io.github.endless_sky.endless_sky io.github.endless_sky.endless_sky.desktop Endless Sky Space exploration and combat game Weltraumhandels und Kampfsimulator Jeu d'exploration et de combat dans l'espace Űrkutatási és harci játék Michael Zahniser GPL-3.0-or-later CC0-1.0

Explore other star systems. Earn money by trading, carrying passengers, or completing missions. Use your earnings to buy a better ship or to upgrade the weapons and engines on your current one. Blow up pirates. Take sides in a civil war. Or leave human space behind and hope to find some friendly aliens whose culture is more civilized than your own...

Endless Sky is a sandbox-style space exploration game similar to Elite, Escape Velocity, or Star Control. You start out as the captain of a tiny spaceship and can choose what to do from there. The game includes a major plot line and many minor missions, but you can choose whether you want to play through the plot or strike out on your own as a merchant or bounty hunter or explorer.

Game Simulation The three starter ships flying in formation over a Republic planet. A battle between Free Worlds ships and pirates. The shipyard view, used to buy and sell different kinds of ships. The outfitter view, used to outfit a ship with different weapons, engines, and other systems. View of a conversation with a local captain. View of the map, showing the explorered (and unexplored) systems in the galaxy. A lone Berserker flying next to a large red giant. Asking for assistance from friendly ships can save your life in the void of space. Detailed view of the player's ship, displaying every stat.

This is a stable release, focused on fixing bugs and making some other small improvements.

These changes include:

  • Fixed various crashes, including ones that could occur when sorting ships or when using the flagship outline or new cloaked settings.
  • The flagship will no longer move through wormholes ahead of escorts when using fleet jumping.
  • Reduced the difficulty of the battle in "Wanderers: Mind 6".
  • Added a gamerule for controlling the disabled fighter projectile collision behavior introduced in v0.10.7.
  • Illegal mission passengers can now be detected by planetary security. Previously, missions with only illegal passengers could never result in a fine.

You can find out more in the changelog.

Special thanks to the 13 people who contributed to this release!

This is an unstable release, containing big changes that may introduce new bugs.

One of the biggest changes is a rebalance of all ship masses.

  • Alongside this is a 50% increase in thrust, turn, reverse thrust, and afterburner thrust across the board.
  • While newly instantiated ships have higher masses, ships already in save files will now be considerably faster. Have fun!

Some other notable additions and changes to content and mechanics are:

  • Various new short mission chains, including one involving the Wanderers and Mereti.
  • The changes to initial velocity and acceleration of missiles in v0.10.0 have been reverted.
  • There are now many new uninhabited planets and stations in human space.
  • Disabled fighters and drones will no longer be hit by stray projectiles; only weapons fire that specifically targets them.
  • Missions can "mark" systems of importance without requiring the player to visit them, and leave them marked after the player has visited.
  • Mission triggers and conversation actions can do various new things, including playing music, giving the player debt, and applying events immediately, instead of after at least one day.
  • The firing arc for a turret hardpoint can now be limited.

You can find out more in the changelog.

A special thanks to the 42 people who contributed to this release!

This is a stable release, focused on fixing bugs and making some other small improvements.

These changes include:

  • The Gatling Turret and Javelin Turret now each require one crew member.
  • The timer ship in "Sad Archie" has been given the "ramming" personality to improve its consistency.
  • Animated ship and planet sprites are now correctly rendered in the hail panel instead of not being rendered at all or being rendered at a high frame rate.
  • Gave the stock Dreadnought its fourth Torpedo Launcher back that it had lost in a previous release to make room for a bigger battery; it didn't need the bigger battery.

There's much more in the changelog!

Special thanks to the 13 people who contributed to this release!

This is an unstable release, containing big changes that may introduce new bugs.

This update turns its focus back to human space, bringing with it improvements and expansions of both piracy and mining gameplay, as well as continuing the trend of UI and UX improvements.

Some other major changes and additions are:

  • Expanded the mechanics behind asteroid mining, including the addition of mining lasers that increase the yield of asteroids, tractor beams that pull ores toward your ship, dedicated mining ships in human space, and a new mission in the Sparrow introduction that goes over the basics of asteroid mining.
  • Added a small pirate region to the south, home to the remnants of a collapsed government: the Confederated Councils of the Outer Rim. Includes the addition of various new pirate ships and weapons. This is the first of a number of planned expansions to pirate content and gameplay, with the goal of making it so that playing as a pirate is a more viable option. Stay tuned for more in future updates.
  • You can now review past hails and status messages by opening the messages log panel, default "/".
  • Lowered the brightness of the center of the galaxy sprite to make the system names in the galaxy's core more readable.
  • Plugins can now customize the services that a spaceport offers, and even the name that appears on the spaceport button.
  • The state of your capslock key is now tied to the state of fast-forward in the game if your capslock key is bound to your fast-forward control. This means that toggling your capslock key even when the game window is not in focus will also toggle the game's fast-forward.
  • The list of plugins and the selected plugin description in the plugins panel can now scroll, instead of causing too many plugins or verbose descriptions to overflow the menu.

Some notable bug fixes are:

  • Planetary security will now properly scan illegal goods in your fleet's cargo. Previously, only illegal installed outfits could be scanned.
  • Improved the collision detection of flotsam, preventing cases where flying over a flotsam at high velocity could cause it to phase through your ship and not be collected.
  • Various fixes to missions in the Coalition intro storylines.

You can find out more in the changelog.

A special thanks to the 48 people who contributed to this release!

This is a stable release, focused on fixing bugs and making some other small improvements.

These changes include:

  • Various fixes and improvements to the new Coalition campaign intros.
  • Outfits can now be given the "unique" attribute. The player will be warned when any such outfits are about to be lost.
  • All controls and settings now have tooltips.
  • It is now possible to recall the help messages for the currently active panel on demand.

There's much more in the changelog!

Special thanks to the 13 people who contributed to this release!

This is an unstable release, containing big changes that may introduce new bugs.

The biggest change is the addition of over 50 new missions in the Coalition as part of the introductions to the Heliarch and Lunarium campaigns. Through these, you can unlock access to either some of the Heliarch weapons, or some new outfits for the Lunarium to aid in their subversive efforts.

Some other major new changes are:

  • Flattened the thrust scaling of sets of engines as you get bigger engines in a set. Smaller ships have received a significant max speed and acceleration buff, while larger ships have been unchanged or slightly nerfed.
  • The Unfettered Solifuge and Violin Spider are now added to the Unfettered shipyards.
  • Ships can now be given display names for their model name.
  • Plugins can now have a "plugin.txt" metadata file in their root folder that specifies the name of the plugin and its description as shown in the plugins menu in game.
  • Governments can now define travel restrictions that prevent their fleets from traveling to or from systems or planets that match the restrictions.
  • Various UI/UX improvements.

Some notable bug fixes include:

  • Contacting the Korath Exiles during the Wanderer campaign can now properly be deferred and reoffered instead of deferring the mission effectively declining it and locking you out of the rest of the campaign.
  • Using hotkeys to search for the nearest asteroid no longer crashes the game.
  • The shipyard and outfitter mission offer location tags will now properly write to the save file.
  • Trailing whitespace in hails no longer causes hails to overlap with one another.
  • The "Remnant: Expanded Horizons Astral job" job will no longer select the "Deep Space" systems, which are unreachable, as waypoints.

There's much more in the changelog!

Special thanks to the 42 people who contributed to this release!

This is a stable release, focused on fixing bugs and making some other small improvements.

Some of those improvements are:

  • More customisation options for rings drawn through interfaces.
  • A new personality that will prevent ships from ever cloaking.
  • Various new spaceport news items and civilian ship hails.

Some notable bug fixes include:

  • Various missions and spaceport news items will no longer appear at inappropriate locations.
  • Fixed some instances of ships ceasing to act and drifting forever inappropriately.
  • Fixed a problem with out of system escorts not landing to refuel when an appropriate planet is available.

There's much more in the changelog!

Special thanks to the 16 people who contributed to this release!

This is an unstable release, containing big changes that may introduce new bugs.

Major new changes include:

  • Released the first chapter of Hai Reveal, a storyline that involves the open secret of the Hai being exposed to humanity.
  • NPCs in missions are now able to trigger game actions on status changes to the NPC.
  • Updated and added new mechanics around asteroid mining to make it a more engaging system, including allowing your escorts to take a more active role in mining.
  • Continued development of the Gegno, including new ships, outfits, and missions.
  • Split the Quarg government into a series of regional governments, allowing for more fine-tuned interactions with different groups of Quarg.
  • Plugins are now able to be enabled and disabled within the Plugins menu.
  • Replaced the mouse control toggle button with a preference to prevent accidental activations.
  • Controls can now be unbound by pressing X or delete when hovering over the control.

Some notable bug fixes include:

  • Patched an infinite money glitch caused by bad offer conditions on an Unfettered mission.
  • Ships with low max speeds no longer rubberband backwards when exiting hyperspace.
  • Fixed various issues with buying and selling outfits caused by having outfits in cargo or storage.

There's much more in the changelog!

Special thanks to the 37 people who contributed to this release!

This is an unstable release, containing big changes that may introduce new bugs.

Breaking changes:

  • The accompany objective on mission npcs no longer implicitly sets the save objective.
  • Plugin missions that had "accompany" but not "save" should be changed to include "save" if the intention of the mission is that the npcs live.
  • This is a change that was made in v0.9.16, reverted in v0.9.16.1, and has been reintroduced.

Major new changes include:

  • Two new alien factions, the Gegno and Bunrodea.
  • A plethora of new conditions and new ways to use them, including the introduction of "global conditions" that can be set and accessed across save files.
  • Improvements to how ship AI behaves, more intelligently making use of the range of their weapons. More AI improvements will come in the future.
  • An overhaul to how cargo and outfit scanners function, causing scanning to take overall longer to complete.
  • The jobs board can now be sorted on various metrics, including how much the job pays or whether it has a deadline.
  • Improved mouse control while in flight, including the ability to select secondary weapons by clicking on their ammo icons, and a toggle for controlling flagship aiming and firing with the mouse.
  • Reverted the heat damage change from v0.9.15, and reduced the buffs provided to afterburners from that same update.
  • Added a deadline to bounty jobs so that they cannot be stacked infinitely and finished passively. In exchange, bounty ships now don't spawn as far away, and bounty job payments are increased.

Some notable bug fixes include:

  • Reloading your save file while you have escorts in a different system that are carrying mission cargo will no longer teleport the mission cargo to the player's location.
  • Reloading your save file while in the middle of a conversation will no longer repeat execute the mission actions that run alongside the conversation.
  • Captured ships will no longer require the save file to be reloaded in order for them to make use of their weapons.

There's much more in the changelog!

Special thanks to the 63 people who contributed to this release!

This is a hotfix release, reverting a breaking change made in the last release that inadvertently introduced a bug.

Breaking changes:

  • The change made to the "accompany" mission npc objective has been reverted to the behavior before 0.9.16.

This is a stable release, focusing on bug fixes and polishing the recent v0.9.15 release.

New changes include the following:

Breaking changes:

  • The "accompany" objective on mission npcs no longer implicitly sets the save objective. Plugin missions that had "accompany" but not "save" should be changed to include "save" if the intention of the mission is that the npcs live.

Bug fixes:

  • Added a firing sound to the Ka'het Annihilator Turret, as it was missing one.
  • The jump range of systems affected by the Ssil Vida activation are now reset when Ssil Vida is deactivated in order to avoid a bug in pathfinding. This change will be reverted in the future once the pathfinding is improved.
  • Fixed an error where attempting to launch with a fighter as your flagship under certain circumstances could cause you to launch with no ship at all.
  • Fixed a longstanding bug where npcs could get stuck thinking they need fuel after traveling through a wormhole.
  • Fixed a bug where fighters would sometimes fail to reparent to a carrier that had space for them when recalled.

Other changes:

  • Clicking on a planet card on the left side of the map now selects that planet as a destination on your travel plan.

A complete list of changes can be found in the changelog.

Special thanks to those who contributed changes to this release!

This is an unstable release, containing big changes that may introduce new bugs.

Major new changes include:

  • 60+ new outfits
  • 80+ new missions in human space and beyond
  • 40 new stations and planets in existing systems
  • Improvement of many graphics, including stars, ships, effects, and outfits
  • The addition of parallax to background stars and haze
  • Sweeping balance changes to various ships and outfits
  • Overheating a ship only disables its energy generation
  • Changes to the UI, including the addition of new ship and outfit categories and an overhaul of the map screen
  • Changes to existing missions, including an overhaul of the first third of the Free Worlds campaign

Several features have been added to the game engine, for use by plugins and other content creators.

These include:

  • 20 new swizzle options
  • The ability to customize ship and outfit categories in the data files
  • Four new damage-over-time types
  • Conversations can trigger mission actions
  • Missions can trigger actions every time the date increments
  • Plugins can selectively disable vanilla content
  • Events can remove objects from a system without needing to redefine the entire system
  • Removal of the 32 hardpoint limit

This summary only scratches the surface of what was added during 0.9.15's year-and-a-third-long development cycle.

This release also marks the highest number of contributors to a single release, bypassing 0.9.9's record of 69.

Special thanks to the 107 people who contributed to this release!

This is a "stable" release, focusing on bug fixes and polishing the recent v0.9.13 release.

Changes include:

  • Numerous typo fixes
  • Fixes to how several missions are offered to the player
  • Better suggestions of possibly incomplete conditions in some missions' "visit" dialogues
  • Differentiation between two Remnant engines' reversing capabilities
  • Certain Navy shipyards now stock the Dropship
  • Ships that have no specified "drag" attribute default to 100, rather than causing crashes
  • Weaponry that alters the ship's status conditions (e.g. ionization) now respects the required minimum value of 0
  • The "interrupt fast-forward" preference defaults to off

Minor improvements were added to help support plugin authors and content creators:

  • Quarg planets now have regional attributes to enable better targeting via missions
  • Missions that fail to be instantiated print more informative messages in the error file
  • Large numbers of missing image frames no longer pollute the error file

This is an unstable release, containing big changes that may introduce new bugs.

Breaking changes:

  • Starting conditions no longer automatically override the game's default start. Plugins that use a "start" node will need to make changes to restore the previous behavior.

Major new changes include the following:

  • 70+ new missions in human and alien space
  • Outfits can now be stored on planets, without needing to install them on a parked ship
  • An overhaul of almost all human outfit images
  • Players can now choose their starting scenario
  • Spaceport news messages no longer include portraits by default
  • Better handling for missing content definitions (e.g. from plugin removal)

Several features have been added to the game engine, for use by plugins and other content creators.

These include:

  • Dynamic stopover selection will consider planets without spaceports
  • A number of new outfit and weapon attributes, offering shield/hull multipliers, weapon aiming & firing overrides, percentage-based damage, and additional damage mitigation
  • Arbitrary angles for hardpoints, engine flares, and fighter bays
  • NPCs' objectives can now include provocation or capture
  • Mission NPCs can be conditionally spawned or removed without needing to change the player's active missions
  • Missions can react differently when the player aborts a mission, and when the player fails a mission
  • Missions can give ships to the player
  • Systems may generate environmental hazards, control the range at which ships enter, and be hidden on the map

In addition to the major changes above, there are lots of smaller changes, content additions, and (of course) countless bug and typo fixes.

Thanks to all of our contributors for their time and effort in making Endless Sky a community-driven project!

This is a stable release focusing on bug fixes and polishing the recent v0.9.11 release.

Changes include:

  • Buying and selling items at maximum depreciation now accounts for the 7-day grace period.
  • Missions will no longer complete if a required passenger isn’t landed with you.
  • Several new star images have been added, as well as additional jobs for players with many bunks.
  • Tweaks to the balance of solar panels and some Coalition outfits, and to the fleets found in Hai space.

Plugin authors and content creators have some small engine updates to consider:

  • Automatic condition variables now update daily, and not just upon landing.
  • The flagship’s system and planet are available as condition variables.
  • Heat can be added to a ship based on the system’s solar power output with the “solar heat” outfit attribute.

This is an unstable release, containing big changes that may introduce new bugs.

Major new changes include the following:

  • A new region, the Graveyard, can be found near the Ember Waste.
  • New Remnant ships, outfits, and missions.
  • A rebalancing of human medium warships and transports.
  • A new Wanderer transport.

Several features have been added to the game engine, for use by plugins and other content creators.

These include:

  • The ability to modify the systems wherein a government scans ships for contraband, and the displayed government name.
  • Enabling secondary weapons to consume more than one unit of ammunition per shot.
  • Support for interpolation and character replacement in hails.
  • Support for algebraic condition expressions of arbitrary length.
  • Support for disabling specific spaceport news items.

This is a stable release focusing on bug fixes and polish.

Major changes include:

  • Fixed a bug where cargo was loaded onto ships with 0 cargo space.
  • Fixed a crash when mission NPCs have no system defined.
  • Avoiding a situation where the player could get stuck in Remnant space.
  • Depreciation now happens slower and includes a "grace period."
  • Improved the AI logic for when escorts stop to refuel.

This is an unstable release representing more than a year and a half of development work.

Major new changes include the following:

  • Significant graphics and physics engine optimizations.
  • Cloaked ships can now be hit by projectiles.
  • Turrets turn slower, allowing fast ships to dodge them more easily.
  • Ramscoop and solar power effectiveness now varies from star to star.
  • New Remnant ships, outfits, and missions.
  • Purchasing a Bactrian now requires completing a mission string.
  • Added an "asteroid scanner" that lets you target minable asteroids.
  • Experimental "news" feature in the spaceport.
  • All ship sprites re-rendered with a more dramatic lighting angle.
  • The shipyard now shows an angled view of each ship instead of top-down.

This is a stable release, fixing bugs and making other small improvements to the recent 0.9.7 unstable release.

Changes include:

  • Fixed crashes when reordering or disowning ships in your fleet.
  • Fixed a bug when events add stellar objects (like the Wanderer wormhole).
  • Added shop thumbnail images for all the Remnant outfits.
  • Tweaked the balance of the Remnant ships and outfits.
  • Demanding tribute now always turns reputation with that government negative.
  • Fixed "derelict" NPCs not repairing on planets after you board them.
  • In full screen mode the cursor is now hidden after 10 seconds inactivity.
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