#! /bin/sh ###################################################################### # Title: endradio.sh # Description: Anonymous Tor streaming of internet radio streams using mplayer, torsocks, firejail # Author: The Endware Development Team # Copyright: 2017, The Endware Development Team # Creation Date: May 7, 2017 # Version: 0.1172 # Revision Date: December 27, 2021 # # Recent Changes: - Add multi language channels # - forked from endstream 0.26 # - Channel menu stays on previous selection ##################################################################### # Dependencies: mpv, ffmpeg, read , firejail, curl, torsocks, mpv, mplayer ##################################################################### # Instructions: make a directory ~/bin and copy this file there, add this to the $PATH # then make the file executable and run it. # $ mkdir ~/bin # $ cp endradio.sh ~/bin/endradio # $ cd ~/bin # $ chmod u+wrx endradio # $ export PATH=~/bin:"$PATH" # # Run ENDRADIO # $ endradio # #################################################################### ############################################################################################################################################################################# # ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ############################################################################################################################################################################# # The Endware Development Team would like to acknowledge the work and efforts of OdiliTime, Balrog and SnakeDude who graciously hosted and promoted this software project. # We would also like to acknowledge the work and efforts of Stephen Lynx, the creator and maintainer of LynxChan. # Without their efforts and their wonderful web site www.endchan.xyz, The Endware Suite would not exist in the public domain at all in any form. # # So thanks to OdiliTime, Balrog, SnakeDude, and Stephen Lynx for inspiring this work and for hosting and promoting it. # # The Endware Suite including Endwall,Endsets,Endlists,Endtools,Endloads and Endtube are named in honor of Endchan. # # The Endware Suite is available for download at the following locations: # https://gitgud.io/Endwall/ , https://github.com/endwall2/, https://www.endchan.xyz/os/, http://42xlyaqlurifvvtq.onion, # # Special thanks to the designer of the current EndWare logo which replaces the previous logo. It looks great! # Thank you also to early beta testers including a@a, and to other contributors including Joshua Moon (for user_agents.txt split and other good suggestions) # as well as to the detractors who helped to critique this work and to ultimately improve it. # # We also acknowledge paste.debian.net, ix.io, gitgud and github for their hosting services, # without which distribution would be limited, so thank you. # # https://www.endchan.xyz, http://paste.debian.net, https://gitgud.io, https://github.com, http://ix.io # # We salute you! # # In the end, may it all end well. # # The Endware Development Team ############################################################################################################################################################################## ############################################################################################################################################################################## # LICENSE AGREEMENT ############################################################################################################################################################################## # BEGINNING OF LICENSE AGREEMENT # TITLE: THE ENDWARE END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT (EULA) # CREATION DATE: MARCH 19, 2016 # VERSION: 1.18 # VERSION DATE: JUNE 28, 2018 # COPYRIGHT: THE ENDWARE DEVELOPMENT TEAM, 2016-2018 # ALL RIGHTS RESERVED # # WHAT CONSTITUTES "USE"? WHAT IS A "USER"? # 0) a) Use of this program means the ability to study, possess, run, copy, modify, publish, distribute and sell the code as included in all lines of this file, # in text format or as a binary file constituting this particular program or its compiled binary machine code form, as well as the the performance # of these aforementioned actions and activities. # 0) b) A user of this program is any individual who has been granted use as defined in section 0) a) of the LICENSE AGREEMENT, and is granted to those individuals listed in section 1. # WHO MAY USE THIS PROGRAM ? # 1) a) This program may be used by any living human being, any person, any corporation, any company, and by any sentient individual with the willingness and ability to do so. # 1) b) This program may be used by any citizen or resident of any country, and by any human being without citizenship or residency. # 1) c) This program may be used by any civilian, military officer, government agent, private citizen, government official, sovereign, monarch, head of state, # dignitary, ambassador, legislator,congressional representative, member of parliament, senator, judicial official, judge, prosecutor, lawyer, law enforcement officer, # police constable, noble, commoner, clergy, laity, and generally all classes and ranks of people, persons, and human beings mentioned and those not mentioned. # 1) d) This program may be used by any human being of any sex or gender, including men, women, or any other sex, or gender not mentioned. # 1) e) This program may be used by any human being of any affiliation, political viewpoint, political affiliation, religious belief, religious affiliation, and by those of non-belief or non affiliation. # 1) f) This program may be used by any human being of any race, ethnicity, identity, origin, genetic makeup, physical appearance, mental ability, and by those of any other physical # or non physical characteristics of differentiation. # 1) g) This program may be used by any human being of any sexual orientation, including heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, asexual, or any other sexual orientation not mentioned. # 1) h) This program may be used by all business classes and business entities, including corporations, limited liability companies, sole proprietorships, partnerships, joint venture companies, private companies, publicly owned companies, and any other business class not specifically mentioned. # 1) i) This program may be used by anyone. # WHERE MAY A USER USE THIS PROGRAM ? # 2) a) This program may be used in any country, in any geographic location of the planet Earth, in any marine or maritime environment, at sea, sub-sea, in a submarine, underground, # in the air, in an airplane, dirigible, blimp, or balloon, in a car, bus, motor vehicle, armored transport vehicle, and at any distance from the surface of the planet Earth, including in orbit about the Earth or the Moon, # on a satellite orbiting about the Earth, the Moon, about any Solar System planet and its moons, on any space transport vehicle, and anywhere in the Solar System including the Moon, Mars, and all other Solar System planets not listed. # 2) b) This program may be used in any residential, commercial, business, and governmental property or location and in all public and private spaces. # 2) c) This program may be used anywhere. # IN WHAT CONTEXT OR CIRCUMSTANCES MAY A USER USE THIS PROGRAM? # 3) This program may be used by any person, human being or sentient individual for any purpose and in any context and in any setting including for personal use, academic use, # business use, commercial use, government use, non-governmental organization use, non-profit organization use, military use, civilian use, and generally any other use # not specifically mentioned. # WHAT MAY A "USER" DO WITH THIS PROGRAM ? # 4) Any user of this program is granted the freedom to read and study the code. # 5) a) Any user of this program is granted the freedom to distribute, publish, and share the code with any recipient of their choice electronically or by any other method of transmission. # 5) b) The LICENCSE AGREEMENT, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, Header and Instructions must remain attached to the code in their entirety when re-distributed. # 5) c) Any user of this program is granted the freedom to sell this software as distributed or to bundle it with other software or saleable goods. # 6) a) Any user of this program is granted the freedom to modify the code. # 6) b) When modified, any user of this program is granted the freedom of re-distribution of their modified code if and only if the user attatchs the LICENSE AGREEMENT # in its entirety to their modified code before re-distribution. # 6) c) Any user of this software is granted the freedom to sell their modified copy of this software or to bundle their modified copy with other software or saleable goods. # 6) d) Any modified code shall be sublicensed by the modifier and distributor only under the original terms of the Endware End User License Agreement as presented in this LICENSE AGREEMENT. # 6) e) Any user of this software agrees that any derivative works produced as a result of user modification will be sublicensed when re-distributed under the original terms of this LICENSE AGREEMENT exactly as presented. # 7) a) Any user of this program is granted the freedom to run this code on any computer of their choice. # 7) b) Any user of this program is granted the freedom to run as many simultaneous instances of this code, on as many computers as they are able to and desire, and for as long as they desire and are # able to do so with any degree of simultaneity in use. # WHAT MUST A "USER" NOT DO WITH THIS PROGRAM ? # 8) Any user of this program is not granted the freedom to procure a patent for the methods presented in this software, and agrees not to do so. # 9) Any user of this program is not granted the freedom to arbitrarily procure a copyright on this software as presented, and agrees not to do so. # 10) Any user of this program is not granted the freedom to obtain or retain intellectual property rights on this software as presented and agrees not to do so. # 11) a) Any user of this program may use this software as part of a patented process, as a substitutable input into the process; however the user agrees not to attempt to patent this software as part of their patented process. # 11) b) This software is a tool, like a hammer, and may be used in a process which applies for and gains a patent, as a substitutable input into the process; # however the software tool itself may not be included in the patent or covered by the patent as a novel invention, and the user agrees not to do this and not to attempt to do this. # WHO GRANTS THESE FREEDOMS ? # 12) The creators of this software are the original developer,"Endwall", and anyone listed as being a member of "The Endware Development Team" by "Endwall", as well as ancillary contributors, and user modifiers and developers of the software. # 13) The aforementioned freedoms of use listed in sections 4),5),6),and 7) are granted by the creators of this software and the Endware Development Team to any qualifying user listed in section 1) and # comporting with any restrictions and qualifications mentioned in sections 2), 3), 8), 9), 10) and 11) of this LICENSE AGREEMENT. # WHAT RELATIONSHIP DO THE USERS HAVE WITH THE CREATORS OF THE SOFTWARE ? # 14) This software is distributed "AS IS" without any warranty and without any guaranty and the creators do not imply anything about its usefulness or efficacy. # 15) If the user suffers or sustains financial loss, informational loss, material loss, physical loss or data loss as a result of using, running, or modifying this software # the user agrees that they will hold the creators of this software, "The Endware Development Team", "Endwall", and the programmers involved in its creation, free from prosecution, # free from indemnity, and free from liability, and will not attempt to seek restitution, compensation, or payment for any such loss real or imagined. # 16) If a user makes a significant improvement to this software, and if this improvement is included in a release, the user agrees not to seek remuneration or payment # from the creators of this software or from Endwall or from the Endware Development Team, for any such work contribution performed, and the user understands # that there will be no such remuneration or payment rendered to them for any such contribution. # END OF LICENSE AGREEMENT ################################################################################################################################################################################## # ADDITIONAL NOTES: # 17) If a user finds a significant flaw or makes a significant improvement to this software, please feel free to notify the original developers so that we may also # include your user improvement in the next release; users are not obligated to do this, but we would enjoy this courtesy tremendously. # # 18) Sections 0) a) 0) b) and 1) a) are sufficient for use; however sections 1) b) through 1) i) are presented to clarify 1 a) and to enforce non-discrimination and non-exclusion of use. # For example some people may choose to redefine the meaning of the words "person" "human being" or "sentient individual" to exclude certain types of people. # This would be deemed unacceptable and is specifically rejected by the enumeration presented. If the wording presented is problematic please contact us and suggest a change, # and it will be taken into consideration. ################################################################################################################################################################################# ######################################## BEGINNING OF PROGRAM ########################################################## ############### VERSION INFORMATION ############## version="0.1172" rev_date="27/12/2021" branch="gnu/linux" product="ENDRADIO" ################################################## chan_columns="$HOME/bin/radio.txt" cookie="$HOME/bin/cookies.txt" stream_dump="$HOME/tmp/audiostream" playlist_tmp="$HOME/tmp/playlist.tmp" pidstore="$HOME/tmp/pid.tmp" cache_size="512" use_cookies="no" #change this to whatever path/file you what to use as your user agents file USERAGENTS=$HOME/bin/user_agents.txt # define the current tor browser user agent UA_torbrowser="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0" # define default headers HEAD1="Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" HEAD2="Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5" HEAD3="Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" HEAD4="Connection: keep-alive" uamode="off" headmode="off" state="normal" torsocks_ip= #torsocks_ip= torsocks_port=9050 ### Define function for displaying channels CHANGE MENU HERE channel_matrix_0() { echo "========================================================== "$product" "$version" =======================================================================" echo "|| NEWS || TV NEWS || ----------- || French || German || Spanish || Spanish / Italian ||" echo "============================================================================================================================================================" echo "1)BBC World Service 41)CBSN 81)-------------- 121)France Info 161)SRF 1 Basel 201)Nacional d'Andorra 241)Nervión Bilbao " echo "2)NPR 42)RT America 82)-------------- 122)France Inter 162)SRF 1 Aargau 202)RNE Madrid 242)Popular de Bilbao" echo "3)MPR News 43)RT UK 83) ------------- 123)RFI Monde 163)SRF 1 Baselland 203)RNE Classica Madrid 243)Rioja Cadena " echo "4)WKSU News 44)Jupiter FM 84)-------------- 124)RFI Afrique 164)SRF 1 Bern 204)RNE 3 Madrid 244)RCM " echo "5)Infowars 45)BBC World News 85)-------------- 125)Africa no 1 165)SRF 1 Ostschweiz 205)RNE 4 Barcelona 245)RTVA Seville" echo "6)BBC Radio 1 46)Oireachtas IE 86)-------------- 126)Alta Frequenza 166)SRF 1 Zentralsch 206)RNE 5 Todo Noticias 246)RSI Uno Lugano " echo "7)BBC Radio 2 47)EBS Europe 87)-------------- 127)BFM Paris 167)SRF 1 Zürich 207)ABC Punto 247)RSI Due Lugano " echo "8)BBC Radio 3 48)CGTN English CN 88)------------- 128)Europe 1 168)SRF 2 Kultur 208)Aragón Radio 248)RSI Tre Lugano" echo "9)BBC Radio 4 49)SKY News London UK 89)------------- 129)Kernews 169)SRF 3 209)Cadena Barcelona 249)RFI ES " echo "10)BBC Radio 5 50)RTE News Now IE 90)------------- 130)Radio Ici 170)SRF 4 News 210)Cadena Bilbao 250)UCV Radio CL" echo "11)BBC Radio 6 51)MSNBC USA 91)------------- 131)Premiere Chaine 171)SRF Virus 211)Cadena Sevilla 251)---------------" echo "12)RT English 52)ABC News USA 92)------------- 132)Espace Musique 172)SRF Musikwelle 212)Cadena Badajoz 252)---------------" echo "13)France 24 53)TRT World TK 93)------------- 133)RDI Montreal 173)Argovia Aarau 213)Cadena Valencia 253)---------------" echo "14)DW Englsih 54)India Today IN 94)------------- 134)Bel RTL Belgium 174)Bayern 1 Munich 214)Cadena Mallorca 254)---------------" echo "15)Al Jazeera Audio 55)NHK World Japan 95)------------- 135)DH Radio Belgium175)Bayern 2 Munich 215)Cadena Melilla 255)---------------" echo "16)BBC World Service 56)Free Speech TV 96)------------- 136)RMC Info Monaco 176)B5 Aktuell Munich 216)Cadena Murcia 256)---------------" echo "17)RTE Dublin 57)WGN 9 Chicago 97)------------- 137)RSR La Premiere 177)B5 Plus Munich 217)Cadena Pamplona 257)---------------" echo "18)RTE Extra Dublin 58)News12 Brooklyn 98)------------- 138)RSR Espace 2 178)Deutschlandfunk 218)Cadena Tenerife 258)---------------" echo "19)NBC News Radio 59)News12 Long Island 99)------------- 139)RSR Couleur 3 179)Deutschradiokultur219)Cadena Zaragoza 259)---------------" echo "20)BFBS UK 60)CGTN Documentary 100)------------- 140)RSR Option 180)hr-info Frankfurt 220)Cadena Santander 260)---------------" echo "21)LBC 1152 AM London 61)RT Documentary 101)------------- 141)RTL Radio 181)MDR 1 Dresden 221)Cadena Toledo 261)---------------" echo "22)LBC 97.3 FM London 62)NewsMax TV 102)------------- 142)--------------- 182)MDR 1 Magdeburg 222)Cadena Valladolid 262)---------------" echo "23)Isles FM Stornoway 63)NDTV IN 103)------------- 143)--------------- 183)MDR 1 Erfurt 223)Cadena Ceuta 263)---------------" echo "24)CPR News Colorado 64)NewsX IN 104)------------- 144)--------------- 184)MDR AKTUELL 224)Catalunya Barcelona 264)---------------" echo "25)Bloomberg Radio 65)UN WEB TV 105)------------- 145)--------------- 185)MDR KULTUR 225)Catalunya Informacio265)---------------" echo "26)Genesis GCN 66)106 Talk Dublin ***106)------------- 146)--------------- 186)NDR 90.3 Hamburg 226)COM Radio Barcelona 266)---------------" echo "27)Republic RBN 67)------------- 107)------------- 147)--------------- 187)NDR 1 Hannover 227)COPE Cantabria 267)---------------" echo "28)24/7 World Radio 68)------------- 108)------------- 148)--------------- 188)NDR 1 Schwerin 228)Cronicas Lanzarote 268)---------------" echo "29)KPFK Malibu 69)------------- 109)------------- 149)--------------- 189)NDR 1 Flensburg 229)esRadio Madrid 269)---------------" echo "30)KPFT Houston 70)------------- 110)------------- 150)--------------- 190)NDR Kultur 230)esRadio Guadalajara 270)---------------" echo "31)KPFT 2 Houston 71)------------- 111)------------- 151)--------------- 191)NDR Info 231)Onda Cero Madrid 271)---------------" echo "32)WPFW Washington DC 72)------------- 112)------------- 152)--------------- 192)NDR INDR 232)Onda Cero Noroeste 272)---------------" echo "33)WRYR-LP *** 73)------------- 113)------------- 153)--------------- 193)RBB InfoRadio 233)Onda Vasca Bilbao 273)---------------" echo "34)WXOJ-LP *** 74)------------- 114)------------- 154)--------------- 194)SR 3 Saarbrücken 234)RAC 1 Barcelona 274)---------------" echo "35)WRFN-LP *** 75)------------- 115)------------- 155)--------------- 195)SWR RP Mainz 235)Radio Asturias 275)---------------" echo "36)Liberty Radio 76)------------- 116)------------- 156)--------------- 196)SWR1 BW Stuttgart 236)Radio Bierzo 276)---------------" echo "37)1st Amendment 77)------------- 117)------------- 157)--------------- 197)SWR2 Stuttgart 237)Galega Santiago 277)---------------" echo "38)Voice of America 78)------------- 118)------------- 158)--------------- 198)WDR5 Cologne 238)Galega Música 278)---------------" echo "39)CSPAN Radio 79)------------- 119)------------- 159)--------------- 199)Wuste Welle 239)Marca Barcelona 279)---------------" echo "40)ABCNews Radio AU 80)------------- 120)------------- 160)--------------- 200)----------- 240)Menorca Mahón 280)---------------" echo "=======================================================================================================================================================" echo " " } channel_matrix_1() { echo "==================================================== "$product" "$version" =======================================================================" echo "|| Entertainment || Russian || BBC Regional || BBC Regional || CBC Canada || COLUMN 13 || Religious ||" echo "=================================================================================================================================================" echo "281)Pulse Radio 321)Radio Mayak FM RU 361)BBC Radio 1 401)BBC Shropshire 441)CBC 1 Kamloops 481)------------- 521)EWTN Radio" echo "282)Old Time Radio 322)Radio Russia AM 362)BBC Radio 2 402)BBC Solent 442)CBC 1 Kelowna 482)------------- 522)EWTN Classic" echo "283)c0vertElectr0 323)Radio Russia FM 363)BBC Radio 3 403)BBC Somerset 443)CBC 1 Prnc George 483)------------- 523)EWTN Spanish" echo "284)Deep Banjo 324)Kultura 91.6 FM RU 364)BBC Radio 4 404)BBC Stoke 444)CBC 1 Vancouver 484)------------- 524)EWTN Ireland" echo "285)Dark Ret 325)Radio Nost RU 365)BBC Radio 4 LW 405)BBC Suffolk 445)CBC 1 Victoria 485)------------- 525)EWTN Philippines" echo "286)BaroqueRadio 326)Business FM Moscow 366)BBC Radio 4 Extra 406)BBC Sussex 446)CBC 1 Whitehorse 486)------------- 526)IHOP House of Prayer" echo "287)AnonyRadio 327)107.4 St Petersburg 367)BBC 5 Live 407)BBC Tees 447)CBC 1 Calgary 487)------------- 527)--------------" echo "288)AnonyJazz 328)107.5 Ufa 368)BBC 5 Live Sports 408)BBC 3 Counties 448)CBC 1 Edmonton 488)------------- 528)--------------" echo "289)Lain Radio 329)Gorod FM 369)BBC 6 Music 409)BBC Wiltshire 449)CBC 1 Regina 489)------------ 529)--------------" echo "290)KDFC Classical 330)Kommersant 370)BBC 1Xtra 410)BBC WM 95.6 450)CBC 1 Saskatoon 490)------------ 530)--------------" echo "291)CPR Colorado 331)Moskva FM Moscow 371)BBC Asian 411)BBC York 451)CBC 1 Winnipeg 491)------------ 531)--------------" echo "292)CPR Open Air 332)NN Radio Nizhny 372)BBC World Service 412)BBC Scotland 452)CBC 1 Iqaluit 492)------------ 532)--------------" echo "293)The End Radio 333)Radio Moskvy 373)BBC Berkshire 413)BBC nan Gaidheal 453)CBC 1 Kitchener 493)------------ 533)--------------" echo "294)--------------- 334)RSN Moscow 374)BBC Bristol 414)BBC Ulster 454)CBC 1 London 494)------------ 534)--------------" echo "295)--------------- 335)UR-1 Kyiv 375)BBC Cambridgeshire 415)BBC Foyle 455)CBC 1 Ottawa 495)------------ 535)--------------" echo "296)--------------- 336)UR-2 Promin Kyiv 376)BBC Cornwall 416)BBC Wales 456)CBC 1 Sudbury 496)------------ 536)--------------" echo "297)--------------- 337)UR-3 Kultura Kyiv 377)BBC Coventry 417)SABC Power 5 457)CBC 1 Thunder Bay 497)------------- 537)--------------" echo "298)--------------- 338)UR-4 Int Kyiv 378)BBC Cumbria 418)SABC SA ZA 458)CBC 1 Toronto 498)------------- 538)--------------" echo "299)-------------- 339)Business Radio Kyiv 379)BBC Derby 419)SABC Africa 459)CBC 1 Windsor 499)------------- 539)--------------" echo "300)--------------- 340)Ekvator FM Shpola 380)BBC Devon 420)SABC RADIO 2000 460)CBC 1 Montreal 500)------------- 540)--------------" echo "301)--------------- 341)Golos Stolytsi Kyiv 381)BBC Essex 421)SABC Thobella 461)CBC 1 Nord Quebec 501)------------- 541)--------------" echo "302)--------------- 342)Radio ES Kyiv 382)BBC Gloucestershire422)SABC Ukhozi ZA 462)CBC 1 Quebec City 502)------------- 542)--------------" echo "303)--------------- 343)Radio Vesti Kyiv 383)BBC Guernsey 423)SABC UmholoboWenene463)CBC 1 Fredericton 503)------------- 543)--------------" echo "304)--------------- 344)Vesti Radio FM RU 384)BBC Hereford 424)SABC TRU FM 464)CBC 1 Moncton 504)------------- 544)--------------" echo "305)--------------- 345)------------- 385)BBC Humberside 425)SABC Ikwekwezi 465)CBC 1 Saint John 505)------------- 545)--------------" echo "306)--------------- 346)------------- 386)BBC Jersey 426)SABC Good Hope 466)CBC 1 Charlottetown506)------------- 546)--------------" echo "307)--------------- 347)------------- 387)BBC Kent 427)SABC Lesedi 467)CBC 1 Cape Breton 507)------------- 547)--------------" echo "308)--------------- 348)------------- 388)BBC Lancashire 428)SABC Ligwalagwala 468)CBC 1 Halifax 508)------------- 548)--------------" echo "309)--------------- 349)-------------- 389)BBC Leeds 429)SABC Lotus 87.7 469)CBC 1 Corner Brook 509)------------- 549)--------------" echo "310)--------------- 350)-------------- 390)BBC Leicester 430)SABC RSG FM 470)CBC 1 Grand Falls 510)------------- 550)--------------" echo "311)--------------- 351)-------------- 391)BBC Lincolnshire 431)SABC Phalaphala 471)CBC 1 Labrador 511)------------- 551)--------------" echo "312)--------------- 352)-------------- 392)BBC London 94.9 432)SABC Motsweding 472)CBC 1 St. Johns 512)------------- 552)--------------" echo "313)--------------- 353)-------------- 393)BBC Manchester 433)SABC Munghanalonene473)CBC 1 Inuvik 513)------------- 553)--------------" echo "314)--------------- 354)-------------- 394)BBC Merseyside 434)----------- 474)CBC 1 Yellowknife 514)------------- 554)--------------" echo "315)--------------- 355)-------------- 395)BBC Newcastle 435)----------- 475)CBC 2 Halifax 515)------------- 555)--------------" echo "316)--------------- 356)-------------- 396)BBC Norfolk 436)----------- 476)CBC 2 Toronto 516)------------- 556)--------------" echo "317)--------------- 357)-------------- 397)BBC Northampton 437)----------- 477)CBC 2 Winnipeg 517)------------- 557)--------------" echo "318)--------------- 358)-------------- 398)BBC Nottingham 438)----------- 478)CBC 2 Edmonton 518)------------- 558)--------------" echo "319)--------------- 359)-------------- 399)BBC Oxford 439)----------- 479)CBC 2 Vancouver 519)------------- 559)------------- " echo "320)--------------- 360)-------------- 400)BBC Sheffield 440)CBC 2 Eastern 480)CBC 2 Pacific 520)------------- 560)------------- " echo "================================================================================================================================================" echo " " } channel_matrix_2() { echo "==================================================== "$product" "$version" =======================================================================" echo "|| COLUMN 15 || COLUMN 16 || COLUMN 17 || COLUMN 18 || COLUMN 19 || COLUMN 20 || COLUMN 21 ||" echo "=================================================================================================================================================" echo "561)--------------- 601)------------- 641)------------- 681)------------- 721)----------- 761)------------- 801)-------------" echo "562)--------------- 602)------------- 642)------------- 682)------------- 722)----------- 762)------------- 802)-------------" echo "563)--------------- 603)------------- 643)------------- 683)------------- 723)----------- 763)------------- 803)-------------" echo "564)--------------- 604)------------- 644)------------- 684)------------- 724)----------- 764)------------- 804)-------------" echo "565)--------------- 605)------------- 645)------------- 685)------------- 725)----------- 765)------------- 805)-------------" echo "566)--------------- 606)------------- 646)------------- 686)------------- 726)----------- 766)------------- 806)-------------" echo "567)--------------- 607)------------- 647)------------- 687)------------- 727)----------- 767)------------- 807)--------------" echo "568)--------------- 608)------------- 648)------------- 688)------------- 728)----------- 768)------------- 808)--------------" echo "569)--------------- 609)------------- 649)------------- 689)------------- 729)----------- 769)------------ 809)--------------" echo "570)--------------- 610)------------- 650)------------- 690)------------- 730)----------- 770)------------ 810)--------------" echo "571)--------------- 611)------------- 651)------------- 691)------------- 731)----------- 771)------------ 811)--------------" echo "572)--------------- 612)------------- 652)------------- 692)------------- 732)----------- 772)------------ 812)--------------" echo "573)--------------- 613)------------- 653)------------- 693)------------- 733)----------- 773)------------ 813)--------------" echo "574)--------------- 614)------------- 654)------------- 694)------------- 734)----------- 774)------------ 814)--------------" echo "575)--------------- 615)------------- 655)------------- 695)------------- 735)----------- 775)------------ 815)--------------" echo "576)--------------- 616)------------- 656)------------- 696)------------- 736)----------- 776)------------ 816)--------------" echo "577)--------------- 617)------------- 657)------------- 697)----------- 737)----------- 777)------------- 817)--------------" echo "578)--------------- 618)------------- 658)------------- 698)----------- 738)----------- 778)------------- 818)--------------" echo "579)-------------- 619)------------- 659)------------- 699)----------- 739)----------- 779)------------- 819)--------------" echo "580)--------------- 620)------------- 660)------------- 700)----------- 740)----------- 780)------------- 820)--------------" echo "581)--------------- 621)------------- 661)------------- 701)----------- 741)----------- 781)------------- 821)--------------" echo "582)--------------- 622)------------- 662)------------- 702)----------- 742)----------- 782)------------- 822)--------------" echo "583)--------------- 623)------------- 663)------------- 703)----------- 743)----------- 783)------------- 823)--------------" echo "584)--------------- 624)------------- 664)------------- 704)----------- 744)----------- 784)------------- 824)--------------" echo "585)--------------- 625)------------- 665)------------- 705)----------- 745)----------- 785)------------- 825)--------------" echo "586)--------------- 626)------------- 666)------------- 706)----------- 746)----------- 786)------------- 826)--------------" echo "587)--------------- 627)------------- 667)------------- 707)----------- 747)------------ 787)------------- 827)--------------" echo "588)--------------- 628)------------- 668)------------- 708)----------- 748)------------ 788)------------- 828)--------------" echo "589)--------------- 629)-------------- 669)------------- 709)----------- 749)------------ 789)------------- 829)--------------" echo "590)--------------- 630)-------------- 670)------------- 710)----------- 750)------------ 790)------------- 830)--------------" echo "591)--------------- 631)-------------- 671)------------- 711)----------- 751)------------ 791)------------- 831)--------------" echo "592)--------------- 632)-------------- 672)------------- 712)----------- 752)------------ 792)------------- 832)--------------" echo "593)--------------- 633)-------------- 673)------------- 713)----------- 753)------------ 793)------------- 833)--------------" echo "594)--------------- 634)-------------- 674)------------- 714)----------- 754)------------ 794)------------- 834)--------------" echo "595)--------------- 635)-------------- 675)------------- 715)----------- 755)------------ 795)------------- 835)--------------" echo "596)--------------- 636)-------------- 676)------------- 716)----------- 756)------------ 796)------------- 836)--------------" echo "597)--------------- 637)-------------- 677)------------- 717)----------- 757)------------ 797)------------- 837)--------------" echo "598)--------------- 638)-------------- 678)------------- 718)----------- 758)------------ 798)------------- 838)--------------" echo "599)--------------- 639)-------------- 679)------------- 719)----------- 759)------------ 799)------------- 839)------------- " echo "600)--------------- 640)-------------- 680)------------- 720)----------- 760)------------ 800)------------- 840)------------- " echo "================================================================================================================================================" echo " " } channel_matrix_3() { echo "==================================================== "$product" "$version" =======================================================================" echo "|| COLUMN 22 || COLUMN 23 || COLUMN 24 || COLUMN 25 || COLUMN 26 || COLUMN 27 || COLUMN 28 ||" echo "=================================================================================================================================================" echo "841)--------------- 881)------------- 921)------------- 961)------------- 1001)----------- 1041)------------- 1081)-------------" echo "842)--------------- 882)------------- 922)------------- 962)------------- 1002)----------- 1042)------------- 1082)-------------" echo "843)--------------- 883)------------- 923)------------- 963)------------- 1003)----------- 1043)------------- 1083)-------------" echo "884)--------------- 884)------------- 924)------------- 964)------------- 1004)----------- 1044)------------- 1084)-------------" echo "845)--------------- 885)------------- 925)------------- 965)------------- 1005)----------- 1045)------------- 1085)-------------" echo "846)--------------- 886)------------- 926)------------- 966)------------- 1006)----------- 1046)------------- 1086)-------------" echo "847)--------------- 887)------------- 927)------------- 967)------------- 1007)----------- 1047)------------- 1087)--------------" echo "848)--------------- 888)------------- 928)------------- 968)------------- 1008)----------- 1048)------------- 1088)--------------" echo "849)--------------- 889)------------- 929)------------- 969)------------- 1009)----------- 1049)------------ 1089)--------------" echo "850)--------------- 890)------------- 930)------------- 970)------------- 1010)----------- 1050)------------ 1090)--------------" echo "851)--------------- 891)------------- 931)------------- 971)------------- 1011)----------- 1051)------------ 1091)--------------" echo "852)--------------- 892)------------- 932)------------- 972)------------- 1012)----------- 1052)------------ 1092)--------------" echo "853)--------------- 893)------------- 933)------------- 973)------------- 1013)----------- 1053)------------ 1093)--------------" echo "854)--------------- 894)------------- 934)------------- 974)------------- 1014)----------- 1054)------------ 1094)--------------" echo "855)--------------- 895)------------- 935)------------- 975)------------- 1015)----------- 1055)------------ 1095)--------------" echo "856)--------------- 896)------------- 936)------------- 976)------------- 1016)----------- 1056)------------ 1096)--------------" echo "857)--------------- 897)------------- 937)------------- 977)----------- 1017)----------- 1057)------------- 1097)--------------" echo "858)--------------- 898)------------- 938)------------- 978)----------- 1018)----------- 1058)------------- 1098)--------------" echo "859)-------------- 899)------------- 939)------------- 979)----------- 1019)----------- 1059)------------- 1099)--------------" echo "860)--------------- 900)------------- 940)------------- 980)----------- 1020)----------- 1060)------------- 1100)--------------" echo "861)--------------- 091)------------- 941)------------- 981)----------- 1021)----------- 1061)------------- 1101)--------------" echo "862)--------------- 902)------------- 942)------------- 982)----------- 1022)----------- 1062)------------- 1102)--------------" echo "863)--------------- 903)------------- 943)------------- 983)----------- 1023)----------- 1063)------------- 1103)--------------" echo "864)--------------- 904)------------- 944)------------- 984)----------- 1024)----------- 1064)------------- 1104)--------------" echo "865)--------------- 905)------------- 945)------------- 985)----------- 1025)----------- 1065)------------- 1105)--------------" echo "866)--------------- 906)------------- 946)------------- 986)----------- 1026)----------- 1066)------------- 1106)--------------" echo "867)--------------- 907)------------- 947)------------- 987)----------- 1027)------------ 1067)------------- 1107)--------------" echo "868)--------------- 908)------------- 948)------------- 988)----------- 1028)------------ 1068)------------- 1108)--------------" echo "869)--------------- 909)-------------- 949)------------- 989)----------- 1029)------------ 1069)------------- 1109)--------------" echo "870)--------------- 910)-------------- 950)------------- 990)----------- 1030)------------ 1070)------------- 1110)--------------" echo "871)--------------- 911)-------------- 951)------------- 991)----------- 1031)------------ 1071)------------- 1111)--------------" echo "872)--------------- 912)-------------- 952)------------- 992)----------- 1032)------------ 1072)------------- 1112)--------------" echo "873)--------------- 913)-------------- 953)------------- 993)----------- 1033)------------ 1073)------------- 1113)--------------" echo "874)--------------- 914)-------------- 954)------------- 994)----------- 1034)------------ 1074)------------- 1114)--------------" echo "875)--------------- 915)-------------- 955)------------- 995)----------- 1035)------------ 1075)------------- 1115)--------------" echo "876)--------------- 916)-------------- 956)------------- 996)----------- 1036)------------ 1076)------------- 1116)--------------" echo "877)--------------- 917)-------------- 957)------------- 997)----------- 1037)------------ 1077)------------- 1117)--------------" echo "878)--------------- 918)-------------- 958)------------- 998)----------- 1038)------------ 1078)------------- 1118)--------------" echo "879)--------------- 919)-------------- 959)------------- 999)----------- 1039)------------ 1079)------------- 1119)------------- " echo "880)--------------- 920)-------------- 960)------------- 1000)----------- 1040)------------ 1080)------------- 1120)------------- " echo "================================================================================================================================================" echo " " } for arg in $@ do if [ "$arg" = "--help" ] then echo "ENDRADIO: listen to online radio streams behind tor using mpv" echo "Type in the terminal $ endradio " echo "Now read the list and pick a number,input it and press enter." echo "" echo "USAGE:" echo "$ endradio --help # usage messages" echo "$ endradio --version # print version information" echo "$ endradio --list-matrix # channel list in matrix format" echo "$ endradio --list-all # channel list in column format" echo "$ endradio --ua-tor # use tor-browser user-agent" echo "$ endradio --ua-rand # use random user-agent from user_agents.txt " echo "$ endradio --ua-ranstr # use a random string as the user agent" echo "$ endradio 55 # use channel number in command line" echo "$ endradio " shift exit 0 elif [ "$arg" = "--version" ] then echo "ENDRADIO: version: "$version", branch: "$branch" , revision date: "$rev_date" " echo "Copyright: The Endware Development Team, 2016" shift exit 0 elif [ "$arg" = "--list-matrix" ] then channel_matrix shift exit 0 elif [ "$arg" = "--list-all" ] then more "$chan_columns" shift elif [ "$arg" = "--uarand" ] then state="rand" uamode="on" shift elif [ "$arg" = "--no-agent" ] then uamode="off" shift elif [ "$arg" = "--no-header" ] then headmode="off" shift exit 0 elif [ "$arg" = "--ua-rand" ] then uastate="rand" uamode="on" shift elif [ "$arg" = "--ua-ranstr" ] then uastate="ranstr" uamode="on" shift elif [ "$arg" = "--ua-tor" ] then uastate="tor" uamode="on" shift elif [ "$arg" = "--ua-row1" ] then uastate="row1" uamode="on" shift elif [ "$arg" = "--no-agent" ] then uamode="off" shift elif [ "$arg" = "--no-header" ] then headmode="off" shift fi done ## Channel Selection function (ADD CHANNELS HERE) channel_select() { chan_num=$1 case $chan_num in ################ MAIN ENGLISH ################################## # 1) BBC World Service 1) link=http://bbcwssc.ic.llnwd.net/stream/bbcwssc_mp1_ws-eieuk use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC World Service";; # 2) NPR National Public Radio 2) #link=https://www.npr.org/streams/aac/live1_aac.pls link="https://nprdmp-live01-aac.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/91/364917/v1/npr.akacast.akamaistream.net/nprdmp_live01_aac" use_paylist="no" chan_name="NPR";; # 3) MPR News 3) link=http://minnesota.publicradio.org/tools/play/streams/news.pls use_playlist="no" chan_name="Minnesota Public Radio News ";; # 4) WKSU News 4) link= use_playlist="no" chan_name="WKSU News";; # 5) Infowars 5) rnum=$( expr $( head -c 2 /dev/urandom | od -A n -i ) % 7 ) case $rnum in 0) link="" #link=http://stream-aac.infowars.com ;; 1) link="" #http://stream-aac-us.infowars.com ;; 2) link="" #http://stream-aac-eu.infowars.com ;; 3) link="" #http://stream-mp3.infowars.com ;; 4) link="" #http://stream-mp3-us.infowars.com ;; 5) link="" #http://stream-mp3-eu.infowars.com ;; 6) link="" ;; 7) link="" ;; esac use_playlist="no" chan_name="Infowars";; # 6) BBC Radio 1 6) link=http://bbcmedia.ic.llnwd.net/stream/bbcmedia_radio1_mf_p use_playlist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio 1";; # 7) BBC Radio 2 7) link=http://bbcmedia.ic.llnwd.net/stream/bbcmedia_radio2_mf_p use_playlist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio 2";; # 8) BBC Radio 3 8) link=http://bbcmedia.ic.llnwd.net/stream/bbcmedia_radio3_mf_p #http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-aac-lc-a/format/pls/vpid/bbc_radio_three.pls use_playlist="no" chan_name=" BBC Radio 3";; # 9) BBC Radio 4 9) link=http://bbcmedia.ic.llnwd.net/stream/bbcmedia_radio4fm_mf_p use_playlist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio 4";; # 10) BBC Radio 5 10) link=http://bbcmedia.ic.llnwd.net/stream/bbcmedia_radio5live_mf_p use_playlist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio 5";; # 11) BBC Radio 6 11) link=http://bbcmedia.ic.llnwd.net/stream/bbcmedia_6music_mf_p use_playlist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio 6";; # 12) RT 12) link=https://rt-news.secure.footprint.net/1103-inadv-qidx-0k_v5.m3u8 use_paylist="no" chan_name="RT";; # 13) France 24 13) link=http://f24hls-i.akamaihd.net/hls/live/221193/F24_EN_LO_HLS/master_96.m3u8 use_paylist="no" chan_name="France 24";; # 14) DW English 14) link=http://dwstream1-lh.akamaihd.net/i/dwstream1_live@120422/index_5_a-b.m3u8 use_paylist="no" chan_name="DW English";; # 15) Al Jazeera 15) #link=http://players.brightcove.net/665003303001/rJgyhryKx_default/index.html?videoId=5321320347001 link=http://aljazeera-eng-apple-live.adaptive.level3.net/apple/aljazeera/english/160audio.m3u8 use_paylist="no" chan_name="Al Jazeera";; # 16) BBC World Service Backup 16) link=http://bbcwssc.ic.llnwd.net/stream/bbcwssc_mp1_ws-eieuk_backup use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC World Service";; # 17) RTE Radio 1 Dublin 17) # link=http://www.listenlive.eu/rte1.m3u link=http://icecast2.rte.ie/radio1 use_paylist="no" chan_name="RTE Radio 1 Dublin";; # 18) RTE Radio 1 Extra Dublin 18) #link=http://www.listenlive.eu/rte1extra.m3u link=http://icecast2.rte.ie/radio1extra use_paylist="no" chan_name="RTE Radio 1 Extra Dublin";; # 19)NBC News Radio 19) link=https://c3.prod.playlists.ihrhls.com/6043/playlist.m3u8 use_paylist="no" chan_name="NBC News Radio ";; # 20) BFBS UK 20) #link=http://icy-e-04.sharp-stream.com/ssvcbfbs1.mp3.m3u link=http://edge-audio-01-cr.sharp-stream.com:80/ssvcbfbs1.mp3 use_paylist="no" chan_name="BFBS UK";; # 21) LBC 1152 AM London 21) link=http://media-ice.musicradio.com:80/LBC1152.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="LBC 1152 AM London";; # 22) LBC 97.3 FM London 22) link=http://media-ice.musicradio.com/LBC973.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="LBC 97.3 FM London";; # 23) Isles FM Stornoway 23) link=http://hebrides.tv:8000/islesfm.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Isles FM Stornoway";; # 24) CPR News Colorado 24) link=http://livestream.cprnetwork.org/pls/live_newsinfo_aac.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="CPR News Colorado";; # 25) Bloomberg Radio 25) link="https://17633.live.streamtheworld.com/WBBRAMAAC48/HLS/playlist.m3u8?sbmid=febb23cd-097c-4c94-94c6-9bbfe8a46d93&ttag=device:web" use_playlist="no" chan_name="Bloomberg Radio";; # 26) Genesis Communications Network 26) rnum=$( expr $( head -c 2 /dev/urandom | od -A n -i ) % 6 ) case $rnum in 0) link=http://www.gcnlive.com/playlists/live/channel1.m3u ;; 1) link=http://www.gcnlive.com/playlists/live/channel2.m3u ;; 2) link=http://www.gcnlive.com/playlists/live/channel3.m3u ;; 3) link=http://www.gcnlive.com/playlists/live/channel4.m3u ;; 4) link=http://www.gcnlive.com/playlists/live/channel5.m3u ;; 5) link=http://www.gcnlive.com/playlists/live/channel6.m3u ;; esac use_playlist="no" chan_name="Genesis Communications Network";; # 27) Republic Broadcast Network 27) link=http://republicbroadcasting.org/32k.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="Republic Broadcast Network";; # 28) 247 World Radio 28) method="mplayer" # link=http://www.broadcastmatrix.com/optional/247world/winamp.pls ## link="" #link="" # link=http://page.clooudradionetwork.com:7230 use_paylist="no" chan_name="24/7 World Radio";; # 29) KPFK 29) link=http://ic1.mainstreamnetwork.com/kpfk-fm.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="KPFK";; # 30) KPFT 30) link=http://kpft.org/KPFT-hifi.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="KPFT";; # 31) KPFT 2 31) link=http://kpft.org/KPFT-HD3-hifi.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="KPFT 2";; # 32) WPFW 32) link=http://www.wpfwfm.org:8000/wpfw_128 use_paylist="no" chan_name="WPFW";; # 33) WRYR-LP 33) link=http://boa.mediacast1.com:9656/listen.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="WRYR-LP";; # 34) WXOJ-LP 34) link=http://valleyfree1.serverroom.us:5676/listen.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="WXOJ-LP";; # 35) WRFN-LP 35) link=http://www.streamlicensing.com/directory/index.cgi/playlist.pls?action=playlist&type=pls&sid=4253&stream_id=8011 use_paylist="no" chan_name="WRFN-LP";; # 36)Liberty Radio 36) link=http://lrn.fm/files/lrn.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Liberty Radio";; # 37) First Amendment Radio 37) link=http://firstamendmentradio.net/64k.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="First Amendment Radio";; # 38) Voice of America 38) link=https://voa28.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/325/437810/v1/ibb.akacast.akamaistream.net/voa28?download=1 use_paylist="no" chan_name="Voice of America";; # 39) CSPAN Radio 39) link=https://playerservices.streamtheworld.com/api/livestream-redirect/CSPANRADIO.mp3 use_playlist="no" chan_name="CSPAN RADIO" ;; # 40) ABC News RADIO AU 40) link="http://abcradiolivehls-lh.akamaihd.net/i/newsradio_1@327297/index_48_a-p.m3u8?sd=10&rebase=on" use_playlist="no" chan_name="ABC News Radio AU";; ##################################### COLUMN II ################################################## # 41) CBSN 41) #link="$( torsocks curl -A "$UA" "https://dai.google.com/linear/hls/event/Sid4xiTQTkCT1SLu6rjUSQ/master.m3u8" | cut -d \" -f 2 | cut -d \" -f 1 ) " link="$( torsocks curl -A "$UA" $( torsocks curl -A "$UA" "https://dai.google.com/linear/hls/event/Sid4xiTQTkCT1SLu6rjUSQ/master.m3u8" | cut -d \" -f 2 | cut -d \" -f 1 ) | grep 264000.m3u8 | tail -n 1 ) " use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBSN";; # 42) RT America 42) link=https://rt-usa.secure.footprint.net/1105-inadv-qidx-0k_v5.m3u8 use_paylist="no" chan_name="RT America";; # 43) RT UK 43) link=https://rt-uk.secure.footprint.net/1106-inadv-qidx-0k_v5.m3u8 use_paylist="no" chan_name="RT UK ";; # 44) Jupiter Broadcasting 44) link=http://jblive.fm/ use_paylist="no" chan_name="Jupiter Broadcasting";; # 45) BBC World News Service 45) link="http://bbcwssc.ic.llnwd.net/stream/bbcwssc_mp1_ws-einws_backup" use_playlist="no" chan_name="BBC World News";; # 46) Oireachtas IE 46) link="https://oirlive.heanet.ie/oirlive/oireachtas/ngrp:oireachtas.stream_all/chunklist_b128000.m3u8" use_playlist="no" chan_name="Oireachtas IE";; # 47) EBS English 47) link=http://defiris.ec.streamcloud.be/live/audio/ebsplus_en_128.mp3 use_paylist="no" chan_name="EBS English";; # 48) CGTN English 48) link=https://live.cgtn.com/200/prog_index.m3u8 use_paylist="no" chan_name="CGTN English";; # 49) SKY News London 49) link="http://skydvn-nowtv-atv-prod.skydvn.com/atv/skynews/1404/live/01.m3u8" use_playlist="no" chan_name="Sky News" ;; # 50) RTE News NOW 50) #link=http://wmsrtsp1.rte.ie/live/android.sdp/playlist.m3u8 #EXT-X-STREAM-INF:BANDWIDTH=2089682,CODECS="avc1.77.31,mp4a.40.2",RESOLUTION=1024x576 link="http://wmsrtsp1.rte.ie/live/android.sdp/chunklist_w203521911.m3u8" use_playlist="no" chan_name="RTE News NOW" ;; # 51)MSNBC 51) link="http://tunein.ord.streamguys1.com/msnbc-free" #link="http://tvemsnbc-lh.akamaihd.net/i/nbcmsnbc_1@122532/index_296_av-p.m3u8?sd=10&rebase=on" use_playlist="no" chan_name="MSNBC";; # 52)ABC News USA 52) #EXT-X-STREAM-INF:PROGRAM-ID=1,BANDWIDTH=400000,RESOLUTION=320x180,CODECS="avc1.77.30, mp4a.40.2" link="https://abclive2-lh.akamaihd.net/i/abc_live11@423404/index_400_av-p.m3u8?sd=10&rebase=on" use_playlist="no" chan_name="ABC News USA" ;; # 53) TRT World 53) link="http://trtcanlitv-lh.akamaihd.net/i/TRTWORLD_1@321783/index_360p_av-p.m3u8?sd=10&rebase=on" use_playlist="no" chan_name="TRT World";; # 54) India TODAY 54) link="$(torsocks curl -A "$UA" "https://feeds.intoday.in/hltapps/api/master.m3u8" | grep 428000pb | tail -n 1 )" # BANDWIDTH=2128000pb.m3u8 896000p.m3u8 428000pb.m3u8 use_playlist="no" chan_name="India TODAY English" ;; # 55)NHK World Japan 55) link="https://nhkwtvglobal-i.akamaihd.net/hls/live/263941/nhkwtvglobal/index_200.m3u8" use_playlist="no" chan_name="NHK World Japan" ;; # 56)Free Speech TV 56) link="https://edge.free-speech-tv-live.top.comcast.net/out/u/27153_5.m3u8" use_playlist="no" chan_name="Free Speech TV" ;; # 57) WGN 9 Chicago 57) link="http://wgntribune-lh.akamaihd.net/i/WGNPrimary_1@304622/index_750_av-p.m3u8?sd=10&rebase=on" use_playlist="no" chan_name="WGN 9 Chicago" ;; # 58)News 12 Brooklyn 58) link="http://hls.iptv.optimum.net/news12/nipadlive/06_new.m3u8?cdnHost=" use_playlist="no" chan_name="News 12 Brooklyn" ;; # 59) News 12 Long Island 59) link="http://hls.iptv.optimum.net/news12/nipadlive/06_new.m3u8?cdnHost=" use_playlist="no" chan_name="News 12 Long Island" ;; # 60) CGTN Documentary English 60) link=https://live.cgtn.com/200d/prog_index.m3u8 use_paylist="no" chan_name="CGTN Documentary English";; # 61) RT Documentary 61) link=https://secure-streams.akamaized.net/rt-doc/indexaudio.m3u8 use_paylist="no" chan_name="RT Documentary";; # 62) NewsMax USA 62) link=http://cdnapi.kaltura.com/p/2216081/sp/221608100/playManifest/entryId/1_f19eeulz/format/applehttp/protocol/http/uiConfId/28428751/index_audio.m3u8 use_paylist="no" chan_name="NewsMax USA";; # 63) NDTV IN 63) link=http://ndtv.live-s.cdn.bitgravity.com/cdn-live-b7/_definst_/ndtv/live/ndtv247live.smil/chunklist_w40498010_b48000_ao.m3u8 use_paylist="no" chan_name="NDTV IN";; # 64) NEWS X India IN 64)link=http://newsx.live-s.cdn.bitgravity.com/cdn-live/_definst_/newsx/live/newsxnew.smil/chunklist_w1366423212_b256000_ao.m3u8 use_paylist="no" chan_name="NEWS X India IN";; # 65) UN WEB TV 65) link="https://bcliveunivsecure-lh.akamaihd.net/i/un150_1@575439/index_828_av-p.m3u8?sd=10&rebase=on" use_paylist="no" chan_name="UN WEB TV";; # 66) News Talk 106-108 Dublin 66) link=http://communicorp.mp3.miisolutions.net:8000/communicorp/Newstalk_low.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="News Talk 106-108 Dublin";; ######################################## # 121) France Info 121) link=http://www.listenlive.eu/fr_franceinfo128.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="France Info";; # 122) France Inter 122) link=http://www.listenlive.eu/fr_franceinter128.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="France Inter";; # 123) RFI Monde 123) #link=http://www.listenlive.eu/rfimonde.m3u link=http://live02.rfi.fr/rfimonde-64.mp3 use_paylist="no" chan_name="RFI Monde";; # 124) RFI Afrique 124) link=http://www.listenlive.eu/rfiafrique.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="RFI Afrique";; # 125) Africa no 1 125) link=http://african1paris.ice.infomaniak.ch/african1paris-128.mp3.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Africa no 1";; # 126) Alta Frequenza Ajaccio 126) link=http://str80.streamakaci.com:7020/listen.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="Alta Frequenza Ajaccio";; # 127) BFM Paris 127) link=http://www.listenlive.eu/bfm.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="BFM Paris";; # 128) Europe 1 128) link=http://www.listenlive.eu/europe1.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Europe 1";; # 129) Kernews 129) link=http://statslive.infomaniak.ch/playlist/kernews/kernews-128.aac/playlist.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Kernews";; # 130) Radio Ici Maintenant Paris 130) link=http://radio.rim952.fr:8000/stream.mp3.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Radio Ici Maintenant Paris";; ################# Radio Canada ################################ # 131) Radio Canada Première Chaîne 131) link=http://2QMTL0.akacast.akamaistream.net:80/7/953/177387/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/2QMTL0 use_paylist="no" chan_name="Radio Canada Première Chaîne";; # 132) Radio Canada Espace Musique 132) link=http://7qmtl0.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/445/177407/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/7QMTL0 use_paylist="no" chan_name="Radio Canada Espace Musique";; # 133) Radio Canada RDI 133) link=http://RDIRADIO.akacast.akamaistream.net:80/7/501/177423/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/RDIRADIO use_paylist="no" chan_name="Radio Canada RDI";; ################################################################### # 134) Bel RTL Brussels Belgium 134) link=http://www.listenlive.eu/belrtl.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Bel RTL Brussels Belgium";; # 135)DH Radio Brussels Belgium 135) link=http://www.listenlive.eu/dhradio.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="DH Radio Brussels Belgium";; # 136) RMC Info Monaco 136) link=http://www.listenlive.eu/rmc.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="RMC Info Monaco";; # 137) RSR La Premiere Lausanne 137) link=http://stream.srg-ssr.ch/la-1ere/mp3_128.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="RSR La Premiere Lausanne";; # 138) RSR Espace 2 Lausanne 138) link=http://stream.srg-ssr.ch/espace-2/mp3_128.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="RSR Espace 2 Lausanne";; # 139) RSR Couleur 3 139) link=http://stream.srg-ssr.ch/couleur3/mp3_128.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="RSR Couleur 3";; # 140) RSR Option Musique 140) link=http://stream.srg-ssr.ch/option-musique/mp3_128.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="RSR Option Musique";; # 141) RTL Radio Lëtzebuerg Luxembourg 141) link=http://radio.rtl.lu/mp3.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="RTL Radio Lëtzebuerg Luxembourg";; ################# Deutsche ############################### # Deutsche Schweiz # 161) Radio SRF 1 Basel 161) link=http://stream.srg-ssr.ch/drs1/mp3_128.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Radio SRF 1 Basel";; # 162) Radio SRF 1 Aargau Solothurn 162) link=http://stream.srg-ssr.ch/regi_ag_so/mp3_128.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Radio SRF 1 Aargau Solothurn";; # 163) Radio SRF 1 Basel Baselland 163) link=http://stream.srg-ssr.ch/regi_bs_bl/mp3_128.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Radio SRF 1 Basel Baselland";; # 164) Radio SRF 1 Bern Freibourg Wallis 164) link=http://stream.srg-ssr.ch/regi_be_fr_vs/mp3_128.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Radio SRF 1 Bern Freibourg Wallis";; # 165) Radio SRF 1 Ostschweiz 165) link=http://stream.srg-ssr.ch/regi_ost/mp3_128.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Radio SRF 1 Ostschweiz";; # 166) Radio SRF 1 Zentralschweiz 166) link=http://stream.srg-ssr.ch/regi_zentr/mp3_128.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Radio SRF 1 Zentralschweiz";; # 167) Radio SRF 1 Zürich Schaffhausen 167) link=http://stream.srg-ssr.ch/regi_zh_sh/mp3_128.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Radio SRF 1 Zürich Schaffhausen";; # 168) Radio SRF 2 Kultur 168) link=http://stream.srg-ssr.ch/drs1/mp3_128.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Radio SRF 2 Kultur";; # 169) Radio SRF 3 169) link=http://stream.srg-ssr.ch/drs3/mp3_128.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Radio SRF 3";; # 170) Radio SRF 4 News 170) link=http://stream.srg-ssr.ch/drs4news/mp3_128.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Radio SRF 4 News";; # 171) Radio SRF Virus 171) link=http://stream.srg-ssr.ch/drsvirus/mp3_128.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Radio SRF Virus";; # 172) Radio SRF Musikwelle 172) link=http://stream.srg-ssr.ch/drsmw/mp3_128.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Radio SRF Musikwelle";; # 173) Argovia News Aarau 173) link=http://icecast.argovia.ch/argovianews.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Argovia News Aarau";; # 174) Bayern 1 Munich 174) link=http://streams.br-online.de/bayern1_2.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Bayern 1 Munich";; # 175) Bayern 2 Munich 175) link=http://streams.br-online.de/bayern2_2.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Bayern 2 Munich";; # 176) B5 Aktuell Munich 176) link=http://streams.br-online.de/b5aktuell_2.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="B5 Aktuell Munich";; # 177) B5 Plus Munich 177) link=http://streams.br-online.de/b5plus_2.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="B5 Plus Munich";; # 178) Deutschlandfunk Cologne 178) link=http://www.dradio.de/streaming/dlf.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Deutschlandfunk Cologne";; # 179) Deutschlandradiokultur Berlin 179) link=http://www.dradio.de/streaming/dkultur.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Deutschlandradiokultur Berlin";; # 180) hr-info Frankfurt 180) link=http://metafiles.gl-systemhaus.de/hr/hrinfo_2.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="hr-info Frankfurt";; # 181) MDR 1 Radio Sachsen Dresden 181) link=http://avw.mdr.de/livestreams/mdr1_radio_sachsen_live_128.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="MDR 1 Radio Sachsen Dresden";; # 182) MDR 1 Radio Sachsen-Anhalt Magdeburg 182) link=http://avw.mdr.de/livestreams/mdr1_radio_sachsen-anhalt_live_128.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="MDR 1 Radio Sachsen-Anhalt Magdeburg";; # 183) MDR 1 Radio Thüringen Erfurt 183) link=http://avw.mdr.de/livestreams/mdr1_radio_thueringen_live_128.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="MDR 1 Radio Thüringen Erfurt";; # 184) MDR AKTUELL Livestream Leipzig 184) link=http://avw.mdr.de/livestreams/mdr_aktuell_live_128.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="MDR AKTUELL Livestream Leipzig";; # 185) MDR KULTUR Livestream Halle 185) link=http://avw.mdr.de/livestreams/mdr_kultur_live_128.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="MDR KULTUR Livestream Halle";; # 186) NDR 90,3 Hamburg 186) link=http://www.ndr.de/resources/metadaten/audio/m3u/ndr903.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="NDR 90,3 Hamburg";; # 187) NDR 1 Niedersachsen Hannover 187) link=http://www.ndr.de/resources/metadaten/audio/m3u/ndr1niedersachsen.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="NDR 1 Niedersachsen Hannover";; # 188) NDR 1 Radio MV Schwerin 188) link=http://www.ndr.de/resources/metadaten/audio/m3u/ndr1radiomv.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="NDR 1 Radio MV Schwerin";; # 189) NDR 1 Welle Nord Flensburg 189) link=http://www.ndr.de/resources/metadaten/audio/m3u/ndr1wellenord.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="NDR 1 Welle Nord Flensburg";; # 190) NDR Kultur Hamburg 190) link=http://www.ndr.de/resources/metadaten/audio/m3u/ndrkultur.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="NDR Kultur Hamburg" ;; # 191) NDR Info Hamburg 191) link=http://www.ndr.de/resources/metadaten/audio/m3u/ndrinfo.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="NDR Info Hamburg" ;; # 192) NDR INDR Info Spezia Hamburg 192) link=http://ndrstream.ic.llnwd.net/stream/ndrstream_ndrinfo_spezial_hi_mp3.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="NDR INDR Info Spezia Hamburg" ;; # 193) RBB InfoRadio Berlin 193) link=http://www.inforadio.de/live.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="RBB InfoRadio Berlin" ;; # 194) SR 3 Saarlandwelle Saarbrücken 194) link=http://streaming01.sr-online.de/sr3_2.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="SR 3 Saarlandwelle Saarbrücken" ;; # 195) SWR RP Mainz 195) link=http://mp3-live.swr.de/swr1rp_m.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="SWR RP Mainz" ;; # 196) SWR1 BW Stuttgart 196) link=http://mp3-live.swr.de/swr1bw_m.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="SWR1 BW Stuttgart" ;; # 197) SWR2 Stuttgart 197) link=http://mp3-live.swr.de/swr2_m.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="SWR2 Stuttgart" ;; # 198) WDR5 Cologne 198) link=http://www.wdr.de/wdrlive/media/wdr5.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="WDR5 Cologne" ;; # 199) Wüste Welle Tübingen 199) link=http://livestream.wueste-welle.de:8000/mp3.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Wüste Welle Tübingen" ;; #################### SPANISH ############################### # 201) Radio Nacional d'Andorra Andorra la Vella 201) link=mms:// use_paylist="no" chan_name="Radio Nacional d'Andorra Andorra la Vella";; # 202) RNE Radio Nacional Madrid 202) link=http://www.listenlive.eu/rneradio1.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="RNE Radio Nacional Madrid";; # 203) RNE Radio Clásica Madrid 203) link=http://www.listenlive.eu/rneradioclasica.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="RNE Radio Clásica Madrid";; # 204) RNE Radio 3 Madrid 204) link=http://www.listenlive.eu/rneradio3.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="RNE Radio 3 Madrid";; # 205) RNE Ràdio 4 Barcelona 205) link=http://www.listenlive.eu/rneradio4.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="RNE Ràdio 4 Barcelona";; # 206) RNE Radio 5 Todo Noticias Madrid 206) link=http://www.listenlive.eu/rneradio5.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="RNE Radio 5 Todo Noticias Madrid";; # 207) ABC Punto Radio Tenerife 207) link= use_paylist="no" chan_name="ABC Punto Radio Tenerife";; # 208) Aragón Radio Zaragoza 208) link=mms://aragonfmwmlive.fplive.net/aragonfmwmlive-live/aragonradio01 use_paylist="no" chan_name="Aragón Radio Zaragoza";; # 209) Cadena Ser Radio Barcelona 209) link=http://playerservices.streamtheworld.com/pls/SER_BARCELONA.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="Cadena Ser Radio Barcelona";; # 210) Cadena Ser Radio Bilbao 210) link=http://provisioning.streamtheworld.com/pls/SER_BILBAO.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="Cadena Ser Radio Bilbao";; # 211) Cadena Ser Radio Sevilla 211) link=http://provisioning.streamtheworld.com/pls/SER_SEVILLA.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="Cadena Ser Radio Sevilla";; # 212) Cadena Ser Extremadura Badajoz 212) link=http://provisioning.streamtheworld.com/pls/SER_Extremadura.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="Cadena Ser Extremadura Badajoz";; # 213) Cadena Ser Radio Valencia 213) link=http://provisioning.streamtheworld.com/pls/SER_VALENCIA.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="Cadena Ser Radio Valencia";; # 214) Cadena Ser I.Ballears Mallorca 214) link=http://provisioning.streamtheworld.com/pls/SER_MALLORCA.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="Cadena Ser I.Ballears Mallorca";; # 215) Cadena Ser Radio Melilla 215) link=http://provisioning.streamtheworld.com/pls/SER_MELILLA.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="Cadena Ser Radio Melilla";; # 216) Cadena Ser Radio Murcia 216) link=http://provisioning.streamtheworld.com/pls/SER_MURCIA.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="Cadena Ser Radio Murcia";; # 217) Cadena Ser Radio Pamplona Pamplona 217) link=http://provisioning.streamtheworld.com/pls/SER_PAMPLONA.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="Cadena Ser Radio Pamplona Pamplona";; # 218) Cadena Ser Radio Club Tenerife Santa Cruz de Tenerife 218) link=http://provisioning.streamtheworld.com/pls/SER_TENERIFE.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="Cadena Ser Radio Club Tenerife Santa Cruz de Tenerife";; # 219) Cadena Ser Radio Zaragoza 219) link=http://provisioning.streamtheworld.com/pls/SER_ZARAGOZA.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="Cadena Ser Radio Zaragoza";; # 220) Cadena Ser Santander 220) link=http://provisioning.streamtheworld.com/pls/SER_SANTANDER.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="Cadena Ser Santander";; # 221) Cadena Ser Toledo 221) link=http://provisioning.streamtheworld.com/pls/SER_TOLEDO.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="Cadena Ser Toledo";; # 222) Cadena Ser Radio Valladolid Valladolid 222) link=http://provisioning.streamtheworld.com/pls/SER_VALLADOLID.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="Cadena Ser Radio Valladolid Valladolid";; # 223) Cadena Ser Ceuta 223) link=http://provisioning.streamtheworld.com/pls/SER_CEUTA.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="Cadena Ser Ceuta";; # 224) Catalunya Ràdio Barcelona 224) link=http://www.catradio.cat/directes/catradio_http.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Catalunya Ràdio Barcelona";; # 225) Catalunya Informació 225) link=http://www.catradio.cat/directes/catinfo_http.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Catalunya Informació";; # 226) COM Radio Barcelona 226) link=http://comradio-streaming.gnuine.com:8100/mac22.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="COM Radio Barcelona";; # 227) COPE Cantabria Santander 227) link=http://www.deportescopecantabria.com:8000/listen.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="COPE Cantabria Santander";; # 228) Crónicas Radio Lanzarote 228) link= use_paylist="no" chan_name="Crónicas Radio Lanzarote";; # 229) esRadio Madrid 229) link=http://livestreaming3.esradio.fm/stream64.mp3.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="esRadio Madrid";; # 230) esRadio Guadalajara 230) link= use_paylist="no" chan_name="esRadio Guadalajara";; # 231) Onda Cero Radio Madrid 231) link=http://ondacerolivewm.fplive.net/ondacerowmlive-live/oc_madrid use_paylist="no" chan_name="Onda Cero Radio Madrid";; # 232) Onda Cero Noroeste 232) link=http://escuchar.ondaceronoroeste.es/playlists/ondacero.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Onda Cero Noroeste";; # 233) Onda Vasca Bilbao 233) link=http://shoutcast.zeroa.stream.ntteo.flumotion.com/zeroa/shoutcast.mp3.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Onda Vasca Bilbao";; # 234) RAC 1 Barcelona 234) link=http://www.rac1.org/audio/Player/nou_rac1.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="RAC 1 Barcelona";; # 235) Radio Asturias SER Oviedo 235) link= use_paylist="no" chan_name="Radio Asturias SER Oviedo";; # 236) Radio Bierzo Ponferrada 236) link=mms:// use_paylist="no" chan_name="Radio Bierzo Ponferrada";; # 237) Radio Galega Santiago de Compostela 237) link= use_paylist="no" chan_name="Radio Galega Santiago de Compostela";; # 238) Radio Galega Música Santiago de Compostela 238) link= use_paylist="no" chan_name="Radio Galega Música Santiago de Compostela";; # 239) Radio Marca Barcelona 239) link=http://radioweb.radiomarcabarcelona.com:9000/stream.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Radio Marca Barcelona";; # 240) Radio Menorca SER Mahón 240) link=http://server7.20comunicacion.com:8040/listen.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="Radio Menorca SER Mahón";; # 241) Radio Nervión Bilbao 241) link=http://radionervion.streaming-pro.com:8010/listen.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="Radio Nervión Bilbao";; # 242) Radio Popular de Bilbao 242) link=http://centova.nsprimario.com/tunein.php/radiopopular/playlist.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="Radio Popular de Bilbao";; # 243) Radio Rioja Cadena Ser 243) link=http://streaming.radiorioja.es:9996/listen.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="Radio Rioja Cadena Ser";; # 244) RCM 244) link=http://podcast.rtvcm.es:8000/stream.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="RCM";; # 245) RTVA Radio Andalucía Información Seville 245) link=http://radioandalucia.rtva.stream.flumotion.com/rtva/radioandalucia.mp3.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="RTVA Radio Andalucía Información Seville";; ################## ITALIAN ################################## # Svizzera Italiana: # 246) RSI Rete Uno Lugano 246) link=http://stream.srg-ssr.ch/reteuno/mp3_128.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="RSI Rete Uno Lugano";; # 247) RSI Rete Due Lugano 247) link=http://stream.srg-ssr.ch/retedue/mp3_128.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="RSI Rete Due Lugano";; # 248) RSI Rete Tre Lugano 248) link=http://stream.srg-ssr.ch/retetre/mp3_128.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="RSI Rete Tre Lugano";; ########################################################################## # 249) RFI Espanol 249) link=http://live02.rfi.fr/rfienespagnol-64.mp3 use_paylist="no" chan_name="RFI Espanol";; # 250) UCV Radio CL 250) link=http://sonando.us.digitalproserver.com/ucvradio use_paylist="no" chan_name="UCV Radio CL";; # 281) Pulse Radio 281) link=http://stream.pulsradio.com:5000/ use_paylist="no" chan_name="Pulse Radio";; # 282) Old Time Radio 282) link=http://www.otrfan.com:8000/stream.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Old Time Radio";; # 283) c0vertElectr0 283) link=http://76qugh5bey5gum7l.onion/c0vertElectr0 use_paylist="yes" chan_name="c0vertElectr0";; # 284) DeepBanjo 284) link=http://76qugh5bey5gum7l.onion/DeepBanjo use_paylist="yes" chan_name="DeepBanjo";; # 285) DarkRet 285) link=http://76qugh5bey5gum7l.onion/DarkRet use_paylist="yes" chan_name="DarkRet";; # 286) BaroqueRadio 286) link=http://76qugh5bey5gum7l.onion/BaroqueRadio use_paylist="yes" chan_name="Baroque Radio";; # 287) Anony Radio 287) link=http://76qugh5bey5gum7l.onion/AnonyRadio use_paylist="yes" chan_name="Anony Radio";; # 288) Anony Jazz 288) link=http://76qugh5bey5gum7l.onion/AnonyJazz use_paylist="yes" chan_name="Anony Jazz";; # 289) Lain Chan Radio 289) link=https://arisuchan.jp/glitched.m3u #link=https://arisuchan.jp/glitched.pls use_paylist="yes" chan_name="Lain Chan Radio";; # 290) KDFC Classical Santa Rosa California 290) link=http://96.aac.pls.kdfc.live # link=http://128.mp3.pls.kdfc.live use_playlist="no" chan_name="KDFC Santa Rosa California";; # 291) CPR Colorado Classical 291) link=http://livestream.cprnetwork.org/pls/live_classical_aac.pls use_playlist="no" chan_name="Colorado Public Radio Classical";; # 292) CPR Colorado Open Air 292) link=http://livestream.cprnetwork.org/pls/live_openair_aac.pls use_playlist="no" chan_name="Colorado Public Radio Open Air";; # 293) The End Radio 293) #link=http://nbhcaocqy3o6hanixbw3hntumbs4rliggenai6cncd5duwxki3xcaryd.onion/radio/theend.m3u link=http://dek6dax7nbpb3sld.onion/ use_playlist="no" chan_name="The End Radio";; ############################################################################ ###################### RUSSIAN ######################################### # 321) Radio Mayak FM Moscow 91.6 FM 321) link=http://icecast-vgtrk.cdnvideo.ru/mayakfm_mp3_192kbps #link=http://icecast-vgtrk.cdnvideo.ru/mayakfm_mp3_128kbps #link=http://icecast-vgtrk.cdnvideo.ru/mayakfm_mp3_64kbps #link=http://icecast-vgtrk.cdnvideo.ru/mayakfm_aac_64kbps #link=http://icecast-vgtrk.cdnvideo.ru/mayakfm_aac_32kbps use_paylist="no" chan_name="Radio Mayak FM Moscow 91.6 FM";; # 322) Radio Russia AM 322) link=http://icecast-vgtrk.cdnvideo.ru/rrzonam_mp3_192kbps #link=http://icecast-vgtrk.cdnvideo.ru/rrzonam_mp3_128kbps #link=http://icecast-vgtrk.cdnvideo.ru/rrzonam_mp3_64kbps #link=http://icecast-vgtrk.cdnvideo.ru/rrzonam_aac_64kbps #link=http://icecast-vgtrk.cdnvideo.ru/rrzonam_aac_32kbps use_paylist="no" chan_name="Radio Russia AM RU";; # 323) Radio Russia FM 323) link=http://icecast-vgtrk.cdnvideo.ru/russiafm_mp3_192 #link=http://icecast-vgtrk.cdnvideo.ru/russiafm_mp3_128 #link=http://icecast-vgtrk.cdnvideo.ru/russiafm_mp3_64 #link=http://icecast-vgtrk.cdnvideo.ru/russiafm_aac_64 #link=http://icecast-vgtrk.cdnvideo.ru/russiafm_aac_32 use_paylist="no" chan_name="Radio Russia FM RU";; # 324) Radio Kultura FM Moscow 91.6 FM 324) link=http://icecast-vgtrk.cdnvideo.ru/kulturafm_mp3_192kbps #link=http://icecast-vgtrk.cdnvideo.ru/kulturafm_mp3_128kbps #link=http://icecast-vgtrk.cdnvideo.ru/kulturafm_mp3_64kbps #link=http://icecast-vgtrk.cdnvideo.ru/kulturafm_aac_64kbps #link=http://icecast-vgtrk.cdnvideo.ru/kulturafm_aac_32kbps use_paylist="no" chan_name="Radio Kultura FM Moscow 91.6 FM";; # 325) Radio Nost RU 325) link=http://icecast-vgtrk.cdnvideo.ru/unost_mp3_192kbps #link=http://icecast-vgtrk.cdnvideo.ru/unost_mp3_128kbps #link=http://icecast-vgtrk.cdnvideo.ru/unost_mp3_64kbps #link=http://icecast-vgtrk.cdnvideo.ru/unost_aac_64kbps #link=http://icecast-vgtrk.cdnvideo.ru/unost_aac_32kbps use_paylist="no" chan_name="Radio Nost RU";; # 326) Business FM Moscow 326) link=http://m1.bfm.ru:8000/fm64.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Business FM Moscow";; # 327) Business FM 107.4 St Petersburg 327) link=http://www.listenlive.eu/businessfmspb.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Business FM 107.4 St Petersburg";; # 328) Business FM 107.5 Ufa 328) link= use_paylist="no" chan_name="Business FM 107.5 Ufa";; # 329) Gorod FM Ekaterinburg 329) link=http://radio.gorodfm.ru:8000/gorodfm.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Gorod FM Ekaterinburg";; # 330) Kommersant FM Moscow 330) link=http://www.listenlive.eu/kommersant.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Kommersant FM Moscow";; # 331) Moskva FM Moscow 331) link=http://livestream.rfn.ru:8080/moscowfm128.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Moskva FM Moscow";; # 332) NN Radio Nizhny Novgorod 332) link=http://cast.r52.ru:8000/nrd.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="NN Radio Nizhny Novgorod";; # 333) Radio Moskvy Moscow 333) link=http://livestream.rfn.ru:8080/moscowtalk128.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Radio Moskvy Moscow";; # 334) Radio RSN Moscow 334) link=http://www.listenlive.eu/radiorsn.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Radio RSN Moscow";; ############## UKRAINE # 335) UR-1 Kyiv 335) link=http://nrcu.gov.ua:8000/ur1-mp3.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="UR-1 Kyiv";; # 336) UR-2 Promin Kyiv 336) link=http://nrcu.gov.ua:8000/ur2-mp3.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="UR-2 Promin Kyiv";; # 337) UR-3 Kultura Kyiv 337) link=http://nrcu.gov.ua:8000/ur3-mp3.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="UR-3 Kultura Kyiv";; # 338) UR-4 International Kyiv 338) link=http://nrcu.gov.ua:8000/ur4-mp3.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="UR-4 International Kyiv";; # 339) Business Radio Kyiv 339) link= use_paylist="no" chan_name="Business Radio Kyiv";; # 340) Ekvator FM Shpola 340) link= use_paylist="no" chan_name="Ekvator FM Shpola";; # 341) Golos Stolytsi Kyiv 341) link=http://cast.radiogroup.com.ua:8000/106fm.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Golos Stolytsi Kyiv";; # 342) Radio ES Kyiv 342) link=http://live.galaradio.com:8000/kiev.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Radio ES Kyiv";; # 343) Radio Vesti Kyiv 343) link= use_paylist="no" chan_name="Radio Vesti Kyiv";; ##################################### # 344) Vesti FM Moscow 344) link=http://www.listenlive.eu/ru_vestifm.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="Vesti FM Moscow";; ############### BBC Regional ########################## # 361) BBC Radio 1 361) link=http://www.listenlive.eu/bbcradio1.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio 1 ";; # 362) BBC Radio 2 362) link=http://www.listenlive.eu/bbcradio2.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio 2 ";; # 363) BBC Radio 3 363) link=http://www.listenlive.eu/bbcradio3.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio 3 ";; # 364) BBC Radio 4 364) link=http://www.listenlive.eu/bbcradio4.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio 4 ";; # 365) BBC Radio 4 LW 365) link=http://www.listenlive.eu/bbcradio4lw.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio 4 LW";; # 366) BBC Radio 4 Extra 366) link=http://www.listenlive.eu/bbcradio4extra.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio 4 Extra";; # 367) BBC 5 Live 367) link=http://www.listenlive.eu/bbc5live.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC 5 Live";; # 368) BBC 5 Live Sports Extra 368) link=http://www.listenlive.eu/bbc5liveextra.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC 5 Live Sports Extra ";; # 369) BBC 6 Music 369) link=http://www.listenlive.eu/bbc6music.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC 6 Music";; # 370) BBC 1Xtra 370) link=http://www.listenlive.eu/bbc1xtra.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC 1Xtra";; # 371) BBC Asian Network 371) link=http://www.listenlive.eu/bbcasian.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Asian Network";; # 372) BBC World Service 372) link=http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/meta/live/mp3/eneuk.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC World Service";; # 373) BBC Radio Berkshire Reading 373) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_radio_berkshire/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio Berkshire Reading";; # 374) BBC Radio Bristol 374) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_radio_bristol/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio Bristol";; # 375) BBC Radio Cambridgeshire 375) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_radio_cambridge/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio Cambridgeshire";; # 376) BBC Radio Cornwall Truro 376) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_radio_cornwall/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio Cornwall Truro";; # 377) BBC Coventry and Warwickshire 377) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_radio_coventry_warwickshire/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Coventry and Warwickshire";; # 378) BBC Radio Cumbria Carlisle 378) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_radio_cumbria/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio Cumbria Carlisle";; # 379) BBC Radio Derby 379) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_radio_derby/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio Derby";; # 380) BBC Radio Devon Plymouth 380) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_radio_devon/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio Devon Plymouth";; # 381) BBC Essex Chelmsford 381) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_radio_essex/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Essex Chelmsford";; # 382) BBC Radio Gloucestershire 382) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_radio_gloucestershire/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio Gloucestershire";; # 383) BBC Radio Guernsey St Sampson's 383) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_radio_guernsey/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio Guernsey St Sampson's";; # 384) BBC Hereford/Worcester 384) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_radio_hereford_worcester/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Hereford/Worcester";; # 385) BBC Radio Humberside 385) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_radio_humberside/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio Humberside";; # 386)BBC Radio Jersey St.Helier 386) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_radio_jersey/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio Jersey St.Helier";; # 387) BBC Radio Kent Maidstone 387) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_radio_kent/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio Kent Maidstone";; # 388) BBC Radio Lancashire 388) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_radio_lancashire/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio Lancashire";; # 389) BBC Radio Leeds 389) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_radio_leeds/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio Leeds";; # 390) BBC Radio Leicester 390) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_radio_leicester/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio Leicester";; # 391) BBC Radio Lincolnshire 391) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_radio_lincolnshire/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio Lincolnshire";; # 392) BBC London 94.9 392) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_london/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC London 94.9";; # 393) BBC Radio Manchester 393) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_radio_manchester/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio Manchester";; # 394) BBC Radio Merseyside 394) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_radio_merseyside/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio Merseyside";; # 395) BBC Newcastle 395) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_radio_newcastle/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Newcastle";; # 396) BBC Radio Norfolk 396) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_radio_norfolk/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio Norfolk";; # 397) BBC Radio Northampton 397) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_radio_northampton/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio Northampton";; # 398) BBC Radio Nottingham 398) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_radio_nottingham/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio Nottingham";; # 399) BBC Radio Oxford 399) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_radio_oxford/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio Oxford";; # 400) BBC Radio Sheffield 400) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_radio_sheffield/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio Sheffield";; # 401) BBC Radio Shropshire 401) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_radio_shropshire/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio Shropshire";; # 402) BBC Radio Solent 402) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_radio_solent/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio Solent";; # 403) BBC Somerset 403) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_radio_somerset_sound/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Somerset";; # 404) BBC Radio Stoke 404) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_radio_stoke/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio Stoke";; # 405) BBC Radio Suffolk 405) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_radio_suffolk/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio Suffolk";; # 406) BBC Sussex 406) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_radio_sussex/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Sussex";; # 407) BBC Tees 407) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_tees/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Tees";; # 408) BBC Three Counties Radio 408) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_three_counties_radio/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Three Counties Radio";; # 409) BBC Wiltshire 409) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_radio_wiltshire/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Wiltshire";; # 410) BBC WM 95.6 410) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_wm/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC WM 95.6";; # 411) BBC Radio York 411) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_radio_york/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BC Radio York";; # 412) BBC Radio Scotland 412) link=http://www.listenlive.eu/bbcradioscotland.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio Scotland";; # 413) BBC Radio nan Gaidheal 413) link=http://www.listenlive.eu/bbcradionangaidheal.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio nan Gaidheal";; # 414) BBC Radio Ulster 414) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_radio_ulster/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio Ulster";; # 415) BBC Radio Foyle 415) link=http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/http-icy-mp3-a/vpid/bbc_radio_foyle/format/pls.pls use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio Foyle";; # 416) BBC Radio Wales 416) link=http://www.listenlive.eu/bbcradiowales.m3u use_paylist="no" chan_name="BBC Radio Wales";; ############## SABC ZA ################################################ # 417) SABC Power of 5 FM ZA 417) link=http://proradiocloud.antfarm.co.za/ant-lre-sabc/9f38102608b345dcb53c1db0bd57f2d3/chunklist_w891479055.m3u8 use_paylist="no" chan_name="SABC Power of 5 FM ZA";; # 418) SABC SA FM ZA 418) link=http://proradiocloud.antfarm.co.za/ant-lre-sabc/620e01258f5b49568546ff239ff2a32f/chunklist_w2084782071.m3u8 use_paylist="no" chan_name="SABC SA FM ZA";; # 419) SABC Channel Africa ZA 419) link=http://proradiocloud.antfarm.co.za/ant-lre-sabc/557f47f80b264cea8e88346a123eedcd/chunklist_w781121384.m3u8 use_paylist="no" chan_name="SABC Channel Africa ZA";; # 420) SABC RADIO 2000 ZA 420) link=http://proradiocloud.antfarm.co.za/ant-lre-sabc/1aecbe5d3065467daa10bb49107db56a/chunklist_w1823177694.m3u8 use_paylist="no" chan_name="SABC RADIO 2000 ZA";; # 421) SABC Thobella FM ZA 421) link=http://proradiocloud.antfarm.co.za/ant-lre-sabc/58024f759ef343e5b43f99b0c55d84aa/chunklist_w343375988.m3u8 use_paylist="no" chan_name="SABC Thobella FM ZA";; # 422) SABC Ukhozi FM ZA 422) link=http://proradiocloud.antfarm.co.za/ant-lre-sabc/c04e80a90111477a88867b697e2203c0/chunklist_w543616419.m3u8 use_paylist="no" chan_name="SABC Ukhozi ZA";; # 423) SABC Umholobo Wenene FM ZA 423) link=http://proradiocloud.antfarm.co.za/ant-lre-sabc/7844ef4be8164a66a0e21bdfe374bff5/chunklist_w798667352.m3u8 use_paylist="no" chan_name="SABC Umholobo Wenene FM ZA";; # 424) SABC Tru FM ZA 424) link=http://proradiocloud.antfarm.co.za/ant-lre-sabc/f94d47320933430fb3ae414ed0cd355d/chunklist_w1106326600.m3u8 use_paylist="no" chan_name="SABC TRU FM ZA";; # 425) SABC Ikwekwezi FM ZA 425) link=http://proradiocloud.antfarm.co.za/ant-lre-sabc/ff6c43748de44108a31d127b4b205c12/chunklist_w270757424.m3u8 use_paylist="no" chan_name="SABC Ikwekwezi FM ZA";; # 426) SABC Ikwekwezi FM ZA 426) link=http://proradiocloud.antfarm.co.za/ant-lre-sabc/ff6c43748de44108a31d127b4b205c12/chunklist_w270757424.m3u8 use_paylist="no" chan_name="SABC Ikwekwezi FM ZA";; # 427) SABC Good Hope FM ZA 427) link=http://proradiocloud.antfarm.co.za/ant-lre-sabc/1e60ff4028fe4164a3e43071da9fb86f/chunklist_w530378175.m3u8 use_paylist="no" chan_name="SABC Good Hope FM ZA";; # 428) SABC Lesedi FM ZA 428) link=http://proradiocloud.antfarm.co.za/ant-lre-sabc/273707ee34a94d87a51c4785b48256a5/chunklist_w1373578669.m3u8 use_paylist="no" chan_name="SABC Lesedi FM ZA";; # 429) SABC Ligwalagwala FM ZA 429) link=http://proradiocloud.antfarm.co.za/ant-lre-sabc/568fc5738cce4434aa6db69e928084be/chunklist_w1691913274.m3u8 use_paylist="no" chan_name="SABC Ligwalagwala FM ZA";; # 430) SABC Lotus 87.7 FM ZA 430) link=http://proradiocloud.antfarm.co.za/ant-lre-sabc/9d1c7019ff894e5191b954eff03d7c77/chunklist_w721028241.m3u8 use_paylist="no" chan_name="SABC Lotus 87.7 FM ZA";; # 431) SABC RSG FM ZA 431) link=http://proradiocloud.antfarm.co.za/ant-lre-sabc/b08ea007857740318ea034f0b41504a7/chunklist_w1337103092.m3u8 use_paylist="no" chan_name="SABC RSG FM ZA";; # 432) SABC Phalaphala FM ZA 432) link=http://proradiocloud.antfarm.co.za/ant-lre-sabc/0e6fc9cfa7aa4264ad93f87dc4f75c3b/chunklist_w1482048237.m3u8 use_paylist="no" chan_name="SABC Phalaphala FM ZA";; # 433) SABC Motsweding FM ZA 433) link=http://proradiocloud.antfarm.co.za/ant-lre-sabc/97f660b5d3c949e094ca1d8c983551d2/chunklist_w125432989.m3u8 use_paylist="no" chan_name="SABC Motsweding FM ZA";; # 434) SABC Munghanalonene FM ZA 434) link=http://proradiocloud.antfarm.co.za/ant-lre-sabc/14e03c487fa44d3686ff65f483373d62/chunklist_w120450366.m3u8 use_paylist="no" chan_name="SABC Munghanalonene FM ZA";; ######## CBC RADIO CANADA ################# # 440) CBC Radio 2 Eastern Canada 440) link=http://cbc_r2_iet.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/50/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r2_iet use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 2, Eastern";; ########## CBC RADIO 1 # 441) CBC Radio 1 Kamloops BC Canada 441) link=http://cbc_r1_kam.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/440/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r1_kam use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 1 Kamloops,BC";; # 442) CBC Radio 1 Kelowna BC Canada 442) link=http://cbc_r1_kel.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/229/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r1_kel use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 1 Kelowna,BC";; # 443) CBC Radio 1 Prince George BC Canada 443) link=http://cbc_r1_prg.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/966/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r1_prg use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 1 Prince George,BC";; # 444) CBC Radio 1 Vancouver BC Canada 444) link=http://cbc_r1_vcr.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/723/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r1_vcr use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 1 Vancouver,BC";; # 445) CBC Radio 1 Victoria BC Canada 445) link=http://cbc_r1_vic.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/728/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r1_vic use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 1 Victoria,BC";; # 446) CBC Radio 1 Whitehorse BC Canada 446) link=http://cbc_r1_whs.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/319/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r1_whs use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 1 ,Whitehorse,YK";; # 447) CBC Radio 1 Calgary AB Canada 447) link=http://cbc_r1_cgy.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/298/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r1_cgy use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 1 Calgary,AB";; # 448) CBC Radio 1 Edmonton AB Canada 448) link=http://cbc_r1_edm.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/904/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r1_edm use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 1 Edmonton,AB";; # 89) CBC Radio 1 Regina AB Canada 449) link=http://cbc_r1_reg.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/666/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r1_reg use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 1 Regina,SK";; # 450) CBC Radio 1 Saskatoon SK Canada 450) link=http://cbc_r1_ssk.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/842/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r1_ssk use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 1 Saskatoon,SK";; # 451) CBC Radio 1 Winnipeg MB Canada 451) link=http://cbc_r1_wpg.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/831/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r1_wpg use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 1 Winnipeg,MB";; # 452) CBC Radio 1 Iqaluit NU 452) link=http://cbc_r1_iqa.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/325/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r1_iqa use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 1 Iqaluit,NU";; # 453) CBC Radio 1 Kitchener-Waterloo ON Canada 453) link=http://cbc_r1_ekw.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/63/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r1_ekw use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 1 Kitchner-Waterloo,ON";; # 454) CBC Radio 1 London ON Canada 454) link=http://cbc_r1_ldn.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/104/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r1_ldn use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 1 London,ON";; # 455) CBC Radio 1 Ottawa ON Canada 455) link=http://cbc_r1_ott.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/613/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r1_ott use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 1 Ottawa,ON";; # 456) CBC Radio 1 Sudbury ON Canada 456) link=http://cbc_r1_sud.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/380/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r1_sud use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 1 Sudbury,ON";; # 457) CBC Radio 1 Thunder Bay ON Canada 457) link=http://cbc_r1_tba.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/245/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r1_tba use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 1 Thunder Bay ,ON";; # 458) CBC Radio 1 Toronto ON Canada 458) link=http://cbc_r1_tor.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/632/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r1_tor use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 1 Toronto,ON";; # 459) CBC Radio 1 Windsor ON Canada 459) link=http://cbc_r1_wdr.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/813/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r1_wdr use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 1 Windsor,ON";; # 460) CBC Radio 1 Montreal QC Canada 460) link=http://cbc_r1_mtl.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/35/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r1_mtl use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 1 Montreal, QC";; # 461) CBC Radio 1 Nord Quebec QC Canada 461) link=http://cbc_r1_n_mtl.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/823/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r1_n_mtl use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 1 Nord Quebec, QC";; # 462) CBC Radio 1 Quebec City QC Canada 462) link=http://cbc_r1_qqu.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/29/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r1_qqu use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 1 Quebec City,QC";; # 463) CBC Radio 1 Fredericton NB Canada 463) link=http://cbc_r1_frd.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/553/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r1_frd use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 1 Fredericton,NB";; # 464) CBC Radio 1 Moncton NB Canada 464) link=http://cbc_r1_mct.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/383/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r1_mct use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 1 Moncton, NB";; # 465) CBC Radio 1 Saint John NB Canada 465) link=http://cbc_r1_snb.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/754/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r1_snb use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 1 Saint John, NB";; # 466) CBC Radio 1 Charlottetown NB Canada 466) link=http://cbc_r1_chr.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/169/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r1_chr use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 1 Charlottetown, NB";; # 467) CBC Radio 1 Cape Breton NB Canada 467) link=http://cbc_r1_syd.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/897/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r1_syd use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 1 Cape Breton, NB";; # 468) CBC Radio 1 Halifax NFL Canada 468) link=http://cbc_r1_hfx.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/981/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r1_hfx use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 1 Halifax, NFL";; # 469) CBC Radio 1 Corner Brook NFL Canada 469) link=http://cbc_r1_cor.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/550/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r1_cor use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 1 Corner Brook , NFL";; # 470) CBC Radio 1 Grand Falls/Gander NFL Canada 470) link=http://cbc_r1_gfa.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/492/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r1_gfa use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 1 Grand Falls/Gander, NFL";; # 471) CBC Radio 1 Labrador NFL Canada 471) link=http://cbc_r1_gba.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/274/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r1_gba use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 1 Labrador, NFL";; # 472) CBC Radio 1 St. Johns NFL Canada 472) link=http://cbc_r1_snf.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/750/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r1_snf use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 1 St. Johns, NFL";; # 473) CBC Radio 1 Inuvik NWT Canada 473) link=http://cbc_r1_ink.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/967/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r1_ink use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 1 Inuvik,NWT";; # 474) CBC Radio 1 Yellowknife YK Canada 474) link=http://cbc_r1_ykn.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/369/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r1_ykn use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 1 Yellowknife, YK";; ############### CBC Radio 2 # 475) CBC Radio 2 Halifax NFL Canada 475) link=http://cbc_r2_hfx.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/917/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r2_hfx use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 2, Halifax NFL";; # 476) CBC Radio 2 Toronto ON Canada 476) link=http://cbc_r2_tor.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/364/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r2_tor use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 2, Toronto ON";; # 477) CBC Radio 2 Winnipeg MB Canada 477) link=http://cbc_r2_wpg.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/233/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r2_wpg use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 2, Winnipeg MB";; # 478) CBC Radio 2 Edmonton AB Canada 478) link=http://cbc_r2_edm.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/40/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r2_edm use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 2, Edmonton AB";; # 479) CBC Radio 2 Vancouver BC Canada 479) link=http://cbc_r2_vcr.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/773/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r2_vcr use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 2, Vancouver BC";; # 480) CBC Radio 2 Pacific Canada 480) link=http://cbc_r2_ipt.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/669/451661/v1/rc.akacast.akamaistream.net/cbc_r2_ipt use_paylist="no" chan_name="CBC Radio 2, Pacific BC";; ############################################################# ############################ RELIGIOUS ########################################## # 521) EWTN 1 521) link=http://audiocdn.mainstreaming.tv/101160/radio-english-mp3 #link=http://ewtn.mp3.miisolutions.net/ewtnradioenglish/mp3 use_paylist="no" chan_name="EWTN Radio";; # 522) EWTN Classics 522) link=http://audiocdn.mainstreaming.tv/101164/radio-classics-mp3 #link=http://ewtn.mp3.miisolutions.net/ewtnradioplus/mp3 use_paylist="no" chan_name="EWTN Classic";; # 523) EWTN Spanish 523) link=http://audiocdn.mainstreaming.tv/101162/radio-spanish-mp3 #link=http://ewtn.mp3.miisolutions.net/ewtnradiospanish/mp3 use_paylist="no" chan_name="EWTN Spanish";; # 524) EWTN Ireland /GB 524) link=http://audiocdn.mainstreaming.tv/101168/radio-sky-mp3 use_paylist="no" chan_name="EWTN Ireland /GB";; # 525) EWTN Philippines 525) link=http://audiocdn.mainstreaming.tv/101166/radio-philippines-mp3 #link=http://ewtn.mp3.miisolutions.net/ewtnradiospanish/mp3 use_paylist="no" chan_name="EWTN Philippines";; # 526) IHOP International House of Prayer 526) link="https://ihoplive-f.akamaihd.net/i/ihopkc_tprhd@142185/index_150_a.m3u8?sd=6&set-segment-duration=quality&rebase=on" use_paylist="no" chan_name="IHOP International House of Prayer";; esac } ############################ FUNCTIONS #################################################### # Function to check the menu status menu_status() { input=$1 if [ "$input" = "" ] then chan_state="return" menstat="no" elif [ "$input" = "q" ] then menstat="yes" menu="q" elif [ "$input" = "n" ] then menstat="yes" menu="n" elif [ "$input" = "m" ] then menstat="yes" menu="m" elif [ "$input" = "ua-tor" ] then menstat="yes" menu="$menu" uastate="tor" uamode="on" elif [ "$input" = "ua-row1" ] then menstat="yes" menu="$menu" uastate="row1" uamode="on" elif [ "$input" = "ua-rand" ] then menstat="yes" menu="$menu" uastate="rand" uamode="on" elif [ "$input" = "ua-ranstr" ] then menstat="yes" menu="$menu" uastate="ranstr" uamode="on" elif [ "$input" = "ua-off" ] then menstat="yes" menu="$menu" uastate="off" uamode="off" elif [ "$input" = "+" ] then menstat="no" chan_state="+" elif [ "$input" = "++" ] then menstat="no" chan_state="+" elif [ "$input" = "+++" ] then menstat="no" chan_state="+" elif [ "$input" = "++++" ] then menstat="no" chan_state="+" elif [ "$input" = "-" ] then menstat="no" chan_state="-" elif [ "$input" = "--" ] then menstat="no" chan_state="-" elif [ "$input" = "[" ] then menstat="no" chan_state="-" elif [ "$input" = "]" ] then menstat="no" chan_state="+" elif [ "$input" -lt 1200 ] then menstat="no" chan_state="numeric" else menstat="no" chan_state="alpha" fi } ############################## Function for Channel Menu Switching, m,n,q channel matrix display menu_switch() { input=$1 case "$input" in q) echo "Type endtv to restart program. Bye." exit "$?" ;; s) men_num="$men_num" channel_matrix_"$men_num" menu="s" echo "Please Select a Number corresponding to an Internet Radio Stream, press + or ] to increment, - or [ to decrement, n for the next menu, or q to quit:" ;; m) men_num=$(expr 0) channel_matrix_"$men_num" menu="s" echo "Please Select a Number corresponding to an Internet Radio Stream, press + or ] to increment, - or [ to decrement, n for the next menu, or q to quit:" ;; n) men_num=$(expr "$men_num" + 1) men_num=$(expr "$men_num" % 3) channel_matrix_"$men_num" menu="s" echo "Please Select a Number corresponding to an Internet Radio Stream, press + or ] to increment, - or [ to decrement, m for the main menu, n for the next menu, or q to quit:" ;; esac } ######################## Function for setting the channel number set_channel() { if [ "$chan_state" = "+" ] then num=$(expr "$num" + 1 ) elif [ "$chan_state" = "-" ] then num=$(expr "$num" - 1 ) elif [ "$chan_state" = "return" ] then num="$num" elif [ "$chan_state" = "numeric" ] then num="$entry" else num="$num" fi } ################ Function to select User Agent select_agent() { ### Select the user agent if [ "$uamode" = "on" ] then if [ "$uastate" = "rand" ] then # pick a random user agent UA=$( grep -v "#" "$USERAGENTS" | shuf -n 1 ) elif [ "$uastate" = "ranstr" ] then # make a random string as the user agent bytes="$( expr 12 + $(head -c 2 /dev/urandom | od -A n -i) % 48 | awk '{print $1}')" #UA="$( head -c "$bytes" /dev/urandom | base64 -i | cut -d "=" -f 1 | cut -d "+" -f 1 | cut -d "/" -f 1 )" UA="$( head -c "$bytes" /dev/urandom | base64 -i | tr -d "\n=+-\/" | tr -s " " | awk '{print $1}')" elif [ "$uastate" = "tor" ] then UA="$UA_torbrowser" elif [ "$uastate" = "row1" ] then UA=$( grep -v "#" "$USERAGENTS" | head -n 1 ) else UA="" fi fi } ######################## Function for playing the channel play_channel() { if [ "$menstat" = "no" ] then channel_select "$num" echo "$chan_name Channel $num" if [ "$uamode" = "on" ] then echo "$UA" if [ "$use_playlist" = "yes" ] then firejail --noprofile --caps.drop=all --netfilter --nonewprivs --nogroups --seccomp --protocol=unix,inet torsocks -i -a "$torsocks_ip" -P "$torsocks_port" mpv --user-agent="$UA" --no-video --cache=yes --loop-playlist=inf --stream-lavf-o=timeout=10000000 --playlist="$link" elif [ "$method" = "stream_dump" ] then if [ -s "$pidstore" ] then firejail --noprofile --caps.drop=all --netfilter --nonewprivs --nogroups --seccomp --protocol=unix mplayer "$stream_dump" echo "wait for a couple of seconds for more data to load and then try the station again" sleep 3 else torsocks -a "$torsocks_ip" -P "$torsocks_port" wget --user-agent="$UA" --header="$HEAD1" --header=--"$HEAD2" --header="$HEAD3" --header=="$HEAD4" -b -q -O "$stream_dump" "$link" 1> "$pidstore" echo "wait for a couple of seconds and try the station again" sleep 3 fi elif [ "$method" = "mplayer" ] then firejail --noprofile --caps.drop=all --netfilter --nonewprivs --nogroups --seccomp --protocol=unix,inet torsocks -i -a "$torsocks_ip" -P "$torsocks_port" mplayer -novideo -cache "$cache_size" -playlist "$link" else firejail --noprofile --caps.drop=all --netfilter --nonewprivs --nogroups --seccomp --protocol=unix,inet torsocks -i -a "$torsocks_ip" -P "$torsocks_port" mpv --user-agent=yes --no-video --cache="$cache_size" "$link" fi else if [ "$use_playlist" = "yes" ] then firejail --noprofile --caps.drop=all --netfilter --nonewprivs --nogroups --seccomp --protocol=unix,inet torsocks -i -a "$torsocks_ip" -P "$torsocks_port" mpv --no-video --cache=yes --loop-playlist=inf --stream-lavf-o=timeout=10000000 --playlist="$link" elif [ "$method" = "stream_dump" ] then if [ -s "$pidstore" ] then firejail --noprofile --caps.drop=all --netfilter --nonewprivs --nogroups --seccomp --protocol=unix mplayer "$stream_dump" echo "wait for a couple of seconds for more data to load and then try the station again" sleep 3 else torsocks wget -b -q -O "$stream_dump" "$link" 1> "$pidstore" echo "wait for a couple of seconds and try the station again" sleep 3 fi elif [ "$method" = "mplayer" ] then firejail --noprofile --caps.drop=all --netfilter --nonewprivs --nogroups --seccomp --protocol=unix,inet torsocks -i -a "$torsocks_ip" -P "$torsocks_port" mplayer -novideo -cache "$cache_size" "$link" else firejail --noprofile --caps.drop=all --netfilter --nonewprivs --nogroups --seccomp --protocol=unix,inet torsocks -i -a "$torsocks_ip" -P "$torsocks_port" mpv --no-video --cache=yes "$link" fi fi if [ "$method" = "$stream_dump" ] then if [ -s "$stream_dump" ] then rm -f "$stream_dump" fi fi clear menu_switch "$menu" echo "You were watching "$chan_name" on Channel "$num" " chan_state="normal" method="normal" read entry else clear menu_switch "$menu" read entry fi } ################################### MAIN PROGRAM ################################################# # initialize menu method="normal" menu="s" men_num=0 entry=1 num=1 ########## select user agent select_agent clear ############## USER INPUT FIRST RUN ################################### ## If input is non empty display and select if [ "$1" != "" ] then echo "$1" # take channel input from command line entry="$1" elif [ "$1" = "" ] # else redisplay the channel matrix at previous page and ask for user input then channel_matrix_"$men_num" echo "Please Select a Number corresponding to a Media Live Stream:" read entry if [ "$entry" = "q" ] then echo "Type endstream to open a new stream." exit "$?" elif [ "$entry" = "" ] then entry=1 num=1 fi fi ### DECIDE WHAT THE USER INPUT IS menu_status $entry ### Case to remove void input on channel +/- at first selection if [ "$chan_state" = "+" ] then chan_state="return" entry=1 num=1 elif [ "$chan_state" = "-" ] then chan_state="return" entry=1 num=1 fi ### Select the channel number to play set_channel $chan_state ### Play the media stream play_channel ############################# MENU LOOP #######################################################3 ## While loop to keep menu up after each stream while [ "$entry" != q ] do ## select the user agent select_agent ### Check the user input and decide what it is menu_status $entry ### Set the channel number set_channel "$chan_state" #### Call function to play the channel play_channel done ############################## END OF MENU LOOP ################################################# ########### shutdown and clean up echo "Type endradio to open a new streaming session." if [ -e "$cookie" ] then rm "$cookie" fi ## clean up pid and stream dump if [ -s "$pidstore" ] then kill -9 $(cut -d . -f 1 "$pidstore" | awk '{ print $5 }' ) rm -f "$stream_dump" rm -f "$pidstore" fi exit "$?" ###################### END OF PROGRAM ####################################################