"""Root for haystack api"""
type Query {
  haystack: Haystack!

"""Ontology conform with Haystack project"""
type Haystack {
  """Versions of api"""
  about: HSAbout!

  """List of operation implemented"""
  ops: [HSOps!]!

  """All values for a specific tag"""
    """Tag name"""
    tag: String!

    """Date of the version or nothing for the last version"""
    version: AWSDateTime = null
  ): [String!]!

  """All versions of data"""
  versions: [AWSDateTime!]!

  """Selected entities of ontology"""
    """List of ids to return (if set, ignore filter and limit)"""
    ids: [ID] = null

    """List of tags to return"""
    select: String = "*"

    """Maximum number of items to return"""
    limit: Int = 0

    Filter or item (see https://project-haystack.org/doc/docHaystack/Filters
    filter: String = ""

    """Date of the version or nothing for the last version"""
    version: AWSDateTime = null
  ): [AWSJSON!]

  """Selected time series"""
    """List of ids to return"""
    ids: [ID] = null

    today, yesterday, {date}, {date},{date}, {datetime}, {datetime},{datetime}
    datesRange: String = null

    """Date of the version or nothing for the last version"""
    version: AWSDateTime = null
  ): [[HSTS!]!]

  """Point write values"""
    """Id to read (accept @xxx, r:xxx or xxx)"""
    id: ID!

    """Date of the version or nothing for the last version"""
    version: AWSDateTime = null
  ): [HSPointWrite!]

"""Result of 'about' haystack operation"""
type HSAbout {
  """Haystack version implemented"""
  haystackVersion: String!

  """Server time zone"""
  tz: String!

  """Server name"""
  serverName: String!

  """Server current time"""
  serverTime: AWSDateTime!

  """Server boot time"""
  serverBootTime: AWSDateTime!

  """Server Product name"""
  productName: String!

  """Server URL"""
  productUri: AWSURL!

  """Product version"""
  productVersion: String!

  """Module name"""
  moduleName: String!

  """Module version"""
  moduleVersion: String!

"""Haystack compatible date format."""
scalar AWSDateTime

"""Haystack URI for GraphQL"""
scalar AWSURL

"""Result of 'ops' haystack operation"""
type HSOps {
  Name of operation (see https://project-haystack.org/doc/docHaystack/Ops)
  name: String

  """Summary of operation"""
  summary: String

"""Haystack Scalar"""
scalar AWSJSON

"""Result of 'hisRead' haystack operation"""
type HSTS {
  """Date time of event"""
  ts: AWSDateTime

  """Haystack JSON format of value"""
  val: AWSJSON

  """Integer version of the value"""
  int: Int

  """Float version of the value"""
  float: Float

  """Float version of the value"""
  str: String

  """Boolean version of the value"""
  bool: Boolean

  """URI version of the value"""
  uri: String

  """Reference version of the value"""
  ref: String

  """Date version of the value"""
  date: AWSDate

  """Time version of the value"""
  time: AWSTime

  """Date time version of the value"""
  datetime: AWSDateTime

  """Geographic Coordinate"""
  coord: HSCoordinate

"""Haystack date for GraphQL"""
scalar AWSDate

"""Haystack time for GraphQL"""
scalar AWSTime

"""Haystack coordinate for GraphQL"""
type HSCoordinate {
  latitude: Float!

  longitude: Float!

"""Result of 'pointWrite' haystack operation"""
type HSPointWrite {
  """Current level"""
  level: Int

  """Description of level"""
  levelDis: String

  val: AWSJSON

  """Who has updated the value"""
  who: String