinger, @plague006) * More typo fixes. (@macfreek, @toilethinges, @jafdy, @allixu211, @tstanke) * Navy "generals" are now given the more proper title of "admiral." (@thomasballinger) * The "Neutral" government now stands up for merchants. (@jmhorjus) * Added 33 new landscape images. (@sfiera) * Added "Marauder" variants of many of the stock ships. (@LocalGod79 and @Wrzlprnft) * Added two new human fighters and three carrier types. (@LocalGod79, @DingusShingleton) * New commodity names for cargo missions. (@lehgogh) * Added two sizes of solar panels. (@ItsNickBarry) * New tiny engine, the X1050 combined thruster and steering. (@LocalGod79) * Added a Drak Archon ship, along with the weapons it uses. * Killing an Oathkeeper now angers the Republic (but not the other way around). * Added a star image for a supernova remnant. * Added three types of Korath space stations, each with full and "damaged" variants. * Added three new factions of Korath, each with their own ships and weapons. * Made fuel cells much more heat efficient, to make them a bit less useless. * Added an "android" outfit that reduces a ship's crew requirements. * Added a "command center" outfit that converts an automaton into a pilotable ship. * Fixed a place where both branches of a Free Worlds mission could be offered. * Added a new Wanderer ship and several new Wanderer weapons (to be unlocked by missions). * Slightly boosted the strength of human fighters and combat drones. * The Pug in Wanderer space will now (eventually) respond to being farmed. * Boosted the energy output, energy requirements, and cost of the Wanderer and Korath outfits. * Fixed some missions that could interrupt other mission strings. * Game mechanics: * The economy is now dynamic - randomly fluctuating, influenced by large sales by the player. * All weapons now do 1/3 less hull damage (so, ships don't die as fast once shields are down). * Ramscoops now work at double efficiency if you are close to the star(s) in the system center. * All ships now have a tiny amount of ramscoop capability built in (to avoid stranded saved games). * Ships are now able to stop (almost) completely in response to the "hold position" command. * Weapons can have fractional "piercing" to damage hull even when shields are up. (@lehgogh) * Planets can now have a government different than the system they're in. (@jmhorjus) * Phrases (for hails or ship names) can now reference other phrases. (@sfiera) * Added a "depart" conversation option, meaning defer + flee. (@jmhorjus) * Added a "solar collection" outfit attribute, depending on distance to the star. (@ItsNickBarry) * Made it possible to mark outfits as "unplunderable." (@jmhorjus) * Added "burst" weapons that must recharge longer after firing a given number of shots. * Added projectile effects that are created while it is in flight ("live effects"). * Weapon outfits can now specify whether they should fire in a stream or clustered. * Ships now make noise when entering or leaving hyperspace near you. * Ships can now be marked as an "automaton" to indicate that they require no crew. * JPEG images can now use additive blending mode. * Ships that define no sprite are now never shown on radar (but can still act). * Added a "vindictive" personality, which keeps shooting at you even after you're dead. * The "self destruct" attribute now defines a ship's chance of destructing when boarded. * Landing permission is now automatic if a planet is not inhabited (even if it has a spaceport). * Mission "on enter" conditions with no specified system now trigger as soon as you take off. * Engines now take higher priority than shield recharge, so you always have energy to get away. * Ship "variants" can now override the gun and turret hardpoints from the base ship. * Reload times can now be fractional, to allow better control over burst timing. * Ships can now define a "final explode" effect shown only in their final explosion. * Added support for fighter bays where the carried fighter is visible when in the bay. * Added support for fighter bays that launch fighters to one side instead of straight forward. * Two new damage types - slowing, and disruption (which makes shields partially porous). * The "confusion" effect (ships with imperfect aim) now looks less jittery and more organic. * Outfits that repair hull or shields must now specify how much energy they use. * AI ships no longer "wait" to collect fighters that they have no space for. * The afterburner key now cancels autopilot, the same as the other movement keys. * Adjusted the missile boat AI so that for fixed guns, it only applies if their range is above 2000. * Projectiles can now have a "random velocity" added to their base velocity. * Animations now default to 2 FPS (a reasonable rate for running lights) instead of 60 FPS. * Anti-missile systems can now create "fire effects" and "die effects" in addition to the beams. * If a ship is destroyed (by piercing) while it still has shields, its shields now drop to zero. * Added an "uncapturable" ship attribute (for ships you can plunder but not capture). * Outfits can now set "installable" to less than 0 to mark outfits you can plunder but not install. * User interface: * The shop panels now auto-scroll if the item details are not visible. (@db47h) * Any mission on your current travel plan now starts out selected in the job panel. (@db47h) * Outfitters now show how many outfits are in stock when stock is limited. (@ItsNickBarry) * Improved the appearance of the ship outlines (in the targeting view, etc.). * Click to expand or collapse categories in the map of shipyards and outfitters. * Added a find function in the shipyards and outfitters map panels. * Stars with a cloud around them are no longer drawn with a huge radius on your radar. * Disabled ships can no longer be "parked." * The movement energy and heat info display now includes your reverse thrusters. * Escort icons now turn red if you are about to strand them by jumping to a different system. * Labels are now shown next to planets you can land on when you fly close to them. * The fuel bar now drops smoothly even when using a scram drive or jump drive. * Added a line to the ship info display showing energy use when recharging shields and hull. * The find function in the map panels now prefers strings that start with the given text. * In the ship info, the line to whatever weapon you hover over is now always drawn on top. * Added Shift+B and Shift+S as shortcuts for "buy all" and "sell all" in the trade panel. * The commodity price maps now gray out systems where a given commodity is not sold. * Under the hood: * Made the Linux dependency list easier to copy-paste to the command line. (@anarcat) * Merged DotShader and RingShader, and merged SpriteShader and BlurShader. * DataWriter now has functions for writing variable numbers of tokens in one line. * Added a function to Random for getting normally distributed random numbers. * Simplified the ship and outfit info display code by merging the common elements. * Merged the common code from the outfitter and shipyard map panels into a new class. * The distance that counts as two systems being "neighbors" is now a public constant. * ShipInfoDisplay no longer needs to know what star system you're in. * Optimized the IsDisabled() check, because it gets called tons of times. * Added sanity checks for some weapon attributes that must be within certain ranges. * Moved the code for determining the "target color" of a planet into Planet itself. * Moved the data for the Korath and the Wanderers into separate files. * Deleted the very outdated "extra" directory. * Code cleanup in various other places. Version 0.8.11: * Bug fixes: * The new Pug mission is now offered on the proper planet. * Typo fixes. (@Pointedstick, @zwparchman) * Missions that take away one outfit and give another now always work properly. * Fixed a bug where escorts in mid-jump when you land end up far from the system center. * The game no longer hangs in the map if you shift-click an unreachable system. * Fixed a bug where you retain control of your flagship after it is captured. * If a target NPC dies, turrets no longer continue to fire in its direction. * Fixed a bug where reordering your ships was not changing your flagship. * If you land while an escort is your target, then park it, your target is now cleared. * Fixed the system coloring when you pop up the map from a conversation panel. * Main menu no longer freezes if you "enter ship" just as it finishes loading. * Planets with no star system defined for them will no longer crash the game. * Game content: * Added a mission string that gives you permission to buy most Wanderer ships. * Fixed an incorrect mass for the White Sun Reactor. * Fixed the price of the Wanderer Type 4 Thruster. * Alexandria Station can now be bribed, for players without a good Republic reputation. * More ship names (@Pointedstick). * The Wanderers now sell local maps. * Fixed some inaccurate ship descriptions. * Gave the Wanderer "Summer Leaf" ship a bit more cargo and outfit space. * Made the Southern Mutual Defense Pact missions get offered a bit more often. * Made Korath raids more frequent in one system so you can hunt them without save-scumming. * Fixed some jobs that had no maximum distance specified. * Fixed an annoying click in the jump drive sound effect. * Game mechanics: * Plundered ammo now reloads your weapons if you have the proper launcher. * Ships now recharge / refuel when you buy or sell outfits (e.g. fuel pods). * Ships with nowhere to flee to will now fight to the death instead of giving up. * Ships now clear their "ship to assist" order if they are captured. * User interface: * A system is now shown as dominated only if every inhabited planet is dominated. * The "fight current target" key can now order escorts to kill a disabled ship. * The data parser now reports unmatched quotation marks. Version 0.8.10: * Bug fixes: * Mouse clicks on the map are now correctly handled at all zoom levels. * Escorts now once again jump simultaneously with your ship. * Net worth is no longer clipped to the +-2 billion range in saved games. * Escorts that cannot jump will now ignore jump commands instead of lining up to jump. * Fixed a bug where the Water Bug had the wrong anti-missiles linked to its hardpoints. * Fixed some ship variants that had negative space available. * You can now bribe planets even if you have also provoked their government. * The outfitter panel's drawing code has been optimized to no longer max out the CPU. * The mission panel map is now colored by reputation by default, rather than uncolored. * Distances in the mission panel now show number of jumps, not amount of fuel. * In the outfitter, outfits are now shown if any selected ship has one, not just the first. * Human pirate "raids" no longer appear in alien star systems if you have many freighters. * Game content: * New species, the Wanderers (4 ship types, 18 outfits, 17 planets). * New missions involving the Hai and the Wanderers. * Increased the range of the small anti-missile by 50%. * Water cooling is now available in more places. * New hail messages. (@ph2000bis, @Pointedstick, @Thunderforge) * New commodity names. (@lehgogh, @Pointedstick) * New ship names. (@lehgogh) * Typo fixes. (@Pointedstick, @Wrzlprnft) * New job types. (@Pointedstick) * Game mechanics: * Projectiles now clear their target if that target is captured. * Governments now only scan you once per day, instead of once per ship. * Jobs are now allowed to have "on accept" dialogs or conversations. * Deadlines can now be specified in (base + multiplier * jumps) format. * Weapons can now specify that they split into submunitions when close to their target. * Shield and hull generators can now specify an extra energy cost per unit recharged. * Non-heroic ships no longer attack far away groups of ships that have them outgunned. * You can no longer hail other ships while you are entering hyperspace. * Surveillance ships no longer get "stuck" once they run out of fuel. * Missions can now specify "stopover" planets that you must visit. * Missions can have "on stopover" actions to perform when the last stopover is visited. * A government can now be marked as speaking a language that you may or may not know. * The hail panel commands now only work if you speak the language of a ship or planet. * Added support for "?=" (min and max) condition operators. * Support for large stations / ringworlds with several different places you can land. * Warning messages are now printed for all unexpected values found in the game data. * Warning messages are now saved to "errors.txt" in the config / preferences folder. * Added support for "special" commodity classes, to provide varied names for missions. * New "coward" NPC personality that flees once its shields are down. * User interface: * If you accept a job, the next available job in the same system (if any) is selected. * The "ports" map page now shows whether each planet has been visited. * In the "ports" map, planet descriptions are now only shown for visited planets. * The targeting display now shows what direction the target ship is facing in. * Caps lock now works properly when entering text. * Automatic firing is now entirely disabled if your target is friendly. * Thruster noise from other ships is now audible. * If a new ship's name is left blank, it is now called "'s ." Version 0.8.9: * Bugs fixes: * Typo fixes. (@anonybosch, @dplepage, @guillochon, @Wrzlprnft) * Fixed a bug where Earth would not let you land in a "safe passage" Free Worlds mission. * The hiring panel no longer lists crew from parked ships. * Auto-aim no longer points you at where a destroyed target used to be. * The fullscreen toggle key now works regardless of what GUI panel is active. * Derelicts will no longer converse with you if you hail them. (@ItsNickBarry) * Fixed a shop panel crash when a ship has no sprite defined. * Escorts no longer get stuck trying to refuel on a planet that will not let them land. * Escorts will now leave your fleet to refuel if the alternative is ending up stranded. * When dominating a planet, capturing a defender now counts as destroying it. * Fixed the graphics flicker when taking off. * Game content: * Caph now uses Syndicate defense fleets, since it is a Syndicate system. * Many new names for mission cargoes. (@Pointedstick, @anonybosch) * New names for civilian and pirate ships. (@Pointedstick) * New hail messages, especially for civilians and the Syndicate. (@Pointedstick) * Tiny escort missions, available to new pilots. (@Pointedstick) * Added a "Medium Warship" category. * Price increases for the Headhunter and Bactrian. * Made the Falcon faster compared to the Leviathan. * Reduced the bonuses for the new jumbo missions. * Changed the world-ship sprite to something less tacky, with three variants. * The intro interceptor missions no longer create an autosave. * Added more clarification in the Free Worlds drone salvage mission. * Changed the Reverse Thruster name to "AR120 Reverse Thruster." * Added a new Syndicate ship, the Vanguard. (@Pointedstick) * Game mechanics: * Planets you have dominated will no longer fine you for illegal items. * Flagships now take last priority for cargo but first priority for passengers. * Adding or removing outfits that require crew automatically hires or fires crew. * Added a "self destruct" attribute for ships that explode if boarded. * Tweaked the AI behavior when near the "invisible fence" on the outskirts of the system. * If you hail a disabled enemy, they now insult you instead of demanding a bribe. * It's now possible for an event to "clear" a planet's spaceport (making it uninhabited). * Ship variants can now inherit descriptions and outfit lists. * Firing normal thrusters after using the afterburner no longer slows you down. * All pathfinding now includes wormhole travel. * You can now dump cargo in the info panel to make room for plunder. * The player's flagship is now always displayed on top of all other ships. * Missions can now specify a custom payment multiplier as well as a custom base payment. * Other ships no longer interfere when you are fighting a bounty - you must fight alone. * User interface: * Added messages when changing landing targets. (@guillochon) * Button names now have underlined letters as hints of the key shortcut. (@guillochon) * Underlines for key shortcut hints are shown only when Alt / Option is held. * Moons, stations, etc. are no longer called "planets." (@guillochon) * The game no longer pauses when the window is minimized. * In the map, clicking the system you are in will now clear the jump route. * If you cannot sell an outfit, a helpful message is now shown explaining why. * The outfit list in the boarding panel now supports arrow keys and page up / down. * In the outfitter and shipyard maps you can now shift-click to compare items. * Added support for zooming in the map views. (@guillochon) * Wormhole paths now shown on the map once traversed. (@guillochon) * Loading a snapshot now displays a warning that it will overwrite your main game. * You can now double click a ship to board it or a planet to land. * Added a key to each of the map panels. * Shift + Board will now select any of your escorts that are disabled. * Added a preference for whether escorts expend ammo always, frugally, or never. * Audio: * Redid all the sound effects, striving for better volume balance. * Added sounds for landing and takeoff and for many weapons that previously had none. * Looping sounds now fade smoothly when they stop instead of continuing to the end of the loop. * Large numbers of overlapping sounds no longer cause phasing / grinding noise. * All audio parameters are set on startup to make sure they are the same on every OS. * Improved the math for combining multiple instances of the same sound. Version 0.8.8: * Bug fixes: * Fixed various bugs with how the game determines which ship is your "flagship." * The "Uninhabited" government on Ruin will no longer fine the player for illegal outfits. * Fixed a crash that could happen while taking off if missions failed due to lack of space. * Typo fixes. (@naehc, @kkuchta, @luiges90, @fcfort, @maxrd2) * New content: * Added two new ships, the Headhunter and the Modified Argosy. * Game mechanics: * The AI will now use reverse thrusters for landing, boarding, and jumping. * Added a "frugal" personality that expends ammo only if outgunned (and applied it to your escorts). * Added a "net worth" condition variable for mission creators to use. * User interface: * Added a "buy all" button in the trading panel. * Made mouse click targeting more accurate when ships are overlapping. * Other: * Tweaked the audio balance for a less abrupt left / right transition. * Fresh installs now default to 50% volume instead of 100%. * Animations can now have randomized frame rates so they aren't perfectly synchronized. * Plugins can now override the existing commodities. Version 0.8.7: * Bug fixes: * Fixed a bug in the info panel scrolling. * Fixed a crash when you lose your flagship through hand to hand combat. * Game mechanics: * Pirates no longer plunder outfits, because that is way too confusing for new players. * Load cargo onto escorts when taking off to leave the flagship free for plunder. Version 0.8.6: * Bug fixes: * Fixed a bug that makes fighter bays stop working in the previous release. * Fixed a crash in the map panel if the player has no flagship. * Missions: * Added some large cargo and passenger missions, for bigger ships and fleets. Version 0.8.5: * Bug fixes: * Pops and crackles with looping sounds like thrusters should now be fixed. * File paths with non-ASCII characters are now supported even on Windows. * The Outfitter no longer offers to reload ammo on ships that are parked or absent. * You no longer retain control of your ship if it is captured in ship to ship combat. * Fighters you cannot carry are now sold off properly when you leave the planet. * Fixed a bug where escorts try to refuel on an uninhabited planet. * Better handling of selling your flagship when you have other ships that are parked or absent. * Bringing up the menu while in a mission conversation no longer declines that mission. * Fixed a bug on Windows where you lose money if loading a pilot with over two billion credits. * Being plundered now takes effect immediately instead of waiting until the game is reloaded. * If audio initialization fails, the game will now start with no sound instead of quitting. * Game mechanics: * Pirate raid strength no longer takes your parked ships into account. * It is no longer possible to "park" a disabled ship. * If you need help and hail a ship that is disabled, it will now say that it cannot help you. * Pirates will no longer steal your hyperdrive, but may still steal your engines or power. * User interface changes: * Made the name entry in the New Pilot dialog clearer. * The Escape key now means "back one level" instead of "toggle main menu." * Made it possible to scroll the list of ships in the player info panel. * The "Land" key now only toggles between landing options if pressed more than once per second. * Escort icons turn green when they are ready to hyperjump. (@rlane) * Game snapshots can now be given a name instead of just being identified by date. * Escorts can no longer be ordered to attack themselves. * Renamed "Enter Ship" to "Load Game" in the Load / Save panel. * If you get plundered, added messages informing you of what was stolen. * The multiplier keys no longer apply to selling a ship. * Your jump path is now colored based on how much fuel you and your escorts have. (@hexarobi) * Selected target is now white on the radar. (@hexarobi) * Missions: * Added warning dialogs if you fail any critical Free Worlds missions. * Fixed a few inaccurate messages shown when an NPC condition is not yet met. Version 0.8.4: * Bug fixes: * You can no longer end up with extra crew members on ships other than your flagship. * If you tell your fleet to fight a target and then capture it, they no longer fire on it. * Fixed a bug where mission conditions inside an "and" or "or" might not be saved. * You can no longer depart a planet with a fighter as your flagship (which could crash the game). * Fixed a bug where reassigning weapons to different slots in the info panel was not working. * Fixed a bug where a weapon's "shield damage" was being applied instead of its "heat damage." * The cargo and bunk space numbers in the job panel no longer include your parked or absent escorts. * Fixed a bug where outfit "gifts" were not received if the player had no outfit or cargo space. * Changes to game mechanics: * Any weapon that has an icon is now secondary, rather than any weapon that uses ammo or fuel. * The long-range missile boat AI now stops running away once it is out of ammunition. * Added a 500x multiplier key (Alt / Option) for players with huge cargo fleets. * Made it possible to board a stranded, out-of-fuel escort to share fuel with it. * The AI no longer fires turrets at fast-moving ships entering or leaving hyperspace. * User interface changes: * Heads-up display: * Added a pointer to the target info to show what direction the target is in. * If you have a jump drive, the radar now includes pointers to "neighbor" systems. * Main map panel ("Ports"): * The map now shows commodity prices relative to the current system, rather than absolute price. * Unexplored systems are now a dimmer gray than uninhabited ones. * Jobs / missions panel: * Unique missions are now shown at the start of your mission list instead of the end. * Mission lists now support the scroll wheel in addition to click and drag. * Selecting a different mission in the jobs map no longer changes your travel plan. * Maps of shipyards and outfitters: * Show the attributes of the currently selected item. * Gray out items that are not for sale in the selected system. * Distinguish between systems with nothing for sale vs. systems with other items but not the selected one. * Outfitter panel: * Attributes are now always shown in units per second instead of units per frame. * Porting: * 32-bit Windows is now supported. * The Mac OS X version can now read data from outside the .app bundle. * To support Steam, libstdc++ is static linked if doing a Steam build. * Story changes: * Added a fourth "intro" Free Worlds thread in case you fail one of the other three. Version 0.8.3: * Bug fixes: * Fines are now correctly applied to the player. * A possible out-of-bounds memory access when cleaning up cargo from failed missions is fixed. * Outfits that increase your maximum hull no longer cause the ship to become disabled. * The Hire panel now correctly handles cases where you have more crew than you can hold. * Fixed "out of fuel" handling for ships with both a hyperdrive and a jump drive. * The "hull repair rate" attribute now works correctly. * Ships with zero cargo space are no longer treated as if they have infinite space. * Radar now displays correctly when the game is first loaded. * Ion sparks are no longer displayed from ships in other systems. * Changes to game mechanics: * You can now demand tribute from planets. * Added a "require " mission action. * Reduced the Bactrian's speed and engine space to balance it with the other large warships. * Quarg power generators are no longer a separate outfit that you can steal. Version 0.8.2: * Bug fixes: * Fixed the crash when you depart a planet with a fighter as an escort or NPC. * Fixed the bug of paying crew salaries for ships that have been destroyed. * Added safeguards against the AI firing on a ship it is boarding to assist it. * Fixed improper hardpoint placement in ship variants. * Fixed sounds from plugins not being loaded. * Fixed the bug where selling plundered outfits in the outfitter pays you nothing. * Possibly fixed the window maximizing bug on Windows. * Changes to game mechanics: * Added support for "persons" - unique ships with custom hail messages, e.g Cap'n Pester. Version 0.8.1: * Bug fixes: * Fixed a bug that made it impossible to select a secondary weapon that is your very first outfit. * Made the scroll wheel affect the column the mouse is hovering over in the load / save panel. * Fixed the Windows random number generator to not produce the same fleets every time you visit a given system. * Fixed a bug where paying a bribe could result in negative credits. * Additive blending now works correctly for @2x (high resolution) sprites. * Changes to game mechanics: * Disabled escorts are no longer lost if you land; instead they just remain where they are, disabled. * Missions that can't be completed yet due to an NPC requirement or waypoint are now "dimmed out." * Added the ability to mark missions as "minor" so they will not interrupt story line missions. * Modified the AI to leave disabled ships alone (unless it plunders them). * Improved graphics: * Replaced some landscape images with higher-resolution ones. * Replaced most of the space station landscape images with NASA images. * Modified some projectile sprites to be more detailed. * Switched the colors of the mission pointers to be easier for color blind people to distinguish. * Toned down the brightness of the galaxy backdrop image in the map. * Development: * Added a debug mode (-d / --debug). * Made the slow-motion key (caps lock) and pause key (backtick) only work in debug mode. * Optimization: * Added a limit of 20 landscapes loaded at once, to reduce memory usage. Version 0.8.0: * First stable release.